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December 10, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-10

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Mostly cloudy and colder today
with West and northwest wns


Bk igmi


Mexico ainds Outlet
For Expropriated -0il

VOL. L. No. 66 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DEC. 10, 1939


Wolverines Rally
In Final Minutes
For 33-27 Victory

McMaster Ties
Lowrey's Men
In Hard Game
Wolverines Play Flashy
Hockey Against Strong
Ontario College Team
1,200 Fans Witness
Nip-And-Tuck Game
Four wild periods of Wolverine

700 Russians
Are Drowned,
Finland Says
But Soviet Government
Claims New Victories;
Sweden Names War Head
Four More Ships
Sunk In Atlantic
(By The Associated Press)
Creating huge waves by blasting

Goodfellow Army Of 400
Begins 5th Annual Drive

To Aid Needy'
Latin Nations Make Deman

Spartans Held In Check
By Michigan Offensive
Led ByFitzgerald, Rae
State Scoring Led
By Phillips' 7 Points
A surprising sophomore, Bob Fitz-
gerald, entered the Wolverine line-
up mid-way in the first half of last
night's opener, sparked the Wolver-
ines, and teamed up with Capt. Jim
Rae, who made a great comeback, to
pace Michigan in turning back a
favored Michigan State basketball
squad 33 to 27 in a whirlwind finish
at the Field House.
With less than nine minutes to go
Fitzgerald took a pass in the corner
from Rae, who led the Michigan at-
tack with 14 points, and sank a one-
handed push shot to take a one-
point lead by a 24-23 score. State had
been leading up to that time, since
early in the first frame.
State Comes Back
The Spartans tied it up immediate-
ly when Joe Gerard, substitute for-
ward for Bob Phillips who went out
on personal fouls, sank the first of
two foul shots and missed the second
which would have given State the
lead after being fouled by Herb Bro-
Phillips went out of the contest
with 12 minutes to go in the second
half, after leading the State attack
with seven points, which were good
enough'to make him high point man
for his team at the close of the game.
Rae put Michigan ahead 26-24 soon
after Gerard tied the score with a
trick shot under the basket, but after
a time out, Bob Morris flipped in a
backhand shot to tie up the count
again. With four minutes to go Fitz
sank a long one from outside the
foul circle after taking a short pass
from Charlie Pink, who did a perfect
job of blocking for the 6 ft. 5 in.
Great Defensive Work
That ended Fitzgerald's scoring for
the night with eight points to take
second place honors in the Wolverine
scoring column, but he wasn't through
for he followed this up with some
great defensive work inorder to main-
tain a narrow margin.
Rae fouled Gerard while blocking
out with his left arm and holding
the ball in his right, and the Spartan
forward made it good to bring the
score up to 28-27, still in favor of
Michigan. State then calledtime
out, and Marty Hutt returned to the
With a minute and 45 seconds to go
go play was resumed with Michigan
leading by one point. Hutt got the
jump on little Mike Sofiak after they
scrambled for a loose ball in the
Wolverine territory. Then Fitzgerald
broke up a State pass under the bas-
ket with a great stretch, and Michi-
gan resorted to freezing the ball.
Rae Is Fouled
State pulled out from underneath
its basket in an attempt to break up
the back line passing of the Wolver-
ines, and Rae broke for a wide open
basket and was fouled by center Max
Hindman while attempting to shoot.
Twenty-five -seconds of play re-
mained and so Rae chose to take the
ball out-of-bounds, after sinking his
first basket to take a two-point lead,
in accordance with the new rule
which permits a team to shoot or
keep the ball in its possession when a
foul shot is granted to it.
Michigan renewed its back court
passing in an attempt to kill time and
with two seconds of play left the
Spartans again pulled out from the
basket. Fitzgerald then faked a pass
and bounced the ball into Rae who
made a fast break for the meshes
(Continued on Page 3)
-Goodfellows-Monday -
Art Cinema League
To Include 'Hamlet'

