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March 01, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-03-01

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Cloudy, light snow Saturday;
No change in temperature.




When Inventions
Do Not Make Jobs .


VOL. L. No. 107








The Spring Parley
To Reorganization

Campus-Wide Assembly
On Student Government
Will Plan Revitalization
Cleaning Price War
To Be Invesigat ted

Socialist Sees

Last night the Student Senate took
action affecting every member of the
student body when it responded to
bharges that it is an ineffective and
apathetic body by deciding to devote
the coming Spring Parley to a cam-
pus-wide constituent assembly for
the purpose of complete reorganiza-
tio4 and revitalization of stddent
government on the University cam-
After an hour and a half of heated
argument pro and con, the Senate
passed a resolution by a vote of 16 to
3 recommending the galling of the
Spring Parley for the intention of
popular discussion and debate on
government, intending to offer the
Proposals coming out of the Parley
to the collective student body for rat-
To Investigate Cleaning
'Briefly, then the Senate considered
and passed another resolution ap-
pointing a committee to investigate
the present local cleaning and laun-
dry price war.
Senator Hugo Reichard, Grad.,
presented the resolution for the
Spring Parley as follows: "Resolved,
that the Student Senate should con-
vene, at a tirme and under conditions
to be determined by the committee
in charge, a Spring Parley for the
Purpose of a Constitutional Assembly
for student government at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. The Assembly
shall consist of discussions,- panels,
and hearings on student organiza-
tion and expression in terms of the
issues, needs and problems facing the
students. The student body, senators,
spokesmen of leading campus organi-
zations, faculty, guest speakers and
the Administration shall participate.
ObJectives Stated
"The objective of the Assembly
shall be the crystallization, formula-
tion and adopt2n by simple majority,
of a set of principles goVerning the
responsibility, scope, authority and
powers of the Student Senate as the
organ of representative student gov-
ernment on this campus. All persons
enrolled in the University shall be el-
igible to vote in this Assembly.'
"Further, the proposals adopted by
the Assembly shall be submitted to
the student body for ratification in a
referendum held in conjunction with
the Senate elections of the second
semester. Those proposals ratified
shall be incorporated in a Constitu-
tion of the Senate and shall consti-
tute its basic principles of operation."
President Paul Robertson, '40E, ap-
pointed the following Senators to a
committee to carry out the Parley
plans and to report'at the next meet-
ing on Thursday: Daniel Huyett, '42,
chairman, Martin Dworkis, '40, vice-
chairman, Reichard, Roger Kelley,
'42, Robert Reed, '42, and Ann Vicary,
'40. To work on the cleaning price
war investigation committee: Rich-
ard Steudel, '41, chairman, Anabel
Hill, '41, Jack Callouette, '40E, and
Carl Petersen, '40.
Three War Front
May Become One,
Slosson Intimates
In "This Mad World" science and
religion are at their best while pol-
itics and economics promise to fore-
shadow the greatest age of despotism
ever known, Prof. Preston W. Slosson
stated in his lecture here yesterday.
The present world crises appear
in contrast to the World War which
ended the longest European peace,
not, on the contrary, climaxing "one
of the worst decades in history", Pro-
fessor Slosson said. His predictioni
was that the three conflicts will
spread perhaps into a single conflict
involving new belligerents. There is
no actual guarantee that the United

States could not become a partici-
pant, he concluded.
In spite of unreasoning racial and
'political nerseutionn Professor Sl..

