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October 04, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-10-04

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-"'4 ..


ged by students of -the University of
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I a

dent Publications.
ulished every morning except Monday during the
versity year and Summer Session.
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he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

'1 Petersen
ott Maraniss
m M. Swinton
rton L. Linder
'man A. Schorr
anis Flanagan
n N. Caravan
n Vicary

Editorial Staff
Business Staf f

Managing 'Editor,
Editorial Director
*City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor

cess Manager . .
Business Mgr., Credit Manager
en's Business Manager
en's AdvertisingrManager,
[cations Manager

. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. HJane Mowers
*Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are. written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Witch Hunt
hi Qeens Count . . .
HADES OF 'Czarist Russia and the
Gestapo have been revivedin Queens
Cunty, N.Y. According to the New York
Ierald-Tribune, 1200 "special and honorary
deputy sheriffs" in the metropolitan area of tie
ceunty have been appointed to report "any un-
Anerican gossip that might happen to be float-
i is around Queens."
The old maxim says, "Fight fire with fire."
;inging it up to date, Queens County apparent-
ly I roposes to fig'ht gossip with gossip.
As a consequence, the county's residents will
eiter into every conversation with the uneasy
fdling that one of their aliased friends (in
reality a "special and honorary deputy") may
b:' ready to polnce upon them and ship them
of to some American Siberia. Queens will be
apleasant place to live when 1200 human blood-
hounds are loosed on the scerit of untoward re-
4iaks, slurs against the status quo and, ulti-
nately, we suppose, jokes at the expense of the
The most un-American aspect that can be
s¢n in the Queens plan is the plan itself. It is
obable that no two of the honored 1200 would
gVe the same definition of Americanisni, but it
Ila t it must be agreed that freedom of speech is
qle of the integral parts. Recruiting one's neigh-
b&$ and friends for thinly veiled OGP'U-ing
srvices is representative of totalitarianism
ithier than democracy.
In scorning such tactics as the Dies commit-
t'es and "un-American" spies, Americans do not
l e to experience the unpleasant suspicion that
they may be shielding some Bund or Communist
lot. We only cloak such organizations with a
1 ereficial aura of martyrdom when we try to
feet them out. Events of the past few weeks
h ve done more to discredit so-called "subversive
a tities" than two years or ten of Dies cor-
nittee probes.
Such a plan as Queens County has set int
cdperation helps no one, least of all the govern-
ment. It can beget nothing but injustice, intol-
e'nce and ill will. It can create only suspicion
of justice, mistrust of government and hatred
61 the "special and honorary deputies." Queens
Oounty should strike it off the record.
-Hervie Haufler
PA Econony
1 Lansing . .
HE RECENT opening of the Munici-
pal Water Conidtioning Plant in
Lansing, built by the Works Progress Adminis-
tration, marked the end of a 15-year fight to
obtain soft water. The plant, which was erected
at a cost of $750,000, could not have been built
Without' the assitsance of the WPA. Thus, an-
other worthwhile project is added to its alread
1&rig list of accomplishments.
Every time a member of the 20,000 families
living in Lansing turns on the water faucet, he
will assist in effecting a financial saving for
the city that, by the end of one year, will amount
to between $150,000 and $200,000. More than 300
workmen, who otherwise woud have been with-
out ineome, were gainfully employed for 1
months. In addition, the finest plant of its
kind in the country has been built.

