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November 07, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-07

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w 1

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the-
University year and Summer Session,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in. this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein. also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class;I mail matter.
Subscriptidns during regular school year by carrier,
$4,00; by mail, $4.50.
National. Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member,, Associated Collegiate Press, 193940

Editorial Stafff
Maraniss . .
d. Swinton . .
L. Linder
a A. Schor .
Q. Canavan
icary . , .
neberg . . .
Business Staff
is Manager
usiness Mgr., Credit Manager
's Business Manager
's Advertising Manager
tlons Manager

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
. Associate Editor
SAssociate Editor
*Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
Women's Editor
. sports Editor
. Paul R.l Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Soratko
. Jane Mowers
H arriet S. Levy

The editorials yublished in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The. Daily
staff and represent the ,views of the. writers
only. .
Is The U.S.
Neutral? . . .
THE UNITED STATES is not neutral-.
T By repealing the arms embargo, It
has definitely shown on which side of the fence
it is. The Neutrality Act, written in peace-tim'e
was not intended to aid any foreign country.
By changing its own, with specific countries In-
volved, we are certainly behaving in a most
un-neutral manner.
Proponents of the repeal of the arms embargo
ha~ve used the "City. of Flint" incident as one
off the reasons why the repeal will- help us keep
out of war. If we don't want to. get involved,
we need not malke such a "fuss" over one inci-
dent. During the Spanish War hundreds of
British ships were sunk or stopped, yet Britain
wias not drawn into that conflict, because she
didI not want to be.+
In the face of those people- adoptinig a fatal--
istic view that we can't escape being drawn
into the war and in the face of such prophetic;
University faculty men who say that we will
be involved directly in the- second world war
by Christmas time, too much emphasis can not
be placed'on taking steps to. pr~event the general
adoption of this air of fatalism.
In the first place, we must..realize that our
entrance into this conflict will not be motivated
entirely to "make the world safe for democracy".
That we may have some ulterior motive is
brought to mind by an item recently printed
in the Washington 1Merry-Go-Round column bY
Drew Pearson 'and Robert S. Allen. It reads,
"One of the Administratlon's most effective
weapons in the House neutrality battle was sup-
plied by the home towin of Senator Arthur Van-
denberg, leading defender of the arms embargo."
"It consists of a full-page advertisement in
the Grand Rapids Herald,, of which Vandenberg
once was editor and publisher, vigoiiously calling
on Congress to repeal the arms embargo in order
to pr'eserve the peace of tehe country. The ad
was paid for and, signed by 76 of the principal
business men of the city."
"Among the first names on the list was that
of John Wood Blodgett, multi-millionaire phil-
anthropist and treasurer of the Vandenberg-
for-President Club."
At the time when people were agitating vigor-
ously in 1937 to get the arms embeargo lifted
during the Spanish War, our law making body
said that such action would necessitate our
getting into that conflict. Not two years later
when people are agitating against repeal of the
aimna embargo, our legislature lifts the arms
ban. Why the sudden change?
In a national collegiate weekly poll talken'
in more than 100 colleges and universities, 58
per cent of the students questioned answered
"no"~ in reply to the question, "Should the
neutrality law be changed so that any country
at war could buy war supplies in the United
States?" Even with the addition of the words
France and England, no substantial shift in
student opinion was seen'. College students afd
among the first ones' who will be called in the
first draft and college students are the ones
who will be paying for the war after its con-
clusion, yet their opinion apparently counts for
little or nothing when our lawmakers get to-
As ~enator Nye (Rep.-N.D.). so aptly puts it,
"I think the United States ca stay out of the
Eur'opean War if we will forego the trade gains,
which a foreign war offers us." Remembering

