Mostly cloudy, local rains
today and tomorrow.
Television: An Economic
Question Mark
Workers Resume
Jobs By Monday
Corporation Officials Hope
To Recoup Sales Losses
After 54-DayShutdown
Contract Provides
For Wage Increase
DETROIT, Nov. 29. -(A')- More
than 50,000 Chrysler Corporation
employes who haven't had a pay-day
for seven weeks eagerly waited to-
night for a chance to resume work
under a new contract announced to-
Corporation officials, hoping to re-
coup an estimated $100,000,000 sales
loss caused by the 54-day shutdown
which marked the automobile indus-
try's longest labor dispute, rushed
plans to get final assembly lines op-
erating again. Spokesmen said all
plants would be open by Monday.
Three-Cent %Vage Increase
The corporation instructed thous-
ands of employes to resume work at
several plants tomorrow morning for
"regular shifts." These included
the Dodge, Plymouth and De Soto
plants. Additional thousands were
called back for Friday, Saturday and
Monday mornings.
A general wage increase of three
cents an hour for all hourly employes
of the Corporation, and an addition-
al increase of one cent for workers
in all Chrysler plants outside Detroit,
was included in the settlement.
Officials of the CIO United Auto-
mobile Workers estimated the in-
creases would total between $5,600,-
000 and $6,000,000 a year. The Cor-
poration said it was "about $5,000,-
Contract Covers 11 Plants
Approval by rank and file member-
ship of UAW-CIO locals remained
to be given the. riew working con-+
tract which supplants one that ex-1
pired Sept. 30. Some of these local1
unions met tonight.
The new contract covers eleven
plants in which the UAW-CIO won
exclusive bargining rights in a re-
cent National Labor Relations Board
election. Principal provisions are:
Sit-down, stay-in and slow-down
strikes are prohibited. No strike
shall be called unless grievance pro-
cedure has been exhausted and five
days of negotiation have failed. Any
strike terminates the contract. +
Establishment of an appeal board,
composed of two corporation execu-
tives and two official representatives
of the UAW-CIO, for "final dispo-
sition" of grievances not adjusted
through routine procedure.
No Union Shop+
The management will set fair and
equitable rates of production, with
any grievances arising therefrom to
be referred to the bargaining pro-1
Two original union demands-va-
cations with pay, and the "union
shop" under which all Chrysler work-
ers would be required to join the
UAW-CIO within thirty days-were
not included in the contract.
Nor was there any mention of the
CIO foremen's union whose request
for a bargaining conference with the)
Dodge plant management led Chrys-
ler officials to charge that the CIO
was trying to "sit on both sides of
the table in collective bargaining."
Sink Will Talk
At Union Today
'Music As A Profession'
Is Discussion Theme
Dr. Charles A. Sink, head of the
School of Music, will speak today on
"Music as a Profession" at the Union-
sponsored Vocational Guidance meet-
ing. The talk, presented in conjunc-
tion wih the Coffee Hour, will begin
at 4:30 p.m. in the small ballroom of
the Union.
Under the direction of Robert Ul-
rich, '41, member of the Union ex-
ecutive staff, the series of talks and
discussions will- be continued through-
out the entire winter. The idea be-
hind the guidance work is novel, Ul-
To Talk On Cancer
Jury Claims
Kuhn Guilty
In Court Trial
Bundsfuehrer Is Convicted
Of Larceny And Forgery;
To Get Sentence Dec. 5
Maximum Penalty
Could Be 30 Years
NEW YORK; Nov. 29.-(P)--Fritz
Kuhn was convicted tonight of grand
larceny and forgery in the alleged
theft of money from his German-
American Bund.
The maximum penalty for the
portly Bundsfuehrer could be 30 years
in prison. Sentence will be imposed
Dec. 5.
There was litle excitement in the
courtroom. Spectators had been
barred from trial sessions for some
time and were not admitted tonight.
The jury entered the courtroom at
10 p.m. and four minutes later re-
turned its verdict.
