str . °
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN AYE. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Carl :Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
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Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
JohncN. Canavan
Ann Vicary
Mel Fineberg
Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
* Associate Editor
. Associate 'Editor
Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager . .
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. Paul R. Park
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. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
.staff and represent the views of the writers
Good Or Bad? * *
i"S TOO BAD about Chollie Kicka-
bouter, the Daily man who went out
the other night to investigate rushing condi-
tions in campus fraternities. Chollie should be
ashaned for imposing himself on an already
harassed set. of fraternity men, worn to a frazzle
anyway trying to be pleasant to scores of visiting
Aside from that, however, Chollie should be
.censured for his inordinately exaggerated play-
up of all the insignificant superficialities of fra-
ternity rushing. It is difficult enough as it is to
devise and run a system whereby a group of peo-
ple unfamiliar to one another and to their hosts
can meet with these latter in a way in which
both can size the other up and yet be civilized
about it without having the whole process dis-
rupted by someone-no matter how funny-on
the make for gags. The fraternities have been
trying for so long and so earnestly to dispel the
mistaken idea that they are, in general, a hypo-
critical, immoral, wild group, that their argu-
ments are perfect stooge material for anyone de-
siring to take advantage of it.
It is too bad that Chollie isn't a freshman,
because in such an event, he could be excused on
the grounds of being frightened and putting up
a front. The references to excursions through
the house, to songs at the table and conversa-
tions, all of which sound highly superficial, in
reality describe a part of rushing which is cold-
bloodedly practical, an insight into the personal
r' habits and mechanical facilities of that partic-
ular house. Denied this, the rushee would pro-
test violently. As a potential member of th4
fraternity, he deserves a right to see what it is
The only -real objection to the Michigan fra-
ternity system as it stands, is its lack of enough
cooperative organization to squarely meet the
frequent, and like this example, unreasonable at-
tacks on an institution which has long played a
large part in the lives of University men.
-Robert Bogle
And Its Expense ...
F IGURES on governmental finance
have become so inordinately large
that they'are commonly avoided when presented
in the raw form of U.S. Treasury reports and
t statements.
Such figures can, however, become both in-
teresting and vital when given a practical mean-
ing and interpretation in terms of current events.
It is interesting to note, for instance, that
national defense, generally known to be a large
item of governmental expenditure, actually has
consumed 80% of those expenditures during the
period 1789-1920. In real terms, this amounts
to 52.6 billions dollars out of a total governmen-
tal outlay of 66.7 billion dollars during the per-
In computing the cost of any war, it is not
enough to add together the cost of army and
naval armaments. Into the hopper must be
thrown yearly pension payments, interest
harges and the repudiated war debts owed by
other countries.
,"- nc-n. a--m+P- b ff rAJ,.stismlnmfia
Of ALL Things.
EXCERPTS FROM the diary of a man who
vowed he would never keep a diary:
Thursday . . . to Room G in Haven Hall at
11 . . . for class in intellectual history of me-
dieval Europe . . . readied paper and pen .
not unduly surprised when new face started to
lecture: perhaps Professor Throop was ill .
sat there 10 minutes taking unfamiliar notes on
Roman Spain before realizing it was the wrong
class .. . must have shifted rooms Tuesday when
I was absent... thought those things happened
only to freshmen . . . to Ferry Field at 4:30 and
the last Wolverine grid drill . .. boys looked
anxious and sharp: as if they were eager to en-
gage the Spatans in a pigskin-peloponnesia (see
front page for details of the war) ... watching
one of the squads romp up and down the field
in signal drill... Harry Kohl calls the play...
the shift . .. Herc Renda cuts to the right and
Bill Luther to the left ... signals mixed . . . the
crack of Herc's head on Bill's temple audible
high in the grandstand .. . Bullet Bill stretched
on the grass: out cold, cheekbone pushed in, eye
closed . . . walks off in a daze . . . doc says a
fracture: no action for three weeks . . . joined
other newsmen to see if Coach Criser would
make a prediction . . . no soap . . . said Fritz:
they need a game, and they'll get it (see front
page) . . . saw a familiar figure walking across
the track . . . hurried over to say hello to Bill
Watson, recently returned from the europeture
filed 700-word wire advance on the game to
Chicago . . . home to find out how Prof. Rowe
wants me to write a play ... roommates Maraniss
and Fineberg insist on settling the problem of
economic fundamentalism . . oh, well, I'll write
that play tomorrow .-.
