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October 21, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-21

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. =mt = ' - _-
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
I Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year. by carrier,
140;by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

rl Petersen
iott Maraniss
i M. Swinton
rton L. Linder
rman A. Schorr
nnis Flanagan
hn N. Canavan;
n Vicary
!1 Fineberg

Editorial Staff
. , . .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Womed's Editor
* Sports Editor

Business Staff
mness Manager
. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
nen's Business Manager
men's AdvertisingrManager
licatioris Manager

Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
*Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
:A Anerican Shipin
And Netralit y...
MERICAN shipping faces a knotty
' ..tproblem whichever way the "cash
and carry'' vs. embargo scrap turns out.
As long as the, embargo act is maintained, the
American merchant marine will have to answer:
What isontraband and what is not? The prob-
tlem of definition is made seemingly hopeless by
the fact that as soon as one decision is made,
the expediencies of belligerent nations will un-
-doubtedly alter it,
Great Britain and Germany have announced
4 simnilar contraband lists that include the weapons
of war, war chemials, fuel of all kinds and con-
trivances for, or means of, transportation and
communication. These are fairly clear, but the
difference between legal and illegal trade be-
comes extremely tenuous when there is added
t a ban on "all other articles necessary or con-
venient for carrying on a war" and when food and
t clothing are classed as "conditional contraband."
This is simply adding nonsense on top of mys-
ticism. American trade experts have found a
r few items-such as toys, tobacco, business ma-
chines and household appliances-that do not
seem to fall intz this contraband catch-all, but
;iin so doing they probably underestimate the
elasticity of the diplomatic imagination.
Of deeper import to merchants is the effect
of these contraband edicts on American trade.
Four-fiths of this country's normal sales to
Europe have been labeled "contraband" by the
nations at war. Can American commerce play
these rules of the game when it sees its trade
with Great Britain cut from last year's 521 mi-
lion dollars to 139 millions, its trade with Ger-
many slashed from 107 millions to only ten
The American merchant marine is experienc-
ing a far greater fear, however, that the cash
and carry plan will be adopted without modifi-
cation. This would afford only one outlet for
American shipping-South America. It would
mean that American ships would have to swarm
ein a starvation hunt for the relatively meager
trade to the South while other merchant marines
would, presumably, do a land-office business.
Shipping interests are busy in Washington.
Former Senator William G. McAdoo is there
from the Pacific coast to lobby for his interests.
The lobbyists are seeking the support of leading
agricultural and commercial organizations to
oppose the neutrality shipping restrictions.
And they are winning concessions. There will
be no limit on trade to the British and French
possessions in South America. It seems certain
that there will be no restrictions on trade in
the Pacific. But, like the proverbial camel, the
lobbyists want more. Columnist Raymond Clap-
per reports that they are working to have all re-
strictions stricken out of the law, to permit
American ships to go where they will-to peace-
ful ports or across the tracks into the backyarcs
of belligerents.
Out of these sbread-and-butter tactics of self-
ish interests may spring neutrality loopholes
of profound import to American peace.
-Hervie Haufler
Michigan State College students pay but 12
per cent of the cost of their tuition.
* * *
Fifty per cent of the Washington and Jeffer-

