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(Great Books
System of Edwcation
Is Imprauctical Mental Gymnastics
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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Fublisbed every rmorninig except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
ixMembe of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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"$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
_ . College Publishers Representative
420 MADISON Ave. . NEW YORK, N. Y.
kember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
'Stan M. Swinton
*NMorton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan,
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
AMel Fineberg
Managing Editor
Editorial Director
dCity Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
* Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratkd
. Jane Mowers
*Harriet S. Levy
Business Stafff
'Business Manager
Asst, Business Mgr., Credit Mahager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager
ANNAPOLIS MD. a sleepy little town full of
taditional romance, has become one of the
seats of educational discipline in the United
States. At one end of this community that
dates way back to the Pilgrims, is a govern-
ment school for sailors, where strict physical
discipline, with all kinds of codes, is taught. At
the other end, surrounded by gnarled trees, are
the ivyed Colonial-buildings that house a col-
lge where embryonic classicists are made to
toe: the mental mark. The first, of course, is
the United -States Naval Academy; the second
is St. John's College, a non-sectarian iinstitu-
tion under the supervision of two of Robert M.
Hutchins' Chicago disciples.
In 1937, Stringfellow Barr and Scott Buchan-
an, Rhodes scholars who had worked together
at the University of Virginia and then with
Hutchins at Chicago, took over this tiny school
of 124 students and began a general renovation,
throwing out the elective system and installing
their "great books" program of learning. They
abandoned: all inter-collegiate athletics, tossed
out all of the modern educational frills and set
about to teach men to think. And they thought
the only way to do this was to plan a rigid
four-year course 'dealing only with the "great
minds" of the past. This was to be no place
where a man learned how to get a job; St.
John's was to be a haven for scholars, where
a man could spend four years in contemplation,
not bothering himself with such unimportant
details as political and social reforms or eco-
nomics or contemporary literature,
' A PROGRAM was set up that goes some-
thing like this: four years of mathematics at
five hours a week. Five hours a week for four
years of Greek, Latin, French, and German re-
spectively, Three hours a week of laboratory
work: mathematical, physical, chemical, and bio-
chemical. One hundred and twenty-eight class-
ics must be read in the four years, with the
student prepared to attack or defend each one.
These include, among others, the following:
First year: Homer, Herodotus, Aeschylus,
Sophocles, Euripedes, Aristophanes, Plutarch,
Lucian, Plato, Aristotle, and Archimedes. Second
year: Tacitus, Virgil, Justinian, Dante, Chaucer,
Cervantes, Cicero, Ptotinus, Augustine, Thomas
Aquinas, Appollonius, Ptolemy, Leonardo da
Vinci, and Descartes. Third year: Shakespeare,
Milton, Rabelais, Racine, Moliere, Erasmus,
Montaigne, Machiavelli, Pascal, Fielding, Gib-
bon, Voltaire, Swift, Calvin, Spinoza, Bacon,
Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Kant, Newton, Leibnitz,
Lavoisier, and Dalton. Fourth year: Goethe
Rousseau, Adam Smith, Malthus, Marx, Zola,
Balzac, Flaubert, Thackeray, Dickens, Ibsen,
Dostoevski, Tolstoi, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Bent-
ham, Mill, Freud, Russell, Darwin, and Faraday.
N DESCRIBING the kind of graduate they
are trying to mould, Barr said: "For four
years he will have cont6rted with great minds
. . .'He will not be a specialist in anything bu
he will know how to apply his mind to whatever
he wishes to master . . . He is likely not to
make a million, but will probably earn a good
livelihood because ' he knows how to use his
head and was learning to work in the years
which most college boys spending in learning
to loaf and dodge."
This is what you might call going after cul-
ture in a big way, and, while there are soa
points to be made in its favor, it must be noted
that such an educational program is completely
out of place in a dynamic world such as ours.
The graduate of the "great books" program
comes out of his four cloistered years and is no
more ready and fit to take his place in con-
temporary living than if he had never attended
college at all. True, he has learned to think,
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Lindy Hits
7 eiling Zero . .
