Sqiaare ,Dance.
Will Be Given
AL The Union,
Second in the series of square
dances inaugurated this fall by the
International Center will be the dance
to be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
today in the ballroom of the Union,
said J. Rally Nelson, Director of In-
ternational Center, yesterday.
The afternoon will be spent in
learningdand practicing the various
square" dance steps. Mr. Lovett, of
Dearborn, will call the dances and
the Ford Dance orchestra'will supply
the music.
In order, to eliminate over-crowd-
ing andfacilitate dancing, today's
attendance will be limited to 200 per-
sons, who must present their tickets
at the door. Admission is free, and
there are still a very few tickets
available at the office of the Inter-
national Center.
All girls who are members of the
social committee of the League are
required to attend this dance, it wass
announced by Mary Minor, '40, chair-
man of the social committee. Their
duties will consist merely of enter-
ing into the afternoon's activities
and of acting as hostesses.
Tickets for the social committee
may be procured at the door from
Jean Davis, '41.
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at the increased comfort and de-
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"Since 1886"
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Un1ioH Taitiates Former Stud(ent To Speak
Cof fee Hour1
Dances Tody
Traditional Affair To Be
First Of Series; Songs
And Skits To Be Given
Union coffee hours start today with
the initial event being held from 4
p.m. till 6 p.m., in the small ballroom
and terrace of the Union, said Jim
Palmer, '41E, chairman of the social
committee, yesterday.
Members of the Union Executive
Council will act as hosts. Following
the practice of former years, the
Union is inviting special organizations
to attend each week. The organiza-
tions attending today will be Kappa
Alpha Theta,, Martha Cook ormi-
tory, Phi Gamma Delta and Williams
House. Mrs. Robert Hall is to be
hostess at today's dance.
Entertainment Innovation Added
Complete plans for entertainment
during the year have been made.TIhey
will include short skits by Mimes and
vocal renditions. Radio and. dance
recordings will furnish the music and
new selections have recently been
nr-r~n U.n + iiTT. -nllectiono Af rec-
Two Alumnae
Will Comment
At Style Show
acdse tunts e n ied torling
ords. Students are invited to 'bringM a r c i a Connell, Marion
and play their favorite pieces. Accept T ain
The purpose of the Union is to pro-
vide through these coffee hours an To Announce On Friday:
opportunity for students to become
acquainted in a friendly and informal IVMarion Baxter, '39, and Marcia
atmosphere, according to Palmer. Connell, '39, will be commentators at
Lectures Are Planned The Daily style show, "Through the
Dancing as a feature of the coffee Looking Glass," which will be given
hours was inaugurated only last year.
The coffee hours have been a campus from 3:15 to 5:30 p.m., Friday, at the
tradition for many years. The Union League, said Jane Mowers, '40, yes-
is also planning to follow its regular terday.
policy of having vocational guidance Miss Baxter was formerly women's.
lectures at the Thursday coffee hours. advertising manager of The Daily, a
member of Wyvern and Mortar Board.
She is now modeling for various stores'
SealUse On Shades in Detroit.
Speaking of decorating one's room Miss Connell was also a member of
and making it less barnlike, has any- Wyvern and Mortar Board. She was
one thought of getting lamp shades jokes editor of Gargoyle, vice-presi-
with the Michigan seal on them? dent of the senior class, a member of
Being a dull neutral tone with just Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi,
enough color to make the room look Omega Upsilon, Cercle Francais and
gay, these shades are just the thing Alpha Lambda Delta.
for a Michigan student's room. She was voted the Big Ten Beauty
Queen and campus beauty queen. Last
year she was chosen to represent
Michigan at the Elgin Building at
the New York World's Fair. While
on campus Miss Connell was also
chairman of orientation and was a
member of the cast of Junior Girls'.
(Near Liberty St.) At present Miss Connell is posing
NG SPECIALS for photographic work and is also
modeling for stores in Detroit.
N Dresses, coats, hats, shoes, furs, for-
PORTABLES mals, evening wraps, sweaters, flowers
and make-up comprise the 200 differ-
ers - Supplies ent outfits which Miss Connell and
Miss Baxter will describe for the au-
dience. Thirty campus women have
been chosen to model these varitous
..of abbages
...Weekends come and weekends go, and the most inevitable thing about
them is that "deflated" feeling on Monday-but oh what fun while it lasted
-and this weekend was no exception.
Many were the roads that lead to I.F. Ball Friday--or at least there
must have been many to account for the people who appeared to applaude
Ella and to show their enthusiasm for the dance turned out by the Inter-
Commiteemen In Evidene,. .