N ACCORDANCE with his threat of last Tues-
day, Gulliver is going to go ahead with his
analysis of the European situation and America's
probable relation to what revelops.
As things stand now, American intervention to
establish an immediate peace in Europe would
be not only a bad move, but almost an impossi-
bility. In the first place, Hitler has offered to
make peace; Britain and France have not. Any
action for peace on the part of the United States
at this time would seem to be an offer of aid and
comfort to Hitler. Hitler needs peace very badly,
worse, in fact, than anybody else. This is what
makes Gulliver think that Roosevelt isn't going
to strain himself getting all the boys around the
conference table. However, Gulliver feels that
this is one of the most dangerous things about
Roosevelt's foreign policy-that it is oriented
pretty solidly about the aims and ambitions of
the French and British empires.
The situation therefore is pretty nasty. Hitler
cannot gain through a prolongation of the war.
Nor do the working people of any country gain
through the prolongation of an imperialist war.
But the only way for peace to come will be
through independent united action of the work-
ing peoples of Europe. The only other peace
would be a Hitler peace, and it has been proved
that that is no peace at all. Chamberlain and
Daladier do not want peace, at least not until
they have succeeded in replacing Hitler with a
more amenable individual. It is Gulliver's guess
that at that time, Roosevelt will be willing to
step in as a nominally neutral peacemaker.
THROUGH all this, there is one ray of sunshine
which keeps peeping through: Hitler is
done. He's all washed up, and it doesn't look as
though there's anything he can do about it. Even
an immediate peace won't do him any good. Joe
Stalin has blown Adolf's eastern ambitions sky
high, and the Maginot Line and the British fleet
in the west just about finish Adolf off..,
The big job is to see that the Germans get a
Drew Pedrson
Robert .AIen
WASHINGTON-The inside of the second
Lindbergh radio broadcast is that the flying col-
onel shifted back and forth several times before
he finally made up his mind on neutrality.. In
the end it was friends of Herbert Hoover who
helped make up his mind for him.
The first to urge Lindbergh to make a second
speech clarifying his neutrality views was Sen.
Harry Byrd of Virginia, severe Roosevelt critic,
but working actively for the President in the
arms embargo fight.
Byrd got in touch with Lindbergh shortly after
his first broadcast and found that the flier had
not meant to oppose the lifting of the arms em-
bargo. In fact, he said that he really. sided with
the President, and expressed irritation that cer-
tain Coughlinites were quoting his first radio
speech as such conclusive argument for retain-
ing the embargo.
So Lindbergh promised Senator Byrd that he
would broadcast a second time and line up with
But just one day after Byrd had received that
promise, Lindbergh was called in by Senator
Borah, leading isolationist. The two talked a
long time. Afterward Lindbergh seemed to lean
toward the isolationist side.
Hoover's Middle Course
Meanwhile, Herbert Hoover had come out for
an embargo against offensive arms but no ban
on the sale of defensive arms.
It was William R. Castle, Jr., former Under-
Secretary of State, who did the rest. He has
known Lindbergh for years. He has known
Hoover for an even longer period, and still repre-

sents the Hoover faction indirectly on the Re-
publican National Committee.
Torn between Borah, the complete isolationist,
and Byrd, the anti-isolationist, Lindbergh took
a middle course. He adopted the Hoover thesis
of differentiating between offensive and defen-
sive weapons.
Note: Lindbergh admitted in his speech that
differentiation between offensive and defensive
weapons would be very difficult.
McNutt's Double
The White House doesn't know it, but more
than one postmaster attending the National
Association of Postmasters convention here re-
turned home firmly convinced that Roosevelt
intended to boost the presidential aspirations of
Paul McNutt. It happened this way:
Roosevelt greeted the postmasters from the
second story portico overlooking the White House
gardens, where they gathered en masse. He wa6
flanked on one side by Postmaster General Jim
Farley and on the other by his Naval Aide,
Capt. Dan Callahan. Callahan is tall, white
haired, and handsome. From a distance he
might easily be taken for McNutt. And that is
exactly what some of the postmasters did.
Shortly after they returned to their hotels,

decent chance after Hitler goes. From all indi-
cations, not only Roosevelt, but also the British
Labor Party (see this week's Time) intend to
leave this matter in the hands of Chamberlain
and Daladier. The answer is that Chamberlain
and Daladier must go too, and the quicker the
better (and in the meantime, Americans must
be on guard against the blandishments of the
British imperialists.)
IT WOULD SEEM to be high time that the
people of Europe( and gf the United States as
well) realize that what is needed is not a re-
shuffling of the cards, but a new deck. This is
especially true for those American and British
liberals who have decided to cast their lot in
with Chamberlain in order to get rid of Hitler.
And that goes for the people who have been un-
critically supporting Roosevelt's foreign policy
merely because his domestic policy is progressive
and necessary,
What is badly needed now is a group of Eng-
lishmen and Frenchmen with guts enough to
take over the British and French goyernments
and return them to the people. Popular govern-
ment is still a good idea, and the best guarantee
of a peaceful Europe will be governments in Lon-
don and Paris which do not take their orders
from the City of London or the Bourse, but which
are sensitively attuned to the needs of the masses
and which are ready and able to act on those
needs in a decisive and positive fashion. Such
governments will be able not only to cope with
Hitler, but to aid the German people in establish-
ing the kind of government that the German
people want.
Such governments would win the wholehearted
support of the American people. The present
British and French governments are no more
worthy of American support than the govern-
ment of Hitler, and any attempts on their part
to involve the United States either in a new
World War or in a new Versailles should-be noted
for what they are. The United States should
stand ready to act for peace with any popular
government which may be born in England,
France, or Germany.
In the meantime, we have the job here at
home of keeping us at peace, and at the same
time of defending and extending our democracy
in every sphere-the political, the economic,
the social.


