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November 03, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-03

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Reader Disagrees With Englishman

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On 'Virtuosity' Of France And Britain


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all othermatters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MAoisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

I Petersen
Lott Maraniss
n M. Swinton
r'ton L. Linder
'man A. Schorr
anis Flanagan
n N. Canavan
n Vicary

. . . . *Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
* . . ity Editor
Associate Editor.
S . ... . Asociate Editor
S . . .- -Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . .Womehxs Editor~
. . . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff

siness Manager. .,
t. Business Mgr., CreditrManager
men's Business Manager
men's Advertising Manager
blications Manager

Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
Harriet S. Levy

To the Editor:
And to him who is "yours faithfully," our dis-
tant neighbor Mr. Allan Swinton of London,
England: The message appearing in the Michi-
gan Daily of Nov. 1 is an extremely interesting
one. It is concerned with the war now being
waged on the part of Germany to extend her
imperial interests .at the expense of more for-
tunately situated nations and on the other hand
by Mr. Swinton's British Commonwealth in con-
junction with whatever France chooses to deem
herself in her present role, both intent on seeing
to it that additional German interests shall not
perchance be carved from the bodies imperial of
these two virtuous ladies. Britannia and La Belle
France are determined that Germany shall
continue, as in the case of Czechoslovakia and
more recently in that of Poland, to move in a
more comfortably easterly direction. Has nod
the umbrella jointed to pastures fresh - - -?
But Mr. Allan Swinton raises questions beyond
these which are very, very pertinent to the U.S.,
and I am delighted that he has raised them
here, where they can be answered in the very
forum in which they are put forth. For it is very
seldomn that this- is the case. Indeed it is an
unfortunately rare occurrence. Britain's more
official Ambassador to the U.S., Lord Lothia, is
wont to have his words spread more widely in
the press of our country as he weeps for his agi-
tated Commonwealth. (That's a long word and
I'm not certain which of its two parts should be
Apology To Britirn
Mr. Swinton suggests first of all that I, as an
American, owe to Mr. Chamberlain and to the
British people an apology. This I graciously ten-
der, for I know it is true that in America it has
recently been stated quite falsely that the inter-
ests of Mr. Chamberlain and of the British
people are identical. No, it is quite true, to the
contrary, that Mr. Chamberlain hopes for much
from this war that does not bode well for the
families of the workers of England. There is
that matter of the jointing umbrella.
In answer to Mr. Swinton's second grievance
I can only say that if, in my"prejudice and ignor-
ance" as one of "that race of chronic malcon-
tents and haters" I appear somewhat ,flustered
and self-conscious" in my inability to accept the
thesis: "that of the world of free men, England
is still the heart and life," it is only because I am
.not greatly impressed by Mr. Swinton's mildly
chauvinistic ideology embodied in the tendered.
"offers of men, money and munitions" (it's al-
most poetical) "to maintain this distant war"
which have come from the one hundred and nine
assorted tribal potentates (109) of varying sorts
of imperial independence of Britannia's skirts.
Points Held Indistinct
Oh, yes. It seems my position as a citizen of
the "politically amorphous and myople" United
States had led me to include points two and three
as indistinct. After all, can Mr. Swinton expect
a short-sighted person to recognize this sort of,
distinction? (The pulsing heart of freedom, and
the garnering munitions user?)
Fourthly, at any rate, "while holding virtuous-
ly aloof" I have tried to conceal my horror of an
impending "economic retreat to within (own)
But then I might go on and on if I don't stop
somewhere. What with "smash Hitlerism" and
so on there does seem to have been an impressive
number of words, doesn't there?
-Daniel I. Robertson


land . . . maybe in a certain definition of "self
defense" England is practicing just that in des.
perately trying to keep other Powers from steal
ing the position in the world she herself ha
"acquired" by hook or crook; with emphasis pi
the latter surely.
But whether or not Great Britain is purst
ing a policy with which we can sympathize, iti
most positively one which we must never become
so sympathetic with as to become a "party" t
it (or have we already?). If our own place i
the Sun depended on the British Sun neve
setting we might well go to war as their ally, an
state our war aims with those that England wi
never declare; but neither England nor any o
the rest of the world will prove that the uncon
ditional defeat of Germany is pre-requisite t
World Peace and World Happiness, or even t
prosperity for the English-speaking world.
be that ever so controversial an issue, let's foc
heaven's sake stop specializing in stressing altru
ism where altruism has become almost totall
irrelevant. In World War Jr., talk of altruism
equals propaganda, almost 100 per cent pure.
--EricG. Lindahl
General Johnson seems to be worried by th
fact that some of his readers no longer love him
He also pleads that the rules of free-for-all de-

