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January 04, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-04

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wEiR DAY, AX. 4, 1040



Student Group
Ends Session
At .Minneapolis
Actions Affecting Campus
Government Are Studied
By National Federation
(Special to The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 3. - With
New Year's resolutions drafted and
ratified, 200 student delegates Sun-
day concluded the 15th annual con-
gress of the National Student Fed-
Discussed by student leaders repre-
senting 108 member colleges in ses-
sions on the University of, Minnesota'
campus were resolutions and recom-
mendations affecting principles of
student government and student
action in national and international
Keynote of the conference was
the general emphasis on joint stu-
dent-faculty control in the adminis-
tration of colleges and universities.
Student control was stressed by the
congress though it was pointed out;
that faculty membership in control-,
ling bodies added factors of experi-
ence and permanence to such organ-,
Unanimous condemnation of the
war in Europe and of aggressor na-
tions and a unanimous endorsement
of strict American neutrality feat-,
ured the congress' stand on interna-
tional politics. In a series of reso-
lutions, the convention reaffirmed
its stand opposing the United States'
entry into any foreign war and called
on American college students to unite
in opposition to any such. move.
Also condemned by the conference
were tactics and practices employed
by the Dies Committee.
Prof. Mueschke To 'Talk
Following Hillel Services
Prof. Paul Mueschke of the End-
lish~ department will give a talk onl
"Men and Books "Which Have In-,
fluenced By Mind" at 8 p.m:. tomor-4
row at the Hillel Foundation immedi-
ately following the regular Friday
night Conservative Services.
This is the fifth in a series of talks
given by various University profes-
sors on alternate weeks on the same1

Law Review
Features Work
Of Local Men
The December issue of the Michi-
gan Law Review, which was dis-
tributed the day Michigan studentsI
left Ann Arbor for vacation, contains
four articles, three by Michigan men,
on varying subjects.?
"Trading in Securities by Direct-
ors, Officers and Stockholders," is a
treatment of section 16 of the Securi-
ties Exchange Act by Kenneth L.
Yourd, A.B., J.D., Michigan. "Incon-
sistencies in Public Utility Deprecia-
tion," is an article by Robert D. Haun,
J.D., Michigan. "The Test of the
Employment Relation," an article by
Gerald M. Stevens,- J.D., Michigan
and a graduate student in the Law
School, was written as partial re-
quirement for the degree of Master
of Laws.
William A. Robson of the Univer-
sity of London and the London
School of Economics and Political
Science, wrote the fourth article for
the Law Review, a review of a new
edition of A. V. Dicey's Law of the
Constitution, first published in 1885.
The remainder of the present is-
sue of the Law Review consists of
student editors' comments on va-
rious phases of law and a number of
reviews of recent court decisions, al-
so by student editors. The next is-
sue of the. Law Review will be pub-
lished on or about Jan. 15.
Theatre Arts Scenery
Group Needs Recruits
All those women interested in work-
ing on scenery for the Theatre Arts
Committee, regardless of whether or
not they have had any previous ex-
perience are requested to call Mar-
garet Wiseman, 6923 at once, she an-
nounced yesterday.
There will be six flats for the next
play" Dick Whittington and His Cat,"
which is to be given Friday and Satur-
day, Jan. 12 and 13 and as many
people as possible are needed to aid.
Harvard University scientists have
discovered a new earthquake wave
that may be used in locating enemy

Theatre Guild T -o Present Play
By Norman Rosten OnBroadway


Norman 'Rosten, winner of two
major Hopwood awards while he
was a graduate student here last year,
will make his playwriting debut on
Broadway when the Theatre Guild
produces his comedy, "First Stop to
Heaven," this season.
IRosten's play is one of three pur-
chased recently by the Guild. The
other two were "Marie-Adelaide,"
by Bertram Bloch and Isabel Leigh-
ton, and "Turn Again Home," by
Morley Callaghan. The Guild has
not. decided which it will produce
A. graduate of Brooklyn College,
Rosten gained his Master's degree
from New York University. In 1937
he won a Bureau of New Plays schol-
arship of $1,250 in national competi-
Pro. Pollock
Extension Service Lecture
Series Will Start
Continuing its policy of sponsor-
ing faculty lectures throughout the
state, the Extension Service is
sending out Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department to
speak at 6:30 p.m. today before
the Pontiac Gridiron Club on the
subject of "Great Britain"-the
fourth address in a series of ten on
the "European Situation."
Prof. Kenneth, C. McMurray, chair-'
man of the Department of Goegraphy,
will also speak at noon today before
the Saginaw Kiwanis Club.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of~
the education school, speaking at 8
p.m. today, will address the Ypsilanti
Child Study Club on "The Psy-
chology of Adolescence."
The "European Situation" will pro-
vide Professor Pollock with the sub-
ject of his address at 2:30 p.m. to-
morrow before the Lansing Women's
Prof. Dwight L. Dumand of the
the history department is scheduled
to speak at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the
Mandelle Library of Kalamazoo Col-
lege before, the history students and
instructors of the church related
colleges in Michigan.

