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December 01, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-01

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Rain today-,
tomorrow so~mewhiat t6lder.

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VOL. L. No. 58 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 1, 1939


Chrysler Men
Reopen Plant;
Eight Weeks'
Idleness Ends
CIO Head Wires Approval
Of Final Agreements;
Management Is Satisfied
Regular Production
DETROIT, Nov. 30.-()-For the
first time in eight weeks automobiles
rolled off the final assembly lines of
a Chrysler Corp. plant today as 60,-
000 of the company's workmen start-
ed to return to their jobs following
ratification of a new CIO-United Au-
to' Workers Union contract with the
With a huge bank of orders piled up
as a result of the labor dispute which
kept the company's plants idle for'
55 days, the Chrysler management
was making every effort to bring pro-
duction to full swing by Monday. By
that time all of the 60,000 Chrysler
workers and a majority of the 90,000
employed in allied industries are ex-
pected to be on the job again.
Ends Long Dispute
Settlement of the dispute between
the UAW-CIO and the company was
reached Tuesday night and ended the
longest period of enforced idleness in
the automobile industry.
In a telegram to R. J. Thomas,
UAW-CIO president, John L. Lewis,
CIO president, said: "CIO members
nationally will rejoice at the success-
ful outcome of the protracted strike."
Lewis urged acceptance of the con-
tract which was ratified Wednesday
night by union members.
K. T. Keller, president of the Chrys-
ler Corp., described the new agree-
ment as "a good contract for the com-
pany and, I believe, a good contract
for a responsible union." The dispute
itself he called "one of the most
baffling and unjustified strikes in the
history of American industry."
Wage Increases
The contract grants wage inreases
and sets up a grievance procedure in
the event of a dispute over the rate
of production.
All Dodge main plant employes ex-
cept those in car shipping divisions
returned to work today. De Soto
plant final assembly workmen are due
to report for work tomorrow morning
while the actual turning out of com-
pleted automobiles will begin at the
Plymouth division on Monday. All
Dodge truck employes were on the job
The Briggs Manufacturing Co.,
which is dependent on the Dodge
plant for body parts, will resume work
as soon as a sufficient number of
these parts are available, it was an-
nounced. Company officials said that
Briggs would probably be in full oper-
ation by Monday.
Roll Call Nears
Expected Goal

Galens Hold Tag Sale
For Crippled Children
Honorary Medical Society Continues Its Traditional
Campus Sale Today In Special Campaign
To Offset Curtailment Of State Aid

Finnish Capital Aflame As Soviet






An intensified two-day drive to
raise funds for the University Hos-
pital's crippled children will be con-
ducted today and tomorrow by Ga-
lens, junior and senior honorary
medical society.
Continuing a long tradition of the
organization, members, armed with
tin pails, will be stationed at various
strategic positions on the campus and
the downtown area, ready to ex-
change small tags for voluntary con-
State Funds Curtailed
Galens, emphasizing that curtailed
State funds for these crippled chil-
dren make a successful drive a virtual
necessity this year, will devote the
proceeds of their drive to the or-
ganization's Crippled Children's
Workshop, maintained in the top
floor of the University hospital, and
to the regular Christmas Party for
these children.
This will be the 11th annual drive
conducted by Galens for their work-
Varsity Team
Debates Illini
To No Decision
Bowers And Olson Uphold
Government Ownership
Of RailroadSystem
Government ownership of the rail-
roads was the topic of discussion at
the semester's initial home varsity
debate against Illinois yesterday in
the North Lounge of the Union.
R. Erwin Bowers, '41, and Karl
Olsen, '40, upheld the affirmative
of the question, "Resolved: That the
Federal . overent Should Own
and Operate the Railroads" against
the negative University of Illinois
squad of John Anderson and John
Maki in a non-decision contest.
Michigan's affirmative contended
that the railroads today are operat-
ing at a loss. This loss is a long
term trend and private industry can't
continue to operate the railroads un-
der these conditions, so it is expedi-
ent that the government take over
the roads, the team said. Moreover,
government ownership will effect
the economies of consolidation by
eliminating the duplication of facili-
ties, providing lower interest rates,
and promoting the general welfare
of the people rather than that of
the stockholders.
The negative refuted these argu-
ments, arguing that the situation was
due to the depression, that they are
making a profit today, and that
competitors of the railroads, such as
trucking, receive federal subsidies.
They presented a plan for a consist-
ent policy for all forms of trans-
portation and for cooperation of the
48 states with the federal gvern-
ment to solve the problems that face
industry today.
Charles A. Kerner, '41E, was chair-
man for the debate. Northwestern
will meet a local squad here next

