SUNDAY, DEC. 10, 1939
- PAGE TWO SUNDAY, DEC. 10, 1939
University Camp
Few Radical
President Ruthven in an official
pamphlet issued last week by the!
University declares that "student
radicals are a pitifully smail group
'on the Michigan campus,"' and that
they reflect merely a "passing phase
in student development."
"Radical groups are conspicuous
not by their size, but by the fact
,that they are more articulate than
other student groups," he says. "When
4a student expresses radical opinions
he shows that he has an incomplete'
grasp of social problems."
Michigan's faculty contains only
"a few, if any, dangerous radicals"
and.most of the faculty men "merely
try to raise social questions for ex-l
aminations," the President continues.
....... ....
Ius Possesses
s, Ruthven Says
betterment of their world, and as
long as I am President of the Uni-
versity of Michigan we shall continue
to attempt to open eyes of our stu-
dents to the great problems of civili-
zation," he says.
Other facts about the University
disclosed in the bulletin are:
President Ruthven feels that the
President Ruthven feels that
the Utriiversity has not yet dis
Qvered a satisfactory formula
to use in "proportioning stu-
dents between Michigan and other
states and countries." "We are de-
termined, first of all; to serve the
boys and girls of Michigan ade-
quately," br. Ruthven declares.
By February, 1940, the bulletin
Ballet Caravan
Will Feature
Marie Jeanne
Hull's Protest Will Not Affect
British Policy, Preuss States
"Manifestations of radicalism in our states, University housing will be
student body are a healthy sign that available for about one-third of the
today's students are interested in the student body.
FOR ii
4 u'/ate 'eeIdh
Phone 730F14 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Secretary of State Hull's protest,
against the British order in council'
authorizing the Royal Navy to seize
all exports of German origin or ow-f
nership is not likely to have much
effect, Prof. Laurence Preuss of the
political science departmentsasserted
yesterday in an interview.
The order, which is illegal accord-
ing to the general principles of in-
ternational law, concerns United
States trade with the neutral Euro-
pean nations, especially Italy, that
act as retailers of German goods,
Professor Preuss observed. The law
pertainent to the case was established
by the Declaration of Paris of 1856,
which provided that neutral vessels
are not subject to seizure unless they
are transporting contraband goods.
In the event that an American
vessel was seized, Professor Preuss
explained, a protest to the Birtish
Prize Court would probably be de-
nied on the grounds that the orders
of the Crown are conclusive anc} are
invalid only if applied to an exces-
sive degree.
The increased restriction ofGer-
man trade is one of a number of
serious reprisals enacted since the
war began, Professor Preuss noted,
reprisals of the three months of the
present war being equal those of three
years of the World War. Acts such
as the seizure of German exports
are illegal, he pointed out, except
when they are in answer to some
violation of law by the enemy; and
they must not be of severity out of
proportion to the original offense.
"Britain maintains that the Order
is justified by the indiscriminate
sowing of mines by Germany in vio-
lation of the Hague Convention of
1907," Professor Preuss declared. The
provisions of the Convention stated
that a moored mine must become
harmless one hour after being sown,
a loosed mine must be harmless one
hour after being set adrift, and no
mines could be placed along the coast
of the enemy territory for the purpose4
of obstructing commercial ships.
During the World War, safety chan-
nels for merchant vessels resulted in
the loss of no lives from mine bar-"
rages, he reminded.
Professor Preuss said Germany's
justification for violation of these
laws was that the whole area around
the British Isles is a war zone; and
that since merchant ships were con-
voyed by naval vessels, they must
expect to share the same fate. This
argument may be valid concerning
fixed mines, he marked, but could I
not apply to the use of drifting
mines. Another Nazi justification
for the minenkrieg is that the British
blockade in general is illegal, to which
Britain replies that the blockade di-
gresses from law only where cir-
cumstance requires new interpreta-
tion of old rules. Britain also insists
that German submarine mnethods
violating agreements as recent as
1936 legalize the blockade reprisal,
Professor Preuss stated.
"The whole situation is obscured
by a lack of facts, and lack of evi-
dence as to who committed the first
illegality," Professor Preuss ob-
served. "Once a succession of repri-
sals is begun international law is
virtually suspended." Neutral na-
tions suffer great losses of property
because of Britain's decree, and both
lives and property because of Ger-
many's, he noted.
f Be A-Goodfellow
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
MONDAY EVEN I NG December 11, 1939 8:30 P.M.
Box Office Open December 7. Tel. 6300
All Seats Reserved - $1.00.. . 75c. . . 50c
Extension Service
Sponsors Series
Of Faculty Talks
Pursuing its policy of making
authoritative speakers available to
the state the Extension Service will
send out Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department Mon-
day to the West Dearborn Teachers'
Club to speak on "The Present Poli-
tical Situation in Europe."
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the
education school will address the
Saginaw Branch of the American
Association of University Women
Tuesday on "Community Coopera-
tion for Adult Education."
Grace Dunshee, Grad., will give
a Christmas program at 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday in the Packer Road "Stone"
Winnie Ruth Judd
HERNANDO, Miss., Dec. 9.-(k)-
Sheriff A. S. Campbell said tonight
he had detained a vxoman on sus-
picion that she was Winnie Ruth
Judd, the mad fugitive from an Ari-
zona insane hospital, but that he
had now established otherwise and
would release her tomorrow.
