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November 08, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-08

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)rives Team To Build Up Spirit For Minneso


Light Workout
By Evashevski
Raises Hopes
Kromer Shows Old Form
In Practice; Grissen,
Flora's Play Improves
Long after the street lamps were
turned on last night Michigan's foot-
ball squad was still being driven hard
by Coach Fritz Crisler in an effort
to break that quite, sullen atmosphere
that has been prevailing at practice
the last two days.
"Block, block hard-
er, block sharper,
hit 'em like they're
ikGophers," was the
coaches' sharp
chant that filled
{fthe misty air as the
squad went through
a scrimmage in an
effort to polish up
the running at-
Flora tack.
Out of this tense situation came
several bright spots such "s Forest
Evashevski, the "One Man Gang"'
quarterback, who is the hub -of the
Wolverine attack, back in uniform
and taking a light workout and con-
fident he will be in there against
Minnesota this Saturday despite a
heavily tapped up sprained ankle,
Kromer Blocks Well
Another heartening sight was Paul
Kromer in the backfield doing con-
tact work for the first time since the
Yale game and displaying blocking
form above the average. Added to
this was the release of Harry Kohl,
peppery little reserve quarterback,
from the hospital. Kohl showed up
at practice in street clothes, and

Scrappy Gopher End

By Mel Fineberg
A Topsy-Turvy Year...
With the Conference schedule turn-
ing down the stretch, everything is
topsy-turvy. Michigan, pre-season
favorites because of a comparatively
simple schedule, was stepped on by
lowly Illinois and knocked out of
championship contention. Northwes-
tern, well-liked in September, was
counted out in October but now, in
November, is in a good spot to share
the rider's seat should Ohio State

Weber Sees Ten Varsity Prospects
From Ranks Of Freshman Gridders

In .
In thn is

* -
John Mariucci, tough left end for
the Golden Gophers from Minne-
sota will be one of the chief ob-
stacles in the path of Fritz Cris-
Ser's Wolverines in their attempt to
get back on the winning trail. Ma.-
riucci also caused the Michigan
hockey team no end of trouble
while playing defense for the Goph-
er puck squad the past two winters.
hard and turned in some of the finest
blocking of the afternoon. Also, the
form displayed by "Flop" Flora at
tackle was heartening to the coaches.
Flora was filling in for Roland Sa-
villa who had to stay out of the con-
tact work because of a light charlie
Westfall Drives Hard
About the hardest driving man on
the field, however, was Bob Westfall.
He blocked and charged as if every
play counted, and
appeared to be in ;g.
top condition to
pound away at the r ;..
Thundering Herd '
fromthe fullback
slot. 'tx

And while everyone was watch-
ing the Wolverines and the Wild-
cats, Ohio State went serenely on
and before anyone had a chance
to change the standings, was on
top. It was most inconsiderate
of the Buckeyes. When the sea-
son started the experts had them
tabbed for 'a mediocre season.
But now, with three games to
play' (Chicago, Illinois and,
Michigan) they .,can win alone
if they don't do any worse than
tie one. A


id in
ue to


Grissen w

While the var-
- sity was polishing
up its running at.
" t tack against a Se-
lect group of fresh-
men, Bennie Oost- Nelson
erbaan was preparing the reserves
with Gopher ammunition to pour
against the regulars tomorrow after-
In addition to Savilla and Eva-
l shevski, Dave Nelson, Herc Renda,
orked and Fred Olds were still on the dis-
abled list. Nelson was still favoring
an injured hip and Olds a damaged
shoulder. Renda's two week old char-
lie horse still refuses to respond to
treatment and his chances of seeing
action Saturday are very small.
Despite the improvement that was
shown, Coach Crisler was far from
satisfied with the blocking, and an-
ticipates a hard job in getting the
team into its peak fighting spirit in
a hurry.

wx 1a ..I

vlade To Measure
ction Guaranteed!
rations and Repairi

Last Chance To Enter'

