E I..c Al. C ANY I1 A t L Y
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939=40
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.ses .
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
American Seamen In
Relief Drydock .. .
THE GOVERNMENT said it would
provide for them, and it tried. But
last week there were still 750 of the 1,200 Ameri-
can sailors, beached when the cash-and-carry
law went into effect, among the missing, so far
as government benefits were concerned.
When the change in our neutrality policy put
most of America's merchant marine in drydock,
the Administration gave assurance that at least
1,000 of the jobless sailors would be placed in
government naval schools and kept active until
the seas were again free. Though admittedly not
a solution to the problem, the relief program
was the only feasible measure that Washington
could offer.
UP TO LAST WEEK, however, only 72 sailors
had applied for service in these schools.
Another 507 had applied for relief in New York
City, and 372 had been accepted. The remain-
der, about 750, have received no relief of any
Behind the seamen's disregard of the govern-
ment's plan to have them enrolled in maritime
schools, however, is a maze of petty bickering
and mistrusts in which the entire relief pro-
gram for the sailors has become obscured.
The fight is between the C1 National Mari-
time Union and the United States Maritime
Commission. Point of the Union balkyness is
that the Commission has taken sides with the
ship-owners and will ultimately use the mari-
time schools as spawning grounds for strike-
breakers. As a consequence the CIO has dis-
couraged most of the sailors from entering the
HE COMMISSION, on the other hand, admits
that its sympathies lie with the ship-owners.
Leading the Commission's attack against the
Union is Admiral Henry A. Wiley, (U.S.N. re-
tired), who has charged the Union's president,
Joseph Curran, with conducting a campaign of
"misrepresentation," of "capitalizing upon the
misfortune of seamen," of being "motivated by
powers outside yourself and the organization."
In the meantime, while the Commission and
the Union argue these points, 750 sailors ar
jobless, and the Government, willing to provide
relief funds, is stymied. Perhaps the Union and
Commission have very real and very serious
reasons for persisting in their struggle. The
reasons they have expressed, however, seem
based on mistrust and obstinacy too petty to be
considered as obstacles blocking a program as
needed as relief for the sailors.
For here are men thrown out of their jobs
so that the rest of America may feel safe against
involvement in war. It is a time when the Mari-
time Union and the Commission should seek to
settle their differences rather than build new
bases for conflict.
-Hervie Haufler
Now Is T-e Time- . .
When you learned to typewrite--if you took
a formal course-you at some time wrote over
and over that famous line:
"Now is the time for all good men to c6nie to
the aid of their party."
No more significance was ever attached to that
phrase than is being attached today. Not so
many months ago people were saying that the
elephant was dead--the "Grand Old Party" had
In Re Zionism.. ..
To the Editor:
YOUR ISSUE of Sunday, Dec. 3, a leadin
editorial by Robert Speckhard took issue with
conclusions drawn by Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn at
a recent address in Rackham Memorial Hall.
Mr. Speckhard concludes his editorial thus: "The
elimination of the stupid, exhausting and ever-
lasting competition for existence in our capital-
istic society and the evolution of a society in
which an equitable and decent existence is a
heritage of man and not the doubtful prize of
bitter human struggle is the only permaned
solution of the minority problem."
A fine piece of Marxian dialectic! A sweeping
statement and a sweeping solution for every-
thing! Such simplicity! The ancient Messianic
dream doctored up by Socialist theories with the
spiritual coloring blacked out. It is so easy to
accept an hypothesis and then to draw the most
logical conclusions. The trouble with Mr.
Speckhard's cure is that it is a quack cure. What
sort of system will replace competition? Per-
chance Mr. Speckhard would recommend Russia?
No, we cannot eliminate the minority problem,
and the Jewish problem in particular, by work-
ing for a distant, unattainable solution which
will destroy all of human liberty and ultimate
I suggest that Mr. Speekhard learn more
about the brilliant experiment in human ad-
justment-modern Palestine. Impractical! It
is the only practical solution ever tried. Far
more successful than the vain attempts of Jews
to save the whole world-from Karl Marx down.
What has the Jew wrought in Palestine? Learn
about it, Mr. Speckhard and you will not talk
so glibly about arid lands. Five hundred thous-
and Jews have settled there in our time-Hebrew
culture has been revived-a new cooperative
society has been started-Jewish farmers, Jew-
ish fishermen-these and much, much more have
already come about in that "arid" country.
