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November 03, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-03

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leer Sale

To Play For Engineers

On Ball Tickets
Limited Crowd To Hear
Clyde Lucas' Orchestra
In Ballroom Of Union
Tickets for the Engineers' Ball to
be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday,
Nov. 4, in the Union Ballroom are
to go on sale today at booths in both
the East and West Engineering
Announcement of the ticket sale
was made by Cruzan Alexander, '40E,
chairman of the ticket committee.
Members of the Engineering Council
and of the ticket committee will be
at these two booths from 8 a.m. to
3 p.m. today tomanage the sale which
is limited to 350 couples. Alexander
stated that in previous years there
has beenhatcomplete sell-out within a
few hours of the time tickets went on
To purchase tickets, James Brown,
'40E, general chairman of the Ball,
announced today identification cards
must be presented as the sale is limit-
ed to engineers.
The central committee will hold a
dinner at 7:30 p.m. at the Union
prior to the dance. Robert Goodyear,
'40E, in charge of decorations, stat-
ed that the theme of the Ball will
follow a mechanical trend.
Clyde' Lucas's orchestra will play
for the dance and the tickets are
priced at $2.50.

Partiles Scheduled
For OrganizationsI
Delta Tau Delta is having a dinner
from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. today. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Oakes will chaperon.
Members of the Newman Club are
sponsoring a dance from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. today at the Newman Club Audi-
aorium, St. Mary's Chapel. Father
Berry and Prof. and Mrs. Edgar Dur-
fee will be the chaperons.
Dancing, games and refreshments
will be the chief attractions at the
party to be given at 9 p.m. tonight
at the Congregational church. Mar-
garet Hoffer, '40A, will be in charge4
of the party,{

Plan Patriotic
Color Scheme
Line Tables In Red, White
And Blue; Place Cards
To Be Individual Bells
Decorations for Assembly Banquet,
which will be held from 6 p.m. to 8
111.n. Monday in the League ballroom,
.vill use a patriotic color-scheme, de-
iFned to carry out the banquet theme
Declaration of Independents."
Three cardboard figurines, repre-
"enting the three divisions of Assem-
^ly, will ring a large red independ-'
its' bsll which will hang from the
'eiling directly above the speakers'
Red, white and blue stripes will line
"he individual tables, and red, white
and. blue flowers will be placed on
3 he speakers' table. The custom of
using individual place cards will be
uv ved, and this year's cards will be
n the shape of a bell and have the
words "Independent Belle" stencilled
on them.
Barbara Johnson, '40, general
chairman will sound the keynote of
Assembly for the coming year in a
speech that will also carry out the
theme of the banquet. Principal
speaker of the evening will be Prof.
Karl Litzenberg, and short talks will
also be given by Dean Alice C. Lloyd
and Mary Frances Reek, '40, Assem-
bly president.

Ten-pins will fall Monday when
the Women's Athletic Building bowl-
ing alleys open this year.
The alleys will be open from 3:15
p.m. to 6 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m. Monday through Friday and
from 3 p m. to 6 p.m. Saturday.
Due to the interest which was
shown in the sport last year, the Wo-
men's Athletic Associaticn found it
necescary to appont a Bowling Man-
ager to active membership on the
Board. Marion Weiss, '41Ed, is man-
ager this season.
An individual bowling tournament
w:ll begin in the near future, the
date to be announced in the Daily.
Later in the year, a team tournament
will be held, teams being entered
by the various dormitories, sorori-
ties and zones. "It is advisable that
all those who wish to take part in
hese organized activ.ties start prac-
ising as soon as possible," said Miss
Weiss today.
Men, as women's guests, are also
invited to bowl at any time. A fee
of five cents a line afternoons and
McFaul To Be
Gu est Spake

ten cents a line evenings, will be
charged women, while men are
charged 15 cents at either time.
All those interested in bowling,
whether they've had any previous ex-

Bowling alleys To Open Monday

Exchange Dinners Held
Six dormitories, a sorority and a
fraternity entertained with exchange
dinners yesterday. Alpha Phi held
an exchange dinner with Theta Chi,
Betsy Barbour with Wenley house,
Adelia Cheever with Allen-Rumsey
house, and Martha Cook with Wil-
liams house.

