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January 10, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-10

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4 FI?


- - 1

Information Please, Dr. Angell! j

-Because he is so well known to Ann
Arbor and Michigan residents, Prof.
Robert C. Angell of the sociology de-
partment may well be first on a list,
of Who's Who on the Information'
Please program to be given Jan. 20,
under the sponsorship of the Michi-
gan Alumnae Association.
Born in 1899 in Detroit, Professor
Angell belongs to a large family of
Michigan graduates and educators in-
cluding President James B. Angell,
Professor Angell's grandfather, for
whom Angell Hall is named. Follow-
ing his graduation from the Univer-
sity in 1921, he served in the Army
Air Service, studied law at Harvard
and returned to Michigan to receive
his M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology, in
Lived In Hitler's Germany
Since that time he has been teach-
ing on this campus with the exception
of sabbatical leaves in Europe. He
lived for three months in Hitler's.
Germany immediately following the
Munich incident and during the anti-
Semitic riots and returned to America
with deep antagonism .to Nazis and a
strengthened desire to keep this coun-
try from the grips of totalitarism.
An ardent tennis enthusiast, Pro-
fessor Angell gives a standing chal-
lenge to any member of his classes
to beat him at the game with an
automatic reward of an "A" in the
course if the student is successful.-
He was captain of the Varsity tennis
team in the University and was Sports
Editor of The Daily during his senior
Dislikes Surrealistic Art
Professor Angell's greatest pleasure
in warmer weather is sailing a dinghy
on Barton Pond while surrealistic art
may be classed as one of his "pet
peeves," although he likes modern art
in general. For the sake of his class-
es, he says, he tries to keep up on con-
temporary affairs, but feels that he is
"always hopelessly ignorant."
A strong supporter of the coopera-
tive movement as a partial solution to
economic and social problems, he has
served as President of the Ann Arbor
Coopeative Society and has done
much to encourage the student co-
"The Campus," "A Study in Under-

kit To Be Given
At Mass Meeting
During the theatre arts committee
mass meeting to be held at 5 p.m.
Thursday, in the League, a skit and,
a ballet dance number from this
week's production, "Dick Whittington
and His Cat" will be presented.
"Dick Whitting and His Cat" is the
third play in the Children's Theatre
series for the current season. It is
a musical in which 126 Ann Arbor
children are participating.
Three performances will be given:
at 3:45 p.m. Friday, and at 1:30 p.m.
and 3:30 p.m. Saturday. Tickets,
which are now on sale at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office, are 50 cents
for adults and 25 cents for children.
graduate Adjustment" and "The Fam-
ily Encounters the Depression" are
listed among Professor Angell's books,
which have a wide appeal outside of
the sociological field as well as com-
manding much attention in it.
Wintry winds may have only com-
menced their blowing, but the fa-
shion stylists have decreed that the
new dresses defy the elements and
don their prettiest pastel colors.

Ilitiation Date
Is Announced I
By Panhellenic
All Sororities To initiate
Weekend of March 8
Under Present System
Initiations for all sororities will be
held March 8, 9, or 10, announced
Barbara Bassett, '40, president of
Panhellenic Association. at a meet-
ing of Panhellenic Council held yes-
terday at 4:15 p.m. at the League.
Holding of initiations by all sorori-
ties on one weekend was an innova-
tion last year. This year, however,
will be the first year that the system
is completely followed because some
houses had already made initiation
plans which could not be changed
when the new system was adopted
last year.
The stimulation of alumnae in-
terest was one of the main reasons
for the 4 adoption of the plan. In
coming back for initiation, alumnae
may now see friends from other
houses as well as from their own
Other advantages to the plan are
that initiation becomes an all-cam-
pus affair, stimulating a feeling of
unity among the pledges of all sorori-
ties, and thatconflict with other cam-
pus activities may be reduced since
the definite dates may be planned on.
In previous years initiation date
was set by the individual house, us-
ually occurring during the last weeks
of February or the .first weeks of
Shops Display
Spring Pastels
In Silks, Knits
Drab dark colors begin to wear
upon the emotional life of the fem-
inine population just about the
month of January. This, coupled
with the influence of southern wear
for the fortunates, has affected local
shops whose stock now includes a
variety of articles in these current
The easiest way for the campus
woman to perk up her wardrobe in
this manner is to add a few sweaters
of soft hues to her collection of reds
and greens and browns. Subtle
shades of blue, pink, yellow, aqua,
cinnamon, and other newly mixed
colors are gaining preference over
more vivid winter colors.
Matching "debbie" hats accent the
new sweater shades and to. relieve
the all-brown or all-black of winter
coats. Mittens, too, are being worn
in light- greens and baby blues more
than the violent reds and dark black
so popular in the fall.
More noticeable has been the re-
cent white predomination of the eve-
ping scene. Tailored all-white glam-
or coats with parka hoods or fur
trim are nosing out the black velvet
and black broadcloth. In backless
dresses, close second to white for the
midseason crop is baby blue, a color
that apparently has a million dif-
ferent intensities.
Highlighting the dress parade at
the League these Friday and Satur-
day nights are softly colored flan-
nels that combine winter warmth
and southern wear gayety into one

