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November 01, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-01

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-mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

t Maraniss
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Editorial Stafff
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The editorials published in The Michigan
4Daily are written by members of The Paily
staff and 'represent the views of the writers
The Challenge
To Civilization ...
N AN EDITORIAL recapitulation of
' tendencies of American thought ex-,
pressed at its recently concluded Forum, the
theme of which was "The Challenge to Civiliza-
tion," the New York Herald-Tribune advances
the carefully considered opinion that the Ameri-
can mind has become "remarkably aware of the
widely-diffused effects of a world war upon the
. Whether the topic was education, or science,
or the cost of government, or economics in gen-
eral, or the practical problems of business in
particular, the Herald-Tribune sagely observes
no speech could escape the impact of the com-
bat upon American affairs. Omnipresent in the
sessions, it was found, was the resolve of the
country to maintain neutrality and remain at
peace. What most warmed the expansive hearts
of the editors of the Herald-Tribune, however,
was the "recognition" by most of the speakers of
a profound spiritual bond with the democratic
Sixty full pages of its Sunday edition wer
devoted by the editors to reprinting in full the
Foruim speeches:. interspersed in. this .encyclo-
pedic manifestation of service to the embattled
forces of humanity were occasional full-page
advertisements by United States Steel, General
Motors, Du Pont, the National Association of
Manufacturers, and other groups interested in
defending civilization "as we know it" from per-
ishing from the earth.
The most striking impression to be gathered
from the recorded speeches is the unanimity of
feeling that, despite our profound desire for
peace, sooner or later, and the sooner the better,
we had better throw all our natural and human
resources on the side of the Allies. To hear such
exhortations from the Dowager Marchioness of
Reading, or Lord Lothian, or Jean Giradoux,
French Commissioner of Information, or Count
Jerzy Potocki, is only to be expected. And it is
not all surprising to find Dorothy Thompson,
the one-woman gang, or Colonel Louis A. John-
son, the author of the Mobilization Day Plan,
a shining exemplification of the work of "free
men," or General Robert E. Wood, of the War
Resources Board urging us to prepare for our
divine mission. But it is a signal for great alarm
to find most of our elected representatives, in-
eluding the President, preparing the /way for
our - eventual involvement by repeating the
emotion-laden platitudes so assiduously being
propagated by the war-mongers.
No clearer indication of the attitude toward
war and peace that the Herald-Tribune was try-
ing to solicit can be found than in the speeches
of the men who were asked to interpret the
domestic scene. These men were charged with
the delicate and disgusting task of preparing the
proper psychology for war. Stanley High ur-
banely condones the Dies Committee; Sidney
Hook piously invokes the Bill of Rights to cover
a vicious attack on the Cotmittee for Intellec-
tual Freedom; Benjamin Stolberg and Matthew
Woll hasten to assure Mr. Chamberlain that,
except for a couple of million recalcitrants,
American labor is ready to give its last drop of
blood in defense of the British Empire; Hamil-
ton Fish Armstrong wails that if we don't hurry
up and defend Western civilization we won't be
able to read Chaucer much longer.
The challenge to American civilization, as wp

