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October 25, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-25

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Infernational Law
And Ship Seizures ...



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<College PublUshers Represeutative
mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

T HE recently announced seizure of the
American freighter, City of Flint
emphasizes once more the need for care in re-
garding the acts of belligerent powers during the
course of any war.
This seizure is one of the first moves taken
under international law by warring nations
against American interests. The United States
Maritime Commission has said it believes that,
under international law, a belligerent can legally
seize a neutral vessel which is ascertained to be
carrying contraband. The City. of Flint is be-
lieved to have been carrying a cargo which comes
under the German definition of contraband, and
steps are being taken to examine the truth of this
report. If it is true, Germany seems to have
been within her rights in seizing the vessel.
The announcement by the Maritime Commis-
sion, it seems, was made to spike demands in
certain quarters that we call for apologies and
retribution from the German government. Public
opinion has been given a check at a time when
it was needed as a further safeguard to the
American stand of neutrality.
This occurence, however, is likely to prove to
be only one in a long series of incidents--justi-
fied or otherwise-which may be built up as "out-
.rages to our national dignity and position." Re-
sponsible bodies like the Commission may or may
not take steps to minimize the effect of such
happenings on American public opinion. It is
certain, on the other hand, that some bodies
in this country, likely to benefit by our entry
into the . war, will cause the incidents to be
"played up" in newspapers under their control.
.The real question confronting the American
people is not one of deciding whether action
taken by belligerents is justified, but one of
deciding whether they want to enter the war or
remain neutral. .Sinkings or seizures, of Ameri-
can ships will probably, during the course of the
war, run into million-dollar figures. Our ex-
penses if we entered the war would run into
billion-dollar figures-and an inestimable total
of human casualties.
When the question is based on such grounds,
there, can be no doubt as to what the rational
answer should be. We must consider whether
such so-called "incidents are actually outrageous
or whether they are justified under the points of
international law. At the same time we must
realize that-whether they really are "insults to
our national honor" or not-it is better to suffer
such insults and resulting losses of prestige and
material wealth than to commit any act or speak
any word which might possibly lead to our entry
into the war.
--William Newton


up to his neck in mud and
blood it might be easier to
still the urge for conflict.
Even the fliers'-have lost
prestige since they began to
accept assignments_ which
called for the slaughter of
the undefended. But the war
lords of all nations still man-
age to keep a finger hold on
the franchise of chivalry by

Ii fe io Me
leywoo Broun
All romance has been drained out of war, ex
cept in respect to aviation. The flying men still
cut a figure. That's a pity. If every fighter were

Editorial Staff
85s . .