A competitive wold economy will endure for
long. Even now, most former sympathizers
with Communism are stick at heart at the
denouement of the Russian experiment. With-
in the framework of modern society Jews will
have to fit. The success of Palestine will tend to
normalise Jewish life everywhere and eventually
millions of Jews from strick and benighted
areas will find a haven in the ancient home-
All this ehvisages no early Utopia, but it is
at least realistic. The only true evolution o
human society will be based on the evolution of
the human spirit. More and more. the events
of these times bear witness thta external events
alone do not change human character.
-Avkah-Aineridan Student
Zionist rganan
The War At Mome
To the Editor:
THE MOST TRAGIC thing about this war, it
seems to me, is that to millions of unem-
ployed Americans it gives new hope for employ-
ment, something they had almost given up h(-
ing for in peace. Despite their horror and hate
of mass muider, even when it is dressed up with
the trappings of national honor and its other
time-worn furbelows, the thought of their wives
and children again living decently, and of them-
selves being lifted out of the morass of idleness
is naturally attractive to them. The pitiful thing
is that they can see no other way of achieving
the decency of employment than at the expense
of the nillions who must die in Europe and
Asia. Is there no other way to prosperity in
Why should the farmers of America suddenly
become prosperous for the first time since 1917
by providing food fo Europe when thousands
in America suffer from malnutrition? Why
should the energies of Americans be spent mak-
ing munitions to destroy- the cities of Europe
when thousands of Americans live in slums? In
short, why build a prosperity on the war in
Europe, which prosperity, incidentally, we know
will collapse when the war ends, when there is
more than enough work to be done in our own
Every cent and every hour of work spent on
War are taken from urgently needed rehabilita-
tion work in our own country. Munitions are
shortly blown off the face of the earth forever.
Homes, forests, soil conservation, flood con-
trol, schools, and hospitals, on the other hand,
endure for decades, contributing to the immedi-
ate welfare of human being, and producing
healthy new generations to carry civilization
The building of America would take the com-
bined efforts of every available man and woman,
and all the available money and credit for years
to come, and the product of this struggle would
be a great America-not dead and crippled men
and women, poverty and devastation, and mil-
lions of dollars worth of uncolleetable war debts.
-Alice Brower
l". Wilkie Again
PROFESSOR WATERMAN in his letter ap-
pearing in Monday's Michigan baily implies
my editorial on Wendell Willkie that the writer
was making reflections on the personality of
Mr. Willkie and specific charges against the
Commonwealth & Southern corporation.
It is unfortunate that the editorial was so in-
terpreted, and I tale this opportunity to state
tha no such implicaions were intended. It was
the presentation rather than the intent that
allowed the possibility of such an interpreta-
tion, No doubt Mr; Willkie, himself, Is sncere-
Last night's marionette performance of "Dorn-
roeschen"-the famous fairy-story of Sleeping
Beauty-was an excellent example of enter-
tainment in the unusual manner, arranged and
presented entirely by a campus organization.
The German Club deserves credit for an ambi-
tious and successful undertaking.
When the Yale Puppeteers came to Ann
Arbor we had the opportunity to see their
stringed actors in what would correspond to
vaudeville sketches and short scenes. "Sleeping
Beauty" involved the representation of a whole
play, and it seems to me that this is a very
difficult and exacting job for the puppets. Mo-
tions must besmoothly and carefully executed
to maintain a natural impression. Although the
actions of the puppets in "Dornroeschen" lacked
some of the professional smoothness of the Yale
group. David Gibson, whose Scaletta Marionettes
took over the boards of the Lydia Mendelssohn
last night, and Alexander Miller who assisted
in technical direction merit warm praise for a
competent and extremely interesting piece of
Mr. Gibson's puppets were carefully and in
many cases elaborately outfitted. The King
was especially ornamented and the evil witch
was effective. Perhaps the most realistic of the
cast of wooden Thespians was the Watchman
(who looked like a monk to this reviewer), ex-
cellently "voiced" by Edward Wetter. One of
the few adverse criticisms which one might offer
in the matter of the puppets themselves is that
a marionette's "bare" legs are very unbecoming
at best, and this rather spoiled the impression
of the hunter who appeared slightly unstable
and emaciated. ,
The play itself was adap'ted from the fairy
story by Dr. Otto G. Graf and J. Stanhope Ed-
wards of the German department and was well
blanced and divided. The play followed the
well known story closely enough to bring the
difficulty of the language to a minimum. Dr.
Graf, who guides the Verein's regular plays,
has done an exceptionally capable job of direct-
ing the speaking characters and organizing
the whole. performance. He is to be compliment-
ed for time and effort well expended.
