Rain or snow today; tomorrow
fair and warmer.
SirF A
Can Government
Aid The Seamen? .
GeStapo Seize
Alleged Hitler
Bomber; Also
Arrest Britons
Himmler Raps Strasser
In Assassination Plot;
Suspects British Money
English Intelligence
Service Is Blamed
BERLIN, Nov. 21.-(R)--Heinrich
Himmler announced tonight the ar-
rest of a man named Georg Elser
who was charged with the Nov. 8
Munich beer cellar bombing, and
also the arrest of two agents of the
British Intelligence Service.
(Official announcements, how-
ever, did not connect the arrest of
Elser and the British, agents.)
Charges Strasser
Himmler, director of the Gestapo
(Secret State Police) charged, how-
ever, that Otto Strasser, old-time op-
ponent of Hitler, had organized the
bombing plot and that the British
Intelligence Service had supplied the
In addition a number of Elser's
accomplices were declared under
A communique charged that the
Hague, capital of the Netherlands,
was headquarters of the British In-
telligence Service for Western Eur-
ope, and that the two agents were
arrested as they were attempting to
cross the German border into the
Netherlands on Nov. 9, one day after
the Munich bombing.
Contradictory Claims
The Nazi 'report said that "con-
tradictoryclaims whether they were
captured while still in Holland or
when in Germany are at present be-
ing examined."
It charged further that those head-
quarters attempted to "organize
plots" in Germany, and sought to
"establish contact with what were
surmised to be revolutionary organi-
On the basis of German emigres'
stories, it went on to say, the British
believed that "opposition existed in
the (German) state party and army
with the aim of causing revolutionJ
in the Reich."
Round Table
Held On War
Madcap 'Lee Grant' Revealed
As Lead Role In Union Opera'
Search For Singer Starts;i
Faculty Sleuths Tracei
Jokester's Handwriting1
After a hunt tiat paralleled the
exploits of Sherlock Holmes, a group
of faculty sleuths has finally tracked
Lee Grant, '43, madcap practical
joker, to his lair in the Union Opera.
Charles Heinen, '41E, co-chairmanc
of the Opera's publicity committee,
"squealed" on Grant last night after1
the Apostles' Club of prominent fac-
ulty men had ferreted out a chain
of incriminating evidence.t
Lee Grant, you may remember,
had his chief claim to notoriety in a
series of Puck-like pranks that unit-r
ed the freshman class behind his
leadership and had the sophomores1
aching for
Apostles' Club Phone
It seems that Grant's telephone1
number in the student directory is
the same as that of the Apostles'
Club. Plagued by calls from ador-
ing female freshmen and irate sopho-
mores, four of the Apostles, assisted
by non-member Dean Joseph E. Burs-
ley, began a manhunt that ended
only in the surrender of Heinen yes-
Leading the search was Dr. Frank
E. Robbins, assistant to the presi-
dent, who directed the sleuthing of
Dean Bursley, Assistant Dean Walter
B. Rea, Prof. Joseph O. Halford of
the chemistry department and Prof
Walter W. Gores of the decorative de-
sign department.
This brain trust set to work on
the assumption that Grant was a
Foreign Center
To Hold Annual
Dinner Tonight
Banquet Theme Features
American Thanksgiving;
Faculty Will Be Hosts'
More than 400 persons are expect-
ed to attend the annual Interna-
tional Dinner, to be held at 6 p.m.
today in the Union Ballroom.
The affair is the University's wel-
come tendered each year to foreign
students and is being given this year
in the form of an old fashioned
Thanksgiving dinner. In order that
the dinner be typical of Thanksgiv-
ing celebrations as practiced in or-
dinary American homes, guests will
be distributed among small tables,
according to Prof. J. Raleigh Nel-
son, director of the International
Each table will be presided over
by a faculty member and his wife,
who will act as host and hostess as
though they were entertaining guests
in their own home. The small group-
ings will strip the occasion of the
formality of a large banquet, accord-
ing to Professor Nelson.
Color will be added to the Dinner,
which was characterized by Professor
Nelson as one of the most picturesque
events of the year, by the foreign
students, many of whom will don
their native costumes for the occa-
sion. Guests will include also Cana-
dians, and American students from
Puerto Rico and Hawaii.