rr . .
n . . .
I .. .
Business Staff

Canaging Editor
itorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

t Manager

Paul R. Park
Ginson P. Taggart
Zenovia Sk~oratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
ou rt Sty mes
Trrp ealt *...
SW HEN the Supreme Court refused to
+ review a lower court action dismiss-
6g the anti-trust indictments against the
iuerican Medical Association, it effectively end-
I the government's campaign to eliminate the
iA's unrelenting opposition to group health
' i Supreme Court's action cannot be con-
ned by anyone. The Court, basing its deci-
on .ntheeAtter of the law, refused to see the
al gsue of health pi'otection for lower income
pa. ,jThe Justices contented~themselves with
teriretfig the Sherman Anti-Trust law's defi-
tion of trade as not encompassing the medical
ofession. .
Ir. reviewing the case, the Court certainly was
epe of the government's allegation that the
lA had "conspired to hinder successful opera-
m of Group Health. Association, Inc., a Dis-
ct of .Coluibuia organiztion set up to pro-
e medical care for low income families."
The, briefs of the District Court case told the
ly story of hov the AMA had ,treatened its
embers with expulsion for working or con-
lting with Group Health. The government
tinued its case with the statements that the
IA had engaged in, an active campaign, to
r group health physicians from using the
cilities of Washfigton hospitals.
The AMA net the federal Grand Jury's indict-
onts with a reply based on a technicality. It
serted that the Sherman Act, which prohibits
nspiracies in restraint of trade, was not broad
ough to include the medical profession.
The .Court by recognizing the damning truth
such a technicality and by refusing to review
e case, has once more failed to go along with
Le -times.
The issue at stake cannot be settled by haggling
er a definition. The problem of adequate pub-
health for the United States can not be ended
st because the Supreme Court weighed its deci-
n on a word.
None of us can forget United States Surgeon
mneral Thomas Parran's indictment of Ameri-
n medical care in which he said, "The United
ates as a nation is physically unfit." And
here may that physical unfitness be found? The
'vious answer of course is in the lower income
Group Health Association and the myriad
rms of group health that have 'sprung up in
te nation are designed to alleviate the suffer-
g of the lower income groups. In them lies
nerica's chance to eliminate the physical un-
ness.of her people.
Doctors who abide by their sacred Hippocratic
th binding them to the relief of human suffer-
g and who join the staffs. of such organiza-
>ns are practically black listed by the Ameri-
n Medical Association. Many of these men
nnot afford to lose the prestige AMA member-
lip brings and are forced to act contrary to their
ue sympathies.
The Supreme Court, by its decision, has allied
self with the AMA in opposing medical aid to
le lower income classes and in so doing has
,red highest censure.
The government has been left with only one
>urse to pursue. It must back grovp health

'Happy' Enters
The Senate ...

HEN A. B. "Happy" Chandler recently
resigned his office as governor of
Kentucky so that his succeeding lieutenant gov-
ernor could appoint him to the Senate to fill
the vacancy caused by the late Senator Logan's
death, something of a precedent was established.
Happy thus gratified an ambition, and the Sen-
ate, usually a rather austere and dignified body,
was given promise of a more lively order of
things in the future. Although the new Sena-
tor arrived with very little real fanfare in Wash-
ington, he immediately got his picture in the
papers by shaking hands with his brother Sena-
tour from Kentucky, Alben Barkley. Now all the
Senators are waiting around to see him perform
on. the floor.
Although the Senate may exert a quieting in-
fluence on him as it so often does, more impor-,
tant is the question of whether it was cricket
for him to get into the Senate via the back-
door . His action may encourage other governors
who have always wanted to get their noses into
national politics to imitate him. Not regarded
as senatorial material by the voters, they can
get into the Senate when, as happens now and
then, the incumbent Senator resigns or dies. A
vacile lieutenant governor, anxious to become
the head of his state, will be only too glad to
promise to appoint his predecessor to the vacancy
when he resigns.
Happy may be able to hold his own in the
Senate, but, in a democracy, that is secondary.
The voters of his state did not approve his can-
didacy when he opposed Barkley last year. In a
year when many Roosevelt supporters were being
defeated, Chandler was beaten by Roosevelt Sup-
ported "Dear Alben." Perhaps Happy will make
a good Senator, but whether Kentucky wants him
as senator is still-very much in the dark.
But, perhaps no one should grumble. Happy
will be able to lift the spirits of the Senators quite
a bit, although some may not agree with his
treatment of striking coal miners in Harlan
County. They may not like his labor policy, but
he will be very entertaining. We're betting on it.
-Alvin Sarasohn
Tlakes Its Toll...
TIS APPALLING indeed when thou-
sands of human beings lose their
lives in battle; horror and resentment are dis-
played with all the means we possess. War, said
our Preisdent, is hell.
But who pays any attention to the thousands"
who annually go West as the -result of an in-
dustrial accident? Oh, sure, there are a few
individual cases that receive all the publicity
they deserve; more, in fact. To take stock if
the situation, it might be enlightening to know
that from April, 1917, until November, 1918, the
length of time America was entered in World
War I, more lives were lost in American indus-
try than did our valient boys in France.
Some people, upon being informed of the