4 4 ,

It Seems To Me
By Heywood Broun
George Kaufman and Moss Hart
have done a highly diverting play
out of the Woollcott saga. It seems
to me that The Man Who Came to
Dinner embellishes a legend rather
than presents us with the town crier
complete and in the flesh. It is not
the final definitive drama. That
would be a large order. , Indeed, it
might be an excellent idea for the two
playwrights to make their present
venture the first of a series somewhat
after the mannel of the Frank Mer-'
riwell books. Thus we might rave;
Alec at Hamilton, Alec on the Town,
Alec on a Gunboat and Alec on the
Stars and Stripes.
If the present conflict stimulates
marital melodramas I certainly rec-
ommend the last-named theme, for
there has never been another soldier
like Sergeant Woollcott or a single
individual along any front who in
the slightest way resembled Wooll-
cott the War Correspondent. He
wasn't in the least like dressy James
or Richard Harding Davis. After
frantic attempts to enlist in all the
more combative arms of the service
Mr. Woollcott managed to blink his
way into the Medical Corps.
I ran across him at Savenay, a
base hospital, a little to the north
of Saint Nazaire, where the first
division landed. As orderly I rather
fear that Mr. Woollcott was a menace
to discipline. In order to live up to
regulations it was customary for an
officer to be detailed each day to
march the enlisted men around in
some sort of a rudimentary drill. But
many of the microbe hunters knew
even less about tactics than the ex-
dramatic critic, and so the sergeant
undertook, not unsuccessfully, . to
bully his superiors.
Refuses To Show Up
There had been some little flutter
of excitement the day before I ar-
rived, because Mr. Woollcott had flat-
ly refused to show up for maneuvers
on the day a famous oral surgeon
happened to inherit the command.
"I refuse to be drilled by a dentist,"
said the sergeant, and he got away
with it. While I was at the base drink-
ing port in Woollcott's cubicle a cap-
tain from Manhattan, who was an
internist in civil life, wandered in to
get his ration. Mr. Woollcott made
no motion to rise from the one com-
fortable chair in which he was sit-
ting, but indicated the top of a trunk.
"I think," said the captain, "that
just as a matter of form you ought
to stand up and salute. What i
Pershing were to pop in suddenly?"
"Eddie is suffering from delusions
of grandeur," explained Alec, and
kept his seat.
And so, when the Stars and Stripes
-a paper for enlisted men-was
started in Paris everybody in author-
ity at Savenay moved heaven and
earth to get the sergeant transferred
from hospital to journalistic duties.
In the beginning the sprightly jour-
nal, which later fell under the editor-
ship of Harold Ross, wassupervised
by Major Richard Waldo. Mr.
Woollcott did much to democratize
that branch of the army also when
he suggested that the reportorial
staff should fight the war "with our
backs to the Waldo"
Native Talent Wins
Nevertheless, native talent tri-
umphed over tactlessness and pres-
ently Mr. Woollcott was off for the
front line to give the doughboys a
first-hand account of what they were
doing. It was not my good fortune
ever to see Alec in action, but the late
William Slavens McNutt once gave
me a vivid description.
"All hell had broken loose in a
valley just below us," said McNutt,
"and I was taking cover in a ditch as

Alec and Arthur Ruhl ambled brisk-
ly past me on their way into action.
Alec had a frying pan strapped
around his waist, and an old gray
shawl was flung across his shoulders.
Whenever it was necessary to duck
from a burst of shell fire Alec would
place the shawl carefully in the
middle of the road and sit on it. Inl
another quarter of a mile we would
be in the thick of it. I saw that Ruhl
and Alec were having a terrific argu-
ment, and so I managed to catch up
to find out what men would quarrel
about at such a moment. Suddenly
we all had to fall flat, but while still
reclining on his belly Woollcott
turned and said, 'I never heard any-
thing so preposterous. To me Maude
Adams as Peter Pan was gay and
spirited and altogether charming as
the silver star on top of the treeon
Christmas morning.'
"I guess," said McNutt, "there's no
curbing a dramatic critic even if you
shoot at him."
Plan P.A. System
For Rutlhven Fete
Arrangements have been completed
for installing a Reiss public address
system for the Ruthven Anniversary
Dinner, to be given Oct. 27 in Yost
Field House, Herbert G. Watkins,
assistant secretary of the University,
announced yesterday.