Departing from the custom of years
past, the Dinner this year will have
no principal speaker.
phoney. They gained what was pur-
ported to be Grant's handwriting
from a threatening card sent to the
pledge masters of the fraternities.
With this clue they began like big-
city detectives to probe through three
office records in an attempt to cor-
relate Grant's writing with some
flesh-and-blood culprit.
More Flagant
Meanwhile Grant's escapades be-
came more flagrant. He faked a
long-distance call to the Kappa Al-
pha Theta sorority and said that he
and nine other members of the Ohio
Wesleyan football team would be in
Ann Arbor for the Iowa game, having
played in upper Michigan the night
before, and could they have dates?
The innocent Thetas did not know
until a day or so later that they had
been hoaxed.
It was "Lee Grant" who intercepted
Miss America on her way to the
beauty-hungry Michigan men; who
nearly caused a riot at a sophomore
class meeting when a deep, sinister
(Continued on Page 6)
1,000 Students
Help Crippled
Children Here
Clague And Stutz Express
Need Of Underprivileged
In Campus-Wide Drive
More than 1,000 students responded
yesterday to the petition drive of the
State Committee To Aid Crippled
Children in the space of a few hours.
"This response represents positive
proof that the sentiment of the cam-
pus is overwhelmingly in favor of
legislative action to restore cuts in
hospital and medical care to the
crippled and afflicted children of
Michigan," Harry Stutz, secretary of
the State Committee said.
In a: statement issued by Ashley
Clague, past president of the Ann
Arbor Kiwanis Club and recently ap-
pointcd member of the Kiwanis In-
ternational Committee For Aid To
Underprivileged Children, he point-
ed out that "it is not right that our
crippled and afflicted children should
be made to suffer to this extent for
the sake of economy when we have
millions to spend for roads, bridges,
parks and schools. The children of
today are the citizens of tomorrow;
they are our responsibility." Clague
went on to say that ,the ;petition drive
securing citizen's support can be in-
strumental in achieving the objec-
tive of the State Committee To Aid
Crippled Children.
Parole Board Refuses
Boss Pendergast Plea
WASHINGTON, Nov 21.-(IP)-The
Federal Parole Board refused today
to grant a parole to Tom Pendergast,
erstwhile Democratic boss of Kan-
sas City, who is serving a 15-months
term in Leavenworth Prison for evad-
ing the income tax law. The de-
cision meant that Pendergast prob-
ably will stay in the penitentiary un-
til May 30, 1940.
"The board," a statement said, "is
constrained by the conviction that
parole issuance in the case of Thom-
as J. Pendergast would be unjusti-
fiable and incompatible with the
public interest."
Soviet Russia
Warns Finland
Of Baltic Navy
Finns Refuse To Accede
To Demands Of USSR;
Defense Is Strengthened
French Say Three
Nazi Planes Down
MOSCOW, Nov. 21.-(,T) Soviet
Russia today crippled a declaration
of her supremacy in the Baltic with
a strongly-worded warning to Fin-
land to refrain from putting any
obstacles in the way of this position.
The advice to Finland came from
Admiral V. Tributz, commander of
the Soviet Baltic fleet, who expressed
"the regret of Soviet Baltic sailors"
at the Finns' refusal of Russia's de-
mands for territorial and .military
"In Finland we hear but the ratt-
ling of arms and the call to war with
the U.S.S.R.," the Admiral said in an
article in the newspaper Komsomol-
skaya Pravda, organ of the Commun-
ist Youth League.
"The dark game of Finnish ruling
circles favors incendiaries of war
who aim to use Finland as a base for
hostile plots.
"No obstacles will ever break our
decision to establish a strong peace
over theFinnish gulf totsafeguard
Soviet borders, the great city of
Leningrad and friendlyBaltic coun-
tries, The red bannered fleet is
ready at any minute."
His statement that the Baltic fleet
acquired command of the Baltic
through newly gained bases in Es-
tonia and Latvia was accompanied
by the disclosure that the fleet was
engaged in large scale maneuvers
Through the Latvian and Estoni-
an concessions Admiral Tributz said,
the Baltic fleet, previously land-
locked in the Gulf of Finland by
winter ice, now could navigate the
year round.