arranging that the fallen foe shall receive full
military honors, if only he drops from the sky
rather than the top of a trench.
Despite the development of squadron flying,
the dog fight between Launcelot and some other
is kept in being. Richard the Lion Hearted rides
again and is opposed by the courtly Saladin
Much of this is stuff and nonsense. Probably
the old wars were, in their way, as mean and
brutal as present hostilities. Fiction and the
more imaginative kind of history have endowed
them with protective coloration. I would not
be in the least surprised to learn that in actuality
flowers were omitted during the War of tfe
* * *
I knew a pacifist who used to say that he was
against all wars but that he would have been
glad to fight at Marathon. To me it seemed a
rather hollow gesture, since nobody is recruiting
for that decisive battle just now, and, anyhow,
I imagine that when the Greeks and Persians
met there was in reality no more glamour than
in a modern duel with bayonets.
But fact has not yet caught up with the avia-
tors. It is still a way of death which many are
willing to chance without compunction. A friend
of mine went up to Canada recently to ask some
questions about enlistment. He returned crest-
"They've already got twenty or thirty thous-
and fellows on the list who want to fly over the
West Wall," he told me. "Apparently you've got
to be put up at birth to have a chance. And
everybody told me I wouldn't get any chance to
fly a pursuit plane or a bomber on account of
my age. I'm only 41 and just as good as ever.
But apparently this is a very exclusive war, and
only the young men will be permitted to go out
and die in the air."
There was a British flying field in the Vosges
where some of us newspapermen went occasion-
ally to play bridge with the English pilots. It
wasn't very good bridge, and the stakes were
only one-hundredth of a cent a point. So mostly
we just marked them on the book to wait until
we met again. But one night one of the young
Englishmen seemed fidgety and quit at 10, though
midnight was our deadline. And he insisted on
paying off two francs he owed here and five
francs to another fellow. The franc being what
'it was, everybody was anxious to let the debts
slide and not be bothered making change. But
the flier was insistent.
"What's the rush?" one of us asked finally.
He blushed and stammered, "I've got to go over
and bomb Metz tonight," he explained. And so
he went away with all his accounts in perfect
order. We did not see him again. He was a
player who never did learn not to lead his aces
right straight off./
"The art of music" said Berlioz once, "consists
in the combination of science, gift, experience,
and love." W. F. Turner, writing in The New
Statesman and Nation last year, appropriated
this dictum when he submitted the following:
"In my own experience only Heifetz and Rach-
maninoff could be said to be instrumentalists
who were great technicians without perhaps be-
ing great artists; but here one is speaking of a
superlative degree of musicianship in which gift,
science, experience, and perhaps some love are
blended. On these higher levels the degree of gift
and some mysterious element we may call 'per-
sonality' enter."
There is nothing so rare as an intelligent music
critic. Mr. Turner is one of them. But it is
difficult to see how he can deduce from Rach-
maninoff's playing (for he certainly did not get
it from Dr. Riesemann's biography) a lack of
love for his art. If last evening's performance
of the Beethoven Sonata (op. 111) indicated any-
thing, it was just this: that in Rachmaninoff the
love of music has gone beyond the sporadic en-
thusiasm endemic to youth and has come to

realize itself as the mature, sober, but ever-so-
strong function of his life. It is no'longer zeal;
it is wisdom and solidity, wisdom of technique,
solidity of emotion. Because it is wise it is not
. dull, and because it is solid it is reliable.
You may not have felt that Beethoven con-
ceived the performance of his work just that
way, but you are sure he would have understood
it. That is the meaning of interpretation,-not
to "think music as the composer thought it,
to tread in his footprints the path of creative in-
spiration." but to deny, while knowing the com-
4-.d c nrr sfjni *1- Iana 4f 1c Anca .. f1,n aman-