"There can be no socialism with-
out democracy author and economist
Lewis Corey stressed in his talk on
the "Re-Creation of Socialism".
The lecture, the second of a series
of six sponsored by the League for
Liberal Action, was delivered at the
Rackham Auditorium.
It has been fundamental for so-
cialism to be identified with democ-
racy, Corey asserted, emphaisizing
that "socialism has always been con-
sidered an extension of democracy."
Tracing the rise of democracy initia-
ted by the French Revolution, Corey
claimed that "there soon grew the
realization that these dembcratic
rights were abstract, incomplete."
"Socialists," Corey said, "believing
that there can be no political democ-
racy without economic. democracy,
agreed upon the completion of de-
mocracy by means of the extension
and inclusion of economic"democ-
"The great danger the world must
fight today however is totalitarian-
ism, under whatever guise or in
whatever nation it may appear,"
Corey warned. In order to best
destroy this threat, he maintained,
"we must first solve our , economic
Corey severely hit what he term-
(Continued on Page 6)
Labor Series
Talks, Continue
Employee And Production
To Be Discussed Today
The first round-table discussion
session of a series on "Employee
Acceptance of Methods, Development,
and Production Stanards," sponsored
by the Bureau of Industrial Rela-
tions, will continue today in the
Rackham Building.
Prof. John W. Riegel of the School
of Business Administration, director'
of the Bureau, who presided at yes-
terday's sessions, will be in charge
of the discussion today. Attendance
is limited to the representatives of
invited companies having similar
operating problems.
Sixteen official representatives are
attending the round-table on behalf
of nine companies, taken from the
drug, surgical supply, paper special-
ty, chemical, paper, food and rub-
ber industries.
The second round-table in the
series will be held March 14 and 15.

50=30 Vote
Defeats ASU
Condemnation Of Russian
Aggression In Finland
Opposed By Majority
Peace Policy Wins
ApprovalBy 80-2
By a vote of 50 to 30, members
of the American Student Union yes-
terday defeated, an amendment to
its peace policy which condemned
the Russia attack on Finh nd as an
act of aggression.
The amendment reads:'"While the
ASU has no sympathy with the Rus-
sian attack on Finland and specific-
ally condemns it as a clear act of
aggression it does not want to see
our neutrality prejudiced by those
acts which we consider unneutral."
Vote On Policy
On the same ballot the member-
ship was asked to vote dn the entire
peace policy of the American Student
Union; this measure was supported
by a vote of 80 to 2.
The poll, conducted yesterday at
the General Library for those who.
did not vote after the meeting, was
the outcome of a debate Wednesday
evening on the amendment to the
peace policy. On the affirmative side,
supporting the amendment, were'
Rosa and Harold Osterweil, '41; Rob-
ert Kahn, Grad., and Hugo Reichard,
Grad., were on the side of the nega-
Dislikes AggressionE
In his arguments, Osterweil point-
ed out that any nation is entitledf
to the right of self-determination ands
that any act 'of aggression against
any nation deserves disapproval.
These conditions, he pointed out,
should be applied to the present sit-
uation. .
On the other side, Reichard de-2
clared that the present peace pro-
gram, without the amendment, was
a compromise of non-commitment
which would prevent further wart
hysteria against Russia and would
unite all groups in the Americane
Student Union. ,
'national refeendum on the
same question is being held in local
ASU chapters throughout the coun-
try following the action of the Na-9
tional convention which was held in
Madison in December which defeat-
ed the amendment.
Kahn Misquotedt
In Report Yesterday
The Daily wishes to correct a mis-
quotation which appeared in yester-
day's report of the American Stu-
dent Union meeting.
Speaking against a resolution to
cond nn Russia's expedition into Fin-
landlas a clear act of aggression,
Robert Kahn, Grad., was erroneously
quoted as defending the Russian at-
tack on Finland. In his remarks
Kahn made no defense of this action,
but emphasized the danger to Ameri-
can peace which lies in adding to
the "present campaign of anti-Soviet1
hysteria," and urged his audience tot
resist any such war propaganda. *