Browder And The YCL
To the Editor:
On the editorial page of the October twenty-
seventh issue of The Daily, there appears a lette
signed by the Executive Committee of the Young
Communist League. The authors charge that
the arrest of Earl Browder, the general secretary
of the Communist Party of America, on charges
of violation of the passport laws is "an act of
political persecution." They further quote from
a statement of Browder himself to the effect that
the use of assumed names on passports has been,
and probably still is, a practice which, although
contrary to law, has been resorted to by many
persons against whom the government has never
thought of bringing charges. I regret that a
man who has been shown to be a servant of a
foreign government bent on destroying our form
of government should have to be brought into
court on what is obviously a "fixed charge." The
episode reminds one of the sending of Alphonse
Capone to prison for income tax evasion.
The Executive Committee proceeds, however,
to a blast at the attack on Communism which,
were it not amusing for its evidence of what we
may charitably term naiveness, would be just
a disgusting example of the rotten hypocrisy of
the whole communist movement in America to-
day. I quote from their letter,
"It is precisely because the Communist
Party of all countries are the only ones who
are consistently working for peace that the
Fascist dictatorship in Germany had to out-
law the Communist Party and imprison and
execute its leaders before they could carry
out their war plans."
Was the Communist despotism in Russia work-
ing for "peace" when it made the pact with Nazi
Germany which gave Hitler the confidence to
launch his campaign of frightful death and de-.
struction on Poland? For what "peace" was the
Communist oligarchy of Russia working when
it obtained military and naval- bases from Lat-
via, Estonia, and Lithuania upon the threats of
force? For what "peace" is the Communist dic-
tator of Russia striving today as he rattles the
sword in the direction of Finland-a' country
which is a democracy in contrast to the Soviet
despotism? Soviet Russia, having taken half of
Poland, offers the typically Nazi justification of
the "liberation of an oppressed people." Since
Stalin and his fellow nationalist thugs have de-
cided to join with the Nazis in a -world-wide at-
tack on liberty and democracy, it is only
natural, I suppose, that they should adopt Nazi
I am not one of those who advocate the denial
of the rights of free speech, free press, and free
assembly to the American Communists. I be-
lieve that the denial of these fundamental demo-
cratic rights to any group would be a dangerous
precedent for our government to set. Once these
rights are denied to the Communists or the pro-
Nazi groups, the enemies of the democratic way
would soon be pressing for the denial of them to
other groups, perhaps labor unions. I believe
that the American people can best combat the
menace of Stalinist imperialism by giving the
servants of that cause in America a free hand to
expose themselves. An enemy in plain view is
less dangerous than one fighting under cover.
I believe-and I sincerely hope-that many of
our "young Communists" will, as they leave col-
lege and become free of the constant pressure of
Soviet propaganda with which they are now de-
luged, realize also, that, if they choose to become
tools of Stalin's American lieutenants, they are
committed to the perpetration of any act of out-
right treason against our government which
their superiors see fit to command of them. They
may never be called upon to stir up insurrection
in the armed forces of the nation or to sabotage
a factory under government supervision, but
they had better ask themselves now whether or
not they would be willing to go the whole way for
the achievement of Soviet Russia's aims.
-Edward L. Anderson, Grad.
An Apology To The British?
London, England
Oct. 1, 1939
I have seen an issue of your paper with an
article entitled, "British Hollow Guarantees,"
based on the fallacy, common among Americans,

that His Majesty's Government had some com-
mitment to the late Government of Czechoslo-
vakia of which the Munich agreement was a
The British had no such commitment. If they
had obligation, it was of the sort shared by all
nations, including the United States, and any
censure they incurred was incurred equally by
all the world.
Having published such a writing, based as it
was on prejudice and ignorance, you may see
fit to publish one based in the main on facts
that have been demonstrated in the last three
The first fact is that you owe Mr. Neville
Chamberlain and the Britishpeople an apology.
The second refers to that great political entity
which I have seen referred to in America as
"That Empire upon which the sun appears to be
about to set!" Far from this being so, the out-
break of the war has shown that it is stronger
than it ever was.
Soon after the last war, Canada, Australia,
New Zealand and South Africa were released
from every tie to England save the common
crown. They are free from British rule as is the
U.S.A. Yet six days after England made war
on the Nazis they had all declared support.
There is a further, sister, body, that great
spread of territories, creeds and races, ruled
from London, called the British Empire and

