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November 21, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-21

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Partly cloudy;
Continued cold today.


5fr i!Aja


*Invisible Stop Signs
Can't Be Seen.


VOL. L. No. 50




U.S. To Insist
On Minimnum
Interef erenee
With Sipn
Now That American Boats
Are At Home,' We Desire
Safety, Official Asserts
American Attitude
Has BeenChanging
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-MP)-The
United States, having barred Ameri-
can ships from Europe's combat area,
will insist on a minimum of interfer-
ence with them elsewhere.
By interference, the administration
means not merely seizure of cargo or
a portion of the cargo by a belligerent,
but also undue detention of a ship
through dilatory examination of her
papers and cargo.
A high official, explaining the gov-
ernment's determinaiton, said the
Administration believed that the
States had made sufficiently onerous
sacrifices in the interests of peace,
and that these sacrifices should be
repaid in part by fewer restrictions
on American ships traveling in lanes
outside the combat zone.
Situation Changed
The proclamation of the zone has
radically changed the situation in-
volving detention of American ships.
Many ships have been putting into
British ports voluntarily for exam-
ination 'before proceeding to neutral
destinations. Some times British au-
thorities took off cargo they suspected
was destined ultimately for Germany.
But now the combat zone procla-
mation automatically rules this out.
American ships may not go to Brit-
Isih ports at all.'
Suppose, however, a British war-
ship- stops an American merchant
ship outside the zone and sends her
to a control point for examination.
The warship is directing that vessel
to do what Congress has said she
,0ยง no Logical Development
And yet this may ie a logical de-
velopibent of the combat zone. Pre-
vious , American ships bound for
the northern tiropean neutrals have
stopped at British ports of their own
accord. Now they may not stop, nor
may they go to Holland, Belgium,
Sweden or Denmark. They may go
to Bergen, Norway, by skirting to the
north of Britain, and it is on this nor-
thern lane that British warships may
stop them and send them down to
Britain for examination.
If Britain forces an American mer-
chantman to do the very thing Con-
gress has forbidden the vessel to do,
a sharp remonstrance might well be
made by the state department. Prac-
tically all the United States trade
with Norway, Sweden and Denmark
which is carried in American bottoms
will be directed to Bergen. Authori-
ties here are firm in demanding that
the combination of combat zone and
British blockade shall not work to cut
America off from those good cus-
Dewey Seeks
Strike Truce
Union Lowers Demands

In ChryslerDispute
DETROIT, Nov. 20.-UP)-While
58,000 Chrysler employes waited for
word of an agreement that might re-
turn them to their jobs after 46 days
of idleness, officials of the corpora-
tion and the CIO United Automobile
Workers today sought a compromise
on wage adjustments to end the pro-
longed contract dispute.
James F, Dewey, U.S. Department
of Labor conciliator, reported the cor-
poration had expressed willingness to
make "substantial adjustments in
rates of pay" but had made no offer
of a general wage increase. The
union, which had demanded a blanket
wage increase of 10 cents an hour,
was reported ready to accept five
At Lansing Gov. Luren D. Dickin-
son expressed regret that the state
lacked the power to force a settle-
ment, and added:
"Any industry that wants to oper-
ate will have our protection and work-
men who really want to work will be

Hawaii Is Destined To Become
Independent State, Judd Says

Former Governor Attacks
System Which Subjects
Island People To U.S.
Statehood is the ultimate destiny
of the Territory of Hawaii, Law-
rence M. Judd, former governor of
the Territory, said in an address onj
"Hawaii-the Pivot of the Pacific"
at 4:15 p.m. yesterday in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
The fundamental principles of
America will not tolerate any group
of citizens remaining a subject
people, he explained. The citizens
of the Territory, having no voting
representative in Congress, Judd ex-
plained, are virtually in such a posi-
tion, dependent upon the wishes and
ideas of the Congressional represen-
tatives of the 48 states.
The Territory of Hawaii, Judd
emphasized, cannot be regarded as
a possession of the United States,
as it is in truth an integral part of
the nation. Its government was for-
mally recognized as the ruling body
of a soverign country until its de-
sires for annexation by this nation,
were granted, he pointed out.
The importance of the Territoryt
today can be seen, he observed, by

