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November 28, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-28

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TUESDAY, NOV.28, 1989

Career Talk Cook's Gifts
Will Be Given -
Provided B
By Dr. Bauer
w" ...... ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~..............:t..j:: :" {A1Lt:r ":'}'':{V~t:mt'. }."
AMA Director To Speak
On 'Cures For Cancer'
Before Women's Group4
Dr. William W. Bauer, director ofr
the Bureau of Health and Instruc-
tion of the American Medical Asso-
ciation, will speak at 4:15 p.m. Fri- .
day in' the Amphitheatre of the z
Rackham- Building on the subject.
"Is Canceri' Curable?"
.Dr. Bauer's address is under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor district
oftthe Women's Field Army fo the
Control of Cancer. His lecture is a:
part of the campaign to make the
layman better informed in regard to
theY causes,"determination and cure
of cancer.,
Introduced By Sturgis
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of
the Simpson Memprial Institute ann Universit's Larget Benefa
chwa mn .of the Department of in- U vest'Lageten a
terna'l Medicine, will introduce Dr. li Will Under I
Dr WeBauer began his career in pub- By WILIAM ELMER
lic health in 1922 and 1923 when B ILA LE
he served as an epidemiologist study- In April, 1922, the Board of Re-
ing contagious diseases for the Mil- gents received an anonymous letter
waukee. Department of Health. In offering to back financially a pro-
1923, he became Commissioner of gram for legal research including a
Public Health and Superintendent of provision for a building on South
Charities in Racine Wis. He served University Avenue furnishing sleep-
inths capacity until 1931 when he ing and dining accommodations for
took his present' position with the 150 law students. Although the pro-
American:Medical Association . ferrer of this generous gift did not
In 'addition to serving as the realize it at the time, he was going
AMA's director of the Bureau of to later increase his gift to provide
IUealth and Instruction, Dr. Bauer is for one of the greatest legal educa-
an."associate editor of Hygeia, the tion plants in the United States.
AMA's health magazine, and direc- This man was William W. Cook,
tor of, the AMA's radio program, '82L, of New York City who never
"Your Health." saw the completion of the buildings
Member of Ten Committees he later endowed.
He-is a member of 10 national com- Total $16,000,OOe
mittees dealing with health prob- Mr. Cook's gifts to the University
lems Among these, he serves as finally totaled nearly $16,000,000,
chairman of the Section of Health making him the largest benefactor
Education of the American Public of the University. His gift was not
Health Association and as a mem- the result of any sudden impulse,
ber of the Joint Committee on Health however, for it is recorded that as
Problems in Education of the Na- early as 1918, he had tentatively
tional Education Association and the agreed to furnish money for the
AMA. ..erection of the dormitory and dining
He has written several books in- hall, and had already acquired the
clding, "Health, Hygiene and land for the purpose. That piece of
H1o e y ;" 'Contagious Diseases, land is where the present museum is
"Health Questions, Answered," and located. But the plan was dropped
is a co-author of "Your Health Dra- in .1919. Later President Harry B.
matized." Hutchins made the suggestion to Mr.
'_________ Cook that the University needed
some new legal equipment and build-
ightsEqualWages ings. Mr. Cook immediately indicat-
LANSING, Nov. F 27. -(A')-The ed that he was interested, and in 1920
Genbral - Motors Corporation today a fora Law School building,
tranrfe~rred to the state supreme library and a dormitory was sub-
court its fight to invalidate a 1931 mitted. A memorandum describing
law requiring industrial companies this plan was later incorporated in
to pay equal wages to men and wo- Mr. Cook's will and included most of
men mploed on smitar jbs. the present results of the gifts.
men employed on similar jobs. ClbCopetdIn12
Club Completed In 1924
The Lawyers Club was completed
University Given
Large Meteorite
A 460-pound pallasite meteorite,
one of the two largest specimens in
STOP! the world, was recently given to the
University by Stuart H. Perry, editor
Before you just stand that gun and publisher of the Adrian Tele-
ot.. yours in the closet. You gram, a distinguished scientist, and
can keep it in just as fine shape an authority on the constitution of
as it is now by using one of meteorites.
Schlenker's gun cases. And they're m [rites
only 65c and $1.00 r. Perry's meteorite was found on
a farm near Brenham, Kansas, the
same region in which the only larger
SC H L EN KER meteorite in the country was located.
HARDWARE CO. This companion piece to Mr. Perry's
t*, meteorite weighs only four pounds
213-215 W. Liberty Ph. 2-3265 more and resides in the Field Mu-
seum in Chicago.