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Student Senate--
Keep It Representative ...
IT IS EVIDENT that for any represen-
Itative body to become representative
or to remain that way, all persons having the
fight to participate in its business must take an
active interest in doing soJ.
The Student Senate, which is holding its
fourth all-campus election today, was designed
.s such a body, representative for the entire
campus, a democratic organization. Its elector-
1l system, which gives representation to minor-
[ties, is the Hare system of proportional repre-
sentation, one which is most desirable As a means
to make the Senate a cross-section of the student
Every student of the .University has the right
o be represented in the Senate, either as a
nember himself or by having one of the other
members stand for his views-he has the right to
,e represented whether he is conservative or lib-
Sral, communistic or socialistic, independent or
affiliated. Every student mayr-and is expected
o--.use his franchise if the Senate is to be a
ody truly representative of the student body.
Last spring 2,033 students participated in the
eection. This figure is expected to be approxi-
nately repeated in the election which is to be
held today. But 2000 out of 11,000 students can
>y no means be termed a representative vote.
We must realize that the student of today is
he. citizen of tomorrow. In a democratic na-
ion, it is the duty of the citizen to vote if the
ation is to be kept democratic. In a democratic
iniversity, it is the duty of the student to vote if
lie representative bodies of that university are.
o be kept democratic. No lackadaisical, 2,000
Mut of 11,000 vote will be adequate in today's
lection. A much greater number of students
rust vote today if the Senate is to be truly demo-
ratic and representative.
-William B. Elmer
he Czech Riots:
Warning To Hitler ...
S ATURDAY, Oct. 28, 1939, marked the
21st anniversary of the foundation
f the Czech-Slovak republic. Curiously enough,
he "liberation" of Czechoslovakia by Adolf Hit-
r does not seem to have made much difference
o the people of the country who, with no thought
f gratitude to the Fuehrer and his friends at
Munich, saw fit to mourn the loss of their repub-
Czech patriotic societies, operating secretly in
lew of the rigid control imposed by the Nazi
igh command, instructed all members to don
bourning clothes and arm bands. Warned
gainst starting trouble on the anniversary by
aron Constantin von Neurath, Reich "Protec-
>r," the Czechs were told that dire penalties
waited any who violated the "honor of the
,eich." The police of Bohemia-Moravia backed
p the Baron with some choice commands of
heir own
Nevertheless, the Czechs, demonstrating their
sual tenacity of purpose, came out to celebrate
he anniversary of their republic and totally for-
ot the stern admonitions of the Nazis. An Asso-
ated Press report states that some 800 persons
ere arrested in the course of the day's riots.
Unimportant is the number of persons arrest-
,, although it shows the usual Nazi method of

Drew Pectso

There will even


bate should be tempered for
Colonel Lindbergh. Speak-
ing of the critics of "Poor
Lindy," the columnist says
"They are equipped for a
continuing smear - and he
isn't. I wish Lindy had
stayed on his pedestal.'
Many will second the pious
wish expressed by the Gen-
eral in his latter sentence.
be agreement on the part of

