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May 29, 1940 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-29

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Name Guests
To Senior Ball
'Life Begins With Forty'
To Be Theme Of Dance
To Climax Senior Year
Guests for Senior Ball, the year's
last fling, which will be held Fri-
day, June 14, in the Intramural
Building, have been announced.
Accompanying Richard M. Adams,
general chairman, will be Annabel
Van Winkle, '41. Margaret Redem-
sky, '42, will be the guest of Richard
Abbott, who is in charge of favors nd
Louise D. Glick, of Pittsburgh, Pa.,
will be the guest of James H. Bar-
nard, building chairman, and Elwin
Hendrick, '42, will accompany Helen
Brady, who is co-chairman of public-
ity with John Thornhill, Jr. With
Thornhill will be Mrs. J. L. Thorn-
hill, Jr.
Sally S. Connery, who is co-chair-
man of patrons with Anne Hawley,
will attend the ball with Jack E. May-
thorn, '40. Miss Hawley will be ac-
companied by Latham Weber, of Sal-
amanca, N.Y. Annabel Dredge plans
to attend the dance with James Wills,
her co-chairman in charge of decora-
Muriel Lubin, '41, will be the guest
of Harold Goldman, who is secretary
and also in charge of finance. Ac-
companying Eugene Klein will be
Vtirgnia M. Cole, of the University of
Southern California.
Catch-phrase for the dance is "Life
Begins with Forty", and this theme
will be admirably carried out in the
decorations, which will center around
the . classic theme of rows of tall
white columns. In reality, the col-
Olnns are to be enormous diplomas
tied in the school colors, maize and

Crisp Cottons Make Fetching Frocks


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King Cotton comes into his own during the summer months and
no one is willing to dispute his right to rule. Especially when shops are
filled with charming "eyefulls" such as these cool, attractive dresses,
both versatile enough to serve any occasion. The polka dot jacket covers
a cleverly styled dress and is subject to removal when the sweater proves
suitable. An arresting print in luscious colors adorns the justly popular
two-piece frock.

Show Gardens
Will Be Built
For Exhibition
Visitors to the Ann Arbor Flower
Show to be held in the Field House
from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday
through Monday will witness the
panorama of 22 individual gardens
built by individual citizens and social
organizations of Ann Arbor, as well as
miniature flower arrangements and
a display of specimen blooms.
A tea garddn, the terminal feature
of the landscape set-up around a 150
fcot reflection pool and fountain of
water will be designed in festival
spirit under a canopy of broad striped
colors. This will face the individual
gardens which are expected to offer
valuable suggestions and ideas in de-
sign and plant material.
Included among these will be an
herb garden, a fire place garden, an
evergreen garden, a bird garden, a
children's garden, a cottage garden,
and a "modern" garden. Opposite
the main entrance the flower arrange-
ments will be shown, and beyond
them miniature arrangements.
A school exhibit will include dis-
play of flower arrangements, and
actual gardens designed and con-
structed by groups of school chil-
Medical Group
To lBe Hostess
At Convention,
Women physicians from all sec-
tions of the country will gather in
Ann Arbor from June 19 to 22 when
the Michigan chapter of Alpha Ep-
silon Iota, medical sorority, will act
as hostess to the Biennial National
Convention of all members of the
As a part of the program planned
for the three-day session a meeting
will be held June 20i n the Rackham
Building. President Ruthven will
welcome all the out-of-town visitors
there with a short address following
which Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg,
Dean of the Medical School, will
speak on "Trends in Medical Educa-
tion." This meeting will be open to
the public.
The history of the sorority is close-
ly bound up with Michigan since
the original chapter of the organiza-
tion was founded here just fifty years
ago. Doctors Lotta Suverkrup, '90M,
Ada Bock, '91M, Anna Croacher,
'91M, Lilly Fellows and May Rey-
nolds were the charter members. The
present chapter now has a member-
ship of more than 250, while the to-
tal number of members included in
the entire organization of 23 chap-
ters exceeds two thousand.
Among the members of Alpha Ep-
silon Iota who live in Ann Arbor are
Doctors Margaret Bell, Meldon Ev-
erett, Ruth Wanstrom, Marianna
Smalley and Leanne Solis, all of
whom are or have been on the Uni-
versity faculty, and Doctors Bernity
Block, Harriet Winder, Eloise McIvor,
Melissa Worth and Gladys Klein-
schmidt. Other residents of Ann Air-
bor who are members of the group
are Mrs. David M. Cowie, wife of
the late Dr. Cowie of the pediatrics
department, and Mrs. L. W. Oliphant
of Barton Hills.

