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November 01, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-01

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By June McKee
Television was delved into Tuesday'
when Mr. Lawrence visited Prof. Wal-
do Abbot's broadcasting class. -Here
from the R.C.A. Company to pre-
pare for the television demonstra-
tion Friday in Hill Auditorium, Mr.
Lawrence had much of import to im-
part in his interview with Jerome
Wiesner, Chief Radio Technician.
The intricacies of television lighting,
make-up, and illusion-creating he
disclosed, and discussed the problems
of pick-up, .production expense, andI
"vidio" effecting.-.
Television, Mr. Lawrence declared,
is difficult for those with analytical
jobs like sports announcing, and is
probably less eye-fatiguing than
movies-especially when the subject
"looks as well as it listens." He de-
scribed the mikes' positions outside
camera range, rehearsals that run
eight to fifteen times the program
length, and heat effects of working
under arc-lights. About 3,000 tele-
vision sets are on the New York mar-
ket, he revealed, and 20,000 in Lon-
don, where development first began.
Right now, sets retail from $600 down
to $200.

Those Interested


On Flying lasses
May Now 'Sit In'
A new ruling announced yesterday
by the Civil Aeronautics Authority
provides that the CAA groundschool
instruction will not be restricted to
civilian pilot trainees.
Students who desire the ground-
school training may gain permis-
sion to "sit in" on the classes from
Prof. Emerson W. Conlon of the
aeronautical engineering department
in East Engineering Building.,
There are two sections, meeting at
6;45 and 7:45 p.m. Monday, Wednes-
day and Friday in Room 1042, East
Engineering Building. During the
groundschool, which will continue
throughout the first semester, 72
hours of instruction will be given on
all the major phases of flying, in-
cluding classes in navigation, air-
plane engines, air regulations, meteor-
ology and instruments.
French Group
Plans Initi aion
Ceremony To Take Place
For 23 Newcomers



NOV. 1, 1939
No. 33

Students, School of Dentistry: There
will be an Assembly this afternoon at
4:15 in the Upper Amphitheatre. Col.
Henry W. Miller will speak on "Pres-
ent War Strategy in Europe."
All dental students and hygienists
are required to be present.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts. Courses dropped
after Saturday, November 4, by stu-
dents other than freshmen. will be
recorded E. Freshmen (students with
less than 24 hours of credit) may
drop courses without penalty through
the eighth week. Exceptions may be
made in extraordinary circumstances,
such as severe or long continued ill-
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts may ob-
tain their five-week progress reports
in the Academic Counselors' Office,
Room 1708 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12
a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according
to the following schedule:

application at the office of the School
of Education, 1437 U.E.S.J
Presidents of Student Organizations
should report the names ,titles and
classes of all officers to the Dean of
Students, Room 2, University Hall,
not later than Nov. 3. The following
is a list of student organizations as
now approved in the Office of the
Dean of Students. Any organization
which does not furnish the required
information in writing by Nov. 3 will
be considered no longer in existence.
Any active organization not listed
should apply for official recognition
at once.
The asterisk indicates the organiza-
tions which have their officers for
1939-40 now on file.
List of officers now on file.
All-Campus Peace Committee


Alpha Gamma
Delta Chi
Gamma Sigma
Kappa Alpha
Kappa Delta
Lambda Delta
Omega Alpha
Phi Alpha
Inst. of Electrical

