-String Tackle Post
By Mel Fineberg
Toil And Trouble...-
Superstitious? Who's supersti-
tious? Not Earl Martineau, Mich-
gan backfield coach.
At least, he's a firm believer in
hunches and omens on Saturday
afternoons in the autumn only.
Marty has been a coach here a
little over a year or, to put it in
terms of football, a little over ten
games. For each of those ten
games, Marty has worn the same
suit. "We beat Michigan State
in 1938 when I wore it," he justi-
fies, "and I'd be tempting fate
not to keep it close to my skin in
every other game. The only
trouble is," continued this fugi-
tive from Hallowe'en, "that it's
a winter suit and on hot Satur-
day's I fret and I 'turn and I
sweat and I squirm. The game
with State this year was awful.
I was never so uncomfortable in
all my life."
But that's not the end and all of
Marty's exploits with the unknown.
He always wears John Nicholson's
raincoat. This one is another that,
goes back to the State game of a year
ago. (As we recall, this game started
Michigan on a streak too). Nick had
ask Marty to bring his raincoat with
him and after the victory Nick, °who
isn't at all superstitious, thought
that he had better play safe and have
Marty wear it all the time.
"Anything to humor him,
thought lIarty, who, of course, is
not superstitious, "but it gets a
little annoying at times.. Once
he left it at Barton Hills and I
had to go all the way out there
just before game time. We prob-
ably ,would have held up the
game if I hadn't been back in
"But, mind you, it's not supersti-
tion. I don't believe in that sort
of stuff. But I do believe in pre-
* * *
Shucks! Mr. Christy.. .
It. happened in last Saturday's
ball game and Ed Christy swears
it's true. It was in the last minute
of play and Christy had just missed
a tackle only to have someone else
come up to make it almost im-
Crisler Drills
Varsity Team
On Offensive
I-M Sports
Reuben Kelto, junior tackle, has become one of the most improved
players on the varsity football squad. A center last year, ,Kelto has
made a very successful shift to the tackle position, and has been giving
veteran Bill Smith a merry battle for the first-string position.
Northern Gri Teams Reverse
Last Week's Southern Defeats
Sfluad Scrimmages After
Day Of Rest; Downfield
BlockingIs Stressed
With the Varsity back in harness
after a day's rest, line and downfield
blocking was the Wolverine battle
cry yesterday afternoon as Coach
Fritz Crisler's charges continued
preparations for Saturday's game
with the lowly Chicago Maroons.-
Not yet satisfied with the grade of.
blocking which has been evidenced
thus far this season, Crisler sent his
squad through a long offensive work-
out, stressing particularly blocking
from the line.
Regulars Open Up Holes
The regulars took over the offen-i
sive at the outset and, after a slow
start in which reserve g ards Art
Bennett and Art Paddy and tackle
Ernie Zielinski stood out in piling up
the plays called by Forest Evashev-
ski, really opened up and were soon
driving through for substantial gains.
Joe Savilla was charging hard out of
his tackle slot, as were tackle Reuben
Kelto and Bill Melzow, who alternat-
ed with. Mild~ Sukup yesterday.
The sharpness of the blocks which
were thrown at the line of scrimmage
increased as the practice wore on,
but Crisler was not overly impressed
at the downfield blocking once his
backs got into the opposing secon-
dary, which they did with amazing
consistency. Further concentration
on the downfield blocks will probably
take place this afternoon, with de-
fense against Chicago running plays
coming in for its share, too.'
Pass defense, in which there is al-
ways room for improvement on the
Wolverine squad, will be stressed to-
morrow and Friday. The Maroons
are pinning their scoring hopes in the
In the Independent touch football
league Robert Owen opened its sea-
son with a forfeit victory over Hillel
at South Ferry Field yesterday.
* * * *
In residence hall touch foot-
ball competition Leonard Woz-
niak led Michigan House to a,7-6
win over Williams House. Adams
and Lloyd fought to a 12-12 tie
with Wesley Peters standing out
for Adams and Fred Spalding
and Ted Loring starring for
* * * *
Four contests were carded in the
fraternity speedball leagues. Phi
Delta Theta trounced Pi Lambda
Phi, 14-4. Phi Kappa Sigma downed
Alpha Sigma Phi, 14-3. Theta Chi
was nosed out by Kappa Nu, 10-6, and
Delta Upsilon defeated Beta Theta
Pi, 9-4.