chronic malcontents and haters to which the
name of the writer of your article would indi-
cate that he belongs.
The third fact is that, of the world of free men,
England is still the heart and life. For all its
vast potential strength, the U.S.A. politically
is too amorphous and myopic to assume that
lead without which it grows clear aggression
must devour the world.
At once, when England yielded up her leader-
ship in favour of the League of Nations, tyranny
began to spread, and it went on until the English
once more took the lead. The day began the
series of increasing checks that culminated in
the present war.
The fourth fact is that of the hypocricies of
which America has throughout the years accused
the British, none has been greater than the
one inherent in the attitude of the U.S.A. toward
this war.
America wants Hitler smashed, because she
knows that, otherwise, she must soon chose
between an economic retreat to within her bor-
ders or a fight with him-alone.
When the acceptance by the Allies of this
struggle was in doubt, America was apprehensive,
when it grew sure, she was relieved, and if the
Allies made peace now the country would re-
sound with censure couched in the highest moral
The current bother in the U.S.A. about 'neu-
trality' provides the effort of a flustered and self-
conscious people both from the world and from
themselves to hide the plain fact that their
motive is the selfish and material one. Desiring
to see Hitler licked, they are concerned to do
all possible toward that end without incurring
cost or risk but the condition is most galling to
their conscience and their self-respect.
Their right to take their own stand no one
here in England questions but the picture must
evoke its thoughts, and British thoughts in-
clude the following.
Contrasting America's present tone with that
of criticisms freely made of British policies from
Manchukuo to Munich, they wonder how her
people reconcile these opposites.
They deplore as morbid a state of mind that,
while holding virtuously aloof, permits the ex-
ploitation of the agony of Europe in sadistic
detail as a sort of circus by the radio and press.
And experience assures them that, if the posi-
tions were reversed, if they were in America's
position and she in theirs, she would be calling
them some nasty names.
I am, sir, Yours faithfully,
Allan Swinton
Jt feemr to-Ae
It seems to me that Pope Pius XII spoke elo-
quently to men and women of many faiths in
his encyclical. He spoke for peace, but in terms
of security for all the world. Decidedly he gave
no aid and comfort to the philosophy, "Let them
stew their own juice." Nor did he condone the
immorality of broken pledges and treaties swept
aside by sudden force of arms. And yet the
spiritual head of the Catholic Church was both
forceful and crystal clear in dashing the hope
that international brotherhood may be achieved
through the triumph of arms.
"To hope for a decisive change exclusively
from the shock of war is idle," said the Pope, "as
experience shows. The hour of victory is an hour
of external triumph for the party to whom vic-
tory falls, but it is, in equal measure, the hour
of temptation. In this hour the angel of justice
strives with the demons of violence: the heart
of the victor all too suddenly is hardened; moder-
ation and fair-seeing wisdom appear to him
weakness; the excited passions of the people,
often inflamed by the sacrifices and sufferings
they have borne, obscure the vision of even re-
sponsible persons and make them inattentive 4.
the warning voice of humanity and equity which
is drowned in the inhuman cry, 'Vae Victis-Woe
to the conquered.' There is danger lest settle-
ments and decisions borne in such conditions be
nothing else than injustice under the cloak of

* * *
The neutrals have nothing to gain by a con-
tinuance of the war and everything to lose.
Even any shabby hope of financial profit is
illusory in the long run. It may be said that
few of the nations which lie outside the whirl-
pool are wholly neutral in their judgment. Even
so, they are less wracked by passion than the
countries which fight. And that tide of h
among the combatants is certain to increase
rather than diminish. And so it does not seem
to me that the spokesmen for those lands be-
yond the present area of dlaughter should wait
for hints or official requests from the combatants
before making precise, practical and immediate
suggestions for a peace conference. There is, to
be sure, the tragic contingency that a true will
to peace may be lacking in some belligeren%#
quarters. Obviously the early advantage lies
with Hitler, and there has been small note of
pacifism in his more recent addresses.
Accordingly, I hope that the House will not
delay long in lifting the arms embargo, for if
it fails to do so there is the distinct chance that
the Fuehrer may choose to press forward rather
than listen to any voice of reason. When the
conference comes it must be broad enough in
its scope to mean that we are not going back to
the Old World, and that all the nations will re-
° ,... ....,..-1 4-y.. 1-n crQ o " - -nv A c .- --r -

