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November 28, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-28

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Fair today and probably
warmer tormorrow.


4jitr 4t an


The 'War Spirit'
And The Road To Peace .

VOL. L. No. 55 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 28, 1939


Two German
Cruisers Sink
Armed British
Heavily-Armed Battleships
Elude English Warship;
Search Is Strengthened
England Institutes
Economic Reprisal
LONDON, Nov. 27.-(A)-The story
of a blazing sea battle in which two
German raiders, one the pocket
battleship Deutschland, sank the
armed British merchantman Rawal-
pindi off the southeast coast of Ice-
land, was told tonight in a vivid Ad-
miralty communique.
Fighting until riddled by shot and
shell, the Rawalpindi went down with
colors flying in a fight against over-
whelming odds, on Nov. 23, the Ad-
miralty said.
Britain's warships are searching
night and day now for the swift,
heavily armed raiders which eluded
a British cruiser in darkness and
storm after sinking the 16,697-ton
Rawalpindi with an estimated loss of
250 lives.

Intensified Nazi Mine Activity
Seen As Attempt To End War
'Blitzkrieg' Cannot Be Effective In Present Conflict,
Says Col. Miller; Time Is Imnportant Factor

Fall Parley


Recently intensified activity in
mine and submarine warfare indi-
cates that the Nazi high-command
is driving toward completion of the
present war before inactivity and
shortage of rations begins the de-
moralization that can only end in
panic as in the last war, Col. Henry
W. Miller of the mechanical engineer-
ing department and of the ordnance
department of the army predicted
yesterday in an interview.
Blitzkrieg tactics as employed
against Poland cannot be effective in
the present campaign, Colonel Miller
indicated, claiming that time is an
all-important factor in deciding the.
victory. Germany cannot hope to
hold out for four years, and she is"
now attempting to isolate Britain
from world commerce by extending
a cordon of mines and submarines
around her shores.
Food-Rationing Begun
Germany, he pointed out, started
this war with a food-rationing pro-
gram already in effect, and the army
is now racing to gain a substantial
victory before the demoralization,
which, played such an important role
in the last war, can take its hold on
the civil and military populace.
The present mine-laying opera'-
tions, Colonel Miller indicated, are
directed not so much against the
French and British fleets as against
neutral shipping in an effort to
frighten neutrals now supplying Eng-
land with war materials and food-
stuffs. Germany, in an effort to draw
the war to a, quick conclusion, is will-
ing to risk anti-German reaction in
other countries to attend that end.
That the mines now being laid by
the Germans in the. North Sea are
of a radical new magnetic variety is
doubtful, he ventured, for to be truly
magnetic, the case and mechanism
of the mine would necessarily have
to be constructed of a non-ferrous
material; namely, copper or bronze.
Germany, however, has a very limit-
ed supply of these metals, and it is

Economic Reprisal
A stringent economic reprisal was
decided on today by Great Britain to
counter Germany's intensified sea
warfare by armed raiders, mines and
submarines, which added three more
ships to the growing toll of merchant
Tomorrow the new Parliament will
be addressed by King George VI who
today signed an order in counil pro-
claiming Britain's right to seize all
goods of "enemy destination, origin
or ownership," even in neutral ships.
Authorities said King George's or-
der would be published tomorrow in
the London Gazette and would be
placed in operation "in a few days."
Meantime, it was understood, an
effort will be made to smooth over
objections of six neutral governments
which protested the new blockade or-
der on the ground it would stifle
Blockade Effective
British naval authorities said the
blockade, including German exports
as well as imports, would be more
effective than in the World War be-
cause the Reich now is in need of
cash and credits.
* (France announceda decree would
be published tomorrow paving the
way for similar measures to shut off
all German exports).
The Admiralty told how the Rawal-
pindi, on contraband patrol duty, ig-
nored a warning shot across her bows
and then was blasted by salvos from
the 11-inch guns of the Deutschland
at 10,000 yards.
The account told how the Rawal-
pindi maintained the fight "until
every gun was put out of action and
the whole ship except the forecastle
and the poop was ablaze."
For 30 or 40 minutes the combat
continued before the German raid-
ers ceased firing.