In Today'sProgram
Third of its series of pictures that
have made motion picture history, a
showing of "The Last Laugh," star-
ring Emil Jannings, and a 1920 pro-
duction of "Hamlet" will be offered
by the Art Cinema League today.
A matinee at 3:15 p.m. and an
evening performance at 8:15 p.m. will
be given at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Only members of the Art

d f

Finnish Group
Begins Drive
For War Ai d
Campus sentiment in favor of re-
lief for Finland, now embroiled in
conflict wtih Russia, crystallized last
night in a meeting at Lane Hall,
where plans were made to raise mon-
ey and clothing to send abroad.
The drive will have its headquar-
ters in Lane Hall, according to Toivo
Liimatainen, '41E, president of Suomi
Club, campus organization composed
of students of Finnish extraction.
The Ann Arbor drive, 'which will
be coordinated with a similar move-
ment in Detroit, will be headed by a
committee which will have William
E. Bilto, Grad., as its general chair-
man. Other members of the com-
mittee are Milma Petrell, '40, secre-
tary; Reino M. Takala, Grad., fi-
nance chairman; Liimatainen, pub-
licity chairman; and Kenneth L.
Repola, '43, and Aini M. Rantala, '43,
assistants to the general chairman.
Money and clothing, tangible evi-
dence of sympathy for the Finns in
their present situation, is needed
most, Liimatainen said last night,
and added that all contributions
should be taken or sent to Lane Hall.
The fund was started off last night
by early contributions by Profs.
Preston W. Slosson and John W.
Stanton of the history department.
-Goodellows-Monday -
Foreign Center
To Hold Annual
Yuletide Party
Carol Singing, Exchange
Of Presents To Acquaint
Students With Customs
Christmas comes to the Interna-
tional Center early this year, with
the University's foreign students cele-
brating the Yuletide at their annual
Christmas Party at 6 p.m. today.
The party, which is being given to-
day since many students will soon
leave forvarious parts of the coun-
try for their vacations, has been de-
signed by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
Director of the Center, to bring
the Christmas customs of this coun-
try to the Center's members, many of
whom have been here only a short
The festivities will include the sing-
ing of Christmas carols by all those
present, the exchange of small gifts
and the appearance of Santa Claus
in all his gaiety.I
The program will be .featured by
a presentation of Christmas music by
a Madrigal Society quartet. The
night's activities will start with the
regular Sunday night supper.
I nter fraternit y
Council Plans
Holiday Party
Final arrangements have been
made for the Interfraternity Coun-
cil's second annual Christmas Party
for Ann Arbor school children, which
will begin at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium, Jerome B. Gross-
man, '41, publicity chairman for the
party, said yesterday.
More than 5,000 tickets for the
party, which are necessary for ad-

mission, Grossman said, have been
distributed to pupils of all the Ann
Arbor public schools, the University
Junior High and Elementary Schools,
and St. Thomas School. However,
fraternity and sorority members, and
faculty members will be welcome, he
Six pledges from each fraternity on
campus will be on hand, Grossman
said, wearing their 'pots,' and will act
a yh r fnr fain. 1,* itic. fna 'T-nrr n

