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December 05, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-05

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Toledo's Educational Emergency
Paces A Dark Financial Future



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in C ntroi of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republictiodn of all news dispatches credited to
it or °not "Otherwise credited' in. this' newspaper: . All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ani Arbor, Michigan, as
seond class mail iatter.
Subscriptions during regular school' year by carrier,.
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers RePresentative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939'40

Carl Petersen
1lliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder.
Norman A.' 4chorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canatan
Ann Vicary ,
Mel Fineberg

Editorial Staff ,
Business Sta ff


Managing Editor
Editorial - Dirctor
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate. Editor
Associate. Editor.
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Business Manager .
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager


Paul R.'Park
Qanson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
'Psychology Of War,
AAPseudo-Science ...
THE SAD STORY of the alacrity with
which the intellectuals hastened to
the support of the last war is, to members
of a University community, a familiar one by
now. American educators will remember for
a long time the hysteria and intolerance that
swept over 'the educational system during the
last war, when Professor Charles Beard was
dropped from the staff at Columbia, when
opponents of our entry into the war were jailed,
and the colleges were reduced to a palsy of
jingoism and uncritical acceptance of flag-wa.
ing headlines. This "Idea of a University"dur-
ing a war crisis is not an isolated phenomenon.
It is nothing more than an extension of the con-
sistent attitude of advocates of the status quo:
they look upon the entire educational system
as an instrument to perpetuate and glorify their
particular interests, and resent any organi2a--
tions or opinions that challenge that concep-
The American people today are faced with
arother war crisis. The overwhelming majority
of them have unequivocably voiced their deter-
mination to remain out of the conflict that is
raging in Europe. They simply refuse to be
diverted from the gigantic tasks of democratic
construction with which they are confronted
at home. They refuse to believe that their des-
tiny is hitched to the wagon of one or another
of the European belligerents. They are con-
cerned, according to the latest Gallup Poll, with
devising effective means of 'insuring our peace,
and of solving the domestic problems of unem-
ployment, periodic business crises and security.
They are still engaged in the pursuit of happi-
ness and well-being for the entire people.
These are tasks and objectives which one
would normally expect to elicit the whole-
hearted support and cooperation of the intellec-
tuals and the professors. Yet from the Wash-
ington office of the New York Times comes this
cheerful little message of hope and peace and
"Psychologists stand ready and willing to help
formulate a program for the best use of man-
power in the national defense. Official notice
of the intention of these experts on the human
mind to enlist the immediate aid of their science
in expanding America's dfense forces was
served by Prof. Donald G. Paterson of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota, in his address as president
of the American Association for Applied Psy-
"Psychologists are available, he indicated, who
are professionally trained to make application
of their science in the practical service of man-
kind in industry and in the nation's service. Psy-
chologists who were mobilized in 1918 to aid in
the World War by making practical use of their
scientific knowledge, went back to their labora-
tories with a new appreciation of applied psy-
chology as distinguished from the "pure science"
taught earlier. Now many of their students are
ready to contribute in a similar way."
We have no quarrel with the teaching profes-
sion. It is an unieniable fact that the interests
of the professors, as a whole, are exactly identi-
cal with those of the entire American people. It
is only fair, then, to remind Professor Paterson
that the American people are interested now in
remaining at peace. They are not interested

On Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 22, 44,000
Toledo school children said goodbye to their
teachers and began a six-week vacation. They
exchanged Christmas and New Year's greetings,
though it was a little early, and took with them
the unfinished Christmas gifts they were work-
ing on. It wasn't a'particularly happy occasion
for the children or the school teachers because
it will not be until the new decade begins that
they will meet again to pick up the fallen
threads of education.
What faces the city in the 1940-41 term may
be a far worse educational emergency than that
which has just forced the schools to close. Un-
less the state or federal government steps in
with some substantial subsidies, the Board of
Education will have to go before the voters with
a proposal to continue the two-mill operating
levy, which is collected annually on special taxes,
over the share allocated to schools from the
levies limited to 10-mills for all purposes inder
the constitution. This measure will expire Jan.
1, 1941.
It is possible that the present vacation, de-
signed as an economy measure, will only in-
crease the financial difficulties of Toledo dur-
iig the year 1940-41 by cutting down the revenue
which it receives from the State School Foun-
dation Fund. The subsidies granted by the
Foundation Fund are based on the actual aver-
age daily attendance of the previous term and
pays subsidies only to those state schools which
have 180-days school terms. Consequently, un-
der the present term which will be 160 days,
Toledo's Fund subsidies may be cut in propor-
tion with this loss of 20 days. The school board
-and other large cities which feel that they
are being cheated on State aid by this formula
which bases allotments on average attendance
and disregards city costs-had hoped for a revi-
sion; but the State has had experience with the
reluctance.. of taxpayers to give up additional
funds. If Toledo is to make up the attendance
and receive maximum state aid, it will have to
eliminate spring vacation and extend the school
year into the summer.
Three times in recent years Toledo has sought
school relief from the taxpayers. Four years
ago the voters gave their approval to a provision
which raised annually, for five years, an addi-
tional two-mills above the ten-mill limitation
set by the state for school purposes. (This is
the provision which will expire Jan. 1, 1941.)
In the meantime, it was found that this 2-mill
tax was inadequate to meet school needs, and
a proposal was placed on the ballot to raise
this tax to 3% mills; but the voters defeated
this measure. The latest attempt to raise money
for education was in the November election. On
this ballot was a provision to continue the old
two- mill tax and add another two-mills to that.
unfortunately, this proposal was on the same
ballot With the Bigelow pension scheme and was
swamped with "no" votes.
Toledo school teachers who play a vital part
in the present crisis have been uncomplaining in
the face of an accumulated loss of about $4,000,-
000 which will probably never be repaid. Many
'critics of the School Board have accused the
Board of paying too high salaries to the teachers.
But Superintendent Bowsher says that "teach-
NYA Estalishes
Home-Making Project . .
N ORDER to provide practical train-
ing and work experience in nursing,
child care, sewing and home-making for under-
privileged girls who wish to secure private em-
ployment in these fields, the Michigan National
Youth Administration has established a home-
making project in Detroit.
The NYA in conjunction with local civic agen-
cies in Detroit are co-sponsoring this plan which
enable girls between the ages of 18 and 24,
selected by NYA officials on a basis of need
and character, to be assigned for a minimum
of 12 weeks training period. This plan has been
operating since last June and the 35 girls who
took the initial 12 weeks training course have
all been placed- in private employment.
Each girl is given an opportunity to obtain
practical experience in several fields through
this plan. They work two weeks in the house-

keeping department, two weeks in the nursery'
school (Liberty School, Highland Park) three
weeks in nurse aide (Children's Hospital), four
weeks cooking and three weeks sewing. The
housekeeping, cooking and sewing departments
are located at the project in a large home on
Eliot Street. More time is allowed in specific
fields, in addition to the three months' course,.
when necessary to insure more thorough train-
Many Detroit women have solved their need
for additional help in housekeeping by using the
project as an employment bureau. Each week,
many girls are assigned temporary jobs through
this medium.
A committee composed of 11 women, well in-
formed in all fields of home-making, cooperate
with the NYA to make this project one of the
most efficient and productive in the country.
Heading the course of study committee is Mrs.
Frances G. Sanderson, director of home eco-
nomics at Wayne University. The personnel
committee is led by Miss Erminah D. Jarrard,
principal of the Girls Vocational School. Four
WPA teachers and five colunteer assistants com-
plete the staff.
In order to improve the personal attitudes and
habits of the girls and to teach them the funda-
mentals of home-making, a program of related
information has been worked out by staff mem-
bers. Local electric appliance companies fur-

