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November 11, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-11

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Tries ToWin Brown Jug Back From Gophers






r-r.l. We , , .
We're just going ah4
s column as though
ned last Saturday. N
at Columbus couldI
that Guggy Marcoi
e world's greatest to
GM put out Alexai
11. So we're off tos
d what does he tell
am the feedbox we f
Michigan plays Min
coincidence! Two to
th their names be
,ter M. What a coin
ey play each other.
me stadium. What
ichigan will win 20

Fordham-Indiana: We're getting
darn sick of that chant our room-
ead and write mate chants but our other room-
nothing hap- mate says we ought to pick Fordham
o one thought on general Principe. We'll take a
fly the ocean chants and stick with him too.
ni could build
lephone until Rice-Arkansas: Rice has Ernie
nder Graham Lain, one of the nation's best passers.
see the wizardRice also has Ollie Cordill, one ofX
1us? Straight the nation's best runners. But Ar-.
ind: kansas has a better team. Therefore
nesota: What Arkansas will win. Simple. t
eams play and Tulane-Alabama: Rice may have t
Agin with the one Lain but Alabama will meet Two-
icidence. And Lain. With that handicap 'Bama will e
And in the go booma.
a coincidence. Oklahoma - Kansas State: The ,
-7. That will Sooner the better. And these Sooners
are better.k
e The Purple Carnegie Tech-Pittsburgh: In the
n though it's city series they really get serious.1
Wildcats will Muha, Condit and Tech will wreckE
We still can't Kentucky-Georgia Tech: It's too r
But every time bad this one comes so close afterc
e're reminded Carnegie or we could use wreck again.
lust be. After At any rate, the Rambling Wrecks t
the e all (there's that word again) will send'
the peopl all- them back to the hills.
. This week Southern California-Stanford: On
naybe a score- the form theTrojans should walk
home with this one. But we recall
They say the another group of Indians who upset
football team. the dope rather close to home last
lking? Citadel week. We'll still take USC.
Texas A&M-SM.U.: Alphabet
Chicago had soup. We'll drink Texas A&M with
ctive nose be- a spoon.
ancis Schmidt, In the other gaies we'll take
bably slam the Notre Dame over Iowa, Dartmouth
Maroons' col- over Princeton, Oklahoma over Kan-
took his best sas State; Missouri over N.Y.U., Ore-
be surprised if; gon State over Oregon,. Santa Clara
Michigan's 85 over Michigan State, Nebraska over
Kansas and head over heels.

Both Squads
Are Planning
Aerial Battle

Irish, Cornell,
Battle To Keep
Records Clean
Texas A.&M., Tennessee,
Tulane And Dartmouth
Are Also InSpotlight

Injuries Weaken Te
Return Of Paul Kr
Bolsters Varsity A
(Continued from Page 1)



Herbert Orrin (Fritz) Crisler will
probably try to make capital of this
The expected crowd of 60,000 spec-
ators which will watch Michigan try
o regain its place in the football sun I
will see one of collegiana's best kick-
ers in George Franck. Franck, a 9.7
sprinter who qualified for the Big Ten
finals in the 100 yard dash, has an
average of better than 40 yards per,
kick. He plays safety on defense
and his phenomenal speed enables
him to make tackles all over the field.
Against Northwestern last week, he
pulled Don Clawson down from the
rear as the Purple fullback appeared

NEW YORK, Nov. 10.--UP)-Texas
A. and M., Notre Dame and Cornell,
three of the four first-line elevens
ctill unbeaten and untied, carry their
handsome records into action against
dangerous opposition tomorrow to
furnish the high spots on the na-
tional colege football program.
Each will be favored, but each also
will be meeting a team strong enough
to toss a monkey wrench into the
works and another upset into the pic-
The Aggies, riding herd on the
Southwest Conference, will try to
bring the tough Southern Methodist
Mustangs into their private corral;
Notre Dame, bruised but still