To The Editors:
In last Wednesday's editorial Mr. Maraniss
pointed out the weakness inherent in nineteenth-
century liberalism. Although his criticism of
this philosophy is justified, we should bear in
mind that there is another type of liberalism
which involves something more than the econom-
ics of Adam Smith and the political liberalism
of John Locke.
The liberal-action of John Dewey is a vital
political philosophy which is cognizant of the
"economic and social revolution beating about
our ears." It fully agrees with Mr. Maraniss in
condemning that school of "liberalism" best per-
sonified by Herbert Hoover. Liberal Action de-
nies the charge, frequently made, that liberal-
ism and action are mutually exclusive. This
philosophy is a combination of theory and social
experiment, which has as its basis the faith that
organized intelligence can solve all man-made
problems. It takes account of the complexity
of modern society which necessitates a coopera-
tive commonwealth. The purpose of this com-
monwealth would be to bring the greatest free-
dom to the greatest number of people. Because
it applies the scientific method, liberal action
cannot predict the exact form of the society
which will afford this freedom. Since the ends
obtained are determined by the means, it em-
phasizes the maintenance and extension of civil-
liberties, the prevention of all war, and the
establishment of economic justice.
A proponent of liberal-action, Dr. Joel Seid-
man, will speak in Ann Arbor on Nov. 9. He will
discuss, "Civil Liberties in Time of War," and
suggest actions which liberals should take in
meeting the present crisis.
Surely liberal-action is the "stuff of which a
modern progressive movement can be organized
to meet the very realistic threat of reaction and
-Gerald Nitzberg
Teacher's Training Significant
What he declares to be two strangely contra-
dictory facts in American education are pointed
out by Edwin R. Embree in his article, "The
Education of Teachers," appearing in the current
Autumn issue of The American Scholar.
"First," Embree declares, "the preparation of
teachers is the most important task of profes-
sional education. And second, the teachers
college is the poorest of all the departments of
higher education."
The writer amplifies these statements with
references to the meager financial endowment
possessed by most teachers colleges, the below-
average mentality of students enrolling in teach-
ers colleges as compared to those in other pro-
fessional departments or college students gen-
erally, and the lack of development in subjects

(Continued from Page 3) t
be written in English or German.
Each contestant will be free to choose
his own subject from a list of at least
30 offered. The list will cover six
chapters in the development of Ger-
man literature from 1750 to 1900,
each of which will be represented by
at least five subjects. Students who
wish to compete must be taking a
course in German (32 or above) at
the time of the competition. They
should register and obtain directions
as soon as possible at the office of the
German department, 204 University'
Eligibility Cards:
This is the last day on which eligi-
bility cards will be signed, according
to Roberta Leete, Chairman of Merit
System Committee. All girls inter-
msted in working on any League
Committee must have a signed eligi-
bility card. These cards can be ob-
tained at Room 4, University Hall,
and can be signed at the League from
3 to 4 p.m.
Academic Notices
Political Science 52: Make-up ex-
%mination for the second semester,
1938-39, will be held Tuesday, Oct.
24, at 2 p.m. in Room 2033, Angell
Playwriting (English 149). Because
>f the concert Tuesday evening, the
Glass will meet on Monday evening
in 3217 A.H.
Today's Events
A.A.U.W. branch meeting will take
glace in the Michigan League Build-
ing at 3 p.m. today. Prof. Preston
losson will speak on "A Year on
the Edge of the Precipice."
Phi Delta Kappa will hold a fellow-
ship luncheon this afternoon at
1:15 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Dr.
:abib Kurani, Professor of Compara-
give Education in the American Uni-
versity of Beirut, Syria will speak.
Members of other chapters who are
now on campus are especially invited
to attend.
Freshman Round Table: Miss Mux-
an, Counselor on Vocational Guid-
ance, will discuss the topic, "For
What Are We Preparing?" at the
y'reshman Round Table, Lane Hall,
this evening at 7:30 p.m. All
freshmen men and women are in-
The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to the public from 7:30 to 10
;his evening.
The moon and planets, Jupiter and
Saturn, will be shown through the
telescopes. Children must be ac-
:ompanied by adults.
The Outdoor Club will meet for a
short hike this afternoon. The group
will leave Lane Hall at 2 p.m. All are
welcome and old members are urged
to bring a friend.
Assembly and Congress: Congress
and Assembly are jointly holding a
radio "Open House" from 2 to 5 p.m.
today in the League Grill Room
for the Chicago football game. There
will be dancing and card games when
the game is not on. Everybody is
invited to come.
Graduate students are invited to
listen to a radio broadcast of the
Michigan-Chicago football game this
afternoon in the Men's Lounge of
the Rackham Building..
Episcopal Students: Listen to the
Chicago game this afternoon at Har-
ris Hail and munch pop-corn between