To the Editor:
An underlying or philosophic point that Pres-
ton Slosson brought out in his editorial counter-
criticism Tuesday was excellently taken, and
was sound as logic goes . . . if Munich was dis-
honorable then the launching of World War Jr.
could hardly be dishonorable, being the antithesis
of the "Infamous Appeasement."'
However, this, along with many other well
founded points concerning such things as the
sincerity of the English people, always seem to
me to be a deviation from what is much more
relevant, much more nearly the basic issue:
Why are the rulers of Great Britain sponsoring
this war, if it is going to be a war? Now it is
true that England discarded the policy of ap-
peasement for force, but the supposed altruistic
motives of saving Czecho-Slovakia and Poland
are a myth . . . by the time England is ready
for her Versailles II, with the objective in mind
of renewing her own leasehold on the world, and
sets about to take Poland away from bankrupt
Germany, we may well find that a virtually "new
state" will have to be created-the enforcing of
which might conceivably contribute to "Back-
ground For War" all over again . . . certainly
Poland will have been partly "digested" by that
England Helps England
England didn't help Masaryk-Land and she
didn't help Poland; she is helping England. If
anything, "anglophility" is much more clearly
an expression of my philosophy of living than
is pro-Germanism, though I dearly love the
periods I've spent in both Germany and Eng-
their struggles will lead them, the Czech-Slovaks
are true to their ideals of democracy, individual'
liberty and independence." These manifesta-
tions of loyalty come from the people of a country
which Germany claimed was nothing but a mis-
take of the Treaty of Versailles, designed only for
the reason of keeping the power of Germany in
Europe at a minimum. The persiste.nce of the
Czechs in their belief in the republic should pre-'
sent ample refutation to such claims. That Ger-
many went in to protect the whole country is
disclaimed by the Institute which says that in-
justices perpetrated since the Nazis invasion are
worse than the terms of Versailles. Their answer

some who are not quite sure that it was a pedes-
tal on which the Colonel placed his feet. But
who are these rough guys against whom "Old
Iron Pants asks protection for himself and the
"Lone Eagle"? As far as I can gather, the
gangsters who have scared the iron out of the
soul of the General are Dorothy Thompson and
Eleanor Roosevelt. "Iron Pants," indeed! The
General's piteous plea would come with better
grace from Barbara Frietchie.
And yet I would not like to see any harm come
to the old warrior, and when he turns to his Bible
I hope he will not happen upon verses 52, 53 and
54 in the ninth chapter of the Book of Judges.
If by chance the eye of "Iron Pants" strays in
that direction I beg him to refrain from read-
ing. It was only the other day that the General,
in writing of Mrs. Roosevelt: "I regret that this
most gracious lady couldn't stay in her ivory,
The analogy to the Bible story might be much
too close for comfort, since it runs as follows:
"And Abimelech came unto the tower, and fought
against it, and went hard unto the door of the
tower to burn it with fire. And a certain wo-
man cast a piece of millstone upon Abimelech's1
head, and all to brake his skull. Then he called
hastily unto the young man his armourbearer,
and said unto him, Draw thy sword, and slay me,
that men say not of me, A woman slew him. And
his young man thrust him through, and he
If General Johnson were not a commentator sci
singularly open to suggestion I would commend
the passage to him, for it contains several les-
sons which he might well take to heart, and even:
a few which it would be well for him to pass
along to Colonel Lindbergh. "Old Iron Pants''
found out some time ago that the syndicated pen
is mightier than the full-dress sword. He had
laid about him with considerable effectiveness,
and surely no lack of vigor. But he must learn
not to cry out so quickly, "Hold, enough!" when
the counter-attack begins. The General says
that several commentators have undertaken to
"Smear Poor Lindy."
He bases this on the fact that several contained
a veiled threat against the soveign rights of Can-
ada. In the eyes of the General this constitutes
"smearing." He refers to the attitude of the
Colonel's critics as "hateful, scurrilous and con-
temptible." And the other day, in a speech, he
said that name-calling was the beginning of dic-
tatorship. That puzzles me. It seems to me that
if give-and-take is silenced there is no democ-
racy. I do not think the right to bid spades and
to call them should be restricted to generals and
And, in addition, "Old Iron Pants" should
take his spurs off when he sits down to write
a column. He should say to himself, "You're not
in the army now." He errs if he believes that all
readers should stand at attention the moment
either of his thumbs hits a capital "I." To speak
of Colonel Lindbergh as a helpless martyr thrown
to the lionesses is such a little far-fetched. After
all, the hot breath of two national hook-ups is
still on Lindy's neck. He is right or he is wi'ong,
as you choose. But he still speaks as pilot-not
as pontiff.
Spirit Of Education
"There is nothing sacrosanct about methods
and organizations; these are but devices good