Saddle Shoes Sorority To Give
Among the few last minute parties
n Pop uarit to be given tonight in anticipation of
1 ia brief holiday before a busy week.
will be the annual spring formal
Thank goodness not only a revolu- sponsored by Chi 0inega sorority for
tion against saddle shoes has taken sp ed b rs and soeit for
place, but a substitution in the form chapter members and their guests.
of mocassins has appeared on the The dance will be held from 9:30 p.m.
horizon. It hasn't been a complete to 1 a.m. tonight at the Barton Hills
revolution, however, because side- Country Club. Music for the affair
saddle shoes have entered popular - will be provided by Buddy Friend and
ity and there are a few conservative
individuals, or perhaps they're just his orchestra.
comfortable, who have stuck to their To chaperon the dance will be
guns and persist in buying nice new Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stienhilber, Mrs
ordinary brown and white saddles. and Mrs. Frank De Vine, Mr. and Mrs.
Mocasis ae apeaingin heE. D. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs
Moccasins are appearing in the Robert Yerkes..
store windows not only in the clean Robert______ __
white buck and kid which has been so \\ '. .\V\
popular but also in bright red, green,
and blue leather laced with white j
and with white or red rubber soles.
They go very nicely with colored
slack suits or shorts and shirts out-
Bright colored linen shoes have also
struck a new note in sports shoes; up
to this time they have been used for k4
dress with high heels and no toes, but f
now we find them in wedgies, a simple
tie and also toeless. These will be a...
good as beach shoes or for bicycling !+5
and other sports. K7
White buck oxfords are available N
for the less daring of the female sex. /
Also ther are some brand new sports / /
shoes which appear to be modified {
saddle shoes. They have flat heels, ;
come in brown or white or in two l
shades of brown, with a thin strap
of the dark brown across the instep / yArr
-a thinner, newer variety of the/,
saddle shoe.
Blue-Book Ball I
Will Be Given ~
Varied Games, Magician !
Will Also Be Featured
In a last "final-fling" the mem-
bers of St. Mary's Chapel will hold a .
"Blue-Book Ball" from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. tonight. In addition to dancing, a
bridge, and ping pong, there will be ' *
varied other games for those who
wish to play. The highlight of the 7
evening will be a performance by a
magician. /H
As this will be the last function to
be held at the Chapel before examin-
ation time, all members are urged to
attend so tlat they may inspect the 7
newly furnished Newman Club RoomsC
Mary Jane Kenny, '41, chairman of/le C
the affair said.
Assisting Miss Kenny as hostess of S
the dance will be Kay McDermott, 309 SOUTH S
'40SM, Mary Ellen Spurgeon, '40,'g
Genevieve Spurgeon, '41, Marie Mc-<X\ \\\
Cabe, '40, Kay Norton, '42, Rosemary >\\ ,\ \,\\
Ryan, '41, Jerry Cady, '41, Frances
Aszmon, '43, Jerry Wilson, '41, Ger-
aldine Granfield, '42, Margaret Ly-
on, Jerry Jelsh, '41, Marie Camp, '41,
Marjorie Mullen, '43, and Sally Walsh,


Temperamental Dog Star, Actress

Form "Behind The Scene


More than first-rate acting, pol-
ished lines, a superb setting and in -
comparable lighting went into "The
World We Make," which opened yes-
terday at the Lydia Mendelssohn
it seems that the fictitious char-
acters that move about an imagined
setting are alive and real after all.
For instance, consider Crab, Ann Ar-
bor's leading mongrel and a sea-
soned actress at that.
Faultless Dress Rehearsal
Poor Crab has been heckled and
led about like any ordinary dog. Af-
ter going through a faultless dress
rehearsal Sunday night, without a
misplaced bark or whimper, she had
to submit to the indignity of being
literally led home by Carl Reed, the
stage manager, just as if she hadn't
known Ann Arbor, and its every back
alley from the days when she roamed
free and lighthearted, before decid-
ing to attach herself to Prof. Wil-

