. .:
.. . ,
..of cabbages Are Announced
and k g... By Betty Slee
Mary Gage, Louise Keatly
Yale men lave come, and Yale men have gone ... and the Alpha Phis Charlene Pike, Margot
all had dates Saturday night! Who with . . . tch . . such a question! Tliom Head Positions
Michigan men of 'course! s
(ps. It is rumored that there were some crew cuts on Alphi Phi's doorstep.) Agnes Crow, '42, will be general
Speaking of Yale, what'cha bet that the bulldogs bring their own mascot Bt Smee, '40 chairman of Juicarye
next time. Little Eli of the Beta House may wear Y's on his back but the Council, announced yesterday.
blue and white on Yale's mascot will have to be more than skin deep to put Chairman of booths will be Louise
Michigan into any doghouse.. Keatley, '42, and chairman of publi-
Because of the'Eli's loyalty to the yellow and the blue, CABBAGES AND city is Dorothy Brooks, '42. Other
s ~~central 'comramittee members are
KINGS votes Eli hero of the weekend, second only to our honored President Eileen Oberling, 42, dance chairman;
Ruthven, whose testimonial dinner Friday night began wblt we term Chailene Pike, '42, costumes; Mar-
"Michigan's BIG Weekend of the Year." got Thom, '42, hostess committee;
The Psi U's Jost their teleplihe with the first shipment of alums. Cer- Rosebud Scott, '42, tickets; Mary
Gage, recorder; Betty Hine, decora-
tam members of Phi Delta Phi who know some Deke grads are requested tions; Martha HObrock, '42, finance,
to settle the matter out of court. and Gwendolyn Dunn, '42, song
And now for the person you've all been wondering about, Miss America? chairm Member Of Sorosis
Well, what about Miss America? That's what we want to know. (no, we're Miss Crow, a member of Sorosis,
NOT JEALOUS!) worked on the publicity and. dance
Many parties flourished as the mobs of people hurried up from the committees of Freshman Project and
stadium to warm their toes at tea-dances. on the candy booth committee of the
Betsy Barbour didn't entertaini Miss Donnelly nor did they have any League. Miss Brooks, of Mosher-
windows broken, but people crowded around the tea-table and Sue Corl, atios committee for Assembly Ball,
George Frost, Mary MacDonald and Bob Brown turned on the "vic" for the ticket committee for Freshman
some dncingProject and the, debating team.
The AS.AE. house was gala too? Alums took over the dining room for Miss eate isaffiliated with
dinner Saturday night and actives went hungry, that is all except Bob Gamma Phi Beta and worked on
Uhlman and Jack Anderson who shoved Margery Kephart and Vcky\dellat- three committees for Freshman Pro-
ly into their seats before the horde overtook them. ject. Miss Oberling is a transfer to
A fleeting glimpse of last week's "'T{-Dance" shows some 400 people the University this year, and has
attending the PACI's party. Lined along the walls and squashed between been a dancer for seven years.
other dancers on the floor were Jane Sapp, Don Clarke, Bill Davidson and Miss Pike On Committee
Marietta Killian. Mis Pie, a member of Kappa
Alpha Theta, worked on the publicity
and dance committees for Freshman
Project. Miss Dunn and Miss Gage,
x TY a member 'of Gamma Phi Beta, par-
ticipated in the singing numbers for
ER ~F~TR SERVICE MsScott, of Betsy Barbour Resi-
SV, Vdence, was a member of the publicity
ekH CCTdcommittee for Assembly Ball, the
Wewish to thank Huron Hills Cuntry Club, St. Thomas Sodality and costume committee for Freshman
C.Y.O., K.C., Lawyers Club, Alpha Kappa Psi, and Phi Kappa Psi for Project, and the Assembly Tea com-
their patronage last week. mittee. Miss Gage is a member of
Gamma Phi Beta and sang in the
HERM SALOMONSON HAL CARTER Freshman Project last year.
206 Nickels Arcade Dial 3937 Miss Thom, who is affiliated with
Kappa Alpha Theta, was on the dance
committee of Freshman Project and
..this year took part in the WAA style
show. Miss Hobrock is a member of
Pi Beta Phi
To Be oday
The Union pool will be the scene of
the annual all-campus women's
Thet swimming meet at 7:30 p.m. today.
