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October 15, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-15

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is Listing Old
Det roit Maps
Either Copies Or Originals
A' In Uniq te co ction,
cnuolphAdams States
A unique list of the earliest known
liaps ad pIctUes of Detroit is being
.eomPfled dby Raidolph. G. Adms,
Ctrtir o'f the William L. Creinents
Cafled 'an "icordgraphy," the book
wi l iontain as complete a list as can
be rn'ade. Among the maps listed will
b'e drie tinde in Paris in 1703, the
first map sh6wing Detroit. From that
time on Detroit was shown on every
1i 6. Two maps of the fort built
o6i the site of the city 'are known
ad are in the archives of the Minis-
ti o'Cokenies in-Paris, but one shows
it as square and the other as ob-
long. An early picture of the city
was bought this summer by the
Made in 1749 and printed in 1765,
In1tWei nap shows the streets of
the early town. In 1763 the English
ac ufirl the fort and it was surveyed
byy ta ri ish ar'my engineer, Capt.
John 1dontressor. A new fort was
1ui't in back of the original to protect
the original fort; in 1796 the Ameri-
cans took it. over. The first map show-
fng bth forts was made by an
Ar rican army engineer, J.J.V. Riv-
nMist "oaf the maps mentioned, or
e*allent copies of them, are in the
possession of the'library. "1istoias
have been satisfed with representa-
tibn'6i 6 etri t ireof question-
able authenticity and we are trying to
make a list to help th'em," Mr. Adams
said. He aided that any informa-
tibn about other pictures of maps of
Detroit up to 180 would be welcomed
bV 1hi' library.-
Jamison Talks
Siys ,epeal Will Bring
More Risk Than Profit
(Odoitinued foi iage 1)
in orders at tie end of the war, due
to t iilrbabl overetpansion, he
pointed out, but they Will be so lim-;
ited in scope that it hardly seems
Wrthwhiie to consider this s an
lini~btent rbult of the repeal of the
Embargo Act.
t obt pele think that the in-
ot,9%d vboluhue of business created
for our 'war babies" will cause near-
ly every industry in the nation to in-
crts its piroduttion and conse-
quently its profits, Professor' Jami-
s* stated. This howeer, wrould
prb.iMy riot be the case, he went
on; a general increase in prosperity
il lIkl t -ifle on lyin the event of
our eniteriig the *ar; bringinig with
it a gteatlr-tobe-'dreaded boom. 1
It etiri likely to mrany people that
our chances of being forced or led ine
to the "Second Warld War" will be1
1lifctased If the Einbargo Act is re-
pealed, Professor Jamisdn continued.
I bitit lhbp feeling, he said, that
ri benefits to business could justifyc
taingg suah a risk.3
A wi--tarie boom would have dis-i
astirbus aftereffects, and its alterna-
ti4-hich we seein likely to receiveE
--old mtean only a relatively small
i96 iii the eneal business level of]
bthls _ cubitry. Indeed, overcautiousf
businessmen and investors, uncertain
as tb the next turn of events, might

So Of rgdoll Plays



A toy tank in one hand, Irwin
Bergdoll, six years old, son of
Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, plays
before his home as his father pre-
pares to go to a federal peniten-
Medic Care
Isriven Free.
Health Service hcludes
30-Day Hospitalization
Free medical care is given to tu
dents including 30 days of hospitali-
zation, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, head
of the Health Service, announced in a
recent interview.
The service is given by thoroughly
trained persons only, Dr. Forsythe
continued, and student patients are
not used as clinical subjects for
medical-student instruction or experi-
Physicians are always on; call for
service in student rooms and special
part-time nurses reside in the wo-
men's, dormitories for service. How-
ever, Dr. Forsythe said, charges ,are
made for special nursing,'some Uni-
versity Hospital services, glasses, some
expensive drugs, physician's room
calls, non-emergency operations, and
other elective services.
The question of excusing class ab-
sence is always a problem, Dr. For-
sythe concluded, and all the Health
Service does is to issue a statement of
facts relative to confining illness of
which it has record.
Germans Comclude Pact
BERLIN, Oct. 14.-(P-Successful
conclusion in Sofia of trade negotia-
tions between a German delegation
and the Bulgarian government was
officially announced tonight. Al-
though no details were disclosed, the
announcement said several agree-
ments were signed.
contract their capital outlays and
force business into a minor slump if
the embargo were lifted, he explained.
"No, I do not feel that the repeal
Df the Embargo Act would niean a
return \to prosperity for America,"
professor Jamison concluded "Its
effects would be rather small,.and I
am afraid that they would benefit but
few of our industries."