Useful Yet Steeped In Mstery
Are The Tunnels Under Campus
Steam, Water, Air And Gas ment, contain feed- and return-lines
Are Conved Through for soft hot water, steam and com-
Undernd etwork pressed air.
rgroun. Completed In 1894
By WTLIAlWNEWTON The first brick-lined tunnel was
The gaping hole in the sidewalk completed in 1894, Pardon pointed
near Tappan Hall is not the entrance out, and construction has gone on
to Hades or a chamber of horrors but ever since that time. The work now
only one of the many ways into the being done, which necessitates. the
steam-line tunnels which honey- opening of the tunnel, is an enlarge-
'comb the ground under the campus, ient of the tunnel which runs be-
Edward C. Pardon, Superintendent of tween the ROTC Building and Alum-
Buildings ,and Grounds, said yester-
day. ni Memorial Hall, he'added,
These tunnels-three and one half In case anyone wishes to see the
miles of them-run from the power tunnels from the inside "looking out,"
house, located between the Health said Pardon, he should drop in at the
Service and Couzens Hall, to all of the
Univrsity buildings with the excep- su-, wher rm Gyn
tion.of those around Ferry Field, he siu, where the engineers will be
continued. glad to show him around.
Many students have suggested that
the heating tunnels would be a good
place for a murder, said James N. A~erflaf l l
Galbraith, foreman of; heating and
plumbing. They think that now, but
back in the old days they carried H o d M1
the idea into action.-in a mild way,
he added.
Big Doings Singing And Illustrated
The tunnel connecting Waterman Talk Entertain Group
Gymnasium and the Homeopathic
Building was the scene of "big do-
ings" one night of a freshman ban- Arno Heyn, '41, gave an illustrated
quet in the gym. The toastmaster, lecture on German Landscapes last
Galbraith explained, was brought to night at the second meeting of the
the banquet through the tunnel, thor- year of the Deutscher Verein, stu-
oughly encased in a coffin-just by dent German organization, Gertrude
way of a lark. Frey, '41, president, said.
All went well, he continued, until singing of German folksongs and
after the 'banquet, -when some of the a short business meeting followed the
bolder spirits of the freshman class talk, and plans were tentatively laid
decided to go through the tunnel to for a Deutscher Verein amateur hour
the powerhouse and pull the electric to be held In the near future. The
switches to cast the entire campus next meeting will be featured by Ger-
in darkness. However, some of the man folk dancing.
employes frustrated the attempt. Students interested in speaking and
In more serious vein, Pardon ex- singing in German are invited to join
plained that the tunnels, all approxi- the organization which . meets ap-
mately seven feet and six inches proximately every two weeks, Miss
square in cross-sectional measure- Frey said.

Movies, a lecture, and actual broad-
cast will all help television make its
initial bow here in Hill Auditorium
In today's broadcasting, "Collegi-
ate Quiz" brings up more question
rounds for the pleasure and ponder-
ing of cast and contestants at 2:45
p.m., over WJR. Maggie Soenksen,
Grad., AdaGoldman, '40, and Frank
Firnschild, '40, still care for the ,con-
tinuity. John Gelder '40, will master,
the ceremonies and your columnist,
Then WJR broadcasts a special ses-
sion of Sport News at 3:30 p.m. today.
Tom Harmon, '41, and Mel Fineberg,
'40, are again atthe helm, along
with Stan Swinton, '40


Le Cercle Francais will initiate its
new members late today with a weiner
roast at the Island, weather permit-
The group will meet in front of
the Romance Language Building at
6:30 p.m. In case of rain the meet-
ing will be held at _7:30.,,
The students who fulfilled the try-
out requirements were Elsie Jensen,
'42; Eleanor Andem, Grad.; Eliza-
beth Lightner, '41; Fay Hootkins,
'42SM; Elizabeth Roberts, '40; Glen
Kolb, '41; Barbara Suffrin, '42; Eliz-
abeth Farrell, '41; Georges Sabagh,
'42; ;Bruce .Forbes, '42; Marion May-
er, '41; Jane Dettinger, Grad.; Doro-
thy Gilliam, '41; Jean Gardiner,
Grad.; Helen Crawford, Grad., and
George Reynolds, '43.
Others announced by the pres
dent, Mollie Allinson, were Lois Buck-
heit, '40, ,Katherine Rumisek, '42,
Margaret Cleary, '40, Mariam Smith,
'41, Norma Bennett, '41, June Larson,
'41, and Helen Shimoura, '41.
The new members were given try-
outs to test their ability to converse
in French, by Professor Talamon, the
sponsor of the club, Professor Koella,
and the officersof theclub.'

Surnames beginning
Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Surnames beginning
Thursday, Nov. 2.
Surnames beginning
Friday, Nov. 3.

A through G,
H through 0,
P through Z,j

Eleanor Hazzard Peacock,
Internationally Recognized
Singer, Teacher, Lecturer
Vocal Studio
"An artist of quite extraordinary
. degree. Her voice is pure, sweet,
infinitely pleasing, thoroughly well
trained, free from all affectation,
and consistently clear and true."
-Los Angeles Express
1808 Hermitage Road
Ann Arbor, Michigan



Trials For Male Cast Today
Trials for men's parts in the Chil-
dren's Theatre play will be held at'
4 p.m. today in the rehearsal room of
the League, Richard McKelvey, head.
of the Childrens Theatre, announced;

