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December 08, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-08

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FRIDAY, DEG. 8; f016



.. .


Bankers Close
Annual Conference Ends
With Union Luncheon
A luncheon study session at 12:153
p.m. yesterday, featuring a discus-,
sion by n. R. E. Badger of Detroit,]
on "Investments in Relation to Cur-
rent Operations" closed the second
annual Bankers Study Conference
held at the Union yesterday and
Earlier in the day, at 9:30 a.m.,i

Ann Arbor

Here Is





Two 14-year old boys admitted to
police yesterday that they were the
persons who took money from the
First Methohdist Church cloakroom
last Sunday. Members of the choir
had previously reported that they had
collectively lost $28 from the robbery
. . . which. took place during regular
services. The boys placed 'the amount
of the booty at $16.
. *. * .

3 W "+ I 11 r Ii , WV V. .111., ;
Mr. R. P. Shorts of Saginaw spoke
on "Management Investment Port-
folios of Country Banks," and Mr.
L: R. Lunden, of the University of
Minnesota, discussed "Public Utility
The Conference was held under the
cooperative sponsorship of the Michi-
gan Bankers' Association, the State
Banking Department and the School
of Business Administration.
Plans for next year's study session
were not announced.

i ,

LIFE Magazine
5 $3.50
until Dec. 10. $4.50 after
Miller Drug Store
727 N. University

Bruises were the only injuriesj
suffered by Robert Gibson, 45
years old, of Beakes Street, when
he was knocked to the pavement
by a truck near E. SuMmitt Street
.z * * *
William L. Dawson was appointed
assistant supervisor of census enum-
erators in the second Michigan cen-
sus district yesterday. Sen. Prentissl
M. Brown nominated Dawson to the
Red Cross authorities announced
yesterday that the drive for funds in
Washtenaw County has surpassed the
desired quota. The 1939 membership
campaign has netted $7,615.
Raymond K. Klaasen,, Ann Ar-
bor attorney, has been selected
as chairman of Washtenaw
County young Republicans. Klas-
sen was elected to the position at
a meeting of the organization
Wednesday night.


Reported Russian Drive Across Finland
lBoM/Es K aaksha
Kuotaja A
Lulea Kemi
A~zano upurI
A. *. HELSINKIKotka"pl
Hangoe " WANV **
Fa F Bltsk DLeningrad
$t ckholm * La. rad
DAGU Baltiski 1
On the 22nd anniversary of Finland's independence, Russian troops
were reported to have driven almost a fifth of the way across northern
Finland from Kandalaksha (1). They were reported to have reached
Kuolajarvi (2), presumably heading for Rovaniemi (3), where the
Arctic highway connects with a rail line running down to the port of
Kemi (4). From Kuolajarvi is 150 miles to the Swedish border, just be-
yond which lie the Swedish iron mines. (5). Two Finnish refugee boats
were reported sunk near Varangerf ford (6). Finns were reported to
have sent air raiders over Baltiski ('7).
Frosh Killed As Students, Militia
Engage In BattleDuring 1890's

Of 'Messiah'
Planned Here
Handel Work To Feature
University Symphony
In Christmas Program
The University Symphony Orches-
tra, under the direction of Thor
Johnson of the faculty, and four
well-known soloists from. New York
will present Handel's "Messiah" at
4 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium as
a complimentary Christmas presen-
tation by the University Musical
It is rather significant that the
four singers who have been invited
to appear in the "Messiah", Beal
Hober, soprano, Joan Peebles, con-
tralto, William Hoin, tenor, and
Theodore Webb, baritone, are all
Americans who have attained fore-
front positions as oratorio singers,
President Charles A. Sink of the
School of Music, said last night.
"America's golden contralto" is the
name which is often applied to Miss
Peebles because of her work in such
oratorios as "Stabat Mater," "Saint
Paul" and "Hora Novissimo" as well
as in the "Messiah." She also has
been heard with the leading sym-
phony orchestras of the country.
Mr. Webb has also been active in
oratorio work and has been acclaimed
for his efforts by music critics
throughout America. He appeared
in Ann Arbor in 1934 and 1935, tak-
ing part in the May Festival pro-
-- Goodfellows-Monday -
Parley Committee
Will HoldMeeting
The personnel committee for the
Winter Parley which will be held the
weekend of Jan. 5, 6 and 7 at the
Union, will hold an open meeting at
4:15 p.m. today in the League, Rob-
ert Reed, '41, general chairman, an-
nounced yesterday.
A list of faculty and student speak-
ers for the discussion groups will be
drawn up.
Members of the personnel commit-
tee are: Reed, chairman; Elliott Ma-
raniss, 40, editorial driector of The
Daily; Carl Petersen, '40, managing
editor of The Daily; Hugo Reichard,
Grad., chairman 'of the peace com-
mittee of the Student Senate; Daniel
Robertson, '4; Marian Lendved, '42
and Tom Downs, '40L.
-Goodfellows-Monday -
Glee Club Begins Tours
With Concert Last Night
The varsity Men's Glee Club, on
its first out-of-town program of the
season, sang last night for the Fern-
dale-Pleasant Ridge U. of M. Club.
Forty men made the trip, singing un-
der the direction of Prof. David Mat-
tern, of the School of Music.
The club presented a concert of
Michigan songs and such chorus
numbers as Sibelius' "Onward, Ye
Peoples" and the club's new sere-
nade, "I Passed By Your Window."
In addition the group presented Gil-
bert and Sullivan's one act operetta,