N AN ARTICLE recently written by
Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, the
famous flying hero joins that select group of
'Americans like Dorothy Thompson and Walter
' Lippmann who bemoan the disregard of peoples
of "Western Civilization" for menaces from out-
According to the article, among the nations
of the world today there "is no way to reappor-
tion the world's wealth as tides of human char-
acter ebb and flow--except by strength of
,armies." In other words, peace on earth today
is impossible without the threat of armed force
'to back it up. It is a restatement of the bestial
law that "might makes right." The Colonel fails
to see any means to settle disputes and econom-
ic inequalities other than war. Arbitration or
some other peaceful method is impossible, he
thinks. Not many years ago, and until very
recently, a booming voice bellowed forth the
same doctrines across the mountains and plains
of Italy.
Not merely content to mimic Mussolini, Lind-
bergh broaches the superiority of the White race
in the typical style of Der Fuehrer. "It is time
to turn from our quarrels and build our White
ramparts again. (Again?) This alliance with
foreign races means nothing but death to us. It
is our turn to guard our heritage from Mongol
and Persian and Moor, before we become en-
gulfed in a foreign sea." Here is the feeling
that there is no hope of achieving anything for
the good of the white race by an alliance with
the Chinese people; that possibly the people of
India with Gandhi in the lead must be thrown
into the Ganges River; that Arabians. EgyptiaS
and others will be cowed into submission because
it must be hopeless to expect anything good from
The airinan outdoes any previous attempts at
anything of similar nature in his proposal for
a defense of the race. "Our civilization depends
on a united strength among ourselves; on a
strength too great for foreign armies to chal-
lenge; on a Western Wall of race and arms
which can hold back a Genghis Khan or the in-
filtration of inferior blood; on an English fleet,
a German air force, a French army, an American
nation standing together as guardians of our
common heritage, sharing strength, dividing in-
fluence." Echoes of Hitler's rabid anti-semi-
tism and pro-Aryanism are recalled by th
Colonel. His formidable array of international
power would make any resistance to domina-
tion of the planet by the White race kowtow and
submit. It is the doctrine of Naziism on an in-
ternational scale.
Summing up what the Colonel said: "our civi-
lization depends upon peace among Western
nations and therefore on united strength, for
Peace is a virgin who dares not show her face
without Strength, her father, for protection.
We can have peace and security only so long
as we band together to preserve that most price-
less possession, our inheritance of European
blood, only so long as we guard ourselves against
attack by foreign armies and dilution by foreign
There are those who will still say that the
Colonel is well-meaning with only the good of
America in mind, that any attack upon his
views is unkind and unfair because he is an
American hero. But Lindbergh is no longer the
quiet hero we commonly associate with him;
his speeches and writings °are neither innocent
he has developed taste for fine literature and
is well-versed in all acadermic fields. But the
point is that he has received no training in
applying what he has learned to modern living.
He is not fittedtoassume 1his place near the top
of our society, to lead the people, to help them,
to educate them in the best ways of life. He
is nothing more than a pedagogue, an imprac-
tical academcian.
4 S WE have noted above, the idea is fine. But
the emphasis should be taken of this "cul-
ture" idea. There is no really need for mathe-
matics; Latin or Greek per se and many of the
so-called classics could be done away with.
Then, too, there should be somenchoice in the
matter of courses, to allow for variety of inter-
ests. And, to the list of "great books," we would
add: Henry Adams' Education of Henry Adams;
Charles Beard: Rise of American, Civilization
and An Economic Interpretation of the History
of the United States; Henri Bergson: Creative
Evolution; Franz Boas: The Mind of Primitive
Man; Van Wyck Brooks: Three Essays on Amer-
ica; Herbert Croly: The Promise of American
Life; John Dewey: Experience and Nature;
Reconstruction in Philosophy; Havelock Ellis:
Studies in the Psychology of Sex.
Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf; William James:
Pragmatism; P. A. Kropotkin: The Conquest of
Bread; Joseph Wood Krutch: The Modern Tem-
per; Harold Laski: Authority in the Modern
State; V. I. Lenin: State and Revolution; Robert
S. Lynd: Middletown; Vernon Parrington: Main
Currents in American Thought; George Santay-
ana: A Life of Reason; George Bernard Shaw:'
Prefaces; Upton Sinclair: The Brass Check; Lin-
coln Steffens: Autobiography of Lincoln Stef-
fens; John Strachey: The Coming Struggle for
Power; William Suner: Folkways; Thorstein
Veblen: The Theory of Business Enterprise;
The Theory of the Leisure Class; H. G. Wells:
New Worlds For Old; and Graham Wallas: The
Great Society.
Of ALL Things! . .
. . .. ByMorty-Q ... .
THE boys and girls at the University are hav-
ing lots of fun. The boys are hollering be-
cause they can't get into the JGP. The girls are
squawking because the nasty old boys don't want
to let them take part in the newly revived Mimes
Opera. A short time ago, Mr. Q. offered a sug-
gestion that he thinks would work out wonder-
fully well. Let the boys take the part of girls
in the JGP and the girls take the part of men
in the opera and no one would be the wiser.
At any rate, the controversy that isn't exactly
raging, but which is stirring up a little excite-
ment among those who can think of nothing
else to get excited about has prompted one of
the very few contributions this space has re-
ceived. Once again, Mr. Q. should like to re-
mind his readers-sometimes (called Mom and
Pop-that he is always eager to receive any notes
that may be worth noting.'
A FEW days ago, Shirley Wallace wrote an
editorial saying that women should be
allowed to participate in the opera. Mr. Q.
doesn't know the exact details but he is inclied
to agree because, even if you say no and abso-
lutely forbid them to come around they'll find
some way of horning in anyhow. Fatalism, if
you like, but, oh, how true. So here is a letter
received this morning, advising Miss Wallace
that a woman's place is in a fog, and would she
please take her dollies and go home.
Will you please try once more to explain to
me your reason why women should be allowed to
participate in the Union Opera? About all I've
gotten out of your pleas thus far is the rather
hysterical note: Gosh, girls, here's a chance for
us to get some publicity and these men are going
right ahead with their plans as if we didn't
Of course there's Miss Wallace's point that the
only reason women want a part in the Opera is
to give the feminine portion of the campus some
incentive for interest in the production. They
are really sincere, she says, in wanting the
Opera revived, and they deplore the men's ob-
liviousness to a factor that may spell the differ-
ence between success and failure.
All of which is spreading it pretty thickly,
Miss Wallace. In the first place, women won't
come to the Opera to see women. And too, we
have yet to observe anything come out of the
Junior Girls' Play-which we take as a criterion
of the caliber of help we might expect from the
ladies-that could be advantageous even to the
Children's Theatre. Frankly, Miss Wallace, we
are skeptical that the biggest boost women could
give the Opera would lift it a hair's breadth
closer to success.
We realize the desperate situation of you and
your cohorts who would like to see yourselves
before the footlights. Play Production draws
its actresses entirely from the drama classes, and
JGP is a sort of phantasmagoria that doesn't
allow a girl to show much more than her legs.
But, sympathetic as we may be individually, we
cannot collectively permit any sacrifice to weak-
en our show. The men did give women a share
in the 1918 production-and it was one of the
least successful in the Opera's history, though
other factors than the negative influence of
women might have been responsible
Whether you think so or not, Miss Wallace,
those men who are in charge of the Opera's re-
vival will make any move, accept any suggestion,
that they believe will help this year's Opera
toward success. Your proposal has been con-
The Editor
Gets -Told ..
Still Mystified
To the Editor:
I have read with much interest
this morning Professor Slosson's let-
ter and Gulliver's reply thereto, and
I must confess that I am still mysti-
fied as to just what the position of
The Daily Editorial Staff is as to the
point of view that an American citi-
zen should take in desiring a prac-
ticable solution for the present ills
of the world.
As The Daily editorials this year
have been along substantially the
lines of Mr. Gulliver's writings, I
assume that the editors are in sub-
stantial agreement as to what they
desire. I feel that the campus would
appreciate very much knowing just
what the position of the editors is.
Might we have a direct answer to the
followingconcrete questions?.