Totaling $16,000,000
lasis For Law Quadrangle

ctor Financed School Including Large Library Endowed
Perpeutal Trust Fund To Preserve Ideal

Cultural Background Preferred
By Students, Claims Opinion Poll
(Special to The Daily) is least popular with New England
AUSTIN, Tex.-If American stu- j students (7 per cent), and most in fa-
dent cold lanthecouse f sudyvor with Far Westerners (24 per cent).
for the nation's colleges and univer-alosetrectilsfthe cuntr aente
sities, an overwhelming majority almost exactly with national student
would prescribe wide cultural back- opinion as shown above.
ground, the Student Opinion Surveys1
of American find in their latest na- -r -a Recital
tional poll of campus thought.r
Only 17 per cent of the country's " t
collegians believe that higher educa-- 11 e Given
tion should be mainly technical and
professional training. The rest say
they prefer a curriculumi that will em- rZe oPeetFfh
brace a general education rather than In Series Of Concerts
one that will produce men and women
primarily skilled in the trades and Catharine Crozier, of the faculty of
the professions. Butt 37 per cent of the Eastman School of Music in Ro-
this last group make it clear that chester, New York, will give the fifth
their choice is the school that pre- in a series of Twilight Organ Recitals
sents a blending of the two extremnes. at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Au-
Since the weekly polls of the Sur- ditorium. The general public is in-
venys are l aedkyp on h aucst-cos vited.
veys are all based on a cst-to-coaste Miss Crozier received her early mu-
samplngs dterined fr actaen- sica training inPueblo, eCob.,stafter
rollments,thsreutrerente which she entered the Eastman
opinions of the million and a .ihalf School of Music graduating with; the
students in all kinds of colleges, both degree of Bachelor of Music in 1936.
technical and otherwise. The Sur- In that year she also received an.
veys are conducted in cooperation ArtistDipyoashehighestvaward
with the Daily and nearly 150 other given Dypoha the hgd ward
camps pblictios. Hadqartes by the School, and was ap-
campus publications. Headquarters pointed a member of the faculty.
are at the University of Texas; Austin. Among the selections scheduled to
Last month Brooklyn College in- be heard on her program are the
augurated anew presdient Harry D. Toccata; Adagio and Fugue in C ma-
Gideonse, who once quit a University jor of Bach and four of Bach's Chor-
'of Chicago professorship after much ale Preludes, "The - Old Year Hath
argument with Dr. Robert M. Hutch- Passed Away," "Comest Thou, Jesus,
ins, chief U.S. exponent of classical from Heaven To Earth," "To Thee I
education. Declared Dr. Gideonse at Call, Lord Jesus Christ" and "In Thee
his installation: "No' college can live Is Joy." She will also play Sowerby's
by training the mind alone. . Talent Symphony in G major,
... must now be shifted from sheer
cultivation of intellectural virtues to
education for the whole man, for men Olson Hints Dock Control
as 'knowers and doers and appre- SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27. -(A')-
ciators Gov. Culbert Olson tinted today the
A surprisingly large number wouldGo.CbetOsnhtdtdate
agreepismyDr.gutchinumbdheredstate might attempt to take over and
agree with Dr. Hutchins-but there operate San Francisco's strike bound
is also a large groupthat believes col- waterfront.
lege is the place to train both "know-wHerfront-
ers"and"dors. Th reult ofthe He appointed a five-man commis-
ers and "doers. The results of the sion to investigate the CIO ship
poll are: clerks strike.
College Education Should Per cent
Be mainly technical and
professional ...... ...........17 Chrim Card I
Emphasize a wide cultur-C-
al background...............4 46
Include both.. ...................37 Beautiful Cards
Sentiment for professional training with Envelopes

TUESDAY, NOV. 28, 1939
VOL L. No. 55
Students registered in the Univer-
sity who hold Michigan teachers cer-
tificates and who wish to file the
"Teacher Oath" required by law in
order to maintain the validity of
these certificates, may secure cards
for this purpose and have them io-
tarized in the Office of the Dean of
the School of Education, 1435 Uni-
versity Elementary School. This must
be done before Dec. 28 of this' year.
J. B. Edmonson.
Sophomores, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: 'Elections" for
the second semester are now being
approved by the Academic Coun-
selors. You will be notified bylpost-
card to see your Counsellot, and, it
will be to your decided advantage to
reply to this su mons promptly. By
(Continued on Page 4)
Kahn To Speak At Hillel
Alfred J. Kahn, national secretary
of Avukah, student Zionist organiza-
tion, will give a talk on Zionism 'at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Hillel