balance a municipal budget with a small saving
of $10 a year for .each householder,. but in the
long run an improvement will be realized and
the plant will pay for itself in a very few years.
Contrary to common belief that a great num-
ber of workmen will be needed to operate the
plant, only six are employed to ru machinery
which produces ten million gallons of softened
water daily. The staff includes four operators;
one for each eight-hour shift and a relief opera-
tor, one part-time chemist and one common
Lansing's model water conditioning plant will
not only pay for itself many times, but it is hoped
that it will inspire other cities to take similar
steps toward giving the citizens something really'
worthwhile for their money. Public works of
this type will prove all-time reminders of WPA
-Helen Corman
T apping
Student Opinion ...
THE BUREAU of Student Opinion de-
serves hearty approval and encour-
agement on campus on the basis of its past
record of achievement.
Last year, the Bureau took polls on prob-
lems of student "behavior," such as attendance
at movies, at religious services, beer gardens and
other activities. It achieved the remarkably low
statistical error of from two per cent to six per
cent' in these trials, and will begin, during this
year, to tackle the more complex worko of polling
opinions and thought trends.
Campus views on politics, war, religion and
several phaises of current social and economic
development will be reduced to statistical fact by
a means very similar to that used by the Gallup
and Fortune surveys. A representative sampling
on this campus requires te use of only 500 to
600 questionnaires, duly apportioned among the
~various schools.
Never spectacular in its press releases, but
aiming, rather, to condense and reproduce accur-
ately what it observes on campus, the Bureau
of Student Opinion has gained the expressed
approval of several faculty members who were
asked last year to help sift and interpret its
Its director, James Vicary, first conceived the
Bureau as a valuable instrument of sociological
research on campus, and has been directly re-
sponsible for the high standards and ideals of
accomplishment which it has maintained.
What' the Michigan student has to say on
current problems, and how his opinions fluctu-
ate during the crises and transitions which seem
to lie somewhere in the near future promise to
provide an interesting commentary on college
-Roy Buehler
It is With considerable trepidation and humil-
ity that I approach the task of writing drama
criticism in the columns of The Daily. I realize
that these feelings are not original nor for that
matter, criticlike and when felt are best left un-
uttered. I shall however devote the largest
p rt of thi article to an explanation of why, in
the present case, I believe they are necessary if
I am to acc mplish anything more than a feeble
imitation of some of our brighter metropolitan
The Daily reviewers of art shows, music, books
and' the cinema all deal with professional and
professedly finished productions. They are un-
der obligation to the readers of their columns
to provide them with as intelligent a critical
appraisal as is in their power. There is no added,
obligation to the artist beyond that appraisal.
The drama critic on the other hand, is con-
cerned principally with student acted and even.
student written and produced pays and he must
be as much a crusader as a critic. Play Produc-
tion and its summer counterpart, the Repertory
Theatre, have, during the past several years,
provided Ann Arbor and the University of Michi-

gan with a large number of good plays, well
acted and well produced. This despite the fact
that they have been underequipped and under-
staffed. But much more important Professor
Windt and his staff have turned out several good
actors, a considerable number of competent ones
and in conjunction with Professor Rowe and the
play writing department a number of good play-
wrights. All of this, I believe, is too important
to be sabotaged for the sake of a bright remark,
however apt it may be.
By this I do not mean that I intend to suspend
such critical principles as I may have. That
would be as unfair as the opposite course. I do
feel, however, that I have an obligation to the
actors as well as to their audience. It is unfor-
tunate that most of the plays at Lydia Mendels-
sohn are produced under almost professional
pressure. There has not been in the past nearly
enough experimental work, a lack which the
staff of Play Production has felt even more keen-
ly than the potential audience for such produc-
tions. It is a lack which Professor Windt is try-
ing very hard to remedy for the coming year
despite the lack of an adequate theatre. As long,
however, as the major part of Play Production's
work that does obtain a public hearing does so in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under this pressure
I do not believe that it is the task of The Daile
reviewer to add to that pressure. It has been a
too common story in Play Production that only
Trojan work on the part of the director has kept
Thursday night's performance from falling apart
under a barrage of particularly devastating re-
marks in the morning review of Wednesday
night's' performance. It is possible to justify
such treatment of a professional production, it