The Communists Again
To the Editor:
In the United States and abroad definite at-
tempts are being made to involve the United
States in the European war; to identify our in-
terests with those of British imperialist aims.
President Roosevelt, in his first message con-
cerning the conflict, made the assumption that
a sympathy with British aims is inherent in the
American mind. This was and is a disastrously
dangerous assumption. The fight to aid Bri-
tain and France has gone on until now the em-
bargo on explosives and destructive machinery
has beerI lifted with only a few opposing voices.
that this is only' a beginning is apparea
to most university students.
But Mr. Edward Anderson, in his letter of
last Wednesday, has chosen to overlook com-
pletely this immediate and serious question. In
order to keep out of war the people of America
must actually work to maintain the conditions
of peace. Any efforts to drag us into the fight
must be dealt with whether made by greedy
Sprofiteers and financiers, or the more obvious
attempts of Britain and France to lude neu-
tral and peaceful nations. -
The Dies committee is theoretically a servant
of the American people, yet does not Mr.' An-
derson see that, in its attempts to still the pro-
gressive voice in America, the committee is go-
ing hand in hand with the war-mongers? We
are compelled to believe that this is dbvious even
to Mr. Anderson, And when he sees that the
Department of Justice has bowed to the in-
spired and un-American Mr. Dies, he makes pre-
tense of deprecation. But tlfen Mr. Anderson
waxes rather irresponsible, He makes definite
charges of a despicable nature. He accuses Mr.
Earl Browder of treason against the people of
America. ]Re is unable to support the charges
and indeed does not attempt to. He claims that
facts axe known. On the assumption of this
claim he accuses the Communist Farty and
theYoung Communist League of hypocrisy. Sure-
ly acts of treason justify prosecution for treason.
There has been no such charge by the. Depart-
ment of Justice, and there is no basis for one,
The policy of the Communist Party of the
United States has been repeatedly and clearly
put forth. The Young Communist League is
aware that only a socialist society in America
i can establish the conditions necessary for in.-
dividual security, and a cessation of war for
empire. The Young Communist League will
work, as the. Communist Party does, for a
sQcialit America. It will continue to support
the efforts of the Soviet Union to keep war out
of the Baltic and out of the Balkans.
For the imperialists would make of this war
a crusade against the one country in the world
that consistently. works for peace; the one coun,
try that has demanded a cessation of this war.
. Is, AU. Anderson unaware of the Immense im-
portance of Soviet policy as a factor for world
peace? Or does Mr. Anderson object to it be-
cause it has been successful? Because, in spite
of the efforts of puny journalists to deny the
fact, war is very much less likely to spread to
the small and vulnerable Baltic countries? If
Mr. Anderson actually wants to .mderstand the
nature of the Soviet Union's actions, for peace he
must look to the facts of an existing imperialist
war. This is not a time for hasty and childish
conclusions. The results ofr such an attitude
can be only failure to meet the grave problems
of the crises to come.
If Mr. Anderson is interested in the actual
policy of the Soviet Union, he would do well to
remember that the American newspapers pro-
ceed today gn the assigption that our people.
feel themselves to have sowge vaguely/defined
stake in this war. The Young Conunist
League knows that we have not.
Executive Qomm ittee
Young Coi1unist League

