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February 24, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-24

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SA&TtrUU V FEB. 246 1940


Forced Collegiate Military Training
Not Effective,California Report Says

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school yeax by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
Mel Fineberg

Editorial Staff
Business Staff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
Paul R. Part
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

THIS IS FEBRUARY, 1940. Culture, it is sup-
posed and loudly voiced, has attained a state
of high development. Science has made great
strides, literature is flourishing, modern phi-
losophers are delving deep into the solutions of
weighty political and social questions, ever seek-
ing a better way of life. Our cultural develop-
ment is magnificent-so it is said. And one of
the most widespread topics of conversation and
thought today-February, 1940, with culture
at a high level-is the progress of all, or any
one, of three wars now in progress in Europe
and Asia.
We are interested in these wars, and we can-
not help this interest, much as we might like
to remain isolated from them mentally as well
as geographically. We must watch them care-
fully, for we do not wish to become involved in
them. We say that. And it is true. We do not
wish to become involved in any war-its results,
overlooking the great loss of lives and money,
might well include the loss of the practice of
the democratic principles of government valued
highly by the American people, just the thing
for which we might one day be persuaded to
defend by going to war.
Various causes of the present conflicts
and past conflicts have been named by mili-
tary and historical theorists. Nearly always
prominent among these causes is militarism,
that condition; that frame of mind; arising in
the people of a nation when they are schooled in
the rules of war so thoroughly that they want
to put these rules into practice. That much we
can learn from the nations of Europe, from
those of Asia.
E ARE OF THE OPINION that we want to
continue living under a democratic form of
government. We've been told repeatedly that our
entry, into any armed struggle may bring about
the loss of this democracy. Yet our attention has
been called to a practice going on in this nation
which is neither truly democratic nor likely
to aid in keeping us-out of war.
The Peace Committee of the Associated Stu-
dents of the University of California appointed
a special commission to investigate the problem
of compulsory ROTC at that University in
November, 1938. The results of its investigation,
made public late in 1939, reveal some surprising
FIRST, STUDENTS at the University of Calif-
ornia objected strongly to compulsory train-
ing on the grounds that it develops a mental
attitude that war is inevitable; that it denies civil
liberties by denying academic and financial
rights to students of religious beliefs opposed

to any form of militarism and it destroys morals
through its very compulsion.
SECOND, the report pointed out, the War De-
partment does not require compulsory mili-
tary training. In fact, the Department does not
even differentiate between schools with compul-
sory training and those where it is optional. Capt.
O. P. Echols, official representative of the War
Department in 1925, stated that the ROTC unit
of the University of Wisconsin had actually im-
proved in efficiency since the time its member-
ship was left to student choice.
Third, the report emphasized the idea that
compulsory training is not essential to national
defense, since the men who have had the re-
quired basic courses are not even figured in
defense plans.
Fourth, the report stated that it is extreme-
ly unlikely that compulsory military training will
develop character and leadership-the leaders
needed by this country will be produced through
struggling with the more essential and more
pressing problems of every day.
These are the results of an investiga-
tidn at the University of California, and we
have no compulsory ROTC at the University of
Michigan. Yet what occurs in any part of the
country is of concern to all citizens, no matter
where they happen to be. We should be aware
of the fact that at many of our colleges and
univesities, because of purely local rulings, mili-
tary training is compulsory, in violation of non-
militaristic and democratic principles.
NO ONE WANTS to have this nation unpre-
pared to meet any kind of emergency, nation-
al or international. It is thru such preparedness
that we will best be able to maintain democracy
and civil rights. Yet we must not infringe upon
the very principles we want to protect in order
to attain this preparedness-especially if such
infringement is unnecessary, or even harmful,
as the California survey has shown compulsory
military training to be.
In the midst of a world full of turmoil, full of
war and senseless unreasoning national ambi-
tions and militarism, the United States is sup-
posed to be a haven of common sense, democ-
racy, a place where man can remain on equal
terms with man. That is the way we want to
live. There is nothing too small for our atten-
tion if it threatens to upset this condition. What
happens in any part of the country needs the
attention and careful consideration of the peo-
ple who live in every other part, if it shows evens
remote possibilities of being harmful to Democ-
racy or the operation of civil rights.
We must be exceptionally careful today. Cul-
ture is at a high level, politically, scientifically,
socially. This is February, 1940.

