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November 14, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-14

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Students Plan
Annual Dinner
rof. J. Raleigh Nelson.
To Invite 500 Guests;
Must Reserve Tickets
More than 500 invitations have
en issued for the Annual Interna-
)nal Dinner to be held at 6p.m.,
>v. 22, Thanksgiving Eve, in the
pion Ballroom, Prof. J. Raleigh Nel-
n, Director of the International
inter, announced yesterday.
All reservations for the affair,
hich has been for many years the
niversity's official welcome to in-
rnational students, must be in the
fice of the Center by tomorrow, so
at table groups may be planned
,refully, according to Professor Nel-
A Colorful Affair
The Dinner, which was pictured by
rofessor Nelson as one of the most
lorful and picturesque occasions
the year, will take the form of a
pical American Thanksgiving. din-
r, at, which various members of
e faculty and their wives are to be.
>sts to the University's students
om lands outside the continental
nited States. Guests will include
reign students, Canadians, and
:nerican students from Puerto Rico
i .Iawaii.
Each of the hosts, assisted by two
three American friends, will en-
rtain at his table a small group of
ternational students, just as he
ould at his own Thanksgiving table,
'ofessor Nelson said. He pointed out
Lat this arrangement robs the occa-
on of the formality of a large ban-
Will Have No Speaker
Departing from the.custom of years
ist, this year's Dinner will have no
eaker; the group will be enter-
ined instead by a program of
rnerican folk dances featuring the
)rd dance orchestra. This program
ill be presented by the League.
Color will be added to the affair
r the appearance of many of the
reign students in their native cos-
'akes Acknowledgement
The All-Campus Committee for
rmistice Day announced to The
wily last night that they wished to
,knowledge the flowers from the
oodhew Floral Shop, the access to
e list of Michigan dead in the war'
ven by the catalogue room of the
umni association, the organ playing.
Prof. Palmer Christian and the
rillon recital by Prof. Percival Price.

Football Pools Fail To Appear
For First Time In Three Years
Action By State And Local Officials Halts Gamblers;
Students Make Plea For Continued Caution

TUESDAY, NOV. 14, 1939
VOL. L. No. 44

less than 24 hours of credit are corx-
sidered freshmen. Exceptions may
be made in extraordinary circum-
stances, such as severe or long con-
tinued illness.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
School of Architecture: Midseiiester'
reports indicating .studnts enrolled
in these units doing unsatisfactory
work in any unit of the University
are due in. the office of theschool,

Teacher's Certificate in February and
June 1940 has been posted on the
bulletin board in Room 1431 U.E.S.
Any student whose name does not
appear on this list shouldl report this
fact at- once to the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.

Note that the telephone r
of Professors Denkinger and
should be changed from 4061



Senior Engineering Students: An-
nouncement is made-of a -Civil Serv-
(Continued 'onPage 4)

There was excitement in the office
of Ann Arbor's sheriff, police chief
and .prosecuting attorney, one day
early this football season. That-was
the day that a letter arrived from
the Governor of Michigan which con-
tained a warning that football pools
would not -be tolerated in the Uni-
versity community of Ann Arbor this
year. Mr. Dickinson added strength
to his words by promising to send
State Police to the Washtenaw' dis-
trict if the county and city authori-
ties felt that they were unable to
handle the situation themselves.
When this letter was read by the
gentlemen in the law enforcement
offices, legal eyebrows lifted a little.
There was more to make them
angry than just this message from
Governor Dickinson, who rose from
obscurity to national attention by his,
blasts at vice and ".high life." They
learned that the Governor's threat
had been inspired by a letter from
a University student who also is a
member of The Daily's junior staff.
In fact, Mr. Dickinson enclosed a
copy of that letter so that law officers
might read the charges. And that is
when, as one of the Washtenaw offi-
cials ptit it, "I really became pro-
In many ways, that student letter
to the state capitol was an unfortun-
ate move. It was-written without any
consultation with the Washtenaw
prosecutor, sheriff, or the Ann Arbor
chief of police. It reflected ,on the
merits and motives of the local offi-
cials without offering them an op-
portunity for defense. But the letter
did contain certain raw truths which
have needed the white light of public
attention for the past four years.
The letter, first and fundamentally,
demanded that efforts be taken to
prohibit the return -of football pools
managed by professional gamblers in
Ann Ar~bor.
It was a matter of record that only
the year before certain of these pools
managed by a Detroit organization
drained off several thousand dollars
worth of student money each week.
Finally, smashing every rule of ethics
of even their own racket, these gam-
blers slipped out of town without pay-
ing off some $5,000 in debts. Stu-
dents meanwhile protested and dis-
covered thait they were unable to
aid themselves.
At any rate, Governor Dickinson
pledged his assistance in- keeping
pools out of Ann Arbor. His letter
to Prosecutor Rapp, Sheriff Andres,
and Chief of Police Cook was strong.