FRIDAY . . . baseball must be observing
religious dietary laws: no Red meat
today for those Yankee wolves . . . received
very vivid idea of nerve-wracking welter of ad-
ministration details as I tried to turn an election
card in late . . . from registrar to dean to regis-
trar to cashier to dean to registrar . . . the way
everyone looked at me . . . except Dean Walter
who is a grand guy . . . you'd think I had just
blown up the Stadium or something ... for some
swell heart-touching reading, pick up the scrap-
book in Dean Walter's waiting-room sometime
... contains notes of "we are about to die," those
pitiful people who sit, fidgeting, waiting their
turn to learn if they are still Michiganders .
interesting . . forgot to eat lunch . . . in: to see
Domenic for a haircut . .. between clips, heard
long history of four generations:of barbers in the
Dascola family . . . he started to cut hair when
he was 10 . . to the Union steps at 6:15 for a
WJIM (Lansing) broadcast of game-opinion.
6:30: we're on the air .. Ted Spangler leads
about 100 fellows grouped around in lusty cheer
that the State people could hear without aid of
the mike . . . Tom Adams, Mel Fineberg, Ann
Vicary, Stan Swinton, Carl Petersen, Dye Hogan,
and I take turns predicting a score: mine is 25-71
(see front page) . to Lydia Mendlssohn for
Ballerina showing . .. fine film . . . foreign pic-
tures do so much better a job with emotions and
character than the frilled American super-pro-
ductions . . . child portrayals are marvelous ...
our child stars may be precocious and clever and
all that, but none of them can touch the young
girl's characterization of Rose Souris, the sad-
faced apprentice ballerina . .. hamburgers and
home ...
QATURDAY . . . found my lost history
course . . . hasty, nerVous lunch as
excitement of approaching game crescendoes ...
will always remember these spectacularly color-
ful football Saturdays . . . to the Stadium and
the press-box where a large number of scribes
are already at work . . . it's quite amazing how
dispassionately you can view the game from up
here ... it becomes just a question of yards gain-
ed, passes completed, and touchdowns made .. .
beat Mel and Stan Swinton in a hot-dog race .. .
they're free . . . the Stadium press-box, inciden-
tally, is rated the finest in the country . . . back
to write a few highlights of the game and then
for a little maize-and-brewing . . . to bed, shak-
R. Q.'s PRESS-criptions: . . . letter from
Pete Lisagor a few days ago . . .
Black Pete; conductor of last year's You of M
column, former sports editor, and star second
baseman, is now doing a swell job on the Chicago
Daily News sports staff . . . was one of the most
colorful and best-liked men ever to hit this town
. besides being the best sports editor in Daily
history . . . Joe Mattes, managing editor of two
years ago, is- also on the Daily News staff-the
city desk . . doing very well . . . also in Chicago
are Mike Scammon, the gargantuan dilettante
and bon vivant, who is running the University of
Chicago Round-Table . . . and Bill Reed, former
sports editor and athletic publicity department
assistant, now in charge of press relations and
publicity office of the Big Ten . . . Earl Luby,
football man, and conductor of Under The Clock
column two years back, now in the Chicago
Times promotion department . . . who said this
newspaper business was tough?
smoothest-looking gent in the press-box
yesterday: Clint Frank, Yale's great All-Ameri-
can of two years back . . . here to scout for the
Elis . . . really a handsome, classy boy . . . For
"torn-between-two-loves" champ: Jerry Ford,
one of Michigan's great centers, here to scout
the Wolverines for Yale where he is an assistant
coach . . . for the happiest men in the Stadium:
Fritz Crisler and Archie Kodros . . for the
best players on the field: One Man Gang Eva-
shevski, Joe Savilla, and Bob Westfall . . . for
the most amazed gent: Lynn Waldorf, North-
western's coach, whose championship-touted
Wildcats were licked, 23-0, by Oklahoma - . .
