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November 08, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-08

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to his own purpose, He is primarily interested
in the factor of usefulness. The scientist's
discoveries are of benefit to him only in so far
as they can be applied to saleable products
and consumer values.
Thus, in these conferences, the University
acquaints the producer with the latest discoveries
and techniques which may find application in
service or manufacturing processes. The -Uni-
versity's technichians, in turn, derive from the
producer and servicer a more concrete concep-
tion of the critical problems and needs facing
the producer.
This bond between the University and the
engineer engaged in practical work is one fun-
dainentally needed both from the point of view
of the participants and for the benefit of the
consuming public. Theory or application alone
cannot cope satisfactorily with a problem; only
through the proper coordination of these two
-Karl Kessler


S i

Of ALL Things!

. .

iti B Morty-w ....


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National Advertising Service, Inc.
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1-eywood Broun
Edgar Bergen is facing a problem which has
perplexed many another creative artist. He finds
his name is Frankenstein and that the creature

Editorial Staff
Maraniss .
Swinton . . ,
L. Linder
A. Schorr
aberg . *
Business Staff
siness Mgr., Credit Manager
s Business Manager .
s Advertising Manager
ions Manager . .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
Women's Editor
' Sports Editor
Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. -Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

.,, <

of his invention is quite likely
to destroy his own personal-

The editorials published in The Michigan
)aily are written by members of The Daily
taff and represent the views of the writers
vents Justify
treme Prison Reform...
L AST WEEK The Daily, in editorial
comment, advocated a soft pedal on
'emes in so-called prison reform. Events in
past week, it seems, have fully justifier4
h comment, even to the extent of calling forth
e of the same.
'he butt of last week's observations was the
Charles (Ill.) School for Boys, a reformatory
n which 76 youthful wrongdoers have escaped
he past year. No wall or bar of any kind,
Nill be remembered, surrounds the institu-
rhen 13 boys, described as "big, bad and
ly to be dangerous," made their escape in
group last week, investigations were again
un. The word "again" is used advisedly, as
stigations had followed each of the other
pes. Col. Henry B. Chamberlin, director
the Chicago Crime Commission, now de-
es that recommendations based on careful
ly had been made to Governor Horner, in
lrd to the provision of more adequate safe-
i'ds for the St. Charles institution, but that-
e suggestions had been entirely ignored.
rd so the investigations continue, un-
btedly to be followed by'routine recommenda-
Ws. Judging from past 'xperience, these
gestions will find deaf ears, blind eyes or
plain dumb minds . . . and escapes from
Charles will continue unabated. So little
a supposedly civilized people value their ,per-
al safety that nothing is done to keep con-
ed wrongdoers behind bars. ,
eanwhile, in nearby Jackson, another type
prison "reform" was indirectly responsible
another attempt at mass escape which,
ugh unsuccessful, resulted in the cold-blooded
rder of a guard who at least was trying to
his duty. A football game, yes-a football
ie, mind you, between the prison team and
outside group, proved to be such a drawing
I that even a majority of guards attended:
erfect lure for weak-minded criminals bent
regaining freedom at the first opportunity.
Vhen prison inmates escape or attempt to
ipe with reckless abandon, as at St. Charles,
picture is bad enough. But when the loss
human life is involved, obviously something
e than routine investigations and recom-
idations should be undertaken.
rue, the Jackson prison has bars and walls.
empts there to make life as similar to real,.
do not go so far as to remove bars. But
Lently, the mere extension of sports privileges
prisoners is too extreme a step in the pro-
n calling for "humane" prison reform. Not,
east, until standards for equipment and em-
vnent in our penal institutions have been
ed considerably can prison reform be
--Howard Goldman

