tre Arts To Give "Thanksgiving At Buckram s Corners
Over Here
Five Students
To Have Leads
In Second Play
Versatile Women Of Michigan
Seriously Plan Their Careers
(We went over there yesterday and
found a Thanksgiving guest column
by Night Editor LeonarduSchlelder.)
This day, President Roosevelt has
d e c i d e d, is Thanksgiving. He's
changed the day, people tell us, be-
cause American merchants thought
the old Thanksgiving date was too
near Christmas, thus creating an
overlapping period for their most lu-
crative shopping seasons.
The Pilgrims and the Indians who
gathered around a fire at Plymouth
300 years ago for the original fowl
session might be very shocked-the
spirit of Twentieth Century Com-
mercialism was not in their line.
Kitchen Is Important
But, commercialized or not, this is
Thanksgiving, the one day in the
year when the kitchen becomes the
most important room in the house.
And although streamlined, Thanks-
giving still has a lot of meaning to
all of us.
Business is better, despite the wail-
ing 'of the anti-Administrationists,
and Dad's checks are coming in regu-
There is a war in Europe, but the
American people seem willing to take
their drumsticks without the drums.
The word "democracy" has doubled
its meaning since November, 1938,
and tolerance, equality and accep-
tance are more than public-relations
Day Is Peaceful
We won't eat the main course in
air-raid shelters, and Mother car-
ries a shopping bag instead of a gas-
mask. You can still travel to Wind-
sor and there's no Maginot Line in
the Upper Penninsula. And we don't
have to boycott cranberry sauce simp-
ly because they come from the wrong
kind of bush.
So until a Texas Congressman dis-
covers that the Pilgrims were English-
men, and declares Thanksgiving an
"un-American activity," we can cele-
brate this day with the best of appe-
tites and the clearest of consciences.
Pledge List Announced
Alpha Rho Chi announces the
pledging of Willard Nelson, '43, Trovo,
Utah; William Farrell, '43, Billings,
Mont.; John Boone, '42, Rutherford,
N.J.; Larry Degner, '42, Jackson;.
Harold Himes, '42, Detroit; Linn
Smith, '41, Mount Morris; George
Klein, '41, Battle Creek; Arthur Lu-
cas, '43, Chicago; William Gomon,
'41,' Detroit; and Robert Breese, '43,1
Grand Rapids.
I They're the best when it comes to
Local Children Have Parts Icok-ing; they're among the smoothies
when it comes to fashion; and they
In Production Written scan dance with the best of them. But
By Director Of Group 'that doesn't mean that Michigan
I women spend all their time on the
. .1 flippant side of their education.
Five University students will head f nt sdeno threucaton s
One ardent three- o'clock- coker was
the cast of the second Children's The- being rather modest about her future,
atre production," Thanksgiving at but the fact remains: she isn't com-
Buckram's Corners," it was an-ring to college to collect dance pro-
nounced today by Richard McKelvey, j grams and stuff. She's majoring in
director. pre-kindergarten education here on
Neil Smith, '41, will play the part !campus; and then in the first semes-
of Ezra Mead, a store keeper in the i ter of her senior year she is going to
small town of Buckram's Corners. 'be in at the Merrill-Palmer kinder-
Veitch Purdom, '42, will have the part garten school in Detroit mastering
of his wife, Minnie Mead. Louis , the fine points. Afterwards, when
Grossman, '40 and Ted Balgooyen, j she has "commenced" from this in-1
'40, will be the two strangers. The stitution, she will go to the Bostonl
part of the state trooper will be School for Occupational Therapy.
played by Casey Carter, '40. ( To Learn Rehabilitation
Children To Participate And for a career, that is practical-
A large- cast of Ann Arbor school ly the best field for a woman to en-
children will play the parts of the ter, according to occupational sta-
children who band together to save tistics. In Boston she will learn
storekeeper. Principal children's parts how to rehabilitate people whose lives
will be taken by Dick Gauss, Geor- have been disrupted by illness, or how
giana Clark, Justine Fairbanks, Dick 1 to distract children who are con-
Heger, Frank Bowen, Hazel Seay, valescing after illness.
