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November 22, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-22

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VMDNgSDAY. M017. P.Z. lgf#


TTTF y.ir. VtTI1EtANrbATTY L nA1 1./ A

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Students Appraise ASU Will Feature University College Of Pharmacy School Of Music
Photograph Exhibit Hot Jungle Music Is Now Beginnin Its 71st Year To Present Fourth
(Continued from Page ) )In Dance TonightR
j nb oigtIn Recital series
imagination in mnost of the prints By HOWARD A. GOLDMAN manufacturers rid research men, as
whas-produced beautiful variety in the An Africongo Ball, featuring swing Oldest pharmacy school to be con well as retail pharmacists. Prof. Palmer Christian of the
e1lbit. -The clarity and composition music by Henry Morton and his 10- nected with any American universi- Prof. Howard B. Lewis, present di- School of Music will present the
in the nature scenes is especially note- piece orchestra, will be given from 9 ty, the University College of Phar- rector of the college, succeeded Dean fourth in a series of Twilight Organ
worthy. p.m. to 1 a.m. tonight at the° Wol- Macy has just completed its 70th Edward H. Kraus in that post in Recitals at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill
The exhibit will be open from 8:30 verine, 209 S. State Street, according year of operation. 1933, when Dr. Kraus was appointed Auditorium. The general public, with
a.m. to 5 p.m. during the next 10 to Ed Burrows, Grad., social .chair- In 1878, pharmacy was merely a dean of the literary college. the exception of small children, is in-
,##ys irnAlUmni Memorial Hall. The man of the American Student Union. course in the literary college. How- Tracing the history of the colvitdwth assion chet
'35 -prints on ~display were selected A floor show consisting of ;mono- ever, in 1876 it was made a separate Tracing the hitryoeteco-vecwto tdios snchae.edt
from 485 entered in the Salon Edition logues, singing, jungle dancing and division of the University, known lege, Professor Lewis pointed to the A on the e os sc e to
contest sponsored last, spring by Col- jitterbugging will be presented dur- as the School of Pharmacy. Thirty- natural sharp drops in enrollment beheas "Air Majestueux" (Zoroastre)
legiate Digest, rotogravure supple ing intermission, Burrows said. four years later the name "school" each time degree requirements werCouperin's Rondo: "Soeur Monique
iflent to The Daily. Margaret Matthews, Negro vocalist, was changed to "college." raised. However, he added, enroll- Couped's ondo Su on "
will play at the piano. Benchley's The Bachelor of Science in:Phar- ment here for the past five years Vivaldis Concerto in D and "Prelu
Africa, a travelogue in the Benchley macy degree now awarded by °the has been steady, varying between 85 dio"by Core.
style, will be rendered by Arthur college after a four year course was and 100. Of these, .he observed, 15 I rofessor C ian w i a h'lop
Klein, Grad., member of' Play Pro- necessitated by the raising of -State or 20 per cent have been women. Algr e byEf ains"rtini, B
duction. "Limitations on Life," a skit standards to require a four year The college has attracted numer- an Ancient Flemish Melody," Jor-
by Langton Hughes satirizing the course for a pharmacist's certificate. ous foreign students, chiefly from1 an "centFemish Med," Jor-
ENDS TODAY movie, "Imitation of Life," will be The college first offered a two- India, China, Japan, the Philippine "Autumnal" d'tine James
enacted. year course leading to a degree of Islands and Porto Rico. Many of its "II" by Widor
K-RPharmaceutical Chemist. The four graduates now hold deanships in
,.year course was instituted in 1896. pharmacy in well-known universi- .
-, I FRYhsg i . In 1913 requirements for the Ph.C. ties, including Purdue, West Virginia, Lights, Trains Will Aid
+ degree were raised to three years, the FootbllKansas, Mississippi andat ra
I / Oegon gricuturalSallue.daY
- pecialstwo-year course then leading to a Oregon Agricultural College.
Bachelor of Pharmacy award. Both The four-year college course in Electric power company employes
shorter courses have subsequently pharmacy formerly encountered com- yesterday began the installation o
G e nu nebeen dropped, the former in 1932, petition f r o m local pharmacy power lines and lights so that foot-
the latter in 1919. schools giving a two-year course, ball fans who leave Ann Arbor by
L e h eThe college in its present setup Professor Lewis commented. How- train after Saturday's game here with
trains especially pharmaceutical ever, this difficulty has largely been Ohio State will not have to stumble
Electric eliminated by generally higher phar- around in the darkness.
macy standards adopted in many The Ann Arbor Railroad is making
Dsta theaver ', C" states. These require a four-year plans to accommodate about 16 spe-
D y Shav r1e1 C lasses course from an accredited school, he cials from Detroit to Toledo.
i Edmonds+ } pp0 i explained, and many local or night
rrnWultsr D. Imns'g O CV ry ., Sc p schools have been unable to meet Gr dJuy ecs s
these requirements.
h * Guaranteed The college has always been an LANSING, Nov. 21.-( )-Judge
y ai.nd Su- c accredited institution. The Ameri- Leland W. Carr today recessed unti
sp________ can Council on Pharmaceutical Edu- Monday his grand jury'investigation
o..- an's uSJecation; the national accrediting agen- of charges that money appropriate
ove heCJtei cy, visited the pharmacy college last by the State to finance tax sale ad
asreaHard Water Hie members to supplement week on its periodic checkup. vertising was misapplied.
Jewish education are now being given
at the Foundation, according to Ruth
-a .;'.SOAP
x .Schwartz, '40, chairman of the classes
-committee. j sSMOeI A
:toningT2 HoNRY9A course in Elementary Hebrew, .
CLAUDETTE_ _ENRYfor which there is no pre-requisite,
is being conducted by Dr. Isaac Ra -_____ _________
ERTD50 H libut Oil binowitz, director of the HillelFoun LOST - Saturday, gold Waltha
EONA MAY OLIVER - EDpIE COLLINS dation. All students interested in THE MICHIGAN DAIIY wrist watch between Economics
OS L CARRADINE ORRIS BOWONES this course are requested to call Dr. CLASSI Fl ED Building and Washtenaw. Re-
Special Owl Show Rabinowitz for individual appoint- ADVERTISING ard. Cal8590. 91
peGH Bernard Haber, '40E, who has LOST-Buff cocker spaniel pup, tag
Ii1U -- en much of his life in Palestine, isRA ENo1637Read Phn59.
SONJA H EN I E Lux 50c s i onvEffective as of February 14, 1939 Dr. H. W. Riggs, 1103 Ferdon 93
in Lfebuoy Molle tary Hebrew or the equivalent is a 12c per reading line (on basis of LOST--Green and white >Sheaffer
"M Luk Sta" SHAVING pre-requsiite. ifive average words to line) for one
CREAM Dr. Rabinowitz is also conducting or two insertions. Lifetime Pen, Saturday in Rack-
Runexactly same as guest show2 a course in rapid Biblical Reading 10c per reading line for three or ham Bldg. Reward. Call Amelia
on Monday night. SC 27c which meets at 4:30 p.m. Mondays more insertions. Sobel, 2-4561. 94
and Thursdays, and is in charge of a Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
series of 30 lectures on Jewish History tion. FORRENT 5
THURSDAY M A SH A LL which meets at 7:15 p.m. each Wed These low rates are on the basis FOR RENT-Near Lawyer's Club.
CHAS. LAUGHTON nesday. of cash payment before the a Modern 3 room furnished front
CUTRATE DRUG A course in Jewish Ethics is being inserted. If it is inconvenient for apartment of beautiful appoint-
nEtaught by Dr. Hirsch Hootkins of you to call at our offices to make mets. 602 Monroe. 86
"Jamaica Inn" 231 South State the romance language department. payment, a messenger will be sent
hone 5933 - Deliver No definite time has been set for the to pick up your ad at a slight extra TYPING - 18
meeting of the class and all interested. harge of l1c.
y_ _______students are urged to contact Dr. For further information call TYPING-Experienced. MissAllen,
Hootkins 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
1 _____Street. 2-1416. 34
Club LAUNDERING-9 TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood,414
uom1 C ub eeting Maiynard St. Phone 5689. 43
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
1411 FmGift Items To Feature MOVle Careful work at low prices. 16 TRANSPORTATION -21
AED motion picture on the various as riveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Y RM,,:E Npects of modern Finland will be LOST: Black and white Schaeffer Killins Gravel Company, Phone
shown at the Suomi Club meeting 8 fountain pen. Bob Wagner, 2-2565 7112. 13
p.m. Friday in the upper room of
Lane Hall.
:"The program. committee consist- We carry a complete line of
ing of Toivo Liimitainen, '41E, ReoARROW SHIRTS and TIES
Takala,_ Grad., and Irving Rantan-
en, '42, have planned a discussion
of the present political situation to
follow. The speaker will be an-
nounced later. A report on the filmt
"FinandToday," shown at the Lydia
"FinandToda," hownat he LdiaThe Foremost Clothier. in Washtenaw. County
VARIETY KIT BLENDING KIT Mendelssohn Theatre yesterday, will DOWNTOWN - Next to the Wuerth Theatre
$00 $350be made by Mr. Limatainen.