very unlikely that she would squan-
der her supply.
Nor is it likely that extensive mine-
laying operations are being carried
out by mine-carrying aircraft. No
advantages are gained by such a
method, Colonel Miller indicated, and
the minimum efficiency, danger, and
high cost of transporting heavy minus
by airplane would render such a
scheme prohibitive.
Loose Mine Distribution
The distribution of loose mines, as
in the case of anchored mines, is.
more probably being carried out by
submarines constructed for that pur-
pose. Free mines, which are laid along
the ocean floor, Colonel Miller il-
lustrated, are probably so construct-
ed that they rise to the surface after
a period of several hours.
Such mine laying operations, he
indicated, would only be practical un-
der tide and wind conditions. The
prevailing winds over the North Sea
and English Channel are southeast,
thus mines sown under these condi-
tions would soon be washed ashore on
the Dutch, Danish and Belgian
coasts. Maximum damage to ship-
pers is, effected if the mines are laid
when there is a strong drift in the
direction of the English coast,
Dies May Call
Mrs. Roosevelt
For Testimony
President's Wife Expresses
Willingness To Speak
For Youth Congress
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. -(P)-
The unprecedented prospect of a
President's wife testifying before a
Congressional investigating commit-
tee arose today.
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt told her
press conference that she would be
willing to testify before the Dies
committee regarding the American
Youth Congress, whose leaders she
has often defended against accusa-
tions of Communism, and "would
answer anybody's questions asked in
the interest of truth."
Meanwhile, the committee heard
testimony that the American Stu-
dent Union, an affiliate of the Youth
Congress, was an instrument by
which Communism had been spread
through schools and colleges.
Joseph P. Lash, national secretary,
denied in New York that the Ameri-
can Student Union is "dominated by
Communism" or that it had ever
"expressed any belief in or sympathy
for Communism."

Are Named
Sessions Will Open Jan. 5;
Robert Reed Is Selected
As General Chairman
Groups To Discuss
Problems Of Peace
Committee heads and their assis-
tants for the Fall Parley,'to be held
the weekend of Jan. 5, 6 and 7 in
the small amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building, were named by a
Spring Parley continuations com-
mittee Sunday, Robert Reed, '41, gen-
eral chairman, announced yesterday.
Carl Petersen, '40, managing edi-h
tor of The Daily, was chosen chair-t
man of the steering committee. Hisf
assistants will be elected at a later
The contact committee will be ledY
by Martin Dworkis, '40. He will bet
assisted by Gerald Nitzberg, Grad,d
Alberta Wood, Grad., and Clarencef
Kresin, Grad. J. Anderson Ash-
burne, '41BAd, was named head ofY
the mechanics committee,
Publicity Head Named E
Publicity'will be handled by Hel-
en Corman, '41, chairman, Ann Vic-a
ary, '40, and Jane Mowers, '40. Thev
personnel committee is made up of
Reed, chairman, Tom Downs, '40L,r
Ronald Freedman, Grad., MarianI
Lcndved, '42, Elliott Maraniss, 40,1
Hugo Reichard, Grad., and Paul Rob-'1
ertson, '40E.
The Fall Parley, younger brother
to the traditional Spring Parley, will
conduct discussion groups on the top-t
'ic of Peace. Six aspects of peace willt
be debated, Reed said. These aret
civil rights, the character and or-..
igin of the war, United States pre-
paredness in militarization, neutrali-t
ty, press and propaganda and rela-f
tions to South America.
"At no time has the question ofi
peace so specifically been related toF
the interests ofstudents on this cam-
pus," Reed said, "And the Commit-c
tee promises that discussions will be
conducted purely for the enlighten-i
ment of the student body."1
General Meeting Friday I
Following the plan of the Springc
Parley, a general meeting will be held
Friday afternoon at which faculty
and student members will give short
keynoting addresses. The group will
then be divided into four smaller sec-
tiops to facilitate more thorough dis-
cussion. Students will be asked to
remain in one group instead of wan-
dering aimlessly, as has been the case;
in the past, Reed indicated.
Two discussion periods Saturday
will be followed by a general meet-
ing Sunday at which a crystallization
of the topics discussed will be pre-
sented by representative speakers
from the four sections. Opinions will
be made concrete in the form of con-
clusions and resolutions.
aculty members wlil meet at a
faculty continuations committee
meeting tomorrow night. A joint
faculty-student continuations meet-
ing will be held Friday night to make
more deailed plans.
The Student Senate peace com-
mittee members, originators of the
Fall Parley, are Reed, chairman, Miss
Vicary, Anabel Hill, '4SM, Mara-
nims, Richard, Paul Robertson, '40E,
and Daniel Robertson, '40.
W ill S peak Friday
Dr. Eugenc M. K. Geiling, chair-
uman of the Department of Pharma-
cology of the University of Chicago,
will lecture on "The Comparative
Anatomy and Pharmacology of the

Pituitary Gland" at 4:15 p.m. Thurs-
day in the Lecture Hall of the Rack-
ham Building.
The lecture is a University lecture
sponsored by the Department of Bil
ological Chemistry.
Dr. Ceiling is a member of the
editorial board of the Journal of
Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics. He belongs to the
American Physiology Society, the
American Society of Mammologists,
the American Association for the Ad-
vancementof Science, the American
Society of Biological Chemists and
the Medical and Chirurgical Society.

