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November 15, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-15

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ocking Stressed As Coaches

Drive Wolverines In



I _

Linemen Smith,
And Nicholson
Set For Work
Trainer Roberts Predicts
Evashevski May Play
In Pennsylvania Game
Every member of the Michigan
football team who was not on the
sidelines nursing injuries was put
through a stiff blocking drill yester-
day afternoon as Coach Crisler began
the task of whipping his slipping
Wolverines back to their former
strength for the intersectional game
with the University of Pennsylvania.
Coach Crisler admitted that the
lack of blocking- by his team has
by his team has'
been a contributing
f ac t or t o t h e
squad's downfall in
the last two games,
and that they stood
little chance of get-
S. ",ting very far with-
out it. Nearly the
whole practice was
devoted to 1 in e
f: work with Freddie
..:r. Trosko and Norm
Smith Call smashing
through holes opened up in the re-
serve line by the regulars.
At the start of the blocking prac-
tice ,the backs had trouble penetrat-
ing the red-shirted forward wall, but
an hour and a half later when dark-
ness halted the long session- the ball
carriers were marking off long gains
through the line. Some time was also
devoted to protecting the passer, with
Bill Luther throwing long passes to
Joe Rogers who. caught all but a few
of the aerials heaved his way.
The .injury situation that has done
much to hold the Wolverines down,
showed signs of leaving the Michigan
squad when it was learned that Bill
Smith and John Nicholson would be
ready to take an active part in to-
day's practice. Both men were in
uniform- yesterday, but took no part
in the contact work.
.But just how soon Forest Evashev-
ski will see action is still unknown.
Trainer Ray Roberts said that it was
quite, possible that the Wolverine
quarterback will participate in the
Penn game. In the event he does not
play, .Bob Ingalls, the made-over'
sophomore center, will handle the sig-
nal, calling post.
Giants To Play

By Mel Fineberg
Spartan Rumbling -


Schmidt Works

The Dizzy Dean Of College Football




On Ohio State


Aerial Offense
ophers Drill Against Iowa
Plays; Wildcats Strive
For New Scoring Punch.

The finger of shame has been
pointed at the University and it's not
because of the recent football show-
ing. We're being showered with scho-
lastic accusations and the source is
none other than our purist friends in
East Lansing. Don Anderson, sports
editor of the Michigan State News
dramatically exposes the low scholas-
tic rating of Michigan and at the
same time exhalts that of the Spar-

We quote: "Bob Phillips, Chet
Aubuchon and Max Lindman of
the State basketball squad at-
tended the same Gary high school
with Tom Harmon ... The -Gary
flash might have accompanied
this trio to Michigan State but'
for his high school scholastic rec-
ord . . . not so hot .. . Charley
Bachman took one look at it and
decided Tom would never get by
the registrar's office . . . time to'


Whew! Bachman must haye my-
opia. Harmon's no Phi Bete but his
high school record would have got-
ten him past the Michigan State reg-


* *, * *
It happened in a history class
last week when the prof held an
open question session. "Any ques-
tions today," he inquired. The si-
lence was stunning.


But ever the persevering type, he
repeated, "I said, were there any
questions?" He was met by a wall of
nothing. He girded his loins and tried
again, "Are there any questions at
all?" and sure enough his want ad got
a response when from the rear of the
room (these things always come from
the rear of the room) came, "Yes, will
Evashevski play Saturday?"
* * * *

(By The Associated Press)
COLUMBUS. - Coach Francis
Schmidt sent his Buckeyes against
the freshmen Tuesday in an offen-
sive aerial warmup for the Illinois
game here Saturday and the frosh
acquitted themselves -handsomely,
batting down many a \pass. Don.
Scott and Howard Wedebrook, Ohio
State kickers, spent more than an
hour booting punts across the side-
lines, their second straight day of
intensive practice at that particular
type of kick. Schmidt, by his inter-
est in their work, indicated he ex-
pected to need accurate punting in
large doses against the Illinis.
MINNEAPOLIS.-Still fired by the
spark that carried them to victory,
over Michigan, Minnesota Tuesday
started preparations for the Iowa
game Saturday with a zest that
pleased Coach Bernie Bierman and
his staff. Defense functioned much
more smoothly than in previous
weeks and the varsity made a credit-
able showing when sent against Iowa
plays. George Franck, halfback in-
jured in the Michigan game, was
given another day of rest, as was Bob
Smith, guard. Both are counted on
for service Saturday.
CHICAGO.--Coach Clark Shaugh-
nessy installed a new quarterback on
his first team at the University of
Chicago Tuesday as the Maroons
prepared for the invasion of Oberlin
College this weekend. He is Andrew
Stehney, .a sophomore left 'halfback
who has seen little service this sea-
son. The Maroons went through a
light passing and running drill after
having a complete day of rest Mon-
EVANSTON.-Hal Method, sturdy
guard mainstay in the Northwestern
line, will captain the Wildcats Satur-
day in their clash with Notre Dame's
once-beaten Irish. Don Guritz,
guard out with injuries, was expect-
ed either to start or see considerable
service in a reserve role. The Cats
spent all of Tuesday's drill on offen-,
sive maneuvers in an effort to pro-'
duce a scoring punch.
IOWA CITY-Iowa may toss a few
surprise offensive plays at Minne-
sota when the Big Ten elevens clash
in the Hawkeye homecoming Satur-
- day-and the bigggest of them may
be that, Nile - Kinnick will not 'be
throwing passes. Instead, the star
left halfback may be on the receiv-
ing end of the passing attempts, a
shift Coach Eddie Anderson hopes
will enable Kinnick to break free for
a few spectacular, long runs. In
practice Tuesday, Anderson put Floyd
"Buzz" Dean and Ed McClain, both
right halfbacks, to work hurling the
passes at Kinnick. }