French Say Three
Nazi Planes Downed
PARIS, Nov. 21.-(PA)-The de-
struction of three German planes on
the Western Front, two of which
plunged in flames, was announced
tonight by the French High Com-
The French, in their evening com-
munique, said:
" has been notable for an
artillery duel to the east of the Saar,
also east of Vosges.
"The two air forces were active.
An enemy reconnaissance plane was
brought down within our lines. Two-
fighters were brought down in
flames over the enemy lines.
Gandhi States
India's Policy
Wants Freedom In Return
For Participation In War
BOMBAY, Nov. 21.-(P)-Mohan-
das K. Gandhi told Britain bluntly
today that the resignation of eight
of India's 11 provincial governments
meant they could not participate in
the war against Germany unless they
obtained in retuirn "complete free-
dom" from India.
The little leader of millions of In-
dians asserted that this was their
"emphatic" answer to the British
White Paper of Oct. 17 deferring dis-
cussion of India's status until after
the war.
His statement was made as he met
at Allahabad with a committee of
the Congress Party (Nationalists) to
discuss the country's attitude toward
the European conflict.
The Moslem League, second larg-
est political party in India, has en-
dorsed the British stand despite the
protest resignations of eight provin-
cial governments dominated by the
Congress Party,
Unio 'Icket Resale
To Operate Friday
The Union operated ticket resale
exchange will operate this week foi
the first time this year the day pre-
ceding a home game between 3 anc
5 p.m. Friday. It also will be ir
--I-s-- ~ -- ,.flf _ _
(Chamberlain Announces
German Trade Blockade;
America Maintains Rights
U.S. Warns Great Britain
That This Nation Decries
Interference On Seas
Britain Establishes
Passport System
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.-(IP)-
Great Britain has been notified that
the United States does not endorse
any prindiple involving interference
with genuinely neutral trade on the
high seas.
Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of
State, told reporters today that this
word had gone out along with the as-
sertion that this country naturally
was reserving all is rights under in-
ternational law.
Welles' disclosure followed closely
an announcement by the British Em-
bassy that Great Britain had estab-
lished a sort of commercial passport
system for American shippers. Under
this system an American desiring to
ship goods to European neutrals may
"apply to the nearest British consu-
late on special forms obtainable from
any British consulate in the United
States." If the consulate considers
the consignment "unobjectionable"
it willissue a document called a "na-
Later, if the ship master is threat-
ened with search or seizure by Brit-
ish warships he can display his navi-
cert and be allowed to proceed. A
fee will be charged for the navicerts
to cover the cost of necessary tele-
graphic inquires, the British Embassy
announced. It said the purpose of
the navicert system was to reduce
"to a minimum the interference with
neutral trade inevitably occasioned"
by the exercise of legitimate belliger-
ent rights.
Commenting on the navicert plan,
Welles told his press conference he
saw no reason at present to regard
it as an interference with this coun-
try's neutral rights.
Churches Plan.
Union Services
Court Vacancy
Can Be of Aid
To Democrats
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. -(P)--
The present Supreme Court vacancy
offers President Roosevelt an un-
usual opportunity to soothe the
Democratic Party's anti-New Dealers
and help build a united front for
He could do so, some are urging,
by appointing a man of middle-road
or moderately right economic tend-
The argument runs the President
could make such an appointment at
no cost to himself, for he already
"has his court." Recent terms of
the Court have shown that the Presi-
dent's past appointments have solid-
ly entrenched the "liberal interpre-
tation" of the constitution upon
which Mr. Roosevelt has insisted.
A view which has received fairly
widespread acceptance in the past
is that in such appointments a duty
rests upon the President to give the
country's principal economic and
constitutional viewpoints representa-
tion on the court.
Federal Deficit
To Be Reduced,
Roosevelt Says
Fiscal Aides Will Attempt
One Billion Cut Despite
Defense Expenditures
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.-(P)-
President Roosevelt, his fiscal advis-
ers said today, will try to reduce the
1941. federal deficit approximately $1,-
000,000,000 below this year's figure,
despite expected increases in the cost
of national defense.
Budget plans, it was said, are being
drafted with a view to trimming the
deficit for the fiscal year beginning
July 1, 1940 to $2,000,000,000. Offi-
cials added, however, that $2,500,000,-
000 was a more probable figure.
Exactly how much these figures
would fall below this year's shortage
is not known. Mr. Roosevelt in Jan-
uary estimated the 1940 deficit at $3,-
426,000,000, but the business upturn
and Congressional rewriting of White
House recommendations have im-
proved the outlook.