-And The Socialists
To the Editor:
Franklin Roosevelt's 'neutrality speech' last
week denounced as "one of the worst fakes in
current history" the warnings sounded in and
out of Congress on the 'danger of American
participation in the war.. Actually,, though, it
was the President's 'neutrality' which was ex-
posed as the real fake-when at his bidding th
State Department peremtorily demanded' that
the German and Soviet 'overnments surrender
the City of Flint
It is almost tragic that the drama of l'affaire
City of Flint should have obscured its real
meaning and the real facts of the incident.
Only under pressure was the seizure and deten-
tion of a score of American vessels by British
and French warships (and the confiscation of
cargoes carried by two or more of them) revealed.
In these cases, not only did the State Depart-
ment not protest, but the very facts were con-
cealed. On the. other hand, the State Depart-
ment did not even. wait to establish the facts
before it demanded the immediate release of the
City of Flint. The ostensible justification was
that in the Anglo-French affairs the seizures
conformed to international law, but that the
Russo-German detention did not. Now under
the Hague 1907 Convention, Article 21 provides
that a prize ship may be brought into. a neutral
port "on account of unseaworthiness. stress of
weather or want of fuel or provisions." formally
at least Russia adhered to these provisions. The
Germans brought the ship into Murmansk on
a claim covered, by "unseaworthiness,"' and it
was in the port only. a few days. Maybe the
Germans were lying, and: Stalin was helping-
them-they are scarcely above a little deceit!
But the U.S. Government could not possibly'
know this to be a fact. The State Department's
demand, was a. premeditated. move prior to, any
investigation of the situation!
The whole incident is an unmistakable warn-
ing. sign to the American people that the whole
apparatus of the New Deal--fundamentally,
American capitalism's War Deal-is geared to
dragging us into war on the side of the Anglo-
French camp. If- such a flimsy pretext. as the
City of Flint is utilized to such an extent, imagine
the State Department hysteria when Lusitania-
like incidents develop.
American capitalism is not, and cannot be,
neutral in the European war. And it is not
sufficient for The, Daily to cry that this is an
"Imperialist War" in Europe. "Our own" in-
perialism, the Wall St.-Washington axis, has
a tremendous stake In the' conflict.. The capi-
talist struggle for markets n elude "our own"
ambitions for the domination of the Orient and
Latin America. Nothing less than the decisive
rejection of both camps in the world conflict,
and the firm support of a tUird camp-the, camp
of the international socialist and labor move-
ments-carries any weight.
For us, in America, the lines are being sharply
drawn.. Big Business rallies itself around. Roose-
velt, and prepares for War Profits, while J. P.
Morgan's Mr. Stettjnius prances in and out of
White House councils, The mbargp is repealed,
which is more than a mere step for aiding the
Anglo-French camp; it is, primarily a vital move
towards stepping up American industrial pro-
duction to War Levels! There is no issue of
War or Peace. American capitalism has no
such alternatives. The New Deal could not
solve, and now-it. can't even face, the problems
of unemployment, agricultural collapse, insecur-
ity, of a youth without a future. The New
Deal, by its own logic, has been transformed
into the War Deal.
These are the facts. There is no accepting
or rejecting these. There only remians the,
acceptance or rejection of the international
revoltionary movement, which alona can offer
a practical solution for the terrible crisis of
Western civilIabion
Young People's Socialist Leapg e,.
Fourth International "

It Seems To Me
By Heywood Broun
My eye was arrested by the some-
what startling headline "Harvard
Murphys Get $360 Each." It made
me wonder whether President Con-
.ant had thought better of the Ivy
pact to play only students on the
football field. But the despatch
seemingly, bore no hints of any
reaching after men of brawn. The
story simply said that in 1916 a cer-
tain William Stanislaus Murphy, of
the Class of '85, had established an
annual scholarship for Harvard Mur-
phys. Seemingly only five; are eli-
gible at the moelnt, and one of them
is a Murphey, which should not count
at all.
However, the gift merely says the
money is to go for "the collegiate
education of men of the name of
Murphy." Seemingly, all Murphys
look alike to the authorities at Cam-
bridge no matter how they slice the
name. It is $' curious sort of scholar-
ship, and if I were a Murphy I think
I might resent it. No Murphy needs
a hand-picked education, an appoint-
ed college or'any other special favors
whatsoever. Under proper leadership
and direction, the Murphys do just
as well as any other man.
S0aaOfPete Murphy
As a matter of fact, in my day
along the Charles my closest friend
was named Lambert Murphy. Of
course, we called him Pete. Lambert
needed no help from any Stanis-
laus, but went through under his
own steam. Nor was he ever in the
red while at Harvard, on account of'
a good singing voice and the fact
that he was the luckiest Murphy who,
ever drew to an inside straight. As
a matter of fact, I imagine he would
have scoffed at any such niggling
subsidy as $360. On nights when he
could manage to work in both a con-
cert and a poker game he cleared
more than that in a single evening.
And, in addition, he passed several
college courses. A scholarship might
have reduced his initiative and caused
him to give up cards. As it was, he
followed his twin careers into latei
life, and for a time he was. a tenor
at the Metropolitan Opera House. He
also made a tour of South America,
where he chose to bill himself as
Pietro Murfino.
Murphys are acute in financial
matters and seldom stand in the need
of any patronage. Pete loved his art,
and even when he was at the Met
he found that his singing job took
him avaay from the game only for
short stretches at a time. His favorite
role was that of the Voice of a Sailor,
which I believe, is a character in
Tristan and Isolde. The part is
spotted very well, since it' comes'
around 8 o'clock, at the very begin-
ning of the opera and is sung off-
Back In Twenty Minutes
Signor Lamberto Murfino would
heave himself out of his chair just
before it became his turn to deal
and say, "Don't anybody touch myI
chips. I'll be back in twenty minutes."
The opera house was just around the
corner. You could have hit it with
a blue chip. I have heard Tristan
several times. At least, I have if
it's the opera where the hero takes.
such a terribly long time to sing
himself to death in the last act. How-
ever, I never got there in time to
hear Voice of a Sailor. If my
musical education is correct, that
comes right after the overture.
* * *-
At any rate, the standing joke
was to say to Pete as lie left t e
nice cool gambling dive, "Don't for-
get when you get on the stage that
you need Jacks to open." As a mat-
ter of fact, he didn't have to goJ