NEW YORK, Nov. 14.-(P)-"A
team that won't be beaten can't be
beaten," runs football's favorite fight-
ing phrase. Today you can add to
that, "and a team that can't be
scored on won't be ousted from first
place in the national football rank-
Admittedly Tennessee's schedule
isn't up to the caliber of those of
Texas A. and M., Southern California
or Notre Dame. Yet the Volunteers
have come through seven games this
fall, as well as their last five last
season, without having their goal
line crossed. That convincing argu-
ment, plus the high esteem in which
they're held by all who have seen
them perform, keeps the Vols at the
head of the parade in the fifth As-
sociated Press ranking poll. They
are there for the fourth straight
week. The standings (points figures
on 10-9-8-7-6, etc., bases, first-place



ever tried.
There are

tes in parentheses:

nbeaten Vols Red Wiiigs Beat An
M 1 ~NEW YORK, Nov. 14.-(
A gain Ranke Detroit Red Wings sailed ri
a tie with Toronto for the
ountry s Best 'Hockey League lead tonight
Kenny Kilrea and veteranG:
Y _ 1lon., former New York Range:

As colorful on and off the field as the great Dizzy Dean, Paul Christ-
man, a junior backfield star from the University of Missouri, has set
the 'sports writers talking with his brilliant performances.. Against
N.YU. Saturday he scored two touchdowns and threw a passIfor a third
to lead his team to their 20-7 victory. He played 57 minutes against the

Team Points
1. Tennessee (66)...........1,014
2. Texas A. and M. (28)......,877
3. S. California (10) .......846
4. Cornell (3) ..... .........545
5. Oklahoma (2)............631
6. Tulane (2).............615
7. North Carolina (1) .,.. . 457
8. Ohio State......... . . 25'0
9. Notre Dame ..... ......... 244
10. Duquesne.... ...... 129
Second Ten: 11. U.C.L.A., 85; 12.
Missouri, 55; 13. Duke, 52; 14. Santa
Clara, 48; Iowa, 37; 16. Clemson (1),
33; 17. Southern Methodist, 27; 18.
Holy Cross, 15; 19. Oregon State, 10;
tied for 20. Minnesota and Dart-
mouth, 6 each.

know how particular
pie want their hair <


exas Aggies Are Second;
Wolverines Fail To Get
Vote In Weekly AP Poll

way to a 4-2 victory over
York Americans.

There are plenty of fre
towels, hot water, cri
linen, sterile accessorie
Manicurist in attendance


There are the most
fortable chairs you

New Yorkers, and he kicked, passed, and rian with equal ability.


Seven Games Scheduled.
Under Arcs Next Year
NEW YORK, Nov. 14.-(P)-The
New York Giants, themselves, breath-
lessly announced !night baseball in
the Polo Grounds today-after just
about every baseball writer in town
_ had been announcing it for them for
"We're going to have the finest
lighting plant in the game for 1940,"
President Horace Stoneham said.
"We'll play our first game at home
either the last week in May or the
first in June, and will have seven
games under the lights during the
1940 season. We'll invite each of the
other clubs in the league to play one
night game at the Polo Grounds."
Thus, the last major league strong-
hold against night ball passed out
of the picture. Just about a year ago
this time, the Giants vowed they
would never play under the lights,
either at home or abroad. Every oth-
er team in both leagues saw some
night-time action during last season.
Ex Tuirf Champion
Dies Unexpectedly
HYDE, Md., Nov. 14.-{P)-Death
today ended the racing career of
Pompoon, big bay thoroughbred who
won the two-year-old championship
of the turf in 1936 and was runner-
up in the Kentucky Derby and the
Preakness Sakes in 1937.
The five-year-old son of Pompey-
Oonagh died unexpectedly in his
stall at the Three Cousins Stock
Farm of his owner, J. H. Loucheim,
in Long Green Valley, where he has
been resting since he broke down
last summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Loudiheim, who had
begn staying at the farm during the
Pimlico meeting, were so deeply af-
fected by Pompoon's death that it
was indicated they would cut short
their stay and return to their Phila-
delphia home.
Ray Blades Signs New
Contract With Cardinals
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 14.-()-Manager
Ray Blades, fortified for 1940 with a
new contract calling for a salary in-

