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October 31, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-31

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by students of the.University of
hority of the Board in Control of


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National Advertising Service, Inc.
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er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40


Editorial Staff
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chorr ..
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Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager . . . Paul R. Parr
sst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Ganson P. Taggart
Women's Business Manager . Zenovia Skoratko
Women's Advertising Manager . . Jane Mowers
Publications Manager . . Harriet S. Levy
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Why Pick On
HEN Colonel Lindbergh proposed,
rW in his second radio speech on the neu-
rality issue, that Canada divorce its interests
ron those of Great Britain, he was immediately
mbjected to an almost Byronesque condemna-
;on and derision. Ano'ther hero had stepped off
:is pedestal and found himself lost. .
Justification for the attack on Lindbergh is
aard to find. His proposal was not especially
sensational. It is not as though he were a fire-
brand kindling rebellion--Canada is already
quite free from England in nearly everything
but tenuous historic ties, and the French-Cana-
ans had advanced Lindbergh's thesis long be-
ore the Colonel thought of it.
Yet no. speech during the neutrality contro-
Versy has received such wholesale censure. Sena-
ors Pittman, Barkley and Connally led the at-
ack in the Senate, calling the proposal a "gra-
uitous insult" to Canada. Gene Tunney ginger-
ystepped off his own pedestal to call the pro-
0osal "tops in impertinence." Stories of the
lyer's acceptance of a Nazi swastika from Goer-
ng were revived and embellished.
The most virulent, pesistent scourgings, how-
ver, came from the newspaper columnists,
'anked almost unanimously against the Colonel.
Walter Lippiann, who insists that the seat of
he British Empire will be moved to Canada,
truck at Lindbergh in several columns, possibly
in defense of his pet theory. Dorothy Thompson,
iwho spews out anti-Nazi enmotionalism over the
fearst chain, blasted Lindbergh as Hitler's com-
>atriot. "And Mrs. Roosevelt, in her "My Day"
olumn, supported Dorothy's stand.
Now despite all these attacks it does not take
i keen analyst to see that Lindbergh's utter-
,nces can be correlated with America's interests
uite as easily as they can be dubbed pro-Nazi.'
qs Hugh S. Johnson, almost single-handedly
lefending Lindbergh, pointed out, Lindbergh was
nerely asking Americans to think through the
mossibilities of the Monroe Doctrine. The Gen-
ral states: "We say we must and will defend the
Vestern Hemisphere against any attack or en-
roachment from the eastern half of the world
-Europe or Asia. O.K. Ninety per cent of our
eople are for that. We can control that so far
,s our own country is concerned. But suppose,
,s has now happened, one of our most powerful
;nd good neighbors attacks a country of the
astern Hemisphere-what do we do when the
ounter-attack comes?"
What Miss Thompson and Mrs. Roosevelt and
Ar. Lippmann et al do not choose to see is that
he interests of England and France are not
ecessarily the interests of the United States.
Lindbergh is an American. He fias stated
chat he believes to be the best course for America
,nd he may well be wrong. But to paint him as
Nazi bedfellow because he does not follow the
ro-British bandwagon is a gross exaggeration.
The columnists wield a potentially great power,
ower which they use very often to the benefit
f the public. But they can hammer home their
pinions day after day to nullify any potests
me may make by the sheer weight, of repetition.
They should realize that you or I or Charles A.
indbergh, citizen, should have the right to ex-
ress our views without being subject to their
oncerted name-calling or their untenable emo-
jonalism. They may refute our arguments, but
o smear our names and our characters in addi-
ion is beyond their province.
-Hervie Haufler