1leywood Broun,
I wish to rise to a question of personal privi-
lege, but in part the subject does lie in the do-
main of public interest. Once upon a time it was
a general newspaper prac-
tice to give a man a chance
to reply when some damag-
ing charge was made against
him. Now it seems increas-
ingly customary to shoot the
yarn out and let the injured
party try to catch up under
*his own' steam And once
story has a start of twelve
or twenty hours a denial has
to be extremely agile ever to catch up with it.-
On Saturday a man named Joseph Zack told
the Dies committee that I had been a member
of the Communist party for two years. He said
I joined in 1938. Out goes the story over press
association wires and into the columns of the
newspapers by which I am directly employed.
The New York Times was the only paper with
sufficient courtesy and devotion to good journal-
istic practices to call up and ask what I wanted
to reply. I have never seen or heard of Zack to
the best of my knowledge and belief, and I doubt
whether he is familiar by name or reputation to
any city editor or managing editor.
No Communist
On several occasions I have stated that I have
never been a Communist. And something over
a year ago I testified to this fact before the
Dies Committee. Now I am neither a liar nor a
perjurer. I have been in the newspaper business
continuously for more than thirty-one years. And
so it makes me good and sore when some uniden-
tified stranger can get up and take a crack at me
without any newspaper offering me a chance to
reply before publication I realize that Stam-
ford is a thirty cent phone call. It makes me
particularly sore when the paper for which I
work does a thing like that to me. And I also
say it's bad newspaper work, because it is a
matter of not particularly obscure record that
during the time Zack assigns me to membership
in the Communist party I ran for Congress on
the Socialist ticket and took a pretty thorough
shellacking in the columns of the Daily Worker
which always referred to me as Hey Gin Broun.
And the Worker also carried some excellent car-
toons in which I appeared in a perambulator be-
ing wheeled around by Norman Thomas.
Argument Effects Public
I am not arguing right now about political
or economic interpretation of this or that. Or
"radical" or "liberal." I simply state again for
the tenth, and, I hope, the final time that I have
never been a member of the Communist party for
two years or two minutes. And that, I think, is
enough or maybe too much of personal note.
However, there is a public stake in such matters.
A single item can do enormous damage to per-
sons far more important and infinitely more vir-
tuous than myself. I know enough of the time
element in the making of a newspaper to realize
that there are situations in which it is not pos-
sible to get both sides of a story immediately.
But even if the story can't wait there ought to
be an obligation to set forth the fact that the
.arty of the second part has not yet had a
chance to say his say. It isn't a question of re-
dress. It's a question of fair play at the begin-
ning. Libel suits are no good in circumstances
where they may seem to be warranted. That's a
sucker's game in the first place, and the practice
might be abused into constituting an actual
threat of free press. There used to be a day
when indignant citizens stormed into newspaper
offices with horsewhips, but even up here in
rural Connecticut it's years since I've seen a
horsewhip. Additionally I might, on occasion,
find myself on the wrong end of the whip.
Drew Pearson
Robert S.Allen
WASHINGTON-The Senate doesl
not know it yet, but President Roose-I
velt has just violated a treaty with
Great Britain which received the hard
and fast ratification of the Senate.