1. Of the three alternative posi-
tions pointed out by Mr. Slosson,
American Nationalism, Russian In-
ternationalism, Tolstoian Pacifism,
which position do the editors take?
2. If the editors do not accept any
one of these alternatives but do have
a logical position which Mr. Slosson
overlooked, what is it?
3. In the same issue of The Daily
in which appeared the Sloson letter
and the Gulliver reply, was a reportI
of the investigation by The Daily
staff as to student opinion on the
question of, "Who should have the
victory at the end of the War?" it
appears that 68 per cent of the stu-
dent body desire an allied victory, 2
per cent desire a German victory,t
and 20 per cent desire that there be
no victory. I am assuming from my
reading of this year's editorials that
the members of The Daily staff are
among the 20 per cent group. Clear-
ly, a vote for no victory for anyonee
means a continuance of the-presents
status quo with Poland dismembered
between Germany and Russia, and
Czechoslovakia and Austria still in
German hands. This third question
is: Do the editors believe that such
an ending of the war would be pre-t
ferable to an allied victory?t
May I make the further requestc
that in their replies to the aboveF
questions, the editors be positive and
not negative, ahd that they take ap
firm and certain position rather than4
discuss abstract theories.-
-John E. Tracyt
(Editor's Note: The editors wish tov
point out in partial reply to Professor
Tracy's letter that, under point num-
ber one as listed above, they refuse,
to accept either of the three posi-
tions on the war suggested by Profes-
sor Slosson. A "logical position" onc
the war, and discussion of questionn
number three above will be includeda
in aneditorial appearing in Sunday's
Drew Pedrson
Rober S.Allent
WASHINGTON - If Senators
Wheeler and Vandenberg really in-
vestigate the faulty construction of
the Navy's brand new warships, theyp
will find a lot of interesting thingsr
which the public and Congiess nevert
has heard about.+
They will find, for instance, a sortt
of social registry within the Bureaus
of "Engineering" and of "Construc-
tion and Repair" whereby 110 com-
missioned officers rule the roost. Un-g
der them, and distinctly subordinateF
regarding both authority and socialC
position, are the civilian naval archi-d
tects and engineers. Chief differ-
ence is that one group went to An-
napolis and the other did not.
Naval Architects Best 3
The civilian naval architects ares
among the best in the country, some
of their names are well-known
thoughout the ship-building indus-
try. And in previous years some ofa
these civilians used to be in charge1
of technical sections. Recently,
however, more and more AnnapolisV
graduates have come ashore toT
supersede them.
No one in the Navy is shouting
about it, but the flaws just discovered
in the new destroyers were suspect-
ed by these civilian architects and
engineers. The private shipbuilderst
also questioned the destroyers' de-
signs, fearing they would be top-r
heavy. However, the 110, commis-'
sioned officers are not accustomed to
having their word challenged, and
their instructions were carried out.I
RESULT: About 20 of the 28 new
destroyers Will have to have their.
keels leaded to keep them from roll-
ing over in the water..
What Price Ships?
Another point which the Senate j .
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29, 1939
VOL. L. No. 56
Sophomores, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Elections for
the second semester are now being
approved by the Academic Coun-
selors. You will be notified by post-
card to see your Counsellor, and it
will be to your decided advantage to
reply to this summons promptly. By
so doing, you will be able to discuss
your program carefully with your
Counselor and avoid the rush and
confusion at the end of the semester.
Remember that there will be no op-
portunity for you to see your Coun-
selor during the final examination'
Seniors: College of L.S. and A.,
School of Education, School of For-
estry and Conservation, and School
of Music:
Tentative lists of seniors have been
posted on the bulletin board in Room
4, U. Hall. If your name does not ap-
pear, or, if included there, it is not
correctly spelled, please notify the
counter clerk.
University Girls' Clee Club: No re-
hearsal tonight. Regular rehearsal
Thursday, Nov. 30, at 8 p.m. in Game
Room of "League. Attendance con-
Twilight Organ Recital: Catharine
Crozier, Guest organist, a member of
the faculty of the Eastman School
of Music, Rochester, New York, will
give a recital on the Frieze Memorial
Organ in Hill Auditorium, this af-
ternoon at 4:15 p.m. The general
public, with the exception of small
children, is invited without admis-
sion charge.