10 WASHINGTON-Biggest behind-
o the-scenes story in Washington to-
n clay is taking place in an inconspicu-
r ous hearing room of the Civil Aero-
d nautics Authority. Unnoticed and
l1 almost unreported by the newspapers,
f it is the struggle of two powerful
- groups of blue-stocking financiers to
o get the last remaining air route
o across the North Atlantic.
Basic issues behind the struggle is
whether one company-Pan Ameri-
- can Airways-shall control all the
y overseas air routes of the United
Y States. And some of the inside his-
-m tory of this monopoly resembles the.
land-grabbing of the early railroads.
Pulling for Pan American Airways
in the present Civil.Aeronautics hear-
ing are the Whitneys, the Vander-
bilts, the Mellons of Pittsburgh and
the Bruces of Maryland.,
Pulling on the other side to secure
an Atlantic air route competing with
Pan American is American Export
Airlines. Behind it, in turn, is Tom-
my Hitchcock, one of the greatest .
polo players that ever lived, and the
banking firm of New York's Governor
American Export is petitioning the
Civil Aeronautics Authority for per-
-mission to fly from New York to a
- French port on the Bay of Biscay,
r which would make connections to
the Mediterranean, where Anierican,
Export Lines already operates a fleet
of merchant ships. The company al-I
ready has built clipper planes cap-
able of flying the Atlantic, non-stop
whereas Pan American clipper stop
i at Newfoundland and the Azores.
New Routes Opposed
This week, Pan American, vigor-
ously opposing the new route pro-
jected by American Export Airlines,
asked the CAA for the use of all six
transatlantic landings at Port Wash-
ington, L.I. Since six landings aret
the total now permitted, this wuldr
exclude American Export Airlines
If the Civil Aeronautics Authority
handles Pan American with the samet
tender care shown by the tit'ed
States Government in the past, Amer-
ican Export will not have a show. For
never, since the days of Doheny endL
Sinclair, has one company been sot
favored. At one time during the Hoo-y
Sver Administration virtual orderso
were given the State Deprtent to
aid Pan American 'to the oclusion
of other aviation compaies. t
It is the strict policy of the Statet
Department never to discrimiate be-a
tween American companies, but to
chmpion them impartially in foreignr
countries. In the case of Pan Ameri-
can, however, it deviated from this'
"olicy with brazen indifference.
In 1929, Postmaster General Wal-
ter Brown, who ladled out airmai
subsidies, wrote to Secretary of State
Stirmson asking that' "all practi1a
assistance be given tothe Pan Amen- r
can Airways in seuring Operating
arrangements in preference to any n
other American conpany."
Walter Brown was Hoover's chief b
cmpaign manager, and his astound-
ing instruction came at a time when
the Curtiss company was giving Pan
American a stiff race In Chile.
Pan-American Buyers
As to why~ Postmaster Brown n
should have discriminated in favor C
of Pan American never may be
known. But a glance at Pan Ameri-' I
can stockholders is informative. One
of the largest stockholders is R. K. P
Mellon of Pittsburgh, whose uncleA
then sat in the Hoover Cabinet as
Secretary of the Treasury. Another B
large stockholder is David I. E. b
Bruce, son-in-law' of Arndew Mllon. t
The Mellon interests are second oly
to those of Cornelius Vanderbilt
("Sonny") Whitney, who has 157381
shares of Pan American stock, and e
John Hay ("Jock") Whitney with 28,- a

Perhaps it was the spell of the d
Mellons and the Whitneys. Perhaps r
it was the fact that Pan American l
hired some of the State Department's d
most influential diplomats. At any .
rate the company proceeded to get m
unheard-of concessions.s
S. American Monopolies r
At that time Pan American en-
joyed no monopoly in South America. t
Its chief competitor was the New t
York, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos i
Aires Line, known as Trimotors. But A
suddenly the State Department threw a
all its weight behind Pan American, t
helping it to get monopolistic con-
cessions and landing privileges in F
Latin American countries.
The company now has routes down
both coasts of South America, one t
across the Pacific, and one across the t
North Atlantic. Big qjuestions in w
Washington now is whether it will t
get a monopoly of the North Atlantic i
also. l
The Mellons. the Browns. and the b