shop-a project, characterized by the
organization, as a instrument for the
teaching of vocational therapy. "It is
a general vocational shop supervised
by a regular instructor in ocassional
arts, Percy J. Murphy, '41M., publici-
ty director, explained. "The shop
affords a medium of expression, giv-
ing these children, boys and girls, an
opportunity to develop and prove
their self-confidence," he said,
First Conrtibution
i Galens deposited their first con-
tribution to this Workshop in June,
1928. The funds, according to the
organization, have procured neces-
sary equipment for the shop itself
and provided for the maintenance of
such instructional service as was
justified by resources and numbers.
Originally, the group claims, the pur-
pose of the Workshop was to estab-
lish a place where "crippled children
could do the things they wanted to
do along their own interest lines,
learning as they performed and
creating with their own hands, work-
ing alone or together on objects,
simple or complicated, for themselves
or for others."
The number of children taking ad-
vantage of the faciliteis of the Work-
shop have varied each year with the
number of children in the hospital.
Woodworking, one of the first sub-
jects to be emphasized, was institut-
ed because it was felt that this craft
was susceptible to social study and
alignment as well as valuable infor-
mational material. At present, chil-
dren using the Workshop perform al-
most all the operations in metal and
wood craft.
Cancer Expert
Will Describe

Roosevelt Sends Humanity' Plea
To Soviet, Finnish Governments

WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-(Friday)
-(IP)-President Roosevelt called on
Russia and Finland today to pledge
that they would not resort to the "in-
human barbarism" of bombing civili-
an populations from the air.
The President's message, delivered
by American diplomatic representa-
tives in Moscow and Helsinki, came
after reports of a Russian air bom-
bardment of Helsinki. It was almost
identical with messages dispatched
recently to Germany, Great Britain
and France.
The President said:
"The ruthless bombing from the air
of civilians in unfortified centers of
population during the course of hos-
ilities which have raged in various
quarters of the earth during the past
few years-which has resulted in the
maiming and in the death of thou-
sands of defenseless men, women and
children-has sickened the hearts of
every civilized man and woman, and
has profoundly shocked the consci-
ence of humanity.
"If resort is had to this form of
inhuman barbarism during the period
of the tragic conflagration with which
the world is now confronted, hun-
dreds of thousands of innocent hu-
man beings who are not even remote-
ly participating in hostilities, will lose
their lives.
"I am therefore addressing this ap-
peal to the Soviet government (Fin-
nish government in the message to
Helsinki), as I have to governments

which have been engaged in general
Possible Cures hostilities publicly to affirm its de-
termination that its armed forces
shall in no event, and under no cir-
Women's Group Sponsors cumstances, undertake the bom-
Doctor Bauer's Lecture bardment from the air of civilian
populations or of unfortified cities,!
In Educational Drive upon the understanding that these
Cancer-long an enigma to medi-
cal men-and its possible cures will New Fuehrer
be the subject of an address by Dr. -
William W. Bauer, director of thej To Lead Bund
American Medical Association's Bu-
reau of Health and Instruction, at
4:15 p.m. today in the Amphithear!e unze Calls Organization's
of the Rackham Building.
Dr. Bauer is also an associate edi- Funds For Appeal
tor of Hygeia, the AMA's health
magazine and director of "Your -NEW YORK, Nov. 30.-- ')-Fritz
Health"-the AMA's radio program. Kuhn's "successor-elect" declared to-
His lecture is "Cancer Is Often Cur- right that the jailed "Fuehrer" still
able?" under the auspices of the heads the German-American Bund
Ann Arbor District of the Women's and initiated a drive for funds to fi-
Field Army for the Control of Can- nance an appeal from Kuhn's con-
cer. viction yesterday of forgery and thefts
Keeping the spirit of its slogan froKu e adddtreasury. members of
"Cure Cancer By Knowlege," the the Bund at a meeting in the Bronx
Women's Field Army is presenting while a closed Bund meeting was held