Business Manager . . .
Abst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Again, Lighting
And The Students . .
CHARGES THAT lighting in Univer-
sity study halls is insufficient are not
novel. The editorial in the current issue of the
"Technic" which has aroused so much comment
is not the first evidence of student dissatisfac-
tion Practically every year at the change of
semesters, when students are feverishly utilizing
every moment of time in preparation for exams,
it dawhs upon them that the illumination pro-
vided by the University in its many study rooms
doesn't quite measure up to proper standards.
And the fact that days are short and for the
most part dark and cloudy doesn't help the sit-
uation at all.
The "Technic" editorial is leveled at engineer-
ing sshool libraries, but it could easily have in-
cluded the Main Library and the literary school
study halls. The only place in the Main Library
where lighting is passably fair is in the main
reading room. Upstairs and down in the library,
students succeed in reading fine print only at
the expense of great eye strain. The basement,
graduate and first floor reading rooms, all of
which have overhead lighting, are below stan-
dard, Angell Hall has no study halls which could
be called satisfactory. Worst, perhaps, is the
economics reading room on the third floor.
UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS are not blind to-
these conditions, and, moreover, they have
the means of remedying them At least two
libraries on campus have somewhat satisfactory
lighting conditions-the main reading room in
the Main Library and the Law Library. The rea-
son why they are adequate is evident-each
study table: has individual lamps. The study
halls in Angell Hall have no more special illu-
mination than that provided for regular class
rooms. To attempt reading by overhead. lights
which are so placed that the light shines directly
into one's eyes is a violation of all gorrect read-
ing rules. And, in addition, the lights are of
insufficient wattage..
Experiments with individual table lamps using
fluorescent tubes have been carried out in the
Law Library and the success of these tests is
shown by the number of students clustering
about the tables having the tubes. The "Tech-
nic" editorial points out that "while fluorescent
tubes are cheap 'and cost no more to operate
than with present facilities, the initial installa-
tion for fixtures is very high." Added cost should
not influence the attitude of the administration;
the precious eyesight of the student body cannot'
be measured in money terms.
-William Elmer
A Student's
Intellectual Debt .. .
statement the other day which is
not quite like the orthodox view about college.
The educator was Dr. Frank P. Graves, com-
missioner of education in New York State. He
told a group of University of Pennsylvania stu-
dents' that not even the "most gifted" youth
has any "natural right" to receive college edu-
cation, because "he is not in the least responsible
for his intellectual ability."
Dr. Graves declared that the only reason stu-
dents of high intelligence should receive better
education is so they may contribute greater ser-
vices to the world and community. The more

By Young Gulliver
THE STORY starts in the winter
of 1934. Aside from the fact that
it was a hard winter. Gulliver was
halfway through high school;ihe was
well over four feet tall. and he needed
a new overcoat. He bought a beau-
tiful coat-some kind of fleece or
something-and had the hem and
the sleeves tucked up about a foot
and a half so that in time he could
grow into them.
In time he did grow into them; the
hem and the sleeves were let down
piece by piece. Six years later the
goat still looks beautiful; a little bad
Eround the edges, but still beautiful.
But Gulliver has had a terrible prob-
lem for the last month. The armpits
have been slowly giving way. Today
the sleeves are attached to the coat
by a mere thread.
During this month, the weather
has been horrible one day and fine
the next day. Gulliver's life has been
one long series of indecisions. To fix
the coat or not to fix it. It the wea-
ther stays bad for another month, it
will certainly be worthwhile to have
the damn thing fixed. If the weather
turns good (even if it just rains ev-
ery day for the next three months,
which it usually does in Ann Arbor),
then why fix it? It probably won't
hold out for another year anyway.
Meanwhile Gulliver has had to give
up such things as smoking on the
streets and carrying his books to
class, since his hands are busy hold-
ing his sleeves ...
So you can see why Gulliver has
been spending his spare time an-
xiously scanning the skies, as the
poets say, to see what Mother Nature
has in store for Ann Arbor. Will
spring come or won't it? Will it
come before the sleeves fall off? Gul-
liver has been as eager for portents
of spring as any European General.
AND A PORTENT has come. We
speak now neither of robins nor
or groundhogs. We speak of Star-
buck's. For Mr. Phil Abbey and Mr.
William Taft of the Law School and
,Miss Helen Lockwood, a graduate
student, do swear to and attest to
the following: THEY SAW A FLY
Spring is here.
One of the healthiest approaches
to the question "Shall student Amer-
ica concern itself with politics" is
that undertaken by the .Westminster
college in Fulton, Mo.
Dr. Franc Lewis McCluer, presi-
dent of Westminster college, has in-
augurated a plan of political rallies
on the campus. Students of the col-
lege have divided into three parties,
and plan party conventions and a
general election at a later date.
Delegates from colleges and univer-
sities throughout the country will be
invited to come to Fulton for the
national student caucases and elec-
Prominent political figures have
been scheduled to speak on the "pol-
itical clinic" programs of the college.
Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hamp-
shire and John D. M. Hamilton,
chairman of the Republican National
Committee, will also speak this
month. Paul V. McNutt, administra-
tor of the federal security agency,
will lead discussion February 27.

