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December 05, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-05

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TUESDAY; DEC." 5, 1939



Texas A&M Leads

Vols In Second Last National Grid Poll

Trojans Drop
Back To Third
In AP Standing
Michigan Gets 13 Points
For 21st Place On List;
Iowa Is Named Eighth
NEW YORK, Dec. 4.-- (P) -The
Rose Bowl promoters won't pick the
contending teams for their New Year's
day festival until after Southern
California battles UCLA and Tennes-
see meets Auburn on Saturday, and
the country's football experts won't
arrive at their final decision on
which is the NO. 1 team of the year
until those games are played.
In the next-to-last Associated Press
ranking poll of the season, they ap-
pear to have decided on Texas A. and
M. the all-winning Southwest Con-
ference champions, breaking out of
last week's tie for the lead with
Southern Cal, moved back into out-
right possession of first place today
with a total of 763 points out of a
possible 870.
Tennessee, pushed down to fourth
position a week ago, came rocketing
back into second place after its de-
fensively powerful exhibition against
Standing of the teams (points fig-
ured on 10-9-8, etc., basis, first-place
votes in parenth'eses):
Team Points
1. Texas A. and M. (28) ......763
2. Tennessee (19) ............741
3. S. California (18) ..........709
4. Cornell (15) .............665
5. Tulane (5) ...............572
6. Duke (1) ..................307
7. Missouri ..................242
8. Iowa .....................138
9. UCLA....................99%/2
10. Duquesne.. .............90
Second Ten: 11. Notre Dame 688;
12. Ohio State 82; 13. Georgia Tech
62 14. Boston College 57; 15. Clem-
son (1) 46; 16. Santa Clara 39; 17.
Nebraska 21; tied for 18. Fordham
and San Jose (Calif.) State, 20 each;
20. Georgetown 19.
Also-Ran: Michigan 13; Princeton
and North Carolina, 11 each; Oregon
State and Southern Methodist, 6
each; Villanova 4; Oklahoma 3; Holy
Cross, Colorado and Minnesota, 1
No entries will be taken in the
Intramural basketball tournament
after Dec. 9. Schedules will be in
the hands of team managers by
Dec. 12.
Bob Luery, Manager.
Full Line of
Kaywoodie Pipes
701 Packard

By Mel Fineberg
Lions At Bay ...-
I We travelled 40 miles toward the
rising sun Sunday and found old Sol
buried beneath layers of clouds and
the Briggs Stadium playing field under
layers of muck. It rained intermit-
tently and the players slithered for-
ward on face and fantasy every time
they hit the ground. Ty Cobb, in
his halycon days with the Tigers,
would have chuckled in reminiscence}
could he have seen it. In short, the'
conditions weren't ideal as the Green
Bay Packers and the Detroit Lions
The Packers looked terrible in
the first half. Maybe they were
worrying under the strain of
Norm Purucker's suing them for
$2,000. They fumbled land they
fumbled. And on occassion they
fumbled. Cecil Isbel put on a
private feud with the ball. The
pair just couldn't get together.
But finally the lads from Green
Bay got going and by the time the
second half was well underway, it was
apparent why the Packers were on i
top of the Western Division of the
National Professional League. Soj
we confined our afternoon's work to
peering between the raindrops at Don
Hutson, talented Packer end, who
makes a habit of catching passes.

London Game
Lifts Varsity's
Hockey Hopes
Sextet Reveals Surprising
Power Despite 3-1 Loss;
McMaster Is Next Foe
The Michigan hockey team, now a
known quantity as the result of Sat-
urday night's surprising display of
power against the London AC, went
through a long practice session in the
Coliseum last night as it sharpened
its attack for the coming weekend
game here against McMaster Univer-
Although the Wolverines dropped
the opener by a 3-1 score, they dis-
played a brand of hockey which
everyone, including Coach Eddie
Lowrey, feared they did not possess.
This squad that beat them Saturday
night is the same one, which, with
a few exceptions, two years ago beat
one of the strongest squads in Michi-
gan's hockey history, 5-2.
London Started Slowly
When Lowrey's team took to the ice
Saturday, the Londoners did not
open their attack immediately, giv-
ing the Wolverines an opportunity to
take the initiative. By the time the
visitors had felt them out, the squad