Music And The Newsreel


If you have been attending the showings at
the Michigan and Majestic theatres for the past
three or four weeks, you will have noticed at
least one striking difference between the Para-
mount and MGM (Hearst) presentation of the
European conflict, a difference which, upon re-
flection, you will agree is pretty fundamental,
and merits investigation.
The reference is, of course, to the opportunistic
and thorough despicable treatment of the inci-
dental music to the Hearst film as opposed to the
surprisingly good taste Paramount has shown
in approaching the same problem. The filming
of battlefields, of ruined cities and homeless
refugees is not a subject adaptable to a Lone
Ranger score or the most melodramatic mo-
ments to be found in Tschaikowsky. Whatever
the Hearst film is attempting to do-and it
smacks suspiciously of war propaganda-it is to
be hoped that students will sense the frightful
cheapness of it and will be antagonized rather
than stirred to any kind of senseless action about
it.For whatever emotion is aroused by music
used in this way, you may bet your life it is a
false one, one which expressed will lead to no
good end.
Some would contend that the musical adapta-
tions to the Hearst newsreel are simply another
instance of Hollywood's proverbial bad taste and
nothing more. How anyone can possibly holri
such a view when scores of serious artists with-
out work would be only too glad to prove their
worth to the films is difficult to understand.
Paramount (though heaven knows what it will
do tomorrow or the day after) has found no dif-
ficulty in this respect. While leaving much to
be desired by way of filming the news in the
past, Paramount has however, scored the film-
ing of the present conflict admirably. Underlin-
ing scenes of Nazi activity round and about the
Siegfried line with the powerful Wotan motif of
the Ring (a motif Wagner employs as symbolic
of the Teutonic Will); merging the suppressed
minor dead-scoring of scenes from the war 4
Poland with the roar of bomb and airplane;
accompanying views of a silent and war-waiting
Paris and London with the courageous but omi-
nous sound of a single horn against a submerged
background of darkened strings and tympani;
--these and cases of like nature are all to Para-
mount's credit in that they imbue the audience
with an awareness of the tragedy without falsely
arousing them to a hysterical will to war. If
Americans are moved to war-action, it certainly
cannot be due to Paramount's musical incite-
ment toward such action.
This may seem to be making a deal of ado
about nothing to many readers. Yet the force
of music is powerful. Somewhere 'in his works
Confucius stated: "If you would know whether
a country is well-governed and of good morals,
listen to its music." There is no small truth in
that statement, and the implications of it are'
profound. The force of music is powerful. Nor
is its power always apparent, even upon re-
flection. Do not let anyone imagine that we
have gotten away from the attitude of the
senior who remarked just last' evening: "I tell
it to you honestly, I'm a sucker for martial music.
I cry out against the horrors of war now, but
just let that ol' band get to playing and the men
begin marching and I know darn well I would
join them against all my better judgment."
Well, it's an old story, this one about the
bands playing and the men marching, but surely
now is the time to warn against it. When we
attend the theatre let us not minimize anything
which, while seeming innocent enough by itself,
takes on a truly dreadful significance when re-
lated to the present world order. When students
practically endmasse at the University of Michi-
gan clap loudly when the American Legion's
demand for an immediate army of a million men
for America is flashed on the screen, then no
word seems amiss, no sentence too labored, to
warn against the rising acquiescence to go to war.
e o goto war