ers' salaries must be higher in the city to meet
higher living costs, and every factor in school
operation costs more than in rural centers. Un-
der the present distribution some of the smaller
schools are rolling in- surplus funds, while cities
like Cleveland and Toledo can't keep their
schools open." In the face of past salary cuts
and lost pay the School Board is right in trying
to keep up th'e pay of teachers at least at an 8s
per cent level; and despite opposition from rural
communities, their 'surplus funds should be used
to help pay deficits in larger city budgets. But
any attempts at securing changes in the State
Fund distribution have been defeated and prob-
ably would be defeated in the future.
All appeals to the state legislature for a special
session to help out cities like Cleveland and
Toledo-who are not only faced with an emer-
gency situation in their educational system, but
are also in the throes of a serious relief problem
-have been met with retorts from Governor
Bricker that it is a matter for the .cities them-
selves to unravel. Instead of waiting until next
November, when the presidential election will
predominate, Toledo may hold a special election
in May. At that time the people may have had
time to realize the responsibility that rests with
them in keeping educational facilities open to
their children. Six weeks with the children
home all the time, or running around in the
streets with nothing to do but possibly get in
mischief, m nay strike home the true nature of
the situation. If it does, Toledo parents, and
other mothers and fathers throughout the
country who have been conscious of the situa-
tion in Toledo, will take adequate measures to
see that a similar dilemma does not occur.
Maybe the closing of schools in Prague by
Hitler's legions has little to bear on the situa-
tion in Toledo but it might be regarded as the
"handwriting on the wall." Those people who
have constantly been saying "It can't happen
here" may look to Toledo and wonder.
II feemiile
Hywod Broun
Everybody who likes the theatre should see
Ethel Barrymore once a year for his own de-
light and edification. Her range is wide and

Y i 'sr '1

deep and all the notes are
true. As far as this com-
mentator is concerned, she
is and always will be the
great lady of our stage. To
be sure, I didn't always
think so. As a cub critic,
my second assignment took
me to a Bafrymore opening,
and being fresh out of the
sports department, it was

S13y) Young Gulliver
GULLIVER wishes to announce
that the Little Leibniz League is
hereby dissolved. At the last meet-
i-ng, which was held on the Library
steps last Sunday morning at 4 a.m.,
it was unanimously voted to invest
Y.G. with plenary powers-the fu-
ture of the organization was placed
in his hands.
And so Gulliver wishes to an-
nounce that all members of the
League, and indeed all those who be-
lieve that this is the best of all
possible worlds, are cordially invited
to join the new organization which
Gulliver is helping to create. The
only condition for membership is to
know at least one chapter of Polly-
anna by heart. Here are the organi-
(1) The Tom Girdler Battalion.
(2) The Herbert Hoover Brigade.
(3) The Roosevelt Rough Riders.
(4) The Lindbergh Libertarians.
THE purpose of these boys' clubs
is not only to keep our young
college men out of the gutter and
the hands of radical gangsters, but
also to translate the ideals of the
Little Leibniz League into positive
action. We all read a few days ago
in the Detroit Times that the Asiatic
Hordes are beginning to over-run
Europe. We all read also Charles
Lindbergh's brilliant article in Read-
ers' Digest in which he proved con-
lusively that the Oriental Menace
is going to wipe out Civilization As
We Know It, that the White Race
must stand together against the On-
rush of Barbarism.
To these tasks the above organi-
zations dedicate themselves, not only
heart and soul, but body too. They
stand ready to Throw Themselves
against the Foe. Right now we're
not quite sure who the Foe is, but
we're ready to go into action all the
same. I mean maybe we're not going
to fight Hiterism after all. Brother
Chamberlain said last Tuesday that
maybe we're not going to fight Hit-
lerism much longer, but we're cer-
tainly going to fight Somebody.
Last Sunday Bro. Daladier (Democ-
racy's Champion) said substantially
the same thing. And now Roosevelt,
who is the spiritual leader of our
organizations, is madder at Stalin
than he is at Hitler. And By Golly
we're with him.
HERE are our jobs. The Tom Gird-
ler Battalion is going to keep
things moving here at home. And
don't think that this isn't a man's
job just because the Battalion won't
be Over There. There are plenty of
strikers and other such communazis
who will have to be told how things
stand. The Herbert Hoover Brigade
is going to handle all other domestic
activities. In politics that means a
return to the kind of stable govern-
ment established by Hoover, because
we will need a stable and efficient
government in war-time, won't we?
In public life the Brigade will take
over the job of rounding up the yel-
low-livered pacifist skunks who won't
want to fight.
THE. Roosevelt Rough Riders is
going to be a real He-Man af-
fair. The Rough Riders are going
to be doing the actual fighting, and
they want all the Red Blooded Young
Americans to come on and get ready
for the big day. The Lindbergh Lib-
ertarians are going to do the fly-
ing-led by the Lone Eagle, they
are going to man the bombers to pre-
serve Civilzation, Democracy, Hu-
manity, and Americanism from all
those who imperil the White Race,
Methodism, anl the Ford Motor Co.
Applications are now being taken
for membership in these patriotic
clubs. One more little tip: Better
join up before they make you join
COME ON, suckers.