Sheriff Campbell said 'he was sat-
sified the woman was a Chicago resi-
dent. He talked with Chicago offi-
cers after the woman's detention this
afternoon Campbell said:
"Chicago officers told me her hus-
bandput her on the train there last
night to send her to Memphis. She
failed to get off at Memphis and in-
stead came here. Her mother-in-
law in Memphis is supposed to come
for her."
b~ '
Ann Arbor will get its first taste
of what America can accomplish in
ballet when the American Balletr
Caravan appears at 8:15 p.m. tomor-
row at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-'
Leading the cast of all-American
dancers will be Marie Jeanne, pre-
miere ballerine, and Balletmaster
Lew Christensen, who planned several
of the ballets in the company's reper-
Of the three ballets to be present-
ed, two are on American themes.
"Billy the Kid," replacing "City Por-
trait," which was originally sched-
uled to be presented here, offers a
ballet interpretation of the life of the
Wild West's most famous desperado.
The musical score by Aaron Copland
incorporates many songs popular
among the cowboys.
The second ballet planned around
an American theme is "Charade," a
picture of the coming-out party of
a debutante in a middle-class town
of 1910. The musical score by Trude
Rittmann includes ragtime dance
favorites of the era.
A classical note will be injected
into the performance by the third
ballet, "Air and Variations," with
music by Bach.
While the Caravan is in Ann Arbor,
Director Lincoln Kirstein, ballet au-
thority and ,author of several books
on dancing, will address the dance
classes of Miss Ruth Bloomer at 4
p.n. Monday in the Women's Ath-
letic Building on "A History efi
Ballet." The public is invited to at-
Tickets for the Caravan's perform-
ance are on sale at the League box
office. All seats will be reserved.
- Goodfellows-Monday --
History Teachers
To AttendMeeting
Eleven representatives from the
history department will attend the
annual American Historical Associa-
tion convention to be held Dec. 28,
29 and 30 in Washington, D.C. They
include: A.E.R. Boak, Arthur S. Ai-
ton, Arthur L. Cross, Verner W.
Crane, Dwight L. Dumond, Arthur
L. Dunham, Palmer A. Throop, How-
ard M. Ehrmann, L. G. VanderVelde,
Dwight C. Long and John W. Stan-
Professor Boak will lead the dis-
cussion in the section on ancient
history, and will also participate in
the meeting of the Board of Editors
of the American Historical "Review."
Professor Throop will give a par% P
at the section on medieval history.
Plan Holiday Party
The Deutscher Verein, student
German organization, will hold its
annual Christmas party at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the League, Gertrude Frey,
'41, president, said yesterday.
Singing of Deutsche Weihnacht-
stage Lieder will feature the party,
Miss Frey said. Refreshments will
be served and various German
Christmas legends will be read in the
traditional manner.
Eachmember of the Verein and
other students wishing to attend
must bring a ten-cent gift, Miss Frey
Id- Goodfellows-Monday --
Total led Cross Drive
A sharp spurt in Red Cross mem-
berships enabled the Washtenaw
County Chapter to surge over last
year's Roll Call mark with a grand
total to date of $7,615.26 contributed
by 5,071 members.
Classified Dftrectory
DECEMBER 5, 1939
To Chicago -- Gr nd Rapids
And Intermediate Points
Leaves Ann Arbor 1:00 P.M.
Student Section Train No. 44 (all points East) leaves 3:45 P.M.
Student Section Train No. 8 (all points East) leaves 6:30 P.M
Low Fares to All Points
Cries ofadmiraion
from all the charm-
ing, discriminating
women on your
ist will greet this
beautiful Yard.
ley Gift Set -
English Lavender, Face"°Pow-
der- Talcum Powder and Lav.
ender Soap. The Set .
Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
These low rates are on the basis
of cash payment before the ad is
inserted. If it is inconvenient for
you to call at our offices to make
payment, a messenger will be sent
to pick up your ad at a slight extra
charge of 10c.
For further information call
23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard
WSE SAD&DGAE-Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
LOST-Small leather key case with
three keys last Thursday. Please
call 5788, Mr. Norman. Reward.
r ,..
, ; . tx u;
1225 South University
LOST-Turquoise Indian dinner
ring. Valuable keepsake. Lost a
week ago. Reward. Phone 2-1968.
LOST-Gray, green overcoat in
West Medical Building, Friday
a.m. Please call 2-4401. Robert
Ball. No questions ask. Reward.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414
Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43
M.A. 625 E. Liberty (at State St.)
2-1835. Reports, thesis, disserta-
tions, briefs. 113
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
and notary public, excellent work..
706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 16
one trial to prove we 'launder your
shirts best. Let our work help you
look neat today. 1114 S. Univer-
sity. 19
GARMENTS may be left for altera-
tion and picked up after vacation.
Call 2-2678. 402 Observatory. 123
CAMERA WANTED (new or used)
Model III, Zeiss Ikoflex, f/2.8 lens
or Model II, Contax f/3.5; f/2.8 or
1/2.0 lens. c/o Michigan Daily
Box 2. 124
PLAY SCHOOL-Directed play ac-
tivity for children of school age.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
3:30 to 5:30. Play School, 315 E.
William. Phone 8293.
LB~ r .....
Shows Today 2:06'-4 :00 -7:00 - 9:00 P.M
Start the gift list with selections from our line of Whitman's
Chocolates, here direct from the makers, beautifully decorated
Shows Start.
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Adults 35c
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