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October 13, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-13

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OCT. 13,


Mimes Opera
And The Women .


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e editorials published in The Michigan
are written by members of The Daily
and represent the views of the "Writers


nternational Center
And Friendship.-**
T an exchange student program had
been inaugurated between the University and
Brazil once more stresses the work being done
at Michigan to foster international 'friendship.
For years a leader in the exchange of studen ts
with foreign universities, Michigan gives addi-
tional help to its foreign students through the
International Center, now celebrating its first
birthday. The Center's broad program, aimed
at helping foreign students to. acclimate them-
selves to American university life through social,
cultural and recreational activities, has served
to put them at ease since they are naturally shy
at finding themselves in a new and strange coun--
try. Participation in American sports, Sunday
suppers and all the rest of the Center's ambitious
program has helped them immeasurably. But.
probably the greatest benefit of the Center is
that it provides, as Prof. Raleigh Nelson, Coun-
selor to Foreign Students, says, "a place where
intelligent young men and women, gathering
for a brief space of time from all the troubled
quarters of the world, can discover their common
humanity and perhaps experience the satisfac-
tion of friendships 'that would transcend their
racial and national differences."
There are students at Michigan from every
part of the world. They include Arabs, Turks,
,Armenians, Jews, Germans, Japanese, Chinese,
Koreans, Russians, Indians, Poles and Spaniards.
And it is only natural to suppose that such di-
verse peoples will bring their ancient enmities,
suspicions and prejudices with them. Add to
these national and racial differences the political
convictions of communists, fascists, royalists and
democrats, and as polyglot a mixture results as
has ever been concocted. To forge a friendly
group out of such material would seem impossible
to the ordinary observer; strangely enough it
,was easy. Instead of harboring groundless ani-
nosities, foreign students have taken to the busi-
ness of friendship with rare enthusiasm. Instead
of remaining Arabs, Jews, Turks and Russians,
they have, become people, all strangely alike. In-
stead of being only fascists, communists and
'democrats, they have begun to see .other sides
to the story and to realize that they are all
'triving to attain the same goal of human happi-
ness, although in different ways.. Their argu-
ments seek truth, and when an argument has
ended, they still remain friends.......
Perhaps from a study of the behavior of per-
sons of different nationality in a common group,
may come the answer to the questions that per-
plex the modern world, beset as it is with wars
and persecution. . Why is it that persons coming
from countries and races which are so much at
variance with one another.can yet become stead-
fast friends under the conditions of the Interna-
tional Center?. Why. is it that hates and fears
dissolve in the International Center? Why is it
that people act like human being here? It should
be remembered that most of the foreign men
and women coming to the University are grad-
uate students and are unusually well educated.
Perhaps more and better education for all is the
answer. The governments and the people of the
world might do well to investigate..
-Alvin Sarasohn
War And Cloudy

W ITH DISCUSSIONS and publicity
rampant on the campus about re-
viving Mimes, it would seem that a very potent
factor toward achieving the success of -this ven-
ture has been overlooked.
Back in 1918 both faculty and student groups
argued heatedly in the Michigan Daily on the
proposition that women be allowed to appear
in the Union Opera. Any objections raised were
founded on the stifling bugaboos of tradition
and propriety. Now, surely, there are no objec-
tions as to the moral aspects, and the production
of "Let's Go" in 1918 with a mixed cast broke
the tradition.'
As a matter of fact, the Union was in much
the same dilemma 21 years ago as it is at the
present. The January 24 issue of the Daily in
that year stated that the Mimes organization
was without adequate funds and in need of.
stronger support, and George Hurley, Union
president, declared, "We must draw from a new
source, and for this reason we are appealing to
the women of the University to help us in our
When permission from the dean had been
granted, try-outs were held for women, with the
result that A. L. Weeks, author "of the show, was
so impressed that he revised his book to create
more female parts.
The morning after the presentation the lead
of a critical review appearing in the Daily read:
"If applause is to be taken as an expresion of
approval, the audience at the opening perfor-
mance of "Let's Go"'-i in favor of women's
participation in the Union Opera."
If the inclusion of co-eds in the Mimes was
found to be a success once, the greater amount
of female talent now on campus should insure
a continuation of that success. Not only are the
women of value in the acting, singing, and danc-
ing portions of production, but in the writing
of script and music as well.
The Michigan Union has asked for a com-
pletely- backed revival. But it has qualified its
intention by hanging out the sign""For Men On-
ly". Why isn't this restriction removed and the
show made a truly concerted Michigan effort,
so that the Mimes may be able to add the sup-
port of three thousand women?
Shirley Wallace.
Of AILL Things'.
....By fMorty-Q..
MR. Q's Advice to all none-too-gentle readers at
this point is to skip this first part over lightly
and hurry down a few inches to our guest ar-
tist for the day, Jack Ryan, sports writer for the
Chicago Daily News, who is in town for the Iowa-
ssault. Mr. Ryan, who comes bearing wondrous
tales of our Pete Lisagor, last year's columnist
and former Daily sports editor, now on the News
sports staff, has been marveling for two days
at the keen set-up we have here in Ann Arbor
town. He graciously consented to set down a few
But first, this note of better-times-to-come
that emanates from the Ytnion:
In the bowling alleys the other day, one of
the sweated and thirsty bowlers, who had just
muscled through a 78 score on the polished run-
way, headed toward the pop-dispensing machine
for a quencher. (Mr. Q would say coke-dispens-
ing machine except that he doesn't want to pass
out any free plugs). So he put in his jit (nickel
is the usual term) and received his package,
which he opened and started to drink. But, with-
out receiving another nickel (jit is the pool-room
term) the dispensing machine decided to dis-
pense with a vengeance and out came thirteen
more cokes in rapid succession. The dispensing
wouldn't have stopped then except that the ma-
chine ran dry. But, that isn't all.
Later in the day, this same young chap was
operating one of the pay phones in the Union
for a long distance call. When he had heeded'
the usual "your three minutes are up" signal
and hung up, he got back his original nickel
plus $1.65. Now whether the Union is at long