As the foreman announced the de-
cision, Kuhn, in the prisoner's dock,
stood erect and blinked his eyes.
Then he sank back againt a court
railing, but said nothing. -
Excusing the jury, general sessions
Judge James G. Wallace said: "The
court feels that the verdict you have
rendered is on the evidence and is
not based on anything else. The
jury deliberated so earnestly, heard
the evidence so attentively and has
sat so long on this case that it is en-
titled to the thanks of the court."
In a monotone, Kuhn read his
"pedigree" to the clerk. He said he
was 43 years old, married, born in
Germany and a naturalized citizen.
He gave his occupation as "Presi-
dent, the German-American Bund,"
and said he had three dependents,
was a moderate drinker and had had
no previous convictions.
His wife, who attended few ses-
sions of the trial, was not present at
the end.
Out of the nearly-deserted court-
room, Kuhn was led by an officer
across the Bridge of Sighs into the
musty, oderous Tombs, where he must
remain until his day of sentencing.I
* *? *
Cancer Lecture
Will Be Given
Dr. Bauer
Health Director To Discuss
Causes, Cure Of Disease
Tomorrow At Rackham
Cancer-man killer extraordinary
-will be discussed by Dr, William W.
Bauer, director of the Bureau of
Health and Instruction of the Ameri-
can Medical Association, at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building.
Dr. Baur's address "Is Cancer Cur-
able" is being sponsored by the Ann
Arbor district of the Women's Field
Army for the Control of Cancer as a
part of its campaign to make the
layman better informed on the causes,
diagnosis and cure of the disease.
Organized in 1937, the Women's
Field Army adopted as its standard
the slogan "Cure Cancer by Knowl-
edge." Its campaign and member-
ship drive netted more than $1,200
in this district alone and earned the
praise of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt
and U. S. Surgeon General Thomas
Parran, Jr., who in separate talks to
the nation urged the support of the
organization and praised it unstint-
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of
the Simpson Memorial Institute and
chairman of the Department of In-
ternal Medicine, will introduce Dr,
Dr. Bauer has been in public health
since 1922 when he studied conta-
gious diseases for the Milwaukee
health department. In 1923, he be-
(Continued on Page 2)
British Take
U.S. Vessels
To War Zone
Neutrals Say Examination
In Port Exposes Craft
To BombingBy Enemy
State Department
Has Not Acted Yet
LONDON, Nov. 29. -()- United
States merchant ships, banned from
the Eurcaucan war zone by the Ameri-
can neutrality law, still are being
brought into British ports-in the
war zone-for examination.
This disclosure today by the Min-
istry of Economic Warfare was fol-
lowed quickly by the declaration in
neutral circles that vessels thus con-
centrated for examination by the
British Contraband Control were ex-
posed to bombing by enemy craft.
Thirteen American merchantmen
were among 134 neutral ships whose
cases were considered by the con-
traband committee ,in the week end-
ing Nov. 25. There were 85 ships,
including two American which had
been held more than a week, still
at threenUnited Kingdom Contra-
band Control points yesterday.
American Ships Restricted
(The neutrality law, which be-
came operative Nov. 4, prohibits
American ships from entering ports
situated in the combat area around
most of Northern Europe and the
British Isles, British authorities in
Washington have contended, how-
ever, that international law gives
Britain a clear right to order neu-
tral vessels into British ports for
(State Department authorities said
they had not been advised officially
of British action in taking the Ameri-
can vessels into the forbidden areas
and that therefore international
problems which might be involved
were not under consideration at
Government Tightens Hold
The government tightened its hold
on parliamentary procedure, mean-
while, when the House of Commons
approved by a vote of 213 to 115 a
proposal by Prime Minister Cham-
berlain to restrict the introduction of
bills to government measures. A
similar rule was in force during the
World War.
In air warfare, the British report-
Cd their combat planes brought down
a lone German raider off the North-
cast Coast of England.
Coastal residents watched the
b; 'tle off the Northumberland Coast.
