-epe uresses
Feature Color
DirndIs And IJnpressed
Pleats Are Still Good
(Continued from Page 1)
with wide waistband, decorated with
flower-like buttons. Another dirndl
has a hand-smocked waist with a
gold or silver belt to top the full
Velvet has come into its own in a
flared rayon velvet skirt for that fun-
damental dress which lends itself to
much adaptation. With a suavely
draped blouse, it is perfect for after
5 p.m.; while the same dress, with a
simple rayon crepe top, is grand to
set off accessories for daytime wear.
For sipping cocktails at the Motor
Bar, there is a smart rayon crepe
with unpressed pleats all the way
around, with wide waistband and
jewelled accents for that general
"soignee" look. Huge bows bedeck-
ing the newest dresses are the cur-
rent novelty, with some in back as a,
bustle, others in the front at the
waist, especially in a restrained crepe
For the less dressy occasion, a most
versatile, infallibly "right" dress is a
beautifully detailed dress of shirt-
waist ancestry, in new rayon and
wool gabardine, with shiny metal but-
tons and leather belt.
I'! 4
Arias In Operatie
Music Boxes Are
(Continued from Page i2
cover, all complete in a case of red
Music boxes in the form of cig-
arette boxes are also a novelty. The
one I saw was wooden, and very nice.
I saw another music box at the same
store--this one though, was for the
pure unadulterated purpose its name
declares. It played four tunes, oper-
atic arias, and was very pleasant
to listen to. (I think I annoyed the
proprietor, by playing it so much.)
This box was also made of wood, and
imported from Switzerland.
Jewel cases are another item which
does not immediately come to mind
when one is out looking for gifts,
but I saw some honeys. They range
in size, color, and correspondingly
in price, but they all were trimmed
in gold, had two layers, and a special
ring rack.
Ah, knitting bags. No, don't laugh.
I saw some that were distinctly dif-
ferent, and would be welcomed most
heartily by confirmed knitters who
are tiring of the "same old bag."
These were of two types, one an all
over' embroidered peacock design, the
other with a distinctly Tyrolean at-
mosphere-felt Tyrolean figures, be-
ing prominently featured. The bags
had room galore.
Ann Arbor's climate being so def-
initely indefinite, umbrellas are an
important item here. There was one,
a silk, with navy and white check,
which was very reminiscent of "Ye
Olde Fashioned Umbrella", a mod-
ern version, of course. A second pret-
ty one displayed the "Chamberlain"
handle, and was a very lovely rust,
moss green and brown plaid. The
third outstanding one was part silk,
part oilskin, a black and white print,
with a detachable handle for packing
A gold leatherette manicure case
was, something else over which I
could wax enthusiastic for hours.
This set comes in varying sizes and
prices, too, and is completely fitted
with gold implements. The entire
outfit is very rich looking, and the
recipient's name or initials may be
engraved in the gold side casing.
Other attractive sets were cased in
pigskin, and one featured a combin-
ation .manicure set and jewel case.
I haven't even begun on jewelry,
compacts, lingerie, perfume, mittens,
socks, sweaters, purses, bookends, sa-
chets, and all the thousand and one
little things one discovers on a spree
like this. But there isn't room enough
in this letter. So I'll save it to tell
you in person. Meanwhile, let me
say that this town ought to be nick-
named "gift shopper's paradise", and
I hope to be sent back here very
shortly. See you soon.
Sandra Seeds.
Goon Child To Glamour Girl -
Metamorphosis Of 'Alice Grind'
Love And War
Have Influence
On. Per fumres
New scents are filling the brisk
autumn air. This is a year for glam-
orous, romantic odors. Perfumes are
keeping pace with the trends in sty-,
le. .
To go with the bustle we have a;
scent redolent ofthe eighty's, an
era when a -woman's only concern
was her charm. This is a new per-
fume by name, "Jabot". It comes in
a very tricky bottle, imitating a lace
A love story is said to be told in
one radiant new perfume called "It's
You." This personalized scent has
inspired an amethystine make-up
which harmonizes very well with the
popular jewel tone shades such as
pearl gray, turquoise, mauve pink, or
violet. The make-up box includes
lipstick, nail polish, eye shadow, and
War Influence
Influenced by the war is another
luxurious ,perfume, "Grand Prix",
which comes all done up in a little
leather boot. This makes a nice
gift for one's room mate if she's cer-
tain to be generous with it.
For a sophisticated perfume the
still new and astonishing "Shocking"
heads the list. Newly introduced
are scented bath sponges with their
surprise ending. They come in boxes
of twelve little pink pellets that blos-
som under water into giant wash
cloths scented with "Shocking".
For sports wear the clean fra-
grance of the Old English Lavender
Sachet still remains a favorite as do
the French "Tweed" and "Shanghai".
Back to the early American charm,
when blue-eyed Dolly Madison was
the toast of the land, we find the
motive present in "Old Spice".
Breezy But Blithe
A fragrance typifying the breezy,
blithe air of the college woman is
one "Carefree". This has a delightful
woodsy odor which appeals to the
outdoor girl as well as those who pre-
fer to sit by the fire.