last declaring a dividend or whether the coke
people and telephone outfit are at long last get-
ting conscience-qualms, Mr. Q. doesn't know, but
it certainly looks like our Mr. Chandler had bet-
ter investigate these machines that have jack-
ND here's the aforementioned Mr. Jack Ryan:
In a world of change and uncertainty a
return visit to the Michigan campus is reas-
suring for (a) Phil Pack's mustache has the
timelessness of a traffic's cop's: "Where's
the fire." (b) the same cabman must be awa-
kened in the same cab for the depot-to-
Union trip and (c) when you get hack to the
office the auditor asks the same pointed, in-
sinuating questions.
In a world of change here is stability-
and no Lloyd Lewis eager to demonstrate
that Yankee victories over Reds and Sox
victories over Cubs merely substantiate his
proven theory that the National League is
superior to its younger rival. The Lewis'
subtleties of argument (well, then evasion)
would come in handy if you needed someone
to defend you in a slight case of murder.
For those of you who are not too familiar
with a few of the points Mr. Ryan made .above,
allow Mr. Q. to help you out: Phil Pack, director
of athletic publicity, has a mustache that sort
of hardens up at the extreme ends, possibly, due
no doubt, to the application of a substance of


could be unlike any other
death notice in a decade. An
old gentleman dies quietly in
his suburban home. His dear
ones around hum, and the
garden patch with its hardy
autumn blooms lies qutside
the window of his bedroom.
Death has to take a bus to
Richmond Hill in order to
find the man who pulled the

Jfeemr io Me
Heywood Broun
The rewrite men went to town nimbly in the
obits which they did on Robert G. Elliott, offi-
cial executioner for half a dozen states. It