* * * *
All volleyball entries must be
in the Intramural office by
Thursday as leagues for the sea-
son will be made up then. Fra-
ternity and Independent team
managers are also advised to en-
ter handball and water polo
teams at the same time.
All , sophomores interested ini
trying out for basketball manager
report at the Intratural Build-
ing Wednesday at 730 p.M.
Larry Rinek, Mgr.
AP's Grid Experts
Put Michigan Sixth
The weekly poll of 112 Associated
Press writers shows Michigan's foot-
ball team ranked sixth in the country
with 512 points. Last week, the Wo !
verines were down in tenth position.
Pittsburgh's one-point triumph
over} Duke got them top billing this
week with 793 points, points being
awarded on a basis of 10 for a first-
place ballot, nine for a second-place
ballot, etc.
Ninety-nine points behind came
the Irish of Notre Dame, who have,
three straight wins. Oklahoma's
Sooners, once-tied, but winners over
Northstern and Texas, came in
third. Fourth was Tulane, and fifth,
44 points ahead of Michigan, was
Tennessee. Trailing the Wolverines
were Southern California, Alabama,
Texas A&M and Ohio State.
__._., _
. _
Full Line of MEDICO PIPES at
Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co.
Virginia Line Coa<
Ralph Helkkinen, Michigan's
American and Big Ten guard
year, has accepted a position as
coach at the University of Virg
at Charlottesville, Va., it was lear
last night.
Heikkinen, whos dbwnfield bli
ing and defensive play brought
American honors to Michigan for
first time since 1933, had given 1
position as assistant line coach
to accept an offer to play pro
sionally with the Brooklyn Dodi
He was released by them after
porting late and has now acce
this new position under head cc
Frank Murray. He will also at
lw school here
324 South State
818 South State'
I '. . °
It looked for awhile this year that
the South was going to demand repa-
rations from the North for the fight-
ing of the Civil War in the form of
football triumphs, but the Yankees
dug in last week and more than held
their own in the grid battles with
their foes from across the Mason-
Dixon line.
Only a week ago, Alabama whipped
Fordham, Louisiana State swamped1
Holy Cross, Duke walloped Colgate,
Texas outclassed Wisconsin and
Oklahoma ran wild against North-
western. All in all, the intersection'
hostilities seemed to give evidence
that General Lee's surrender almost
80 years ago was a grave error and
by no means decided the strongest
of the two sections.
North Gets Revenge
The North came back last Satur-
day, however, and balked at the de-
mand for reparations. Pittsburgh
checked the Confederate tornado by
edging out the strong Duke squad,
Temple also figured in the revenge
by unleasing a tricky aerial offense
to set back Texas Christian, 13-11.
Holy Cross took things in its own
hands and gained its vengence by
coming back from the Louisiana de-
feat to spank Georgia, 13-0.
Then there was Notre Dame, too,
to help the Yankee cause. The Irish
again came through by the margin
of a place kick in downing Southern
Methodist, 20-19.
Two Southern Victories'
Of course, the Southerners didn't
go through the week without a vic-
tory or two for their side. Tulane
handed Fordham its second straight
intersectional defeat, 7-0, and North
Carolina turned the N.Y.U. charges
back ;with a 14-7 trumph.
As far as Big Ten football is con-
cerned, the title race took on a new
light this week as Ohio State held
Bill DeCorrevont to a total of three
yards in 12 attempts to wreck the
Northwestern hopes, 13-0. The Wild-
cats were conceded the September
crown along with Michigan, but after
two weeks of operations, it's the Wol-
verines and' the Buckeyes on top of
the Conference heap with one victory
Gophers And Purdue Tie
Minnesota, the defending cham-
pions, and Purdue fought each other
to a 13-13 standstill in their Big Ten
opener. Indiana came back from its
Iowa licking to' whip Wisconsin and
Michigsg knocked toff Iowa in the
other Conference games-last week-
Illinois and Chicago took part in
intersectional battles and failed to
hold up the Big Ten standard as the
Maroons, fell under Harvard, 61-0
and the Illini went down to defeat
against Southern California, 26-0.
