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November 09, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-09

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Engineer's Ball
Tickets Aga in
Are Available
Sale Will Re-Open Today;
Clyde Lucas' 18-Piece
Band Will Be Featured
Ticket sale for the annual En-
gineer's Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. Nov. 17 in the Union Ballroom
is to be reopened and will be held
from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. today in the
lobby of the East Engineering Build-
ing and on the second floor of the
West Engineering Building, according
to Cruzan Alexander, '40E, in charge
of tickets.
Members of the central committee
are also selling tickets which may be
obtained from them at any time.
These men are: James Brown, '40E;
Harry Fischer, '40E; Arthur Brandt,
'40E; Robert Goodyear, '40E; Cruzan
Alevander, '40E; Hugh Estes, '40E,
and Richard Adams, '40E.
Alexander stated that today will
probably be the last day of the sale
as there are only about 100 tickets
remaining. The sale is open to all
students and individuals wishing to
purchase them after today must ob-
tain these tickets from the central
committee members listed above.
James Brown, '40E, general chair-
man of the affair stated that there
will probably be a sell-out today,
Clyded Lucas and his 18-piece band
will play for the ball. Lucas' brother,
Lyn is the vocalist scheduled to ap-
pear with the orchestra.
Meeting To Be Held
For Cabaret Group
Sophomore women who are inter-
ested in dancing in Sophomore Cab-
aret should attend the meeting of
the dance committee at 5 p.m. today
in the Game Room of the League..
All women must bring their eligibil-
ity cards with them, and those wrn
have not yet signed up with the com-
mittee may do so at the meeting. The
job of playing for the rehearsals of
the dance group is open; anyone in-
terested, should report today at the
" "I

Fur Trimming On Coats Is Popular


Dressy coats are sporting all varieties of fur trimmings this year.

The hems and front of the coat may
and the sleeves.

be fur trimmed as well as the collar


Letter Box


for Smart Hats
j *

To the Editor:
There has been so much talk of
the Michigan "Goon girl" that I de-
light in the fact that this creature
will finally come to life and be de-
fined at the style show. Too often
have we Michigan girls endured the1
taunting of the men as they warble
the charms of the various and sun-'
dry females who are scintillating,+
beautiful and so forth, but not from
Ann Arbor town. Which is all pretty
But the fact that much comment
has been going on since the search
for "what does Alice look like" and
still no one can figure out what
said creature is like, is heart lifting
in itself. If no one knows what a goon+
girl is then probably Michigan has,
none such. But I guess that it is
pretty far fetched. However, just to
prove to all men that there is no Alice
on this campus, I will attempt to de-
scribe her (that's what they really
want, isn't it?)
First of all, she has the proverbial
"dish water hair," no certain color,
at least none that we can identify.
She is no particular height or weight,
just medium in everything. She wears
skirts that are below the calves of
her legs, sweaters that definitely do
not match anything, and injuries
above injuries, anklets with high
heels. Her clothes are perpetually
mussed, her coat has been left out in
the sun to fade, etc.
Not that I object to glasses, I wear
them myself, but Alice is not con-
tent to just plain wear glasses, but
must appear conspicuous with ugly
black horn-rimmed spectacles. So
even if she might have pretty eyes,
she keeps it a secret.
Now let's see-well I guess that just
about covers everything. Now, I ask
you, have you ever seen her at Michi-
gan? (No reply requested).
Am 11 It?

The last T-Dance drew a crowd of
Women Love 400 or more said Cox and went off
very well, due to the good work of
S ports Apparel the Paci Committee.
Reversibles Are Favorites Union Directors Dine
For All-Campus Wear With League Council
Not for us is the sports coat for Members of the League Council
weekends in the country. Not for us entertained members of the Union
is the wildly bright sports coat that Council at dinner last night in tae
seems new each time it is hauled from Ethel Fountain Hussey Roon of th e
the closet. Alas, we must follow a League.
more practical bent. Ours must be In addition to the regular members
warm and dry, not too shriekingly of the Union Council, specially in-
obvious, and able ' to be shoved vited guests were Carl Petersen, '40,
through a sawmill without losing a managing editor of The Daily, Carl
hair. Wheeler, '40, head of men's judiciary
Our self-expression is really not in council, Phil Westbrook, '40, presi-
its best light as reflected by our sports dent of Congress, and Wilbur David-
coats. Not that they are not dash- son, '40, secretary of Interfraternity
ing, and exactly right, and all that. Council.
There is a certain swish to a cam-
pus coat that is simply not found
elsewhere, or perhaps it is merely not
felt. Ann Arbor in the rain being
what it is, the reversible is the first>:>
choice in sports coats. Camel's hair, s r<>
tweeds plaid or plain, loud plaids,
checks, with and without hoods, they
have come to stay, rain or shine, win-
ter and summer. Sunny days bring
out fitted and boxed tweeds, in navy,
plum, green, or wine. Velvet collars "CHOOSE
are the trick of making the sports
tweed a dual purpose coat. Y URCOAT"
Women have stolen another idea YOUR
for sports coats from men's fashion
"Firsts," just as they adopted the re-
versible a few years ago. The latest
steal is the tailored coat with the
heavy wool lining that zips out, come WIk O O,.
spring, to make a comfortable warm-
weather coat
Mary COATS, and
tjrnSU ITS

MaKer of Ctown- 506 E. Liberty
Alterahon Phone 3468
--_ __ I




4 .
a . 4
You can't put it out of
shape. It's one of those won-
derful stitched edge brims
with the newest Pork Pie
crowns that keeps its smart
21 12- to 23-inch


What 1s College?
To one great phrase-maker,
college is the apprentice-
ship of life.
To us, college means all
this, and more, too. It
means study and research,
athletics and activities,
community living and bull-
sessions, parties and per-
formances, classes and
examinations, grades and
graduation. Add to these
the thousand and one events
of a college career, and you
get the true answer to
"What is College?"
And to get a true picture
of all phases of college life,
readers of this paper get
accurate local news in our
own columns and "national
college news in picture and
paragraph" in our Collegi-
ate Digest picture section.
Follow Collegiate Digest's
picture parade and com-
plete local news regularly
in this newspaper.
Send your pic-
tures of ac-
tivities on our
campus to: Col-
legiate Digest
Section, Minn.
eapolis, Minn.

$2.95 Snapbrums
Now... $2.00

It's A Date! *
Be first with this luxury fashion!
Amusing little hats with leopard
cat, beaver, silvered fox-even
marten and Persian. Choose
yours today!
Sand up
5chitller 'S
219 South Main
The Shop of a 1000 Hats





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