same rules of warfare will be scrup-
tuously observed by all of their op-
"I request an immediate reply."
The message was transmitted to
Laurence A. Steinhardt, American
ambassador in Moscow, and H. F. Ar-
thur Schoenfeld, American minister
in Helsinki, for transmission to the
Russian and Finnish governments.
The message was drafted after Mr.
Roosevelt consulted with Secretary of
State Hull late yesterday afternoon.
Hull was closeted with Mr. Roosevelt
for an hour and a half and left the
White House without disclosing the
nature of the conference to reporters.
Faculty Names
Winter Parley
Panel Leaders
Rule Restricting Rackham
Building To 'raduates
Changes Site To Uunion
A tentative list of 20 faculty par-
ticipantsin discussion2groups for the
Winter Parley to be held the weekend
of Jan. 5, 6 and 7, at the Union,
was drawn up at a faculty continua-
ions meeting, Robert Reed, '41, gen-
eral chairman, announced yesterday.
The meeting place for the parley
which was previously announced in
The Daily as the Rackham Building,
has been changed to the Union due
to a recent ruling by the committee
on rooms which restricts the use of
rooms in the Rackham Building to
Graduate School activities, Reed said.
Faculty leaders who will discuss the
relation of Civil Rights to peace are
Prof. Harold J. McFarlan, Depart-
ment of Engineering, Prof. John P.
Dawson, department of law, and
Prof. George S. Benson, department
of political science.
Discussions on economics and the
war will be led by Prof. Arthur
Smithies, Prof. I. L. Sharfman, Prof.
Robert Horner and William B. Pal-
mer of the department of economics.
Faculty leaders on United States
military preparedness are Lt. Col.
Basil D. Edwards and Lt. Col. Leon
Fox, of the department of military.
Prof. Mentor L. Williams, of the
department of English, Prof. Lowell
J. Carr, department of sociology andl
Arthur Stace editor of the Ann Arbor
News will participate in discussion
on press and propaganda.
The origins and character of the
war will be analyzed by Prof. Dwight
L. Dumond, department of history.
The Flying Cadet Board which
is in Ann Arbor to interview stu-
dents who wish to enlist in the
United States Army Air Corps has
changed its place of meeting from
the ROTC Building, as was previ-
ously announced, to Rooms 454
and 452 of the Union. The Board
will meet from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
each day (except Sunday) through
Dec. 4.