Officials said that economies might
be effected in appropriations for re-
lief, public works, farm aid and ad.
ministrative expenses.
Confirmation of the reported re-
ductions came from Stephen T. Early,
Presidential Secretary, and Harold
D. Smith, Budget Director. Early
said the reports were "pretty close"
and Smith told reporters there would
be "some cuts."
Actual estimates of the budget Mr.
Roosevelt will submit to Congress in
January were lacking. Officials said
it had not been completed, adding
that present expectations might be
upset changing business and mili-
tary conditions.
Britain Accuses Germany
Of Illegal Mine Warfare
And Proclaims Reprisal
Japanese Vessel
Is Latest Victim
(Unless otherwise stated all foreign.
dispatches are subject to censorship.)
LONDON, Nov. 21.--(AP)--Great
Britain, accusing Germany of "ruth-
less brutality" and illegal mine war-
fare, today proclaimed in reprisal an
unrestricted high seas blockade of
German trade,
While Prime Minister Chamber-
lain was announcing this step to the
House of Commons and blaming Ger-
many for the past week's heavy toll
of merchant shipping off the British
east coast, the 11,930-ton Japanese
passenger liner Terukuni Maru be-
came the latest and largest victim.
The vessel, which was believed to
have struck a mine, sank within sight
of the coast, and her 26 passengers
and 180 crew members were saved.
Subject To Service ,
Chamberlain said the government
had decided to "subject to seizure on
the high seas" all "exports of German
)rigin or ownership."
He said this practice had been fol-
owed during the World War "as a
measure of justified reprisals for sub-
marine attacks on merchant ships,"
and it was to be put into effect now
because of "many violations' of in-
ternational law and the rulthless
brutality of German methods."
The measure, to be put into effect
"shortly" by an Order in Council,
calls for seizure of all German e-
ports on the high seas, regardless of
whether they are carried under neu-
tral flags, in order to throttle Ger-
many's supply of currency to buy war
Other Developments
Other developments of the day,
relatively busy one for war-time Brit-
ain, included:
1. Announcement of the sinking of
the 490-ton minesweeping trawleif
Mastiff, sixth acknowledged British
'naval loss of the war, off the east
coast by a mine yesterday. One crew-
man killed, five missing.
2. The British merchant trawlers
Thomas Hankins and Sea Sweeper,
of 276 and 329 tons respectively, were
sunk by submarines off the Irish
coast. The 250-ton trawler tDel-
phine was sunk by a submarine in un-
disclosed waters. Her crew( was
The Delphine was the 15th ship,
including 16 British and five neu-
tral, to be sunk by torpedoes or mines
since last Saturday.
Forestry Class
To Hold Re-vote
Foreign Relations
Discusses Europe'
University Students
To Thanksgiving
Six students and three faculty
members sat around an Internation-
al Relations Club round-table last
night in the Union to ferret out the
origins of the present European war.
The faculty men were Prof. How-
ard M. Ehrmann of the history de-
partment, and Prof. Howard B. Cal-,
derwood and Joseph A. Kitchin of
the political science department.
The war's immediate and underly-
ing causes, those political, economic
and psychological in nature, were
discussed. The failure of the League
of Nations, the Versailles Treaty and
Hitler's personality and program
were three of the factors which came
in for a large share of the round-
table's attention.
Later discussion lapsed into the
war's probable outcome and the ques-
tion of whether British imperialism
was involved. No decisions were
The International Relation Club's
next meeting, on "A United States of
Europe," will be held Tuesday, Dec. 5.
Wage Issue Blocks
Labor Settlement
DETROIT, Nov. 21.-(/P)-Federal
and state conciliators intensified ef-
forts tonight to break the wage issue
deadlock that is delaying settlement
of a contract dispute involving more
than 50,000 Chrysler Corporation
James F. Dewey, of the United
States Department of Labor, con-
ferred separately with corporation of-
ficials; Arthur E. Rabb, chairman of
the State Labor Mediation Board,
talked with representatives of the CIO
United Automobile Workers.
Bundsfuehrer Denies
Embezzlement Charges
University students today were
invited to participate in Thanks-
giving Day Union church services
sponsored by the Ann Arbor minis-
ter's association at 10:30 a.m. in the
Rackham Auditorium.