To the Editor:
There is one type of unfairness I have found
deplorably prevalent in student discussions,
newspaper editorials and Congressional debates,
a curious and rather amusing one. That is
whenever British and French statesmen make a
peace, as at Munich, it is proof that they are in
sympathy with Hitler and Fascism, while if they
make a war in defense of Poland, it is proof that
they are militarists and imperialists! Apparent-
ly, as the old rime has it, "they are damned if
they do, and damned if they don't."
What's Right Is Right
Now, if it would have been right in September
1938 to fight to save the Czechoslovak republic
from partition it must by the same token have
been right to fight in September 1939 to save
the Polish republic from similar partition. It is
true that Czechoslovakia was, to some extent,
better governed. But in both cases the aggressor
is the same, his pretexts the same, his action the
same, the danger to Europe the same. Moreover,
4 point often forgotten, a repeated outrage will
often waken resistance that a first offense will
iot. I believe that Poland would have been de-
serted and told to hand over Danzig without a
fuss, in exactly the same way that Czechoslovakia
was told to hand over the Sudetenland without
a fuss, if it had not been that the previous at-
tempt at appeasement had failed; that Hitler
followed up his seizure of a German-speaking
district by taking the rest of Czechoslovakia.
There is -a saying "If a man cheat you once
shame on him; if he cheat you twice, shame on
you!" I know for a fact, as being constantly in
touch with Birtish opinion from September 1938
to August 1939, that at the former date many
Britons sincerely believed in the possibility of
appeasement, but that practically all had become
disillusioned by the latter date. Is not this an
adequate explanation as to why Britain and
France yielded in one case and resisted a year
They're Just Like Us
In all this I am not discussing the question as
to whether the British and Frenh ought to have
fought a year ago, or are mistaken in fighting
now. I am merely saying that their blunders, in
either case, are not due to some sinister Fascist
bias or obscure plutocratic motive but are capable
of a much simpler and more obvious expana-.
tion-fear of war in 1938, exasperation over-
coming such fear in 1939. The British and
French democracies are really very much like
our own. They have the same alloy of idealism
and self-interest, the same cold fits of isolation-
ism, the same natural fear of war, the same
national egotism and resentments against others
that can be traced in the debates in our own
Congress, or the editorials in The Daily. If you
want to know what the British and French are
really like-look in the nearest mirror!
What Germany, Russia and Italy are really
like cannot be told in the same way because, since
they are autocracies and not democracies, they
show to the mirror not faces but masks: th
masks of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. When
those masks are off at last the world can talk
face to face again, and perhaps talk permanent
-reston Slosson
J ifeinito Ak
Heywood Broun
The theatre is beginning to look alive after a
somewhat punishing summer. Kaufman and
Hart have a hit, and all the critics, except one,
like Saroyan. Helen Hayes
has folk standing in the
back, even though the re-
viewers were a little luke-
warm. Everything improves
along Broadway except the

manners of firstnighters.
Miss Hayes was particu-
larly handicapped in her
opening, because she is a
very important actress and
all the important people came to see her
.do her stuff. She is a trouper and can take it,
but during the first act latecomers looking for
the seats all but drowned out the actors. There
were a few who didn't show up until the second
act, and it is those who come at the eleventh
hour who have lost their stubs or come ambling
down the wrong aisle.
Reform should begin on the sidewalk, then ex-
tend into the lobby and sweep all the way along
to the apron of the theatre. The police should
take the autograph hunters and the assorted kib-
itzers away from the entrance. Boiling in oil
may be a shade too severe, but, at least, there
should be a reprimand or some punishing kind
of homework.
Some wise magistrate might take a tip from
the penalties imposed in school upon the tardy.
If a cop shows up with some full-grown youth
who has been hanging around saying, "Could I
have your autograph, please, mister?" the Magis-
trate might pay him back in kind. I seem to see
the Solomon of the bench sit back and ask, "So
you like autographs?" The culprit, now, con-
vinced of the enormity of his offense, hangs his
head in shame. "I'm going to send you out into
the world a free man," the judicial officer assures
him, "but I will make one condition: You go
home and write your own name one thousand
times in a plain and legible hand. And bring it
back to me tomorrow morning. I'll see'that you
get your bellyful of autographs, and if I ever
hear of you loafing around on public sidewalks