Drew Pearson
' oert S. tent
WASHINGTON-Best diplomatic
information from Moscow indicates
that the sudden attack on Finland
was motivated primarily by the situ-
ation in the Balkans-especially Rou-
Secretly Roumania is a more im-
portant Russian objective than Fin-
land. And while Finland is a long
way off, and ostensibly there is little
connection between them, actually
the manner in which Finland had
-stalled off Moscow was causing loss
of prestige in the Balkans. In other


(Continued from Page 2)
eral public, with the exception of
small children, is invited without ad-
mission charge.
Student Recital: Students of Wil-
liam H. Stubbins, instructor in wood-
wind instruments in the School of
Music, will appear in recital this
evening at 8.:15 o'clock, in the School
of Music Auditorium on Maynard St.
The general public is invited.
Paintings by William Gropper and
prints by the Associated American
Artists shown in West Gallery, Al-
umni Memorial Hall, daily, 2-5, until
Dec. 15. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art
Exhibitions, College of Architecture
and Design: Student work of member
colleges- of the Association of Colle-
giate Schools of Architecture. Dec. 1'
to 9..
Photographs of tools, processes,
-and products representative of the
Department of Industrial 'Design at
Pratt Institute. Dec. 1 through 14.
Open cdaily, except Sunday, 9 to 5,
in Third Floor Exhibition Room,
[Architectural Building. Open to the
The Ann aArbor Camera Club's
Third Annual Exhibit of photog-
raphy is being held ins the Exhibit
Galleries on the Mezzanine floor of
the Rackham Building. Open daily,
except Sunday, from 2 to 10 p.m. un-
til Dec. 9.
University Lecture: Frank A.
Waugh, Professor Emerius of Hor-
ticulture and Landscape Gardening
of Massachusetts State College, will
lecture on "Humanity Out of Doors,"
under the auspices of the School of
Forestry, at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday,
Dec. 7, in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre. The public is cordially invited.
Wild Land Utilization: Dr. Frank A.