Russia Broadcasts Threatened Destruction
Of Capital City Unless An Agreement
On Territorial Demands Is Reached
HELSINKI, Dec. 1.-(P)-The Finnish Government, its capital bombed
and aflame, with the Soviet Russian army swarming across its frontier,
resigned early today despite an unanimous vote of confidence in Parliament.
The cabinet, which for weeks had negotiated vainly with Moscow on
Russia's territorial demands on the little republic, stepped aside after a
Moscow broadcast threatened annihilation of Helsinki unless an agreement
was reached by 3 a.m. today (8 p.m. EST, Thursday).
Although no announcement was made regarding a new government, it
was believed a new cabinet would be formed before tonight.
Mentioned as probable new premier was Vaino Tanner, finance minister
in the old cabinet, who took part in the unsuccessful conferences in Moscow.
(The resignation was seen in some circles as a move for an armistice.
Reports were received in Copenhagen that Tanner probably would attempt
to restore diplomatic relations with Moscow and would seek cessation of
Word of the government's resignation, which came less than 24 hours
after the first Red troops crossed the border, was forwarded to Moscow by
a representative of the American Legation. It was expected the American
embassy would communicate it to the Kremlin.
Before the cabinet resigned, Russia's troops were marching into Fin-
land at points along the 800-mile frontier from the Isthmus of Karelia, near
Leningrad, to Finland's narrow corridor on the Arctic Ocean, 200 miles
above the Arctic Circle.
The Russian air force bombed Helsinki, setting fire to buildings in the
southwestern section of the capital. Newspapers here estimated the dead
at between 106 and 200 persons.
(After the extraordinary session of parliament last night, the Finnish
cabinet decided tentatively to move the seat of government to Nikolainkaa-
_ -- punki (Vaasa), a western Finnish
port on the Gulf of Bothnia, it was
War News Summary stated in advices received in Copen-
.m hagen.
From World Capitals (A Finnish defense ministry
broadcast heard in London said Rus-
PARIS-Daladier wins decisive sian troops "were all repulsed this
parliament victory, decree powers afternoon. There was lively artillery
extended for duration of war; French* fire on the border and two Russian
report "successful" attack on 'Ger- tanks were destroyed.").
man submarine; usual. jfl action
on Western Front.' Announces Hostilities
WASHINGTON-President Roose- (Another broadcast heard in Lon-
velt confers with Secretary Hull, Fin- don, from Moscow, announced the
nish Minister Procope. beginning of hostilities against Fin-
LONDON-British Parliament hears land and said the Soviets began to
Chamberlain condemn Russian attack march after three new border inci-
on Finland; Finnish broadcast says dents Thursday morning.)
Russian troops "repulsed"; Moscow The Red fleet steamed westward in
broadcast asserts Russia marched the Gulf of Finland and seized the
after fresh border incidents; air min- Finnish Island of Seiskara and be-
istry announces German plane gan shelling Viipuri (Viborg), and
downed Wednesday; mine sinks other coastal cities and towns.
British steamer Sheaf Crest off south- Viipuri, a city of 75,000 popula-
eastern coast. tion, was, like Helsinki, set afire by
repeated bombing attacks from the
Filn ' Debt *)air.
Finland s Debt aThe Russian air fleet made its
,. first appearance over the capital at
is Still Unpaid 9:20 a.m. (2:20 a.m. ESTS) and re-
turned several times during the day.
The attacks began on Malm Airport
Nation Owes $5,656,598 on the outskirts but spread to the
.Of Original_$8,233,157 city proper.
By nightfall the sky over south-
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.-(A)- western Helsinki was red with the
Finland's debt to the United States glow of buring buildings. Several
amounted to $8,233,157.56 on Nov. 15. apartment houses and the Helsinki
The nation has made payments total- Institute of Technology were blasted
ing $5,656,598. apart by the bombs.
The money was borrowed to finance Several bodies were recovered in
purchases in this country, mainly of the streets.
foodstuffs. The borrowing began in Danish Report
1919. (The Danish radio broadcast a
Finland, the only nation which has Finnish news agency report that
paid its war debt to the United States 200 persons had been killed in a raid
on schedule, has settled $880,668 of at 7 p.m. (noon, EST).
its funded debt's principal, and has The bombing durig the day ap-
made interest payments on that debt peared to have been aimed at the
amounting to $4,466,615. On the un- Central Railway Station and the
founded debt it has paid $309,315, postoffice but the bombs missed both
which is all interest, those marks. Tonight a third of the
The total Finnish national debt is city was strewn with broken window
$67,000,000, of which 20 per cent rep- glass
rsents foreign debts.


Returns Show
Total In Drive

Dlr. Bauer as the first speaker in aI
series designed to tech the public
the causes, determination and pos-
sible cures o_ the disease. Dr. Fred-
erick Coller, chairman of the Depart-
mentof Surgery at University Hospi-
tal, is expected.to speak in the near