Conan Doyle is dead, but
Sherlock Holmes goes on as,
the best fictional character
of our time. Desperately the
doctor tried to found his
-reputation on historical nov-
els and the Brigader Gerard
stories, but the angular de-
tective crowded them all out. of the picture. I
inagine that if anybody started down Main
Street today stopping$ every passerby with the
question, "Who was Conan Doyle?" many would
reply, "Never heard of the guy." But "Who is
Sherlock Holmes?" would receive quite a dif-
ferent response.
Under such circumstances the creator is in-
clined to grow jealous: Conan Doyle, although
far from bloodthirsty, attempted to end Sher-
lock by having him pushed off a cliff. So great
was the public resentment that it was necessary
to have the sage of Baker Street find a con-
venient ledge to break his fall and return to
new adventures. These episodes were less thrill-
ing than his original exploits, because the
author pumped only gingerly upon the bellows.
His heart was no longer in the assignment to
which he had set himself..
As fat as America goes, I am prepared to
defend the assertion that McCarthy is, without
rival, the best known fabricated fellow. Mr. Ber-
gen undertook to have done with him by bring-
ing in another blockhead named Mortimer Snerd,
and I have read that the studio audience re-
sented the substitution so much that a last-
minute change in~ script was necessary by
which Charlie made a personal appearance.
It is a pity that Dr. Freud is dead, for I feel
certain that he might have written a learned
paper upon the subconscious motivation of
Bergen, McCarthyr and Snerd. There is more
in it than meets the eye, and since I have not
had the privilege of personal acquaintance- with
any member of the trio, _It would not like to
undertake an amateur analysis.
Yet obviously it seems to me as if Mr. Bergen
were jealous. In his own' right he is middling
as an entertainer. By throwing his voice he
takes on a personality which is entirely outside
himself, even though it is a matter of his own
* * * -
It won't do, Mr. Bergen. You may have
created Charlie, but now he belongs to the net-
work. You may not drop him, even to save your
face. The show must go on. You act as if your
owned this dummy. -It is quite true that his
body may belong to you, but the inner essence
of Charlie belongs to the vast army of the in-
visible listeners. We are not willing to have
him obliterated to serve your whim.'

NOW that Illinois seems to have rebuffed Tom
Harmon's challenge to Red Grange at least
temporarily, it behooves all loyal -Michiganders
to dig up some challenger to something or other.
What Mr. Q. proposes is a sort of contest where
everyone thinks up some past great in any field
at all, then tags some current Michiganame as
about twice as good, and then waits for the
bubble to bust.
As Mr. Q's personal candidate in this affair,
he presents Mr. Lee Grant, '43, as just as great
if not greater than Paul Bunyan, the wonder
man of the North. You will remember that
this Grant guy, who hails from Joliet, Ill., was
the one who organized that Kappa Alpha Theta
hoax a few weeks back. You know, the one
where he faked a long distance call to the house
and said that he and nine other members of
some small Ohio college football team would
be in Ann Arbor for the Iowa game, having
played in upper Michigan the night before,
and could they have dates and a lot of other
stuff that really had the Thetas going for a
Well, since that time, Mr. Q's "greater-than-
Bunyan" candidate has been going full blast and
some. of the stunts the kid has pulled are
nothing short of amazing. Oh, by the way, in
case any of you have forgotten who this Paul
Bunyan was, you will remember that he was
the Northwoods' lumberjack who could chop-
about a gillion trees a day and who could
break up a log jam with his little finger-nail
and who could eat about a gillion flapjacks and
a few other small tricks of that general nature.
OUR BOY, Grant can'T chop a tree and the
closest he's come to a jam has been in the
Dean's office, but, take it from Mr. Q, this kid
has it all over that Bunyan guy.
First of all, when Miss America was here for
the Yale festivities on Oct. 28, 1939 B.I. (before
Illinois), Grant met her car outside of Ann Arbor,
posed as official representative and delayed her
for at least half-hour while he told her I-don't-
know-what, but it must have been good. He
then left her, dashed back to campus, dressed
as a girl and paraded in that hideous Miss Michi-
gan costume you saw him riding around the
field between halves.
But that's nothing. Listen to this one. Yes-
terday after practice down at Ferry Field, the
coaches trooped into the Field House and up-
stairs to their dressing-room. They entered and,
there, sprawled on a bench, tossing pieces of
soap into the waste-basket was our Mr. Grant.
"Hi, Coach," he yelled to Fritz Crisler, not
to be confused with Fritz Kreisler who is not
to be confused with Fritz Crisler.
"What can I do for you?" was Fritz's polite
"Well, I just thought I'd drop around to tell
you what I think was wrong last Saturday."
Fritz looked at Marty who looked at Clarence
who looked at Campbell who looked at Oostic,
who just looked..
"What was that?" asked .Fritz, not a little
"Yea," said 'this bundle of nerve, "I figured
maybe you fellows were too close and couldn't
see the real trouble and that you (night appre-
ciate it if I would come around to sort of give
you the -outsider's viewpoint."
The coaches had gone through a grueling
practice session and were slightly tired and did
not have a lot of patience for this intruder so
they thanked him for his trouble and wouldn't
he come back next week when they had more
SO LEE tells him they are making a big mis-
take, goes over and pounds Fritz on the
back with a "that's okay, Fritz, you'll get 'em
next week" and goes out. But does this guy
who makes Bunyan look like a piker go down-
stairs and out like a nice little boy? Of course
not. He goes into the locker room where the
boys are in various degrees of dress and un-
"Hi, Tom," Lee says, barging up to Harmon.
"Say you didn't do so well last week, did you?
I guess this Grange was quite a guy, huh?"
Tom and the whole locker room look at this
new face and after the astonishment disappears,
they begin to get sore for they had enough of