Survey Shows Rise In College
Football Attendance For 1939

Wolverine Schedule
Drew 295,019
Iowa Had Large


NEW YORK, Dec. 4.-(A')-Col-
lege football attendance for 1939 rose
barely one per cent over 1938, an
Associated Press survey showed to-
Based on reports from 69 represen-
tative schools from every section of
the country, the survey showed total
attendance of 7,570,150 for 333
games this year as against 7,489,785
for 341 games a year ago. This
Spartans Capture
Initial Game 42-22

year's game average thus was 22,733,
compared with 21,964 a year ago, an
increase of 769.
One of the biggest gains was made
by Iowa's great Hawkeyes, who drew
126,000 to four home games this year
as against 45,100 a year ago.
Following are the comparative at-
tendance records in the midwest forl
1939 and 1938 (number of home
games each year in brackets):

Notre Dame (5)
Iowa (4)1
Nebraska (4)
Nor'western (5)
Mich State (6)
Michigan (5)F
Ohio State (5)
The big losers
the Southwest.r
off four per cent;
about 18 per cent.




Matmen Enter
Chica go Meet
Michigan To Send Galles,
Don And Harold Nichols
Two of Cliff Keen's varsity wrest-
lers, Don Nichols, 175-pound senior,
and Jim Galles, sensational sopho-
more 165-pounder, will get their first
taste of competition this season when
they join Harold Nichols, last year's
varsity captain and national 145-
pound king, as Michigan's entry in
the third annual Midwestern AAU
tournament at Chicago, this weekend.
Indiana, titleholders since the
tourney was first begun two years
ago, will enter two complete .teams
this year, and is favored to retain
the championship. In the meet last
year the Wolverines; with a six-man
team, placed second, one point be-
hind the Hoosiers, who had entered 16
The tournament, biggest event of
its kind with the exception of the
National AAU's, will open at Chi-
cago's McKinley Park on Friday
night, with the semi-finals and*-finals
taking place on Saturday afternoon
and evening.

were the East and
The East dropped
and the Southwest
In the East, losses



That afternoon, however, Hut-
son was having his troubles. The
former All-American was very
anxious to get into the secondary
to catch some passes. The De-
troit Lioon's line was just as
anxious to see that he didn't
consummate his wish. The job
of stopping him was assigned to
Ray George who was residing at
right tackle for the Lions.
There was Hutson trying to break,
through and there was George trying
to stop him. The ball would be
snapped and the two would sand to-
gether, both with arms akimbo bump-
ing each other. Poor Hutson was
tied up. By the time he'd get around
George the play would be over. On
one occassion he was bumped back
into the arms of the passer. But
then he got smart. Instead of trying
to break across the line, he stepped
back and ran through his own back-
field before cutting and taking the
But when he did break through
he was always covered by three
men, thus drawing the defenders
away from other receivers. He
only caught three passes all af-
ternoon but he sure spread the
* * * *


had shaken off all traces of nervous-
ness, and was ready when the Lon-
doners turned on the pressure.
After a scoreless first period, the
Ontario invaders took advantage of
Larry Calvert's sojourn in the penalty
box to chalk up their first marker.
Only a few minutes before, Michigan
had a man advantage on a London
penalty, but could not get over the
first blue line to organize a power
The third period started off at a
fast clip, and after seven minutes of
wide-open hockey, Bert Stodden
banged home the tying marker on
a pass from Paul Goldsmith. But
the Wolverines could not hold the
Canadians back, and giving way be-
fore their opponens' superior power,
fell vicim to a two-goal onslaught by
Stan Butler.
First Line Good
Michigan's first line of Jim Lovett,
Paul Goldsmith, and Bert Stodden
teamed up well, although Goldsmith
did lag a,little, especially in the back-
checking. However, the rangy center
is playing his first year on the var-
sity, and Lowrey believes that he
will show improvement within the1
next few weeks.
By shifting his alternates around,
Lowrey unearthed a good second-line
combination in Gil Samuelson, Bill
Canfield, and Cliff Dance. The
Michigan coach was quite saisfied
with the fine work done by defense-
men Larry Calvert and Charlie Ross
who went the full 60 minutes at their
backline posts. '