Helsinki's Note Indicates
Desire For Withdrawal
Of Both Nation's Troops
Erkko Denies Firing
By Finnish Soldiers
HELSINKI, Nov. 27.-(A)--Fin-~
land gave a soft answer today tor
turn the wrath of renewed Soviet-'
Russian demands.
The little northern country told"
her big neighbor that on the condi-
tion that Russian troops also with-
draw, Finland is willing to negotiate
for withdrawal of her troops which
have been stationed on the border for .
A note sent tonight by the Finnish
Foreign Minister to Moscow was the
answer to a Soviet protest last night
which charged Finnish artillery with
killing four Red soldiers and wound-
ing nine at Maimila (Mainila) on
the Finnish-Russian border north of
Leningrad. The Soviet asked that
Finnish troops be drawn back 12 to
16 miles in that area.
Answer Interpreted
Diplomatic observers interpreted
the Finnish answer as one designed
to give the Russians the opportunity
to resume negotiations which were
broken off by Finland on Nov. 13
when Finland refused to make fur-
ther concessions to Soviet demands
for border revisions and naval bases.
An opportunity was afforded, it
was pointed out, for Russia to relieve
any embarrassment caused by the
firm Finnish stand regarding earlier
This view was based on the belief
in some quarters that Russia is not
planning to use force, but hopes to
use the alleged incident as a form
of continued pressure on her little
Nevertheless, it was pointed out,
the Finnish note tonight rejected
any unilateral concessions regarding
disposition of troops which might
later jeopardize her defense.
An investigation had shown, said
the note, that Finnish soldiers fired
no shots yesterday, as the Soviet
charged. But it had been observed
on the other hand, that firing had
occurred on the Russian side.
Bursting Shells
Details recorded in the journals
of the Finnish frontier guards at the
time of the shooting before the Rus-
sian protest was filed, said the Fin-
nish note, told of bursting shells be-
ing seen in a field about 800 meters
(about 900 yards) across the frontier
on the Russian side.
It added that the cannon, which
fired seven shots between 3:45 p.m.
and 4:05 p.m.-the same number
and about the same time as alleged
by Russia-appeared to be placed
from a mile to a mile and a quarter
away from the hits.
The note, signed by Foreign Min-
ister Eljas Erkko, said that "per-
haps" it was an accident on the Rus-
sian side, and that "therefore, my
duty is to deny your protest and to
establish the fact that from the
Finnish side no hostile actions to-
ward Russia have taken place."
On the Finnish side mainly frontie
guardshare at the border, it said, and
not such artillery as would reach
across the Soviet border

Players Group
Will Present
Social Drama
"One-Third of a Nation," by Ar-
thur Arent, will be Play Production's
second presentation of the season. It
will be given Wednesday through
Saturday, Dec. 6-9, in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play is one of the most im-
portant of the WPA FederalsThe-
atre productions recently given
throughout the country. It enjoyed
a long run in New York City, playing
for many weeks to "Standing Room
Only" audiences.
Playwright Arent, in "One-Third
of a Nation," presents a cross-sec-
tion of an important problem in cur-
rent affairs: the housing problem,
especially in large cities, but appli-
cable to almost any locality. Frankly
a propaganda play, it portrays the sit-
uation in the up-to-date "living news-
paper" fashion.
Its journalisic style dictates num-
erous short scenes which, taken to-
gether, build up to certain climaxes
throughout the play.
Prof. Valentine B. Windt, director
of Play Production, explained that
this particular play had been chosen
because of its provocative plot, its
modern appeal and its huge cast.
Student Union
Will Discuss
Film Describing Southern
Share-Croppers' Lives
To Be Shown Tomorrow
Pending final approval by the Uni-
versity administration, the American
Student Union will sponsor an open
meeting on Civil Liberties at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in the Natural Science
The program includes the showing
of a film entitled "America's Disifi-
herited," depicting the life of south-
ern share-cropping families; ad-
dresses by A. J. Tarini, editor of the
Civil Rights News, official organ of
the Michigan Civil 'Rights Federa-
tion, and Mort Furay, chairman of
the Michigan branch of Labors Non-
Partisan League; and a student key-
noting talk by Elliott Maraniss, '40,
editorial director of The Daily, who
also will be chairman of the meet-
In its announcement concerning
the meeting, the executive commit-
tee of the American Student Union
declared that it will be of special in-
terest to all .persons in the tUniver-
sity community because of the vital
importance of civil liberties and aca-
demic freedom in these times of war
"The first line of defense in the
campaign to keep America out o
rwar and to preserve our democratic
I way of life," the statement said, "i
a vigilant defense of our rights and
liberties as American citizens."