THE two, -young men sauntered
down Liberty St. Mne a tall,
well-built lad, with highly colored
cheeks and an ever-present sheepish
look as if he were born with his hand
in a cookie jar; the other a scrawny
outfit with a smart-aleck sneer-the
kind of a guy who will ask if you got
a haircut; and when you say yes, he
will crack: why didn't you get 'em
all cut?-
When the two turned right on S.
Fifth, they stopped sauntering andt
walked with furtive hesitant steps,
looking about cautiously, almost
"Do you think we ought to?" asked
Paul, he with the rosy puss.
"Sure, whatta we got to ? Lose?"
returned Mel, he of the perverted wit.
"I know, but I don't see the sense
in it. Not that I'm afraid, mind you.
But these guys are liable not to be
able to take a joke."
"Aw, you got nothin' to worry
about as long as the Governor is your
pal. Haven't you got a letter from
him right in you pocket? Didn't he
say he was your pal? Sure, we' got
nothin' to worry about."
By this time, they had approached
and, slunk by the police station,
turned left on Huron St. and wee
nownearing' one of the cigar stores
in that "block of ill repute."
"C'mon, Mel, let's go back. I just
remembered I. have something im-
portant to take care of on campus.
Besides, I'm liable to lose my temper
and hurt some of these guys if they
get tough. Let's go back, huh, Mel?"
"What's the matter with you,
Chandler? You afraid of these cigar-
peddlers?" This from Mel, trying to
keep his lip from quivering. "They
won't dare do anything to you. And
beside how are they going to know
who you are? Don't be a big baby,
you big baby."
They stopped outside the cigar
store, looked at the tobaccos and
pipes in the window and then entered
slowly. They walked to the rear of
the store where a small group of men
were gathered.Behind the counter
a small dark man-with beady eyes,;
of -course-looked them over and
waited for them to step up to the
counter. Mel bit his lip to hold it inj
place, cleared his throat and went up
to the little man.
"We'd like to put two bucks on
Sarah L. in the fifth."
The little man eyed him for a
second, glanced at Chandler and then
leaned over the counter to speak to
Mel sort of confidentially. "We ain't
takin' bets here no more. Some pin-
head at the Daily by the name ofr
Chandler wrote a letter or somethin'
to dat pansy Governor and now we
gotta lay low."
Mel feigned surprise and disap-l
pointment. Paul looked around the
floor for a trap door. "Say," con-
tinued the. thwarted bookie, "ain't
you Mel Fineberg from The Daily?
Say, maybe you know this guy,
Chandler, huh?" Mel said he had
heard of him but the sports staff nev-
er saw much of the edit staff and
how it was a dirty trick and a Man
can't make an honest dollar any-
So they bought a pack of gum,
hurried outside and back up Huron '
St. It' wasn't until they reached
State St. that they started to saunter

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
Copy received at 'the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:

Mathematics Journal Club.
meeting today at 3 o'clock, in

(Continued from Page 2)
days the entire class will meet in
205 M.H.
English 125, will 'meet in Room AH,
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at
at 9 a.m. instead of Room 1025 AH.
English 297. My section will meet
tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 407
General Library.
R. W. Cowden.
English 300H. The class will meet
on Thursdays from 3 to 5 in 406 Li-
SM. L. Williams.
German 205: Will meet from 8-9
today in Room 201 U.H. and
from 9-10 in 301 U.H.
E. A. Philippson.
Anthropology 31, will meet in Room
1025 AH Monday, Wednesday and Fri
riday at 9 a.m., instead of Room 25
Preliminary Examinations for the"
doctor's degree in the School of Edu-
cation will be held on Oct. 12, 13 and
14. Graduate studtnts desiring to
take these examinations should noti-
fy my' office, 4002 University High
School Building, at once, concerning
their desires.
Clifford Woody.


Math. 315, Seminar in Algebra. Firstr
regular eeting this afternoon, 4-6
p.m., Room 3201-A.H. Subject: The-
ory of Ideals.
Math. 327, Seminar in. Statistics.
First regular meeting Thursday, at
3 o'clock, in 3201 A.H.
History 37 (France from 1483 to
1789) and History 115 (Economic His-
tory of Europe to 1750) will not meet
Today's Events
Association Forum: Dean J. B. Ed-
monson of the School of Education'
will lead a discussion on "Religion
and Education," at Lane Hall this
evening at 8 p.m. All students
at the University are welcome to take
part in these Forums at which cur-
rent social problems are discussed
from a religious point of view.
"Open Hose"' at the International
All foreignrstudents of the Univer-
sity and their friends, as well as our
Canadian neighbors and American.
students from Puerto Rico and Ha-
waii are invited to the "Open House"
at the} International Center this eve-
ning from 8 to 11 o'clock. Prof. and
Mrs. Nelson assisted by the advisers to
foreign students in the various units
of the University will be "at home" at
the Center to meet in a very informalc
way both old and new students. Fac-
ulty and other friends of the Center
are also invited.
Flight Training: Ground School will
start tonight at T p.m. in Room' 1042
East Engineering Building. All stu-
dents who expect to qualify for the
Flight Training- Program should at-
tend this meeting.

