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November 09, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-09

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On Passing Attack


Minnesota Invasion

One Reason For Vols' Supremacy

Big Ten Teams
Prepare Plays
For Saturday
Harold Van Every Returns
To Gophers' Backfield;
InjuriesWeaken Squad
Every, backfield star, was reported
back in top shape Wednesday as the
Minnesota Gophers went through
another workout in preparation for
their football battle with Michigan
at Ann Arbor Saturday. Van Every
suffered a bruised leg in the North-
western game.
Bob Smith, sophomore guard, was
still limping, however, with an in-
jured knee and was not expected to
see action against the .Wolverines
unless the injury shows improvement.
Sy Johnson, veteran tackle also is
out with a dislocated elbow received
in the Northwestern game.
(By The Associated Press)
IOWA CITY.-The aerial attack
the University of Iowa football team
used in defeating Indiana and Wis-
consin was polished up Wednesday
as the Hawkeyes went through a brisk
workout preparatory to Saturday's
game with Notre Dame here.
EVANSTON.-A freshman team
bombarded Northwestern's varsity
with passes Wednesday, indicating
Coach Lynn Waldorf expects Purdue
to take to the air Saturday in the
Wildcat-Boilermaker game in North-
western's Dyche Stadium.
Millin indicated Wednesday there
will be three new starters in the In-
diana University backfield when the
Hoosiers face Fordham at New York'
Saturday. Eddie Herbert, quarter-
buck, is the only first string ball
carrier to survive the shakeup.
MADISON. - The University of,
Wisconsin Badgers displayed excel-
lent timingas Coach Harry Stuhl-
dreher put them through a long ses-
sion in dummy defense Wednesday
in prepartion for Saturday's game
with Illinois.


Out Of The



Past . ..

The mailman brought us this and
we present it with one word- of
warning-the Wallace Weber who
wrote it is not the Wally Weber who
scouts Illinois.
Nov. 6, 1939
To the Editor:


Slowed down to a mere kick, here's Johnny Butler, Tennessee's
sophomore substitute back whose dramatic 56-yard touchdown run in
the Tennessee (21) -Alabama (0) game was hailed as "finest ever seen."
chs Pe Goes tAstray

I am sorry now that I didn't
write this letter last week, when
I threatened to, instead of wait-
ing for the disaster that over-
took a splendid Michigai foot-
ball team Saturday. However,
the letter probably wouldn't
have accomplished anything
then, and it may not now, but
at least I want to voice an opin-
ion that I know is shared by
many alumni, and that I think
must be echoed by a large part
of the student body-unless the
gang of today are a lot different
than they used to be, which I
Every issue of the Daily that
I picked up last week literally
burned me up, and I blushed
with shame to think that Michi-
gan couldn't take a few foot-
ball victories without having it
go to its head. No one is happier
than the writer in seeing Michi-
gan definitely on the football
map again, but I don't believe
it is characteristic of Michigan
spirit, to glory and boast about
it--particularly prematurely. All
the talk in the Daily about shad-
ing the exploits of Red Grange
was silly and disgusting-and if
it was disturbing to an alumnus,
how it must have sounded to an
outsider! The time to have
gloried in a Michigan triumph
was after the victory-not be-
fore.. And if ever there was a
build-up to fire an opponent, the
Daily furnished it for Illinois.
And at the same time it was do-
ing its best to create over-confi-
dence in the Michigan squad,
which is always a danger signal.
I was almost ready Saturday to
predict an Illini victory, but I
still hoped, though I sat down at
the radio with my fingers crossed.
Michigan has a great team,
and I believe it will come back.
But let's be sane about the mat-
ter, and when we are victorious
let's take the glory with a spirit
of thankfulness and with a little
dignity. So far as the Daily is
concerned, the pattern set by the
sports editors back in the cham-
pionship days might profitably
be followed.
-Wallace W. Weber, '12
P.S. I await the Sunday Daily
with interest. The sports edi-
tor's alibis should make good