Waugh, Professor Emeritus of Land- meet in Room 319, West Medical


Architecture, Massachusetts
College, will give the following

my intention to tell all Thespians just where
they got off. They weren't going to put any-
things over on a lad who had traveled with
the Giants or John McGraw!
The review was filled with quips and cracks
and 'bordered with barbed wire. Miss Barry-
more replied in kind, and gave out an inter-.
view in which she said, "All the critics like me,
except one who I understand is a baseball re-
porter. Baseball is our national game, I be-
lieve, but after all, there is a good deal of differ-
ence between the diamond and the drama, is
there not?"
That was the beginning of a beautiful friend-
ship, because Miss Barrymore's words proved
a gift from heaven. Baseball reporting is- a very
clannish craft, and my confreres rushed to my
rescue. Four or five sports columnists wrote
long and angry articles pointing out that a base-
ball writer is the noblest work of God. How
dared Miss Barrymore be snooty about the
sports department? they wanted to know.
* * *
And the general verdict of the boys in the
press box seemed to be that anybody who couldi
tell the difference between a hit and an error
coud lick his weight in high-falutin' critics any
night in the week, and also at the matinees. Be-
fore the debate was over they had me feeling as
if I were William Winter.
But time and the stage went on, and the
magic of the most beautiful speaking voice
known to our theatre was music enough to
soothe the savage breast of the reconditioned
baseball writer. I became and remained a
Barrymore idolator. I saw Miss Barrymore in
Clyde Fitch's Captain Jinks when she played
the role of a girl of 18. In White Oaks she was
an old lady 102 years old. Now in her present
venture, Farm of Three Echoes, she is a mere 97.
I am glad that Ethel is coming down the
scale. In a few more seasons, she will be acting
her age and appearing as a siren in drawing-
room comedy. Somewhere along the way, she
ought to play Candida, not only because it is
the best of all modern comedies, but because
Miss Barrymore happens to be Candida. She
could show Shaw precisely what he meant when
he created that gallant heroine.
Farm of Three Echoes will get no prize awards,
unless I miss my guess. Somebody ran it up
on a machine, and the caste mark of Hollywood
is sewn upon its turban.
Whenever a traveling salesgirl drives up to
a farmhouse, the rest of the play is not likely
to contain many surprises for me. I know that
an old friend has dropped in for dinner. They
don't even have to tip me off with the scene
where the local yokel whispers to the hussy,
"Gal, you smell sort of different." It is a


talks in the amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building at the times indicat'ed:
Dec. 5, 11 a.m., "Basic elements.
continued-the forest and its ecol-
Dec. 6, 11 a.m., "Lines of approach
to an understanding of natural ele-
ments in wild lands."
Dec. 8, 9 a.m., "Administrative
problems to be considered in the
management of wild lands for hu-
man use."
These talks are intended primarily
for students in the"School of Forestry
and Conservation, who are expected
to attend, but all others interested are
also cordially invited.
U.S. Naval Reserve Lecture to be
given today by Commander A. D.
Brown, USN, on "The Navy Afloat"
in Room 336 Wst Enginering Build-
ing at 4 p.m.
La Sociedad Hispani ca lecture at
4:15 p.m. this afternoon in Room
103 R.L. Bldg. Prof. Dudley M.
Phelps of the School of Business
Administration will lecture (in Eng-
lish) on "Our Direct Investments in
Latin America."
The Rev. W. P. Lemon, of the First
Presbyterian Churgh, will give the,
ninth lecture in the series on "I Be-
lieve,"which is sponsored by the Stu-
dent Religious Association, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, Wednesday,
Dec. 6, 8 p.m.
Today's Events
Continued Fractions Seminar to-
day at 4 p.m., 3201 A.H Profs-
sor Rainich will speak on "The 'Use
of C. F. for the Computation of the
Incomplete Beta Function."
Sigma Rho Tau will hold a debate
tonight at 7:3 p.m. in the Union.
The Michigan ate squad will also.
meet Toledo in a interchapter de-
Phi Kappa Phi initiation banquet
tonight at 6:30 at the Michigan.
Union. Prof. Leslie White speaks on
the subject "The Science of Culture."
Reservations may be made by phon-
ing University 649 before 3 p.m.

