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October 28, 1939 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-28

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elaration Of Independence" Is Assembly Banquet

Michigan Dames
Make New Plans
Michigan Dames has already
mapped out their general program for
this year.
Each month there will be two meet-
ings of the group as a whole. The
first meeting will be on the first
Tuesday of the month in the League.
The second meeting will be on the
third Tuesday of the month in the
Rackham Building.
The organization is divided into
eight interest groups. Each group
will meet at 8 o'clock once a month,
except the Bridge Club, which will
meet twice a month.
This.year's officers are Mrs. Del-
bert Jeffers, president; Mrs. W. K.
Hunt,, vice-president; Mrs. H. G.
Voekier,,treasurer; Mrs. R. D. Schick,
recording secretary; and Mrs. Don-
ald Church, corresponding secretary.
and His Music.
0 Auditions Phone 3936 .
Neoco omo 00

Football, Radio-Dances, Parties
WillMake Gala Homecoming

Many Dorms; Sororities,
Fraternities Plan Open
Houses Over Weekend'

Never let it be said that a Home-
coming goes by at Michigan without
the students having celebrated it to
its fullest extent! The following list
of dances and open houses for today
will verify that!
Among the open houses held after
the Yale game will be those of Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta, Alpha
Epsilon Phi, Alpha Chi Omega, Phi
Sigma Sigma, Pi Beta Phi and Jor-
dan Hall. Helen Newberry will hold
a tea dance, chaperoned by Miss
Ruth Danielson.
Acacia is having a dinner dance,
which will be chaperoned by Mrs.
Russell Pryce, Mr. and Mrs. Marland
Small, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Wagner. At Alpha Chi Omega's
dance, the chaperones will be Dr. and
Mrs. D. E. Standish, and Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Ward. Chaperoning Al-
pha Kappa Lambda's radio dance
will be Mr. and Mrs. William Stub-
bins, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hogan.
Reed Pierce Featured k
Reed Pierce and his orchestra are
playing for the dinner dance to be
given by Alpha Kappa Psi. Chaper-
ons are Prof. and Mrs. William A.
Paton, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C.,
Barden, and Prof. and Mrs. Richard
U. Ratcliff. Alpha Omega's dance
will be chaperoned by Dr. and Mrs.
Bennett Sidenberg and Dr. and Mrs.
Jack Ecker.
Alpha Sigma Phi is also having a
dance. The chaperons are Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McCloud. At Alpha Tau
Omega's party the chaperons are
Mr and Mrs. D. R. Marlin, and Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Wikel. Chaperons at
Alpha Xi Delta's dance are Mr. ard
Mrs. Joseph Gast and Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Shull. Beta Theta Pi's

We've gaot
o You'll always find the choicest of all sorts of foods and drinks at
The Sugar Bowl. Come in today after the game and treat your-
o self to the most pleasant meal you've had in a long, long time.
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dance will be chaperoned by Mr. and
Mrs. O. A. Bush, and Mr. and Mrs.
William B. Palmer.
Mr and Mrs. David Rank and Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Van Wert will chap-
eron C i Phi's dance. At the Chi Psi
house, the chaperons are Mr.and
Mrs. Stewart Armitage and Mr. and
Mrs. William Gilbert. The Congress
Co-op House dance will be chaper-
oned by Prof. Arthur Van Duren and
Dr. Charles Stanbach. Ray Carey's
orchestra will play at the Delta Sigma
Delta dance to be chaperoned by Dr.
and Mrs. D. A. Kerr, and Dr. and Mrs.
H. E. Faust.
Radio Dances Announced
Delta Sigma Pi is having as chap-
erons, Mr. and Mrs. Max Frisinger
and Mr. and and Mrs. Howard Dowd.
Delta Theta Pi's chaperons are Mr.
Howard McCowan, and Mr. S. D.
Jones. At the Delta Upsilon radio
dance Prof. and Mrs. G. M. Bleekman
and Prof. and Mrs. R. S. Swinton
will chaperon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bursh will act
as chaperons at the Hermitage gath-
ering. Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Goud-
chmidt, and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Kessel are the Kappa Nu dance chap-
erons. Kappa Sigma has invited Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Griffith and Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Cloyes to be its chaperons.
The members of Lambda Chi Alpha
yill have Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hart-
man, and Mr. and Mr. P. A. Prasil
as their dance chaperons.
The Reverend Father Berry, and
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Nieset will chap-
eron the Newman Club dance. Phi
Alpha Kappa will have Dr. Martin
Batts, Jr., and Dr. 0. W. Steho-
mer as its, chaperons. At the Phi
Beta Delta Hallowe'en party, the
chaperons are Mr. and Mrs. Meyer
Weiner, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clem-
ens. The Phi Chi chaperons are Dr.
and Mrs. R. Willson, and Dr. and Mrs.
P. A. Lindquist.
Dancing at the Phi Beta Pi house
will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
D. H. Edson, and Mr. and Mrs. Jona-
than Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. Carl List
and Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Silverman
will chaperon the Phi Delta Epsilon
dance. A supper dance given by Phi
Delta Theta will be chaperoned by
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wiler, and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy C. Killins. The Phi
Epsilon Pi dance will be chaperoned
by Dr. and Mrs. Harry Jurow and Dr.'
and Mrs. Herbert Holman.
Other Dances Announced
Phi Gamma Delta's dance is being
chaperoned by Major and Mrs. W. B.
Fariss, and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kuriz.
A buffet supper and radio dance at
the Phi Kappa Psi house is being
chaperoned' by Mr. and Mrs. James
Wilkie and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Bach-
man. Chaperons for Phi Kappa Sig-
ma are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hage-
meyer, and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. A.
Dancing after a buffet supper at
the Phi Kappa Tau house is to be
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. James
Preish, and Mr. and Mrs. David
Vokes. Dr. and Mrs. John Sheldon
and Dr. and Mrs. Norman Shippey
will chaperon the Phi Rho Sigma
dinner dance. Phi Sigma Delta's
chaperons are Mr. and Mrs. George
Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan
Abrahams. The theme is Hallowe'en.
Phi Sigma Kappa's buffet supper'
and radio dance will be chaperoned
by Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Meacham, and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Karpinski. Mr.
and Mrs. S. G. Bothman, and Mr. and
Mrs. S. L. Gerson of Detroit are to
chaperon at Pi Lambda Phi's dance.
Bill McKay's orchestra will furnish
the music for Sigma Alpha Epsilon's
dance. The chaperons are Mr. and
Mrs. James Littell, Mr. and Mrs. E.
T. Hefferman, and Mr. and Mrs. E.
Hallowe'en Features
Sigma Alpha Mu's dance will be
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Max
Goldman, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Goldman. Mrs. H. B. Phelps, the
housemother, will chaperon for the
Sigma Nu dance. Sigma Phi Epsilon's

