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November 12, 1939 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-12

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Negro's Place In America Is Seen
As A Deviation From Democracy

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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
'er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40
Editorial Staff

The world is faced today with one of the
gravest problems of recent decades-the prob-
lem of preserving democracy, an institution
which took years to develop and one which seems
to be dear to everyone who lives under it.
The war- which is now going on in Europe
is called by many a war for democracy. More
,ressing, however, is the battle which democracy
is waging-or should be waging-in the nations
not as yet involved in the Second World War.
It is evident that Germany is not a nation in
which personal liberty is likely to be encouraged,
and it should be equally evident that, because
of Germany's being involved in a struggle which
may result in the defeat of two of the most
powerful nations supporting democracy and
its institutions, it is the part of every neutral
nation interested in the survival of personal lib-
erty and other aspect of dmmocracy to make a
supreme effort to insure its more perfect oper-
It is easy to see that in the United States,
the principal neutral democratic state in the
world, there are many evidences of the absence
of true democracy. Not only are there such
evidences, but also signs of democracy's oper-
ating in a purely nominal way.
Civil Rights Abrogated
One of the most flagrant viol&ibns of the
principles of personal rights and liberty in Amer-
ica is found in the position of our Negro citizens.
This is something which has been prevalent
since the end of the Civil War, in every part of
the nation. The University of Michigan, suppos-
. edly a. democratic institution, displays what
might be -called an attitude typical of all Amer-
Ian colleges north of the Mason-Dixon. Line.
Negroes are permitted to att'end the University,
to be members of its representative body, the
Student Senate. Yet a great deal of discrimina-
tion against Negroes exists at the University.
According to a survey now being conducted
by the American Student Union, the anti-Negro
discrimination here seems to take three forms-.
socially, Negroes, though they may not .be bar-
red, are discouraged from attending dances;
landladies and property-owners generally refuse
to permit Negro students to live in the districts
handiest to the campus, and operators of many

restaurants and cafes act against Negro patrons.
Negro students can, the survey reveals, us-
ually find room# only in the section of Ann Ar-
bor near the University Hospital or in the
"colored district" of downtown Ann Arbor.
Apartment-owners and their agents, the survey
has found thus far, often-if not always-refuso
to rent to Negroes.
Not Accepted As Equals
The Negro never received the full measure
of equality promised him by legislative action.
He has never been accepted as fully equal to.
the white citizens. They have, from the very
state, done everything in their power to keep
the Negro from acquiring his proper share of
national influence or a share of income cor-
responding to his abilities and efforts.
If intolerance toward the Negro showed only
that democracy was not working as planned, it
might not present as serious a problem as it does
today. The suppression of minority groups, how-
ever, has been proved to be one of the first gen-
eral symptoms of a dictatorial system of gov-
ernment, and dictatorial systems of government
constitute a strong opposition to democracy to-
Signs Of Fascism
In the United States, one nation accepted as
a place where every man has a right to freedom
of speech and conduct within the limits specified
by law, one nation where democracy is said to
be guarded more jealously than anywhere else
in the world, there are signs of Fascism spring-
ing up. It must be recognized by lovers of democ-
racy that the rise of Fascism is something which
by its very -.nature cannot help but be opposed
to democracy.
At a time when democracy is challenged, if
not actually threatened, by the presence of an
opposition doctrine, it seems to be utterly foolish
for its backers to act in a way which supports a
movement weakening to it. The present gap be-
tween the Negro and the white citizens of Amer-
ica cannot be anything but such a movement.
Persecuted, discriminated against, the Negro can
hardly be conceived to be in the position of com-
plete solidarity with the other American citizens
which is needed not only to keep democracy on
top in this country, but perhaps also to keep
it alive in the world.

