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January 16, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-16

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Fair and colder today
with less wind




Teachers Are
'Citizens Too ..

VOL. L. No. 81




British Note Hits
Neutrality Zone;
West Front Tense

Plot Uncovered By FBI Sunday
Is No Danger, Says Prof. Davis

Royal Air

d As
s In

ce Leaves

ore Sea Losses;
Say U-Boat Sunk
ONDON, Jan. 15.-()--Great
tain today rejected the Americas':
trality zone as "ineffective," re-
red her belligerent rights in the
a and warned that "friction"
ild result if attempts are made
pehalize British warships for ex-,
se of their rights.
i a note to the President of Pana-
who acts as the representative
the 21 American nations which
claimed the 300-mile wide neu-
ity zone at Panama last October,
ain said, her acceptance of the
oposal" would depend upon as-
ante it would not "afford a vast
ctuary" for -German warships.
he note was in answer to the pro-
of the American republics of
23 at the battle of Punta Del
e off Uruguay, in which three
ish cruisers drove the German
Icetbattleship Admiral Graf Spee

Say Russians
Bombed Them
Norway, Sweden Protest
Neutrality Violations ;
Instruct Ministers
COPENHAGEN, Jan. 15.-(A')-Al-
most simultaneous protests from
Sweden and Norway charging that
Soviet Russian warplanes had violat-
ed their neutrality tonight increased
the growing tension between Russia
and the Scandinavian states.
Both Sweden and Norway instruct-
ed their Ministers in Moscow to pro-
test the alleged violations. These de-
velopments followed quickly Russian,
charges that. Norway and Sweden
were acting in an unneutral way by
aiding their neighbor, Finland, in
her struggle with Russia.5
The Swedish protest was based on
the reported bombing of the Swedish
island of Kallaks, on the western side
of the Bay,of.Bothnia, by nine Soviet
planes yesterday.t
Norway charged that several Rus-
sian planes flew over Norwegian ter-
ritory between last Friday and yes-
Cold Wave Fails
To Stop Russian Raids
VIIPURI, Finland, Jan. 15--(R)-
Undeterred by the bitterest cold wave
in 10 years, Soviet Russia's air fleets
roared over southern and western
Finland again today, bombing more
than a score of cities and leaving
death and destruction in their wake.
Hardest hit of the larger cities were
the south coast seaports of Viipuri
and Turku.
The raid on Turku, in which a
large number of planes participated,
was 'the severest the city has ex-
perienced.e, At leat 20 buildings were
destroyed or damaged, and' casual-
ties were said to be heavy.
U.S e Considers
Loan To Finns

Jan. 15.-(P)-
>lics will leave to
Neutrality Com-
i to meet today
e initial study of

nt was
ly pre-
at Rio,
of the


Geology Professor Makes
Little Of Munitions Store
ExceptingBomb Supply
"No danger to the nation... Just
an isolated crime that needs punish-
That's the way it appeared to Prof.
Charles M. Davis of the geography
department, commenting on the al-
leged revolutionary plot uncovered
Sunday by FBI agents. His observa-
tions were based on many years of
interest in espionage as a hobby.
At present, anyway, this alleged
revolutionary group is far too small
to do any damage, Professor Davis
declared. Thinking people should
realize, he added, that a "plot" of
this nature would not go far.
The German-American Band, sus-
pected by many of similar activities,
has at least national unity as a logi-
cal tie, Professor Davis observed. But
this "Christian Front," he added,
Buying Credit
To Be Subject-
Of Conference
Three-Day Session Opens
Tomorrow; To Discuss
Consumer Relations
Social and economic: consequences
of consumer credit and small loan
problems will be considered by a
three-day invitational Conference on
Consumer Credit opening here tomor-
row, under the joint sponsorship of
the School of Business Administra-
tion and the Institute of Public and
Social Administration.
The Conference, which opens with
a dinner meeting and discussion of
the relation of consumer credit to
family status at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union, is expected to attract
more than 100 delegates. Econom-
ists, social workers and representa-
tives of small loan businesses, per-
sonal finance companies, installment-
selling organizations, credit unions
and governmental and charitable or-
ganizations from every part of the
nation are expected, according to
Prof. Robert W. Kelso, director of
the Graduate Curriculum in Social
Three discussion sessions and an
address on "The War in the North"
by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history 'department will feature
Thursday's sessions. The Confer-
ence will close Friday after a general
summary of the work achieved and
two addresses on social and econom-
ic consequences of consumer credit.
The program of the Conference has
been arranged by Professor Kelso;
Prof. Ciare E. Griffin, dean of the
School of Business Administration,
and Prof. Marvin L. Niehuss of the
law school.
Dr. Goldman
Lcads Band;
Attracts 2,500
With the vigorous applause of an
excited, standing audience of more
than 2,500 ringing in his ears, Dr.
Edwin' Franko Goldman' bowed off
the podium in Hill Auditorium Sun-
day afternoon at the conclusion of
the University Band's midwinter con-
cert which he had conducted.
The silver-headed band master,
who regularly conducts the Goldman
Band of New York City, conducted
the University Band in three of his