switch for more than three hundred of the con-
On the whole it seemed to me that the pieces
in the papers showed how well reporters write.
The temptation to go Edgar Allan Poe on
the public must have been present, but in only
one account did I catch the word "macabre." The
boys didn't let the story run away with them,
and in the main they refrained from bearing
down on the dead executioner.
After all, there was much in what he said
when he stated simply some years ago that he
was opposed to capital punishment and ex-
plained, "But I have not killed these people.
You who read this and are voers of these six
states have done that. You have done it through
the laws you have passed. You have done it
through due process of the courts. I have carried
out your orders."
In fact, I think that Mr. Elliott might have
carried his philosophy even further and into
aspects of life where even greater numbers die.
Individuals and groups in many lands express
a horror of war and of leaders who seem to be
dire~ctly responsible for slaughter. That is well
enough. But many who cry out against car-
nag have done singularly little to abate its causes
or to bring about any kind of international
agreement which might stay the sound of the
drums and guns.
In a sense Robert Elliott was blasted for the
sins of' the community in which he lived. Nor
do I refer only to the fact that he was the
medium through whom society took revenge
upon criminalsswho warred against it. They
say that even in Sing Sing there were some
officials who refused to.touch his hand. In that
I find a'-kind of moral snobbery.
Mr. Elliott seems to have worked with neat-
ness and dispatch. Quite often he knew nothing
of the personal history of the client placed in
his charge at the very end. By that time it was
too late to do anything much about the situa-
tion. And you and I vicariously were almost
present. If we did anything, at least it was not
Fifteen' minutes ago I was watching the
Russian film, Alexander Nevsky, at the Michigan
League in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. When
I was going out, someone asked me what I
thought. I said, "Alexander Nevsky isn't a movie,
it's an experience."
If I had had time, I should have said much
more to describe the exact state I was in when
I left the theatre. The experience of seeing this
Russian film is similar to that of seeing New
York for the first time, taking .an all day sight-
seeing bus (if there are any), and, upon return-
ing, being asked what I thought of New York.
What can one say except that it is big, stupid in
spots, powerful in others, impressive and annoy-
ing at the same time? Or, to use another anal-
ogy, it is like just having finished Look Home-
ward Angel and being asked an immediate
Allow me to give you the setting for the pic-
ture: In the 13th century Russia is being invad-
ed on the west by the Teutonic Order of Knights
(German) after having been subjected previously
to ravages from the Mongols. The main story
revolves around the struggle of the Russian'
people to defend their lands from the Ger-
mans. The dynamic and successful leader of
the Russians is Alexander Nevsky. The movie
resulting is epic in conception and technique:
Eisenstein, the director, handles'masses and vast
spaces with a competence that Cecil B. de Mille
can Only pretend. In the battle scenes Eisen-
stein uses the same number of soldiers that
fought in the real battles.
But how does the film size up as a whole?
For some of us who have already seen Peter I
and the Baltic Deputy the present Russian pic-
ture is disappointing. To begin with, the setting
is a bit dated and the brutal, unrelenting "mor-
ality" that manifests itself in the film is at times
too harsh. (Some will say, and with some justi-
fication, that Soviet Russia is in a similar setting
today and as a result Alexander Nevsky is sur-

prisingly timely. And to those I might say that
after seeing the movie much of the present Soviet.
"morality" becomes clearer.) And might I add
to my parenthetical remark that no one should
miss the film for a better understanding of
Russia. As I said, Alexander Nevsky is not a
movie, in the sense of dropping into a show for
an evening's entertainment, but an experience
in the bitter reality of fighting with little mercy
for your enemy.
The acting and the photography are often
magnificent; however, occasionally there is a
roughness of inexperience in the performance of,

v the
Drew Pedrson
end -
Robert S.Allens
WASHINGTON - Roosevelt callsc
them "Good Neighbors." But get-k
ting any unanimity of friendshipc
from the twenty-one republics oft
Pan-America is like calling a truce
among debutantes, dowagers and
other swirlers in Washington's fast-
moving social set. It is next to im-
Therefore, when an American dip-
lomat can bring back from the Pan-
American Conference just closed in
Panama, a definite and far-reaching
neutrality agreement, it can be
chalked up as achievement-plus.'
For Sumner Welles, the Under
Secretary of State, this was not a
new victory-except in one respect.
For seven years he has been doing the
spade work for Pan-American con-
ferences. He plowed the field where
his chief, Cordell Hull, reaped. But
previously Welles stayed in the back-
ground, and this was the first occa-
sion on which he, himself, headed the
American delegation to an important
conference and steered the course
Today the chief international ob-
jects of the Roosevelt Administra-
tion are (1) to stay out of war, and
(2) to cement the relations between
the United States and Latin America.
This was Welles' mission at Pana-
ma. In fact, it has been his mission
ever since he joined the New Deal.
For it was he who first coined the
phrase "Good Neighbor" in a speech
which he wrote for his chief in the
White House.
Secretaries Vs. Under Secretaries
Secretary Hull and Under Secre-
tary Welles are a unique couple. Hull
is slow, cautious; drawls out his sen-
tences with a homely Tennessee ac-
cent. Welles is quick, imaginative,
not afraid to probe a difficult situa-
tion, bites out his conversation with
an incisive Harvard accent.
The two supplement each other
- Washington under the New Deal
has become noted for its inner de-
partment quarrels. Frequently they
occur between Cabinet members and
their under secretaries. Henry Mor-
genthau, for instance, has tried out
a whole row of under secretaries.
Harold Ickes fired his chief subordi-
nate, Charley West; Ed McGrady
could not get along with Miss Perk-
ins; and the Commerce Department
has .seen several under: secretaries
come and go.
Hull and Welles are no exception.
It is no secret that the old gentleman
'ometimes chafes at the rapid-fire
decisions of his subordinate. But on
the whole they' are good friends.
Nearest break between them, strange-
ly enough, occurred over a dog.
Hull Vs. Toby
Welles is a great dog-lover. Al-
most any stray beast which he or
Mrs. Welles may meet is likely to be
adopted. Their home is full of a
motley assortment of pups which get
sumptuous repasts on separate trays
in the main dining-room.
One of the Welles dogs is named
Toby, who happens to be the grouch-
iest of all, and who also happens to
be Sumner's pet. Toby is so grouchy
that when the Welleses were in Pana-
ma this month, the chambermaid at
their hotel purchased a mechanical
mouse to distract Toby while she
Toby is the constant consort of the
Under Secretary of State, whether
he is attending a conference in