last, Saturday and want, to forget it. But they
held back from tossing him out and he proceeded
around the room letting advice fly right and left
until finally one of the trainers suggested he
leave. After giving the trainer a few poinbers
on the best way to get rid of a charley horse,
Grant said goodbye and went downstairs.
Who is this Bunyan guy anyhow?
Well, you heard what happened Monday night
when those three freshmen were depanted and
scalped by the sophs. Lee was with those
three when the sophs ganged up on them, he
beat a couple of them on the bean and left in
a hurry. They still are trying to figure out
where he went.s
As you may have guessed by now, this kid is
no ordinary kid and there is no telling what
he is liable to do next. But, anyhow, who is
this Bunyan guy?
de Letorieres; Fausto Bozza as Baron Dauphol;
Louis de Cesare as Marquis d'Obiqny; Richard
Wentworth as Dr. Grenvil; and Myra Manning
as Annina.
Much commendation must be given to Luigi
Raybaut, the company's versatile stage director.
His backdrops are masterpieces of beauty and
especial praise must be rendered him for his
dining hall and cottage scenes in "La Traviata."
Carlo Peroni and the San Carlo orchestra
turned in their usual excellent accompaniment.
"Rigoletto" will be presented tonight and it
ivil 4-p+bi mTairlp trlagai n 'rn hPn, ar