hockey earned a hard-checking and steep hillsides of fjords on the Arctic
fast-skating Michigan team only a war front, Finnish troops were report-.
4-4 tie in the scorebooks at the Coli- ed to have drowned between 600 and
seum last night, but in the hearts of 800 Russian soldiers yesterday while
1,200 spectators it was an inspiring their entrenched comrades far to the
moral victory ovei a highly favored south announced they were holding
McMaster University sextet. back the Red legions.
Before a crowd of 1,200 fans who But the Moscow radio countered
were not allowed a moment of relaxa- with the claim that Russian troops
tion during the 70 minutes of game had made advances on the Karelian
time, the Wolverines played brilliant Peninsula ranging up to 50 miles. Af-
hockey to match strides with the ter breaking through along the Tai-
fast Maroon squad which only twice pale river-near the eastern end of
was permitted to enjoy short-lived Finland's Mannerheim Line - the
leads. Moscow communique announcement
The Michigan team which last reported the Red troops were con-
week absorbed a 3-1 defeat at the tinuing the push.
hands of London A.C. showed new Boats Are Swamped
power in last night's contest, and Reports received at Kirkenes, Nor-.
played flashy hockey in front of way, on the Finnish Arctic frontier,'
Capt. Spike James whose netmind- said the Finns repulsed Russian at-
Cag highlighted the entire contest ^tempts to land forces near Lnaha-
ighitwoteams started at aefast mar and Petsamo. Avalanches loosed'
Te two teas staed at and aby Finnish blasts resulted 'in waves
pace, and the play see-sawed up and which swamped the boats of the
down the ice, until McMaster got its landing party these advices asserted,
first chance when Corson was waved and many survivors were captured.
from the ice for interference. The On the Karelian front, according
Maroons sent five men up the ice, to Helsinki advices Russian artillery
but failed to capitalize when Spike and tanks pounde in vain. More
James brilliantly turned their shots Rusiatakswerensai.Mha e
back until his team returned to its Russian tank, were said to have been
full-strengths destroyed or captured both on the
f Strength. Karelian front and in the Arctic.
Stodden Scores First Some tanks were said to have fallen
A few minutes later, Bert Stodden through holes cut by Finns in the ice
rang up the first marker of the game of Arctic lakes.
~~ofwhen he soloed the length of the Aprehc aensv. wdn iln'
icethrug th etir M~aserApprehensive Sweden, Finlands .
ice through the entire McMaster western neigbor, last night named
squad and flipped the puck past Lieut.-Gen. Olof Gerhard Phoernell,
goalie Martin after first drawing him 62, an infantry expert, as active com-
out of position.
McMaster evened the count after mander-in-chief of all Swedish mili-.
tary forces.
seve miutesof he econ peiod Finland's case was taken up by the
when George Johnston beat James League of Nations Council in a closed
from directly in front of the net session in Geneva-and was passed on
after taking a pass from Buck Leal. quickly to a full League Assembly
However, Sophomore John Corson Monday.
put his mates in the lead once again Pressing their demand that Soviet
10 minutes later when he broke Russia be expelled from the League
away from center ice and scored on as the aggressor against Finland, Ar-
Martin with a high corner shot. But gentina and her Latin-America sis-
the Canadians were not to be head- ter states were understood to have
ed, and with only 48 seconds remain- told the League it must choose be-
ing in the period, Verdun Wendor tween ejecting Russia or losing them
flipped a pass out to Doug Hender- as members.
son who blazed a shot past James. Russia's representative did not at-
Regain Their Stride tend the two council sessions yester-
Both squads took to the ice in th day.
third stanza showing the first sgns Sea Raids Continue
of the fast pace they had been set- In Europe's other war, the ferocity
ting, but they soon regained their (f the British-German attacks on
stride, and opened up for 15 minutes (ach other's high seas life lines con-
of fast, exciting hockey. tinued.
The Maroons went into the lead Four more ships, two British aid
for the first time during the game two neutral, were lost and a British
when Verdun Wendorf scored on a warship captured the German steam-
hard corner shot at 6:15 in the er, Henning Oldendorff, 3,469 tons.
period. Fred Heddle broke away less An indication of the increasing
than a minute later and knotted the seriousness of the maritime struggle
score for the Wolverines. was given by Britain's call for volun-
McMaster then put on the pressure teers from former sailors and marines
and sent a five-man attack against up to 46 years old,
Michigan in an attempt to regain On the Western Front, the day ran
their lead. The Wolverines had a true to the form of recent weeks. The
tough time holding them down, and only action reported by the French
at 13:57 Wendorf scored his second high command was the repulse of a
tally of the period on a pass from German raid and "patrols on either
Don Duncan. side."
But the Wolverines had worked too Earlier yesterday, both the Ger-
hard to let the visitors leave at the man and French commands told of
winning end of the score, and they patrol fighting on the front. The
waited only 40 seconds to get the German morning communique said
goal back. Calvert took the puck German shock troops destroyed a
from his own defense post, and after number of French dugouts-and the
splitting the Canadians' forward wall French said German patrol attacks
(Continued on Page 3) in the area had been beaten off.