own compositions during the course
of the program. His intense energy.
in each of the selections brought
loud applause and frequent cheers
from his great audience.
The midwinter concert was the
closing feature of the program of the
Michigan School and Band Clinic
which met in Ann Arbor Saturday
and Sunday. The clinic had drawn
more than 300 band and orchestra
conductors from all over the country
to Ann Arbor.
Taking part in the program of the
Clinic was the Central High School
Band of Kalamazoo, selected last
spring as one of the outstanding high
school bands in Michigan.
The clinic was sponsored by the
Michian Schnn1 Rnnd and Orchestr.

seems to be of such varied extraction
as to admit of no ethic bonds.
Such a group;,he said, feeds on
poverty, hunger and despair. What
chance, therefore,,he queried, has it
in these United States?
The very name "Christian, Front"
suggests an anti-Semitic strain,, he
ventured, and this idea is evidently
born out in FBI records..
Professor Davis made little of the
ammunition store uncovered in the
tell-tale raid. Anybody can buy a
Springfield rifle, he declared, and
tloe army connections in the rgani-
nation would male such procurement
all the easier. Some ,of the other sup-
plies seized in the "arsenal," such-as
.22 calibre rifles, look like nothing
but sporting equipment, he added.
The bombs, however, may tell a
different story, he said. You just
'don't make those things in your
spare time!"
Another indication that there may
be more to this case than meets the
eye, Professor Dvis commented, is
the fact that news of it came first
from FBI headquarters. When the
Bureau actually wants to break a
story, he explained, there is probab-
ly a fairly tense case behind that
story. -(Every FBI agent must have
a legal education, and thus can build
up an air-tight case before uncover-
ing it publicly).
A "tip" probably supplied the G-
men with their initial information,
Professor Davis said. A logical "in"
for the government, he explained,
would then be to Work an FBI agent
into the organization. In any event,
he concluded, this newsis only an-
other indication of the activity and
alertness of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, activity that nobody
seems to know anything about.
Police Arrest
Two officers
In Holdup Case
Farrish Says He Received
Orders Frobi Inspector;
Eaman Abolishes Posts
DETROIT, Jan. 15.-(P)-Detec-
tives Byron E. Farrish and Wilfred
E. Brouillet, whose flight lastb Thurs-
day while they were waiting to testify
in a holdup case touched off a major
shakeup of the -Detroit Police De-
partment, returned to Detroit to-
night and were placed on the wit-
ness stand to tell why they departed.
The two men were arrested near
Erie, Mich., and were hastened to
V 1troit immediately.
Under 'direct examination, Far-
rich declared that $1,600 was involved
in the now famous holdup of Dr.
Martin Robinson and that he re-
turned $1,000 to Dr. Robinson upon
orders of Inspector Perry Myers.
Their arrest came shortly. after
Frank D. Eaman, newly appointed
Detroit Police Commissioner, con-
tinued his reorganization of the de-
partment by abolishing 10 high posi-
tions, demoting five ranking officers
and promoting two others.
Bench warrants for the two de-
tectives were issued by Reco'rder's
Judge Thomas M. Cotter, presiding
at the trial of four men charged
with the holdup of Robinson. In-.
formed of the arrests today, Judge
Cotter said:,
"I want them brought to me as
soon as they can be, and I do not
want them talking to any one else

