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November 15, 1939 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-15

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soph Prom Committee Members Named, To Be Held J


Kehoe To Head.
Of Annual Ball
Court Of Honor Consisting
Of 10 Campus Women
Will Be Special Feature
Soph Prom will be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday, Jan. 19, in the
Union Ballroon, said Jim Kehoe, gen-
eal chairman, yesterday.
Kehoe also named the members of
the Prom's dance committees. Assist-
ing Robert Brown, control chairman,
will be Robert Waldron, Ray Powell,
'Charles Canfield and John Wendt.
Richard Scherling, finance chair-
man, will be assisted by Roger Kelley,
William.Comstock and LeRoy Perry.
Members of the music committee, of
which William Furniss, is chairman,
are George, Betterson, Jack utler,
Samuel Russell and Robert Porter.
Working under Grace Miller, floor
chairman, will be Caroline Denfield,
Betty Hine, Virginia Patterson, Ptri-
cia Longhead, Edward McLogan,Da-
vid Easick and Leon Coquillette.
Members of Phelps Hines decora-
tions committee are Dorothy Wild-
man, Dorothy Walker, Martha Bed-
ford, Tony Serretti, John Tall, Carl
Wolfston, Beatrice Snoke, William
Burgess, Bruce Hartwick and Steve
James B. Collins, Burton Rubens
and Aron Kahn will assist John Kes-
sel, programs chairman. Helen
Rhodes, head of the patrons commit-
tee, will be assisted by Jane Baits,
Betty Fariss, Lois Basse, John Shand-
ley, John Rookus and Jane Zimmer-
A Court of Honor consisting of 10
well-known campus women will be
iVited to attend the ball by members
of the central committee. Also ?ea-'
tur'ed by the dance committee will 'be
a proessional floor show' and a unique
decortions scheme.
Phi Sigma Sigma Wins
Scholarship Cup, Book
Phi Sigma Sigma was awarded the
scholarship cup at the annual Pan-
hellenic Banquet held Monday in the
League. The cup is awarded .to the
sorority for attaining the highest
standing scholastically among the
Panhellenic groups and is engraved
with that house's name.
The deans of women also awarded
the sorority with an autographed copy
of the. book, "Modern Paintings."

Backstage Accident Was Cause
Of Miss Skinner's First Debut;

Lounging Comfort

Actress Will Be Featured
Monday In Monologue
At Oratorical Lecture
Many a star's career is said to have
been founded on a freak backstage
accident, but certainly none can
claim a more original and auspicious
introduttion to the theatr than
Cornelia .Otis Skinner, thU'd of the
scheduled performers of the Univer-
sity Oratorical Association Series, who
will appear in Ann Arbor Monday in
a program of her original miono-
logues and dramatic sketches.
It was while watching her famous
father and mother, Otis Skinner
and Maude Durbin, interpret a
Shakespearean play that Miss Skin-
ner, who was then a small child,
received her first career-determining
imprint when she was accidentally
brushed up against a piece of scen-
ery by a stage hand who happened
To Assemle
Annual Graduate Reception
To Be At 8 P.M. Today.;
Exhibits To Be Shown
More than 400 graduate students
and faculty members in the various
branches of pure and applied chemis-
try will assemble at the annual gradu-
ate chemistry reception to be held
from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. today in the
graduate school.
The reception is for the purpose of
bringing together old and new gradu-
ate students and faculty members in
the departments. It is being spon-
sored by Phi Lambda Upsilon, honor-
ary chemical fraternity; Iota Sigma
Pi; honorary chemical sorority; Alpha
Chi Sigma, professional chemical fra-
ternity;'and Rho Chi, honorary phar-
maceutical society.
In the receiving lnie will be Dean
C. S. Yoakum of the graduate school
and Mrs. Yoakum, Prof. C. S.
Schoepfle of the chemistry depart-
ment and Mrs. Schoepfle, Prof. E. M.
Baker of the chemical engineering de-
partment and Mrs. Baker and Prof. H.
B. Lewis of the biological chemistry
department and Mrs. Lewis.
A number of exhibits will be on dis-
play in the two conference rooms.
They will include a photographic
chemical geneology, a display of va-
rious types of modern plastics, a col-
lection of fluorescent minerals and
chemicals, a rare elements exhibit,
and samples of cancer producing com-
pdunds prepared synthetically in the
laboratories of the University.
Music will be 'furnished during the
evening by a trio comffposed of Lonna
Par'ker, '41, cellist, Thoas Wheately,
'426 , violinist, and John Wolaver,
'42SM, pianist.
Homecoming Means Fun
But It Runs Into Dough
CHICAGO, Nov. 14--(ACP)-Home-
coming games are expensive luxuries'
for college alumni!
That's the 'opinion of the National
Consumers Tax 'Commission, which
has just released a study which proves
that a fan and his Wife or sweetheart
spends $23.85 to go back to his alma
mater for the homecoming grid con-
Here's the way the bill for two was
figured out: taxi, $3.60; flowers, $1.50;
'lunch, $2.50; cigarettes, 45 cents;
'train fare, $4; game tickets, $4.40 and
dinner $7.50.l
Taxes on all these items amount to
$5.95, the commrission estimated. E