Drew Pecrson
Robert S.A{,e
WASHINGTON --In these uncer-
tain times, making plans for a junket
as far ahead as April is optimism plus,
but Roosevelt is doing it just the
If conditions permit he intends to
make the transcontinental trip in
April which he had scheduled for
this fall but had to call off because
of war.
The President revealed his plan to
Illinois Representapives Sabath, Mc-
Keough and Kelly when they person-
ally invited him to address the Chi-
cago Army Day celebration next April.
"I think that can be arranged," he
told them. "If I can get away from
Washington, I intend to make a swing
agross the country about that time
and will be delightd to stpp off in
Chicago. Of course, I can' make a
definite promise to be there on Army
Day until the itinerary has been
worked out, but if it can be arranged,
I'll be there.""
He added that he had in mind "a
leisurely trip to view old scenes and
renew old friendships," also that if
San Francisco's Fair is reopened and
running, he will spend at least one
day there.
"It was a real regret to me not to
be able to get there this year," he
said. "I wanted to see that Fair very
much. I saw it while it still was under
construction and it must have been a
The President did not amplify what
he meant by a leisurely trip to view
old scenes and renew old friendships,
and his visitors did not ask him. But
as they rodedown Pennsylvania Av-
enue to their Capitol offices they
wondered whether he was planning a
farewell tour or an expedition to
sound'out public sentiment toward a
third term.-
German Diplomats
Most unenviable position of any
lady in the Diplomatic Corps today
is Frau Thomsen's, wife of the charge
d'affaires of the German Embassy.
Frau Thomsen is one of the most
beautiful members of the Diplomatic
Corps and also one of the most
charming. Hungarian by birth, she
may or may not sympathize with
Hitler, probably does not. But feeling
in Washington is such that regardless
of her personal views, the wife of any
German diplomat can be none too
An indication of this was given the
other day when Frau Thomsen re-
marked to a friend:
"I did not buy any clothes in Europe
(before I came, thinking I would buy
them here. But now since the war
started it looks as if I wouldn't buy
any at all. There is no occasion to
wear them."
New Naval Secretary
Those around the White House say
that Charles Edison, son of the fam-
ous inventor and now Acting Secre-
tary of the Navy, stands high in the
(President's esteem and in line for the
permanent post of Secretary of the
Overworked, Edison has been ill,
but is now in tip-top condition and
put in a hard summer at his desk.
There is some reason to believe that
Roosevelt held off any naval appoint-
ment until he was sure Edison's ail-
ment had cleared up.
Although political considerations
may change the picture, particularly
because the' Presdient wants to get
more Westerners in his Cabinet, Edi-
son stands a better than even chance
of getting the job.

Note-Edison is from New Jersey.
There are already four members of
the Cabinet from neighboring New
York-Farley, Perkins, Hopkins and
Roosevelt's Church
War has interfered with a lot
of things, including the President's
Someone called St. Thomas's church
in Washington recently and asked,
"Is this the President's church?" The
answer was, "We think it is, but we've
been in somedoubt lately, because
we' haven't seen him for. so long."
"But," said the questioner, "this is
the church he attends when he does
go to church?"
"Oh, yes. We reserve three pews
for the President's party every Sun-
day. We generally tell by the police-
men, who come in advance. They
came last Sunday, but then he didn't
appear. Something must have hap-
Pan-American Ambassador
For six years Carlos Davilla, ex-
president of Chile, has been an exile
in the United States. Arriving here
penniless-unlike most Latin Ameri-
can presidents-he first worked for
about $25' a week, gradually built
up a prosperous newspaper syndicate
supplying news to papers through-
out South America and many parts
of Europe.
Through his syndicate Davilla prob-
ably has done more to promote cul-
tural relations between the United
States and Latin America than any
other organization - certainly more
thon th ean-American Union.