Probably the entire Senate would
approve, however. The violation is
an interesting illustration of the
necessity of executive discretion in
The treaty is the barter agreement
between the United States and Great
Britain whereby American cotton is
traded for British rubber. The treaty,
as ratified by the Senate, provides
for a 50-50 division of shipping, Amer-
ican vessels carrying one-half of the
cotton to England and one-half of
the rubber from Singapore. British
vessels also carry half the cotton and
half the rubber
But when war broke, Ambassador
Kennedy worked out a plan with the
British whereby they would carry all
of the cotton from the United States
to England, while American vessels
would carry all of the rubber from
Singapore to the United States.
The British proposed this with the
idea of helping American vessels to
avoid the risky waters of Europe,
where British ships have naval con-
voys but American ships do not. The
waters of the Pacific between Singa-
pore and the United States, on the
other hand, are relatively safe
Nevertheless the British proposal
struck a snag in the State Depart-
ment's legal division, which, pointed
out that this division of shipping was
in direct violation of the treaty. The
law was the law, decreed the legalists,
and American ships would have to
take the risk of carrying cotton to
Great Britain.
Secretary Hull, however, decided to
take the question across the street
to the White House. There the
President made an immediate de-
cision. He threw the legal technicali-
ties of the treaty out the window and
ruled that American ships would keep
clear of the war zone. Instead of
carrying cotton to England they will
carry all of the British rubber from
Word of this' decision was immedi-
ately cabled to London and the British
proposal was accepted.
o B* * * *
No iBoob McNutt
(Continued from Page 3)
Seltzer, Gerrit J. Shipper, Paulinei
Slavin, Lulu M. Smith, Robert Worth
Smith, Noel Solman, J. Springer.
Mrs. Genieve Stone, Prof. True, S.
Wells Utley, Edwin P. Vary, Phoebea
L. Weigh, M. Wendt, Prof. Maurice
Whittinghill, S. A. Wideman Jr, Prof.
G. C. Wilson, Abigail Wise, Dr. Henry
Yee, Mrs. Floyd Wendell Yinger, Vir-
gil Young.
Students, College of Literature,,
Science, and the Arts: .
No course may be elected for credit
after the end of the third week. Sat-j
urday, October: 14, is therefore the1
last date on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of anx
individual instructor to admit a stu-
dent later does not affect the opera-
tion of this rule.
Psychology 31 Makeup Examina-
tion for all lecture sections will bej
held Thursday, October 12, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science
Aero. 6, Experimental Aerodynam-
ics: Students in this course may re-j
fer to the Aeronautical Engineering
Bulletin Board for the revised ar-
rangement of the laboratory sections.
Squad A of each section will meet
during the week of October 9, while
Squad B of each section will resume
work during the week of October 16.
Lecture: Dr. Edwin.E. Aubrey of the
Chicago'*Divinity School will speak on
"The Church and the Social Crisis"
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
tonight, 8 p.m.,sponsored by the In-
ter-Guild Council and the Student
Religious Association. The lecture is
open to the public.
Extracurricular Medical School
Lecture:,Dr..Thomas Parran, Sur-
geon General of the United States
Public Health Service, will deliver
the first lecture of the series on Fri-
day, October 13, 1939, at 4:15 p.m., in
the Horace H. Rackham Lecture
Elall. The title will be, "Medicine in
a Changing World."
All classes in the Medical School
will be dismissed at 4:00 p.m. in or-
der thats the students may attend
this lecture.
The meeting is open to the public.
Today's Events
Varsity Glee Club: The following
men will report for rehearsal for the
Flint concert, 3 p.m. today. Regu-
lar rehearsal for all members at 4:30
R.O.T.. Signal Corps: The R.O.T.C.
Signal Corps will hold a free class for
all students wishing to practice the
international Morse code in Room
301 Engineering Annex at the follow-
ing times: Monday, 4 to 5 p.m.;
Thursday, 4 to 5 p.m.; Friday 2 to 4
p.m. All University students are in-
vited to attend.