the fact that it ranks as the fourth
of 'all nations or protectorates in
relation to trade with mainland
United States. Oahu, the most high-
ly populated island in the Hawaiian
group, he added, is the center of
what is termed the "spearhead of the
American defense in the Pacific."
Besides, Judd pointed out, the Ter-f
ritory contributed more to the na-
tion in taxes than 14 states last
The large number of residents of
Japanese, Chinese and Philippine an-
cestry living in the Territory of
Hawaii should be no cause for worry
in case it were given statehood, Judd
said in an interview after the lecr,
ture. "I would bet my last dollar,''
he continued, "that so-called 'for-
eign groups' of the Territory would
make as good full-fledged American
citizens as the people of any minority
group-and better than most."
All the people of the Territory,,
Judd explained, are eligible to re-
ceive as good an American educa-
tion as anyone in the country. Any
discrimination against these people,
he concluded, could only be classed
as "rank injustice," especially as
they have all helped build Hawaii
into its present position as an im-
portant part of America.

Nazis Admit
1,200 Czechs
Are In Jail
French Sound Air Alarms
In Northwest; Troops
Take Over Dormitories
Eight Universities
Closed In Purge
PRAGUE, Nov. 20,-(')-Approxi-
mately 1,200 students have been sent
to concentration camps in connection
with recent demonstrations which led
to the execution of 12 Czechs, it was
'announced officially tonight.
Parents and relatives and others
making inquiries or attempting inter-
vention were advised that such steps
were "purposeless."
The conflict between dissident
Czechs and the German-established
government of the protectorate of
Bohemia-Moravia began with clashes
on Oct. 28, the 21st anniversity of
the founding of the former Czechoslo-
vak. Republic. A student injured on
that day died last Wednesday, pre-
cipitating anti-German demonstra-
tions which were said to have result-
ed in the shooting by firing squads
of nine students, two policemen and
an unidentified Czech.
A survey today showed eight Czech
universities and academies, including
the university and theological facul-
ties of Prague and Bruenn, have been
closed for three years.
Several thousand Czechs have been
arrested' by the Schutzstaffel (Elite
Guard) troops.
Student dormitories and offices of
Czechs schools in Prague remained
occupied by the black-shirted detach-
Air Raid Alarm
Sounds In France
PARIS, Nov. 20.-(P)-An air raid
alarm was sounded in Northwestern
France at 7:05 p.m. (2:05 p.m., EST)
tonight, and ended 37 miiues later.
The alarm was given after a day in
which the Germans made widespread
scouting flights over France, caus-
ing alert signals in widely separated
parts of the country.
On the battle lines, meanwhile,
there was reduced activity, except for

League Shows ,
Finland Today'
At Mendelssohn
Francis R. Line, '28, will present
his photographic analysis of "Finland
Today" in two showings today at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under
the auspices of the Art Cinema
A matinee presentation of the film
will be given at 4 p.m., with an eve-
ning showing at 8:15 p.m. Tickets
are on sale at the League box office,
and all seats will be reserved.'
Mr. Line photographed the scenes
incorporated into his film a month
before the present war broke out. He
was assisted in gathering the ma-
terial by the Finnish government.
Portrayed in the color film are such
phases as Finland's modern develop-
ment, social aspects, youth move-
ment, the work carried on by women
and a detailed study of the Great
Arctic Highway, the chief artery of
Finnish commerce that any invader
will try to sever.
Campus support was given the local
showing of the film when Suomi, or-
ganization of Finnish students here,
voted last week to attend the movie.
Dean Erich A. Walter will introduce
Mr. Line, who will explain the scenes
depicted in his picture.
CAA ToBein'
Advanced Flight
Trainig Here

German Submarit

Sinks BritishV

"/ kw;

Off Coast Of Ir


Noted Actress'
Solo Sketches
Thrill Crowd

Local Chapter
Of Red Cross
Ne S,.$2J'51
Ne ts_$2,453
Adams Urges Cooperation
By Undergraduates In
Call ForMembership
"Further coopcIation on the part
of the studeit body in the Red Cross
membership drive is needed," Tom
Adams, '40, chairman of the recent
undergraduate drive, asserted yester-.
The drive has netted $2,453.06 for
the Washtenaw County Chapter ac-
cording to the latest returns. More
than 195 group enrollments, includ-
ing contributions thus far the facul-
ty campaign, total .$225.05. Roll Call
committee men termed the faculty
response "disappointing."
Other contributions include: spe-
cial gifts, $823.50; house to house
canvassing, $1,142.41; business and
industrial gifts, $119; and booths and
miscellaneous, $146.10.
Dr. Anthony J.J. Rourke, roll call
chairman and assistant director of
University Hospital, announced yes-
terday that the drive was going well
and was expected to exceed last,
year's proceeds.t,
Contributions can still be given
or mailed to the Red Cross at Harris
Hall, Red Cross headquarters
Shipments In East
DelayedBy Japan
WASHINGTioN, Nov. 20. -(P)--
The State Departmen took a grave
view today of reports that Japanese
military authorities have delayed the
transportation of American goods
into the British and French conces-
sions at Tientsin, China.
At his press conference, Sumner
Welles, Acting Secretary of State,
disclosed that there have been num-
erous complaints of difficulties en-
countered by American business men
in getting goods into the concessions.
In response to a question, Welles
said he most decidedly believed that
Americans had a right to engage in
trade with the concessions.