Drew Pedrson
WASHINGTON-For a long time
Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wal-
lace hopefully has preened himself
as a promising presidential candidate.
What Franklin Roosevelt privately
thinks of hiin in that light was dis-
closed to Senator Guy Gillette when
the Iowan went to the White House
to discuss neutrality. .
As Gillette rose to go, the Presi-
dent observed that he had been think-
ing about Iowa's delegation to the
convention next year, and it seemed
to him that the wisest course would
be to have it go uninstructed.
Gillette, who has publicly declared
himself against athird term, did not
rise to the broad hint. Quietly but
firmly he demurred:
"I'm not so sure about that, Mr.
President. I've always felt that the
Iowa delegation ought to be instruct-
ed for Henry Wallace."
"Henry is a grand person, a grand
person," Roosevelt replied. "There
is no question about that, and no
one is fonder of him than I am. But1
you know as well as I do, Guy, that
Henry just -hasn't got 'It'."
Gillette admitted this, but per-
sisted in his stand. But after fur-
ther discussion, during which Roose-
velt repeated his contention that
Wallace lacked political oomph, Gil-
lette did give a little ground.
"Perhaps," he conceded, "the dele-
gation shouldn't be pledged wholly to
Henry. But I do think it should be
at least instructed to the extent of
giving him a complimentary ballot or1
'What The 'Ell' Winchell
Illustrative of the unfair manner
in which the Dies Committee is used
as a sounding-board to blast reput-
able characters was the recent crack
which Bundleader Fritz Kuhn took
at Walter Winchell.
Winchell's real name, according to
Kuhn, is "Lipschitz."
Winchell's original name actually
was "Winchel." Asked why he added
the extra "1", the famous columnist
once wise-cracked: "What the 'ell?"
Industrial Preparation
The semi-dictatorial super-govern-
ment the Army has devised to run
the country in case of war, still is only
a paper plan.
Meanwhile one key feature of the
plan already has been set in motionr
--with full congressional approval.
This is the groundwork for mobiliz-
ing the nation's industry for war pro-
duction. Few, except insiders, real-
ize the extent of these preparations.r
Today more than 10,000 plants
have secret orders for military pro-
ducts, and another 10,000 are being
surveyed for the same purpose. In
addition, the War Department has an
index of thousands of other factories
that could be used in a pinch. .
To insure maximum speed and effi-
ciency, the Army has decentralizedI
its procurement machine into twelve
''concentration centers' in strategic
cities-New York, Boston,Philadel-1
phia, Hartford, Conn., Schnectady,'
N.Y., Cincinnati, Bethlehem, Pa., At-
lanta, Birmingham, Chicago, San
Francisco and Seattle. These centers.
are under the command of picked
Army officers whose special job it"
is to be minutely acquainted with the
"war load" of every'factory. To dof
this they maintain a close check on
the inventories, financial statusandI
equipment of each firm.E

An idea of the scope of military
production is given by the fact that
some 70,000 separate items are re-
quired to put a wartime army in the
field. Of these 70,000, about 3,700
items are not normally made by pri-
vate concerns, while 55 items are.
totally unavailable. That is, they
cannot be profitably produced.
To overcome this obstacle, Con-
gress voted the Army $16,500,000 to
subsidize plants with "educational3
orders," and last year $2,500,000 was
spent for this purpose.
bert Impromptu terribly dated and a
bore. Rachmaninoff's own Etude-
Tableau in A minor sounded rather
modern. The final Chopin and -Liszt
numbers are works of the culture
Rachmaninoff loves. 'We did not
miss the note of satisfaction with
which he performed them. The ped-
aling of the Waldesrauchen of Liszt
was a little accomplishment all by
The 'effects' Rachmanioff .achieves
in playing the Romantics are gained
quite as much by the way he dyna-
mizes his positive rhythmic sense as
they are through subtleties of shad-
Derogation? Merely this: it is our
dogma that the duty of the artist is
once to the past and twice to the
present; that the greater the stature
of the artist, the more is this duty
1", Iifor^ fa . h ns. 11-1,10h ho t