to be holding her. And it is the I
cherished belief of Otis Skinner that
this backstage rite marked his daugh-
ter irrevocably for the theatre.
Started Acting' Early
From her earliest days, Miss Skin-
ner moved stageward, though there
was a time during her school days
when she showed a more active dis-
position toward a profession of writ-
ing than towards one of acting-a
disposition, by the way, that was to
play an important part in her future
career. But, even more than other
youngsters, she delighted in dress-
ing up and "play acting," and her
father is notoriously fond of telling
how she would often leave her play-
iates to live in a world of her own
At Baldwin School and later at
Bryn Mawr College, her schoolmates,
recognizing her ability, drafted her
for their productions and on one
occasion she played Macbeth to Ann
Harding's Macduff. Leaving Bryn
Mawr before graduation, she went to
Paris for a special program of studr
at the Sorbonne, at the Comedie
Francaise under Dehelly, and at the
Theatre Du Vieux Columbier under
Jacques Copeau.
Miss Skinner made her profession-
al debut in 1921 in one of her father's
presentations, "Blood and Sand,"
in which she played the part of Dona
Sarasate. And though the next four
years brought her increasingly im-
portant rolesin a number of plays
including "Will Shakespeare," with
Katharine Cornell, "Tweedles," "In
the Next Room," "The Wild West-
cotts," "In .His Arms," and "White
Collars," Miss Skinner became in-
'creasingly convinced that her special
,talents lay in a differen direction-
that of the dramatic monologue.
Tours Are Demanded
Since putting that conviction to
the test, Miss Skinner has found
herself in such demand that regular
tours have taken her into almost
every state in the Union, and even
to Europe, where she has been a
consistent favorite with London audi-
Variety ,is the keynote of Miss
Skinrer's productions. In her longer
works, "The Wives of Henry VII,"
"The Empress Eugenie," and "The
Loves of Charles II," Miss Skinner
has brought to life a gallery of his-
torical portraits. In "Mansion on
the hudson" she takes as her theme
the disintegration of a once proud
Lucas' Band Plans
Sp cial Attractions
At Engineer's Ball
Clyde Lucas' new 18-piece orches-
tra will feature "Seven Singing Viol-
ins" as a special attraction when it
plays at the Engineers' Ball from 9"
p.m. to 1 anm. Friday. according to
advance reports.
The orchestra, which has recently
completed engagements on the west
coast, in Boston and in New York
City, features Lyn Lucas as vocalist.
Lyn, brother of Clyde, directs the glee
club ensemble and takes part in
novelty and com edy numkers.
Aside from the show its puts on,
committeemen 'say the band is con-
sidered the .most versatile on the air.
The a18 ,umembers' ability to play 72
different types of wind instruments
is listed as an example.
Robert Goodyear, '40E, decorations
chairman stated yesterday that the
theme of the ball will be purely me-
chanical and will be built around a
large slide-rule. The Union band-
stand will be enlarged to accommo-
date Lucas' band and will be flanked
with black and white panels. Indirect
lights of the ballroom are to be' cov-
e-ed with transparent shields depict-
ing scees in the life of an engineer.