Judoe Scores
Case Of State
In Kuhn Trial
Prosecutors Have Failed
To Prove Money Stolen
From Bund Treasury
NEW YORK, Nov. 20. -(RP)--A
declaration that the prosecution had
failed to show "beyond reasonable
doubt" that. Fritz Kuhn had stolen
money from his German-American
Bund was made from the bench to-
day by Judge James G. Wallace in
the Bundsfuehrer's larceny trial.,
At this expression of judicial dis-
satisfaction with the nature of testi-
mony thus far offered, Assistant Dis-
trict Attorney Herman; McCarthy
immediately indicated that the state
would reopen its case.
At the end of a court session which
at one point had been overlaid with
open hilarity, as McCarthy had
sought to cross-examine himself to
prove he had no "animus" toward
Kuhn, Judge Wallace told the young
"You haven't proved everything
beyond a reasonable doubt. Merely
because he (Kuhn) didn't deposit all
of this money (collected by the
Bund) does not prove that he stole
it. You must prove it was done with
intent to defraud, and if any of the
money was spent for legitimate Bund
purposes, that expenditure does not
constitute larceny."
McCarthy hurriedly answered that,
although the prosecution had rested
last week, it would offer what he
termed indisputable evidence before
the case was finally ended.
Judge Wallace's remarks followed
defense testimony which contradict-
ed earlier state testimony intended
to show that among Kuhn's alleged
peculations was the misappropria-
tion of $500 intendedl to have been
paid to James D. C. Murray, a private
attorney, for legal services.
William Luedtke of Lodi, N.J.,
treasurer of the German-American
Business League, a bund affiliate,
swore that on July 8, 1938, Kuhn had
given him $500 in cash,

A beautiful woman with expressive
hands and an inspiring voice last
night twisted the emotions of a
capacity Hill Auditorium audience;
with her every word.
She was Cornelia Otis Skinner, the
character actress who has been called;
"the greatest single attraction of the
American theatre," in a program of
her modern monologues sponsored
by the University Oratorical Asso-
Miss Skinner presented six popu-
lar sketches: "Christmas Morning,"
"Times Square," "The English Lady
Explorer," "Homework," "Liebes-
traum" and "Motoring in the 90,'s."
She appeared alone using only dark
drapes as a background and em-
ploying simple objects such as a
lorgnette, a shawl and a hat as stage
Members of the audience agreed
that although Miss Skinner is a solo
artist, "she does not perform alone.
Her casts exist in her pauses, in the
way she looks at imaginary- persons
and. the way, she walks' about the,
stage." One observer exclaimed that
"this is real art that is seldom en-
Conger Leaves
Nazis In Wake
Of Censorship,

Survivors Reach England
Today; Nazi Airplanes
Fly Over London Area
Troops Are Quiet
On Western Front
(By The Associated Press)
Twenty-two , weather-beaten pas-
sengers and crew members from the
sunken British merchant vessel "Ar-
lington Court" arrived in Cork, Ire-
land this morning, sole survivors of a
boat whichrwas sunk several days
ago by a subiharine 200 miles off the
Irish coast.
Word of the 4,915 ton British boat's
fate was received in England for the
first time yesterday, and brought the
total of British merchant vessels sent
to the bottom during the weekend to
Meanwhile, Nazi airmen suddenly
stepped up the tempo of the war in
the air with an unsuccessful raid
which touched London's outskirts for

some artillery fire.
Tonight's commnmique said
duced activity on the front.
patrols and some artillery fire."
Benefit Drive