Michigan's future opponents suf-
fered three losses against two wins
and a tie Saturday. Ohio State and
Penn came through victorious,
Minnesota gained the tie, while Yale,
Chicago and Illinois were defeated.
knee, appeared in a sweat sut, but)
did not engage in the drill.
Paul Kromer's knee appears well
on the mend, as the speedy back,
again exercising in a sweat suit.
showed only a slight trace of a limp.
He may accompany the squad to
Suits Made To Measure
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Also Alterations and Repairing
Jaa/N ED
0 NLY fitter combining 66 baffle
interior and cellophane exte- . ..
rior, keeps nicotine, juices, flakes
out of mouth. No breaking in.
No tongue bite.
Breaks up hot
smoke stream,
resulting in .
ild, health y
Harmon Hits Target
Tom Harmon engaged in a passing
drill for a half hour, concentrating
on long, high passes to John Nichol-
son and Joe Rogers. He was hitting
his targets consistently and from a
distance of over 40 yards. Ed Frutig,
still bothered slightly by a sprained
. ....
Ihucks," he cried, with typical
sty moderation and self-con-
And then, out of the maze
layers, the ballearrier threw
Wolverine fullback the pig-
So amazed was Christy
it was a moment before, he
ed to run
Walters Voted Best
In National League
NEW YORK, Oct. 17.-(P)-Bucky
Walters, Cincinati's 27-game winner,
learned today, probably with mixed
feelings, that he had been voted the
National League's most valuable play-
er for 1939 by the Baseball Writers
Association, being the first choice of
13 of the 24 writers who participated
and the second choice of five others.
He rolled up a total of 303 out of a
possible S336 points.
While :appreciating the well-
earned distinction, the 29-year-old
Red flinger doubtless will recall that
the same honor was voted last year
to his battery mate, Ernie Lombardi,
and that Ernie hasn't been anything
like the same player since.
Second to him was Johnny Mize,
of the St. Louis Cardinals, the
league's leading hitter, who received
178 points. Paul Derringer, who
pitched 25 victories while losing
seven for Cincinnati, was third with
174 points.
Fourth went to Cincinnati's, first-
baseman Frank McCormick, with 159
points. Curt Davis, Cardinal pitcher,
was the only other player to receive
more than 100 votes.
. 8:30 P.M..
After the game, he walked over
to Fritz Crisler and asked him for
the program of the game. The reas-
on? He wanted to know if there were
anyone on the Hawkeye squad who
called himself Shucks. "But there
wasn't," he says.
The explanation must be in'
Christy's magnetic personality.
* * *
Charley Hoyt, who transferred his
allegiance from Michigan to Yale
at 'the beginning of this year, will
be back in town the Friday before
the Yale game. He will accompany
the Elis as trainer.
Hoyt was in that capacity here
before he suceeded the late Stephen
Farrell as track coach. As track
coach he was always noted for his
conditioning ability and he will have
both positions at Yale-trainer and
track coach.
All sophomores wishing to try
out for positions on the track-
manager's staff are requested to
report at the coaches' room in
Yost Field House at 5 p.m. Wed-
nesday, Oct. 1. A
Tom Adams, Jr.,
Varsity Track Mgr.
Chicago Has Most Titles
The University of Chicago leads
the Big Ten in unshared football
Conference championships since 1896.
The Maroons have won seven, Michi-
gan, Minnesota and Illinois five.
Michigan, however, has had-a share
of title in eight years, and Minne-
sota has had seven ties.
His Magic 'Personality has colored three
fields of, music: as a pianist, composer,
and conductor. As a composer, Rach-
maninoff ranks among the, foremost of
the day. As a conductor he has achieved
distinction. His pianistic art has ripened
more golriously with each succeeding
year, and he now, stands at the pinnacle
of his great career.
To be followed by:
, , ,i
Monday, November 6
Monday, November 13
Monday, November 27
John Barbiroili,
Monday, December 4
Thursday, December 14
___ I
Sergei Koussevitzky, Conductor
Crepe cushion between layers of le
Monday, January 15
Thursday, January 25
wednesday, February 14
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