The speaking parts were uncommonly well
done. The German diction of the characters
was up to very high standards. This was par-
ticularly apparent in several of the roleswhich
called for "character" speaking, notably the in-
toxicated Watchman, played by Mr. Wetter, the
Witch, spoken by Kenneth Marble and the aged,
and comically grave Chamberlain, read by Carl
Petersen. Among the other characters who read
parts the reviewer enjoyed especially the Prin-
cess, spoken (and sarg)i by Ethel Winnai and
the Queen of Fairies, performed by Lynda
Nickl. The voices of the three fairies were taken
by Dorothy Farmer, who was also the Page,
Judith Frank, also the Lady-in-Waiting and
Miss Winnai. Mr. Edwards doubled excellently
in the roles of the Huntsman and the Prince
and Dr. Graf also spoke the part of the Court
Dominica3 Says
Christmas, Yes, the greatest of all our home
celebrations, high day in the Christian calendar,
is but thirteen days away. But how shall we
approach the day when both Europe and Asia
are drenched in blood and 2,000,000 members of
the race to which Jesus' mother belonged, are
being dispossessed, excluded from their native
land and are ruthlessly settled in a buffer zone?
How give gifts? How provide feasts? How re-
joice with little children and sweet women of
a world so cruel? One possible reply, namely-
As a penitent person at prayer and a determined
idealist in social struggle.
Let us, in deference to the truths we have
learned in Economics or the facts we have sur-
veyed in Political Science, vow to God that by
voice and vote the Bill of Rights in our land shall
have our devotion. Let us as men of faith in ail
age of force, profit and pressure-groups, loci,
unto God, as did our Colonial fore-bearers, re-
define liberty, dedicate ourselves to the Christian
ideal and sing
"Come, Desire of Nations, come
Fix in us Thy humble home."
agement. No such implication was intended.
The Federal Trade Commission does not state
nor does it deny that the C&S corporation has
impaired the "vitality of free enterprise." In-
disputably true, however, is the general state-
ment of the Federal Trade Commission that an
evil of private utility holding-companies is "pyr-
amiding, enabling a few men to gain practical
control of vast utilit yenterprises with a mini-
mum of investment."
The object of my editorial was not the per-
sonality of Mr. Willkie, but the philosophy and
viewpoint he expresses and represents in his
article. Not only does Mr. Willkie represent the
sentiments of the C&S corporation, but also the
position and philosophy of private utility com-
panies throughout the country, whose interests
are the same as those of the Commonwealth &
Southern corporation. Indicative of just this is
the following quotation from the Nov. 26 nation-
ally syndicated column of Pearson and Allen:
"One of his strong supporters is Wendell Willkie,
head of Commonwealth & Southern, and No. 1
foe of Rooseveltian power policies." (Last week
Mr: Willkie gave an address, similar in expres-
sion to his article, before the National Associa-
tion of Manufacturer's convention.)
The Federai Trade Commission's report of th
By Young Gulliver
GULLIVER holds in his left hand,
as he types away with his right
forefinger, a glossy sheet of paper.
On the top half is a lovely map of
the United States, shot through by
the rays of the sun. Underneath it
are the words: GOD'S COUNTRY,
embroidered with stars and stripes
and so on.
The bottom of the page goes some-
thing like this: it starts with'
"Breathes there a man, with soul so
dead, Who never .to himself hath
said, This is my own, my native
land?"-Scott. Then it says, "Sure
we've taken it on the chin! Sure
we've had our duststorms, droughts
and depressions! So what? (Get it?)
The gilt frame may have been broken,
but the picture remains unchanged.
"If you ever feel your knees get-*
ting a little shaky, try this simple
experiment . . . -repeat these words
. . ., slowly: 'Before the world, I AM
AN AMERICAN! I envy no man. I
fear no man. No man has anything
I covet. No man can take away from
me anything I have." A couple more
paragraphs and:
"With its far-flung frontiers,
mine is a land so broad, so rich in its
hidden treasure, so vast in its re-
sources, that, if we had to, we could
build a fence around ourselves and
live forever . . . alone.
"Mine is a people of common sta-
ture, uncursed by class . . . vaccin-
ated against all isms, cults and im-
ported crack-pot philosophers .
noisy at a ball game, but dangerously
silent in battle."
This is the last paragraph: "But"
most of all I give thanks for Ameri-
can industry and for American busi- I
ness brains that have found a way
to pay better wages . . . to work
shorter hours . . . to pay more for
their raw stuff . . . and still, with'
the help of mass production and
mass distribution, give the people
what they want at prices they can
pay . . . Published in the belief that
there is more to Business than just
selling goods-LINK BELT COM-
duced by the VALLEY CAMP COAL
So when you are lolling around in
the living room after Christmas Din-
ner, be sure you give thanks for
American Industry and American
Business Brains, and have pity on
the Poor Stooge who has to make a
living by writing such drivel .