Each generation is entitled to at
least one great Shakespearean actor
and from that actor one great
Hamlet. It may be that our gener-
ation has not yet produced that actor
and that Hamlet but if he has not
yet come he will have a high standard
already set when he does by the
Hamlet of Maurice Evans that opened
at the Cass Theatre in Detroit Mon-
day night.
For the more than four hours that
the uncut version ran Evans gave a
consistent and masterful perform-
ance. Blessed by a voice that is a
magnificent thing in itself, he added
to it an acting skill and a sensitive-
~ness of interpretation that gave to
the near-capacity audience, not only
the exploding beauty of great poetry,
but a complete, and because it was
complete, a deeply tragic Hamlet.
There must be a temptation to all
actors who play the part to "read
down" the lines that are just lines so
that the great and familiar speeches
will seem masterpieces in virtuosity.
Evans did not succumb to that temp-
tation and what he may have lost in
curtain calls he more than made up
for in the deep appreciation of those
for whom the character of Hamlet
has become part of the intellectual
"mores" of the modern world.
The New York critics declared,
after the Broadway performance that
if there was a fault it lay in the over-
'vigorousness of Evan's characteriza-
tion. Either Evans has corrected that
fault if it were really there or else
that whole body of critics had adopt-
ed the "sentimental" view of Ham-
let's character that was current
among the less discerning nineteenth
century critics. Hamlet's character
as Evans interprets it is essentially
that of an intellectual and sensitive
- but physically vigorous man who, in
the numbing sorrow and disillu-
sionment at his father's death and
his mother's hasty and . incestuous
marriage, has become temporarily in-
capable of action. He does not suc-
ceed in making the assumption. of
madness completely credible, as who
could, but once in he wrings from it
every bit of its dramatic effect. And
for those of the Ann Arbor audience
who needed such proof, he proved
that the - Shakespeare of the stage
and not the Shakespeare of "closet"
scholarship is the real one.
If there was a flaw in Evans' per-
formance, it lay in his very versa-
tility. The rapidity and intensity with
which he shifted from mood to mood,
from motionless sorrow to passionate
conviction, is marvelously effective in
making clear the succeeding con-
trasts and conflicts within the mind
of Prince Hamlet but that very rap-
idity sometimes appears to obscure
the deeper currents of tragedy in
whose sweep he is caught. Insofa %
as Hamlet is a tragedy of character
(and it is mostly that) Evans inter-
prets it perfectly. But when, as it
sometimes does, it tragically tran-
scends the character of its hero this
Hamlet is something short of per-
fection. The play as given is a com-
plete one but it is not quite all of
Shakespeare's Hamlet.
It is a tribute to Margaret Web-
ster's direction that there was never
once a lag in the fine pace with which
'the play started. For audiences who
are used to two hours of drama as a
maximum dose the four hours of
'Hamlet could easily have been an ex-
hausting experience had it not been
so skillfully directed. David Ffolkes
sets were no small - factor either in
maintaining that pace. He combined
a brilliance of color and line with a
kind of thematic treatment that
made his sets an almost integral part
of the play's structure.
Mady Chritsians, as the Queen,
gave a very fine performance. She,

like Evans, was able, with every line
and gesture to depict the process of
a tortured mind. Carmen Mathews
as Ophelia was convincingly sweet
and convincingly mad. Henry Ed-
wards as Claudius declaimed rather'
than spoke many of his lines and
somehow fell short as a tragic antag-
onist. George Graham in the part
of Polonius should, I believe, pay more
heed to Shakespeare's own lines on
to set on some quantity of
barren spectators though in the
meantime some necessary matter of
the play be then to 'be considered
The rest of cast gave generally
good performances. Take it for all
in all, it was a play.
Pan-American Athletics j
If-as now seems probable-the
European war will prevent the hold-
ing of the 1940 Olympic Games in
Helsingfors, the games will not be
held elsewhere, it is announced. They
will be canceled. In their stead, the
American Olympic Committee is con-
sidering holding a series of Pan-
American games to bring representa-
tive groups of North, South and Cen-
tral American athletes into competi-
In view of the reawakened inter-
est on both the North and South'
American continents to the impor-
tane of iner dinnmatic, nmmer-