Sonja Henie Picks Tom Harmon
For Her Pretty' All-American

For Cripples
Is Organized
Committee For Crippled
Children To P e tition
Legislature For Money
A state-wide petition drive for a
special session of the legislature to
appropriate additional funds for
crippled children in Michigan will be
launched this week, Harry Stutz,
Grad., secretary of the State Com-a
mittee to Aid Crippled Children an-
nounced yesterday.
The Committee was formed to con-
solidate sentiment favoring a special
session of the legislature after or-
ganizations acting individually had
failed to induce the legislature to re-
consider its reductions in aid to sick
indigent children. Petitions will be
circulated simultaneously in Detroit,
Flint, Lansing and other leading
cities in an attempt to secure thous-
ands of signatures by Dec. 15.
Delegates of the organizations on
the State Committee to Aid Crippled
Childrentogether with all other in-
terested groups, will meet at a con-
ference, Friday, Dec. 15, in Ann Arbor
to decide upon a uniform policy
action. "The Conference will serve
as a jumping off point to gain further
support," Stutz said, "and will in-
tensify efforts to gain our objective,
a special session to restore the hos-
pital cuts."
Volunteer committee members
hope to arouse interest in the con-
ference by making the petition drive
as successful as possible, Stutz de-
clared. All student and teacher
groups on campus as well as the
residents of Ann Arbor will be asked
to endorse the petition, he said.
Betty Grable Unconcerned
About Jack's Engagement
BOSTON. Nov .2 --UP- Betty.

Graduates Of Elementary
Instruction Are Eligible
Under New Program+
The Civil Aeronautics Authority
yesterday authorized the University
to break new ground in the trainingI
of student flyers by establishing an
advanced flight course for those stu-
dents who successfully completed the
elementary course last spring.
Providing the student flyer with
146 hours of advanced ground school
instruction and from 40 to 50 hours
of flying, the course will enable him
to qualify for the limited commercial
certificate. The cost of training for
this at a professional school would
be about $1,000.
Requirements for participation in
the course include: successful com-
pletion of the private pilot course
last spring; enrollment in college as
a full time student; certification from
a new medical examination, which1
will be conducted here by Dr. Fene-
more E. Davis, CAA approved flight
surgeon; and ability to pay a labora-7
tory fee up to $40.
Eight students are eligible for the
course. They are: Clifford W. James,
'41A, Flint; Harry C. Matteson, '41E,
Jackson; Frederick A. Maxam, '40E,
St. Clair Shores; Byrl F. Schaubert,
40F&C, Shattus, Ill,; Samuel Tau-
man, '40E, Pontiac; John P. Vivian,
Jr., '42E, New Rochelle, N.Y.; Hans
Weichsel, Jr., '42E, Webster Grove,
Mo.; and John H. Overton, '40, Baby-
lon, N.Y.
Ground school for the course will
be begun as soon as the CAA approves
an instructor, according to Prof. Em-
erson W. Conlon of the aeronautical
engineering department,
Youthful Hunter Is Victim
In Fourth Fatal Accident
(By The Associated Press)
The fourth fatal gun accident of
the Michigan deer hunting season
was recorded Monday when the body
of 19-year-old Harold Eldred of
Capac was found three miles north-
east of Shingleton in Alger County.
The young hunter had been missing
since Sunday night,

Communication Is Denied
To Journalist By Reich4
After Discontent Story
Restrictions imposed upon his ac-
tivities by the Nazi government mo-
tivated the sudden departure fromt
Germany of S. Beach Conger, jr., '32,1
head of the New York Herald-Tri-1
bune's Berlin Bureau and former edi-
torial director of The Daily, it was
learned through relatives here yes-
Conger left Berlin Saturday and1
fled to Amsterdam with his wife after
learning that he had been denied all
telephone, cable and mail privileges.
in Germany and had been barred
from all press conferences by the
propaganda ministry. The action, it
was revealed, was provoked by a dis-
patch printed last Tuesday in the
Herald-Tribune in which Conger, re-
ported discontent among submarine
crews in Hamburg and intimated
that the German high command was
reluctant to invade neutral countries
in the western offensive.
News' of the former student's ex-
pulsion was first published in the
United States in The Daily.
Conger, following in the footsteps
of his father, S. Beach Conger, who
was a correspondent in Berlin in the.
last war, was appointed to head the
New York Herald Tribune's bureau
there late in September, and had
been stationed there for about 18
days. Conger graduated from the
University in 1932 and included
among his affiliations, in addition to
The Daily; Sigma Delta Chi, Mimes,
Druids, Phi Eta Sigma and Zeta Psi