Iowa And Indiana Battle Tough
Non-Conference Elevens Today


The nation set aside this day cot
celebrate the signing of the armistice
21 years ago, but Western Conference
football teams aren't taking the na-
tion seriously.
For Big Ten elevens instead ofl
resting in peace, will take part in
their busiest afternoon of the cur-,
renf' season.
All 10 squads are in action, and.
all 10 squads except one, have first
class battles to fight . .. on the day
that was set aside for peace.
Buckeyes' Turn To Play
The only Conference eleven that is
enjoying the holiday today is the
Buckeyes, from Ohio State. Francis
Schmidt's title-bound outfit has the,
next thing to a day off in playing the
Chicago Maroons.
This game promises to be much like
the annual Armistice Day parade that
the American Legion stages in Detroit,'
only the Buckeyes will march up and
down historic Stagg Field, while the

today would bring that to an even
Iowa Tries To Stop Irishc
3 Out in Iowa City, the Hawkeyes
flay hosts to Notre Dame's unbeaten
eleven. Five weeks ago they would
liave thought you were insane to givet
Ipwa a chance in this fracas, but Ed-
die Anderson's squad is confident to-
day that they can match the luck of 9
the Irish. The Hawkeyes are good.a
They showed that last week against
Purdue, but the Notre Dame also has
a squad that is worth writing home
Fordham, the eleven that knocked
Pittsburgh off last week, meets In-
diana in New York City. The Hoosiers
are still recovering from the Ohio
tate attack, and will have their
troubles stopping Jim Crowley's squad.y
Twenty-one years ago this n .tion
signed an armistice, but the Western
Conference continues to fight. as in-
tensely as ever.

Spartans To Mee
Favored Broi
Michigan State, eager to acct
what one of its Big Ten con
could not, matches gridiron
with University of Santa Ch
morrow in a game expected
tract 25,000 fans.
Santa Clara will line up
popular choice to turn back th
igan State eleven. Santa Cle
lowed up its 13-6 win over
two weeks ago with a 27-7 tr
handed to Stanford. Purdue
had defeated Michigan Stat
before it came west to be hun
Santa Clara.
Santa Clara beat the Spa
to 6 at East Lansing a year ag
ing a blocked punt into a tou

march eve
iber. The

iper wi
o it i,
all of
st wee
tie, m
im wal



on his way to a touchdown; equipped with ample backfield ma-
Today's battle will be tin ted with terial, will try for seven straight
the revenge motive for the entire against Iowa, and Cornell, sluggish
team but for Tom last week against Columbia, will have
to snap back into stride to get by
a Colgate team well rested and set
Jpromise of redeinp- I to "shoot the works."
tion. Last year, While Tennessee runs through sig-
after Harmon had: nals against The Citadel and South-
sparked an 89- Iern California, other member of this
yard drive for a week's "Big Five," takes on sub-par
touchdown to put Stanford, there wi be dangerous
the Wolverines in collisions elsewhere on the gridiron
the lead, he fum- map. Michigan's comeback try
bled on the Minne- against Minnesota will draw 60,000
sota 45 as Michi- into the Wolverine stadium; unbeat-
Harmon g a n appeared en Dartmouth will seek a "Big Three"
headed for another score. Six plays clean sweep against Princeton, and
later Minnesota had counted to knock Tulane will stack its power plays'
Michigan out of the Big Ten and and 200-poun'd lines against Alabama
National championships.
Gopher Coach' Bernie Bierman was
none too. optimistic about Minnesota Brown Jug' s Trav els
chances to" halt the rebounding Wo1- Are Ended, We Hope
vermnes. "We'll have an even chance_________________
if it rains," was his pessimistic be JACKSON, Nov. 10.- (') -The
lief. The weatherman predicts fairBhe r c
adcool weather with an end to yes- the tr iophy ich-fr


The rest of the Big Ten program,
however, looks more like a German
war communique than an American,
peace time celebration.j
Wildcats Meet Purdue
Northwestern's improved Wildcats,.
finally hitting their expected form
against Minnesota last week, will meet
Purdue's eleven in Evanston. The
Waldorf squad, with the great De-
Correvont fresh from a 62-yard gal-
lop against the Gophers, will have to
win this battle to stay in the Con-
ference race.
Illinois entertains Wisconsin in
Memorial Stadium and Coach Zuppke
is frankly worried. His squad is fa-
vored to win -today, and no one knows.
better than "Zup" that favored teams
can be, beaten. He's had recent ex-
perience along those lines.
The fourth Conference .encounter
this week is the Minnesota-Michigan
fracas-.here in Ann Arbor. It's the
traditional engagement for the Little
'Brown Jug, which the Gophers have
held onto for 'the past five years.
Two Big :Ten squads take .part.. in'
intersectional warfare today seeking
to improve the record against, non
Conference teams. So far this year,
the Big.Ten teams have won but eight
out of 18 independents battles for anl
average- of .425 and two victories

gionaires-aconfine their activities to
Ioodward Ave. and vicinity.