SU18r, OCT. 15, 1939
VOt. L. No. 19
To Oeans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls for the first semester are
ready for approval. This should be
done at the Business Office before
Oct. 18 if checks are to be issued on
Oct. 31.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (vix., semes-
ter of summer session) will receive
a grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by October 25. Stu-
dents wishing an extension of time
beyond this date in order to make up
this work should file a petition ad-
dressed to the appropriate official in
their school with Room 4 U.H. where
it will be transmitted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrat
All classes in the Engineering
School will be discontinued at 2 p.m.
Monday for the remainder of the day.
The funeral of Dean Anderson will
be held at 2:30 p.m.
Assistant Dean Lovell
Thillips Scholarships: Freshman
students who presented four 'units of
Latin,, with or without Greek, for ad-
mission to the University, and who
are continuing the study of either
language, may compete for the Phil-
lips Classical 'Scholarships. Awards
will be based on the results of an ex-
amination covering the preparatory
work in Latin or in both Latin and
Greek, as described in the bulletin on
scholarships, which may be obtained
in Room 1, University Hall. The ex-
amination will be held this year in
Room 2014 Angell Hall on Tuesday,
October 24, at 4:00 P.M. Interested
students may leave their names with
Professor W. E. Blake (2024 A. H.)
or Professor J. E. Dunlap (2028 A.H.).
Special Student state on Lecture
Course Tickets: Students intending
to purchase the $2.00 season pass to
the second balcony are urged to do
so immediately as the supply is lim-
ited Box Office hours 10 to 1 and 2
to 4, Hill Auditorium.
The Michigan Chapter of the gen-
eral Honorary Society of Phi Kappa
Phi invites "returning alumnae and
members from other colleges to affil-
iate with the local chapter. Notify
the Secretary of Phi Kappa Phi, R. S.
Swinton, 308 Engr. Annex, Campus,
or phone 4121 Ext. .649.
Choral Union and Oratorical Lec-
ture Ushers: The following men
please report at Hill Auditorium on
Thursday, October 19, 4:30 to 5:30
P.M. for Main Floor Assignments:
Robert S. Allen, Alexis M. Anikeeff,
Democrats Get 1940 Bid
PASADENA, Calif., Oct. 14.-(P)-
The Democratic National Committee
has been invited to hold the 1940
party convention in Pasadena's Rose
Bowl, site bf the annual New Year's
intersectional football game.

Warren R. Austin, Robert C. Bassett,
E. G. Berry, Lorne Black, Donald
Bornor, James F. Bosnia, Roland
Brandt, G. T. Britton, Charles C.
Buck, Arthur W. Burks, Roman G.
Burnor, Jr., Philip C. Busche.
Marvin Carmack, Robert Church,
Herbert D. Cisco, John H. Fager, R.
Ralph Felver, Russell Fiske, J. Wade
Flaherty, Howard P. Fox, Don Fran-
ke, Louis Gordon, Herbert Hackett,
Gordon Hardy, Richard Higgins, K.
Burlingame Hook, W. W. Jack, Har-
old M. Jasurun, Raymond Kaye, G.
H. Kissin, George A. Kuipers.
Paul T. Lahti, Austin Lamberts,
George Luther, Leslie McCoy, Clair
L. Magoon, Kenneth A. Mantele,
Frederick R. Matson, Albert Mayio,
Mungo Miller, Edwin G. Olsen, Wil-
liam C. Parkinson, Donald S. Patter-
son, Lawrence R. Pizer, William Pol-
lak, Richard W. Pomeroy.
Stuart Reading, Harry W. Reed, Jr.,
Bennett M. Rich, Robert Roelofs,
Lawrence B. Scott, Emanuel Sklar,
Paul Smith, Robert H. Snyder, Sid-
ney Sobin, John R. Spencer, William
C. Strasser, Nikolay Turitzin, Leo G.'
Weiss, H. H. Winston, Robert F. Zieg-
ler, Z. S. Zimny.
Choral Union Ushers: The follow-
ing men please report atHill Audi-
torium lobby between 4:30 and 5:30
p.m.., Thursday, October 19, 1939, for,
ticket-taker assignments:
Robert Anderson, Ford. Bachman,
T. A. Barton, Robert E. Burke, D. W.
Burton, James Calver, John W. Clark,
Henry T. Fielding, Jr., Robert W.
Freligh, Walter L. Galson, Thomas
M. Goodwin, John Joseph Hogan,
Seymour Horowitz, William L. Hur-
ley, Robert B. Kinkead, Bob M..Lilli-
bridge, C. R. Lomneth, Arthur Rich-
ards, John Roth, John Shandley,
Philip Wright, L. H. Van der Berg.
Independent Fortnight Tours:'
Those members of Senior Society
and Assermbly who. are making the
tour Monday, October 16, are sche-
duled as follows: Two girls are to
go to each of the two League houses
in one. evening, thus the time will
be 10:30 p.m. for their arrival at the
first house and 10:50 p.m. for the
second. There should be a slate of
the temporary officers of each
League house already prepared for