Monday at 5 p.m. in Room 302 of the
Michigan Union. Those interested
are invited to attend.
Assembly Steering Committee meet-
ing today at 4 p.m. in the League
Independent Women: All interested
in being on Decoration and Publicity
committees for "Capricorn Capers."
meet in the Undergraduate Office of
the League tolay at 3:30 p.m.
The Christian Science Organization
will meet tonight at 8:15 p.m. in the
Chapel of the Michigan League.
Carol Sing at Lane Hall tonight at
7:30. Everyone welcome.
The Michigan Christian Felolwship
Bible study group meets from 5 to 6
p.m. each Tuesday in the Upper Room
of Lane Hall.
Tryouts for the third Chidren's
Theatre Production, "Dick Whitting-
ton and His Cat," from 3 to 5' p.m.
today in the rehearsal room of the
Ticket Commitee (Florence Gate's
division) of the Sophomore Cabaret
meeting at 4 p.m. today in the League,
Faculty Women's Club music section
will meet tonight at 8 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. G E. Densmore, 2116
Melrose Ave. Miss Alice Mander-
bach and Mrs. Helen Snyder will give
a program of music for harpsichord
and flute.
Michigan Dames general meeting
at the League tonight at 8 p.m. Mr.
Fred Benz will show pictures of Africa
under the sponsorship of the Book
Faculty Women's Club: The play
reading section will meet this after-
noon at 2:15, in the Mary B. Hender-
son Room of the Michigan League.
Coming Etents

Building, at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Dec.
6. The subject to be discussed is
Protein-Lipid Complexes." All in-
terested are invited to attend.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec.
6. Dr. J. H. Hodges will speak on
"The Photochemistry of the Ialo-
Algebra Seinar will meet Wednes-
day at 4 o'clock, in 3201 A.H. Mr.
Savage will conclude his talk, and Dr.
Thrall wil lspeak on "Polynomial
Geologrical Journal Club will meet
in Room 3065, Natural Science Build-
ing at 7:30 on Thursday, Dec. 9.
Professor O. F. Evans will speak on
"The Low and Ball of the Eastern
Shore of Lake Michigan."
Chemical Engineers: The AIChE
will hold its Fall Banque on Wednes-
day, Dec. 6, at 6:15 p.m. in the
Michigan Union. Harvey M. Merker
will talk on "The Story Behind Your,
Medicine Chest."
Psychology Journal Club will meet
on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m.
in the West Conference Room. of the
Rackham Building. Professor B. D.
Thuma will discuss the book "The
Place of Value in a World of Facts"
by Koheler. Miss Penelope Pearl and
Mr. Robert Kleemeier will report A-
cent studie° on the "Psychology of
Mathematics Club will meet on
Wednesday, Dec. 6, at.8 p m.,-in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Dr. Margarete C. Wolf
of Wayne Universiy will speak on
"Transformation of Bases of Relative
Linear Sets."
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences meeting of all members making
the trip to Wright Field, on Wednes-
day, Dec. 6, at 5:30 p.m., in the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing Drawing Room, B-308 East En-
gineering Building. Final arrange-
ments for departure will be made at
that time.
Phi Sigma meeting at 8 p.m., Wed-
nesday, Dec. 6, in Outing Club Room
of Rackham Building. Professor C.
D. LaRue will present "The Green
Folk." Refreshments.
Assembly Board Meeting on Thurs-
day, Dec. 7, at 4:15 p.m. in the League.
All 'representatives from the dormi-
tories, League houses, and the Ann
Arbor Independents must be there.
All Independent women are invited to
attend for the discussion and to sign
up for the Assembly Come Across
Phi Tau Alpha: Saturnalia will be
celebrated Thursday, Dec. 7, at 7:30

Junior Research

Club meeting

this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the
mphitheatre, third floor, of the Hor-
ce H. Rackham School of Gradu-
ate Studies. Program: C. A. Brass-
ield, Asst. Prof. of Physiology: "The
;Application of the Glass Electrode in,
H Leterminations in Biological'
luids," and J. S. Koehler, Dept. of,
hysics: "Methods and Problems in
nfra-red Molecular Spectra."
Women's Research Club meeting
and reception for new members this
evening at 7:30 p. m. in the

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