Ruth Coler, '40, has been appointed
to a position on Judiciary Council for
the rest of the year, in place of Betty
Brooks, '40, who left school because
of ill health, Betty Slee, '40, chair-
man of the Council, said yesterday.
Miss Coler is president of Alpha
Phi sorority, and has worked on the'
social committee of the League for
two years. She was on the entertain-
ment committee for Freshman Proj-
ect, the candy booth committee, en-
tertainment committee for Sopho-
more Cabaret, and a member of the
chorus for Junior Girls' Play. She
was also a member of the advertis-
ing staff of the Gargoyle.
Other Members
Other members of the Council are
Betty Clement, '41, Barbara Backus,
'40, and Doris Merker, '41. Each year
two junior women are' appointed to
the Council, and remain members un-
til their graduation. One senior .is
also chosen, making a total of five
Couneil Makes Appointments
It, is Judiciary Council which
makes all appointments for chair-
manships of women's projects which
are in connection with the League.
It is also the student governing body
for University women, making rules,
enforcing them, and handling mis-
Another duty of the Council is to
weekly check latenesses in women's



Sigma Eta C
To Hold Dinner
Semi-Formal Dance Is Set
For Saturday, Nov. 25
Social activities for Sigma Eta
Chi, women's national Congregation-
al Church organization, will begin
for t'he Ann Arbor chapter with a
dinner for patronesses and Ann Arbor
mothers Thursday, Nov. 16 at Pii-
grim Hall. Their semi-formal fall
dance will be held after the Ohio
State game Nov. 25 at the Congre-
gational Church.
Officers of the group this year are
Jeannette Drake, '40, president; Mar-
garet Hoffer, '40A, vice-president;
Marjorie Miller, '41A, recording secre-
tary; Margaret Woodruff, '41SM,
corresponding secretary; and Helen
Prockiw, '40, treasurer. Mrs. Arthur
W. Smith is sponsor. Members are
chiefly campus women who are in-
terested in the Congregational church
Primarily a service organization,
Sigma Eta Chi members are planning
a Christmas project. As a national
project the organization is support-
ing a school in Kentucky.
Leaue Dances
To Have Leroy
Smith's Band
Dancers at the League this week-
end will be entertained by Leroy
Smith, famous colored band-leader,
when he brings his band here for the
regular weekly dances, to be held
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday and
from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday.
The newly organized 14-piece out-
fit has played at the Mayfair Casino
in Cleveland for the last 17 weeks,
and has a specialty arrangement
of Viennese waltzes.
To Have Ensemble Singing
Another feature of the dances will
be ensemble singing by the entire
group and soft-shoe dancing. Smith
has played with Sophie Tucker, Harry
Richmond and Benny Davis on the
radio, and the band played for two
years at the Paradise "Roof in New
York City.
One of their latest accomplish-
ments is a Victor recording of "Rhap-
sody in Blue," which was first intro-
ducde by Smith. They have also
played an opening engagement at the

,.. v.
,. a. _._u. : . .a _ ,.._ - _ . r

New Liquid Lip Tone gives
your lips much more exciting
color than lipstick ever did.
You'll love it . . . and so will
he! And oh! how soft . .

French Casino, and long runs at the
Park Central, Hotel in New York.
Played With Ethel Waters
Smith also co-starred with Ethel
Waters when she was playing in
"Rhapsody in Black," ard has played
a long engagement at theClub Ciro
in London.
Other places he has played include
the La Marne and the Atlantic Casino
in Atlantic City, and the Walton Ho-
tel in Philadelphia.
Publicity Group To Meet
Publicity committee for Sophomore
Cabaret will meet at 2:30 p.m. to
day in the Kalamazoo Room of the
League. All those who are interested
in being on this committee and have
not .signed up are asked to meet at
this time also.
O Remember!

You'll feel so feminine in the
flattering styles that recall
"Yesterday." Picture yourself
in a swirling skirt with a tiny,
tiny "spoo," waist.

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