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November 14, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-14

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e Russia
- Failure

Alford W. Dubs, Law Student,
Killed In Automobile Accident


iki's Delegates Issue
statement; Indication
Definite Break Seen
L Move Believed
Be UpTo Soviet
OW, Nov. 13.-(AP)-A serious,
nish delegation left Moscow
e tonight after a breakdown
rd attemnpt to come to terms
viet Russia.
lum Finns refused to issue
ement, indicating that it was
,he government at Helsinki
the delegation returned to
Might Not Return
plomatic quarters the belief
t the. Finns would not return,
culation turned to what steps
might now take. The ma-
pinion appeared to be that
et would continue merely to
)ops on Finland's borders, hop-
economic strain of continuous
.tion would bring the little
to terms in a few months.
n Minister Eljas Erkko of
aid whether the negotiations
e resumed would depend on
e Finnish delegates reported
hey returned home and on
lot of good will on both sides."
asserted, however, that he
not consider it definite sus-
of the talks which Russia

Schnorbach, Driver Of Car,
Free On $1,500 Bond;
Demands Examination
Prosecutor Albert C. Rapp an-
nounced yesterday that William L.
Schnorbach, 24-year-old resident of
Manistee, Mich., will be examined on
a charge of negligent homicide re-
sulting from an automobile accident
early Sunday morning which caused
the death of Alford Webster Dubs, jr.,
Schnorbach was arraigned before
Justice Jay H. Payne yesterday morn-
ing, and demanded examination: He
was released on bond of $1,500. The
preliminary hearing will be held
Nov. 22.
Killed Instantly
Dubs was killed instantly at 2:30'
a.m. Sunday when the car driven
by Schnorbach swerved off the road
on Washtenaw Ave., a mile east of
Milan Rd. Hospital officials said
that a broken neck was the cause of
death. Schnorbach and two other
companions in the car escaped with
minor injuries.
Witnesses to the accident reported
that Schnorbach said that he fell
asleep while traveling west on the
highway toward Ann Arbor. Deputy
sheriffs Raymond L. Roy and May-
nard Pierson investigated the acci-
dent and reported that the car
swerved off the right side of the road
and crashed into a telephone pole,
shearing the entire right side of the
automobile. It then rebounded and
flew through the air, crashing to
the ground after turning completely
A member of Delta Tau Delta fra-
ternity, Alford Dubs entered the law
school this fall. He received an A.B.
degree from the University last June,
and attended the 1939 summer school
18 University
Faculty Men
Granted Le


essed belief the
Russia, since the
re scheduled to

session. He resided in Williams
House, one of the University resi-
(Continued on Page 6)
School Meeting
To rin 1401
Here Thursday
Principals, School Heads,
Will Consider Problems'
Of HigherEducation
One hundred and forty teachers,
principals and superintendents rep-
resenting secondary schools in five
states will attend the 13th annual
principals' meeting Thursday in the
Rackham building and the League.
The purpose of the parley, accord-
ing to Registrar Ira M, Smith, is the
discussion of problems of mutual in-
terest to the former teachers of stu-
dents enrolled at the University, and
the admission officers and instructors
Freshmen will also be given the op-
portu-4ity to confer with the dele-
gates from their preparatory schools,
87 of which will be represented. No-
tices of appointments for conferences
have been sent through the mail.
The program for the day has been
announced as follows: 8 a.m. to 12
noon Thursday, student conferences
at the Rackham building; 12:15, lun-
cheon at the League for representa-
tives and members of the University
staff; 1:30 p.m., discussion in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
Flying Group
To Meet Here

Berlin Orders
Free Passage
For U.S. Ship
'City Of Flint' Is Granted
Unrestricted Trip Home
By Germany'sAdmiralty
Decree Voluntary,
Wasington States
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-(AP)-
The German government today or-
dered German warships not to inter-
fere with the 6ity of Flint on its way
back to the United States.
Alexander C. K i r k, American
charge d'affaires in Berlin, was in-
formed by the Reich Foreign Office
that the German naval command,
in view of its understanding that the
cargo of the American freighter had
been landed at Bergan, Norway, has
ordered all German craft to refrain
from taking any action against the
An official of the State Depart-
ment here said the German order was
a voluntary one and, did not result
from any request by this government.
However, it was recalled that, the
United States formally requested both
Germany and Great Britain, while
the City of Flint was still in com-
mand of the German prize crew, to'
take all necessary measures to avoid
injuryto the American crew.
In Washington meanwhile Sumner
Welles, under-secretary of state, said
tonight that force would not be used
in patrolling the neutrality zone
which has been established around1
the Americas.
In a radio address Welles, who
headed the American delegation to
the Panama conference which creat-
ed thene utrality zone, said: "There
is no implication in this agreement
of a determination on the part of any
American republic to undertake to
exercise force in order to procure ob-
servance of its term."
Student Union
To Formulate,
Peace Policies
Talks Will Be Delivered
At Meeting Tomorrow
By Reichard, Osterweil