. * *
TALKING around town this week
with a red face is John Malcolm
Briminin, '41. It so happens that John
is a poet. It also happens that he
is the most promising young writer
who has hit Ann Arbor in a long
time. It also happens that he is one'
of the outstanding young poets in the
United States (recently he was
awarded one of Poetry Magazine's
annual prizes, truly national recog-
nition). It also happens that he is
one of the few writers in this coun-
try who is going to make a name for
himself on his own merits, without
publicity or phoney buildups. The
other day he received notice that a
poem of his has been accepted for
publication by Harper's Bazaar
(that's right, girls, Harper's Bazaar).
And as if that wasn't enough, accom-
panying the letter came a check
bearing the signature of Art Lover
William Randolph Hearst, who, it
seems, owns Harper's Bazaar.
Gentle Reader, and a happy and
peaceful New Year. See you on the
Whiskey Special.
It Seems TO Me
By Heywood Broun
A FEW WEEKS ago anybody who
said "thirdterm" was frowned
upon as if he rocked the boat, upset
the applecart or uttered an uncouth
phrase in front of the dean of wo-
men. But now Mr. Roosevelt's
chances for re-nomination and re-
election are fit subjects for general
conversation in mixed company. In-
deed, presently the conversation may
become so general that even the
President will mention the matter.
Th lid of national emergency now
being lifted, this columnist would
like to give once again a cry which
international circumstances have
long denied him. "Roosevelt for
1940" is the motto of It Seems to Me.
In fact, I blame near crushed my
thumb in nailing the banner to the
And I think that support for
Roosevelt should not be based on any
silly adage about changing horses in
midstream. Any time man can im-
prove his mount he ought to do so,
whether the track is fast or sloppy.
* * 4.
I THINK that Franklin Delano
Roosevelt has handled our foreign
affairs well, and will continue to do
so. But in me there is one small
THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1939 I
VOL. L. No. 69
Applications in Support of Research
Projects: To give the Research Com-
mittees and the Executive Board ade-
quate time for study of all proposals,
it is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support dur-
ing 1940-1941 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by
Jan. 12, 1940. Later request will, of
course, be considered toward the close
of the second semester. Those wish-
ing to renew previous requests wheth-
er now receiving support or not should
so indicate. Application forms will
be mailed or can be obtained at Sec-
retary's Office, Room 1508 Rackham
Building, Telephone 331.
C. S. Yoakum.
Seniors: College of L.S. and A.,
School of Education, School of For-
estry and Conservation, and School
of Music:
Tentative lists of seniors have been
posted on the bulletin board in Room
4, U. Hall. If your name does not ap-
pear, or, if included there, it is not
correctly spelled, please notify the
counter clerk.
Househeads, Dormitory Directors,
and Sorority Chaperons: Closing hour
for tonight is 11 o'clock.
Jeannette Perry,
Assistant Dean of Women.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do directed teaching next semester
are required to pass a qualifying ex-
amination in the subject which they
expect to teach. This examination
will be held on Saturday, Jan. 6, at
1 p.m. Students will meet in the
auditorium of the University High
School. The examination will con-
SOcial Service
Unit Activities
Are Descri be d
Among the various agencies on the
campus that are of special service
to the Ann Arbor community is the
Social Service Committee of the
Lane Hall Council. This committee,
Which is not entirely a new one, af-
fords students who are interested in
social work the opportunity of be-
coming better acquainted with their
friends, "and at the same time helps
to intergrate the University with its
The Committee, composed of both
freshmen and upperclassmen, num-
bers its activities a toy-ending li-
brary which it has establishied in
two of the local schools. Toys are
secured through the c-operation of
studen ts and charitable organiza-
tionsin Ann Arbor, and are lent out
to children. Members of the Toy-
Leniding Committee, headed by Fran-
ces Johnson, '41, must continually
fix broken toys as well as comply
with sanitation requirements by
cleaning all toys before redistrib-
uting them.
Volunteer Service Unit
The Social Service Committee also
provide for a Volunteer Service unit
which works with such agencies in
Ann Arbor as the Family Welfare
and Community Fund. Students who
wish to offer their services contact
the committee and are notified whenf
there is a call for them.