Annual Affair
To Take Place
Monday, Nov.6
Prof. Litzenberg To Act
As Principle Speaker
For Traditional Dinner
Firecrackers, scrolls, and table and
wall decorations in red, white, and
blue will be included in the decoration
scheme of the "Declaration of Irde-
pendents," theme of the sixth annual
Assembly Banquet to be held Mon-
day, Nov. 6, in the League ballroom.
Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the Eng-
lish department will be the principal
speaker of the evening and short
talks will also be given by Dean
Alice C. Lloyd and memers of the
Assembly Council.
Tickets Now On Sale
Tickets for the banquet are now.
on sale and may .be secured from
members of the ticket committee who
will visit the women's dormitories and
each League house on campus. From
2 p.m. to 5 p.m., starting Monday
and continuing through Friday, tic-
kets may also be secured from the
Assembly ticket booth in the League.
Tickets are priced at 70 cents.
The ticket committee is headed
by Elizabeth Caster, '41, who is assist-
ed by Helen Culley, '41, in charge of
dormitories, Sylvia Corman, '42, in
charge of League houses, and Adelaide
Carter, '42, in charge of the Ann
Arbor Independent group.
Awards To Three
Other members of the committee
include Jean Hubbard, '42; Jane
Rosing, '42; Betty Lillie, '40; Mary
Honecker, '40; Edith Silverman, '41
Ed.; Barbara Richards, '41; Marjorie
Lee Stock, '40; Ruth Mast, '41Ed;
Dorothy Andrews '41; Gertrude Frey,
'41; Charlotte Wyss, '41; Ruth Keck,
'40; Marie McCabe, '40; June Fred-
erick, '41; Janet Sibley, '41; Norma
Malmros, '42; Betta Cartwright, '41
Ed; Fifi Angleson, '40; Eloise Mulge,
'42; and Marjorie Polenbaum, '42.
As usual, awards will be made to
the three independent women in the
sophomore, junior, and senior classes
who have won outstanding recogni-
tion scholastically. Their names,
year, and house will be inscribed on
a plaque which will be kept in the
League and will form a permanent
record. This method of awards is an
innovation, and the names inscribed
this year will be the first on the
The banquet will begin promptly
at 6 p.m.
Prof. MCClusky To Talk
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky will de-
liver the second of a group of lectures,
which are being sponsored by the
Congregational Student Fellowship,
at 7 pm. Sunday. The lecture will
follow a supper which will be served-
at the church at 6 p.m. Professor
McClusky's topic will be "Making
Friends of the Campus."
chaperons are Prof. and Mrs. Rich-
ard Fuller. The Trigon Club hayride
and Hallowe'en party is being chap-
eroned by Mr. and Mrs. George Law-
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaw,
Chaperons at the Xi Psi Phi dance
are Dr. and Mrs. Corwin R. Wright,
Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Nissle, and Dr.
and Mrs. H. O. Goldbeck. Mr. Ar-
thur D. Gordon, and Mr. Thomas
Anketell will chaperon the Zeta; Psi
dance. The Zeta Tau Alpha dance is
being chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. H.
P. Luthe and Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Chaperons at the Sigma Chi dance
are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scoville, and

Prof. and Mrs. Lewis Gram. The
Theta Xi dance will be chaperoned by
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Freeman,
and Prof. and Mrs. Henry M. Kendall.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dennis and Prof.
and Mrs. F. A. Mickle will chaperon
at the Triangle dance.

AWelce loumni!
T HAS BEEN OUR PLEASURE to serve Michigan and
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we were able to be of service to you. We now welcome
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