School of Education Students, other
than freshmen: Courses dropped af-
ter Saturday, Nov. 4, will be recorded
with the grade of E except under ex-
traordinary circumstances. No course
is considered officially dropped un-
less it has' been reported in the office
of the Registrar, Room 4, University
Public Health Nursing Certificate:
Students expecting to receive the
Certificate in Public Health Nursing
in February or June 1940 must make
Sixteen Endeavor
To Win Debate Title
If numbers mean anything in a
debate, then Michigan should have
a good chance to regain the Big Ten
title which she lost last year, for 16
-members are now working on the
question concerning government con-,
trol of the railroads in anticipation
of the first conference debate at the
University of Illinois, Wednesday,
Nov. 15 in Champaign.
Men who have turned their eligi-
bility card to Arthur Secord, debate
coach, are: Robert N. Arthur, '42E,
Wendell P. Baker, '42, Arthur Big-
gins, '42, Erwin R. Bowers, '41, Edgar
Clinton, '41, George R. Eves, '41, Irv-
ing Gerson, '40, Fred Herschman,
'42, John Huston, '41, Chester Mys-
licki, '42, Karle E. Olson, '40, Sey-
mour E. Podolsky, '42, William Muehl,
'41, Walter Rosenberg, '41, William
Kinger, '42 and Russell Braga, '41.
Dean Stason To Discuss
Law Vocation Tomorrow
The first of the Vocational Guid-
ance Series talks, which was erron-
eously announced as being yesterday,
will be held at 4:30, tomorrow in the
small ballroom of the Union. Dean
E. Blythe Stason of the Law School
will discuss law as a profession. The
meeting will be in conjunction with
a regular Union Coffee Hour.

Phone 3629


Amer. Inst. Mining & Metallurgical
Amer. Society of Civil Engineers
Amer. Society of Mechanical En-
America Student Union
*Anti-War Committee
Armenian Student Association
Art Cinema League
Cercle Francais
Chinese Society of Chem. Industry
Chinese Student Club
,Chi Rho Sigma
Christian Science Organization
Delta Sigma Rho
*Deutscher Verein
Eastern Society
Engineering Council
Engineering Honor Committee
Eta Kappa Nu
F. F. Fraternity
Flying Club, U. of M.
*Forestry Club, U. of M.
Freshman Glee Club
Gamma Alpha
Gamma Delta
Girls Glee Club
Glee Club, Varsity
Graduate Club in Education
Graduate History Club
Graduate Outing Club
Graduate Student Council
Hiawatha Club
Hillel Foundation
Hillel Players
Inst. of Aeronautical Sciences
Interfraternity Council
Inter-Guild Council
Iota Alpha
Iota Sigma Pi
Kappa Kappa Psi
Kappa Phi
La Sociedad Hispanica
Lawyers Club
Lawyers Liberal Club
Les Voyageurs
Men's Judiciary Council
Metropolitan Clubs
*Michigan Christian Fellowship
*Mu Phi Epsilon
Newman Club
Nippon Club
Omega Psi Phi
Omega Upsilon
Outdoor Club
Phi Delta Kappa
*Phi Epsilon Kappa
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi. Lambda Kappa
Phi Lambda Upsilon
Phi Sigma
Philippine Michigan Club
Philosophy Club
Phi Tau Alpha
*Physical Education Club (Men's)
Pi Lambda Theta
*Pi Tau Pi Sigma
Polish Engineering Society
Polonia Circle
Quarterdeck Society
Rho Chi Society
Robert Owen Cooperative House
(Continued on Page 4)

CLASSIFIED TYPING-Experience. Miss Alle
A DVE RT ISING 408S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2930<
RATES 2-1416.
Effective as of February 14, 1939 TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 41
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more insertions. Killins Gravel Company. Phon
Minimum of 3 lines per inser- 7112. 1
These low rates are on the basis
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inserted. If it is inconvenexrt ,for
you to call at our offices to make
payment, a messenger will be sent
to pick up your ad at a slight extra
charge of l1c.
For further information call
23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard



from 3.00

"Every day he
brings me violets"
but now I wear them on
my hat. Be first with a
new flower - besprigged
Headquarters for Larkwood
hosiery - for dates, for
campus. .89c

FOR SALE-Silvertone Radio, stu-
dent size, with two speakers. Reas-
onable. 1001 Forest. Phone 7498.

he oh0emus
Shop of Distinctive Millinery
613 East William 4 Doors Off State


SIGMA PHI Epsilon, 733 So. State,
offers reward for any information
leading to recovery of football uni-
form and 40' canvas taken from
front lawn Friday, Oct. 27, between
2 - 3 a.m. Call 23189. 49





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