raniss . .
Swinton .
Linder .
k. Schorr .
Canavan .
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Managing Editor
Editorial Director
* City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
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Business Staff
ies anag~r. . aul R.:Prk
modsines Mr., Credit Manager Ganson?. Taggart
ens business Manager Zenovia sioratko
Le' Advertising Manager .Jane Mdwers
tictions Manager . .farrit . Levy
The editorials published in The. Michigan
aily are written by members of The Daily
aff and represent the views of the writers
:ily. I
eded: A Good
am- n ggs lan.,,
ALIFORNIA and Ohio voters went to
the polls this week and "crushingly"
ated the pension plans that referenda had
ed before them. In California, the much-
Licized "Ham and Eggs" plan was beaten by
1, the second time it has sustained a defeat
4ie polls. In Ohio, the Rev. Herbert S. -Bige-
s pensions at 60" movement received the
st drubbing a state constitutional issue has
-experienced there.-
experts had testified before the vote that the
fmes were crackpot and would drive the
as into complete .insolvency. Economists
ughout the country warned of the unsound-
of the theories of taxation behind the plans.
z Governor Olson of California, whose elec-
was aided by backers .of "Ham hnd Eggs,"
d the state's voters to defeat it on the
nds of unconstitutionality. Yet, many were
id the schemes would triumph anyway, be-
e of the lure of "thirty dollars every Thurs-
or the fifty dollars a month that Bigelow
d.But the voters were not believing, and
went out and defeated these admittedly
sh schemes. They vindicated democracy this
:, showed that the voters of this country. are
'iminating and intelligent. All very nice. But
bsic condition responsible for the formula-
of such pension schemes is still before us
will continue to be with us until intelligent
are taken to ameliorate it.
'he important part of this week's vote is not
two silly plans were voted down, but that
a million People living in two of our so-
d prominent states voted in favor of pen-
even though it is easily to be seen that they
iot feasible. More than a million people in-
ing two of our most prosperous states see
urgent need for armeasure of security so
ically that they are willing to ;back any'
,f program that endeavors to get it for them.
prevalence of all sorts of fantastic programs
he promotion of economic security contin-
y stresses the fact of the insecurity .of a
part of this country's population. The
Isend plan, the Direct Credits society and
and Eggs are, more than anything, mani-
tions of the feeling of insecurity so common
is country.
is obvious that current pension plans are
ssible and, if passed, would work irreparable
t on the country. But the need for some
of provision for the security of the unem-
d and aged will keep such plans before the
of the people continuously until, one day,
nrm some legitimate plan hat will relieve
ring. Basically there is a need for support
ose unable to make their living either be-
of age of because of the economy's in-
" to put them to work. Until we take care
em in intelligent fashion, there is always
at the possibility that some crackpot
ne will succeed at the polls and bring with
companionate chaos.
--Alvin Sarasohn
e first issue of "The Connecticut (now
ord) Courant .reported 175:years ago that
ctions in Poland threatened1 to deluge
e afresh with blood- An uncommon air of

Back in the days when Samuel
Insull was still the patron saint of
the Chicago Civic Opera Company
I first heard Alexander Kipnis per-
form the role of Gurnemanz in Wag-
ner's Parsifal. After a season of
nothing but early Verdi, Veyerbeer
and Massenet and, that whole array
of vocalists who still conceive opera
and operatic art in terms of a Mack
Sennett short it was a distinct shock
suddenly to find that opera could
be something more than a lot of
melodramatic nonsense and that
there were singers who asked not
for the silly acclaim that followed
every wrenching forth from the ab-
domen tones to fill out the empty su-
gared cadenzas of Italian opera, but
who sought for the deeper meaning
behind a deeper music.
If anyone fails to attend Mr. Kip-
nis' recital Monday evening in Hill
Auditorium, he will have done him-
self a serious injustice; for the re-
nowned Ukrainian basso is not only
a great artist with a great voice, but
the author of a kind of musical pro-
gram that might well be called mon-
The Monday eveing program is by
no means exceptional with Mr. Kip-
nis. It is merely the extension of a
whole series of programs of this
type that he has given recently in
Vienna, London and New York and
which, in each case, has evoked the
highest praise from metropolitan
critics. It comprises an aria from
Mozart's Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem
Serail (which should be especially
interesting since-theopera-called
also Il Seraglio-will be performned
aria from Mozart's Don Giovanni,
the complete Dichterliebe (A Poet's
Love) cycle of Heine and Schumann,
three songs (Trepak, Serenade and
Song of the Flea) by Moussorgsky
and the famous Death Scent from
Moussorgsky's Boris Godounow, and
in conclusion a group of more or less
modern English songs. The program
is not so extraordinary because of
its length- the -Schumann cycle is
made up of some sixteen songs but
these are each very brief-but be-
cause of its exceptional diversity.
If I may be allowed my only ad-
verse criticism of it, I do not feel
that the English group (composed
of songs by T. E. Dunhill, O. Mor-
gan, M. Shaw, C. EdwardsL-Clara,
not Cliff-, and J. M. Diack) is of
sufficient musical substance to stand
as the aftermath of the selection
from Boris. For some reason possibly
peculiar to myself I have never liked
violent contrasts of this sort. They
are too premeditated to seem real.
But I do know this: that the art of
Mr. Kipnis will keep me there
through the English songs and what-
ever encores the audience insists up-
Something should be said about
Modeste Moussorgsky, that "first of
the moderns" whose centenary is
being celebrated this year. In a sense
Moussorgsky was not really a musi-
cian at all, at least not in the con-
ventional sense that term is used.
He was not a good contrapuntist and
at times shockingly crude in the
treatment of his harmonies. But he
was never dull and never automatic.
There is no such thing as a superim-
posed accompaniment or figure in
any of Moussorgsky's songs or op-
Drew eDaAscf