(Continued from Page 2)
(This notice does not include School
of Muisic students).
Identification Pictures will be re-
quired for admittance to the football
games from now on. Any students
who have not obtained their cards
should call at Room 2, University
Hall, at once.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information'
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service examinations:
(Last date for filing application is
noted in each case).
Sanitary Engineer I, salary range:
$150-190, Nov. 1.
Sanitary Engineer 11, salary range:j
$200-240, Nov. 1.
Numeric Bookkeeping Machine
Clerk C, salary range: $80-100, Nov. 4.
Numeric Bookkeeping Machine
Clerk B, salary range: $105-125, Nov.
Complete announcement on file at
the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
Hillel Foundation: Registration is3
still open for Hillel Classes. All stu-
dents interested may contact the of-j
fice of the Foundation.
Exhibition by Ann Arbor artists,
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Art Association. Alumni2Memorial7
Hall, open until October 26l
University Lecture: Dr. Maximo M.j
Kalaw, member of the Philippine Na-1
tional Assembly, will lecture on
"American-Phillippine Relations and
the Present Crisis" in the National
Science Auditorium on 'Thursday,
Oct. 26, at :15 p.m.
Lecture: The Reverend Henry O.
Yoder will give the .third lecture in
the series on "I Believe" which is
sponsored by the Student Religious
Association. The lecture will be held
in the Rackham Amphitheatre today
at 8 p.m.
Mr. Louis C. Fisk of the Hyatt Bear-
ings Division of General Motors will
speak at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Oct.
26, in the Rackham Amphitheatre on
"Engineering Personnel and Busi-
ness Relations" under the auspices
of the Engineering Student-Faculty
Committee on Professional Ethics.
The public is invited.
Toda's Events
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will1
meet in Room 122dChemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. today.
Professor Kasimir Fajans will
speak on "Molecular Refraction and
Chemical Forces."
Biological Chemistry Seminar: The
seminar in Biological Chemistry will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7 p.m. today.
The subject to be discussed
is "Iodine Studies-Blood, Thyroidj
Other Tissues." All interested are in-
vited to attend.I
Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering Seminar: Mr. Dysart E.
Holcomb will be the speaker at the
Seminar for Graduate Students in
Chemical andMetallurgicaldEngin-
eering today at 4 o'clock in Roomn
3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is "A
Comparison of Theoretical 'Design
Methods for Multi-Component Frac-
tionating Columns."3
Program of Recorded Musie: The
Music Hour at the International Cen-
ter at .7:30 this evening is of more
than usual interest. Prof. Charles
P. Wagner will speak on the develop-
ment of Spanish music, illustrating
his talk with records from his library

of Spanish music.
La Sociedad Hispanica will have a
meeting today at 7:30 p.m. in the
Michigan League. The speaker will be
Professor Albaladejo of the Spanish:
department. Everyone interested is.
Freshmen and Transfer Engineer-.
ing Students: A smoker for freshmen
and transfer engineering / students
will be held this evening at 7:30 in:
the. Union ballroom.
Movids will be shown and re-
freshments will be served. Members.
of the College of Enginnering facul-
ty are also cordially invited.
, Scabbard and Blade: F-4 members
are reminded to draw sabers today
at Headquarters between 1 and 4
p.m. Be at the Field House tonight
at 7:30 for a rehearsal of the parade.
to be held Friday. No uniforms.
Perspectives: There will be a meet-
ing of the editorial staff this eve-
ning at 7:30 in the Student Publica-
tions Building.
Alnha Nu- All hnvs whether fresh-