* Smith Will Show Pictures ~
Exclusive With Us At Phi Sigma Meet Today You have Arrow to be
Phi Sigma, honorary biological so-
n e cciety, will hold a meeting at 8 p.m.
today, in the West Lecture Room of ano
the Rackham Building, to which all
new members are invited to attend.
$2 00Dr. A. H. Smith of the University U RE you're a smoothie
Museums will give an illustrated talk and rate the generous
on "Michigan Mushrooms." welcome home, but Arrow
rai gt.aim G ra SeConds Office e organizatioa c asmall measure of
straightI G rain econdsKarl Goellner, Grad, president; Rob- credit for the build-up.
ert Lindeborg, Grad, vice-president; Thank Arrow for-
Florence Muyskens, Grad, secretary;
I* nd Winifred White, Grad, corres- I. he famous row cal-
pnigsecretary. lars on your shirts.r,
Mu2. The Mitoga cut -
Ci t rparacter shaped to your torso.
3. Sanforized-shrunk (fab-
Cc shrinkage less than
'- -LAST TIMES TODAY 1%,)means a perman-
TOGETHER ent fit.>
CAn4.^nchored buttons -
AGAIN... . that never pull off.
A Blend We Proudly Endorse'I big 5. Exclusive patterns and H
show they high count fabrics
erer made
CIGAR STORE 6. Authentic university
STATE at PACKARD PHONE 5636 Before leavin the ca




MONDAY, NOV. 27 at 8:30

Be Satisfied With A MICHIGAN DAILY Classified
F you CAN' GO
"The same low rates that apply every night after '7
o'clock and all day Sunday will be in effect all day
on Michigan's Thanksgiving Day, November 23, on
calls to all points in the United States.
You can take advantage of these reduced rates any time
after 7 P.M. on Wenesday... up to 4:30 A.M. Friday.
Also on November 30 the same reduced rates will apply
on calls from;Michigan points to points in those states
observing Thaniksgiving on that date, but not between
points within Michigan. A list of those states follows:



New Mexico
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Dakota

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