Delta Tau Delta Triumphs
Over Sigma Nu, 21 To 3
Delta Tau Delta eliminated Sigma
Nu from the second-place interfra-
'ternity speedball playoffs yesterday
with a 21-3 lacing. Francis Chamber-
lain and Nevin Jamieson, with 8 and
6 points respectively, did most of the
scoring for the winners, while Don
Bruce turned in a good game for Sig-
m , Nu.

Virginia 7, Washingtpn and Lee 01
Ithaca College 13, Brooklyn College
Monmouth 14, Cornell (Ia.) 6
Maryyille (Mo). 19, Kirksville 13
Presbyterian College 20, Erskine 0
Missouri School of Mines 12, Cape
Girardeat.Teachers -6

Titans To Meet Eagles
In Interseetional Ba
DETROIT, Nov. 10.-(JP)-A mu
gridiron was in prospect tonight
the intersectional football battle
morrow between Boston College
the University of Detroit. A cr
of 18,000 is expected to see the
'The battle is the rubber game
series that started in 1937 when
troit triumphed.. Last year Bc
triumphed on a last second field

want to look their best . . . C
to us for that personality h
cut, facial, and scalp treatn
a la Don Rogers.
Free Scalp and Hair Advice
Don't Delay! Come in Today
Dorn. D. Dascola
Liberty off State

eta ame Gives Kromer
ce To Display Real Worth

e a big day for Paul
Wolverines, recovering
ck of last Saturday's
re plenty good enough
phers, but they'll need
And Paul is in i beau-
- 1

ability. And with Kromer in there
to give the Gophers another runner

The probable starting '


The set-up is' perfect. Injured in
the State game, Krome'r looked or,1
fir fron% a hospital bed and then
!fror-t 1aer - sideiies, whlie his mates
yoke, through Iowa an'd Chicagoto. a
rankiing a mong the top teams in the1
country. Still slowed up by his in-
jured knee, he helped trounce the
Bulldog; They decided to let him rest
for Minnesota-but meanwhile Zupp-
ke pulled his fast one.
Condition Is Hazy
So Paul returns to a team that needs
someone like him-or like he can be
at top shape. His real condition won't
be, known until the game gets under-
way, but it may be the factor that
decides whether Michigan regains
their right to be called a great team,
or whether the Gophers smack them
down a little farther.
"This is his chance," as Backfield
Coach Martineau sees it. "If he lets
loose in there, he can be a spark
plug. He's had an opportunity to
rest, now it's up to him."
As half of the "Touchdown Twins,"
Kromer showed last season that he
has what it takes to do the job. The
coaches know he has it, and the rest
of the squad has great respect for his

to watch, and take some of the pres-
sure off Harmon and Westfall, the
boys will again have the confidence
that Illinois so rudely shook.
A Man To Be Watched
So keep your eyes on the "Champ"
this afternoon. Those 10 days in a
hospital bed, 10 days of uncertainty as
to whether he'd play again this sea-
son or not, and the weeks he has
spent on the sidelines were something
new tp, him..,. ',-
He didn't like his experience, ill
the more so because it included listen-
ing 'helplessly to last week's upset at
Champaign; If Paul Kromer is "right"
today, you can lay your money on
the Wolverines.

Bob Smith
Van Hull
Van Every
Christianson -a
Referee, Frank


line-ups .fol-
W. Smith
Westf all

on the gridiron at Ann Arbor tomor-
row, really gets around. Tonight it is
in Jackson with the Gophers, who
took a brisk workout before going
to a hotel for the night.-
- Last summer the jug,-. was on dis-
play in the Hall of Sports at the New
York World's Fair and was returned
to Minneapolis only last week. Minne-
sota has had the jug since 1934, when
the Gophers brought it back to
Minneapolis for the first time since


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A& I

Lane, Detroit. UM-

pire, A. A. ' Schablinger, Springfield.
Field Judge, George Simpson, Wis-
consin. Linesman; La Vern Dilweg,



November 23

Is Thanksgiving Day

- -


Pace Will Defend'
Bantamweight Title
DETROIT, Nov. 10.-(P)-Georgie
Pace, Cleveland fighter recognized by
the National Boxing Association as
the world bantam-weight champion,
will defend his title aginst K.O. Mor-
gan, Detroit veteran, it was an-
nounced today by Tom Stanley,
Pace's manager.
Pace was declared champion by
the N.B.A. when Sixto Escobar, of
Puerto Rico, relinquished the crown
to battle among the featherweights.
Morgan' handed Escobar a decisive
beating in a non-title match in De-
troit more than a year ago but lost
a return title engagement at San
Juan, P.R.

So Make Your
Reservations Now


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Thanksgiving Dinner

Than the food at the TAVERN
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clma'x to t great day.






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