ing, Room 1042 on Tuesday, Oct.
10. Colonel Fox, formerly of' the
Chemical Warfare Service will speak
on "Chemical Warfare... Everyone
is welcome.
R.O.T.C. Rifle Team: There will be
a meeting of all old members and try-
outs, Thursday, Oct. 5, at 5 Anm. at
R.O.T.C. Headquarters.
Physical Education for Women:
Skill tests in archery, golf, canoing,
riding and tennis will be given at the
Women's Athletic Building
Swimming tests will be given on
Tuesday and Thursday evening at
8:30 at the Union Pool.
This notice is of particular imp6r-
tance to upperclass students who hage
an incomplete in Physical Eduicatidn.
Attention, UnIversity' Woni: The
following schedule gives the time at
which intervi'ews are to be held' for
the Silver Survey in the League Coun-
cfi Room. Each girlthasb een' ae
within half hour intervals, and pldase
be as prompt as possible. The'Inter-
view will only take about three min-
Thursday, Oct. 5:
1:30 to 2-Helen Stockbrldge, Ma-
bel Douglas, Marian Ferguson, Mary
McKennon, Sally Orr, Janet Clark,
Betty Hughes, Pat Matthews.
"3 to 3 :30-Betty Slee, Mar'gar"et Aa-
endroth, ElainetMathenygDorothy
Gustin, Roberta Moore, Carolyn 1'y
burn, Dorothy Nichols, Mary IH6n-
2 to 2:30-Ruth Hatfield, Jeaxne
Van Raalte, Elizabeth Clift, Marian'
Hyde, Doris Barr, Betty French, Alice
Hopkins, Sue Potter.
3:30 to 4-Elizabeth Kimball, Ruby
Iillis, Betty Stadelmn, Betty Roue,
Ruth Streelman, Maxine Nelson,
Frances Henderson, Sally Manthe.
2:30 to 3-Connie Bryant, Ann Mc-
Carth Ruth Chatard, Mary Black-
lock, Betty Ployd, Betty Billingham,
Phyllis Martin,.
4 to 4:30-Htarriet Sharkey, Mary
Anne Young, Jean Gwenlap, Norma
Grosberg, . Mary Fran Steinmetz,
Martha Bill, Frances Carlisle.
4:30 to 5-Susan Kerr, Margaret
Carr, Roberta Meyer, Cecily Forrest,
Sallie Morris, Zenovia Skoratko, Ha-
.zel Holpint.
Pi Lambda Theta: Thee will be a
meeting of Pi Lambda Theta Friday
afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the Pi
Lambda Theta Room of the Uflive&f-
sity Elementary School. AUl nIiem-
bers, whether they have been affiliat-
ed with Xi Chapter or not, are ur-
gently asked to attend.
Stident Senate'will hold 'a neeting
on Thursday, Oct. 5. at 7:30' p.mi,, in
the Michigan Union. All Senators
are urged' to attend. Please obtain
eligibility cards and briing then' to
the meeting. If unable to atterid,
leave proxies with Hugo Reichhat
or Martin Dworkis.
Tan Beta P1 dinner meeting Sui-
ddy, Oct. 8, 6:15 p. ii., at the Miel>0-
gan Union. Brief but important bus-
ness will be discussed. All graduates
and members new to the campusate
Freshmen Advisers: The first Fresh-
man lecture hps been postponed fioin
Oct. 4 at 5 o'clocik to Oct. 11 at 5
o'clock in the Lydia Mendelsslin
Assembly: Petitioning for AsseilAy.
Social Committee, in charge of tea-
dances, etc., will be 'held in the Ui-
dergraduate Office- of the League,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Women Fencers: The first meetig
of the Women's Fencing Club wthI
take place on Thursday, Oct 5; at
4:30 p.m. i the Fencing Room of
B'arbour Gymnasium. Alltose hA-

ing had the equivalence of one seA-
son's fencing are asked to attend. Prb-
gram for the year will be presented.
Transportation Club: The Univer-
sity of Michigan Transportation Club
will hold a membership snokier
Thursday, Oct. 5, at 7:30 p.m. at the
Michigan Union.
This Club meets twice a month,
bringing in movies and outside speak-
ers on subjects pertaining to railway,
highway, air, and marine transporta-
tion. The Club also sponsors numer-
ous inspection trips to railway and
other transportation facilities. Memt-
bership is open to all students; re-
gardless of which school or college
they are enrolled in, as long as they
have an interest in the subject of
transportation. Old members and
other students interested are invited
to attend.
Hillel Debate Team: Tryouts for the
Hillel Debate Team are being held
every afternoon this week at' the
Foundation from 3 to 5 p.m. Come
prepared to give a three-minute
speech on any topic.
Stalker Hall. A group will leave the