Tommy Dorsey fans, who are
eagerly awaiting-his appearance at'
the J-Hop, will find an additional
treat in his brunet vocalist, Anita
Boyer. Tickets for J-Hop will go
on sale today and tomorrow.
Assembly Axd'opts
'Capricorn Capers'
Cunt ral Commit tee'
Members of the central committee
of "Capricorn Capers," the dance
which the dormitory Board of As-
sembly sponsored last Saturday, have
been appointed as one-of Assembly's
permanent committees.
Their duties will be to help in
formulating plans to further Assem-
blys sfund for the new Hjealt, Serv-
ice, announcest Mary Frances Reek,
president of Assembly. They will
also assist in making next year's so-
cial calendar.

Miss oyer To Sing

Women Asked
To Potiri Todayt
At Ruthveni Tea'
Serial Committee Given
Posts In Diiin-.-Room t
And At Receiving Linex
The first Ruthven tea to be held
after the holidays will be given fromi
4 to 6 p.m., today, with Virginia Os-x
good, '41, in charge of arrangements. ]
Groups on campus to whom a spe-
cial invitation is extended by the so-
cial committee of the League in-
clude Theta Delta Chi, Alpha Delta
Pi, Alpha Kappa Lambda, Delta
Gamma., Phi Sigma Sigma, Helen
Newberry Residence, and Zone VI.
Assistants Named
Assistants for- today's tea will be
Virginia Alfvin, '41; Katherine
Gainey, '41; ,Marney Gardner, '42;
and Betty Lyman, '41; who will serve
from 4 to 5 p.m.
Assisting from 5 to 6 p~m. will be
Ann Winters, '42; Phyllis Tonkin
'42; Pedo Ortmayer, '41; and 'Mary;
Ellen Wheeler, '41.
Mary Minor, '40, chairman of the
social committee, said that the wom-
en who have been asked to pour are
Mrs. I. M. Reynolds, and Ella Stowe.
'40, from 4 to 5 p.m. and Miss Ruth
Danielson and Mrs. B. L. Davies from
5 to 6 p.m.
Social Committee To Attend
Miss Minor also stressedcthefact.
that all memnbers ,of the social com-
mittee must attend, and those who
are to assist should arrive promptly
at 3;45 p.m. and stay until 6 p.m.
Those whose initials start with A-H
will be in the receiving line and those
from H-Z will be in the dining room.





Westminster Guild Plames
Sleigh Ride For Friday
All students will be welcomed at
the Westminster Guild Student
group sleigh ride to be held at 9 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 12. Reservations must.
be made by Thursday evening,,.an-
ncunced Ray Rector,.'42, chairman;
those wishing to join the party are
urged to call 2-4460 to make arrange-
ments. The price of the affair is 35
cents per person.
Open house. with a mixer program
including entertainment and refresh-
ments will be held at the church if
the weather is . not favorable for
sleigh riding.

..1 / l

Photographers Busy
With Ensian Pictures
D.O.B.'s and campus building bul-
letin boards are including more and
more announcements to the effect:
"Notice: pictures of the 'writem' staff
and the 'Rushabout' committee will
be taken at 4 p.m. tomorrow."
It has been estimated by two 'En-
sian bulb flashers that combs, powd-
er puffs, and shaving razors are be-
ing . worked overtime, and that
"genii" with special skills in chair
arranging and group-fixing are as-
suming important positions at this
time of year.