The Graduate Education Club: The
Graduate Education Club will hold its
first meeting Wednesday, Oct. 11, 4
p.m. in the Graduate Library of the
University Elementary School. Dean
Edmonson will give a report of the
Congress on Education for Democ-
racy held recently in New York. All
graduate students taking work in the
School of Education are welcome. Re-
freshments served.
,Michigan League. All students of
German, faculty people, and others
interested are invited.
SERIES of vitally interesting social
£ experiments was conducted through-
out the Eastern portion of the United
States this summer by the American
Friends Service Committee. The Friends,
members of the Quaker religion, organized a
dozen camps in -communities that badly
needed social work and rehabilitation, invited
college students to work' in each camp, and be-
gan a program of rebuilding. Engineering stu-
dents planned and built sewers, dams, homes,
and other necessities. Girls sewed, showed mo-
thers how to keep their homes and care for their
children, and even performed manual work,
shoulder to shoulder with the men.
Every evening the student community would
meet and discuss the findings of the day. Open
forums were held, and people from the vicinity
were invited to their sessions. Often an entire
family would come; perhaps a communist or-
ganizer one evening, or a mine owner, or a pri-
soner from a nearby penitentiary. At. the end
of the summer their findings and suggestions
were combined and presented to the federal gov-
In Pennsylvania one of the projects was a
mining community where the problems were ex-
ceedingly complex. The students had to over-
come the suspicions of the miners, and even more
difficult, those of the mine owners. They taught
the mothers and children to read and write,
built homes, installed plumbing, and built play-
grounds and recreation centers. As they gained
the confidence of the miners their problems be-
ramnrn. n , rnl fr the m -nr r a mra -
Frank McHale, hefty voula-be Jim
Farley of the McNutt-for-President
campaign, had his wings clipped the
other day-by McNutt.
Back from a tour of the West,
where he said he found much en-
thusiastic McNutt sentiment, McHale
announced he would embark shortly
on a similar promotional junket in a
half-dozen Southwestern States. The
plan was short-lived.
A few hours later McNutt arrived
in town and had a little talk with Mc-
Hale. What occurred between them
is not known, but the next day Mc-
Hale backtracked with this statement:
"The tour will be postponed indefi-
nitely, or at least until neutrality leg-
islation is passed by Congress."
Czar Carmody
There have been many New Deal
blasts against big business brutality
in letting out employes, but seldom in
private industry has there been any-
thing to equal the manner in which
John M. Carmody, Federal Works Ad-
ministrator, is firing his staff.
Carmody is going about the job
with almost visible, delight, and ac-
tually has promised a trip to Hawaii
to the executive who will get rid of
the largest number of workers
He has also put himself in the
hands of a little clique of Harding-
Hoover holdovers now running his
Public Works Administration, who de-
rive particular glee from ousting
friends of Ickes and Roosevelt, no
matter what their seniority or effici-
ency records.
No civil service exists in PWA, and
this little clique has rigged the effi-
ciency records to suit themselves.
Their chief criterion of efficiency is
personal pleasure and past grudges.
While a certain number of PWA
workers must be dropped with the
closing down of the PWA program,
Ickes, when administrator, went at
the 'problem systematically and fired
single nen- first. Married men,' espe-
cially those with children, were re-
tained as long as possible. With Car-
mody, however,sdependents make no
The situation got so bad that Harry
Slattery, former Under Secretary of
Interior and now Rural Electrifica-
tion Administrator succeeding; Car-
mody, telephoned to G. H. Butler, in
charge of PWA investigations. He
called his attention to an investigator
who had several children and a wife
in the hospital dying of cancer.
Nelson, A.
Brown, C.
Smith, R.
Brown, G.
All League Houses are asked to send
their Athletic Managers or a repre-
sentative to a very important meet-
ing at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing on Monday, Oct. 9, at 4:15 p.m.
Seminar in Bacteriology will meet
in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, Oct. 9, at 8 p.m. Subject:
The Third International Congress for
Microbiology held in New York, Sept.
2 to 9, 1939. All interested are invited.