A lifeboat failed to find any trace
of thte raider, identified as a German
K inkel plane, which the Air Min-
vry said "dived vertically into
cl -ds toward the sea."
Pi uitary Gland
Topic Of Talky
Helsinki People Shocked
Russia Severs Diplomatic
Action Comes As Finns
Planned To Withdraw
Troops In Peace Attempt
Russian Security
Is Safe, Note Says
HELSINKI, Nov. 30. -()- Pro-
foundly disturbed by Moscow's action
rupturing diplomatic relations but
still determined to stand fast, Finns
uneasily awaited developments to-
day, fearing the beginning of hos-
tilities at any time.
But up to 12:45 a.m. (5:45 p.m.,
EST), officials said, there had been
no troop movements across the bor-
ders so far as they could learn.
It was all the more shocking to
the Finns because the Moscow actioi
came before they could deliver a
note to the Kremlin offering to with-
draw Finnish defense forces from
the frontier as a gesture towards
settling their quarrel.
The offer was made by Foreign
Minister Eljas Erkko in his reply to
Russia's denunciation of the 1932
Finnish-Soviet Nonaggression Treaty.
"My government is ready to settle
with the Soviet government the ques-
tion of the removal of Finnish de-
fense forces on the Karelian Isth-
mus with the exception of frontier
customs guard forces, to such a dis-.
tance from Leningrad that it could)
not even be alleged that they threat-
en its security," Erkko's note said.
Finland's refusal previously to
withdraw her border forces led to
Russia's denunciation of the non-
aggression pact Tuesday.1
Funds NeededR
By Red Cross4
Drive Can Be Successful
If Students Contribute
University students have the power
to make the Red Cross drive a suc-
cess if they will contribute member-
ships today, Dr. Anthony J. J. Rourke,
of the Washtenaw County Chapter
chairman of the Roll Call Committee
and assistant director of University
Hospital, declared yesterday in a plea
for more student cooperation in the
drive ending today.
The Red Cross is in dire need of
funds this year due to theincreased
hopelessness of the situation in Eu-
rope and the enormous task fac-
ing it in bringing relief to Americans
and the indigent.
The county drive bogged down
considerably, Dr. Rourke lamented,
Proceeds are $768.88 behind those of
last year. The drive has nowhere
to turn except to the students who
surely have the ability, Dr. Rourke
claimed, to contribute more than the
$20 they gave in the campus drive a
few weeks ago. The Red Cross needs
the money badly, Dr. Rourke repeat-
ed, and will accept any kind of con-
tribution no matter how small.
Debaters To Meet Illini
Molotoff Denies Intention
Of Taking Finns' Land;
Troops Massed On Line
Army, Navy Forces
Prepared For Action
* * * '
Debate Team
To Encounter
Illinois Today
Discussion On Ownership
Of Railroads To Follow
Big Ten Meet In Union
Michigan varsity debaters will open
their home season at 8 p.m. tonight
when they meet a University of Illi-
nois squad on government ownership
of the railroads in a non-decision
contest in the North Lounge of the
Karl E. Olson, '40, and R. Erwin
Bowers, Jr., '41, will present the
affirmative argument in the semes-
ter's third Big Ten contest on the
question, "Resolved: That the Feder-
al Government Should Own and Op-
erate the Railroads." Arthur Secord
of the speech department is coach of
men debaters.
An open forum discussion will be
held after the debate for which no
decision will be awarded. The home
varsity debates are sponsored by the
Union Executive Council under the
direction of Charles Kerner, /'41E,
and no admission charge is made. The
public is invited to attend.
Both debaters in tonight's contest
have had much experience in public
speaking. They were teammates on
the Grand Rapids Junior College
squad that won the state junior col-
lege championship wo years ago.
(Continued on Page 2)
MOSCOW, Nov. 30.--(P)--Soviet
Russia has broken off diplomatic re-
lations with Finland but left the
world in doubt as to her further in-
Severance of diplomatic relations
between nations often is a fore-
runner of war but Soviet Russia de-
clared she had no intention of an-
nexing Finnish territory or of com-
promising Finland's independence.