Chapel Service Club: All men mem-
bers of St. Mary's Chapel who are in.
terested in acting as ushers, servers
or choir members are asked to attend
a smoker in the Auditorium of the
Chapel this afternoon between 2:30
and 5 p.m. We will conclude our or-
ganization plans and listen to the
Michigan vs. Chicago game. Re-
freshments will be served.
Hayride for Congregational students
and their friends . Wagons will leave
Pilgrim Hall, 608 East William St.,
about 8 p.m. this evening. Lots
>f fun, games and refreshments. Call
2-1679 for reservations.
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship meets each day except Sunday
in the Upper Room of Lane Hall for
noon-day prayer from 12:30 to 1 p.m.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Members:
The regular luncheon meeting will be
held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the.
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be a brief in-
formal talk by Mr. James S. Edwards


ternoon, Oct. 23, at 4:15 in Room
1041 E. Physics Bldg.
Botanical Journal Club will meet on
Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 7 p.m. in Room
N.$_ 1139.
iheviews of recent papers on algae
will be given.
Reports by:
Miss Frances Wynne
Mr. Gilberto Marxuach
Mrs. Francesca Thivy
Mr. William Gilbert
Seminar in Bacteriology will meet
in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, Oct. 23, at 8 p.m. Subject:
"Bacterial Metabolism."
The Pi Lambda Theta tea which
was tentatively scheduled for Oct.
24 will be held Oct. 31 in the Rack-
ham Building.
Scalp and Blade will hold its first
fall smoker at the Michigan Union
on Sunday, Oct. 22, at 5 p.m. All
Buffalo men are cordially invited.
Rifle Team: First practice for rifle
team tryouts on Monday, Oct. 23,
3-5 p.m. It is important that all
old team members be present.
Mathematics Short Course on the
"Theory of Representation" to be
given by Dr. Nesbitt, will have its
First meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at
3 o'clock in Room 3201 A.H. Ar-
rangements of hours for future meet-
tngs will be made at this time. The
;ourse will meet three times a week
or five weeks.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will meet at Lane Hall, Sunday at
s p.m., one half hour earlier than
u.sual. Mr. Stacey Woods,- General
Secretary of the Inter-Varsity Fel-
'owship will be the speaker.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ:
10:45 a.m. Morning worship. Pro-
lessor Bennett Weaver will deliver
the sermon in the absence of the pas-
6:30 p.m., The Students' Guild will
meet at the Guild House, 438 May-
nard Street, instead of the church.
William Muehl of the Anti War Com-
mittee will speak on "Propaganda, A
Major Cause of War."
First Congregational Church, State
and William. Rev. Leonard A. Parr.
10:45 a.m. Public worship. Dr.
Parr will preach on "Prepare for
6 p.m. The Student Fellowship will
meet at the church for supper.
7 p.m. Dr. Charles A. Sink, presi-
dent of the School of Music, will speak
on "Reminiscences of Musical Cele-
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St.
Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. Sub-
ject, "Probation After Death."
Sunday school at 11:45 a.m.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. Sunday school and dis-
cussion group 9:30 a.m. Chapel, Wom-
en's League.
First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron.
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
10:45, Morning worship. Sermon
topic, "Our Daily Bread."
12 noon, Student Round Table.
Discussion topic, "What Can We fe-
lieve About Ourselves?"
6:15, Roger Williams Guild, Guild
house, 503 E. Huron.
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the De-
partment of English will talk on
"Student Goals." A social hour will
follow the address.
Student Evangelical Chapel: Stu-
dents and friends interested in evan-
gelical Christianity are cordially in-
vited to the Sunday worship services
conducted by Dr. G. Goris in The

Michigan League Bldg. The topic for
the sermon of the 10:30 a.m. service
will be "Reverence." At the 7:30 p.m.
service Dr. Goris will speak on "A
Challenging Evaluation." This stu-
dent group also sponsors social and
recreational programs every Friday
evening in the Fireside room at Lane
Hall. Anyone interested is welcome.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship service at 10:40 am. Dr.
C.hW. Brashares will preach on
"Church Programs Toward Peace."
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Class for
students led by Mr. Lawrence Vrede-
voogd. 6 p.m. Bishop Blake will
speak at the Wesleyan Guild Meet-
ing at the church on the topic
"Anerica and War." ! Fellowship
hour and supper following the meet-
Trinity Lutheran Church, Williams
and Fifth, will hold its worship
services Sunday morning at 10:30.
Rev.H. 0. Yoder will deliver the
The Zion Lutheran Church, Wash-
ington at Fifth, will hold worship


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