FBI Arrests
17 On Charge
Of Sedition
Alleged Terrorists Planned
To Set Up Dictatorship;
Group Pleads Innocent
Nation-Wide Hunt
For Arms Begun
NEW YORK, Jan. 15.-(P)-Seven
een handcuffed and closely guarded
members of an alleged terrorist plot
to overthrow the United States gov-
ernment and set up a "fuehrer type"
dictatorship chanted their theme
song today as they were held In' $50,-
000 bail each-a total of $850;000-
for hearing on Feb. 5. 1
All pleaded innocent to chares of
seditious conspiracy.
Sing Their Theme
"Reign, glory, we are here to see it
so. they sang to the tune of "The
Battle Hymn of the Republic"
drowning out the lamentations of
relatives who wept as they were
marched to detention cells.
Serio-comic ramifications of the
17-man band's machinations grew
apace as Federal, State and National
Guard authorities pushed separate
investigations and FBI agents began
a nation-wide search for caches of
revolutionary arms.-'
Meanwhile, as J. Edgar Hoover,
FBI chief, and other officials stressed
the potential seriousness .of the al-
leged conspiracy, and Representative
Emanuel Celler (Dem., N.Y.) de-
manded legislation to stiffen the pen-
alty for peace-time sedition-now '6
years in prison and $5,000 fine. Mayor
LaGuardia of New York stuck to his
scoffing comment:
La Guardia Deprecatory
"I don't think the United .States
government is in much danger from
17 guys like these."
In their first interview behind'the
bars, the alleged conspirators pushed
forward Macklin Boettger, 32, as
spokesman, and they nodded agree-
ment as he explained that the mem-
bers were "out to assist the army and
navy if and when the time came that
we consider it necessary", to ,defend
the constitution "against encroach-
ments byacommunists and the Com-
munist Party."
1,200 Visitors
See Wolverine
Glee. Club, Music Make
Open House Success
Music, nearly 1,200 guests, and the
University Men's Glee Club combined
to make the open house, given by
'the Michigan Wolverine Cooperative,
a success Sunday evening.
The Glee Club, under the direction
of Prof. David Mattern, presented
several songs popular with Universi-
ty students, including among others
"Laudes Ataque Carmina, "The Bum
Army," and "Goddess of the Inland
Waters." They concluded their ap-
pearance by leading group singing
of several college songs.
The evening began with the play-
ing of classical records, including
Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and
Brahms' First Symphony, and con-
tinued with popular records for danc-

Kirsten Flagstad
Combines Career
With Home Life
"Mine. Flagstad is a woman, to
whom a musical career is secondary
to her career as a wife and mother
which she pursues faithfully," Edwin
McArthur, accompanist and road
manager of the noted Norwegian art-
ist, declared in an interview yester-
This is the first concert tour that
Mme. Flagstad has made without her
husband, Henry Johansen, and her'
daughter, Mr. McArthur explained.
Mr. Johansen, who is among the lead-
ing business men of Norway, was un-
able to come to America because of
the European situation, and the
soprano's daughter, who is rapidly
becoming one of the leading young
socialites of New York, remained in
the city.
"I first came into contact with her
five years ago through the medium
of radio," he said. "I was sittingF
home quietly listening to my set when
she started to sing. Like everyonet
else in the country I was greatly im-
pressed and 1 wrote to her that very
day asking to be her accompanist,"
At that time Mr. McArthur had"
just finished a year's work as ac-
companist for John Charles Thomas'
and, as Mme. Flagstad was without'
a pianist, they soon formed a team!
and have been together ever since.
Latest Technicj
Offers Advice
To Engineers
Magazine Gives Analysis
Of Application Letter
To Assist Graduates
Sensing that one of the most im-
portant questions to graduating en-
gineers is how to write a letter of
application, the January isste of the
Miihigan Technic, which goes on salel
today, presents a complete analysis
of the subject by Prof. A. D. Moore,
placement adviser for the department
of electrical engineering.
Originally presented by the Technic
in 1935, this advisory article entitled
"Dear Sir:" has been revised and re-
printed ii\ answer to numerous re-
quests for reprints received by the
Included Jin Professor Moore's
article are points of both general and
technical interest. Mentioned are
both the format and the type of in-
formation in which the prospective
employer is interested. The article
is addressed to every student who
wants a job and especially to those
who do not know how to write a job-
hunting letter, which, Professor
Moore ventures, includes 9 out of 10
In addition to the monthly^"'In and
Around Ann Arbor," "The Technic
Reflects, Explores, and Presents"
features, and another professional
practice problem, the January issue
includes three technical 'features on
various phases of engineering.
Of most universal interest is an
analysis of the manufacturer's role
in the 'event of war, as presented in
"Industrial Mobilization" by Fred
M. Emens, '40E. Other articles are
"Salt Mining" by D. W. Kaufmann,
'20E, and "Steels for High Tempera-
ture" by Claude L. Clark, '25E.
000 Recall Flagstad
To Give Five Encores