Nineteen Tapped
For Membership
By ROTC Group
For the first time in its Michigan
history, Scabbard and Blade, honor-
ary military fraternity, tapped last
Those honored were: Irl D. Brent,
'41; Marshall Brown, '41; Stanley
Conrad, 40; Frank R., Ellis, '41;
Woodrow G. Frailing, '41E; Charles
B. Goodrich, '40E; Burns Huttlin-
ger, '41; Raymond W. Kempner, '40;
Charles A. Kerner, '41E; Paul Z.
Laliti, '40; Garland Mans, '41; Ed-'
ward D.North, '40; Jahn Poe, '41;
John R. Robinson, '40;,Don W. Ry-
der, '41; Gordon A. Stumpf, '41E;
Francis P. Sweeney, '40; Claud V.
Wadsworth, '40E; and William M.
Wood, '41E.'
Faculty members tapped were:
Maj. Robert M. Kunz of the Signal
Corps and Maj. Harrie D. W. Riley'
of the engineering department.
nHO POsitions
Are Announced
By Chair man
Committeeman H arwood
Makes Selections ; Says
Plans Already Underway
Committee positions for the ar-
rangements for the forthcoming J-
Hop were announced last Night by
John Harwood, general chairman.
The members of the new central
committee and their positions are as,
follows: Janet Sibley, programs;
Peggy Cornelius, patrons; William
Harrison, decorations; Gordon Hardy,,
music; Peter Brown and Russel La-
Belle, booths; Don Wirtchafter, pub-
licity; Jim Tobin and Paul Johnson,
building; William Kramer, tickets;
and George Ruehle, secretary.
These committeemen were chosen
by the junior members of all schools
in the University in the annual class
Harwood has been a member of the
band for the last two years, a mem-
ber of the Engineering Honor Com-
mittee for two years, is president of
Triangles this year, a member of Phi
Eta Sigma and is affiliated with
Theta Xi.
Committees will begin work im-
mnediately; and plans are already un-
derway for the orchestra, Harwood

Forced To

Four Reich Pla


The raider's fate was not known, l
plane raked the German craft with
Roll-Call Drive
Is Intensified
By Red Crs
Personal Solicitation Plan
To Continue; County
Conducts Canvassing
House-to-house canvassing today
and the remainder of the week wil
continue the Red Cross' personal soli
citation drive begun yesterday fo
roll-call members. The campaign
ends Nov. 30.
Throughout the county, volunteer
will conduct a concerted drive fo
subscriptions to the national fun
I which go to finance first aid _train

but an official account said or
bullets and a part of one win
- Nazi plane fell off just befo
appeared in a cloudbank a f
dred feet above the sea.
Meanwhile, it was announ
the 1346-ton British merche
Ponzano sank off the southe
after an explosion. No li
The admiralty stated that
planes which attacked the E
100 miles north of Scapa Flc
northern tip of Scotland and
Y from Germany, were drive
anti-air-craft fire.
Bombs Hit Land
y "The bombs dropped did
Ll age," a communique said.
- later reports said that alt]
ships were hit, the blasts did
r -the second time Germa
n have fallen on British soil it
-and smashed the window.
s houses.
r Although the Shetland. Is
d devoted to agriculture and fi

From Great Brita
German Aviators Bomb Shetland Islh
As War In Air And On Sea Continue
Two Merchant Ships Are Sunk
LONDON, Nov. 13.-()-British warships sunk two German me
men today, while the Royal Air Force claimed a direct hit on a U-b
anti-aircraft drove off a Nazi air attack on the Shetland Islands.
The Admiralty announced the German steamers, the 8,000-ton lV
burg and the 6,038-ton Parana, were sent to the bottom at undisclose
tions to prevent their becoming'menaces to navigation after their cre
abandoned them in a sinking condition. The crews were taken aba
Earlier, a Reuters (British news agency) dispatch from Reykjav
land, said the Parana had sent, out an SOS and reported she was atta
a British destroyer.
Four Planes Driven Off
Four German planes were reported to have been driven off in at
cessful raid on the Shetland Islands today and British flyers were c
with a possible direct hit on a submarine.
British planes also were reported to have engaged a German flyi
over the East Coast.