(continued from Page 3)
present and the chairmen of depart-
ments are asked to be of assistance
in bringing this about.
Smoking in University Buildings
Attention is called to the general rule
that smoking is prohibited in Univer-
sity° buildings except in private of-
fices and assigned smoking rooms
cohere precautions can be taken aind
control exercised. This is neither a
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-
tempt to meddle with anyone's per-
sonal habits. It is established and
enforced solely with the purpose of
preventing fires. In the last seven
years, 30 of the total of 80 fires re-
ported, or 37 per cent, were caused by
cigarettes or lighted matches. To be
effective, the rule must necessarily
apply to bringing lighted tobacco in-
o or through University buildings and
to the lighting of cigars, cigarettes,
and pipes within buildings-includ-
h$ such lighting just previous to go-
ingg outdoors. Within the last few
years a serious fire was started at the
exit from the Pharmacology building
by the throwing of a still lighted
match into refuse waiting removal at
the doorway. If the rule is to be en-
forced at all, its enforcement must
begin at the building entrance. Fur-
ther, it is impossible that the rule
should be enforced with one class of
persons if another class of persons
disregards it. It is a disagreeable
and 'thankless task. to "enforce" al-
most any rule. This'rule against the'
use of tobacco within buildings is per-
haps the most thankless and difficult
of all, unless it has the willing sup-
port' of everyone concerned. An ap-
peal is made to all persons using the
University buildings-staff members,
students and others-to contribute
individual'cooperation to this effort
to protect University buildings against
This statement is inserted at the
request of the Conference of Deans.
Shirley W. Smith.
Faculty, School of Education: The
regulai' monthly lunchen meeting of-
the Faculty will be held on Mondayr
Nov. '6, at 12 o'clock noon' at the
Michigan Union.1
To The Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: The second regular meet-
ing of the Faculty of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, for1
the academic session of 1939-1940
will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall
on Monday, Nov. 6, at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the various commit-
tees, instead of being read orally at
the meeting, have been prepared in
advance and are included with this
pall to 'the meeting. They should be
retained in your files as part of the
minutes of the November meeting.
Edward Ii. Kraus'
1. onsideration of the minutes of
the meeting of Oct. 2, '19 9,'which
have' been distributed b campus
2 Consideration of the reports sub-
mitted' with this call to the eeting.
a. Execgtive Committee, prepared
by Prfessor Walter F.'Hunt.
b. University Council; prepared by
Professor C. S. SchoepIle.'
c. Executive Boardof the Gradu-l
ate Schol, prepared by Professor E.
'. Barker ..;
d Senate Advisory Committee ont
Unvely Affairs, prepared by Prof.-
. ID. "Thorpe.'
e. Deans' Conference, prepared byk
Dean Edward H. Kraus.
3. Report on the tutorial system, by
Prof. W. G. Rice, chairman of the
Advisory Board.a
4. Discussion of the report, "Thep
Evaluation of Faculty Services," led
y Prof. J. K. Pollock, chairman of'
he committee.(

Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts. Courses dropped
after Saturday, November 4, by stu-
dents other than freshmen will bei
ecorded E. Freshmen (students with
ess than 24 hours of credit) mayE
rop courses without penalty through2
he eighth week. Exceptions may beI
made in extraordinary circumstances,Q
uch as severe or long continued ill-
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ure, Science, and the Arts may ob-
ain theirfive-week progress reports
n the Academic Counsefors' Office,
Room 108 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12
a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according i
o the following schedule:
Surnames beginning P through Z,
Friday, Nov. 3.
School of Education Students, otherE
han freshmen: Courses dropped af-
er Saturday, Nov. 4, will be recordedc
with 'the grade of E except under ex-I
raordinary-circumstances. No course
s considered officially dropped un-
ess it has been reported in the office
f the Registrar. Rnnm 4. Tniversity