Michigan State displayed only a ves-
tige of its former smart court play
tonight in defeating Kalamazoo Col-
lege 42 to 22 in the opening game of
the Spartans' season.,
Michigan State was behind only for'
the first three .minutes of the game,
after Bill Maxwell, Hornet forward,
had dropped in a basket while the
Spartan guards were still getting set.
Thereafter, the Spartans forced the
attack throughout the game.
Little Chet Aubuchon, veteran
Spartan guard, was out in front for
both teams with 11 points, four bas-
kets and three free throws. Center
Max Hindman scored 10 points. For
the Hornets, Russ, Zick, a guard,
scored five points."
Net Profit Of $256,000
Shown In Year's Receipts
The board in control of physical
education yesterday reported a net
profit' of approximately $256,000 for.
the 1939 football season.
It was also announced that the
board had approved the retirement
of $75,000 worth of so-called stadium
bonds. There are still $900,000 in
bonds that were floated for the con-
struction of the stadium and other
athletic plants still outstanding.
At Michigan State 42, Kalamazoo 22
Albion 42, Calvin 35
Wisconsin 37, Carleton 19
Notre Dame 63, Valparaiso 26
Iowa State 57, Morningside 34
All eligible sophomores and sec-
ond semester freshmen wishing to
tryout for hockey manager please
report to the Coliseum at 6 p.m.
Johnny Rane, Manager.

by Syracuse, Holy Cross, Yale, New
York University, Pitt and Navy coulda
not offset gains by Fordham, Army
and Harvard. Rice was the big loser
in the Southwest.
U.C.L.A., with a fine, unbeaten
team, figures to attract 101,000 for
Saturday's game with Southern Cali-
fornia and thus will go over 400,000'
for home game attendance, highest
in the nation.
Tennessee I s
Still Unbeaten
Holds Place Among Ten
With Perfect Records
NEW YORK, Dec. 4.-(/P)-With
ope possible upset to go, the list of
unbeaten and untied survivors of
those hundreds of college football
teams which started with high hopes
back in September has been reduced
to only 10.
Tennessee's great team, winner of
nine straight and generally rated the
best in the South, still has to meet
Auburn next Saturday. The other
nine are resting, certain nothing
more can happen unless they go to
one of those bowl games New Year's
One more good team, Duquesne,
joined the ranks of the also rans last
week. The Dukes, on the verge of


Western Division
Green Bay ...... 9 2 0 2
Chi. Bears .......8 3 0 2
Detroit ......... 6 5 0 1
Cleveland....... 5 5 1 1
Cardinals .......1 10 0 4
Eastern Division
New York .......9 1 1 1
Washington .... 8 2 1 2
Brooklyn........4 6 1 1
Philadelphia ... . 1 9 1 1