Hillel Registration: Registration for
Hillel Classes is being held every af-
ternoon from Oct. 8 to Oct. 14 at the
Socedad Hispanica' The first
meeting of the Sociedad Hispanica
will be held Wednesday evening, Oc-
tober 11, at 7:30 in the Michigan
League. All old members are urged
to be present and anyone else inter-
ested is cordially invited to attend
the meeting.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day evening, October 10, at 8 p.m. in
the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Professor E. W.
Miller will speak on 'Applications of
Transfinite Processes."
t Michigan Anti-War Comnmittee
will hold its first open peace meeting
at the Michigan League, Tuesday,
October 10, at 8 .p.m. Professor T. S.
Lovering will speak on "The Embar-
go", and the problem of the United
States keeping out of war will be
presented. All students are cordially
invited to attend.
Botanical Journal Club will1meet on
Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in Room
N.S. 1139, Reports on interesting ex-
periences in recent travel and ex-
ploration will be given by:
Professor W. R. Taylor
Linn Zwickey
Stephen White
LeRoy Harvey
Volney Jones
Elzada Clover
Theatre Arts Production Ushers:
All girls interested in ushering fo
Theatre Arts Productions, who, have
not attended any previous meetings,
are urged to meet in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, Monday, Oct. 9, at
4:30 p.m. sharp.
University of Michigan Glider Club
will hold its second meeting .Tues-
day, Oct. 10, from 7-9 p.m. in Room
348 West Engineering Buiding.
Movies of club activities will be shown.
Dues will be payable' at that time.
Lets have everyone interested in glid-
ing out there.
Biological Chemistry Seminar: The
seminar in Biological Chemistry will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Buiding, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, October
10. The subject to be discussed is
"Beta-alanine, a Constituent of the
Molecules of Pantothenic Acid and
of Carnosine." All interested are in-
vited to attend.
Electrical Engineers: The Ameri-
can Institute of Electrical. Engineers
invites you to the first meeting on
Wednesday, October 11, 8:00 p.m., at
the Michigan Union. Dean A. H.
Lovell, vice-president of the Great
Lakes District of the Institute, will
introduce the organization to new
members.dCharles Forbes, magician,
will provide an evening of fun. Re-
freshments will be served.
Phi Sigma business meeting will be
held on Wednesday, October 11, at
8:00 p.m. in the Graduate Outing
Club Room of the Horace Rackham
Scabbard and Blade: F Company,
Fourth Regiment will hold its first
meeting on Wednesday, Octber 11,
ta 8 p.m. in the Union. Everyone is
urged to come, since first plans for
the fall initiation are being made.
Uniforms are required. Bring dues.
International Center: Next Sun-
day, October 15, arrangements have
been made to take a party of stu-
dents from the Center to be present
at the broadcasting of the Ford Sun-
Varsity Glee Club: The following
men will report for Glee Club rehear-
sal, this afternoon, 4:30, Union.
Dewey, Horace Rector, Roy
Steere, R. Strickland, W.
Holland, R.
Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting to-
night at 6:15 p.m. at the Michi-
gan Union. Brief but important busi-
ness will be discussed. All graduates
and members new to the campus are
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will meet at its regular meeting in the
fire-place room at Lane Hall. to-
day at 4:30 p.m. University stu-
dents are welcome to this one hour
of Christian fellowship.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet'
at the northwest entrance of tk ,
Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. to-'
day. Those attending will .divide
into groups for hiking, bicycling,
and canoeing, and will later re-
turn to the Rackham Building for
refreshments. All faculty members
and graduate students are welcome.
In case of rain, there will be an in-
door meeting.
American Student Union: The
executive committee of the American
Student Union will meet today at
4:00 p.m., in the lounge of the Adams
Coming Events
Faculty, School of Education: The
first monthly luncheon meeting of the
Faculty will be held on Monday, Oct.
9, at 12 o'clock noon at the Michigan
German Table for Faculty Mem-