With a million Russian 'troops
massed on the Finnish border fac-
ing Finnish forces that at best can
muster 400,000 men, Russian Premier
Foreign Minister Vyacheslaff Molo-
toff declared in a midnight broad-
cast that Russia was taking "imme-
diate steps" to keep her security.
Speech Calls For Action
His midnight broadcast, delivered
with a background of stirring mar-
tial music and Russian army march-
ing songs, called on Russia's mil-
lions of troops and her navy to be
prepared for any action.
The navy already has been en-
gaging in exercises in the Gulf of
Finland, in close proximity to Fin-
nish Islands which Russia has asked
for naval bases.
The official note severing relations
Premier Vyacheslaff Molotoff
telephoned the Finnish Minister
yesterday and handed him the
note breaking off relations.
At that time no reply had been
received by the Russians from Fin-
land, reported in Helsinki to have
forwarded a note In answer to
Russia's denunciation of the 1932
nonaggression treaty yesterday.
With Finland;
To Flan Policies
Heads of the recently formed Stu-
dent Senate committees will meet at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union with
the Senate's officers to formulate
definite policies for the remaindccr c'
the year, Paul Robertson, '40E, presi-
dent said yesterday.
Robertson is chairman of the Ways
and Means Committee; other chair-
men and their committees are as
follows: Orientation, Jack Grady, '41;
Bookstore, James Kehoe, '41E; Peace,
Robert Reed, '42; Education, Harold
Osterweil, '41; Financial and Activi-
ties, Martin Dworkis, '40; Housing,
Roger Kelley, '42: Rights and Wel-
fare, Cas Sojka; and Student Labor,.
William Webb, '40. .
In addition to the above chairman,
the rest of the members of the Senate
are invited, Robertson said, although
the next regular meeting of the Sen-
ate will not be until next Thursday.-
Deadline Is
Protection Of Civil Liberties
Is I portant,_Speakers Assert
Protection of our civil liberties, is1
now more important than ever, since
it is our first-line defense in keeping
this country out of war, two speakers1
told an audience of more than 300
persons at a meeting on Civil Liber-
ties, held yesterday in the Union
Ballroom under the auspices of the1
local chapter of the American Stu-1
dent Union.
.After Elliott Maraniss, '40, edi-
torial director of The Daily, had out-1
lined the program of theASU, A.J.
TParini, editor of the Civil Rights1
News, organ of the Michigan Civil
Rights Federation, pointed out the'
necessity of organized action to pre-'
serve our liberties, guaranteed in the'
Bill of Rights.
We can stay out of war as long
as "war mongers" are unable to abro-
gate our rights, he warned, for, once
they are gone, we have little way of
preserving the peace which most
Americans desire.
Trn4(e~nLf' irpnl, vdene fl tfhe rde-
gers" want to take away the right of'
labor to strike by using "war crisis"
as a weapon, he said. Thus, he as-
serted, we must use all our power to
keep all rights alive, or, when the re-
sulting war does come, we will lose
all our rights.
Mort Furay, chairman of the De-
troit branch of Labor's Non-Partisan
League, described the status of civil
liberties in this country during the
World War and at the present. As a
part of his main thesis that war
brings the abrogation of our constitu-
tional rights and that, consequently,
we should do our utmost to keep out
of war, Furay enumerated several
cases of the last war's abolition of
civil liberties.
He pointed to the conviction as
slackers of members of the Mennonite
faith who were "conscientious objec-
tors" to war service, to the unpopu-
larity then of Jack Dempsey and to
the Mooney and Billings cases, among
others, and stated that such action
is the result of war "frenzy," "News
Egene Geiling To Give
University Lecture
Dr. Eugene M. K. Geiling, chair-
man of the pharmacology department
of the University of Chicago, will
speak on "The Comparative Anatomy
and Pharmacology of the Pituitary
Gland" at 4:15 p.m. today in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Building.