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That League Banish Russia
VA, Dec. 9.-(AP)-Indications Article 16 providing for action
League of Nations not only against an aggressor.
ndemn Russia as an aggres- However, informed sources said
also probably would oust her France and Britain had counselled
e League increased today as Finland not to ask for "more than
al" of the Soviet Union on the League can give."
s charges opened. The Allies pointed out, these
tina and her sister Latin sources said, that although punitive
n states threw their support measures are provided by the League
behind Finland and were Covenant and could be applied
to have told the League it against Russia they would mean little
oose between ejecting Rus- more than giving member states per-
losing them as members. mission to send arms to the Finns if
's representative was absent they desire to do so.
eague council discussed Fin- (Article 16 of the Covenant pro-
veal for action in two closed vides an economic embargo may be
and passed it on "for trial, voted by the League against aggressor
Assembly which convenes nations).
Empty chairs at the council table
ed persons said the Argen- included those of Italy and Peru.
gation, claiming to voice the Italy's two-year notification of her
t of other American ations, withdrawal from the League expires
teph A. C. Avenol, League Sunday and Peru gave notice of
y-General, it was a case of withdrawal last April 14.
or Latin America."-Goodfeows-Monday -
reluctance to go as far asCe s
n of Russia apparently was
rapidly in the face of the Cs
ati American stand and the
suppotinlad.Cool Reception
delegation likewise indicated
support Finland oF R sp a
Hosti Finland's white- T FDR' Pla
elegate,said he would with-
detailed public statement of
" until the assemblyhap- GOP Is Anxious To Begin
committee t decide who is Poi ca Dsuson
ressor in the northern war. i a scussions
tions that Argentina might Of Domestic Problems
an immediate showdown
n in the notification given WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. --()-
tine delegates Rodo o Freyre President Roosevelt's reported desire
os A. Pardo that they wanted" to sidetrack controversial issues as
:with the Assembly immedi- far as possible in the coming session
er Holsti. of Congress got a cool reception to-
were reported planning then day from Republican leaders.
ussia's ouster under Covenant While such a program has been
advocated by Congressmen anxiou
to get an early start on their elec-
y Discloses tion-year political fence-mending,
House Minority Leader Martin (Rep.-
Mass.) turned thumbs down on it.
ins To Build "There are very many important
domestic problems to be solved," he'
®s-ui:tFl et' said, "and I sincerely hope Congress
oJ~jLL .E.1 y will not run away from them even
if it is an election year."
Speed Sub Chasers hWell-informedesources had said
Spee Su Chaersthat Mr. Roosevelt was advising his
1 Patrol Caribbean; legislative leaders that he wants Con-
gress $,10 to dispose of its routine affairs,
I Cost $5,000,000 and go home not later than next
[INGTON, Dec. 9.- (A) - The Chief Executive was said to
for creation of a "mosquito" believe that while the question of
nd for further reinforcement renewing the reciprocal trade agree-
"aribbean defenses were dis- ment law, which expires next June,
oday by the Navy. would have to be acted upon, other
Secretary Charles Edison Administration programs should be
ed that a $5,000,000 contract left up to the people in the 1940
n signed for 23 high speed election and that such a policy would
boats and submarine chasers be beneficial not only to his own
ign that Great Britain is us- party but to the country as a whole.
he war on German U-boats. - Goodfeiows-Monday -
will be massed next year at
Va., with 12 American-de- Another
d'hit and run" craft, officialsCo p
tests looking toward adop-Te
a standard type for mass ToBe Formed
on in the event they should I
oats, a weapon already prov- No Race, Color Bar Exists
3ritish, French, German and To House Membership
navies, are expected to be
n the neutrality partol.
ent Roosevelt, approved an An organizational meeting, to dis-
stregthen Cearbeanecuss the formation of a new men's
estrengthen Caribbean de cooperative house in February, will
establishing on Jan. 1 a new behlat73 pm.ody tte
istrict for Puerto Rico and be held at 7:30 p.m. today at the
in Islands. It was designat- Rochdale Cooperative House, 640 Ox-
enth district with headquar- ford Road.
San Juan. A nucleus of present cooperative
"r admiral is expected to be house members and new men who
command, subject to orders are interested is hoped to be formed
th the Navy Department and at the meeting, at which present de-
t commander chief, as are velopments will be reviewed and fu-
ama, Hawaii and Philippine ture plans formulatd, Ed Fried, '40,
oama, andp said yesterday. It is imperative that
ommandants. all those genuinely interested be pres-
- Goodfellows-Monday - ent at the meeting, Fried added.
As presently planned, the new
[ary Demands house will operate at a lower weekly
cost to the individual than the five
Or atleS dollar rate now prevailing at most of

.he other houses. The purpose of the
HINGTON, Dec. 9. --()-_ expansion is to enable more students
McNary (Rep.-Ore.) de- of all races and color to partake of
today that Secretary Hull the benefits of cooperatives, Fried
existing trade treaties or can- said.
m because the depreciation of Be A Goodfellow
currency had placed a Parties Hunt
burden" on American farmers Searching