Dry Nam*~g
WASHINGTON-On the ship coming to the
United States last summer, Ambassador Joseph
Clark Grew concentrated on deck quoits and
shuffleboard (which he played badly) in the
daytime, and poker in the smoking room (which
he played well) at night. Between times he read
over the seven bound volumes of his typewritten
diary telling of his seven years as Ambassador
to Japan.
No one would have suspected from observing
Grew on that trip that he soon was to put across
one of Roosevelt's most important foreign
Certainly the Japanese press did not realize it,
for all of them wished him a pleasant vacation, a
speedy return, and the official Domei News Agen-
cy explained that he was going home to correct
false American impressions regarding "the new
order of things in East Asia."
It is now no secret, of course, that Grew's
recent warning to Japan, which came "right from
the horse's mouth," was carefully prepared in
Washington, and that this was the major reason
for his return home.
However, the chain of events which preceded
the "horse's mouth" warning, and the general
policy Roosevelt is driving at in the Far East
have not yet reached the category of an open
British Plight .
Inside fact is that at least .twice in the last
two years, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
has called in Ambassador Joe Kennedy and asked
him what the United States was prepared to do
about the Far East in case Great Britain got in-
volved in war in Europe. Chamberlain explained
that the British fleet could not be in two places
at once, and wanted to know what help it could
get from the American fleet in case Japan started
to run berserk in the Pacific,-as she did in the
last war.
In each case, Kennedy (after consulting with
Roosevelt) explained that the United States could
give no pledge to Great Britain in' advance, that
any pledge would be tantamount to a foreign
entanglement, but that the United States always
had had a vital interest in the Pacific and would
act accordingly as events developed.
Meanwhile Roosevelt, without any pledge to
the British, began working out his own policy
toward Japan.
The President has been a student of naval
strategy ever since he began to read Admiral Ma-
han at the age of 14. And the strategy worked
out for Ambassador Grew in Tokyo and for the
U.S. Navy in the Pacific is almost entirely Roose-
velt's own.
Roosevelt Strategy
In the first place, he figured that if war broke
in Europe (and he was convinced all last sum-
mer that it was coming), the Japanese would be
free to take the Dutch East Indies, with their
tremendous oil reserves, and perhaps later take
French Indo-China, even Singapore.
So last spring, when Hitler threatened Dan-
zig, Roosevelt suddenly sent the entire U.S. fleet,
then converging on the New York World's Fair,
back to the Pacific. This was part of the
strategy. Simultaneously, he .decided to bring
Grew home -for special instructions.
Four months later, just as Grew got back to
Tokyo with his stiff warning that Japanese
militarism was alienating the United States,
Roosevelt began shifting the U.S. fleet farther
out into the Pacific, this time Hawaii.
It is too early yet to gauge the final results
of the nianeuver, but so far it has worked even
better than expected. The Japanese peace party
has been strengthened, and the Japanese mili-
tary, who understand only the threat of force,
are worried.
Joseph Clark Grew
It was a typical Roosevelt paradox that to

execute this delicate Far Eastern strategy he
chose a man who stands for the things Roosevelt
Joe Grew is .related to the J.P. Morgans,
against whom the President recently cautioned
the British. His motto in life is similar to that
which hangs in Pullman cars: "Quiet is requested
for the benefit of those who have retired," and
he is a product of those halcyon days when the
State Department was a rich man's club and no
one was afraid to admit it.
Grew also was the center of the career clique
whose members promoted themselves to lush
jobs back in the days of Calvin Coolidge and
Frank B. Kellogg. He was Under Secretary of
State at the time, and a miserable failure. As
Ambassador to Turkey, however, the job to
which he promoted himself, he was a brilliant
Having spent his youth tiger-shooting and
traveling, Grew lacked business experience and
executive training. Charm alone will not run the
intricate machinery of the State Department.
Among 700 employees it is spread too thin.
But with foreign ministers in Turkey and
Japan, charm counts. With it, Grew couples a
shrewd diplomatic head, a wealth of experience
abroad, and an amazing ability to win friends
and influence diplomats. Probably he was one
of the most popular ambassadors ever stationed
in Turkey, and in Japan last spring every Jap-
anese newspaper paid him tribute when he left.
Tragic Diplomatic Era
In Japan, Grew makes a weird contrast to
the man with whom he deals. About six feet
six in height, his grizzled head towers over the
diminutive Japanese like a grandfather over a