(Continued from Page 2) ,
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Omega Alpha
Alpha Phi Alpha
Am.Inst. of Chemical Engineers
Amer. Inst. of Electrical Engineers
Amer. Society of Civil Engineers
Amer. Society of Mechanical En-
America Student Union
Anti-War Comnmittee
Architectural Society
Armenian Student Association
Avukah Student Zionist
Chicago Club
Chi Gamma Phi
Chinese Society 'of Chem. Industry.
Chinese Student Club
Christian Science Organization
Congregational Student Fellowship
Congress'Cooperative Houe
Dames, Nat. Ass'n of Univ.
Delta Epsilon Pi
Delta Sigma Rho
Deutscher Verein
Eastern Society
Engineering Council
Eta Kappa Nu
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Flying Club, U. of M.
Forestry Club
Freshman Glee Club
Future Teachers of America
Gamma Alpha
Girls Glee Club
Glee Club, Varsity
Glider Club
Graduate History Club
Graduate Outing Club
Hiawatha Club
Hillel Foundation
Hillel Players
Inst. of Aeronautical Sciences
Inter-cooperative Guild '
Inter-Guild Council
Iota Alpha'
Junior Mathematical Society 3
Kappa Kappa Psil
Kappa Phi
Kappa Tau Alpha
Katherine Pickerell Cooperative
La Sociedad Hispanica
Law Clnbc.
Lawyers Liberal Club
Le Cercle Francais.
Les Voyageurs'
Lutheran Student Association
Men's Physical Education Club
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Michigan Cooperative 'House
Michigan Outdoor Club-.
Michigan Wolverine
Mu Phi Epsilon
Newman Club
ippon Club1
Omega Psi ;Phi
Omega Upsilon
'hi Epsilon Kappa
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Lambda Upsilon1
Philippine Michigan Club
Phi Sigma
Phi Tau Alpha
Pi Tau Pi Sigma]
Polish Engineering Society
Quarterdeck Society
Rho Chi Society
Robert Owen Cooperative House
Rochdale Cooperative House
Roger Williams Guildn
Rover Crew
Sailing Club
Scabbard and Blade
Scalp and Blade
Scandinavian Club
Senior Society
Sigma Alpha Iota
Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Eta Chi
Sigma Gamma Epsilon,
Sigma Rho Tau
Society of Automotive Engineers
Stalker Cooperative House
Suomi Club

Tau Epsilon Rho
Tau Sigma Delta
Theta Phi Alpha
Theta Sigma Phi
Toastmasters Club
Transportation Club
Varsity. 'M' Club
Wesley Foundation
Westminster Student Guild
Women's Physical Education Club
Zeta Phi Eta
Young Peoples Socialist League
Academic Notices
Sociology 51, Thursday Lecture'Sec-
tion: Students whose seat numbers
are above 140 should go to 25 A.H.
for - the midsernester eaminationi
rather than 212 A.H. as previously an-

The general public, with the excep-
trap of small children is invited.
Architectural Building Exhibition:
An exhibit' of wood" sculpture by
M'SetiM. Velsey of Dayto , Ohio,
is being shown in the ground floor
case of the Architectural Building.
pen daily 9 t 5 except S a n-
til November 19T.01pblc cor-
dially invited.
The Reverend Frederick Cowin, of
the Church of Christ Discpiles; will
give the fifth lecture in the series on
"I Believe" which is sponsored by the
Student Religious Association. The
lecture will be held in the Rackliam
Amphitheatre, tonight at 8 p.m.
Toda's Events
Chemistry Colloquium wil meet in
Room 303 Chemistry Building at
4:15 p.m. this afternoon. ' Mr. Nor-
man Bauer's topic will be "efraction
of nonrare gas ions" and Mr. C.' lE
Maxwell will speak on "Esters of
bentilic acid as mydriatics."
Seminar in Bacteriology will meet
in Room! 1564 East Medical Building
this afternoon at 8 p.m. Sub-
Iect: Microbiological Problems of Al-
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West. Medical
Building, at 7 p m. today. The subect
to be discussed is "Some Phases of the
Problem of Blood Coagulation." All
,interested are invited to attend.
Romance Languages Journal Club:
will hold 'its annual reception in 'the
Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan
League today at 8:15 ,pm..
Prof. Arthur Hackett has graciously
consented to participate in the pro-
gram. He will present a selection of
French songs.
Graduate students in the depart-
mat arecordially invited.
University of' Michigan Flying Club:
The UniTversity of Michigan Flying
Club will meet this evening 'at
i:3o p.m. in the Union. A three-reel
motion picture entitled "Plane Soar-
ing" Will be shown as part of the
program. Also important arrange-
ments 'are to be made concerning the
First Annual Midwest Intercollegiate
Flying'Meet to be held at Ann Abor
Airport Nov. 18 and 19. All coammit-
tee chairnen will present reports le-
member the picture which will be tak-
en at 5:15 p.m. today at the airpOrt.
Be at the Union at;5:10 for trais-
portation. Meet Sundy as usual.
C.A.A.Flight Training: Captain
Harry D. Copland of the Civil Aeo-
nautics Authority will speak on "Air-'
way Traffic Control and its Relation
to Private Flying," tonight at 8 p.in.,
in Room 1042 East Engineernig Bldg.
Varsity Glee Club: Meets at 945
p.m. tonight in the Glee Clb rooms
to sing for the Union Open Hose.
The serenade will start immediately
following this,
The Hiawatha Club announces a
meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room
319 Michigan Union. Prof. Robert
Craig Will tell us about the Universty
of Michigan Forestry Camp in the Up-
per Peninsula.
J.G.P. Central Committee Meeting
at 5 o'clock this afternoon at '4he
American Society of Civil Engineers:
The Student Chapter of the Ameri-
can Society of Civil Engineers Will
hold its annual Initiation Banquet i
the Michigan Union today at 6:30
p.m. Prof. Arthur Boak will give the
address. Members of the faculty and
student members are invited.-,