The folloN

ing University faculty
irday were granted sab-
no absence for the see-


- I

rizatione uaeees
i they were returning.
ipal demands, as dis-
ier Molotoff and the
ave been for a naval
hern coast of the Gulf
brip of Finnish terri-
eningrad, and conces-
l's arctic coast.
assia offered a large
the negotiations Fin-
returned to Helsinki

Jury Adjourns
For GibbCase
Attorney Conlin Will End
Defense ThisMorning
The case against former County
Clerk Emmett M. Gibb, charged with
embezzling $5,547.52 from relief funds,
is scheduled to go to the 14-member
jury this morning after Defense At-
torney John W. Conlin presents his
final argument.
Yesterday's session saw County
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp review the
people's testimony for the jury. In
a summation speech of one hour and
35 minutes, he traced the story of
Gibb's manipulations from Jan. 1,
1936 to April 15,1939, and concluded
with: "I'm pretty sure. . that it
won't take you (the jury) very long
to deliberate on this case . ..
Attorney Conlin began his defense
summation by emphasizing to the
jury that in criminal proceedings of
this type, "it is your sworn duty to
declare the man not guilty if there is
any reasonably doubt about the prose-
cution's case."
Student To Present
Concert Wednesday

Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin of the
astronomy department, Prof Bradley
M. Davis of the botany department,
Prof. Joseph O. Halford of the chem-
istry department, Prof. Bruce M.
Donaldson of the fine arts depart-
ment, Prof. Fred B. Wahr, of the Ger-
man department, Prof. George Y.
Rainich and Prof. Louis J. Rouse of
the mathematics department, Prof.
Lewis S. Ramsdell of the mineralogy
department, Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer,
of the physics department, Prof. Paul
M. Cuncannon of the political science
Others who received leaves of ab-
sence are Prof. Philip E. ursley of
the romance language department,
Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the so-
ciology department, Prof. Alfred H.
Stockard of the zoology department,
Prof. William P. Wood of the en-
gineering college, Prof. Arthur B.
Moehlman of the education school,
Prof. William C. Trow, of the educa-
tion school, Prof. Ralph W. Hammett,
of the architecture school.
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley also was given a secondsemester
sabbatical leave of absence.
Bureau Meets.

Students Plan CompetitionI
For Collegiate Honors ]
Student flyers from six schools will
compete here Saturday and Sunday
in Ann Arbor's first intercollegiate1
flying meet.I
Five events will feature the pro-'
gram of the Mid-West Intercollegiate
Flying meet here, which is expected
to attract 25 student flyers from
neighboring states. Schools compet-
ing include Purdue University, Uni-
versfy of Minnesota, University of
Detroit, Akron University, Kenyon
College and the University of Michi-
Trophies and prizes for the five
events have been donated by local
merchants. The events include bomb
dropping, bull's eye and spot landings
and a special navigation contest.
Sponsored by the National Inter-
collegiate Flying Club, the hosts to
the meet here will be the Michigan
Flying Club. Members of the club here
are Don Siegel, Spec., Alan Bott, '42E,
Leslie Trigg, '40E, Fred Maxam, '40E,
Daniel Ranney, '40E, Edward Mar-
tin, '41E, Lawrence Rinek, '40E, Paul
Wallace, '41E, Hans Weichsel, '42E,
Edward Mancourt, '41, Louis Gold-
man, '39E, Corwin Denney, '43E and
Henry VanVeen, '41A.
Wagner To Speak
To Spanish Group

A meeting to formulate a definite
peace policy for the American Student
Union will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow
at the Union, Hugo Reichard, Grad.,
chairman of the peace commission,
announced yesterday.
Keynoting speeches by Reichard
and Harold Osterweil, '41, will serve
to stimulate group discussion on the
various points of the program submit-
ted by the peace commission. Robert
Rosa, Grad., president of the or-
ganization, will act as chairman.
The "practical policy for peace'"
drawn up by the peace commission
to be acted upon by the membership
of the American Student Union in-
cludes the followingpoints.
"America must not become the arms
factory of Europe. Sales and credits
to both belligerents and neutrals,
whether advanced through private or
government channels, should, be lim-
ited, in quantity and in coiposition,
to peace time levels.
"America must observe an uncom-
promising neutrality toward all the
(Continued on Page 6)

ASU's Magazine,
'Student Outlook,'
To Appear Soon
The first issue of the "Student
Outlook," a 16-page monthly maga-
zine, edited and published by the
American Student Union, will be on
sale Wednesday, Nov. 22, June Harris,
'40, chairman of the publications
commission, announced yesterday.
Articles, essays, editorials and
poems by students and faculty mem-
bers on issues directly and indirectly
pertinent to the campus as well as
some of national import will be 'in-
cluded in the magazine, Miss Harris
The "Student Outlook" is designed
to reflect liberal views on the cam-
pus. Other members of the publica-
tions commission are Bob Kahn,
Grad., Albert Mayio, Grad., James
Green, '40, Stanley Liebergott, Grad.,
and Daniel Busch, '4OBAd.
Copies of the magazine will be
placed on sale at various places on