These speakers follow Gov. Lloyd C.
Stark of Missouri who made the
keynote address last November.
Among other prominent political
figures scheduled to speak at the
college in the coming months are
Sen. Bennett Champ Clark of Mis-
souri, District Attorney Thomas E.
Dewey, of the county of New York,
Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia of New
York City and Sen. Robert A. Taft of
"This current election year," says
President McCluer, "with its drama-
tically significant issues is the ideal
time to recapture studuent interest
in politics and to direct student at-
tention to public affairs toward the
end of future dividends for democ-
Governor Stark is urging West-
minster students not to "take the
attitude that politics is beneath
them", gave the initial discussion in
the seven-months series featuring
eminent politicians and severaI pos-
sible presidential candidates.
Governor Stark termed service to
a political party "service to the na-
"There is a field in politics for
every talent and for every gift," the
governor said. "A political party
needs executive and organizing abil-
ity, advertising skill, journalistic
knowledge, minds trained in accoun-
tancy and finance, orators-the list
is endless."
It obviously is impossible-prob-
ably even undesirable-for very
many colleges to undertake such an
elaborate system of education in pol-


2i~EDITOR ej5tl-

(Continued from Page 2)
All students who intend to enter the,
Flying Club flight training courset
later in the year are urged to sit ini
on the C.A.A. ground school, held
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
two periods: 6:45 to 7:45 and 7:45t
to 8:45 in 1042 East Engineering
Building. These classes are free ofN
charge. Before soloing, a knowledget
of air traffic rules is absolutely essen-
Class in Speech Correction. A
speech class for University studentsr
who stutter hlas been scheduled to
meet on Mondays and Fridays from1
.3:00 to 4:00 p.m. and on Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 7:30 to 8:30
p.m. at the Speech Clinic, 1007 East
Huron Street. Non-credit.
A class f&r the correction of de-t
fects in articulation has been sched-
uled to meet on Mondays and Fri-
days from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the
Speech Clinic. Non-credit.
Students wishing to enroll in these1
classes should make direct applica-
tion to the office of the Clinic. 1
Faculty Concert: Thelma Lewis, I
soprano; Mary Fishburne and Joseph t
Brinkman, pianists; Hanns Pick, vi-
oloncellist, and Wassily Besekirksky,
violinist, will give a recital in Hill
Auditorium, Wednesday, Feb. 25, at ,
4:15 o'clock, to which the generalc
public is invited without admissions
charge. Accompaniments for Miss
Lewis will be played by Grace Wilson.
American Indian painting, southk
gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall, untilf
March 1, 2 to 5 p.m. Auspices of
Ann Arbor Art Association.
Art and Industry, ground floor,
Architectural Building, courtesy Col-r
lege of Architecture and Design. s
University Lecture: Dom Anselm
Hughes, O.S.B., Prior of Nashdomc
Abbey, Burnham, Buck, England, anda
Honorary Secretary-Treasurer of theC
Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Soci-I
ety, will lecture on "English Mediae-v
val Music from 900 to 1500" under
the auspices of the School of Music
at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, Februarya
26, in the School of Music Auditor-r
ium on Maynard Street. The pub-s
lic is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Ti'non H.
Fokker, member of the Dutch Histori-v
cal Institute, Rome, will lecture onr
"Hindu Art in Central Java" (illus-
trated) under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts, at 4:15 p.m. onr
Thursday, February 29, in the Amphi-(
theatre of the Rackham Building. TheP
public is cordially invited.
Dr. Paul Hanley Furfey, of ther
Catholic University, Washington,
D.C., will speak on "The Existence
and the Nature of Religion," at the
Rackham Lecture Hall, eight o'clock,
this evening. This is the second of
the four lectures sponsored by the
Student Religious Association. t
The second in the series of lectures
is being given by Dr. Wilbur M. Smith
of Chicago on the subject, "Christ,l
Natural or Supernatural" on Sun-l
day, Feb. 25, at 4:00 p.m. in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League. The
topic of this lecture is "Are the Gos-
pel Records Historically Trust-
Today's Events
University Girls' Glee Club: Re-
hearsal this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock
in Game Room of League.