In addition, eight Ann Arbor
churches will mark Thanksgiving
Day with special services of their
Rabbi Elmer Berger of Flint will
deliver the main address of the Union
Service. Rev. Henry Lewis of St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church, president
of the minister's association, will pre-
side at the service.
Churches in the city holding spe-
cial Thanksgiving services are:,- Zion
Lutheran, St. Paul's Lutheran, Trin-
ity Lutheran, Free Methodist, First
Church of Christ Scientist, St. Tho-
mas Catholic, St. Mary's Catholic
Students' Chapel, and Bethel A.M.E.
Several Ann Arbor ministers will
take part in the Union Service. The
public is invited to atend.
Students Object To Triple Cuts;
Four Day Vacation Is Popular
Perennial thorn in the side of
student-administration relations is'
the triple-cut regulation in its ap-
plication to the Friday following
Student petitions seeking an ex-
tension of the holiday to Friday have
in the past been consistently turned
down by the powers-that-be, but the
problem is by no means solved. De-
spite the penalty invoked, large num-
bers of students still brave faculty
pose of the regulation is to encour-
wrath to spend a few days at home.
On the even of another Thanks-
giving "weekend," the inquiring re-
porters canvass student sentiments
to ask-
Do you believe triple-cuts should
he enforced on Thanksgiving Friday?
Alexis M. Anikeef, '40: "Definitely
no! Three cuts for missing one class
who live out-state can visit home
only three times a year, according to
the present University Calendar. If
the administration were lenient on
this one extra day, many could spend
the weekend at home, and with the
advancement of the Thanksgiving
date now in effect, the holiday would
be more evenly spaced between the
opening of school and Christmas."
Francis N. Beauvais, '41: "I be-
lieve the regulation as now set-up
should be enforced. It isn't a ques-
tion of missing one day, it is rather
a direct violation of the principle of
what we are here for. We should be
here to learn something, not to play
games with the administration. It
just isn't the sporting thing to do."
Frances Mendelson, '41: "Few other
schools hold session on Thanksgiving
Friday and it seems pretty petty to
me that the administration should
be so concerned-it strikes me as
Student Photography Hobbyists
Comment On Daily Exhibition
Many amateur camera fiends and agination and originality of Jack
photography connoisseurs on campus Mendelsohn in his "big city" shots
have been overheard in conversation is the high spot of the exhibit.
appraising the exhibition of salon Robert W. Bogle, '41: The type of
photography, sponsored by The Daily work exemplified in this exhibit in-
in the North Gallery of Alumni Mem- dicates a vital and refreshing change
orial Hall. in photographic art. Originality,
A Daily reporter interviewed a few which salon photography has hereto-
of these, and the combined com- fore notoriously lacked, is everywhere
ments typify general opinion of the in evidence here. The camera study
exhibit, which represents outstanding of three farmers in country harmony
photographic work of college stu- indicates the fresh trend.
dents throughout the country. Each Walter A. Scoville, '40: It's a mighty
amateur photographer interviewed good exhibit. The scenic shots are
was struck by a different character- especially well-done. Some of the
istic of the photography. Negro shots aren't particularly in-
THE QUESTION: As an amateur teresting, although the photography
photographer, how would you ap- is unusually clear. "Waiting," the
.1* . ._I nieture nf an airnaneahnut to take
Second Election To Break
Tie For Senior Position
A second election to determine the
president of the senior forestry class
was announced .by James Halligan,
'40F&C, member of the men's judici-
ary committee in charge of the elec-
tions. Thetre-vote will be held next
T~uesday to break the tie between
James Knox and Oscar Traczewitz
each of whom polled 12 votes in last
week's election.
Polling will be as usual, in the for-
estry seminar room in the Natural
Science Building, Halligan said. Time
of voting will be between 10 a.m. and
The Men's Judiciary Committee,
officially organized this fall to re-
place the Men's Council which was
abolished in the spring, handles all
class elections on campus, a task once
performed by the Council.
Byrd's Expedition
Leaves For Pole
PHILADELPHIA, Nov.v21.-(-P}-
Admiral Richard E. Byrd's Anarctic
flagship, The North Star, bid the
United States a snowy farewell today.
Wia th na, nri nthwinddrvinb hig