The officials were irritated and in-
sisted that they had already worked
out careful plans to stop pools this
It has now become evident that
for one reason or another Prosecutor
Rapp and his helpers have rolled up
their sleeves this year and have actu-
ally gone to work. Football season is
well in the back-stretch and there
has been no real evidence that pro-
fessional gamblers are operating pool
rackets. ,The Daily has remained in
close touch with the situation through
the last six weeks, in an attempt to
discover evilence, and has found that
pools are not functioning.
That is the status of the football
pool situation in Ann Arbor today.
It marks an admitted improvement
over performances of other recent
years. Conduct in the future will de-
pend exclusively on how well the law
enforcement officers do their work. .

Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-

Last Times Today

ence, and the Arts: Nov. 18. Report blanks for this pur-
I Midsemester reports are due not pose may be secured from the office
later than Saturday, Nov. 18.1Vtore of the school or from Room 4, U.H.
cards, if needed, can be had at my Robert L. William, Assist. Registrar.
These reports shoul'd name those Students, College of Engineering.
students, freshman and upperclass, The final day for removal of Incom-
whose standing at midsemester time pletes will be Saturday, Nov. 18.
is D or E, not merely those who re- A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
ceive D or E in so-called midsemes-
ter examinations. Students, College of Engineering.
The, final day.. for Dropping Courses
Students electing our courses, but without record will be Saturday, Nov.
registered in other schools or co- 18. A course may be dropped only
leges of the University, should be re- with permission of the classifier af-
ported to the school or college in ter conference with the instructor.
which they are registered. A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
Freshmen, College of Literature, tificate: A tentative list of candidates
Science, and The Arts: Freshmen in the School of Educatin, College
may not drop courses without E grade jof Literature, Science, and the Arts,
after Saturday, November 18. In ad- 'College of Architecture, and Gradu-
ministering this rule, students with ate School to be recommended for the



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Classified Direetory


Effective as of February 14, 1939
12c per reading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-
These low rates are on the basis
of cash payment before the ad is
inserted. If it is inconvenient for
you to call at our offices to make
payment, a messenger will be sent
to pick up your ad at a slight extra
charge of 10c.
For further information call
23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard
OST-Shell-rimmed glasses in black
case. Lost month ago. Name inside
of case. Bob Wagner. 2-2565.
OST-One cameo ring in sterling
setting. Reward for return. Esther
Counts, 508 Mosher Hall. Phone
2-4561. _._76
DST--Ladies change purse contain-
ing ring with initials J. S. S.
inside. Sentimental value. Sub-
stantial reward for return of ring.
Phone 6232. 78

one trial to prove we launder our
shirts best. Let our work help you
look neat today. 1114 S. Univer-
sity. 19
602 MONROE-Strictly modern 3
room front furnished apartment of
beautiful -appointments. Adults.
Conservatively priced. 74
TWO ROOM furnished apartment,
large comfortable living room and
kitchen, for graduate or business
woman. Reasonable. Call 2-3430.
TYPING--Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
TYPIN-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414
Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
and notary public, excellent work.
706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20
SPECIAL-$5.50 Machineless Per-
manent $2.50; $3 oil cocona $1.50;
end. permanent $1.. Shampoo and
fingerwave 35c. Phone 8100, 117
Main. ,...36
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles,
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 13
WANT TO CONTACT party or par-
ties to California by train before
Nov. 21st. Room 960. Webster
E[all Hotel, Detroit..
Mats. 7-3:54 5c
N Nights 7-9 35c I

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That's why you must-look presentable every minute of the day.

To be able to put your

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Let the Ann Arbor laundries serve you economically and promptly and help you sell yourself

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox
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