Hoover Says
Poland Needs
Congress Aid

Russian Forces Reporte
Closing In On Viipur


For Nazi Domination
Lebensraum Is Seen
Chancellor's Theme

Washington, Pe. 29--(P)-Former
President Herbert 'Hoover told Con-
gress today that it should appro-
priate up to $20,000,000 immediately
to help avert an "acute" food short-
age facing about 7,000,000 residents
of dismembered Poland.
A short time after he made that
recommendation to the House For-
eign Affairs Committee, the Senate
completed Congressional action on a
bill to give the export-import bank
a $100,000,000 increase in its lending
capital, from which it could make
a $20,000,00 loan to beleaguered
Finland for non-military purchases.
In his first appearance at the Cap-
itol since he witnessed the inaugura-
tion of President Roosevelt in 1933,
Mr. Hoover asserted that there was
"not the remotest" danger that as-
sistance to s-wrving Poles would be
a violation of American neutrality
or involve this, country in war.
"As far as I'm concerned," he add-
ed, 'Tm willing to feed women and
children-I do gtcare what nation-
ality or race they are."
Although he said Poland was the
only place where such conditions ex-
isted today, the former President
solemnvly testified that the "whole
of Europe" would be a "starvation
spot" when thi war was over.
He declared that a "rough es.
timate" placed the cost of providing
just enough food to keep the Poles
alive at between $40,000,000 and $50,-
Latest Science
Feats Feature
Lecture Today
.Recent scientific developments,
styled as unfolding the world's new
horizons, will feature the demonstra-
tion lecture to be presented at 8
p.m. today in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building by Dr. Phillips
Thomas, research engineer for the
Westinghouse Electric and Manufac-
turing Co.
Shown in the special performance
brought here under the sponsorship
of the Department of Electrical En-
gineering, will be such scientific odd-
ities as an ultra- high power light, no
larger than a two-inch ,lead pencil,
yet capable of emitting light at one-
fifth the intensity of the surface of
the sun.
In a specially devised demonstra-
tion starring microscopic organisms,
the killing power of ultra-violet light
of restricted wave lengths will be
portrayed to the audience by means
of a projection microscope, fitted for
throwing images of the life and death
struggle of minute paramecia on the
auditorium screen.
Also on the schedule are such
feats of technical wizardry as pour-
ing music from a coffee pot, clean-
ing air by means of electric fields
and illuminating articles by "black
OperaT oJ Present
Special Matinee
With two performances behind it,
the Union Opera, "Four out of Five,"
starts its double-headers today with
a matinee showing at 2:30 p.m. and
+he rmnila, vening nrfnrn An eP 1

Berlin Makes Plans
For Envoy's Arrival
BERLIN, Feb. 29.-(P)-Security
and domination within the region
Germany regards as her living space
appeared tonight to be the thesis
Adolf Hitler will stress when talk-
ing with United States Undersecre-
tary of State Sumner Welles, due
in Berlin tomorrow morning from
Rome and Zurich on his fact-finding
European tour.
The German Foreign Office as a
curtain raiser to Welles' arrival
around 9:30 a.m. (3:30 a.m. EST)
tomorrow let its semi-official spokes-
man, Karl Megerle, restate Germany's
war aim as that of rendering
secure Germany's "lebensraum" (liv-
ing space.) Megerle's statement came
in an editorial in his Berliner Boer-
Beyond that there was nothing
concerning Germany's information
for President Roosevelt's investiga-
tor nor concerning Welles' program
which most likely will bring him in
conference on his very first day here
first with Foreign Minister Joachim
von Ribbentrop and then Hitler--
with a visit to Field Marshal Her-
mann Wilhelm Goering later.
Welles' visit will be handled out-
side proctocol-normal diplomatic
procedure-authorized' sources said,1
because it is not a state visit but a
trip for a series of talks with men
whom the American desires to see.
No official program has been drawn
up, they said, and details will be de-
cided from case to case.
Megerle's article,ia double-column,
front-page editorial entitled "Leben-
sraueme" (living spaces), was said
by authorized sources to be both a
preliminary to Welles' visit and a
reply to Secretary of State Hull's
statement that the end of the war
should bring an end to autarchy, regi-
mentation and totalitarianism.
Authorized sources earlier had said
that Hull's objectives were inipossible
for Germany as long as Britain was
able to cut off her trade.
Megerle used as his text these words
from Hitler's Munich address of last
Saturday: "What we want is not sub-
jugation of other peoples but secur-
ity of German lebensraum and there-
by security of the German people
Baby Must Await 2024
To Say I Am A Man'
Prof. Richard H. Freyberg of the
medical school has a son who legally
won't be able to vote until the year
Mrs. Freyberg gave birth to the
boy at 3 a.m. yesterday, February
29, a day that comes only once every
four years. In 1944 the Freybergs
will celebrate his birthday for the
,first time.

