OCT. 8,-1939
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The women's page welcomes contributions to The Letter
Box, which it hopes to make a 'forum of campus opinion on women's affairs.)
Assembly Tea Ifill Open
Independent Fortn
To the Editor:;
Too often the college freshman,
remembering the numerous activities
in which he participated during his
last year in high school,. assumes
that he is capable of continuing them
at college. He becomes associated
with a language club, a glee club, and
perhaps, an athletic activity. Soon
his interests are more with these'
outside pastimes than with his
studies, and, in proportion, his grades
are low. It is better that we have
our first taste of college life un-
hampered by the responsibilities
brought on by joining these various
Extra curricular work is grand for
upper classmen. It is a marvelous
opportunity for people with common
interests who have no other way of
expressing themselves.
At sometime I hope to participate
in one or another of the many out-
side activities at Michigan, when
I am qualified to do so. But at
present I am very glad to be able to
give my undivided attention to my
classes and studying. Adjustment
to college life is already too great
without adding an extra burden.
Jane McLean, '43
To the Editor:
Having lived through four high
schools years filled with clubs, plays
and amateur publication, I looked
forward, excitedly, to a similar ex-
perience in college. From the first
it was one bad disillusionment. You
see, there was no dramatic club;
there was no varsity play. The week-
ly paper consisted of two ad-spat-
tered pages and the magazine was
even less inspiring.
Strangely enough, however, the
less I had to do, the less I did. There
was no spirit of unity between my
fellow'students and myself. I couldn't
find that Alma Mater feeling I'd
bgeard so much about. Letters kept
coming from' old high' school friends
filled with enthusiastic details of
their activities (the things theywere,
doing outside of classes.) Then I
came to a decision. I was going to
Well, here I am at Michigan! Al-
ready, I feel that I'm a part of it all.
I'm in a play. I'm on the paper
(it's only making up heads, but that's
a start). I'm working hard. I want
to work now because I know that
there's something to do when I've
completed my studying; something
besides going to the movies. There's
do time to sit around and feel re-
bellious and discontented. Every
minute there's a sense of working
with the thousands of other mem-
'ers of the community.
The secret is that we're kept in-
,erested. Our interests are drawn to
;ome phase of campus activity and
we feel that we really belong. We
.ach have a place.
To those of you who have always
aad the opportunity to participate
in these "mere accoutrements" of
scholastic life let me point out that
there is nothing quite so uninspiring
as a steady diet of classes, movies,
dinners and dates.
Joan Sack, '42
To the Editor:
I believe that extra-curricular acti-
vities are essential to every college
woman's program. One who does not
enter into such activities is apt to
become anything from a bookworm
to a glamour girl.
College should be four years train-
ing in getting along in ife, whether
from 'the economic, intellectual, or
social aspect. Extra-curricular ac-
tivities develop a girl's personality
and help her to get along with her
associates. The girls in the dormi-
tory or sorority house where one
lives are a small percentage of the
women in school. By entering activi-
ties one may broaden her social con-
tacts. Betty Slee, '40.
- ~ - ~ - 6
- A fl-
it will come. back another day, so
you'd better, keep BLUEBIRD
BEAUTY SHOPPE in mind. And
you girls that just don't know'
what to do with
your hair-here's a
tip. Helen Fitz-
meier, formerly of.
Michigan League,
will be there to help;
you. She's a stylist,
and specializes in
'y,, / ..F R .
I / ;.
Personality hair cutting. So down
with the rain, up with the curls-
you'll be satisfied.
CAN BE DONE. Yes siree! You
can always count on SORENS,
and this time they
came through with
smart reversibles. That
sleek blue-gray one
that I saw was a hon-
ey. It was herringbone
and fitted with a hood.,
You can save those
curls now. They have
plaid gaberdines' too.
Their bright colors
would touch any lass-
ie's heart. So buy a
reversible, and laugh
at the weather man.
* * *
SAY GIRLS, I bet there is some
little thing that you have forgot-
ten. We all do, but if it is in the
line of shoe or
laundry bags, bed =-Vy
spreads, or towels, r; tflL a--
you're in luck.
SHOP has themd
all-good looking,
suede or linen bags-numerous
spreads, especially made for stu-
dents' beds, that don't muss or
soil. Put it on your list right away.
* * *
that is the question. From a man's
eye view, I'd say the smart, tailor-
ed type. KES-
SEL'S can an-
swer your call
- . for help. Stop in
- see their cas-
ual sets. Com-
fortable, they
come in four col-
ors-all two tone
effects, with cir-
cular skirts and pig skin belts.
They are flannel too-perfect for
school wear. Buy a KESSEL'S
casual set.
OFF. The beginning's as impor-
tant as the end. Yardage guar-
Annual Af f air,
Friday, To Have
Bill Gail's Band
Event Sponsored To Give
Freshmen And Transfers
Independents' Schedule
Independence Fortnight will offi-
cially open with the Assembly Ter
to be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m
Friday in the League ballroom. Bill!
Gail's orchestra will play at the tea
Assembly Tea was planned in order
to provide an opportunity for al'
reshmen and transfer women to be-
"ome acquainted with both the othe:
independent women and with the
activities and organization of As-
Mrs. Ruthven To Pour
Various wives of the faculty and
other women on campus interested
in Assembly activities have been
asked to pour. They include Mrs.
Alexander G. Ruthven, Miss Alice
Lloyd, Mrs. Shirley Smith, Miss 'Jean-
nette C. Perry, Mrs. Deryl Bacher.