Individual skill tests in tennis, golf,
rni~ng, chery and badm into .will
b >e' given t.inc ' from ~ pm.
at Women's Athletic BuU ing. Swim
nming tests will be 'givn every Tues-
day and ThurFay cverifngs at 8:30 at
the Union Pool. Please sign w th ma-
tron at W.A.B. for tests.
Academic Notices
E.E. 7a, Building IllumiG ation, Sec-
ond Section will meet today at
1 p=. in Room 247, instead of on
Satutrdayat 8,.in Room 246, estn-
gineering Building.
E.E.7, Illumination and Photometry,
will be excused from the class period
today at 11, in order to attend the
demonstrations on lighting given in
connection with the Michigan-Life
Conferences 9:30 to 12 noon, and par-
ticularly the lecture on Polaroid from
10:35 to 11:25, in the auditorium of
the Rackham Building. Get tickets
fromSecretary's Office, 263 West En-
gineerng Bldg. Homework for next
week: Study chapter 7 through Art.
46, page 262, andProblems 5,8, 1,
18, 19, 30, 33 in Chapter 5.
Engineering Mechanics 1: Review of
material covered to date in E.M. 1,
all classes, today in Room 401 W.
Engr. Bldg. from 7 to 9 p.m.
English 113: I shall not meet ny
class today.
.E A. Water.
University Lecture: Professor Ed-
ward H. 'Reisner of Teachers' Col-
lege, Columbia University, will lec-
ture on "Adaptations of the Danish
Folk High School to American Use,"
at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, Nov.'13, in
the University High School Auditoi-
um. The public is cordially invited.
Dr. Gould Wickey, General Secre-
tary of the Church Boards of Edueca-
ti6n, wil speak in the Rackham'Lec-
tune Hall, Sunday, Nov. , 8 .m., on
the topic, "Livin Wth Others." Dr.
Wlckey's address, which is open to the
public, will conclude the Inter-Guild
Conference in which the National
Secretaries of seven Protestant De-
nominations are taking part.'
Television Lecture and demonstra-
tion with mnoving pictires, Hill Adi-
torium tonight at 8:15. The is ho
admission charge and the iubll" is
cordially invited.
Today's Events
Scabbard and Blade: F-4 will hold a
retreat ceremony at 5 o'clock this af-
ternoon. All members should do Atheir
utmost to attend, since the 6th Corps
Area Inspector Will b8e'present at t~is
ceremony. No sabers,'draw "rifles
from H.Q. and be ready to form in
front of H.Q. promuptly at 5 p m. Uni-
forms required.
Outdoor Sports Club: All women
students' are invited to the Bike Ride
sponsored by the Outdoor Sports Club
today at 4:15 p.m. The 'gofp~will
meet at the Women's Athletic1ulld-
Ing and go to a nearby shop where
bikes illbe rented.
Phi Epsilon Kappa and the Men's
Physical Education Clb invite'all
students to a showing of "Ch'anpins
of the Gridiron," a sound iotih plc-
ture of National Professional ' ot-
ball League teams , actipn dug
the 1938 season.' The Pict es kill
be shown toigt at 7 pm. in Rnm
Stalker Hall: There will be a dinner
at the Metiodibt ChuriY for ll
Methodist stuidenits and"iteir friends
at '6 o'clock tonight Dr. Hell
Bollinger, national secretary for Wes-
ley Foundation, wil be "h e pea$ er
folwing the dinner. F0 r se a-

tions, call 6881 before noon.
Congregational Fellowship: All
Congregational students 'and their
friends are invited to attend 'the
party this evening at 9:00. Dancing,
games, and 'refreshments. 'Conor-
ence delegates and others intenered
are also invited to come to Pilgrim
Hall at 7:30 to meet with our Natpli-
al Student Secretary.
Hillel Foundation: The class inYid-
dish will meet'at the Hillel Thurida-
tion this afternoon at^4:30 p.m.
The Hillel Choir will hold its first
regular practice this afternobn , at
4:15 at tbe Foundation. All those
interested are invited to attend.
Conservative services will be held
at the Hillel Foundation tonight at
7:30 with Ronald Friedman, Grad.,
acting as cantor. Prof. Rdbert 4n-
gell Will lead the fireside dscussion
of the subject "Men and Bbks W ch
Have Influenced My"Mind." A'-
cial hour will follow.
Coming Events

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