house, frosh track coach, is a prob-
lem for Hank Hatch, custodian of
athletic equipment . . . The biggest
T-shirt Hank has is a size 46 but
Stackhouse's chest won't give in
The chest insists on splitting the
shirts and there's nothing that can
be done about it.. . Ed "Smack" Al-
len, who cavorted around Coliseum ice
two years ago, for Michigan, plays"
for the Stratford club in the M-O
League . , . He played Monday night
in Detroit against the Holzbaugh
He received a high-sticking pen-
alty. ... Same old Smack ... Vic Hey-
liger, one of the best of the Michigan
hockey players in recent years and
now coach at Illinois, uses his con-
nections with the Chicago Black-
hawks to help feed him with ma-
terial . . . The Beaver is reported to
have the best kid line that ever came
out of Minnesota. (Mike Karakas,
Blackhawk goalie and several others
make their homes in Eveleth, Minn.)
. Said a Minneapolis paper: "How
did they ever get away from Minne-
sota?" . . . Heyliger claims he has the
best freshman team in the country
*.. But the war cut into his prospects
since several Canadians were plan-
ning on playing under him . . . Oh,
pity the swimmers on the day after
the J-Hop . . . Last year they met
Yale the following day and this Febru-
ary they 'journey to Buffalo, the
"Queen City of the Lakes," to swin
an exhibition against a collection of
Buffalo All-Stars.

I-M Sports,
Sigma Chi, defending champs, will
meet Acacia this afternoon in the
semi-finals of the speedball tourna-
ment. The winner of this match will
play Phi Kappa Psi the night of Nov.
20, under the lights in the Ann Arbor
High School field for the' champion-f
Play will begin in ice hockey
on Nov. 27. At present there are
20 fraternity, six residence halls,
six independent, and two profes-
sional fraternity teams entered.
The first two divisions are closed,
but the last two are, still open.
Lacrosse practice is being held at
the stadium approach, Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays at 5 p.m..
under the direction of Johnny John-
Alpha Omega, last year's pro-
fessional fraternity w i n n e r s
started on the trail of another
championship when they repeat-
ed their winning of the volley-
ball title. Kott, Berris. Stulberg,

Basketball Practice
Be gnsFourFrosh
Fifty-six eager and ambitious
freshmen answered Ray Fisher's ini-
tial call for basketball candidiates
at Waterman Gymnasium l a s t
night. Twenty or thirty more are
expected to report later in the week.
Coach Fisher immediately divided
the squad up into 11 teams and let
each scrimmage for a while hoping
to get a line on the better boys right
away. However, nobody impressed,
the veteran coach enough to cinch
a position on the squad although
many showed promise.
Scrimmage will continue to be the
menu for the remainder of the week
and then Fisher will make his initial
cut, weeding out those who show the
least possibilities. Practice will con-
tinue to be held at Waterman for
the next three weeks until the final
cut is made. The squad will then
move to the I.-M.
Eskie Fried and Katzman who
were all members of last year's
team are still playing this year.



DENVER, Nov. 14.-(P)-Basket-
ball fans in this mile-high city, who
have run a fever over "big league"
cage games in recent years, wondered
today if they will have a team to
cheer about this winter.
The fate of their National A.A.U.
champion- Nuggets is up in the air
because of the uncertainty of finan-
cial backing.

Denver's Cage Fever,
May Drop To Normal

The Barber S

Always a Large
Assortnt of



! 1

Play-Off Won
By Wolverines
Whip Allen-Rumsey, 19-0
In Touch Football Game
In the I-M touc,4 iootball league
play-offs, the Wolverines defeated
Allen-Rumsey in the second place
finals 19-0, Mowitt Drew, an end,
was the outstanding player for the
Wolverines. Bob Mott turned in a
good game for the losers.
Wenley House won the third place
play-offs by beating the Admirals,
20 to 12. Left half Arnold Hore-
lick led the winner's offense with a
40 yard touchdown jaunt. Ed Banta
also starred for Wenley House.
Beta Theta Pi won an overtime,
game from Alpha Tau Omega 12-9,
yesterday to enter the third place
play-off finals in the fraternity
speedball league. Jim Mead was
the star of the Beta victory. Mead
scored eight points in the game, in-
cluding a field goal which was the
whining margin, in the overtime
period. Bill Black and Stan Con-
rad starred for Alpha Tau Omega:
Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated Theta
Chi 6-2 in a second placeplay-off

DON T WORRY LADIEs, a classified ad will solve Oscar's prob-
lem. An ad in the lost and found section of the Daily will put
20,000 eyes at work looking for Oscar's bone. The cost? Only
36C for 15 words. Let the Daily's Classified section solve your
'! t NI 9 A .C - - r s® A_. ,,-,r


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