The only way that Michigan can
even get a share of the diadem is to
beat Ohio State and have someone
else tie the Bucks, and then let Iowa
and Northwestern tie when this pair
meets. A little far-fetched we ad-
Northwestern and Iowa, tied
for second with three wins and a
loss, both have two Conference
games to play. The Purple plays
a disappointiig Purdue and Iowa
while the Hawkeyes must also
meet Minnesota.
Now much of the attention is cen-
tered on whom will make all-Confer-
ence. At Michigan it's Tom Harmon
and Forest Evashevski, incumbents
at halfback and quarterback respec-
tively, Capt.- Archie Kodros at cen-
ter and Joe Savilla at tackle. Ohio
State offers Don Scott, at quarter,
Capt. Steve Andrako at center, Char-
ley Magg at tackle, Esco Sarkinnen at
end and Jim Langhurst at fullback.
From Minnesota comes Harold
Van Every at half, George Franck
at quarter, Capt. Win Pedersen
at tackle and John Mariucci at
end. Northwestern adherents
will suggest Johnny Haman at
center, Bill DeCorrevont at half,
Don Clawson at fullback, Dick
Grefe at end; Iowa gives us half-
back Nile Kinnick, end Erwin
Prasse, and tackle Mike Enich.
Purdue has Lou Brock and Dave
Rankin. From Illinois comes
guard Mel Brewer and tackle Jim
Reeder. From Wisconsin comes
center John Murray; from In-
diana comes Hal Hursh and from
Chicago comes tears.
Harmon, Prasse, Evashevski, Brock,
all are holdovers from last year's se-
lections while Kinflick made the team
two years ago.
* * * *
mistake in the Associated Press re-
lease yesterday which had Michigan
10th in national rating with 94 points
. The new release moved the Wol-
verines up 10 points and one notch
ahead of Ohio State . It's exceed-
ingly unusual that. a team, in the
same week that it loses, should re-
main in the first 10 . . . The con-
clusion is that everyone realizes that
Michigan had an off day while mee-
ing a "hot" team . .. Nomination for
the flop of the year-Purdue .
Jack Brown of the Boilermakers s a
left-footed kicker . . . Surprise team
of the year-Detroit Lions.
Minnesota Football Team
Works On Pass Defense
MINNEAPOLIS,-()-Pass defense
took up a major portion of Tuesday's
drill by the Minnesota football team,
as Coach Bernie Bierman sought to
overcome the weakness that permit--
ted completion of six passes in nine
attempts by Northwestern last Satur-
Bierman was highly displeased by
the work of the defense which fre-
quently allowed receivers to get into
the clear. The first two teams were
put on offense with the third team
alternately running and walking
through Michigan plays.

Progress is being made on South
Ferry Field where Coach Wally
Weber conducts his class daily in
"freshman football." "At the present 7
time we've got around seven or tenF
men we could contribute to the var-
sity, maybe more," Weber pointed
"I'd say our tackles and guards are
stronger than last year's, with Rudy1
Sengel and Bob Kolesar the stand-1
outs," the frosh mentor continued.7
"Sengel knocks over everything we'veI
got at the tackle post, and Kolesar is1
a bigger and faster guard than last1
year's Bill Melzow."
Sengel, by the way, is the Louis--j
ville, Ky., boy who was rated one
of the South's best linemen. He's a
tall, powerfully built lad who is strong
both on offense and defense. Kolesar,
from Cleveland, was the best guard
prospect on the field, but unfortu-
nately has sustained a knee injury
which will keep him out the rest of
the season.
Squad Is Bigger
"Our squad this year is more ex-
perienced, bigger and tougher and
has more "go" than last year's,"
Weber went on, not trying to belittle
the '38 aggregation at all. "The next
few weeks will tell whethek we send
the varsity ten or more college play-
The boys who have shown the most
ability so far during the four weeks
of, classwork under the tutelage of
line coach Cliff Keen, end coach Ray
Fisher, and the head man himself,
Wally Weber, were enumerated by
the professor in this fashion:
Bill Steele, iDetroit, and Rudy
Smejca, Chicago, look like pretty
good ends. There are plenty of other
good flankers including Walt Peters
and Terry Flynn, so nothing is defi-
nite, you see.
Tackles Well Fortified
The tackles are well fortified on
Gabby Hartnett Sated
To Stay With Chicago
CHICAGO, Nov. 7.- )-Charles.
Leo "Gabby" Haartnett is slated to
manage the Chicago Cubs again in,
1940. He may not be signed before
his current contract expires Dec. 31,
but Philip K. Wrigley, owner of .the
Cubs, smilingly said today:
"I think I can say definitely that
Gabby will continue as our manager
next year. I intend to get together
with him soon to discuss plans for
strengthening our team."
Wrigley positively said that the
Cubs will not buy Joe Medwick even
if the Cardinal slugger is put on the
Hillbilly A.C. Whips
LloydHouse, 25-6
The Hillbilly A.C. routed Lloyd
House 25 to 6 yesterday in a first
place play-off game in the Intra-
mural touch football league.
The passing of Quarterback George
Combs and the fine defensive play of
Center Harold Nichols of the Hill-
billy team sparked their rout of the
dormitory team. Jim Lazerwitz aid
Charles Keyes starred for Lloyd
In the fraternity second place
speedball play-of fs Theta Xi, led by
Jim Martin, defeated Kappa Sigma 8
to 6. Sigma Phi Epsilon lost to Aca-
cia 11 to 9. Bill Brown of Acacia and
Bob Wheaton of Sigma Phi Epsilon
were the stars of this game.