Finland's Alleged Border
Violations Incite U.S.S.R.;
Finns SeemConciliatory

Rev. Brashares
o Gie Eigt
'I Believe' Talk
Autobiographical Sp e e ch
To Be Presented Today
In Rackham Auditorium
Rev. Charles W. Brashares, of the
First Methodist Episcopal Church
will give the eighth in the series of
"I Believe" lectures at 8 p.m. today
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Reverend Brashares will give an
autobiographical speech discussin;
his way of looking at the world, ar-
riving at conclusions not from what
he has been told but from what he
has learned through expereince and
Speakers in the "I Believe" series
have been asked to simply and sin-
cerely state their beliefs concerning;
the nature of the world and man,
according to Kenneth W. Morgan, di-
rector of the Student Religious As-
sociation. The subject matter is
necessarily of a personal and inti-
mate nature, dealing with the hopes
and fears, the intellectual victories
and defeats and with the experiences
they have had in daily work with
students, he said.
dTaken as a whole the series pro-
vides an excellent opportunity for
students to discover the unique char-
acteristics of several religious creeds,
as well as the viewpoints common to
all faiths, *according to Morgan.

Press Campaigns Termed
Similar To Pre - Polish
Invasion Propaganda
Meetings Are Held
Throughout Russia

MOSCOW, Nov. 27.- (A) - Soviet
eetings and the press produced mass
xcitement today over the Russian
harge that Finnish troops shot
,cross the border and killed four and
rounded nine Red soldiers.
Throughout the country countless
neetings of soldiers, workers and
armers were held at which resolu-
ions were adopted, some expressing
lnger against Finland or threatening
.er or calling for the Russian gov-
rnment to take action by adopting
the strictest measures."
Workers at a bearing plant in Mos-
ow were reported by Tass, official
ioviet News Agency, to have adopted
resolution declaring "Our Invincible
ed army will reduce the enemy to
ust on his own territory" if "pro-
ocateurs" ventured war against the
powerful country of Socialism."
Resolution Summarized
The agency carried a summary of
ther resolutions adopted at "light-
ling meetings" and said a "storm of
Le people'ts wrah and indignation"
iad been called forth by the alleged
"If need be we shall strike at the
iirty paws of the Finnish militarists,"
aid one such resolution.
"The people of the Soviet will send
o the devil all political gamblers,"
his statement continued.
Meetings were. being held all over
he country, Tass reported, at which
nanimous support was given the
3overnment's demand for withdraw-
al of Finnish troops 12 to 16 miles
rom the border north of Leningrad.
No mention was made in the Soviet
iewspapers or over the Soviet radio
f Finland's denial that any shots
had been fired by Finns.
The press initiated a campaign
against Finland which was strikingly
similar to that which preceded the
invasion of Poland.
Adopt Motions
Meetings of troops stationed in the
Ioscow district adopted resolutions
stating "There is a limit to any pa-
tience-10 days were enough to con-
quer Poland."
Foreign observers here found them-
selves unable to agree on Moscow's
intentions, although they acknowl-
edged that the "border incident"
might well lead to attempts by Rus-
sia to compel Finland to comply with
the Russian territorial demands which
she rejected in negotiations which
broke down Nov. 13.
Russia in a note delivered to the
Finnish legislation at midnight con-
ference last night charged that Fin-
nish artillery had fired on Soviet
troops stationed near the border
village of Mainila at 3:45 pn. Sun-
day. The note demanded the troops
Rabbi J. Heller
To Speak Here
Noted Zionist To Present
Final SRA Talk Sunday
Rabbi James G. Heller, noted Zion-
ist and authority on the history and
practices of Judaism, will speak on
"How Can Religion Be Saved in the
World Today?" this Sunday, at the
Rackham Auditorium.
This lecture will be the final in a
series sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association under the title,
"The Religious Aspects of Current
Problems." The Series was designed
to approach the many problems and
to present the many viewpoints of
social interest today. Previous speak-
ers have discussed "'The Churches
Stand On War" and "Pope Pius XII
and the Modern Democracies."
Rabbi Heller, who spoke in Ann
Arbor during last summer's Relig-
ious Parley, has served as chairman
of the Executive Committee of the
Zionist Organization of America and
on the Board of Governors of the