New York are being shown in the
west exhibition gallery of the Rack-
ham Building, daily except Sunday, 2
p.m. to 5 p.m., from 7 to Nov. 20.
Architectural Building Exhibition:
An exhibit of wood sculpture by Mr.
Seth M. Velsey, of Dayton, Ohio, is
being shown in the ground floor case
of the Architectural Building. Open
daily 9 to 5 except Sunday until No-
vember 19. The public is cordially
University Lecture: Professor Ed-
ward H. Reisner of Teachers' Col-
lege, Columbia University, will lec-
ture on "Adaptation of the Danish
Folk High School to America Use,"
at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 13, in
the University High School Auditori-
um. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Arthur L.
Day, formerly Director of the Geo-
physical Laboratory of the Carnegie
Institution of Washington, will lec-
ture on "The Problem of Hot Springs
and Geysers," (illustrated by colored
slides and motion pictures) under
the auspices of _the Departments ot
Geology and Mineralogy, at 4:15 p.m.
on Tuesday, Nov. 14, in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Oratorical Association Lecture(
Course: The Archduke Felix of Aus-
tria will speak in Hill auditorium on
Tuesday evening, November 14, at
8:15.- His subject will be "The Re-
construction of Central Europe".
Holders of season tickets will use
the Masaryk coupons for this lec-
ture. The coupons will not be torn
and patrons are urged to keep them
as Jan Masaryk will appear here at
a later date.
Today's Events
Try-Outs: Play Production and the
School of Music will give Mozart's
"Il Seraglio" the latter part of Jan-
uary. Vocal tryouts will be held in
Room 406, Burton Memorial Tower,
today at 2:30 p.m. Contestants are
requested to bring suitable music
which they are prepared to sing.
The Art Cinema League presents
"The History of Animation" as the
second in the series. of "Most Prom-
inent American Films," today at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Matinee
at 3:15 p.m. Evening, 8:15.
Eta Kappa Nu meeting in the
Michigan Union today at 4 p.m.

(Continued from Page 7).


bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m..in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7 p.m., Tuesday,ove-
ber 14. The subject to be discussed
is "Glucuronic Acid as a Detoxica-
tion Agent and an Excretory Prod-
uct." All interested are invited to
International Center: Three events
of more than usual interest are in-
cluded in this week's program at the
1. The last of the three After-
noons of American Square .Dancing,
Tuesday 4 to 6 o'clock, in the Union
Ball Room.
2. The second in the series of Wo-
men's Hours, Wednesday, 4 to 6
o'clock. Miss Kathleen Hamm, di-
etician of University residence halls,
will speak on "Diet". These special
teas, under the general direction of
Mrs. Bacher, Assistant Dean of Wo-
men, are for all foreign women and
wives of foreign students.
3. Dr. Edgar Fisher, Assistant Di-
rector of the Institute of Interna-
tional Education, will speak n-u
day evening, Novemer 1, a p'7
clock, following the regular Sunday
supper. His subject is."International
Education at a Time of International
The Fellowship of ReOoncllianU
invites all pacifists on campus to its
regular weekly meetings, Monday
at 7 p.m. in Lane Hall.
All Hillel Members interested in
working on the Publicity Committee
of the Hillel Foundation are request-
ed to. attend a meeting at the Foun-
dation on Monday, Nov. 13, at 3:30
Hillel Photography Club meetig
at the Foundation Monday at 7:30
Michigan Dames: Child Btudy
group meets at eight o'clock in the
home of Mrs. Harold Riley, 1124
Granger, Tuesday, November .14. Dr.
Katherine Greene is discussing par-
ent-child relations and the handling
of behavior problems.
The Bibliophile section of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Lara Thomassen, 2115
Woodside Road on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 14 at 2:30 p.m.
Faculty Women's Club:. The Mon-
day Evening Drama Section will
meet on Tuesday, November . 14, >a~t
7:30 p.m. in Room 316-318- at the
Michigan Union. Please note that
the first three meetings, will be on
Tuesday instead of Monday night.
The Bookshelf and- Stage. Section
of the Faculty Women's Club will
meet on Tuesday, November 14, at
2:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. James
M. Cork, 2034 Day street. Mrs. Lee
R. Dice is assisting hostess.
Saint Andrew's Episcopa Cluireh:
Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11
a.m. Special Armistice Day -ervice
with address by Prof.- Preston W.
Slosson on "Moral Rearmament"; 11
a.m. Junior Church; 11 . . Kinder-
garten in Harris Hall; 7 p.m. Student
meeting, Harris Hlal. -Reports;- of
delegates to Michigan Inter-Guild
Conference. This meeting will be -
vitally important to future plans and
program of our group. Very hmpor-
tant that your be present. Refresh.
ments and entertainment.
First Presbyterian Church: 10M45
am. "Essential Christianity" w- be
the subject of Dr. W. P. Le o's
sermon,. .
6 p.m. Westminster Student Guild
will meet for a supper and fellowship