,reading. What was it he said
Saturday? "It may- not be, fun
for Illinois, but at least it'll be
educational." WWW
It's about time all this drivel
stopped. Unfortunately, much as we
would like to lay claim to its origina-
tion, the Grange-Harmon feud
wasn't born in this column. We won't
say that every paper in the country
used it because we didn't see every
paper in the country. But the en-
tire thing . was a natural. On one
side we had Grange, probably the
greatest runner the game has known.
On the other we had Harmon, an
all-American prospect who had been
compared with the Galloping Ghost
by manyauthorities But the idea
of contrasting them in what other-
wise would have been a dull game
(we found too late the untruth of
this) didn't spring fullgrown from
our forehead.
Secondly, we'll just take a
look at "every issue of the Daily
Mr. Weber picked up last week"
and see what they were about.
Tuesday, Oct. 31: The Grange-
Harmon column,-three-fifths.of
which was spent in extolling Grange's
virtue. The other two fifths in what
Harmon would have to do to equal
Grange's record. We suggested six
things that must be done if Har-
mon were to score five times. Any-
thing more than a cursory examina-
tion would have shown that every
suggestion was puerile. First we had
Harmon at safety. Anyone know-
ing Coach Crisler would realize that
he'd never shift any player to give
him publicity.
Two: "If Archie Kodros won
the toss :he should elect to re,
ceive." This would do no good
since Illinois, last year and this
year, kicks off out of bounds.
Three: "If the game -is not close
Harmon should be used to score."
Also out from the Crisler viewpoint
of coaching.
Four: "Throw possible touch-
down passes to Harmon." This
turned out to be a good idea.
Wednesday, Nov. 1: A letter from




Champaign with an inclosed clipping
from a Sunday Champaign paper
comparing Harmon and Grange. The
rest of our column told of the rest
of the team going on "in its merry
way, unsung and unheralded."
Saturday, Nov. 4: Predictions
wherein we said Harmon would score
21 points, a far cry from Grange's
five touchdowns. If we gloried ,in
Michigan's victory beforehand then
we also gloried in Ohio State's Notre
Dames, Southern Cal's and Ford-

then added: "Oh, Slip Madigan giv-
ing St. Mary's a pep talk."
There wasn't a sound in the Port-
land dressing room-no sound other
than that of Madigan's voice, urging
the Gaels to swamp those Portland
When Madigan had finished his
speech, Matthews looked at his play-
ers, said: "I've done all I can for
you, boys-now go out there."

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Smith Shows Real Ability As Punter

that he had power, but there was Crisler and backfield coach Earl Mar-
a big job ahead for Crisler in polish- tineau. He learned to handle the
!pass from center flawlessly and to get
his big tackle rocking enemy de-
Regular Tackle fenses back on their heels with boom-
ing punts far down the field.
Then came the opener with the
Spartans, and when Smith was called
back from the line to get the Wol-
vernes out of a hole, he swung his
leg with all the power at his com-
mand, which should have spoken of
another.60-yard effort. He was hur-
ried, however, and obviously nervous
f on, his first start, with the result
that the ball slipped off his fqot and
traveled only a few yards. Many
critics immediately thought the ex-
periment was a flop, but not Crisler.
He had faith in Smith and in the
back of his head he always remem-
bered that the hefty lineman had
...: . . real power in his legs. Polish was
all he lacked.
Height As Well As Length
Further drills found Smith's work
continually improving, and in subse-
quent games with Iowa, Chicago, Yale
and Illinois, he had much more poise
and was especially effective in send-
{ . ing his punts high into the air in
addition so far down the field so that
the ends could reach the safety man
Bill Smith ... by the time the ball came down.
... improved kicker
ing up the mechanics of "Big Bill"
in time for the grid campaign.
Every afternoon Smith took his
turn in the punting drills and was
soon profiting from the advice of

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