on the stage, don sail pants or pen-
cil his eyebrows. They just boosted
him up on top of a stepladder, where
he emitted a few piercing notes and
returned breathless to say, "I'll,
play these."
The last time I saw him was in a
parlor car, and he told, me he was
teaching. But whether it was poker
or singing he didn't say. At any
rate, he seemed to be doing all right.
The Murphys generally do.
To The-Editor
To The Editor:
The article concerning the some-
what unfortunate condition of the
library (Mich. Daily, Nov. 2, '39)
seems to have been taken a bit too
seriously. Inasmuch as Mr. Kaler
has been severely criticized, I feel
that the actual conditions.should, be
disclosed. The "attack" was written,
not by Mr. Kaler, but by a friend of
his and was primarily intended as a
joke.. It did, however, contain some
truths in my own as well as a few
other's estimation. But, in general,
the theme of the article was a silly
It is regretful that it was interpret-
ed, so seriously by Mr. Adams and
such a reaction probably was not an-
ticipated. However, the actual writ-
er happens, by a quirk of fate, to be
a resident of Michigan. Needless to
say, if an out of state student has
complied with the requiremelits set
down by the University, ($75 tuition

(Continued from Page 2)
University' may at his own cost pur-
chase annuities from the association
or any of the class of faculty mem-
bers mentioned above may purchase
annuities, at his own cost in addition
to those mentioned above. The Uni-
versity itself, however, Will contribute
to the expense of such purchase of
annuities only as indicated in sections
2, 3 and 4 above.
6. Any person in the employ of the
University, either as a faculty mem-
ber or otherwise, unless' debarred -by
his medical examination may, at his
own expense, purchase life insurance
from the Teaciers Insurance and An-
nuity Association at its rate. All life
insurance premiums are borne by the
individual himself. The University
makes no contribution toward life
insurance and has nothing to do with
the life insurance feature except that
it will if desired by the irisured, de-
duct premiums monthly and remit
the same to the association.
7. The University accounting of
fices will as a matter of accommoda-
tion to members of the faculties or
employes. of the University, who de-
sire to pay, either annuity premiums
or insurance premiums monthly, de-
duct such premiums, from the pay-
roll in monthly installments. In the
case of the so-called "academic roll"
the premium payments for the
months of July, August, September,
and October will be deducted from
the double payroll of June 30. While
the accounting offices do not solicit
this work, still it will be cheerfully
assumed where desired.
8. The University has no a-
rangements with any insurance or-
ganization except the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association of
America and contributions will not
be made by the University nor can
premium payments be deducted ex-
cept in the case of annuity or insur-
ance policies of this association.
9. The general administration of
the annuity and insurance business'
has been placed in the hands of Sec-
retary of the University by the Re-
Please communicate with the u.
dersigned if you have not complied
with the specific requirements as
stated in (3) above.
Herbert G. Watkins Ass't Secy.
to new members of the faculties this.
evening in the ballroom of the Michi-
gan Unionat 8:30 p.m.
The reception will take place
Presidents of Fraternities and Sopr-
orities are reminded that the mem-
bership lists for the. month of Oc-
tober are now due at the Office of
the Dean of Students,
Chairmen and Managers of student
activities are reminded that eligibility
lists of all participants for the first
semester are now due at the Office of
thp Dean of Students, lanks for
this purpose are available in Room
2, University Hall.
Dormitory Directors, Sorority Chap-
erons,. and House Heads: Freshmen
women. may have 10:30 permission on
Wednesday, Nov. 8, for the Union
Open House.
Academc Notices.
History 49: Midsemester (assign-
ments I-VI): Thursday, Nov. 9, 10
a.m. Sections 1, 2, 3, Room C, Haven;
Sections 4, 5, Room 231 A.H
Psychology 33, 37 Makeup Fxamina-
tion will be given Wednesday, Nov.
8, at 3 p.m. in Room 2125 Natural
Science Bldg.
Graduation Recital: Albert Zbin-
den, BM., will give a piano recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-