Not new on the market but remain-
ing old favorites are "Opening
Night", "Blue Grass", and "L'Ai-
mant. Also very engaging, if one
(Continued on Page 6)
Compact Is New
(Continued from Page 2)
I just love football games, don't Ibuy myself a new one, 3ust specei
you? Something so exhilarating for that football season-why thank
about them, isn't there? Today as I-Ithinkyit's kInd of cute mysel1
put on my new tweed coat, (nice, isn't . ydid you notice that gfl do
it?), I thought to myself, aren't foot*, in front? The one with the red hat
ball games fun! Yeah, that's the one'. Noticed .he
I hate to see women at football when we stood up. Well, I saw tha
games without hats, don't you? It same hat in a window over on Stat
doesn't bother you? That's funny. Street and-what did you say? Shut
To me it just seems as if they don't
show the proper respect for the team. up? Well of all the nerve! This i
Thirty yards on that pass? Funny- the last time I'll sit in the cheerin
I didn't notice it. section even if the cards do matel
As I was saying-what was I say- my outfit. Talk about rude neigh
ing? Oh yes. Hats. Well, every fall bors!
We are announcing our new line
of Chameleon hats by Stetson.
Some of our models will be seen
in The Daily Fall Fashion Show.
$5.95 to $12.50
109 East Liberty
Under the clock at 3 p.m. It could
have been any-o-clock as far as Alice
was concerned. She looked at the
screeching, milling. crowd, and in
her little mousy way she crept along
the edge of the wall, trying to siddle
through the people unnoticed. To
say that she succeded would be
putting it mildly, she could have
been invisible as far as all the self-
confident hopeful BMOC's were con-
In other words, our meek little
creature with her hair down in
strings was none other than that de-
pressing specimen of humanity; it;
was Alice the Goon Girl who was,
sneaking out into the chilly air quite
A Too, Too Complicated Coat
The wind whipped at her coat, 8.
drab brown plaid with violet checks;
and she, had thought that being
neutral with a little color it would
go with all her clothes, along with
the padded shoulders, and the flared
skirt and the big buckle, and the
patch pockets with gathers at the
side and that big pleat in back. She
clutched it around her and managed
to pull out a flowered scarf to tie
around her face. Bending to catch
a pair of ornate rayon gloves with
wide gauntlets and small buttons
along the side, she caught a glimpse
of herself in the window of a store.
She did have a rather nice face,
round but not ugly; and her shoes
were the very prettiest pumps she
'could find, gabardine and patent
leather. Clamping the scarf on her
head, she thought momentarily, "Oh,
dear, I had wanted my hair to stand
out today-and in truth it did stand
out in quite a wide swathe of blonde-
ish fuzzy tuff.
Dwarfs Her Personality
Miserable, both because of the
dreary weather and something which
she could not define, she awkwardly
stalkedi through campus staring at
the ground, and speaking to no
one. Alice, our Goon Girl, "knew
it couldn't be because of her clothes."
She had paid a lot for that black
skirt and orangish sweater . . . now
weren't black and orange good Colors?
And she did curl her hair. And she
did wear make up-high on the cheek
bones, just ,like Marlene Dietrich,
and also orange lipstick and rouge
just like her favorite actress. So
it really couldn't be that, she thought.
And even nailpolish . .. that new
shade .of pink cloud. And still she
couldn't make anyone look at her
with interest. She still didn't have
any dates. What was the matter?
And so Alice became more morose
and grouchy as the days went by.
She spoke to no one, she was so
afraid that people would laugh if
she said more than a few words. And
as a defense mechanism she dived
deeper into some of the unopened
books in the library and said "She
would show them; she would get all
A's, and see if that would do some-
Even No Friends
But still she was without friends
and acquaintances. In fact she
thought she heard murmurings of
"grind!" whenever she passed some-
(Continued on Page 6)
ers, to remind the owner of the com-
ing spring.
Now there is a solution for all those
persons who inevitably leave their
compact some place. The solution is
a flat envelope-shaped compact with
the owner's name and address in her
own handwriting on the cover, and
a three cent stamp on the right-hand
Glass compacts are new this year,
and the one that combines cigarettes
with powder, lipstick and comb ought
to simplify the cigarette-compact
problem. To suit various tastes and
interests, there is a vanity case with
a roulette wheel and a ball under the
transparent lid. For those who yearn
to travel, there is a compact made up
#s a traveling bag with hotel stickers
on it, and a catch like the handle
of a bag.
JARu ER&e £ao~ng. 9ta
s "
a flash glance at what you as a
style-wise coed will wear this season!
_ {
A mirror of Campus Fashion with a Capital
"C" for everywhere a busy life leads.
You'll team imported sweaters with gay plaid
skirts; choose tailored jersey for casual dress;
delight in whirling skating skirts, clamor for
gay snow suit outfits-and oh what kitten
mittens and parka hoods.
El' II W
Face the Music
with a Smile of Confidence
You'll never have a more critical audience than your
college acquaintances. That's why you will want to
follow our formula for evening.
A PREVIEW of our winter fashions will be shown at The Daily
Fashion Show.
You'll want to hurry and buy your dress for
the big winter parties, before there is too great a rush.
You will want to start and end your
evening right by wearing a smart wrap. Because of ,the
recent changes in the styling of evening wraps, you will
benefit by buying now.
them at
Fashion Show