the first time during the war,
British anti-aircraft guns, aidedby
the Royal Air Force, drove off the
lone German plane which was seen
over the Thames estuary. British guns
also repelled a Nazi flight over the
Orkney Islands, site of the Scapa
Flow naval base, and a German air-
mans assault on a British destroyer
in the North Sea was said to have
been "unsuccessful."
Date Of Sinking Unknown
The date of the Arlington Court's
sinking was not given in brief dis-
patches received last night, the first
information merely reciting that 22
survivors in a lifeboat were rescued
by the Netherland vessel Algenib. A
lifeboat with 11 other crewmen was
It was believed the Arlington Court
sank several days ago, however, as
the chief engineer was said to haveq~
died in the lifeboat found by the
Algenib. The survivors were expect-
ed in Cork today.
Owners of the Netherlands pas-
senger liner, Simon Bolivar, lowered
the known death toll in the destruc-
tion of their ship by a mine Saturday
to 85. Previously, 140 persons were
reported to have been lost.
Most of the losses in the North Sea
were attributed by the British to Ger-
man mines-but the Germans said
their mines could not have been re-
Western Front Quiet
On the Western Front, military af-
fairs were forgotten temporarily while
German troops cleared debris caused
by violent storms. Both the French
and German armies virtually had to
forego even patrol action because of
the flooded Rhine and other border
German airmen were reported ac-
tive over France, however, their
scouting flights causing air raid
alarms to be sounded in widespread
One German pilot crashed to his
death in the Netherlands-his plane
apparently dsiabled by Netherlands
anti-aircraft guns. It was the third
time in as many days that German
planes flying over Netherlands have
been fired upon.
Michigan Pilots
Capture Meet

Baby-faced Sonja Henie thinks
that Michigan's Tom Harmon is "so
pretty" that she picked him as full-
back on her own little all-American
team last night, but the ever-wise
Ann Arbor coeds are shaking their
heads sadly as they learn the news.
The University women, who have
been subject to nation-wide ridicule
ever since one football player
claimed that the least beautiful girls
in the country come to Michigan, in-
sist that Harmon doesn't belong on
any "glamour boy" . football eleven.
Tom is a "swell" football player, the
college girls say, but "he just isn't
Instead they would select half a
dozen other members of the Michi-
gan squad for Sonia's All-American.

Outlawed Drifting Sea Mines
Brig New Perils To Shipping

plenty of support from the Michigan
football squad, which was informed
of dimpled Miss Henie's choices last
night. Most of the members, includ-
ing Capt. Archie Kodros and quarter-
back Evashevski himself, insisted
that Miss Henie didn't look far
enough when she glanced at the pic-
tures. Both Kodros and Evashevski
declared that "I would have won if
this iceskater knew her business."
Harmon himself had no comments
to make. He just looked at the
news dispatches, blushed and said
But Margot Thom, Harmon's girl,
was "all excited" about it. "Of
course he deserves it," she said, "he's
swell." "He's not pretty, of course,
but hP i s amufilv hsunsAnm, Nn

(Associated Press Staff Writer)
Outlaw sea mines, drifting in the
path of neutral shipping in the Euro-
pean war zone to take a shocking toll
of non-combatant lives, have brought
home to the world as has no other
incident, the horrors that may lie
Whoever laid them or however
they came to be floating in the sea
lanes as blind and terrible menaces
to all shipping, those mines are out-
lawed by the Hague conventions of
1909 to which all sea-using nations,
including Germany and the Franco-
British allies, have subscribed.

erents shall leave neither mines nor,
torpedoes drifting in the wake of
their battles to strike any comer on
the seaways with not as much warn-
ing as a rattlesnake gives.
The Hague rules provide that un-
anchored mines, fused to explode
on contact, may be used by warring
sea powers, but only if so safe-
guarded as to become harmless with-
in an hour after they are launched.
The clause permitting short-lived
mines was inserted to meet a special
condition of warfare. It is designed
to cover the case of a belligerent war
vessel, or even a fleet, fleeing from
a stronger enemy in close pursuit.

Ranney, Van Veen, And
Goldman Take Honors
Capturing a total of 54 points out of
a total of 82, the Michigan Flying
Club won the Mid-West Intercollegi-
ate Flying Meet here Saturday and
Sunday against meager competition.
The high-point trophy for the
meet was awarded to Dean, Triplet of
Akron University with a total of 17
points. Earl Rottmayer, also of Ak-
ron, placed second with 11 points
while three Micnigan flyers, Dan-
niel R. Ranney, '40E, Louis H. Gold-
man, '40E and Henry G. VanVeen,
'41 tied for third place honors with
nine points each.
Individual event trophies were
won by Fred Maxam, '40E, in the
bomb-dropping contest; Edward M
Mancourt, '41, in the 180-degree spot-

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