Rule Changes
Will Speed Up
Cagers' Game
End Of Court Is Set Four
Feet Behind Backboard;
Foul PenaltyRevised
Since speed will be the basis of the
Wolverines basketball attack this
season, the new rule providing that
the end line of the court shall be
four feet back from the face of the
backboard, instead of two as in the
past, will considerably aid the fast
moving attack.
Practice sessions have indicated
that thiscruling will work to Michi-
gan's advantage, since it permits for
more play directly underneath the
basket. In the past, play was re-
stricted under the meshes, because
a man coming in fast generally tend-
ed to go out of bounds whether he
had the ball or not.
If he had the ball, it would auto-
matically go to the opposition out-of-
bounds, and in many instances when
he did not have the ball, the player
would be out of position to take part
in a play.
The additional two feet will per-
mit a player to set up plays on many
occasions from directly underneath
the basket, which is in keeping with a
fast-breaking game, since it favors
plays in which a man cuts in towards
the basket to take short shots.
Wolverine court fans will get an
excellent opportunity to see the ef-
fects of this regulation when Coach
Oosterbaan's squad clashes with
Michigan State in the season's opener
this Saturday, since the Spartans as
well will employ an attack which re-
quires speed.
The only other ruling which may
have some effect on the Wolverine
squad, but more than likely to its
disadvantage, is the one giving a team
a choice of taking the ball out-of-
bounds on a personal foul instead
of shooting it. If. two free throws
are to be made the rule applies to
the last shot.
Few teams will use this privilege in
the early stages of a contest, but
they will in the last minutes of the
game when they are leading in an
effort to control the ball and prob-
ably freeze it to prevent the opposi-
tion from scoring. This will be espe-
cially true when a game is close.
In such a situation the effects will
be bad for Michigan when their op-
ponent has a decided height advan-
tage, which will aid them in control-
ling the ball. However, it may just
as well be favorable to the Wolverines
when they wish to protect a small
SLIFE Magazine
u 77til D. 10.$5rsf
Miller Drug Storms
727 N. University

Pittsburgh......,1 9 1 114 2
Sunday's Results
Green Bay 12, Detroit 7
New York 9, Washington 7
Cleveland 35, Philadelphia 13.


a beating, came back to
tie with Detroit:

gain a 10-10

San Jose, (Calif.) State .
Louisiana Normal .........
Texas A. and M. ..........
Tennessee ................
Maryville (Mo.) Tchrs.
Colorado Mines.........
Slippery Rock (Pa.) Tchrs.
Cornell ....................
New Britain (Conn.) Tchrs.
De Sales (Toledo).... ..



Billy Rogell, Dick Bartell
Deal Reported Completed
CHICAGO, Dec. 4.-(P)-The Chi-
cago Times said tonight the Chicago
Cubs "had agreed" to trade short-
stop Dick Bartell to the Detroit Tig-a
ers for shortstop Billy Rogell.
The Times story, printed under a
Cincinnati dateline, said however,
that the deal would not be completed
until owner Walter Briggs of De-
troit and owner Phil Wrigley of the
Cubs arrive later in the week at the
winter baseball meeting in Cincinnati.
Badger Basketball Squad
Swamps Carleton, 37-19
MADISON, Wis., Dec. 4.-/PI)-The
University of Wisconsin basketball
team opened its season here tonight
by swamping Carleton College 37 to
19, before a crowd of 4,200.
Coach Bud Foster's Badgers were
slow in starting but late in the first
half and throughout the second
period they were far superior to the
Northfield (Minn.) quintet.


Add this to the rumor list:; Mii-
gan eet Natators Smash Three Swim Marks
fornia in a d'ual track meet some-