M. Satu



4 O

To the Editor:
Concerning the article in the Daily of Sun-
day, Oct. 1, 1939, by W. B. Elmer, we wish to,
confirm and strengthen Dr. Hashinger's beliefs'
concerning dormitories.
This letter was smuggled out past the rigid
censorship, and discloses conditions in the dor-
mitories not generally known.
Strong, brutal, "Resident Staff Advisers" with
intensive police training keep the boys under
control. They must march in and out of the
dorms in line, in step, and with absolute silence.
This regimentation is carried further by the
regulation that the boys arise at five a.m. each
day and clean their rooms, the halls and the'
Assuming that your statistics, showing a fra-
ternity scholastic rating higher than that of'
dormitories, are correct, we must call attention
to the fact that the Office of the Dean of the
University made a grave error in reporting a
higher rating for the Allen-Rumsey Dormitory'
last year than for the great majority of the'
We realize that the freshmen lack the many
advantages of the "family" life of fraternities,
and hope that the University will do away with
the present dormitory system ,enabling Fresh-
men to plunge immediately into fraternity life.

THE Cincinnati Reds are really de-
termined to end the Yankees
domination of baseball in the com-
ing World Series. That is, they are,
if recent news headlines mean any-
thing. A few weeps ago, even before"
the champions of the respective
leagues were decided, there appeared:
Yankees Told
To Quit Russla.
(Mr. Q. knew that the Yankees had'
an intensive farm system, but little
did he realize it was so far-flung).
And a few days later, just to show"
that the Cincinnatis were insuring
against being undermanned:
Reds' Mobilize
A' Million Men
(Mr. Q. thinks they'll need that
many and maybe a few more to beat
the Yanks.)
M.tQ. is about to go back on his
word. A short time ago you will,
remember he promised not to start'
a feud with Young Gulliver. In fact,
he was so nice about it he invited.
Y.G. to join his Nobel Peace Commit-
tee Auxiliary. Just as a friendship°
gesture. He realized all the time.
that a stinker like Y.G. could never
honestly be interested in peace. But
he was willing to try. And now he
has found you can't trust anybody.
Especially a miserable mooch like
So Mr. Q. will now show him up. If.
Y.G. were really on the alert, he would
have discovered that not only is there
a John Keats in the Union Dorm but
that William Shakespeare is likewise
a Litzenburgher.
S R. Q. at this time would like to de-
clare himself on the side of our


Civil Engineers: Annual
Smoker, tonight at 7:30 p.m.
igan Union. Refreshments.
Engineers invited.

in Mich-
All Civil

A.S.M.E. will hold its opening meet-
ing at the Michigan Union at 7:30'
p.m. today. Mr. J. P. Schechter of
the Executive Council, Detroit Sec-
tion of the A.S.M.E., will speak before
the group.
R.O.T.C. Students will be measured
for uniforms between the hours 8:30
a.m. and 4:30 p.m. today. Measure-
ments will also be taken on Thurs-
day, Oct. 5, and Friday, Oct. 6, dur-
ing the same hours.
Sigma Eta Chi: Rushing dinner .of
Sigma Eta Chi at 6 o'clock tonight in
Pilgrim Hall. All old members please'
be present.
Hillel Photography Club is having
its first meeting of the year at the
Foundation tonight at 7:30 p.m. All
students interested are welcome.
The Chicago Club will meet this eve-
ning at 7:30 p.m. in Room 302 of the
Union. Men from Chicago and sur-
rounding area are invited. Mr. T.
Hawley Tapping, Alumni Secretary,
will address the meetnig briefly. All
interested are invited to attend.
Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15
p.m. this afternoon. Donald G.
Thomas will speak on "Hydrozy-
naphthyldiphenyl carbinols.",
Tennis Club, women students: Those
interested in coming out for Tennis
Club are asked to meet this

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