Ticket Sale Will C

perience in the sport or
vited to take advantage

not, are in-

Kvj~K~ ~Q~M



European War Produces Shortage.
In Imports To American Merchants

Tickets for the Assembly Bang
will not be sold after noon on Sat
day. Until then they will be on s
at the Assembly Booth in the Leag
They will also be available fi
members of the ticket commil
who will visit all league houses a

General Public Is Invited
To Series OfSpeeches
"Your Voice Is My Business" is the
title of E. A. McFaul's speech which
will be delivered before Alpha Nu
speech society at 7:45 p.m. Friday in
Room 1025 Angell Hall.
McFaul, a prominent radio com-
mentator, will be the opening speaker
of the first of a series of public pro-
grams which Alpha Nu will sponsor
from time to time.
Last Tuesday, after a formal busi-
ness meeting in which Samuel Brum,
'42, and John D: Williams. '43, were
appointed to draft a new constitution
derived from the orginial constitu-
tion of 1843, Edward Clinton, '42; and
Albert Biggans, '42, staged a debate.
The current debate question was re-
solved: 'That the Federal Govern-
ment Should Take Over Control and
Operation of the Railroads.'
It was also announced at the meet-
ing that election of officers for Alpha
Nu is scheduled for 4:15 p.m. Thurs-
day, Nov. 9.

i ,/

N ovembher's

Cet-Aequai iet

What effect is the present Euro-
pean war going to have on American
fashions? This is rapidly becoming
a foremost question in the minds of,
American women. Already buyers
and fashion experts .have been made
aware of the decreasing stock of im-
ported goods in wholesale houses and
of the fact that new orders cannot be
Fortunately- all American women
are not as perplexed about the cause
of this shortage as one misguided in-
dividual, who, after. purchasing to-
matoes at an exhorbitant .war rate;
said in indignation, "You can't tell
me that they are fighting that war
with tomatoes!" Restricted shipping
on the Atlantic, loss due to sunken
ships, the confiscation of factories for
the manufacture of war materials, are
all influencing factors in this phe-
Eastern Materials Needed
The demand for raw. materials for
the manufacturing of war essentials'
not only requires the materials of
Europe; but also. those of the Far
East. This was apparent to buyers
as soon as it became almost impos-
sible to obtain silk lingerie and oth-
er exports from the Orient.
France realizes what it would mean
to her to lose her American markets
and so is attempting to keep those
factories supplying our markets run-
\ MACK'S InC \

ning on normal schedule. However, if
the war goes on, more and more
factories will of necessity be takens
This happened in the last war with
the results that American manufac-'
turers beganto duplicate foreign pro-
ducts. While America in the last few
years has not been, vitally dependent'
upon -Europe for articles of apparel,
we did obtain many of our most1
prized possessions from abroad.
Consult Fashion Experts
To bring this story closer home, we
consulted the fashion representative'
and buyers of one of Ann Arbor's
leading department stores. Here was
revealed the true nature of the short-
age. Women students shopping, for
their coveted Brooks type sweaters
and L'Argyle socks this fall were
warned to buy while there was stock.a
We find that this was no mere ad-:
vertising talk, for very, very scarce if
any is the stock remaining now.
Those lovely hand blocked wool
scarves from Poland are becoming
almost impossible to obtain. Cut-glass
jewelry, pearls and the unbeatable
French gloves, suedes and doeskins,
are also listed as rapidly vanishing
stock which will be. most difficult,
perhaps impossible, to obtain.
While the shortage of French cos-
metics and perfumes has not yet be-
come acute, due to the fact that the
wholesale houses anticipated the
shortage and stocked up, this supply
is limited and is rapidly being sold.
Manufacturers Raise Question
The question here arises as to
whether American women will of
necessity adopt the product of Ameri-
can manufacturers and the styles de-
creed by American designers, or will
there be a tendency for the European
designers and manufacturers to move
their establishments to America for
the duration of the war. As to manu-