International Center Program of
Recorded Music: The program of re-
corded music, which will be present-
ed at the International Center this
evening at 7:30, will include the fol-
owing numbers : Lehar's Gold and
Silver Waltz; Mozart's Eine Kleine
Nachtmusik, and Beethoven's "Eroi-
ca" Symphony.
Sigma Eta Chi, regular meeting,
this evening at 8 p.m. There
will be a short business meeting after
which Jeannette Drake will tell of
her traveling experiences this last
summer. Members and pledges are
also reminded of the church bazar
and requested to please be on hand to
sell Christmas cards during the hours
for which they signed up. 2

a.1 1u1


NEVER before has the Wilson Theatre in
Detroit seen so stellar and sparkling a per-
forniance of "La rTraviata" as that presented
Sunday evening by the San Carlo Company."
More beautiful and vivacious than ever,/ petite
Lucille MVfeusel gave a magnificent performance
as Violetta Valery, the tubercular "Lady of the
The predominantly Latin audience sobbed and
groaned wvith every change in her fortunes. No
greater tribute can be given to Miss Meusel's
acting than to say that she played on everyone's
emotions. Rarely do We find as we do in Miss
Meuse--a great singer and even a greater
Sharing equal honors with Miss Meusel was
Ivan Petroff, the Bulgarian baritone, whose
singing as Georgi Germont received the en-
thusiastic approval of the audience. Mr. Pe-
troff has a fine voice, experienced and cultured
-seasoned by 13 years in' opera. His character-
ization as Alfredo's unsympathetic' father-both
his singing and acting-was superior.
The San Carlo Company, with its supply of
talent, still lacks tenors 'capable of measuring
up -to Miss Meusel's and Petroff's performances.
Sydney Rayner as Alfredo Germont sings by
fif a~la r.c A+ +rrr; Hc mina m il - na

f erence ...

NDICATIVF of a recent trend to fos-
ter a closer relationship between the
ersity and the community is the recent
gan-Life conference on transportation.
e benefit derived from these conferences
s from the mutual exchange of ideas and
nints between the University and the pro=

Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will give
three important carillon programs
during this week as follows:
Thursday, 7:30 p.m., regular weekly'
Saturday, 11 a.m., Armistice Day

Phi Sigma Meeting, 8 p.m. this
evening in Outing Club Room' of
the Rackham Building. Election of
candidates for membership. All'ac-
tives urged to be present; refresh-
La Sociedad Hispanica: There will
be a meeting at the Michigan League
tonight at 7:30. Mr. Gilberto Marxu-
ach 'will give an illustrated' talk on
'Puerto Rico-Past -and -Present."

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