Buenos Aires or Havana. And it was
Toby who caused a temporary
breach between Welles and his chief.
On the steamer returning from the
Buenos Aires conference, Mr. and
Mrs. Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Welles
occupied staterooms in a reserved
part of the ship.
Toby was there, too, and took it
upon himself to dispute the right of
the Secretary of State to occupy this
area, with the result that on one
occasion Hull called a ship's officer
and lapsed into choice Tennessee
mountaineer language in describing
"that damned Welles dog." Then
he summoned his Under Secretary
and told him off.
During the remainder of the trip,
the Welleses and the Hulls were not
as cordial as they might have been.
Welles has two weaknesses as a
diplomat: (1) he is not a good judge
of human nature; and (2) he is over-
worked. The latter is partly depend-
ent upon the first. State Department
personnel, although improved, still
lacks outstanding figures, so that
Welles, far abler than those around
him, is swamped with work. .Also
he is under the frequent necessity of
accepting the judgment of under-
Mistakes In, Poley
This is where he has made major
mistakes. On South America, whichi
he has made a life-long study, Welles
is unbeatable. He, and he alone, isi
responsible for the long series of NewI

(Continued from Page 2)
Michigan Union for a term of threeg
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:
Election cards filed after the end
of the first week of the semester may
be accepted by the Registrar's Office
only if they are approved by Assis-
tant Dean Walter.
Students who fall to file their elec-
ion blanks by the close of the third
week, even though they have regis-
tered and have attended classes un-
officially, will forfeit their privilege
of continuing in the College for the
semester. If such students have paid
any tuition fees, Assistant Dean Wal-
ter will issue a withdiawal card for
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts:
No course may be elected for credit
after the end of the third week. Sat-
urday, October 14, is therefore the
last date on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
Individual instructor to admit a stu-
dent later does not affect the opera-
Lion of this rule.
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls for the first semester are
ready for approval. This should be
done at the Business Office before
Oct. 18 if checks are to be issued on
Oct. 31.
School of Education Students,
Changes of Elections: No course
may be elected for credit after Satur-
day, Oct. 14. Students must report
all changes of elections at the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, University
Hall. Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin until all changes
have been thus officially registered.
Arrangements made with the in-
structors are not official changs.
Telephone number of Dr. Scanlo,
isted as 541, should be changed to
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service examination.
Gast date for filing application will
'oe -Oct. 16, 1939.
Prison farm foreman. Salary range:
$140- 180.
Complete announcement on file at
the University Bureau 'of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
The Bureau has also received the
monthly bulletin of New York' City
Civil Service examinations. Anyone
nterested may .call at the Bureau
during office hours.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has receivedannouncement and en-
trance blanks for Vogue's 5th Prix
De Paris, open to senior women. For
complete information, call at the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Ma-
son Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts:
No course may be elected for credit
after tomorrow. E. A. Walter.
Choral Union Tickets: The over-
the-counter sale of both season tick-
ets and tickets for individual con-
certs in the Choral Union Series is
now taking place daily except Sat-
urday afternoons at the School of
Music office on Maynard Street from
8:30 to 12 a.m and 1 to 5 p.m. A
limited number of tickets are still
Women Students Attending the Chi-
cago Game: Women students wishing
to attend the Chicago-Michigan foot-
ball game are required to register in