facturers there has been nothing to
indicate such plans for the future but
several designers are already coming.
to this country for patrons. One of
these is Bruyere who has scheduled
a fall showing in New York.
Martial trends up .to the present
time .are limited for the most part
to. millinery and ,accessories but de-
signers feel that by' spring war in-
spired simplicity will become domin-
ent in the, whole silhouette. As the
last war .affected fashions. profound--'
ly, ushering in the absurd and tom-
boyish. costumes of the twenties, so
this war will have its effect.
Uniforms To Influence Designs
It is conjectured that the wearing
of uniforms by the majority of Eu-
ropean women will have its influence I
on the design. of American clothes
making them even more severe and
Whether a few foreign designers
come to our country or not, this war
is going to give the American design-
er an opportunity to come to the front
and display their true talents. At
last the local designer is to be given
[credit for his own work. .
American Clothes Gain Prestige
As designers use universal themes
there should be no shortage of in-
spiration in this country and with
New York and Hollywood vying for
the position of fashion center, Ameri-
can fashions should become some-
thing to which American women will
be partial.
To assist in this glorification, for
that is what the local product really
needs, of the American designer, the
women of this country must be pa-
triotic enough to realize and acknowl-
edge the intrinsic value of American
products and transfer their worship
of the Paris creation to one which
bears the more appealing stamp

AFTER MONTHS OF PLANNING, MACK, Inc. are now prepared to present
their "GET-ACQUAINTED SALE," to prove to University students that mer-
chandise from solid, established national firms can be obtained at low prices
from MACK'S. Due to rising market .costs, prices which are being quoted
during this sale will not be available when the present limited supply of
merchandise is exhausted. This is your opportunity to get acquainted with
a great new store, and the best buying opportunity in Ann Arbor.


Pledging Announced
Kappa Kappa Gamma announces
the pledging of Betty Jane Erdmann,
'43, of Detroit.


Here are a few of the items whsch are offered
daring this sensational money-saving festival:



Efll~t A



~ ~ ~~ ~~K\N\MCK SInc W


Cardigan and 1- and 2-button
styles in plaid and tweed.
Regular 6.95 . . . . Now $3.89
Colorful plaids and non-saggable
jerseys. "Carole King Juniors"
Reg. 7.95 and 10.95 ... Now $5
New weaves in every color in
slipover and Sloppy Joe styles.
Reg. 2.95...... .Now $1.89
Pleated and gored styles. Mix 'em
and match 'em with your sweaters
Reg. 2.95 . . . . . . Now $1.89
Skirt and shirt dress that is a
winner for class and sports wear.
Reg. 6.50 . . . . Now 3.89
Beautifully tailored tweeds with
unusual style details. Sizes 12
to 18.
Reg. 19.95 . . . . . . Now 6.95
Zipper and wrap-around styles.
In royal blue, navy, wine and
brown. All sizes.
Reg. 6.95......... Now 4.89
Expertly tailored of fine feather-
weight flannel.. Shirt is an in-or-
outer. Missy sizes.
Reg. 6.50 . . . . . Now 4.95
May be attached to any radio.
Listen to your favorite artists at
a moment's notice!
Reg. 9.95 . . . . . Now 5.95
Why not drop in to our SOUND-
PROOF BOOTH and listen to your
favorite swingster or maestro? No
charge . . . and you're always wel-

From 1morn 'til Night
Wooly, warm gloves that will
keep hands warm on the coldest
winter days.
Reg. 1.69 . . . . . . Now 1.39
Plain or multi-colored. Large
enough to wear as a scarf or
around your head.
Reg. $1 . . . .. Now 89c
Of soft part wool with Bermuda
too for perfect fit. All.the new
fall shades.
Reg.50c . . . . . Now 39e
Tailored of fine lisle. With collars
and ski bottom trousers. Warmth
without weight. Variety of shades.
Reg. 1.98 . . . . ._. Now'1.69

Leather, enamel and n
in a wide variety of s
and sizes,
Reg,.,$1 ......

netal cases
shapes and
Now 50c.


Untrimmed Coat

We Have Your Favorite
In Your Favorite Hosiery
Choosey our own pet hosierr
shade today from our dazl i4g
pallette of new fall colorsi
Remember -they're desInd
expressly to make you and
your costume the lovelieri

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New hour glass silhouettes in
dressy wools. Chic all-occasion
coats in black, wine and green
There are many other fitted and
boxy styles tailored of fine fleeces,
plaids and tweeds that are per-
feet for sports. Misses and Junior
Every coat is unconditionally
guaranteed for two season's

Of chintz or unbleached muslin
with double drawstring and eye-
lets for hanging bag.
Reg. 69c . . . . . Now 53c
Extra size- capes that will protect
your dresses. In white, pink and
Reg. 25c . . . . . . . Now 21c
and a 39c bottle of Hinds Lotion
Now 39c

; ,

Light flashes against dark'
. to focus attention .. .on
BRENTMOOR'S fascinating
newest! Exciting to wear ..
a z - -L find

..4 h.10 y



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