I TTPhrPw Union College. He is a grad-


Member Drive
BRed Cross
Ends Thursday
Though the annual membership
drive of the Washtenaw County
Chapter of the American Red Cross
draws to n close Thursday, those still
desiring to contribute can call the
-Red Cross at 2-1647 and a messenger
will be sent to pick up the gift, Dr.
Anthony J. J. Rourke, chairman of
the Roll Call Committee and assist-
ant director of University Hospital,
announced yesterday.
Latest returns in the membership
drive total 1,816 members who have
contributed $3,390.56.
Contributions to the Red Cross
may be divided into the special gifts
departments, 89 members, $1,093.50;
house to house canvassing, 1,139
members, $1,397.50; business and
industrial, 144 members, $383.75;
group . enrollments, $342.05; and
booths and miscellaneous, $172.75.
Dr. Nathaniel Engle
Will Speak Today
Dr. Nathaniel H. Engle, Assistant
Director of the Bureau of Foreign
and Domestic Commerce, who is con-


Six Are Selected.
For Competition
In Speech Finals
Six students were chosen yester-
day to compete in the finals of the
semester's first inter-departmental
speech contest for Speech 31 sections
at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
The contestants will be Alfred
Breckler, '42, who wil speak on
"Capone, Menace of the '20's, Warn-
ing to the '40's"; Stan Duffendack,
'41, whose address is "The Question
in Our National Anthem;" Janet
Grace, '42, who will talk about "Our
Schools Today;" Richard Guthrie,
'42, will discuss "True Greatness;"
Ben Marino, '40, who chose "A Plea
For College Students" as the topic
of his speech, and John W. Shields,
'42, who will speak on "Sea Story."


Group Hospitalization Facilities
Available To Uiverslty Staffs

Sop Cabaret Proceeds To Aid
Indigent Crippled Children Here

Group hospitalization facilities
now available to all members of Uni-
versity staffs were outlined yester-
day by Mr. H. W. Lichty, represen-
tative of ,the Michigan Society for
Group Hospitalization, in the final
in a series of lectures sponsored here
by the Society.
The benefits of the plan, he indi-
cated, are: twenty-one days of hos-
pital care each year for members
and twenty-one days for each mem-
ber of his family; meals and dietary
service; general nursing "care; use
of the operating room as often as

the state legislature, 1ichty stated.
The money is used for three pur-
poses: to pay for hospital bills of
members, to build up a reserve in
case of an epidemic, and for admin-
istrative expense which is usually
about 10 per cent and not over 25
per cent, Any surplus acquired over
the reserve set by the Superintend-
ent is to be used to increase benefits
for members or to lower member
The organization does not pay for
doctor's bills, X-rays, special ex-
aminations, nor does it cover contag-

With opportunities for treatment of
indgent crippled children curtailed,
University Hospital officials as wellc
as those in 70 other state institutions
are confronted with the problem of
determining which cases demand im-
mediate treatment as emergencies.
To help remedy the situation, pro-a
ceeds from the twelfth annual Soph
Cabaret to be held Dec. 7 and 8 in
the League will be turned over to the
newly formed Crippled Children's
Benefit Committee, Agnes Crow, '42,
chairman of the Soph Cabaret an-
nounced yesterday.

ter another. Hope for Jean's recovery
was seen when, as a State patient, she
underwent an operation to correct the
effects of poliomyelitis. Before neces-
sary corrective treatment could be
given, however, she was released.
Specially fitted shoes, her frantic
parents write, are urgently needed. If
'corrective treatment is not continued
immediately, the State's investment
of several thousand dollars will be
It is to solicit aid for cases of this
kind that the Crippled Children's
Benefit Committee was formed. The
committee intends to enlist the sup-
port of every campus organization


Senio oEnsiqatPicture
D~eadine Is Saturdi


Saturday is the final date for sen-
ior pictures to be used in the Michi-
ganensian, according to Richard T.

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