Contestants from sororities, dormi-
ersy R ossShoptories, and zones will represent their
respective groups. The winning
(Where stndents meet to chat and eat) house will receive the campus wo-
In the Arcade men's swimming title for the coming
year. Martha Cook dormitory has
received the title for the past two
successive years, and in the event that
it is again victorious, will retain the
MSswimming cup.
MA R ILYN SHOPPE The various events planned for the
meet include a 25-yard breast stroke,
a 25-yard free style, a 25-yard back
crawl, and a 25-yard side stroke. A
50-yard free style, 50-yard breast
stroke, and 50-yard back crawl, will
be the contests for the more ad-
vanced swimmers.
A front dive, a back dive, and one
optional dive will. be required of all
those participating in the diving con-
test. There will also be a free style
relay, with four women to a team.
Turns Back
Ball Ticket Sale
'ToOpen Today
Ella Fitzgerald Will Play
For Formal At Union;
Affair Will Be Friday
A limited supply of tickets to In-
terfraternity Ball, to be held Friday
at the Union, will be available to the
general public from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
today and tomorrow in the main
lobby of the Union at $3.25 each.
Ella Fitzgerald and the Chick Webb
band, now engaged at the Grand
Terrace in Chicago, will play for the
dance. There will be tables in the
terrace room and refreshments will
be served free of charge. Th south
end of the taproom will also be re-
served for those attending the ball.
Thomas Adams, '40, and Wilbur
Davidson, '40, are co-chairmen of
the dance. Other members of the
central committee , are Blaz Lucas,
'41, and J. Paul Smith, '41, publicity;
Henry Watson, '41, and John Devine,
'41, ticket sale.
Other committee members are
Charles Pecor, '41, A. Paul Smith,
'41, Robert Reutter, '41, and Richard
Peckinbaugh, '41, patrons; Jerry
Grossman, '41, Paul Durfee, '41, ands
Willim Ash, '41, building; Robert
Schneider, '41, and William Lap-
worth, '41, programs and favors; and
Merrill Johnson, '41, and Burns Hutt-
linger, '41, decorations.
To Interview
Ball Applicants
Eligible Women To Seek
Panhellenic Dance Posts,
Barbara Bassett, '40, president of
Panhellenic, announced yetserday
that interviewing for positions on the
central committee for Panhellenic
Ball will be held from 3 p.m. to 5
p.m. today and tomorrow in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League.
Chairmanships for which the com-
mittee will interview all applicants
are general chairman, decorations
chairman, chairman of the chaperons
committee, ballroom chairman, tic-
kets chairman, publicity chairman,
music chairman, and favors chair-
All eligible women who wish a cen-
tral committee position must be in-
terviewed Miss Bassett said. The
dance is a traditional formal affair,
and is to be held Dec. 1 in the League.
Announcement of the orchestra to
play at the dance and the general
decoration theme will be made later,
Miss Bassett stated; when the com-
mittee has been selected by the
Joe Sanders ("The Old Left Hand-
er") and his band played for the
dance last year. Dates for the tickets
sales will also be announced in The
Daily at a later date.
'Date Night' Class
To Meet'Tomorrow
The weekly Date Night dancing
class, sponsored by the League, will
be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. to-
Ella Stowe, '40, is in charge of the
dance, an Virginia Osgood, 41, and
Margaret Whittemore; '41, are assist-
ing her with arrangements. Demon-
strations tomorrow will be given by
Maurice Miller and Frances Aaron-
son, '42, and instruction will be given
to anyone interested.
Admission fee will be 25 cents for
stags or couples, and women alone
will be admitted free "of charge. Music
for dancing will be provided in the
Grand Rapids Room by the nickle-
at Ann Arbor
weather, if
you have a
Permnan ent
DiMattia Beauty
Over the Parrot t 338 So. State
Staebler Beauty Shops
320 East Liberty
1133 East Huron near Mosher-Jordan
Silver Jubilee Celebration
of the
Original One-Cent Sale
Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 1, 2, 3, 4
This is the original one-cent sale con-
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