Sue McClure and Jim Grill, Joan Williams and Murry Tift, and Mary
Maynard and Lawton Hammett came whizzing in. Then at times ye old
committeemen such as Bill Ash with Doris Atkinson and Bill Lapworth with
Jane Connell were in evidence. Bob Wheaton and Ruth Fitzpatrick, Dick
Fletcher and Lou Curran and Chuck Brown and'Marian Harris were among;
the many. Wide-eyed interest in what was going on around'them was ex-
pressed by Isabelle Balforor and Mead Jamison, Mary Henderson and Dick
Then there were paths leading to the League Friday eve too, and we
:w Jeanne Noyes with Neil MacIntyre and Carol Pitcher arriving with
Lee Aldinger.
Pledges Honored 4t ormals ...
A rumor has got.around to the .effect that Saturday night was the night
for pledge formals what with KKG, Gamma Phi, and Sigma Nu among the
houses who honored the would-be initiates.
Here 'and there and finally Kappa-Kappa-bound we saw Peg Seabright
and Emmett Whitehead. Then Do Gilliam and Jim Tobin, Lib Moe and
Bill Loud and Marg Dodge and Lee Perry were there to admire the octopus-
effect obtained by long balloons. And Jack Wilkie was bemoaning to Dbtty
Trump the trials and tribulations of a male who would attend formals ir
a stiff shirt.
Over at the Gamma Phi House Rigterink was with Don Pearce and Ted
Novak with Pedo Ortmey yr, Ginny Sclhweger and Chuck Barrett, and Doris
Arner and Bob Long managed to arrive in time to see the party well under-
Sigma Nu -Draws Crowd .. il
Sigma Nu had quite a prty in their "mansion" just off Hill. Pauline
Tolhurst attended with Bud Norton, and Margaret Cleary with Ralph Kir-
cher. We saw Rosemary Aldrich and Ed Boston, Bill garrison and Ann
Vedder and Jan Clark with Dave Altick milling hither and thither. Mary
Lou Knapp was with Art Grier, Jeanne Thatcher arrived with Alt Potts and
we saw Gloria Rettich escorted by George pheffy.
Detroit has its attractiops it would seem. Jeanne Kaufmann, Jeanne
Bullion and Paula Copeland forsook A.A. Saturday to see "Hamlet." Wonder
what the melancholy Dane's got that Michigan men haven't, but of course,
he's sponsored by Will Shakespeare.
Then there, were those who preferred the old standbys for entertain-
ment, and at the Union Saturd.y were Bud Keetch and Dorothy Hoxie and
Dorothy Cummings and Ben Johnson.
Mosher 'Jack' Champ Business
Challenges All Comers as usualI°u ring
Mad rushes to the local dime store, a terQfins
hours of frantic practice, and the GACH CAMERA SHOP
cherishing of the hope of winning the
"jack" tournament has been the
feverished activity of every loyal Mo-
sher Hall resident during the past few
days as this is the week of the Mosher
"Jack" tournament.
Initiated as a new sports activity
on campus this year by the Mosher
women, the tournament promises to
be as complicated as the European
diplomatic front-and the rivalry
more fierce.
The champion will be chosen by a
long drawn-out process of elimina-
tion with all the trickeries and treach-
eries of the bouncing ball
flemut at a BARGAIN!
t " '
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Permanet.1£ .t..E }MA
Permanents . . .$3.00
Shampoo and Fingerwave . 50c ;
Two-Piece Casuals
Chapter House
This week finds eight more Michi-
gan women pledged to campus sor-
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Chi Omega announces the,
pledging of Patricia Miller, '43, oft
New Rochelle, N.Y.; Suzanne Cone,
'43, of Toledo; Ella Peterson, '43SM,
of Ferndale, and Rosemary Smith,
'42, of Paw Paw, Mich.
Alpha Omicron Pi
Freshman Mary Morris, of Madi-
son, N.J., has pledged Alpha Omi-
cron Pi.
Collegiate Sorosis
Eugenia Eady, '43, of Otsego; Sally
Daubie, '43, Detroit, and Barbara
Johnson, '43, Detroit have been
pledged by Collegiate Sorosis.
and 1100
Former Values to 25.00
MID-SEASON SPICE for your wardrobe at end of-the-season
savings! All from an early season group these are the sort
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THE SUITS in jaunty young styles can pose as dresses, are just
the right weight for under-coat wear.
DRESSES and suits in lightweight wools, a few in velveteens;
exceptional are six in fine French flannel. Plaids and plain
colors. Wonderful colors! A variety of styles! An early
selection is advised.
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