University Lecture: Dr. E. M. K.
Geiling, Professor and Chairman ofI
the Department of Pharmacology of3
the University of Chicago, will lecture
on "The Comparative Anatomy and
Pharmacology of t h e Pituitary
Gland," under the auspices of the De-
partment of Biological Chemistry, at
4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 30, in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. All Medi-
cal School classes will be dismissedt
to permit the students to attend this
lecture, The public is cordially in-
Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr.
E.M.K. Geiliing, Professor of Phar-
macology at the University of Chi-
cago, will speak to the first yeart
medical students on "Insulin" at 8
a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 30, in Room
1528 East Medical Building. Allt
those who are interested are cordiallyI
invited to be present.t
Dr. Mary Shattuck Fisher will givet
the fifth lecture in the Marriage
Relations Series tonight at 7:30, in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Miss Helen Hall will lecture'and
show slides today at 4:15 p.m. in
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall on
the Masterpieces of Art Exhibition,I
now on view at the Detroit Institute
of Arts. Especially for students in
Fine Arts; all others interested are
Today's Events
Chemistry Colloquium today at 4:15
p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg
Program: Mr. J. L. Sheldon: "A}
Study of Ferric Hydroxide Precipitat-
ed by Urea and its Use in Quantita-,
tive Separations."
Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering Seminar: today at 4 p.m.
in Room 3201 East Engineering Bldg.
Program: Mr. M. Standing: "ElectricY
Oil Well Logging." Graduate stu-i
dents in Chemicaland Metallurgical.
Engineering are invited.
Algebra Seminar today at 4 p.m. in'
3201 Angell Hall. Program: Profes-
sor Rainich and Mr, Savage: "Ab-
stract ideal Theory."
A.S.M.E. meeting tonight at 7:30
at the Union. Program: Dr. Ernest
J. Abbott of Physicist Research Co.:
"Superfinish," to be demonstrated
with his profilometer, an instrument
used in the determination of surface
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
this does not account for all of the?
tremendous boost in price.;
The price of a battleship also has
mounted, so that one battleship now
costs as much as the entire Rocke-
feller Radio City in New Ywork.
NOTE: Acting Naval Secretary
Edison is doing his best to bring
greater efficiency to the Navy, and
has appointed two good men, Admir-
als A. H. Van Keuren and S. M. Rob-
inson in charge of Construction and
Repair and the Bureau of Engineer-
ing. Aside from three men at the
top, however, there has been prac-
ences meeting tonight at 7:30 in Room
1042 East Engineering Bldg. Program:
"Aviation Fuels' by Prof. Edward T.
Vincent. Arrangements will be made
for the trip to Wright Field, Dayton,
Ohio, on'Dec. 8.'
Alpha Nu meeting tonight at 7:30
Alpha Nu Loom, Angell Hall.
Sigma Eta Chi meeting tonight
from 5 to 7,:30 p.m.
Economics Club: meets tonight at
7:45 in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Program: "Experiences with "Mini-
mum Wage Committees" by Pofes-
sors Z. C. Dickinson and E. M. Hoov-
er. Graduate students and 'staff
members in Economics and Business
Administration are cordiaIly invited.
International Center: Musical pro-
gram tonight from 7 to 9:30 p.m.
which includes Overture to Der
Freischutz by Weber, Minuet from
Don Giovanni by Mozart, Campanella
by Paganidi-Liszt, and the Symphony
in D Minor by Cesar Franck.' Eery-
one cordially invited.
.G.P. Central Committee meeting
today at 4:30 p.m. at the League.
American Student Union meeting
today at 4 p.m. in the Michigan
Union. Program devoted to "Civil
Liberties; Our First Line of Defense
Against War," film: "Anierica's Dis-
inherited," and speaker, A, J. Tarini.
La Socieda Hispanica picnic this
afternoon at Newkirk farm. Meet in
front of the Union at 5 p.m. for
transportation. Make reservations
with Mr. Mercado or Daisy Bihary.