Graduate Students, and other stu-
dents interested, are invited to listen
to a radio broadcast by the Metro-
politan Opera Company of Verdi's
opera "Otello" today at 2:00 p.m. in
the Men's Lounge of the Rackham
The Fourth Graduate Dance will
be held at the Rackham Building
from 9:30-12:00 tonight. Graduate
students and faculty invited. Re-
The Congregational Fellowship in-
vites all students to join in a party
this evening at the church at 9:00.
Annual election of officers Sunday
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members inter-
ested in speaking German are cordial-
ly invited. There will be a brief in-
formal talk by Professor Georg Stein-
dorff, Egyptologist, formerly of the
University of Leipzig.
Romance Language Journal Club

in Room 1564 East Medical Building
Monday, February 26. at 8:010 p.m.
Subject: "Penetration of the Antiser-
um into Lesions." All interested are
Junior Mathematics Club will meet
Monday, Feb. 26, at 7:30 p.m., in 3201
A.H. Movies and slides will be shown
with a discussion of the Isograph of
the Bell Telephone Laboratories, by
Ted Hildebrandt.
Physics Colloquium: Dr. John Kraus
will speak on "Some Recent Develop-
ments in Antenna Systems" on Mon-
day, Feb. 26. at 4:15 p.m. in room
1041 E. Physics Bldg.
Tau Beta Pi. Dinner meeting Tues-
day, Feb. 27, 6:00 p.m., Michigan
Union. Prof. R. A. Sawyer will talk
on "Industrial Spectrographic An-
alysis." Please be on time.
Varsity Glee Club will broadcast
over WJR Sunday from 12:30 to 1:00
p.m. All members of the glee club
meet in Morris Hall at 11:15. Regular
Rehearsal at 4:30.
Scalp and Blade will hold a rushing
smoker for all members and rushees
on Sunday, Feb. 25, at 5:00 p.m. in
the Union.
Eta Kappa Nu meeting of all men
interested in the proposed spring in-
spection trip at the Michigan Union
on Sunday, Feb. 25, at 5:00 p.m. All
students interested in making the trip
must attend this meeting.
Senior Society meeting on Monday,
Feb. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the League.
Attendance compulsory for all mem-
bers or the usual fine will be im-
International Center: Dr. Albert
J. Logan will speak on Argentina {
(illustrated) at 7 o'clock Sunday eve-
ning, following the regular Sunday
supper. The movie at 7 o'clock Mon-
day night will be "The River."
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday, Feb. 25, at 2:30 p.m in rear
of Rackham Building. Program: hike
around Ann Arbor or skating at the
Coliseum. Supper at'the club rofs.
All graduate students and faculty in-
An Avukah study-group will meet
at the Hillel Foundation for its first
meeting Saturday at 2:00 p.m. All
students are welcome. Social meet-
ing at 4:00 p.m.
The annual Hillel Oratory contest
will be held at the Foundation at 3:00
p.m. The public is invited.
Michigan Dames: Art group will
meet Monday evening, Feb. 26, at 8
o'clock, at University High School.
Marshall Byrn is discussing furniture
and electrical equipment repairing.
Membership cards requested at each
meeting. Guests are welcome.
First Methodist Church. Morning
Worship service at 10:40 a.m. Dr. C.
W. Brashares will preach on "Chris-i
tian Youth."
Stalker Hall. Student class at 9:45
a.m. at Stalker Hall led by Prof. Wes-
ley Maurer. Theme: "The Religious
Man in the Modern World."
Wesleyan Guild Meeting with sup-
per at 6 p.m. at the Methodist Church.
There will be four discussion groups
on 1) Peace, 2) Racial Discrimina-
tion, 3) Labor Problems, and 4) After
College, Then What?
Disciples Guild (Church of Ch st ):
10:45 a.m. Morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.