League Sees Bustling Activity;
cWhittington' Premiere Friday,

4 '
i $:

At Oa6
'2 aldN

an 1r anza ion6
Make your appointments early to assure con-
venient appointments. The deadline is Jan-
uary 24th. For better photographs, come to
332 South State Dial 5031

"Song rehearsal in the Garden
Room; dance rehearsal in the Game
Room; ,speaking part rehearsal in
the rehearsal room" . . . reads the
League bulletin board these days.
In preparation for the opening of
the annual musical presentation of
the Children's Theatre which will
open Friday afternoon, 126 Ann Ar-
bor school children are busy with
McKelvey Directs
In addition to the large cast of
children, "Dick Whittington and His
Cat" will feature several University
At the League, in any afternoon
this week, may be seen Director Rich-
ard McKelvey putting the "leads"
through their paces. Every now and
then, stepping from his role of di-
rector, McKelvey plays the part of
one of the characters, thus giving the
youthful actors a visual representa-
tion of how-he wishes the part played.
At the same time, downstairs in
the Garden Room, may be found 50
or more children rehearsing the sing-
ing numbers. Directed by music
chairman, Elaine Alpert, '41 and ac-
companied by Bob Wood, '40, com-
poser of the music for the play, the
children sing out lustily during the'
Costumes Are Colorful
In the meantime, bedlam seems to
have broken out in the large room
around the corner, the costume room.'
Five or ten girls of varying shapes
and sizes are busy trying on brightly
colored costumes. Several members
of the costume committee, led by
chairman, Betty Keppler, '41, bustle
about measuring and pinning. Add-
ing to the general hubbub is the
sound of a sewing machine racing
to finish a hundred costumes or
more in time for the dress rehearsal.
Down stairs, below the stage, Bob
Corrigan, scenic designer, is busy
painting, sawing and hammering.
He is assisted by several paint be-
smattered members of the scenery
committee attired in slacks, smocks'
and overalls.
Box Office Is Calm
Upstairs in the box office, the
calm and efficient atmosphere is a
welcome contrast to the general bed-
lam below. Sorting tickets, answering
the phone and selling tickets are
members of the ticket committee.
Many times a day, people working
on other phases of the play stop in
at the box office, for here is the pulse
of the entire production.

the principals are waiting for re-
hearsal to start. Two boys and a
girl are playing hangman on the
blackboard, while two others are en-
gaged in a friendly wrestling match.
The remaining two, a boy and a girl,
are sitting together admiring a speck-
led angora cat on the girl's lap. "She
plays the part of Richard II in the
play," the girl explains. "Her real
name is something like that, Tizzy
II . . . you know, from Tizzy Lisch."
Aire Requisites
Of SkiApiparel
With snow on the ground and a
real honest-to-goodness ski instruc-
tor ready to put us through our paces,
the problem of ski clothes and ski
equipment becomes a timely one.
The rows of skis which the stores
display may look all much the same
to your inexperienced eyes, but don't
be fooled. There are as many differ-
ent kinds of skis for as many differ-
ent purposes as there are tennis
rackets or golf clubs. When you go
shopping, take with you a friend who
knows whereof she speaks upon the
subject, or ask to have the store's
own ski adviser help you.
Hickory skis with a grooved bot-
tom are favored by those in the know.
The grain of the wood is also an im-
portant factor in judging your "pair-
to-be." Many people like the newer
alumnium ski poles better than the
bamboo ones because they are less
likely to split. However, the bamboo
ones are more flexible, and therefore
still popular.
Good ski boots are essential. This
fact cannot be overemphasized.
Skimp, if you must, on the rest of
your outfit, but be sure that your
boots are of good quality. Inferior
boots are often uncomfortable be-
cause of "buckling" and lack of sup-
Your ski clothes themselves should
be first warm, second comfortable,'
and third good-looking. Fortunate-
ly, today most ski clothes combine
all of these attributes. Gabardine
and wool combination ski suits are
ideal because they break the wind
and are warm. Mittens are superior
to gloves and warm socks are a neces-
sity. Nothing will spoil your good
time sooner than a pair of cold


7 .93


10.98 f

or0mer10.95 to 25.00

ERE ARE DRESSES to boost penny-wise wardrobes from
now through Spring! One- and two-piece tailored classics;
"dress-up" styles with important fashion details. Silks, French
flannels, wools, moires, in black, pastels, and bright colors.

...iM de 2?otwrtowyn .Store





£Coohinq § orwvarc1

1o the


&enU £4

... J-HOP
We can see how any girl might be concerned with the
what-to-wear problem!
Our suggestion is that one look at our collection
of delectable "Gone With the Wind" dresses will
solve anyone's problem.
Devastatingly delicate in white and soft pastel





shades, featuring tiny waists and beautiful
bouffant skirts, these dresses seem to have
been created for your really important
Many other types of formal wear to
satisfy the most discriminating tastes.
SIZES 9 to 18



_... r -

from 1A_9_

.,l . . In



i E

I 11111 I1 U5 - [II


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