(Continued from Page 3),

Rochdale Cooperative House
Roger Williams Guild
Rover Crew
Sailing Club
Scabbard and Blade
Scalp and Blade
Scandinavian Club
Senior Society
Sigma Alpha Iota
Sigma Delta Chi
*Sigma Eta Chi-
Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Sigma Rho Tau
Socialist House
Society of Automotive Engineers
Society of Industrial Lawyers
Students Senate
Suomi Club
Tau Beta Pi
Tau Epsilon Rho
Tau Kappa Epsilon"
Tau Sigma Delta
Theta Phi Alpha
Theta Sigma Phi
ST'oastmasters Club
* Transportation Club
Varsity 'M' Club
Wesleyan Guild
Westminster Guild
Wolverine Student Coop.
Women's Athletic Association
*Young People's Socialist League
Zeta Phi Eta
Academic Notices
Department of Mathematics Staff
Bleeting will be held Thursday at 4:15
p.m., in 3201 A.H.
Preliminary Examination for the
Ph.D. in English on American Litera-
ture with Continental Backgrounds
will be given today, 9-12 a.m., 3223
Twilight Organ Recital: Tom Kin-
kead, instructor in organ, will inaugu-
rate this season's series of organ re-
citals, this afternoon at 4:15 p.m
in Hill Auditorium. The gen-
eral public, with the exception o
small children, is invited without ad-
mission charge, but is respectfully re-
quested to be seated on time.
The second lecture in the series on
Marriage Relations will be given to
night in the Rackham Lecture Hall
Identification cards are necessary fo
Todays Events
Future Teachers of America meet-
ing: Those who have been contacte
regarding this organization are aske(
to meet at 4 p.m. today in the Gradu-
ate Education Library of the Elemen-
tary School.
Zeta Phi Eta tryouts today will b
held from 7-9:15 p.m. today in 402
Angell Hall. Prepare a two-minut
speech of your own choice.
Chemical Engineering Seminar: Mr
D. J. Girardi will be the speaker a
the Seminar for graduate students i
Chemical and Metallurgical Engin
eering today at 4 o'clock in Room
3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject i
"Determination of the Equilibrium
Constant for the Reaction Cu plu
CO 2 equals Cu 2 0 plus CO."
A.S.M.E.: There will be a meetin
of the society at 7:30 tonght at th
Union. Mr. John Airey, President o
the King Seeley Corporation, an
former professor of the College o
engineering, will speak on "An En
gineering Education as a Preparatio
for Manufacturing." All mechanica
engineers are invited to attend.
Sigma Eta Chi, regular meetin
this evening. - A short busines

meeting will be followed by a talk by
Margaret Ayres on her camp exper
iences of this last summer. All mem
bers and pledges please be present as
the usual hour of 8 p.m.
B otanical Seminar will meet today
at 4:30 p.m. in Room 1139, N.S. Bldg
A paper will be given by Wm. Ran
dolph Taylor: "The Allan Hancock
Expedition of 1939 to Central America
and the Southern Caribbean." .
Cercle Francais: There will be -
wienie roast today at the Island. Th
group will meet at 6:30 p.m. in fron
of the Romance Language Building
In case of rain, the meeting will b
held at 7:30 p.m. in 408 R.L. Th
new mempbers will be initiated.
Drum and Bugle Corps Practic
will, take place this evening at 7:30
p.m. All members, both new and old
are expected to attend.
Algebra Seminar: Will meet toda
at 4 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Mr. Komm
will continue his talk on "Ideals ina
Quadratic Field," and Miss Wolfe wil
sneak onn "Evaluation Theory."