News.A t AGlance
(By Tue Associated Press).
BERLIN-Nazi Germany prepared
to receive special American repre-
sentative Sumner Wells, who may see
Hitler tomorrow.
MOSCOW - Vice-Commisar of
Foreign Affairs V. P. Potempkin was
appointed Commissar of Education,
replacing P. A. Turkhin.
SAN FRANCISCO-River levees
burst, forcing hundreds more from
homes in Sacramento Valley.
BRUSSELS-Reports from Ger-
man-Belgian frontier state that usual
issuance of frontier passes will be
suspended except for students or busi-
ness men.
ANKARA-Premier Refik Saydem
declared that Turkey had no inten-
tion of attacking the Soviet Union
nor any reason to expect an attack
by Russia.
Fokker Traces
Art Of Hindus
In Central Java
Dutch Historical Institute
Expert Says Research
Showed Three Stages
Hindu art in Central Java can best
be analyzed by dividing tha' art'into
three distinct chronological stages,
Dr. Timon H. Fokker, member of the
Dutch Historical Institute in Rome,
Italy, pointed out yesterday in a
University lecture at the ampitheatre
of the Rackham Building.
The first period is characterized by
temples whose 'architecture is func-
tional rather than aesthetic, Dr.
Fokker said. These temples feature
in their construction an interior cel-
lar without windows, narrow and
obscure spaces, and straight, solid,
thick walls, he emphasized.
The second period, the age of a
higher developed architecture, is not-
ed for its multiplicity of units, its
bas-reliefs, greater recesses and
niches, Dr. Fokekr indicated. Out-
lining the typical qualities of a
temple group of this age, Dr. Fokker
called the attention of the audience
to the fact that the roof of the cen-
tral temple is higher than the roofs
of the surrounding chapels and out-
lying buildings. He particularly
stressedthe unity of the architecture,
asserting that this is evidenced by
the relation of the varied shrines to
each other, the relation of the chap-
els to each other and to the main
structure, and the harmony of the
(Continued on Page 2)
Hillel To Hear Art Lecture
Prof; Richard Ettinghausen of the
Islamic Arts department will give a
talk on "The Art of the Jews in Islam-
ic Countries" at 8 p.m. today in the
Hillel Foundation,



Finland Braces Defen:
To Resist Enelreln4
Of Isthmus'_Key Cit
Finns Claim Win
On Ladoga Fro:
MOSCOW, Feb. 29 -(A)-
Russians reported today that th
land forces had driven to witI
little more than a mile from Vip
from the South and about t
miles from the East.
HELSINKI, Feb. 29--(P)-Fo
back once more on the western' e
of the Karelian Isthmus, Fin
forces today braced themselves
what they said were stronger p
tions, massed artillery and ml
the ice of Viipuri Bay in a determi
effort to prevent encirclement
Viipurl, objective of the Russian
The Finnish High Command
ported that the Soviet army,-entei
the fourth month of its ponder
offensive, was forced to pay de:
for every inch of ground gained
this area while continued assa
on the eastern side of the isthi
were said to have been repulsed v
heavy losses.
Attack Repulsed
Elsewhere, the Finns said Rnsa
attacks were thrown back orth
of Lake Ladoga, in the vicinity
Pitkaranta, and that more en
strong points were captured at 10
mo, in central Finland where sc
Russians are encircled.
Heavy fighting raged unaba
above the Arctic Circle in the I
samo region but the result was
disclosed here..
dMan ye civilians were killed f
were started which raged far i
the night and much damage -
done today by huge fleets of Rus
bombing planes which attac
many Finnish cities binwves
The defenders of Vlipurli, "t
have been withdrawing graduall3
their more firmidable positions
tween the Bay of Vilpuri and
Vuoski River, in the western '
of the Karelian Isthmus, yester
withstood assaults by wave u
wave of Soviet troops. In addi
to inflicting tremendous losses
these forces, the Finns said t
smashed 14 Soviet taks.
Mass Attacks Fall
At the eastern end of the M
nerheim Line, in the Tapae A
the Russians ventured three mas
tacks "in great force" which
Finns said ended as previous att
there have ended--in complete i
The Finns' Isthmus Line now z
roughly from Vipuri Bay stra
eastward to the Vuoski River, w
splits the heart of the Isthmus. F
there to Taipale the Line follows
original first line of the Mannerb
Thus the Russians In three mox
of fighting have penetrated a
tance ranging from about 38 n
on the the western part of the
thusmus to about 12 miles on
east, with most of their gain res
ing from their furious And sustai
February drive..
To Judge the actual extent of
Russians' progress, however,
should know Field Marshal Be
Carl Gustav Mannerheim's I
schedule calculating where
should be at the beginning of
fourth month of fighting.
Le Cercle Francai
Hears Prof. Aliar
On French Dram