tr. Thor Johnson
And The Symphony
We welcome this opportunity of
devoting a column to the work of Mr.
Thor Johnson' as culminated. to date
in the University Symphony Orches-
tra's season's initial concert last Sun-
day afternoon. At this concert Con-
ductor Johnson showed us what can
be .done with a group of amateur
musicians whose respect he has won
and in whom he has awakened a de-
sire toward whatever kind of perfec-
tion can be approximated while they
are still in college. Mr. Johnson has
afforded us performances of a high
quality before, but last Sunday's per-
formance struck us afresh with how
much he has accomplished in the
short time he has been with us. From
what one can observe without being
directly under his tutelage Mr. John-
son's claims to acclamation seem to
be of two sorts. First and foremost,
he enjoys his work. That means a
lot, because it is both a rarity and a
necessity. The interpreter who does
not enjoy the music he plays often
misses those moments when the com-
poser wants him to smile or bite his
lip. Such individuals tend toward
ponderosity and an apsurd kind of
sanctimoniousness. They become
unctuous, making your skin crawl
just a bit because you feel it incum-
bent upon you to respect their feel-
ings while knowing perfectly well
their whole lives are a farce.
Wiseacres Stopped
And second, Conductor Johnson i
somewhat of a megalomaniac. He
actially asks that a mere amateur
ensemble, a college ensemble, mind
you, be good, be even a bit profes-
sional sometimes,-a lo! it becomes
just that. Into the teeth of all the
wiseacres wiscracking about the tish-
tosh of college musical activities
(much of which wisecracking is cer-
tainly deserved) he throws a perfor-
mance such as last Sunday's, a per-
formance which, if said wiseacres
could have witnessed, would have put
an end once and for all to their con-
stant derogation of all attempts at
musical achievement outside the pre-
cincts of Carnegie Hall.
So we credit Mr. Johnson with the
proper respect for his art and a tech-
nical insistence that that respect be
not burlesqued into a sentimental
well-meaning emotion that is as
meaningless as it is deterrent.
'Unholy Tendenies'
This is not to say that our con-'
ductor has not certain unholy ten-
dencies we should like to see avoided.
For example, while we marvel at the
arm measurements of his kettle-
drummer, and while we are all for
heavy tympani, yet with a relatively
weak string section already often at
a loss to compete with the brass the
tympani should be moderated to con-
form with the exigencies of the work
as a whole. Then too, Mr. Johnson
often displays an inclination for
hurrying certain passages out of pro-
portion to the march of the total
composition. This was particularly
true of the Rienzi Overture. Indeed,
it seemed that the work from begin-
ning to end was taken a shade too
fast. Though a personal'dogmatism
of ours, we should claim that the
playing of operatic overtures at the
opera and in the concert hall is not
one and the same thing. The sensa-
tional stir preluding a production at
the theater sets a pace that often jars
in the concert hall. However there
was somewhat almost sensational in
the conclusion of such a well-ren-
dered program and perhaps Mr'
Johnson's tempo was well taken. ]
He Has 'The Stuff'
The basic stuff we feel Mr. John-
son has got and we are proud to have
him' with us.
Looking for a quarter? Oh, much
more, Mr. Johnson. We are looking

for still further improvement of your
organization and yourself. And un-
less your programs have been un-'
alterably determined for the year we
should like to hear in Ann Arborr
some Hindemith, especially some of
that composer's Kammermusik and
his Mathias der Mahler. We have
have heard you express your admira-
heard-. you express your admira-
his work performed in Prague; so we
feel emboldened to ask that ours be
the same pleasure in Ann Arbor that
you received abroad.
On Football Pools
There are always, in any sport, a
number of persons that capitalize on
it and attempt to drag it down into
the mud. Football is no exception.
Any sporting event naturally attracts
people who bet on the outcome and
this has become an old American cus-
tom. But when this betting begins
to attract members of the under-l
world and becomes a racket in itself,
then it is time to" call a halt. We are
referrirg to the practice of "football'
The manner in which the pools are
worked is quite simple. Anyone who
wishes to and knows the proper per-
son, can wager any sum he wishes
that he can pick the winner of the