Women Students: General meeting
today at 4:15 p.m. at Women'sAth-
letic Building for those iltereted in
working on Hobby House.
Michigan Union Opera: Schedule
of tryouts for dancing, singing, and
acting to be conducted in the desig-
nated rooms of the Union:
Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., Room 305.
Thursday, 7-9 p.m., Room 304.
All eligible men interested may try-
Sophomore Cabaret tap dancing
group will meet today at 4 p.m. at
the League.
Hostess Committee of Sohmonore
Cabaret meeting today at 4 O.m. at
the League. All names and definite
times must be handed in then.
Women's Swimming Club meeting
today at 4 p.m. at the Union Pool.
A.A.U.W. Travel Group: meeting
this evening at 8 p.m at thIe Ieague.
Program: Lecture and moving pic-
tures of Hawaii by Mrs. Jessie Ellis
of the School of Business Adminis-
Hillel Camera Club-meets tonight at
7:30 at the Hillel Foundation.
Hillel Foundation: Alfred J. kahn,
national"secretary of Avukabh, will
speak tonight at 7:30 at the 'Hillel
Foundation. All members and other
students cordially invited.
Hillel Class in Jewish History will
meet tonight at 7:15 at the 'Hillel
Foundation. .
Coingc Events
Sigma Xi: meeting in the 'Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building on
Thursday, Nov. 30, at 8 p.m. Mr.
William C. Hollands of the Univer-
sity Bookbindery will speak on "Book-
binding, Past and Present." Refrsh-
Varsity Glee Club: Vey important
rehearsal for all members Thursday
evening, Nov. 30, 7:30, "Trial By
Cercle Francais meeting on Thurs-
day, Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. in 408 R.L.
A one-act comedy will 'be presented.
Upper Peninsula Men: Reservations
for the annual Hiwatha Club ban-
quet, to be held Thursday night, may
still be had by phoning Bill Jackson,
Club Sec'y. The banquet is 'at 6:30
p.m. at the Union. Program: Talk by
Professor John Muyskens of the
Speech Dept.
Recital of Poetry: Miscellaneous
short poems will be given by students
from the classes in Oral Interpreta-
tion, Speech 43, on Thursdayr, Nov.
30 at 3 p.m. in Room 205 Mason Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
Iee Skating Class for University
wqmen will meet at, 4 p.m. on Priday
at the Coliseum.
Ballet Dancing Group for Sopho-
more Cabaret will meet at 4:30 p.m.
Thursday in the League.
Booths and Exhibits Committe for
Sophomore Cabaret will meet at 4
p.m. Thursday, in the League.
Quotable Quotes
"Never allow yourself to become a 'case' if you
can help it; and never froth at the mouth about
things. That's the trouble with too many people.
They froth at the mouth because they're reading
the same newspaper too much. They get all
scared about what they think Germany's going
to do. They get all worried about 'reds' in the
country. They get frothed up about what's go-
ing to become of democracy. And all the time
they forget that there are limitations to all
things; that there always is a balance to every-
thing." Harvard University's famed poet, Robert
Frost. says that's the reason his life has been
"all holidays," whether he's working or playing.
"I firmly believe that an integrated study of
the social sciences and the humanities will leave
our engineering students less susceptible to the
prevailing shibboleths, cliches and slogans re-
garding race, creeds and political programs.
Stereotyped thinking is swifter and less pain-
ful, but it is far more dangerous in these days
When adaptability is necessary for survival." Dr.
E. S. Burdell, director of Cooper Union, asks for
less "engin" in engineering.
--Associated Collegiate Press
The Ohio Wesleyan Transcript raises the age-
old question:
"Should I 'plant one one her' and get slapped
or leave her unkissed and broken-hearted?"
"That, according to bull session talk, is the
great question in the minds of men concerning
when or if the,girl should be kissed after a date.
"It depends upon the man," chorused 20
women on the Ohio Wesleyan campus.
The women were asked, and they told the
men. We can't be too critical of the women,
because as a friend of ours suggests, look what
she has to put up with.
-Ohio State Lantern
They don't want peace which must be backed