ments for the Master of Music de-
gree in the School: of Music Audi-
torium on Maynard Street, this eve-
ning at 8:15 o'clock. The public is
STwilight Organ Recital: Frieda Op't
Holt will give the second in the series
of Twilight Organ Recitals on. the.
Frieze Memorial. Organ in Hill Audi-
torium Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 8,
at 4:15 o'clock. The general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited. .
University Lecture: Professor Ed-
ward H. Reisner of Teachers' Col-
lege, Columbia University, will lec-
ture on "Adaptations of the Danish
Folk High School to American Use,"
at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 13, in
the Universiyt High School Auditori-
um. The public is cordially invited.
The Reverend Frederick Cowin, of
the Church of Christ Discpiles, will
give the fifth lecture in the series on
"I Believe" which is sponsored by the
Student Religious Association. The,
lecture will be held in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, Wednesday, Nov. 8,
8 p.m.


ness meeting today at 430 p.m. in
the Graduate Library of the Elemen-
tary School.
Afternoon of American Square
Dancing: The International Center
offers the second in a series of Aftr-
noons of American Sc'uare Dancing
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock in
the Ballroom of the Michigan Union.
The Ford Dance Orchestra and Mr.
Lovell will be in, charge. The Center
has extended an invitation to fifty of
the women of the Michigan League.
Their tickets may be obtained through
Miss McCormick at the League. A
few tickets are still available at the
office of the Center.
The Social Ce te of the
League members are to report at the
Union from 4 to 6 p.m. this after-
noon to participate in the Interna-
tional Settlement square dancing.
Women's Intercollegiate Debate:
Meeting for first Conference Debate,
tonight at 7 p.m., Room 3209 Angell
The Christian Science Qrganization
will meet tonight at 8:15 in the
Chapel of the Michigan League.
Faculty Women's Club: The Play.
Reading Section will meet this after-
noon at 2:15 in the Mary B. Hender-
son Room of the Michigan League.
Michigan Dames: G.eneral meeting
under auspices of Music group, 8
o'clock at the League, this evening.
This will be the. last opportunity for
registration of names (payment of
dues a prerequisite) to be included in
the handbook.
The Conversational Hebrew class
will, meet at the Hillel Foundation
at 7 p.m.
Coming Events
ClhenmUsry Colloquium will meet in
Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15
p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 8. Mr. Nor-
man Bauer's topic will be "Refraction
of nonrare gas ions" and Mr. C. E.
Maxwell wil. speak on "Esters of
ben4lic acid as mydriatics."
S in Bacteriology will meet
i Ron 1564 East Medical Building
on; Wdesday, Nov. 8, at .8p~m.Sub-
et: Microbiological Problems of Al-
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 31'9 West Medical
Buildi>, at 7 P.M., Wednesday" No-
vember 8. The subject to be dis-
cussed is "Some Phases of the Prob-
lem of Blood Coagulation" All in-
terested are invited to ated.
Varsity Glee Club: Meet at 9:45
P.m. on Wednesday in the Glee Club
rooms to sing for the Union Open
'House. The serenade will start im-
mediately followin gthis.
Phi Sigma Meeting, 8 p.m., Wednes-
day, Nov. 8, in Outing Club Room of
the Rackham Building. Election of
candidates for membership. .All ac-
'tives urged to be present; refresh-
C.A.A. Flight Training: Captain
Harry D. Copland of the Civil Aero-
nautics Authority will speak on "Air-
way Traffic }Control and its Relation
to Private Flying," Wedpesday, Nov.
8, at 8 p.m., in Room 1042 East En-
gineering Building.
Sigma, Eta. Chi, regular meeting,
Wednesday, Nov. 8, at 8 p.m. There
will be a short business meeting after
which Jeannette Drake will tell of
her traveling experiences this last
summer. Members and pledges are
also reminded of the church bazar
and, requested to please be on hand to
sell Christmas cards during the hours
for which they signed up.