(Continued from Page 2)
Lawyers Club
Lawyers Liberal Club
Les Voyageurs
Men's Judiciary Counciln
Metropolitan Clubs.
*Michigan Christian Fellowship
*Mu Phi Epsilon
Newman Club
Nippon Club
Omega Psi Phi
Omega Upsilon
Outdoor Club
Phi Delta Kappa
*Phi Epsilon Kappa
Phi Eta Sigmapp
Phi Lambda Kappa
Phi Lambda Upsilon
Phi Sigma
Philippine Michigan Club
Philosophy Club
Phi Tau Alpha
*Physical Education Club (Men's)
Pi Lambda Theta
*Pi Tau Pi Sigma
Polish Engineering Society
Polonia Circle g y
Quarterdeck Society
Rho Chi Society
Robert Owen Cooperative House
Rochdale Cooperative House
Roger Williams Guild
Rover Crew
Sailing .Club
Scabbard and Blade
Scalp and Blade
Scandinavian Club
Senior Society;
Sigma Alpha Iota
Sigma Delta Chi
* Sigma Eta Chi
Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Sigma Rho Tau
Socialist House
Society of Automotive Engineers
Society of Industrial Lawyers
Students Senate
Suomi Club
Tau Beta Pi
Tau Epsilon Rho
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Tau Sigma Delta
Theta Phi Alpha
Theta Sigma Phi?
Toastmasters Club
*Transportation Club
Varsity 'M' Club
Wesleyan Guild
Westminster Guild
Wolverine Student Coop.
Women's Athletic Association
*Young People's Socialist League
Zeta Phi Eta
Twilight Organ Recital: Tom Kin-
read, instructor in organ, will inaugu-
'ate this season's series of organ xe-
dtals, Wednesday afternocn, Nov. 1,
't 4:15 in Hill Auditorium. The gen-
"ral public, with the exception of
mall children, is invited without ad-
nission charge, but is respectfully re-
'uested to be seated on time.
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Director of
Eiillel Foundation, will speak on "I
Believe,"' the fourth in a series of lec-
',ures sponsored by the Student Reli-
gious Association, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, tonight at 8 p.m.
Todays Events
Biological Chemistry Seminar: The
seminar in Biological Chemistry will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7 p.m. this evening.
The subject to be discussed is
"Ascorbic Acid: Determination-Bio-
logical Synthesis and Excretion-Hu-
man Requirement." All interested are
invited to attend.
The Graduate History Club will
hold its first meeting of the academic
year this evening at 8 p.m.,

in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Professor How-
ard M. Ehrmann will speak inform-
ally on ''Studying -the Present War."
Discussion and light refreshments
will follow. All graduate students in
history are invited.
Electrical Engineers: The second
meeting of the local branch of
A.I.E.E. will be this evening at
7:30 in the Unior. Mr. George
Opp of the Detroit Edison Comxpany
will be the speaker. His topic will
be "The Safety, Engineer". This
meeting has many promises since
the subject of safety Engineering, to
our knowledge, is a brand new topic.
Deutscher Verein: Will meet tonight
in the League at 7:30. Arno Heyn
will give an illustrated talk on,
"Deutsche Landschaften." An in-
formal get-together will follow the
business meeting.
Seminar in Continued Fractions.
Will meet today at 4 p.m. in 3201
A.H. Mr. Rickart will speak on "Met-
ric Theory of C.F."
The Christian Science Organization
will meet tonight at 8:15 in the
Chapel of the Michigan League. There