12:00 noon. Students Bible class.
6:30 p.m. Guild Sunday Evening
Hour. Lester Sperberg will lead a
discussion on "Understanding Our-
selves." Social hour and refresh-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser-
mon by The Rt. Rev. Frank E. Wil-
son, D.D., Bishop of Eau Claire, Wis.;
11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m.
Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 7:00 p.m.
Student meeting, Harris Hall. Open
discussion on the topic, "What I
Think Jesus of Nazareth Stood For;"
8:00 p.m. Adult Confirmation Class,
Church Office Building.
First Congregational Church: 10:00
a9.mn. Symposimum on Religious Beliefs
"Why I Am A Catholic," by Prof. W.
A. McLaughlin.
10:45 a.m. Public Worship. Dr. L.
A. Parr will preach from the theme,
"The Faith We Maintain," his sub-
ject being, "That God Is Still the In-
5:00 p.m. Student Study Group on
"The Christian Fundamentals," led
by the pastor.
6:00 p.m. Student Fellowship sup-
per, followed by an address by Prof.
Mentor L. Williams on "Adventures
i n - ai n io fin% f ffils._

To the Editor:
The letter from the 53 girls-of Jordan Hall
protesting against the Finnish Relief Drive raises
an, issue upon which I wish to make a few com-
Last December when the Suomi Club (Fin-
nish Students Organization) conducted its cam-
paign for funds and clothing, there was no high
pressure soliciting and no attempt to exert pres-
sure on any person or group of -persons. The .
response was spontaneous and generous for
which we are very appreciative .
The Finnish Relief Benefit Concert to be held
in Hill Auditorium on Feb. 27, as part of the local
Finnish Relief program under the direction of
Mr. Reichert, is presented in the same spirit.
We desire and need the help of those interested
and willing to support us in this hour of Fin-
land's need . We desire the assistance and good
will of the student body, but have absolutely no
thought of coercing anyone into a "helpful
- Toivo M. Liimatainen,
President of the Suomi Club.
To the Editor:
When the 53 girls from Jordan Hall
registered a protest in this column against con-
tributing to the Finnish Relief Drive, they gave
expression to the wide-spread awareness here
on campus that the Drive is no more nor less
than a threat to our neutrality and our peace.
We students, desiring above all else to live
out our lives in peace, are profoundly concerned
about the plain facts that there are groups at
home as well as abroad which are striving to
involve the U. S. in the war, and that steps
have been taken already, compromising our
neutrality and committing us to diplomatic and
cconomic participation in the wars conducted'
by the governments of England, France, and
In the last war, we rec'all, the case of "LittiS
Belgium" was exploited as a means of arousing
our sympathies and preparing the American peo-
ple for entering the war. At the present time
there is grave danger that the struggle of the
Finnish government will be exploited to the
to lift the burden of college work with intellec-
tual powers that are too weak. ! For that reason,
most of our society attempts to restrict college
opportunities to that class of men and women
who seem best qualified.
But according to Dr. Graves, merely because

same disastrous end of engendering a war psy-
While many local representatives of the Fin-
nish Relief Drive, here and elsewhere, are un-
doubtedly acting in good faith, it is enough to
examine the list of national organizers of thd
Drive to comprehend the basic underlying pur-
pose of "softening" us up, engaging our sympa-
thies, and bringing us into the war. While these
persons stood by in silence during the slaughter
conducted by Franco, Mussolini, and the Mikado
in Spain, Ethiopia, and China; and while they
maintain indifference to the privation of the
ten million unemployed in America today, they
address suddenly themselves to us as saviors and
The purpose of the Drive is betrayed by the
hard, indisputable fact, familiar to the national
leadership of the Drive though withheld from
ordinary participants, that no non-military aid
is required in Finland: food, clothing, and med-
ical supplies-the things that are presented as
the desiderata of the Drive-are plentiful in Fin-
land. (What the Finnish government needs alone
is military supplies; argd the last Gallup poll
disclosed that 61% of the American people are
flatly opposed to this kind of assistance). It is
for this reason that only one tenth of the ten
million dollar loan advanced in December has ,
been drawn upon. It is for this reason that
Arthur Krock, writing in the New York Times
on January 30 in regard to further government
loans, stated that a non-military grant was
"from the standpoint of immediate Finnish
necessities, a fairly useless one."
In view of these facts it becomes a task of
prime importance for all who want to "visit"
Flanders Field and Lake Ladoga neither now
nor later, to oppose vigorously the activities,
solicitations, and entreaties of the Hoover Relief
Campaign. By the same token it becomes the
obligation of those who have been misled into
participating in this campaign to devote their
commendable energies to causes that are com-
patible with the preservation of America's peace.
Th'e girls. from Jordan Hall have given us a,
word to the wise. To hold on to our peace, we
must oppose and protest against the drive for
contributions for concerts, and for exhibitions.
American Student Union
Executive Committee,
"College men and women are peculiarly the
sentinels on the outer walls. There was never
m~r "sni nr nln t V -n i"r - - -nlr -rml

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