Interpretation of the life of
bourgeoise in the time of the Fre
Revolution provided the basis
the beginning of the French m
drama in France, Prof. Louis Al
said in his lecture, "Le Pere du M
drameFrancais: Guilbert Pixerec
under the auspices of Le Cercle Fr
cais here yesterday.
Professor Allard, only recently
tired from the faculty of Hari
i TTienrsitv. nointed nut. that the

Gold And Silver In 1940:
,Prof. Watkins Explains Election
Importance Of Money Issues

The recent GOP program commit-
tee's suggestion that the President's
emnergency monetary powers be re-
pealed and that a commission be
established to study means of stabil-
izing the monetary system promises
active debate on monetary policy in
the coming election, Prof. Leonard
L. Watkins of the economics depart-
ment predicted in an interview yes-
"Though there is fairly general
agreement among economists that the
silver purchase program should be
repealed," he emphasized, "40p such
agreement exists with respect to gold
policy. We face a dilemma with
respect to gold for which no simple
acceptable solution has yet been ad-
When the price of gold was raised
to $35 an ounce in 1934, the Presi-
dent was left with power to make a
further increase of $41.34 (that is,
reduce the defined weight of the gold
dollar to 50 per cent of its old weight),
Professor Watkins pointed out. In-
dicating that after active debate in
the last session of Congress this now-

Professor Watkins emphasized that
if "power to vary the gold price is to
be delegated by Congress, the author-
ity should be given to the Federal
Reserve authorities rather than to
the President."
"The huge influx of gold since our
devaluation in 1934 has also led to
discussion of the desirability of low-
ering the gold price or of suspending
the purchase of imported gold en-
tirely," he said. This huge gold in-
flux not only .has created dangers
of excessive credit expansion in the
banking system, he maintained, but
"also represents an accumulation far
above any legitimate monetary needs
of the country." We are giving up
goods and services for part of the
incoming gold and this exchange, he
warned, can only be sensible if we
can later expect to exchange gold
for goods imports. But the prospects
for such gold exports, he asserted, are
not bright; for "war needs and re-
construction problems make it un-
likely that the warring nations can
absorb gold for some time to come."
Desnite his indication of these risks


Morgan On India:
India SeenR eady To Aid Britain
Only If She's Made A Dominion

The people of India have demon-
strated that they are anti-Nazi and
are willing to support Great Britain
in her fight for the preservation of
democracy, but they feel that their
entry should be the occasion of a
definite promise of dominion status,
Kenneth Morgan, director of the
Student Religious Association, said
A great deal of resentment arose
in India when she was declared in the
war by Viceroy Linlithgow without
her consent, Morgan pointed out,
and, because of the declaration, the
government's officials who are mem-
bers of the Congress Party (Gandhi-
dominated party having an over-
whelming majority) resigned in pro-
Members of Congress, Morgan con-
tinued, feel that, since India has been
asked to fight for democracy, it is

Viceroy decree powers in time of
"crisis" resulted.
In regard to the British claim that
there is a split in opinion among the
Indian people, itself, and therefore,
that Congress cannot claim to speak
for everyone, Morgan stressed the
fact that, while there is a separate
party of Mohammedans headed by
Jinnah, a man who has promised the
Viceroy his support, Gandhi's Con-
gress actually contains in its mem-
bership more Mohammedans than
Jinnah's party. The newly elected
president of the Congress is a Mo-
Congress, Morgan said, feels that
that the Moslem Party and the native
princes are seeking special favors
and are acting as pressure groups.
Aside from the backers of Chiang
Kai Shek in China, Mohandas Gandhi
has the greatest political following
of any man in the world. he nointed

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