the Office of the Dean of Women. Al
letter of permission from parents
must be in this office not later than
Wednesday, Oct. 18. If the student
does not go by train, special permis-
sion for another mode of travel must
be included in the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to regis-
ter in this office
Academic Notices
English 183 (The English Novel)
will not meet today.
W. R. Humphreys.
English 31. My section will not
meet on Saturday.
W. I. Humphreys.
E.E. 71 Interior Illumination, Study
of Design, will not meet today. The
next problem will be assigned at
regular class session on Monday, Oct.
16, at 3 p.m.
German Make-Up Examinations:
The make-up exaiinations for Ger-
man 1, 2, and 31 will be given on
Saturday, Oct. 21, from 9 to 12 a.m.
in Room 306 U.H. No student will
be allowed to take this examination

pecting to receive a degree in Febru-
ary, June, or August, 1940, are re-
quested to observe the notice on the
bulletin board by Room 221, W. Engr.
Exhibition, Ann Arbor artists, un-
der the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Art Association. Alumni Memorial
Hall, Oct. 13 to 26. Open Sunday
afternoon, 2-5 p.m. Oct. 15 and Oct.
Extracurricular Medical School
Lecture: Dr. Thomas Parran, Sur-
geon General of the United States
Public Health Service, will deliver
the first lecture of the series this
afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in the
Horace H. Rackham Lecture Hall.
The title will be, "Medicine in a
Changing World."
All classes in the Medical School
will be dismissed at 4:00 p.m. in or-
der that the students may attend
this lecture.
The meeting is open to the public.
Today's Events
The Theatre Arts Publicity Com-
mittee will hold a meeting at 4 p.m.
today, at the League. All those in-
terested are invited to attend, re-
gardless of whether or not they have
been present at the previous meet-
Stalker Hall: Class in Bible study
with Dr. Brashares at the Methodist
Church at 7:30 p.m. At 9 p.m. there
will be an Open House at Stalker
Hall. Also there will be a group
leaving at 9:15 p m. for a hike for
those who wish to go. They will re-
turn to the Hall for refreshments.
University Girls' Glee Club: 'Try-
outs for all women interested in join-
ing the Glee Club will be held
today, from 3" to 5 o'clock in
the Game Room of the League.
All freshmen interested in joining
the Freshman Girls' Glee Club are
asked to try out at these times also.
1Anyone who cannot come on one of
these two days is asked 'to call Betty
Stadelman at 2-3159.
Roger Williams Guild will hold a
"House Warming" at the home of
their former director, Dr. Chapman,
tonight. Will leave Guild House at
8 p.m.
Hillel Services Conservative Serv-
ices will be held at the Foundation
Sat 7:30 p.m. A Fireside Discussion,
with Prof. Norman E. Nelson of the
English Department leading the dis-
cussion on the theme, "Men or Books
Which Have Changed My Thinking,"
will be held at 8 p.m. A social hour
will follow.
Hillel Registration for Hillel classes
is being held at the Foundation every
afternoon this week.
Coming Events
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Student Loan Commit-
tee in Room 2, University Hall, held
at 2 p.m., Monday, Oct. 16. All ap-
plications to be considered for the
meeting must be filed in Room 2 be-
fore Saturday, Oct. 14, and appoint-
ments made with the committee.
Freshman Round Table: "Extra-
Curricular Education" will be dis-
cussed by Mr. Kenneth Morgan, Di-
rector of the Student Religious As-
sociation, at the Freshman Round
Table, Lane Hall, Saturday, 7:15 p.m.
Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting Tues-
day, Oct. 17, 5:45 p m., Michigan
Union. Come on time and be through
for the Varsity Show.
Eta Kappa Nu: There will be an im-

portant meeting on Sunday, Oct. 15,
at 7 p.m. at the Union.
Those wishing to eat in a group
will meet in' the lobby of the Union
safeteria at 6:30. Those graduates
who are members of Eta Kappa Nu
and all members of the Electrical
Engineering faculty are cordially in-
vited to attend.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet for hiking, bicycling, and a pic-
nic supper on Sunday, Oct. 15. All
graduate students interested in these
activities are invited to meet at the
'northwest entrance of the Rackham
Building at 2:30 p.m. Those who
wish to become formal members. of
the club may pay their dues at this
meeting. Deposits should be made
at this time also for the annual out-
ing at Camp Takona, which will be
held on Oct. 20, 21.
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet at Zion Parish Hall, 309 Wash-
ington St., this Sunday at 5:30 p.m.
there will be a fellowship hour from
5:30 until 6:00 when a dinner pre-
pared by the ladies of the church will
be served. Prof. Bennett Weaver of
the English department will be the



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