Michigan Topple
F'rom Top By iL
'4-4 I Frs Ls


Hapac Leads Speedy Tea
As Tricky Fast Pla
Fool Varsity Defense
Rae Fanned Hopes
Up With 16 Poin
In as convincing a fashion as th
gridiron brethren did it two mont
ago, Illinois, "high and might
cagers toppled Michigan from t
Conference leadership and hanc
the Wolverines their first Big T
defeat in four starts, 48-43 at I
Field House last night.
In a game played with more spe
than science, the Wolverines We
able to assume -the lead but tw
after the first five minutes as Ca,
Bill Hapac, with 20 points on ni
field goals and two free throws, kE
the invaders a few points ahead.
Wolverines Outplayed
The Illini outplayed the Wolveri
at their own game-the fast breal
and coupled their speed with cone
tion and backboard control to ke
the -game in hand. Michigan's C
fense never had a chance to form
Hapac, Vic Wukovits, Walt Evers a
John Drish, all at least six feet, cc
trolled the rebounds and then bra
down the court at top speed to cal
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's men do
court. Four times, Hapac broke aw
on fast breaks, dribbled the leng
of the court to score with a tric
change of pace that completely fool
what defense had had a chance'
For Michigan it was Rae, with
points, who managed to keep W
verine hopes alive. The big cen'
was the only man who could sni
the ball off the backboard and ti
and again it was he who-cross-check
after an Illini had broken loose. Lit
Mike Sofiak, who makes up with ti
ing what he lacks in size, manag
to tie up the rangy Indians after th
had recovered the ball but the ri
of the' Wolverines had lost the ma
touch that had amased and si
prised their followers since the seas

n. 15.- (?) -Britain
r leaves for the Roy-
i France today in a
Ld made it plain that
thrust toward Bel-
ietherlands would be
full strength of her
r forces.
ibed the suspension
Air Force and simi-
Jer applied to land
as "merely a precau-
taken by the Nether-
um against any situ-
ght arise."
sources in Berlin
the war scare was
' and reiterated that
d to avoid, if po1-
sion of tle conflict).
t of the extraordi-.
.easures came on the
ening of Parliament
Var Secretary Leslie
as expected to make
ement" in the House
his resignation from
s described the mili-
precautionary, some
that in a similar sit-
11, when the Ger-
rted ready to invade
,Britain simply said
on the alert for any'
out imposing special


Will Present
To Congress


Sea warfare continued. A dispatch
from Amsterdam said the 7,906-ton
Netherlands steamer Arendskerk had
been torpedoed and sunk in the Bay
of Biscay. The crew was rescued.
A Nazi warplane bombed the 538-
ton British trawler William Ivey in
the North Sea but the trawler's crew
was landed safely at a Scottish port.
A Royal Air Force plane bombed
a submarine in the North Sea, an
official announcement said, and ap-
parently sank it.
The announcement said the plane
came over the submarine as she was
submerging. The pilot dived his
plane and in leveling off dropped a
salvo of bombs which "fell in close
proximity to the submarine."
Low Countries Breathe
Easier But Still Alert
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 15.-(P)-An-
xiety over the possibiilty of invasion
waned tonight in Belgium and the

I WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-(WP)-The
possibility of a $25,000,000- loan to
Finland was under discussion in Ad-
ministration and Congressional cir-
cles today, while President Roosevelt
prepared ,a communication to Con-
gress setting forth his views on the
At the same time the State De-
partment received word from Minis-
ter H. F. Arthur Schoenfeld at Hel-
sinki that Russian aerial bombs hild
been dropped close to the new $300,-_
000 American legation at the Finnish
capital. Incendiary bombs, he re-
ported, had damaged a villa which
he occupied until recently.
The whole subject of assistance for
Finland was covered in a conference!
between Mr. Roosevelt and Demo-
cratic Congressional leaders. The
latter said the President's communi-'
cation would go to the Capitol very
soon, possibly tomorrow.
Senate Committee
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-(I)-
The Senate Judiciary Committee
stamped "OK" today on the nomina-
tion of Attorney General Frank
Murphy to be a member of the Su-
preme Court and indications were
the action .would be confirmed
promptly by the Senate, perhaps to-
Committee approval also was giv-
en the nbminations of Solicitor Gen-
eral Robert H. Jackson to be Attor-
ney General and Francis Biddle of
Pennsylvania to be Solicitor General.
Members said the Committee vote
on all three was unanimous.
AFL Pickets Make CIO

Survey Reveals Divided Opinion
On Maintammg Dies Committee

Michigan broke awi
built'up a 9-5 lead I
minutes but then ti
person of the elusive
gan to turn. He to
handed over head slo
and then followed it
with the first of his
tie the scone at nine-
high scoring sophomno
rolling-into the hoop
left handed hook shot
mon who had just en
and Charley Pink put
ahead 12-11 with a
a bucket respectively.
last time Michigan
ahead in the first hal
Evers, Hapac, Han
(Continued on

As the Dies Committee fights for
its life in Washington, debate all
over the 'nation has developed on the
pros and cons of Representative Dies'
With the first of the year, the
Committee submitted its annual re-
port. which revealed $10,000 in the
treasury. To continue its work at
all adequately, Dies and his associ-
ates are fighting tooth and nail for
.another $100,000 which, if they get
it, will give the Committee a war
chest of $110,000.
The Dies Committee has been bit-
terly attacked and as bitterly de-
fended. University students, in proof
that they do not exist in a world

At was
' dayl

portant as many individuals and or-
ganizations have made out. I don't
think the Dies Committee has been
worthwhile when you look at its ac-
complishments. Its sensationalism in-
dicates that the seditious and sub-
versive ideas it is exposing are not
what they're cracked up to be. The
Committee's n e w s consciousness
seems to substantiate the charge that
it is a political instrument."
Peggy Reid, '41, "I think continu-
ing the Dies Committee is a good
idea. Most other nations have agen.-
cies investigating spies and aliens,
and there is no reason why the Unit-
ed States should not have one. The
Dies Committee, in exposing things
that are detrimental to the accepted
mode of government, is impressing
.hprifi70 11ifh'mh Tr nIdsa +fli +

Brown Seeks
Pay Raise Vet<
Auditor General Refuse
To Sanction Warrants
LANSING, Jan. 15.--P)--Audit
General Vernon J. Brown todE
sought to veto pay raises granted 1
the State Highway Departmne
,charged that violations of the Ch
Service Law made them possib
and asked Attorney General Thom
Read if there was any legal way
abolish theCivil Service Departme
if it were proved to be a governemt
Brown asked the Attorney Gener
to define his authority, but witho
waiting for a reply refused to san
tibn pay warrants for the 221 en
ployes who received the raises. I
said he would sanction pay warrar
only in the amount of their pri
wages unless the Attorney Gener
informed him 'he had no authority
The Auditor General, a Repub]
can, charged that the jobs of 208
the employes were removed' fro
Civil Service jurisdiction to pern
the raises, and that petitions a

If, as rumor has it, yesterday's re-
cital by Kirsten Flagstad was her
swan song in Ann Arbor, it was at
least a completely satisfying one ac-
cording to the reception 5,000 local
musicgoers gave it.
Five times the enthusiastic audi-
ence called back the famedWagneri
an soprano, and were rewarded in one
instance with a Wagnerian aria,
"Dich, Teure Halle." The five en-
cnre hrnnght Madame Flaastad's

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