This year the Social Sevice Com-
mittee under the leadership of its
chairman, Frances Blumenthal, 40,
has initiated a new unit which is
composed solely of Freshmen. In
February, eligible :first-year students
who are interested in the work of
sume about four hours' time; prompt-
nes is therefore essential.
Senior Aeronautical Engineers: The
Material Division of the U.S. Army
Air Corps, at Wright Field, Dayton,
Ohio, desires to obtain the names and
qualifications of senior students in-
terested in employment as civilian en-
gineers. A limited number of appli-
cation blanks may be secured in the
office of the Department of Aero-
nautical Engineernig. These should
be filled out and sent to Mr. Earle C.
Alley, Personnel Administrator, Ma-
teriel Division, Wright Field, Dayton,
Ohio. Official announcement of a
Civil Service examination for which
February and June graduates would
be eligible has not as yet been an-
nounced, but the Materiel Division
wishes to have on hand information
pertaining to those men who may
become qualified sometime within
the coming year.
February Candidates for the Teach-
er's Certificate: The Comprehensive
Examination in Education will be
given on Saturday, Jan. 6, from 9 to
12 o'clock (and also from 2 to 5
o'clock) in the auditorium of the
University High School. Students
having Saturday morning classes may
take the examination in the after-
noon. Printed information regard-
ing the examination may be secured
in the School of Education office.
Choral Union Members in good
standing will be issued pass tickets
for the Boston Symphony Orchestra
concert tonight between the hours
of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4.
After 4 o'clock no tickets will be is-
sued. Members are requested to re-
turn copies of the "Messiah" when
calling for tickets.
Dictaphone Station will be open
after 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 22, only
to receive work, and will be closed
on Saturday morning, Dec. 23, for
office repairs.
The Station will remain open on
all other days during the University
Christmas Vacation. It will be ap-
preciated if those desiring work to
be completed during the first week
of the new year will leave their copy
with instruction-s before Dec. 22.
Choral Union Concert: The Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse-
vitzky, Conductor, will give the sixth
program in the Choral Union Concert
Series this evening at 8:30 in Hill
Paintings by William Gropper and
prints by the Associated American
Artists shown in West Gallery, Al-
umni Memorial Hall, daily, 2-5, until
Dec. 15. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art
Exhibitions, College of Architecture
and Design:
Photographs of tools, processes,
and products representative of the
Department of Industrial Design at
Pratt Institute. Dec. 1 through 14.
Open daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5,
in Third Floor Exhibition Room,
Architectural Building. Open to the
University Lecture: Dr. Veit 7alen-
tin, Lecturer at University College,
London, will lecture on "Austria and
Germany" under the auspices of the
Department of History at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Michael A.
Heilperin, formerly of the Graduate
Institute of International Studies,
Geneva, will lecture on "Liberal and
Totalitarian Methods in Internatioi-
al Economic Relations" under the
auspices of the Department of Ec-
onomics at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Jan.
5, 1940, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. The public is cordially invited.
Extracurricular Medical School Lec-
ture: Dr. Clarence D. Selby, Medical
Consultant of General Motors Corp.,
Will speak at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall on "The Rela-
tionships of General and Special
Practice to Industrial Medicine."
"Medical School classes will be
dismissed at 4 p.m. to permit all medi-
cal students to attend.
The public is cordially invited.
Today's Events
Perspectives: Meeting of the staff
of editors and the advisory board at
the Student Publications Bldg., today
at 4 p.m.
Finance Committee of JGP at 4:30
today in the League. All interested
should attend or notify the chairman
in advance. Phone 3718.
Stalker Hall: Freiside discussion
group meets from 4 to 5:30 this af-
ternoon. Open to all Methodist stu-
dents and their friends interested in
the Committee
different times
Nursery, where
keeping records
taking notes on
dents will also
leaders. Trips
will be assigned at
to the Co-operative
they will assist in
of the children by
behavior. Some stu-
become Girl Scout
through the social
agencies of Ann Arbor and Detroit
are being planned for this group in
order to acquaint students with the
work that is being carried on in
these agencies. Ann Beseiner, '40,
is Chairman of this committee.
Work Holiday Plan
Another feature which is looked
on as a success by the Social Ser-
vice Committee is the Work Holiday
Plan. Each week some group on the
'campus undertakes a project which
is designated by the Committee. At
present many students are assisting
the Family Welfare in preparing for
its Christmas work.
Executive any person who was wholly
unfamiliar with foreign .affairs. But
I don't believe in carrying the prin-
ciple of specialization into the White
House. Our leader should be a highly
competent general practitioner.
In the course of history we have
chosen several incumbents Who were
no more than nose and throat men.