John Hathaway, Dorothy Dice, Mar- Another ambitious woman, who
got Eschelbacher, Ed Davis and Dolly gets around campus with one of
Vlisides. those over-the-shoulder bags, by
The action of the play takes place way of emphasis, is planning to ma-
at Buckram's Corners, a typical jor in physiology and chemistry. And
American hamlet. It centers in she'll be one laboratory technician
However, she did mention that she
knew someone with that thing called
pull.' But if anyone does want to
try something different, why not try
the export business?
Several junior and senior women a
we talked to at tea dances, fashion
shows, and just around, had still dif-
ferent ideas about obtaining the title
of "career woman." These were the
women, who had a general education
with specialization in economics, busi-
ness administration, jouranlism Cr
any other special field.
For their beginning they were go-
ing to obtain jobs as stock girls, clerks
or messenger women in some con-
cern. Then after six months or a
1 year, having learned as much about
the business from their standpoint as
they could, they were planning to quit
( and apply for personnel, or execu-
tive positions in the same business or
another concern but within the same
Freshmen Indefinite
What price experience?
All is well for junior and senior
women with some thought for the
A nipped-in waistline and a
flared skirt do much towards
achieving the popular hour-glass
sillkouette. Combine these in a
short-sleeved wool dress and add
a touch of jewelry at the neck,
and the result is a date dress -
simple enough for the game, and
equally good for dancing after-
Etiquette Questions
Will Be Submitted
ToCampus Boxes
Containers labelled "Are You Eti-
quetted?" and entreating stucdent sug-
gestions as to how to improve cam-
pus etiquette have been placed in
the League, the Union, the library.
and at the University-Hall candy
Suggestions placed in these boxes
will be taken into consideration when
the desired patterns of behavior in
all campus relationships are present-
ed in the form of an etiquette book-
The boxes are being sponsored by
the steering committee of Assembly,
which is working in cooperation with
the social committee of the League
in preparing the etiquette booklet.
Etiquette surveys taken at the 1
University of Southern California.
the University of Wisconsin, Colum-
bia University, and other colleges
throughout the country, have proved
both successful and popular, Bar-
bara Johnson, '40, chairman of the
steering committee, said.
It's Christmas Time at Mack's
Mead's General Store and in a spotI
in the forest outside of town. The
story concerns a group of typical
children who play cops and robbers
only to have their fantasy become
reality when their friend Mr. Mead
is kidnaped. It tells further of the
things that happen when the chil-
dren band together to rescue the
genial' storekeeper.
Play Written For Children.
In the play a parallel is drawn be-
tween this present Thanksgiving and
the first Thanksgiving.
McKelvey wrote the play especiallyI
for the Children's Theatre.
Members of the costume com-.
mittee of the Sophomore Cabaret
will meet at 5 p.m., Monday in
the League rather than at 3 p.m.,
Friday, as formerly planned,
Charlene Pike, '42, announced to-
with planty to do when she gradu-
French Is Solftion
One red-heard on campus when
asked what she was majoring in, and
why, answered qucik as a flash,
"French . . . as the only way to get
out of college legally." But she went
on to explain how she was planning
to enter business as an export agent.
Enchanting.. .
O * Evening dresses
with jackets
9 Bershire Hose
c*0 Wooly Anklets
O The
1113 So. University Ave.
_ , c o~~~ ac cc cj
Specially Price
Regular Values
to $10.95
They're gay! They're colorful! They're
just right for wearing under your coat
on bleak winter days. Buy now and save
dollars on your wardrobe budget.
In authentic clan plaids,
bunny wools and non-
saggable jerseys!
All styles
and 2-piece
NigAht must fall-
k :; ::.
The fine holiday sea-
son is on, and there
are parties to go to.
Good news for you
party goers and your
pocketbooks! White is
the thing this year,
according to what we
hear this year's debu-
tantes are wearing. But
you can find as lovely
dresses as theirs at the
price you want to poy.
WRAPS .. .
Evening coats that will
make father say, yes,
for they are so reason-
ably priced.
Wraps that are new
and different.
> .k .. . . ...M
Van Raalte's Slumber-Wyn Pajamas
You won't have to dread cold winter nights
with these warm snugglers! They're some-
thing really swank in the way of winter pa-
jamas. Of fine, soft lisle with ski bottom
trousers to insure added warmth. You'll like
their attractive details - young Peter Pan
collar and pompon ties under the chin.
to $7050
I I ,~1 - ' 7~-Em ma.w&iN~''J~r'
I uorac ana careen O -;x:...11,11