the approval of the representatives
Monday night..
Jane Dunbar, Patty Matthews-
Martha Cook; Ellen Redner, Mar-
garet Van Ess-Mosher; Betty Slee,
Margery Kern-Betsy Barbour; Mary
Frances Reek-Adelia Cheever; Ze-
iovia Skoratko-Alumni House; Jane
Mbowers, Sate Potter-631 Church and
624 ;hurch; Janet Clark, Ellen
krieghoff-72 8 Church and 730
Churtch- Dorothy Nichols, Roberta
Moote-620 Forest, and 625 Forest;
Maxine Baribeau, Mary Honecker-
816 Tappan ahid 826 Tappan; Gladys
Engel, Betty Gross-703 Haven and
711 Haven; Phyllis McGeachy, Mary
Jean O'Donnell-802 Oakland and
915 Oakland; Ethel Winnai, Betty
Zunk-913 E. Huron and 917 E. Hu-
ron; Sally Manthei, Barbara John-
son-1223 Hill and 1402 Hill; Laya
Wainger, Alice Frande-437 Maynard
and 433 Maynard; Betty Clement,
Janet Sibley-215 Thayer and 236
Thayer; Frances Herdrick, Betty
Hall-816 Forest and 933 Forest.
Academic Notices
German Makee-U Exa minations:
The 'make-up examinations for Ger-
man 1, 2, and 31 will be given on
Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 to 12 a.m.
in Rooin 306 U.H. No student will
be. allowed to take this examination
,inless. he presents a written permit
from his instructor at the time of
the examination.
Botafry I Make-up Final Exam for
students who were absent from the
xammination in June will be given
Monday, October 23, at 7:00 P.M. in
Room 2004 N.S.
Choral Vnion ±Concerts: The fol-;
lowing artists and organizations will
be included in the Choral Union
Concert Series this season:
Oct. 24: Sergei Rachmaninoff, pi-
Nov. 6: Fritz Kreisler, violinist.
Nov. 13: Alexander Kipnis, bass.
Nov. 27: New Yhork Philharmonic-
Symphony Orchestra, John Barbirol-
li, Conductor..

Jan. 15: Kirsten Flagstad, soprano
Jan. 25: Robert Virovai, 'violinist. Exhibitions
Feb. 14: Bartlett and Robertson, fthibition 'by Ann Arbor artits
Mac :AtrRbntipianists. under the ausiP'ces of 'the 'TW rbo
Marchi 6: Artuir Pbinstein, pianrst-At Association. Alumni Vlomdial
A limited number of season tickets, Hall, open until October 6 an ' uh
as well as tickets for individual con- (Continued on Paige 4)
1 ,1
* *
Ch ck n Dinii'e, 45
Our Sunday Special Dinner 'I
Ulke I owa's football team
Canbe nothingbut aWInr
S-- - -

Dec. 4: Jussi Bjoerling, tenor.
Dec. 14: Boston Symphiory 0-
chestra, Serge Koussevitzky, conduc-

certs, are on sale at the Sch64
Music Busine'ss Offie aily, e
Saturday, from -9 to 12 ':m.




- - - - -T


Fats with the new emphasis on
back interest which this Autumn
brings to both millinery and
fashions.. In those new soft
supple felts.
MILLINERY * Second floor

,s A.






P -I

a J " ,t

,, '::
b. .
C ~ W
, ft .
' ' " ' t\
,. _ w



At College

\ q


W hout extra cost you can prove to yourself
that with Barbara Gould Velvet of Peaches,the
tinted foundation cream, make-up will be more
ficttering - gb on more smoothly and last
longer. For a limited time it is included with
each boxof Bdibara Gould Face Powder..$1.00

They'll fit righ into colege life with grand success . .
Suits, coats and dresses that are as sm-art as a straight "A"-
student rad that hove flattering style tricks t send th i
to tfe head of the class when it comes to fashion We pre-
sent clothet for 'round the college clock... froM that early
eight o'clock class to your mos gala prom ate. And . ur
clothes aollwance will appreciate the gcand savin s you cmt
make here!

! '


Suits in lovely
tweeds, checks and
plaids. Beautifully
tailored in jaunty
new Fall styles.
Wine, Brown, Ox-
ford, Green.

4 l I

Wool frocks to win
campus compli-
menps. Plaids and
checks and plenty
of plja in weaves
in soft-as-a-caress
woolens. All favor-
ite shades.

Dresses design ed
for dates aid.par-
ty-going. 'Suavely
mart with their
deftly youthful de-
tails. In rich qual-
ity rayon crepes.



g p.ss






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