tion and was sent here for a year's
[study of playwriting.
While at the University he wrote
"This Proud Pilgrimage," which was
staged in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by Play Production. Rosten
won the highest Hopwood award in
drama in last spring's competition
and also a major award in poetry.
"First Stop to Heaven," the play
to be produced by the Guild, is a de-,
velopment from a comedy of which
Rosten completed a first draft before
leaving the University.
He has had two poetic dramas for
r'adio produced by the National
Broadcasting Company's D r a m a;
Guild. One, "The Death of a King,"
was written here and was first pro-
duced on a University program. The
other, "Samson Agonistes," was writ-1
ten shortly after leaving here for
New York.+
Rosten is preparing a volume of'
poetry for the Yale Series of Younger
Poets Competition. He has had poems
published in "Poetry," "Partisan Re-
view." "New Masses," and the "11939
Anthology of Contemporary Ameri-
can Poets."
Guthe Announces
Opening Of New
Three rooms of anthropological
and archaeological objects, arranged
by the Museums of Classical Archae-
ology and Anthropology, will be open
to the public until Jan. 15 in the
Rackhain Building, Dr. Carl E.
Guthe, director of University Mu-
seums and director of the Museum of
Anthropology, announced yesterday.
The exhibits were opened Dec. 27
for the benefit of the annual meeting
of the Archaeological Institute of
America. The rooms are open from
2:30 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. daily.
One of the two rooms arranged by
the Museum of Classical Archaeology
contains articles from the University
excavations in Mesopotamia, while
the displays in the other are from
University excavations in Egypt.
Small articles of jewelry, potshards
and bits of statuary are among the
relics on display.

THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1940
VOL. L. No. 71
Smoking in University Buildings:
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Univer-
sity buildings except in private of-
fices and assigned smoking rooms
where precautions can be taken and
control exercised. This is neither a
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
tempt to meddle with anyone's per-
sonal habits. It is established and
enforced solely with the purpose of
preventing fires. In the last seven
years, 30 of the total of 80 fires re-
ported, or 37 per cent, were caused by
cigarettes or lighted matches. To be
effective, the rule must necessarily
apply to bringing lighted tobacco in-

o or through University buildings and
o the lighting of cigars, cigarettes,
and pipes within buildings-nclud-
ng such lighting just previous to go-
ing outdoors. Within the last few
years a serious fire was started at the
[exit from the Pharmacology building
by the throwing of a still lighted
'match into refuse waiting removal at
[the doorway. If the rule is to be en-
forced at all, its enforcement must
begin at the building entrance. Fur-
ther, it is impossible that the- rule
should be enforced with one class of
persons if another class of persons
disregards it. It is a disagreeable
and thankless .task to "enforce" al-
most any rule. This rule against the
use of tobacco within buildings is per-
haps the most thankless and difficult
of all, unless it has the willing sup-
port of everyone concerned. An ap-

Unon Heads Attend
National Convention
Don Treadwell, '40, and Hadley
Smith, '40B, president and secretary
respectively of the Union and Stanley
Waltz, manager, are attending today
the first day's ssesions of the Ameri-
can Association of College Unions
convention being held in Gainesville,
The association was organized at
the University in 1920, when Homer
Heath of Ann Arbor was manager
of the Union. Meetings will con-
tinue tomorrow and Saturday. For-
ums will be addressed by professional
hotel members as well as members of
the University of Florida.- faculty,
under whose sponsorship this year's
convention is being held.
peal is made to all persons using the
University buildings-staff members,
students and oethers-to contribute
individual cooperation to this effort
(Continued on Page 4)

S. State



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