and Cdnservation will speak; Elec-
tion of Chapter delegate to Biennial
Tau Beta Pi: Very important meet-
ing today. Dinner will be, served
promptly at 5:45 p.m. in the Michi-
gan Union. Please note change of
Micigan Anti-W4ar Comittee
membership meeting will be held
this evening at the Michigan
League at 8 p.m. Important busi-
ness will be transacted, after which
future plans will be discussed. This
Will be followed by a discussion on
"Propaganda in the United States.
Everyone interested in peace work
is cordially invited to attend.
Student Senate: There will b, a
meeting of the tudent Senate today
at 7:30 p.m. in the 'Michigan Union.
Members of the Senate and friends
of the Senate are urged to attend.
'Sigma Eta Chi, regular meeting at 8
p.m. this evening at Pilgrim
Hall. There will be a short business
meeting after which Julia LaRue will
give a report of the convention held
last June in Lincoln, Nebr. All mem-
bers and pledges please be present.
. .x
University of Michigan1FlyiOCu:
Contrary to yesterday's notice, Mr.
Al Schramm Will not be here to ad-
dress the meeting tonight. However,
the meeting will be held as schedulet
at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. It is im-
perative -that dlues be paid at this
time to take care of next Sunday's
Meet, winners of which will. be pre-
sented with silver medals. The Burr-
Pat trophy is still in circulation. We'
also. must prepare for the Midwest
Meet. Refreshments as usual.
Assembly: There will be a meeting
of the board- of Assembly today at
4:15 in the League. All members of
the three groups of Assembly are
asked to be present.
Ushers for Art Cinema Produc tins:
All those girls who took the ushering
test in the Lydia Mendelssohn the-
atre are asked to see Professor Ken-
yon in the League any day this week
between 2 and 4 p.m., according to
Peggy Cornelius, chairman of ush-
ering for Art Ciiema Productions.
Stalker Hall: Student Tea and
Open House tohday from 4 to 5:30
p.m. 1 All Methodist students. and
their friends are codially invited.
American Student Union ?eace
Commission will meet today ,at 5
p.m. in the Michigan Union.
A.A.UIW. Drama Group will meet
tonight at 8 p.m. 'at the home of
Katherine Kempfer, 935 Dewey.
Newcomers Section of the aclty
women's Club: There willb e a wel-
comning tea toiday, 3:30-5:30 pm. at
the Michigan League
Wives of Students and Interna are-
cordially invited to the first general
meeting of the Michigan Dames. It
will be .in the Hussey Room of the
Michigan League at .eight o'clock,
promptly. Reception of new mem-
bers and organization 'of interest
groups will be the principal business.
Cohning Events.
Women's Research Club:- The regu-
lar November meeting will be held
on Monday, Oct. 30, at 7:30 p.m., in
the West Lecture Room of the Rack-
ham Building. The speaker will be
Dr. Marthia' CG.Colby,.and her sub-
ject: "The Development of Abstrac-
-ion Processes and their Relation to
Human Intelligence."
Ushers for Ruthven Testimonial:
There will be a meeting Thursday,
Oct. 26, at 4:15 pim. in the Yost

Field House. Anyone who will be
unable to attend will be automatical-
ly dropped from the committee.
Please call Virginia Osgood, 7117, if
you are unable to attend so that a
substitute can be appointed. The
committee consists of:
Florence Brotherton, Doris Kim-
ball, Betty Hine, Barbara Telling,
Ruth Mary Smith, Ann' Winters,
Beth O'Roke, Barbara Brehm, Eliza-
beth Moe, Ann Vedder, Elizabeth
Hegge, Elizabeth Titus, Edna Kear-
ney, Betty Conn, Joan Outhwaite;
Jane Krause, Helen Ralston, Jane
Baits, Virginia .Keilholtz, Belle Cal-
kins, Martha McCrory, Betty Ship-
man, Martha Cook, Marjory Strand,
Betty Dickmeyer, Betty Asselin, Janet
Homer, Betty Anne Chaufty, Claire
Reed-Hill, Barbara Bassett, Barbara
Fisher, Maxine Baribeau, Mary
Frances Reek, Patty Matthews, Jane
Pinkerton, Mary Johnson;
Barbara McIntyre, Marjory Bishop,
Ednay Linsey, Dorothy Webster, Jean
Baker, Zelda Davis, Mary Honecker,
Ann Vicary, Betty Slee, Hope Hart-
wig, Jane Mowers, Dorothy Shipman,
Roberta Leete, Ella Stowe.
Deutscher Verein: Will have a roast
at the Island on Sunday, Oct..29..The


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