in 1924, and in 1930 an additional
dormitory was finished and then ir,
1930, Mr. Cook died. He had always
stipulated that none of the build-
'ings shoud bear his name but the
Regents decided after his death that
the Legal Research Building, which
was finished in 1931, should be dedi-
cated to his memory. So the library
is known as the William W. Cook
Legal Research Library. The final
unit of the present Quadrangle, Hut-
chins Hall, was completed in 1933
forming "one of the most beautiful
impressive and useful groups of
structure in the world," according to
a Law School publication describing
the Quadrangle.
Cook's Motives
Dean Ehieritus Henry M. Bates in
commenting on Mr. Cook's motives
for his generous gifts, quotes from
memory substantially what Mr. Cook


had said to him at one time during
the negotiations: "One reason for
my wish to make this gift is my be-
lief that the legal profession, as well
as others, has become more or less
commercialized. In the lower ranges
of the profession are those whom we]
call 'shysters,' who resort to inde-
fensible means to secure their de-
sired results. Such lawyers are
tricky, usually petty and harmful to
society. Unfortunately there are
those in the upper ranges of the pro-
fession who are quite as harmful,
and on a much larger scale. These
buildings may help to create better
Miss Emma Laubenheimer, for-
merly secretary to Mr. Cook cleared
up questions in many people's minds
as to why Mr. Cook never visited Ann
Arbor to see the buildings he was
constructing. According to her his
reason was, "It might spoil my
dream." William W. Cook has passed
on but his dream will continue to un-
fold and develop for upon his death'
he endowed the Law School under a
perpetual trust in order that his ideal
might be given effect forever.

French Club
To Give Play
Faculty Invited To Attend
'Un Arriviste' Thursday
The members of Le Cercle Fran-
cais will present "Un Arriviste" a
one-act comedy, at 8 p.m. Thursday
in Room 408 Romance Languages'
The story centers about George,
a layman, who is financially em-
barrassed and who, by a quick ruse,
tries to get a doctor's patients to
consult him. He succeeds only too
well with his bluff, 'makes enough
t6 pay his debts, and then finds him-
self with a clientele for the future.
The cast that has beenrchosen is
George played by George Kiss,
Grad.; Mme. Maillart, Jean Gardi-
ner, Grad.; M. Maillart, Georges
Sabagh, '42; Mme. Bernadin, Betty
Ramsey, Grad.; Ernestine, Eugenia
Paprin, Gard.; and Mme. Julet, Fay
Hootkins, '42SM.
Prof. Roy Sellars
To SpeakAt Hillel
Prof. Roy Sellars of the philosophy
department, will give a talk on "Men
and Books Which Have Influenced
My Mind" at 8 p.m. Friday in the
Hillel Foundation, immediately fol-
lowing the regular Friday night Con-
servative Services.
This is the fourth in a series of lec-
tures which are given by various
members of the faculty at the same
time and on the same topic on al-
ternate Fridays. Prof. Paul Mueschke
and Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the
English department are scheduled to
speak in the near future.
Ruth Wendt To Address
Deutscher Verein Meet
A lecture by Mrs. Ruth Wendt, so-
cial director at Mosher Hall, will fea-
ture a meeting of the Deutscher
Verein at 8 p.m. tonight at the
League. The subject of Mrs. Wendt's
talk will be "Personliche Erlebnisse in
Following the talk refreshments
will be served and German songs will
be sung.

I m rnn zzit : rrrnkn

5impinyIIIL.Uwain your 1nameI
Cst D. Morrill
314 S State St
ARTICLES FOR SALE -3 FOR RENT --5 (Opposite Kresge's)


Crime Series: "THINK FAST"
News of, the Day


"Roaring 20's"


WILL SACRFICE my small Grand
or Console. Used nine months,
perfect condition. Will accept
terms from responsible party. Will
consider renting. Phone 2-2913.
LOST: Black and white Schaeffer
fountain pen. Bob Wagner, 2-2565.
LOST-"A History of Architecture"
textbook by Fletcher. Reward.
Dorothy Walker, 517 Mosher.
Phone 2-4561. 96
LOST-Round ladies' watch. Ini-
tialed MSC; between Green Lan-
tern and 1004 Forest early Satur-,
day night. Reward, Box 1, Michi-
gan Daily. 103
LOST-Green Eversharp pencil on
campus Saturday. Reward. Phone
Sigmund Cohn, 2-4401. Remember:
"Honesty is the best policy." 101
LOST-White gold Elgin wrist
watch, black cord band. Reward.
Barbara Fairbairn, 2-4547. 100

FOR RENT-Campus, near Lawyers'
Clu,, 3-rooi furnished front
apartment, private bath, shower.
Adults. 602 Monroe. "99
1135 LINCOLN AVM. near Tappan
school, furnished'lower apartment,
4 rooms, bath; heat, laundry, gar-
age. 98,
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S: Fifth Ave; Phone 2.2935 or.
2-1416. 34
TYPING--Miss L. M. Heywood, 414
Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles,
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
LAUNDRY --_ 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 16


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