With the Red Cross membership
drive over, returns have climbed to
within $200 of the mark set last year,
Dr. Anthony J. J. Rourke, Roll Call
chairman and assistant director of
jUniversity Hospital, announced yes-
The returns of $4,216.73 contribut-
ed by 2,355 members are not final,
Dr. Rourke said, and there is still a
chance that last year's proceeds may
be exceeded.
Tentative' returns, not including
those from outer townships unreport-
ed, are special gifts, 90 members, $1,-
137.50; house to house canvassing,
1,388 members, $1,693.83; business
and industrial, 219 members, $600.25;
group enrollments, 402 members,
$450.05; booths and miscellaneous,
132 members, $163.10; and outlying
townships, 119 members, $172.
Saturday Picture
Deadline Is Final
Seniors expecting to have their
pictures in the Michiganensian who
are awaiting an extension of Satur-
day's deadline, will be disappointed,
said Richard T. Waterman, business
manager of the yearbook. Sales of

Future Of South American Trade
Affected By War, Aiton Maintains

in nearby Astorie, Queens.
Roosevelt's Dissenters
Hold Own Thanksgiving
The dissenters from President
Roosevelt's early Thanksgiving staged
their own celebration of the holiday
Thursday. In 23 states which clung
to the traditional last Thursday in
November despite the President's
proclamation of Nov. 23 as Thanks-
giving, church services were held, and
families sat down around the festive
board in the customary observance.
It was a "second Thanksgiving" in
three other states-Colorado, Missis-
sippi and Texas-which satisfied all
schools of thought as to which was
the proper day by observing both.
Yesterday's celebrants were led by
Plymouth, Mass., residents, who
staged a pageant depicting the first
Thanksgiving of the Pilgrims and de-

War in Europe has had numerous
but not yet clearly discernable effects
on South American trade and gen-
eral outlook, Prof. Arthur S. Aiton
of the history department declared
in dn interview yesterday.
For example, general barter busi-
ness between Latin American na-
tions and especially Germany has
broken down completely, he ex-
plained. Bra2lil, Argenitina, Chile
and Mexico have been the principal
sufferers from Britain's sea block-
ade cutting off trade with Germany,
he added, and these nations now are
searching for other outlets.
Although Britain is permitting
trade with Italy, Professor Aiten ob-
served, Germany is not benefitting
from reshipment from that country.
South American ships bound for Ital-
ian ports are forced to stop for
searching at British Gibraltar, he
explained, and any amount in excess

obvious outlet for South American
exports cut off from Europe, Profes-
sor Aiton observed, numerous diffi-
culties stand in the way of success-
ful trading between these countries.
Heretofore, he explained, the low
rate of exchange of Latin American
money in terms of the American dol-
lar has made mutual trade impos-
sible. Now, he added, failures to
pay off many loans floated through
private channels in this country has
lowered South American credit.
Loans Are Necessary
In order to trade with this coun-
try, Professor Aiton commented,
South American nations would have
to float loans through our govern-
ment. One $50,000,000 loan has al-
ready been made to Brazil, and others'
are pending, he added, but Senate
opposition to these measures (espec-
ially in view of failure of Latin Amer-

Ruthven Returns From Tour
Of Southwest; Praises Alumni

signed to "save the day
tation and desecration."

from exploi-

New Year To End
Day Without Liquor
LANSING, Nov. 30.- (A) -New
Year's eve revels, if they are held in
night clubs, hotels and restaurants,
will have to be conducted with noth-
ing stronger than beer or light wine

With nothing but praise on his
lips for the alumni groups he had
visited, and bringing back a fine
western saddle and a ten-gallon hat
as souvenirs of his travels, President
Ruthven, accompanied by Mrs. Ruth-
ven, returned yesterday from a three
week tour of Oklahoma and Texas.
"We had a kind of seminar every-
where I went," Dr. Ruthven said, ex-
plaining that he would tell each Uni-
versity of - Michigan Club some facts
about the University which would
provoke questions. "Then the meet-
ing would be thrown open to ques-

Ruthvens during their stay in Texas.
In a wire received yesterday by
The Daily, Hillery expressed the feel-
ings of alumni of his district, say-
Hillery's Wire
* "Today when Dr. and Mrs. Ruth-
ven return to Ann Arbor they leave
in the wake of their visit a revival
of intelligent Michigan alumni spirit
such as has never before been wit-
nessed in such degree throughout the
great Southwest. To say that they
came, saw and conquered is putting
it mildly. This unaffected couple

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