Volunteer Student Army
Is Ready For 1940 War
Against Local Purses
Money To Give Aid
To NeedyStudents
More than 400 students and facul-
ty members, comprising the Good-
fellow Army, will cover the campus
and downtown area all day tomor-
row in a determined effort to sky-
rocket this year's Goodfellow Fund
to an 'unprecedented high.
The volunteer Army, studded with
many of the campus' "name" stu-
dents and faculty and inspired with
the aims of the drive, will begin its
activities at 7:45 a.m. tomorrow..
President Alexander G. Ruthven
expressed his support of the Good-
Alloted posts and instructions
for salesmen in tomorrow's Good-
fellow Drive may be found on page
five of today's Daily.
fellow drive In a statement given las
night to The Daily. He said: "I
heartily commend the enterprise of
The Michigan Daily in initiating its
Goodfellow drive. One may partici-
pate in an activity of this sort with
personal satisfaction and the assur-
ance that its objective is genuinely
helpful to the community in which
we are living."
Sale Supplies Fund
The proceeds of the Fund will be
raised by the sale of a special Good-
fellow edition of The Daily and
through prviate contributions, it will
be the successful sale of of The
Daily that will chiefly constitute the
duties of the Goodfellow Army.
Tomorrow's campaign will be the
fifth in a traditional series of efforts
to raise funds for needy students
and Ann Arbor families. The drve
was originally conceived five years
ago at a historic meeting betwen
a group of undergraduate leaders
intensely interested in the problems-
of the needy, and Mrs. Gordon W.
Brevoort, secretary of the local Fam-
ily Welfare Bureau. At this meet-
ing the group agreed upon the neces-
sity for a single, coordinated drive
to raise funds for the indigent. That
drive has now become an established
Michigan tradition. It is the only
annual all-campus organized and
sponsored charity drive. It is a-
ministered solely by students.
The Goodfellow drive, which last
year raised more than $1,100 and has
in the past raised as much as $1,675
in a single day's campaign, enlisted
in 1938 more than 350 Goodfellow-
volunteers who for more than 10
hours canvassed Ann Arbor from the'
Engineering Arch to Main Street.
This year's Goodfellow Army plans
to march the same field in their con-
certed attack to raise funds.
Aids Throughout Year
The Goodfellow drive, character-
ized as the student body's most hu-
manitarian project, is designed to aid
the needy not only during the Christ-
mas season but throughout the whole
year. The allocation of funds is not
constant each year, but annually the
Deans' Discretionary Fund and the
Family Welfare Bureau receive a
share of the proceeds resulting from
the one-day sale of The Daily's
special Goodfellow issue.
Twenty-five campus leaders con-
stitute this year's executive commit-
tee for the Goodfellow drive. Serv-
ing on the committee are Dennis
Flanagan, '40, editor of the Good-
fellow Daily; Carl Petersen, '40,
managing editor of The Daily; Dor-
othy Shipman, '40, president of the
League; Donald Treadwell, '40, presi-

dent of the Union; Barbara Bassett,
'40, president of Panhellenic Associa-
tion; Mary Frances Reek, '40, presi-
dent of Assembly; Tom Adams, '40,
president of Interfraternity Council
and Wilbur Davidson, '40, secretary
of Interfraternity Council and Philip
Westbrook, '40, president of Con-
Others on the committee are Paul
Park, '40, business manager of Th6
Daily; Zenovia Skoratko, '40, wo-
men's business manager of The Daily;
Donald Richey, '41, accounts manager
of The Daily; Betty Slee, '40, chair-
man of Women's Judiciary Council;
Carl Wheeler, '40E, chairman of
Men's Judiciary Council; Robert

Handel's 'Messiah' To Be Sung
Today In Christmas Festival
Four well-known soloists from New term often applied to Miss Peebles for
York, the Choral Union and the Uni- her work in such oratorios as "Stabat
versity Symphony Orchestra, will pre- Mater," "Saint Paul," and "Elijah" as
sent Handel's "Messiah" at 4 p.m. to- well as -in the "Messiah."
day in Hill Auditorium as the tradi- Mr. Hain was especially chosen for
tional Christmas presentation of the this performance because of the work
University Musical Society. he has done in this particular ora-
The four singers who will appear torio in the Carnegie Hall production.
on the program, Beal Hober, soprano; Olin Downes and other critics have
Joan Peebles, contralto; William spoken warmly of his work.
Hain, tenor and Theodore Webb, Mr. Webb has also been active in
baritone, are all Americans who have oratorio work and has been acclaimed

attained forefront positions as ora-
torio singers. The orchestra will be
conducted by Thor Johnson.
Miss Hober has won the unstinted
praise of music critics everywhere for
her outstanding work. Last year she

for his efforts by music critics
throughout the country. He appeared
in Ann Arbor in 1934 and 1935, tak-
ing part in the May Festival pro-
The "Messiah," which is said to

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