time late in May or early in June.
Brutus Hamilton, coach of the Bears, By DON WIRTCIAFTER
is reported to be favorable toward Michigan's record-hungry swim-
tuch a meet and if satisfactory dates ming squad came back from Cleve-
can be arranged the meet eventuate. Imd Sunday afternoon still hungry.
Michigan has traveled to the Only three pool marks were knocked
Coast twice and before it goes off last weekend as the Wolverines
W~est again thmere will probably
besa mthe AnnAroabhy provided the feaure attraction for the
be a meet in Ann Arbor. The formal opening of the redecorated
most likely date is sometime when Cleveland Athletic Club pool, but it
California is traveling East for Cwad AthlticpClurepoft i-
the N.C. 4A's on the 25th of May. was the high temperature of the wa-
hutMiciga isfiled p util ter anid the fact that the swimmers
ut 1hhich is the date of uti have not yet reached their mid-season
the 18th, which is the date of the "om t a tp e ulcto f
Big Ten meet, and if the UNform~ that sto1ped it duplicationi of
tams letafter theoegiat the amazing assault that Matt
it would take the Wolverines i Mann's squad made on the same
to the exam period. If these pool's marks just two years ago.
angles can be straightened out., ThireO Records Fall
the bears might be running tf All in all, the Michigan natators
Ferry Field in 1940. cracked three club records in the
water that could have been a lot
CORNERSTONES: Don Wirtchaf- cooler, but John Weissmuller, the big
ter, back from a flying trip to Cleve- Tarzan from Hollywood, slept at ease
land-by automobile-supplies us Sunday mght because his 200 and
h fei notes on the swimmers' 220-yard marks set in 1928 remained
with a fwntso h wmes intact on the club's books.
little sojourn . . . Ben Hayes, the
Fremont (Ohio) High School star Gus Sharemet, the Tarzan from
breast stroker, was at the Athletic Ann Arbor, just failed by eighth-
Club to race with Jim Skinner .. tenths of a second to knock off the
the baby-faced youngster who, century record as he swam the dis-
though still with a year and a half tance in :52.8 while Jim Welsh, the
before entering college, finished third Wolverine free-style ace, splashed the
in the indoor AAU's at Columbus last 1 220 yards in 2:16.4 to fall two sec-
year to set coaches agog, stayed right onds shy of "Big Johns" best time.
behind the Michigan freshman all Bill Beebe, the junior backstroker
the way . . . Though Hayes claims who first saw light just 30 miles
that he has made no choice as to what from where he saw water Saturday
university he will attend, he wore an night, wiped off a pool mark that
Ohio State swim suit in Cleveland Buckeye Harold Stanhope made last
. . . But he says that Ann Arbor is just year by churning 100 yards on his
as close to Fremont as Columbus isI fi___aE____
. .. When Matt Mann introduced his H. nERD
squid to the Cleveland fans ,he called
Dobson Burton a "pocket battleship." It'sthtoin
Before the exhibition, the club gave LEATHER WATCH STRAP
They cost no m'ore than ordinary
the team a big steak dinner but with kinds. Look for the trade mark on
Matt watching them with an eagle eachotra. Many styles and prices
to choose from. Sold thru Jewelry
eye all the eating had to be done by stores only. For your protection-
subversive activity . DEMAND AN ERD-BER

back in 1:00.4, a second and a half
below Stanhope's performance.
The John edition of the Sharemet
family breast-stroked 100 yards in
2:29.1 to knock off senior John
Haigh's record of 2:30.8 that he set
two years ago in the Cleveland ex-
Michigan crack medley relay trio
composed of Beebe and the two
Sharemet brothers went to town to
blast the third mark of the evening
by swimming the 120-yard distance
in 1:03.7.
Relay Record Untouched
The other exhibitions and record
breaking attempts found "Goodtime"I

free style in :30.2, Dobson Burton
turning in a 5:09.7 for the 440-yard
test, freshman Jim Skinner splashing
the 100-yard breast stroke race in
1:03.2 and the 100-meter in 1:10.5,
Dick Riedl swimming he 150-yard
backstroke in 1:42, and finally the
Michigan free-style relay team com-
posed of Barker, Gus Sharemet, Bur-
ton, John Gillis and Welsh falling
six seconds short of a mark that the
Yale quintet hung up three years ago.
Cat. Hal Benham and Jack Wolin,
the Cleveland's local boy who made
good, topped off Matt Mann's show
with an exhibition of expert diving
while Bill Holmes, the veteran free




Jx w j xa
Well, there's quite a buzz about this one
in the clubs and tap-rooms-fellows who
like their Kaywoodies plain want to know.
what the Meerschaum does to this pipe-
we certainly wouldn't go to the trouble


Umi w% */ ,to



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