together" meeting tonight at 7:30 on
the fourth floor of Angell Hall in the
Alpha Nu Room. A debate will be
held on the current question: "Re-
solved: That the Federal Government
Should Take Over the Operations of
the Railroad." All freshmen or up-
perclassmen interested in joining
Alpha Nu should endeavor to attend.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Professor
Kasimir Fajans will speak on "M-
lecular Refraction and Chemical
Assembly Banquet Central Commit-
tee Meeting to be held at 4 p.m. to-
day, in the Council Room of- the
The Peace Commissionof the
American Student Union .will hold a
meeting in the Union at 5 p.m. today,
JGP Central Committee Meeting
at 4 p.m. this afternoon at the League.
Please bring Eligibility Cards.
Michigan Dames: The Bridge
group will meet at the League this
evening at 8 o'clock. The room will
be posted on the bulletin board. All
Dames who play bridge or want to
learn are welcome.
All Forestry Club Members: There
will be a Forestry Club meeting to-
night at 7:30 p.m. Professor Bart-
lett of the Botany"Dept. will speak on
"A Trip Through Formosa." Pre-
foresters are urged to come.
The Lutheran Student Association
Bible Hours will be held this evening
at 7 p.m. in the Michigan League.
The second hour will be held at 9p.m.
in Couzens Hall. The Rev. Henry O.
Yoder, pastor for Lutheran Students,
is, in charge..- This Bible study is open
to all students.
Avukah will have its regular busi-
ness meeting at 7:30 tonight at the
Coming Events ,
f Engineering Mechanics Colloquium:
"Review of Literature" by L. C.
Maugh. "Prediction of Ship Power
from Model Tests," by L. A. Baier,.
Meeting in Room 314 W. Engineering
Annex on Thursday Nov- 2, at 4:15
p.m. Anyone interested is cordially
ninvited to attend.
. Political Science Round Table: The
r first meeting will be held Thursday,
Nov. 2, at 4 p.m. at the Rackham
Upper Peninsula Students: You are
- cordially invited, to attend the Upper
d Peninsula Students' Mixer, sponsored
d by the Hiawatha Club, which is to be
- held on Thursday evening, Nov. 2,
- from 8 to 10 o'clock, in the Michigan
League Ballroom. The program, which
includes dancing, refreshments, and
e games, is free to women, and 25 cents
8 to men without membership cards,
e which may be purchased at the door.
Come up and meet your fellow-North-
t The Theatre Arts dance committee
n will have a meeting at 5:15 p.m.,
- Thursday, in the League.
s Zoology Seminar: Mr. Alfred Perl-
n mutter will report on "Variation of
s American North Atlantic Marine
Fishes Correlated with the Environ-
ment" on Thursday, Nov. 2, at 7:30
g p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
e ham Bldg.
d The "Round Table Discussion" on
f "Light" to be held in connection with
- the Michigan-Life Conference on New
n Technology a n d Transportation,
a scheduled for the Michigan Union
Friday morning, Nov. 3, will bb held

in the large auditorium of the Rack-
g ham Building in order to provide ade-
s quate facilities for the demonstrations
y of polarized light and of safety glass.
- It .is therefore possible to extend an
- invitation to members of the faculty
a and students who may be interested
in attending this meeting. Admission
tickets may be obtained upon request
y from the Secretary of the Engineer-
. ng College in the West Engineering
- Building, Secretary- of the Physics
k Department in the Physics Building,
a the Secretary of the Transportation
Department, or of the Chemical En-
;ineering Department in the East En-
a gineering Building.
e The program, Nov. 3, Rackham Au-
t ditorium:
. 9:30 a.m. "Street and Highway Il-
e 'umination"-Kirk M. Reid, Illuminat-
e tng Engineer, Nela Park Department,
General Electric Company.
9:55 a.m.'"Proper Illumination and
e Safety," Louis Schrenk, Chief En-
o gineer, Public, Lighting Commission,
1, Detroit, Michigan.
10:15 a.m. "Indirect Highway
Lighting," G. Donald Kennedy, Depu-
y ty Commissioner, Michigan State
n Highway Department.
a 10:35 a.m. "Polarized Light"' (dem-
1 onstration) Edwin H. Land, Presi-
dent and Chairman of the Board,

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