ing, life saving instruction, emer-
gency highway first-aid stations, ac-
cident prevention in the home and
on the farm, civilian relief, volun-
teer service, Junior Red Cross, serv-
ices to veterans, nursing services and
disaster relief.
The Washtenaw County drive thisj
year has for its goal the raising of,
the chapter from 10th to second place
in the number -of memberships in
relation to population.
The executive committee directing
the roll-call this year is headed by
Dr. Anthony J. J. Rourke, assistant
director of the University Hospital.
Other members are: Mrs. A. C. Furs-
tenberg, Mrs.. Laurence C. Stuart,
and Homer L. Heath of Ann Arbor;
Mrs. R. A. Weir and Mrs. James W.
Beach of Ypsilanti.
Pacifists Plan
Meeting ,Here,

presence of British anti-aircraft g
suggested the possibility secret m
bases, for small craft may be loc
in the strategically located grou
The attack on the German
marine was reported by the air mi
try, which said a Royal Air I
plane attacked the U-boat yeste
by dropping a salvo of bombs, or
which "appeared to the pilot to m
a direct hit."
(Unless otherwise stated all ford
dispatches are subject to ceusorsh
Dr Arthur Dal
Noted Scientis
To Talk Todo

Purdom Advises Students
To RegisterToday
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Director of
the Bureau of Appointments, will
conduct the annual registration
meeting of the bureau at 4 p.m. today
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The meeting is the only registra-
tion meeting which will be held this.
school year and applies to those vhw
will be seeking positions any time
within the next year. Graduate stu-
dents, staff members and students,
who will graduate in February, June,
or August are eligible for registra-
Information concerning the method
of registration, the two placement
divisions, teaching and general, and
all the facilities the Bureauoffers to
the student will be explained at the
American Poster Exhibit

Archduke Felix Talks Tonight
On European Reconstruction

Twenty-three-year old Archduke
Felix of Austria will give the second
lecture in this year's University Ora-
torical Association series at 8:15 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Archduke Felix will appear here in-
stead of Jan Masaryk, noted Czecho-
slovakian diplomat, whose scheduled
talk has been postponed because of
European political developments. He
will discuss "The Reconstruction of
Central Europe."
He will be introduced by Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political
science department. Tickets for the
lecture will not be taken at the door
and will be honored at Mr. Masaryk's
lecture later in the year.
Archduke Felix is the son of the
late Emperor Karl of Austria and the

Aspects Of Movement
Will Be Discussed
Various aspects of pacifism will be,
discussed at a Conference of the Fel-
lowship of Reconciliation Saturday,
Nov. 18 and Sunday, Nov. 19, it was
decided at a meeting last night in
Lane. Hall. About 40 people are ex-
pected to attend thl conference here
and from associated groups through-
out the state.
Mr. Harold E!Fey,executive secre-
tary of the national Fellowship of
Reconciliation organization, will be
the main speaker at the conference.
The group will meet Saturday at 4
p.m. at Lane Hall to discuss "The
Bases of Pacifism." This will be fol-
lowed by a dinner at the League and
a talk by Mr. Fey on the subject "The
Pacifist Looks at the Pacifist Move-
Sunday's program will include
breakfast and discussion at 8:30 a.m.
at the League and will be concluded
with a discussion by Mr. Fey, "Where
the Church Stands on the Present
War," at 8 p.m. at Rackham Lecture
Hall. The talk will be given under
the auspices of the University of
Michigan Student Religious Associa-

Dr. Arthur L. Day, internationa
known physicist and geologist,
deliver a University Lecture on
springs and geysers at 4:15 p.m.
day in Rackham auditorium.
Dr. Day has been a physics instr
tor at Yale and a member of
technical staff of Berlin's Phys
lische Technischie Reichanstalt.
1900 he became head of the phys
laboratory of the United St
Geological Survey. Seven years I
he was appointed director of the G
physical Laboratory of the Cari
Institution,* remaining in that1
until 1937.
Dr. Day has studied hot spri
geysers, volcanoes and earthque
in many. parts of the world. He
descended into the crater of the
tive volcano Kilauea and was thef
man to successfully take sample
molten lava and volcanic gases I
an active fountain.

Femiitine Debate
Try out Tomor
Tryouts for the women's
debate team will be held at 7:
tomorrow in Room 3209 A.H
Frederic 0. Crandall, women's
coach, announced yesterday.
Four of the tryouts will be
to make a trip Dec. 8 to Ohii
for a roundtable discussion
topic, "Should Anti-Democrat
ganizations Be Suppressed
United States?" After the dis
a representative from each

William Barnard, '40, will give an
organ recital at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium assisted by Bur-
nette Bradley Staebler, soprano.
Among the selections scheduled to
be heard on the program is Bach's
Prelude in D major, Frank's Chor-
lein B minor a~nd Sowerhv's C'horal.

A "Fiesta," featuring various phases
of Spanish culture, will be presented
by La Sociedad Hispanica at 8:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
A talk in English on "Spain and

I Fielding Yost Suffers I

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