Miss Ethel A. McCormick, Mrs. Phil-
lip B. Bursley, and Mrs. Joseph Bur-
ietty Roberts, '40, is general chair-
man of the tea; Jane Sapp, '41, in
charge of arrangements; Margaret
Polumbaum, '42, merits; Elizabeth
Luckham, '41, publicity, Anne Scha-
fer, '40, patrons; Alberta Royal, '40,
invitations; and Evelyn Eichelberg-
er, '40, music
During the Independent Fortnight,
members of Assembly and Senior
Society will visit each dormitory and
League house in order to acquaint
all women students with the extra-
curricular activities of Assembly.
Elections Coincide With Visits
Election of house officers will be
7o planned as to coincide with the
visits of the Assembly representatives.
These presidents are the official
representatives of the house on As-
sembly board. Other activities of
Assembly will be announced later
Mary Frances Reek, '40, Assembly
president announced.
The objectives of Assembly, Miss
Reek stated are "to acquaint all in-
dependent or unaffiliated women on
campus with the Michigan League
and its activities; to give them a
knowledge of other campus organi-
zations, to get these women interest-
sd and active in the League, its com-
mittees, and in other University
groups, and finally to develop char-
acter, personality and leadership
through participation in these extra-
curricular activities."
Compromise Must Be
Keynote Of Wardrobe
Compromise must be the keynote
of the wardrobe that professes to
satisfy both its mistresses' love of
vogue-ish creations and the practi-
cal dictates of the campus sweater.
A high colored silk crepe with back
shirring or an enormous sash would
be both adaptable and zestful. With
a simple neckline, either those three
year olds pearls or a new fire red
collar would add to the outfit's us-
ability. A small "foreign legion" type
hat with a modified snood can be
passed off on those Michigan Men
before they realize that the new lid
is "style." A plaid-ribbon bound
cardigan provides a new variation
on the old theme; it shows up a
girl's ability to tag modern dates to
a "usual" item. Then perhaps a dar-
ing leather belt will do wonders with
that much abused and battered re-
! and.Gentlemen
w i l e esn v.rce s
S colors, prints, and mono-
grams. Also fine selectio
^ of white handkerchiefs. i
Graduates Find Rackham Center
Comfortable For Work Or Play
During the past year a varied andI
extensive social program has beenI
offered the students enrolled in the
graduate school-activities which are
to be carried on again this year un-
der the direction of the graduate
student council and which- will be.
centered in the Rackham Building.
The second annual informal. re-.
ception for the graduate students is
being given Thursday evening by the
administrative board and council of
the graduate school. #
Many students will be offered their
first opportunity to explore at their
leisure the building which is their
activity center, the entire school be-
ing open at that time for their inspec-
tion, according to Mrs. A. L. Bader.
Opera To Be Heard
Among the rooms that will be ex-
plored by the students will be the
comfortable men's lounge which is the
center of many informal gatherings.
During the opera season, it will be
open for the benefit of all graduata
students who wish to listen to the
And under the direction of Mrs.
Glen McGeoch, a symphony concert
program has been arranged which
will be played at 3 p m. every Satur-
day in the lounge, supplementing the
opera season's broadcasts. If enough
interest is shown in these weekly
concert recordings, a series of mid-
week request programs will be offered
the students, said Mrs. A. L. Bader.
Coffee Hours Planned
Students will also attend the week-
ly coffee hours which are to be re-
sumed again this year. In the spring,
tea-dances will be held and also a
spring formal. The terrace surround-
ing the' third floor of the building
affords a lovely setting for the spring
One of the most interesting rooms
in the building is the Outing Club
Room, where the graduate club of
the, same name holds its meetings
and informal gatherings. A com-
pletely equipped kitchen is one of
the unique features of the club's
headquarters, where members may
prepare their own suppers after a
day spent hiking or tobogganing.
Room Is Informal
The club room itself is a contrast
to the interior of the other rooms
in the Rackham building, as it has a
key-note of friendly informalityydone
in tones of reddish browns, yellows
and soft greens, with a round-table
for supper gatherings and prolonged
discussions. The room is used by
ether graduate groups upon request.
Organizations which center their
activities in the building are the
graduate honorary societiesasocial
clubs, academic organizations and
miscellaneous graduate study groups.
Crop and Saddle: Tryouts and
meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday at
Barbour Gymnasium.
Dance: Meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Thursday at Barbour Gymnasium.
Fencing: Meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday at Barbour Gymnasium.
Hockey: Practice sessions at 4:30
p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at
Ferry Field.
Pitch and Putt: Meeting at 4:30
p.m. Wednesday at Ferry Field
Tennis: Meeting at 4:15 p.m.
Wednesday at Palmer Field
(dressed to play).
anteed when you
wear a good
looking cardigan
- and by the
have good look-
ers with socks to
match. To boot
they have stylish
corduroy skirts,
just what you need to complete
a pat outfit. New, attractive col-
ors-just what you've been look-
ing for, so carry yourself over for
a touchdown.
.,. _';
r: .
How about a
for next week's
See the QUEEN MAKE and
tured in Mademoiselle at
$6.50. Others, $7.95 to
$10.95. Sizes 9-20.
slip. Sleek as a
"smoothie", in a va-
riety of styles. Four
gore slip (short and
regular length) $2.95
Two panel (regular)
$2.25 (short) $1.95
Nobody's asleep on
the subject of 'new lin-
gerie. Housecoots,
cosy P Js. Particularly
we're featuring the