one side by the aforementioned.Sen-t
gel, and on the other by Pete Gritis,]
another Chicago product. Jerry St.
Clair and Harry Anderson, two big
players from the Windy City, are,
also putting in their bid for recog-
nition on the frosh squad. Sengel
is, however, the top man in this de-'
There is exceptionally strong ma-1
terial at the guard posts, and until
Kolesar was injured, he and Louis
Kasamis, of Elkhart, Ind., had the
nod of the coaches. Now that the
two "K's" have been broken up, the
battle for the open guard position is
between George Hildebrandt, Kiski
graduate, Hoe Seltzer of Chicago, and;
Bernard Van Wagnen of Jackson.
Shwayder Hurt
The old bugaboo, injury, took Web-
er's best center from action with an
ankle strain. Bud Shwayder, a Den-
ver lad, was the number one man at
Distane Men
Run For Medals,
Schwarzkopf Out Of Race
Because OfLeg Injury
With the lure of three gold, and
three silver medals spurring them
on, twenty-six varsity distance run-
ners will participate in a handicap
three and a half mile cross-country'
run at 4 p.m. today.
Only Capt. Ralph Schwarzkopf,
-hampered by an injured leg, will not
take part in the run. The handi-
caps have been based upon the aver-
ages of the times for the cross-coun-
.try distance this fall. The first three
men finishing will receive gold med-
als, the next three silver ones.
The men competing, and their
handicaps are as follows:
Scratch: Bill Ackerman, Ed Bar-
rett, Brad Heyl, Tommy Jester and
Karl Wisner.
20 seconds: Howie Egert, Joe Dan-
iels, Bud Hamilton, Dye Hogan (who
says he won't run unless he gets
.45 seconds), and Jack Dobson.
, 45 Seconds: Dick Fogg, Johnny
Kautz, Bill Wikel, George. Petter-
son, Dick Northway and Bob Speak-
Two Minutes: Dick Sierk, Hal
Whittemore, Doug McFarland, Jake
Fahrner, Howie Shick, Ernie Peter-
son, Bill Brown, John McKean, El-
tner Allmendinger and Charley New-


I" I

is sold at

this spot till his mnxIe cavecd in. This
leaves Louis Woytek, Johnston, N. Y.,
and Bud Keating, Detroit, to battle it
out for the pivot post until Shwayder
Cliff Wise, Kiski graduate from -
Grand Haven, Mich., is by far the
class of the backfield. "You can see
that for'yourself, can't you," Weber
questioned. "He could punt with the
varsity today and his passes and de-
'fensive work look plenty good."
At the other half, the professor
likes Fred Dawley of Detroit, a shifty,
hard running boy. George Ceithaml
is the top quarterback prospect. Bill
Windle, Valparaiso, Ind., fullback has
caught the coaches' eye the past two
weeks, and Weber admits he has
"seen some kind of a spark there."
"These boys, by no means, com-
prise the first team, the squat fresh-
man pilot emphatically pointed out,
"for not, one of those positions is
certain. There are lots of fellows out
there who have shown the ability and
desire to learn." With this, the coach
concluded his treatise on "freshman
football prospects" and jogged away.


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Chicago Alumni Club
Calls 'Secret Session'
CHICAGO, Nov. 7.-(P)-The Al-
umni Club of the University of Chi-
cago, whose football team has scored
12 points against the 201 scored by
five opponents this :Meason, today
called a "secret session" to plan
"bringing new 'men to the campus
each year."
"This is to be a secret session for
alumni only to discuss the football
situation at the University of Chi-
cago," said cards sent to alumni to-*
The meeting will be held Thursday
noon at a downtown hotel according
to John J. Schommer, club president
and Western Conference gridiron of-
ficial who once was one of Chicago's
football "greats."

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