hour. There will be a panel discus-
sion led by Dr. Lemon on "Religious

HEslight man sat in the corner by himself,
intent upon his glass, a deep frown on his
face as he glanced about the noisy room.
"IT'S a .shame, John, that's what it is; a darn
. shame." The clean-cut young man, with
brown hair and bright brown eyes raised his
glass of beer and looked at John.
"You're right, Frank. A nation like ours
builds its way up from nothing, finally gains
a position of prominence in the world, where
everyone respects her and what does the rest
of the world do but line up against us and say
these vicious things." He stopped for a short
sip and looked at Frank, waiting for him to say
something, bpt Frank just nodded approval.
"Just yesterday," John continued, "I read
in the paper where they were blaming the war
on us, saying that we might have prevented it
if we were not so greedy. Can you imagine that,
Frank, calling us greedy?" Again he sipped and
"It's a shame, that's what it is."
The two men were joined by a third at this
point, a uniformed man, a soldier. Tall- well-
built, strong-looking, he hailed both of them
and- accepted their invitation to sit down.
"Well, Joe, how's the army? Ready for the
big advance?"
"Always ready, John. We've been ready for
a long, long while. Personally, I'm getting a
little impatient. I wish to hell it would start
soon. This not knowing exactly where we stand
doesn't make me feel just right."
"Why, I think .it's very clear where we stand."
This from Frank. "We stand on the side of
righteousness, on the side of fairness against the
rest of the world's inequalities. There's no ques-
tion at all where we stand."
"Well, perhaps, but I wish they'd start some-
thing real so that we could end it in a hurry.
Look, the meeting's about to start."
THE slight man, sitting in the corner by him-
self, continued to frown. He cast a pitying
look around the tavern and then looked into
the glass again.
THE three turned to the other end of the tav-
ern, where a - small cluster of men were ar-
ranging a sort of platform. They noticed for
the first time that the place was well filled, with
four and five men at each table around them.
All were drinking beer and talking earnestly
with one another.
"Let's move a little closer so we can hear."
"I have to leave now," said Joe, the soldier,
"Have to help up there with the arrangements.
See you later."
John and Frank moved up just in front of
the platform and sat down with four other men
they knew. They exchanged greetings and im-
mediately started to talk of the war and the
country and -how it would all wind up and how
fortunate they were to be living in such a great
nation where they were so sure they were on the
sid of right.eousness. It was quite amazing that
all the men agreed; each was convinced that the

"Where is he?" said John to one of the men
at the table.
"He'll be here shortly," replied one, a round,
dark little man, who took big swallows of his
"Yes, he'll not fail to be here," said another.
THe six of them then started to talk of the
meeting and how it was a good . idea
and how they were certain to hear some inter-
esting and enlightening information from the
speakers and particularly the main speaker for
whom they were now waiting.
There was some shouting at the other end of
the tavern, the entrance, and a small group of
uniformed men made their way to the platform
amid many cheers. The whole tavern shook
with applause and shouts as the little group
joined the others on the platform and took their
THE slight man 'looked toward the platform,
shook his head slowly, got up and walked to-
ward the door.
Now, one, a tall, bespectacled man, came for-
ward, held up his hand for silence and started
to speak of the occasion upon which they had
gathered and then gave a short speech on the
glory of the nation and how they should be so
proud to live in a great country like theirs where
each man was equal and where they never had
to be ashamed to boast that they were citizens.
And each time he would hesitate or pause, there
was applause as all the beer-drinkers clapped
their hands and shouted and yelled. It was a
very vigorous and peppy meeting.
Each one of the men on the platform spoke,
obviously building up to the main speech of the
evening. And each one said practically the same
thing: they should be proud to be living in such
a free and equal country, not like the others
where tyranny and inequality prevailed. But
each avoided mentioning anything about the
war; they were leaving that for the main speaker.
And when he arose to speak, the entire tavern
arose with him, shouting and yelling and whist-
IE held up his hand for silence and they sat
down and waited for him to begin. He talked
quietly at first, telling how happy he was to be
back; how this tavern held many memories for
him and how he should never forget it. And as
he continued, he became more vigorous and,,fi-
nally, when he spoke of the war, he was speaking
very loudly and using strong gestures.
THE slight knan opened .the door, looked back
at the tavern crowd and heard the shouts of
the speaker, shook his head again and went out.
HE spoke of their common enemy and how soon
it would be destroyed and that they were
destined to continue as the leaders of the world.
And he spoke of their forefathers and how they
should not have struggled in vain aud told of
the begintings of " the nation and the hardships-
that were- endured.' And- the men in the tavern