La Sociedad Hispanica will meet in
the Michigan League on Wednesday,
Nov. 8, at 7:30 p.m. There will be a
tall and a series of. slides, on Puerto
Rico by Gilberto Marxuach.
University of MichiganFlying Club:
The University of Michigan Flying
Club, meets Wednesday evening at
7:30, p.m. in the Union. A, three-reel
motion picture entitled "Plane Soar-
ing". will be shown as part' of the
program. Also important arrange-
ments are to be made concerning the
First Annual Midwest Intercollegiate
Flying Meet to be held at Ann Arbor
Airport Nov. 18 and 19. All commit-
tee chairmen will present reports. Re-
member the piture which will be tak-
en at 5:15 Wednesday at the airport.
Be at the Union at 5:10 for trans-
portation. Meet Sunday as usual.
Garden Section, Faculty Women's
Club, will meet at 2:30 p.m. Wednes-
day, Nov. 8, at the home of Mrs. Her-
bert Harley, Underdown Road, Bar-
ton Hills.
Michigan Dames: Drama group
meets Wednesday evening, Nov. 8, at
8 o'clock in the home of Mrs. C. V.
Weller, 1130 Fair Oaks Parkway. For


Nomination for All-American Sucker: Sports;
Editor Mel Fineberg. .
* *1 *
'J'ODAY'S business concerns The Old Maid, the
Bette Davis movie now on view at the Majes-
tic. We are taking the trouble of devoting a
column to this picture because it is a ty-pe;
it is a very good expression of the higher efforts,
of bouregois art.
The Old Maid is a bad job in every respect
but one: the acting of Bette Davis. This is as
it should be, for in every decadent society it is
the art form which degenerates; the virtuosi at-
tain greater and greater heights. Substance
becomes negligible, absurd, or, what is worse,
the most stupid and heavy handed sort of
argument for 'the status quo; technique becomes
more and more involved, design more and more
So in The Old Maid, as in most Hollywood
art, it is the acting (the most unimportant as-
pect of cinematic production) which is the out-
standing feature, just as in the musical, world
today it is the interpreter and not the composer
who accomplishes anything: Edmund Gould-
ing's direction of The Old Maid is simply im-
possible-there was' obviously no attempt made.
to transform a stage play. into a moving picture.
Gulliver never saw the. original play (he's in-
clined to think he's lucky now), but he could see
the ending of each act in the. picture. Act I is

ches of various American folksongs thrown in
just for the hell of it.
As for the theme of The Old Maid, it is Holly-
wood by way of Zoe Akins, by way of rdith
Wharton, which means that a sad little story
of bourgeois morality was pepped up for Broad-
way and then jazed up for Hollywood (cleans-
ing by Will Hays).
Miss Davis of course interprets her role mag-
nificently. Note that the sane thing can be
said of Greta Garbo and the interminable series,
of trashy pictures in which she has appeared.
Bette Davis has a most mobile, as well as beau-
tiful face. It appears to good advantage in
The 014 Maid. The best scene in the movie is
of course Miss Davis' imagined conversation with
her daugh..ter Tina. Mr. Goulding's contribution
to Miss Davis' efforts is a lighting which puts
her half in shadow, half in light-one of the
stalest tricks in the Hollywood bag, and ineffec-
tive simply because you can see the entire scene
worked out according to the crude old formula..
In short, the story of The Old Maid has very
little meaning for modern audiences; it has
not been transformed from a stage play to a.
movie play; the direction is . s; the music is
worse; the acting is excellent. It's the same old
story all over again, and the boys who plumped
for an artistic renaissance out in Hollywood,
Cal. might do well to transfer their excitement
to Bad Axe, Mich.

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