are urged to be present. Refresh-
ments will'be served.
The Scandinavian Club will hold a
social hour this evening at 8 o'clock
at theUnion. All students of Scan-
dinavian descent are cordially invited.
'Michigan .DaMes: .Homemaking
group meets today at eight Ql ck
at the home of Mrs,. S T. Dana, 2031
Hill Street.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
meets today in Lane Hall for Bible
study from 5 'to 6 p.m. Dr. Goris is
directing a study in the book of I
Executive Committee of the Michi-
gan Anti-War Committee will meet
tonight in Lane Hall at 7:30. '
Hillel Class: The class in Jewish
Ethics, under the direction of Dr.
Hirsch Hootkins, will meet at the Hill-
el Foundation tonight at 8 o'clock.
The Pi Lambda Theta tea for initi-
ates will be held at 4:30 p.m. today in
the Assembly Hall on the third floor
of the Rackham Building. All amm-
bers who have not contacted the so-
rority this fall are cordially invited to
Coming Events
Algebra Seminar: Will meet Wed-
nesday at 4 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Mr.
Komm will continue his talk on
"Ideals in a Quadratic Field," and
Miss Wolfe will speak on "Evaluation
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov.
1. Professor Kasimir "Pajans will
speak on "Molecular 'Refraction and
Chemical Forces."
House Heads, Dornmitory Directors,
and Sorority Chaperons: Freshmen
are invited to attend the Mu Phi Epsi-
lon formal musical on Nov. 1. They
may have 10:30 permission.
Drum and Bugle Corps' Practice
will take place Wednesday evening,
Nov. 1, at 7:30 p.m. All members,
both new and old, are expected'to at-
Graduate Students are invited to
listen to a broadcast of the Michigan-
Illinois football game Saturday after-
noon, Nov. 4, in the Men's Lounge of
the Rackham Building.
Cercle Francais: There will be a
wienie roast on Wednesday, Nov. 1,
at the Island. The group will meet
at 6:30 p.m. in front of the Roniance
Language Building. In case of rain,
the meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m.
in 408 R.L. The new members will
be initiated. ,
The "Round Table Discussion" on
"Light" to be held in connection with
the Michigan-Life Conference on New
Teclnology a n d Transportation,
scheduled for the Michigan Union
Friday morning, Nov. 3, will be held
in the large auditorium of the Rack-
ham Building in order to provide ade-
quate facilities for the demonstrations
of polarized light and of safety glass.
It is therefore possible to extend an
invitation to members of the faculty
and students who may be interested
in attending this meeting. Admission
tickets may be obtained upon request
from the Secretary of the Enginee-
ing College in the West thgineerix g
Building, Secretary of the Physics
Department in the Physics Building,
the Secretary of the Transportation
Department, or of the Chemical En-
gineering Department in the East En-
gineering Building.
The program, Nov. 3, Rackham Au-
9:30 a.m. "Street and Highway Il-
lumination," Kirk M. Reid, Illuminat-
Ing Engineer, Nela Park Department,
General Electric Company.

9:55 a.m. "Proper Illumination and
Safety," Louis Schrenk, Chief En-
gineer, Public Lighting Commission,
Detroit, Michigan.
10:15 a.m. "Indirect Highway
Lighting," G. Donald Kennedy, Depu-
ty Commissioner, Michigan State
Highway Department.
10:35 a.m. "Polarized Light" (dem-
onstration) Edwin H. Land, Presi-
dent and Chairman of the Board,
Polaroid Corporation.
11:25 a.m. "Safety Glass" (demon-
stration) Dr. Geo. B. Watkins, Direc-
tor of Research, Libbey-Owens-Ford
Psychology Journal Club will meet
on Wednesday, November 1, at 7:30
p.m. in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Professor
Norman R. F. Maier is chairman of
the meeting. Miss Barbara Sher-
burne will report on her own Work
on "reasoning" and Mr. James Klee
will report some articles on "condi-
Physical Education for Women:
Registration for the indoor season in
physical education will be held in
Barbour Gymnasium at the following
Friday, November 3-8:30 to 12:00


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