The Graduate Outing Club will
on a hige today at 2:30 p.m.


WASHINGTON - Authorities are
quietly investigating inside reports
that the chief reason fpr the f lab-
biness of stock prices is secret, sys-
tematic dumping of U.S. securities
by the Allies.
The doldrums gripping the stock
market are in striking contrast to
the exuberance of industry. While
the bibiness index is higher today
than in 1937, in some lines even
higher than in 1929, stocks are from
45 to 50 points below 1937 levels
and approximately 200 points under
1919 highs.
Every time. the market stiffens
and starts upward, a selling wave
immediately develops and . prices
slump. The core of this selling, au-
thorities suspect, is of European or-
igin-governments seeking to obtain
dollar credits in this country to fi-
nance the war purchases made poe-
sible by the lifting of the arms em-
At the beginning of the war, Bri-
tish and French holdings in U.S.
stocks and bonds were around $5,-
000,000,000. These investments were.
chiefly in so-called gilt-edge indus-
trials, such as General Motors, Gen-
eral Electric, DuPont and Allied

International Center: Prof. Clar-
ence Johnston's pictures in techni-
color of Hawaii this evening at 71
Co ming Events
Graduate Chemistry Reception for
all graduate students and faculty
in pure and applied'. chemistry will
be held in the Horace H. Rackham
Building on Wednesday evening, No-
vember 15, from 8 to 10 p.m. Wives
of faculty and students are cordially
invited. Exhibits and novelties have
been arranged. Refreshments..
La Sociedad Hispanica invites ev-
eryone to attend "La Fiesta," to be
given Wednesday evening in the Ly-
dia Mendelssohn. Theatre at 8:15
p.m., admission free. The program
will include a short movie on "Pic-
turesque Guatemala," a talk in Eng-
lish by Professor C. P. Wagner of
the RomanceLanguage Department
on "Spain and Spanish," Spanish
dancing by the Delgado Couple from
Detroit, selection by Don Jose Ro-
driguez, world-famous guitarist,
songs by Mrs. N. W. Eddy, and songs
by a Spanish boy from Pontiac. All.
interested are urged to come.
Assembly Council meeting of the
Executive Council .on Tuesday, No-
vember 14, at 4:15 in the League
Council room.
Deutscher Verein Wednesday night
at 8 o'clock. Miss Helen Ellis of the
department of Physical Education
has consented to instruct members
of the club and all those interesteda
in German folk dances. See your in-
structor for particulars or call the
German Department Office 204 U. H.
Ext. 788.
Mathematics Club will meet Wed-
nesday, November 15, at 8 p.m., in
the West Lecture Room of the Rack-]
ham Building. Dr. Greville will speak
on "Optional Stopping."

Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "Jus-
tice More Freedom Than Peace." Ar-
mistice sermon by Rev. H. P. Mar-
7:30 p.m. "South American Friend-
ship," Miss Ruth Wilson.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m., "Justice
More Precarious Than Peace." Ar-
mistice sermon by Rev. H, P. Marley.
7:30 p.m., "South American Friend-
ship," Miss Ruth Wilson.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ).
10:45 a.m., morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
6:30 p.m., a service of music, art
and poetry on the theme "Come,
Follow Me!"
7:30 p.m., social hour and refresh-
mlent S.

American Chemical Society: Profe:-
sor G. B. Kistiakow sky of Harvard
University will. lecture on "E,'nergetics
of Some Organic Compounds" in
Room 303 CheNisaNry Building at 4:15
p.m Wednesday, Nov. 15. The meet-

First Congregational Church,
10:-45 a.m. public worship. Dr.
Parr will preach on "This World'%

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