Dr. Geiling is considered oneof
the most versatile men ever to ap-
pear in a University Lecture. He has
had training in animal nutrition,
biological chemistry, soils, physiol-
ogy and pharmacology. He has
studied and worked at the University
of South Africa, University of Illi-
nois, University of Capetown, Yale,
Johns Hopkins and Chicago.
Dr. Geiling will speak on "'In-
sulin" at 8 p.m. today in Room
1528 of the East Medical Bulid-
ing. This lecture is for first-
year medical students and is open
to the public.
He has made important contribu-
tions in the field of medical research.
His discoveries in the field of the
pituitary gland have been significant.
In his studies of the pituitary he has
traversed the oceans from the equa-
tor to the Arctic Circle seeking lower
mammals such as whales and por-
In 1926 in conjunction with Dr.
John J. Abel at Johns Hopkins, he
isolated crystalline insulin-an ac-
Seniors were reminded that the
deadline on Michiganensian pictures
is this Saturday by Richard T. Wa-
terman, business manager of the
yearbook. Unless coupons are pur-
chased by 5 p.m. Saturday, he said,
special arrangements must be made..
Coupons may be purchased at the
three official photographers, the
Student Publications Building, or for;
convenience, in front of the library,
the rest of this week. -
Students Take Interest In Plan
To Modernize Campus Facilities
By LEONARD SCHLEIDER hedges. This work could be directed
Michigan students today indicated by the landscape design department.
2. Construction of the new School
an active interest in future physical of Music on Washington and Ingalls
expansion of the University by sub- streets behind Hill Auditorium.
mission of a 15-point program of 3. Conversion of the old Health
campus improvements. Service into low-cost men's dormi-
The program, assembled from tories.
statements by various students over a 4. Demolition of the ROTC head-
term of years, was compiled for the quarters and landscaping of its site
approval of members of the faculty as an engineering school campus.
of the College of Architecture and This would give the engineering build-
Design and officials of the Univer- in a unified, quadrangular appear-
sity's Building and Grounds depart- ance.
ment. The opinion of Prof. Lewis M. 5. Remodeling into ROTC head-
Gram, director of University plant quarters of the private dwelling at
extension, will also be sought. the southwest corner of East Univer-
Although it provides for some long- sity and South University Avenues
range changes, many of the program's near the education school.
6. Demolition of the gasoline sta-
proposals could, according to' its or- tion and stores at the corner of Jef- ccomplished within a x.._~_ -1-+,.~- -~ , ..
was handed by Molotoff to Baron
Aarno Yrjo-Koskinen, the Finnish
minister, at 10:30 p.m. yesterday.
(The news was received with con-
sternation in Helsinki, the Finnish
capital. Other Scandinavian coun-
tries regarded the Russian action as
extremely ominous and feared there
was no further possibility of a peace-
ful settlement of the Finnish-Rus-
sian dispute.)
In his broadcast announcing sev-
erance of relations, Molotoff de-
clared that long, "patient negotia-
tions" with Finland had resulted
only in an "irreconcilable attitude"
on the part of Finland whose leaders
acted "in the interests of imperial-
istic warmongers."
"The only aim of our nation is to
safeguard the security of the Soviet
Union and in particular Leningrad
with its population of 3,500,000,"
Molotoff declared.
Solution Not Conditional
"In view of the present interna-
tional situation we could not make
a solution of this vital and urgent
question conditional upon the bad
faith of the present Finnish leaders.
"This matter must be solved by
the Soviet Union in friendly coopera-
tion with the Finnish people."
"We can no longer tolerate the
present situation for which the Fin-
nish government bears full respon-
sibilty. Our government has de-
cided it no longer can maintain nor-
mal relations with Finland," Molo-
toff declared.
Recent border incidents which he
called "abominable" were cited by
Molotoff as justification.
Russian sources alleged Finnish
cannonading caused "heavy casual-
ties" among her soldiers Sunday, and
that Finnish infantry detachments
were driven back by machinegun
fire Tuesday.