"The Low and the Ball," Professor refreshments were served.
i e
- C-
beauty . . . here are exquisite jewels to gladden the heart at
the Holiday season..,.gifts of lasting value and remembrance.
4rAh }w.l: S

Geology Club Hears Prof. 0. Evans

Prof. 0. F. Evans of the UniversityI
of Oklahoma addressed the Geology
Journal Club last night on "The Low
and the Ball of the Eastern Shore
of Lake Michigan."
This material is part of Professor!
Evans' work for his doctor's degree.

Evans explained, is the Old English
term for what we call "Traff and
Ridge," or in more simple terms, the
irregular surface of the bottom of a
lake caused by the action of waves.
After the speech the meeting was
devoted to informal discussion and



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osee this jewelry is to revel in its heavenly daintiness,
its refinement of detail, its subtlety of coloring! Taking
the lovely old mdmtifs of Civil War days, Ricarde has
wrought jewelry inexpressibly charming for the modern
costume. Each of the five ensembles -necklace, bracelet,
earrings, clip, brooch, ring-seems lovelier than the other,

Maui at Liberty Phone 2-4411

The gay nineties were not so gay
when the local militia and students
fought it out on the corner of Divi-;
sion and Jefferson streets on the,
night of Nov. 13, 1890.
As a result of this almost pitchedt
battle, one University student, Irving
J. Dennison, '94, died from a rupture
of the artery under the skull, two
other students were seriously injured,
suffering blows in the back and in1
the neck, and Sergeant Granger of
the militia, after undergoing an oper-
ation for the removal of a piece of1
steel from his skull, was in a critical,
condition for several months.-
At the coroner's inquest held after
the death of Dennison the more or
less biased testimony of the various
witnesses revealed the facts of the
Shots Fired At WeddingE
At about 9 p.m. on Nov. 13, 1890,
Ann Arbor resounded with sounds of
the sharp firing by the local militia
celebrating the marriage of one of
their numbers. The shots were allf
blanks, but the firing itself was in
direct violation of the orders of Mayor
Manly who had warned the militia
there was to be no shooting, even of
blanks, during that evening's cele-
The University students of that
era, hearing the firing, and never
missing the opportunity to "be in on
the fireworks," rapidly assembled in
front of the Division Street house
where the marriage dinner was tak-
ing place and where the militia were
After part of Company A, which
was doing the firing and celebrating,
had fired several volleys, the com-
pany passed into the house, carrying
their guns with them. By this time
the students had fully assembled and
organized, havingialready given the
then famed "University yell." Thei
students then called for a speech by
one of the militia. After several
yells of "speech, speech," one of the
company came out in front of the
house and delivered a short, succint
talk. He said: "This is the biggest
crowd of ignorant people I ever saw."
He then quickly retired to the com-
parative security of the house.
Militia Believed Intoxicated
According to several of the wit-
nesses this militiaman, who shortly
afterward again returned to the front
of the house and ordered the students
to disperse, was highly intoxicated.
A condition which was allegedly,
shared with most of the militiamen
and many of the students on that
particular night.
Soon the militiamen filed out of
the house and marched down Divi-
sion Street, followed by the mob of
b 1

students who were, in turn, followed
by a large group of townspeople.
Somewhere during this march, the
soldiers considered themselves in-1
sulted and Sergeant Granger, who was
in command, unsheathed his sword,
waved it wildly in the air and com-
manded "Give 'em hell boys." Im-
mediately, according to student testi-
mony, the militia using the butt ends
of their guns as clubs, charged into
the students while the students, in
retaliation, picked up stones, and
various sized sticks and counterat-
tacked. It was in this scuffle that
Dennison was struck over the head
and received the injuries that at 5:30
a.m. brought about his death.
The repercussions of the battle of
Division street continued for, several
weeks. The Daily of that era ran an
editorial condemning the incident and
stating: "The affair of last evening
was the most serious and lamentable
that has darkened the history of our
alma mater for many years." The
editors promised that a "searching
examination will be undertaken and
justice will be done."

College and Fraternity Jewellery

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Jacket- 3.95 and up.rh
And as the finishing touch for that
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Hosiery is a must . . . . all at-
o n Ge Hats
1113 So th University
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$ b 20 to 30%1/
All Fur Coats




11G I F T

Three fine handkerchiefs in a practical
handkerchief case. Smart color woven
borders, each handkerchief is hand
rolled. A gift that he will use - a gift
that he will appreciate.
3 for

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in the World of Christmas gifts .. .
to delight discriminating feminine
tastes be sure to see our holiday gift
collection of exquisite street and eve-
ning bags . . . fine suedes, fabrics,
alligator and shoe kid. 1.00 to 7.50
Grand accompaniments for a gift
bag are the French doeskin gloves in
black, brown, white. 2.50 - 3.95
Angora gloves and mittens, 2.00'to
SUGGESTIONS for an unusual
gift are the Eisenberg clips and per-


/I~ - 7





i '

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