was late, and all the apartment house
windows were darkened. Mr. Reed
had no idea which could be Crab's
home, but with the true instinct
of the outdoor man, he let Crab
have her head.
Crab lost no time in finding her
way to one of the apartment door-
ways, and Mr. Reed promptly opened
the door and shoved her in. The rest
of his night (there really was no
rest) was spent imagining some in-
nocent and dogless family waking
to the sound of deafening howls from
the intruder.
The same night Carrie Bridewell
arrived in Ann Arbor with Frederica
Going, to begin work on "Boyd's
Miss Bridewell, seasoned trouper
though she may be, may have been
slightly disconcerted by the fact that
the train from New York had broken
lown, and was therefore considerably
Murnan Met Train
James Murnan, who met the train,
left his guests at the house where
they were to stay, not far from cam-
The next morning, Miss Bridewell
was found roaming about the League,
She had left the house at a fairly
early hour to get breakfast, she
wailed, and "For heaven's sakes, now
I don't know where I live."
No one was around who did know
either, until Mrs. Lucille Walz, the
business manager, happened to re-
call vaguely some mention of a cer-
tain rooming house. But when tele-
phoned, the landlady offered no,

help. "Some one did come in lastl
night, but I don't know who it was,'
it was so late."
It's certainly true that the smooth-
ticking plays that are seen in the
theatre give no indication of theI
wild stories that lie behind them.
However, one story was far from
wild, dramatic seasoners are proud
to say.
Jane Broder Arrives
Jane Broder, one of the biggest
casting agents of the country, ar-
rived in Ann Arbor for the first
time Monday, to see a rehearsal of
Oche World We Make." Miss Bro-
der, who has done the casting for
the Ann Arbor dramatic season for
13 years, was sufficiently impressed
with the professional character of
scenes and programs and general
management to exclaim, "This isn't
stock; this is Broadway!"
Sun-Deck Is Summer
Feature At Stockwell
Examinations may come and ex-
aminations go, but Stockwell Hall
women, nevertheless, boast tanned
skin that tells of a relationship with
dear ole sol.
An outstanding feature of the new-
est resident hall on campus is the
large sun deck which is built on the
top of the horseshoe-shaped lounge.
From sunup to sundown the sundeck
takes on the aspect of an August
day at the beach. A continuous par-
ade of the latest fashion in beach-
wear is provided by the sunning

Late Hours Announced
Late hour permission for wo-
men has been granted by the office
of the Dean of Women for 1:30
p.m. today and 11 p.m. Thurs-

liam Halstead, and
On this particular

the legitimate
night, the hour

Chapter House
Activity Notes
House activities during the past
week have been largely confined to
electing officers for next year and
awarding honors to graduating sen-
?hi Sigma Kappa
Phi Sigma Kappa recently elected
new officers. They are: Richard Bell,
'41E, president; Vincent Monzel, '42,
vice-president; Robert Arthur, '42E,
secretary; Richard Northway, '41,
treasurer; and James McPherson,
'42E, sentinel.
Theta Phi Alpha
Theta Phi Alpha installed the fol-
lowing officers Sunday,: president,
Catherine McDermott, '40SM; secre-
tary, Margaret Healy, '42; treasurer,
Mary Jane Kenny, '41, and rushing
chairman, Geraldine Cady, '41. Fran-
ces Aszmon,. '43, of Chicago was re-
cently pledged.
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Chi Omega held its annual
Senior Breakfast Sunday in honor of
the fourteen members of the gradu-
ating class. Gifts were presented to
each senior and a special award was
given to Doris Allen, '42, for out-
standing work among the sophomore
members of the house.
Kappa Delta
Kappa Delta wil hold a banquet
tonight in honor of the members of
its graduating class. Three women
were initiated by the house on Sun-1
day: Lois Kuhlman, '43, Jane Powers,
'41, and Gwen Thomson, '43. Last


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:. i, ,J Pt j7.r", " ,y ~.4f

y .1J
M1" ,
(: .

6iei.. ' 'r

by Jantzen

StA-GoIN velvet,
rayon, cotton and

knit with

feather - light and satin -
smooth, with a sheen like a
flash of sun on a diving seal.
Have it in royal blue, red,

Give her the Belle-Sharmeer habit for a gradua-
tion present! She'll love the way their sleek fit
uatters her legs-and love even more the extra
mileage she gets in them. Belle-Sharmeers, you
know, are individually sized in width and length
--no wrinkles to catch snags, no doubling over



$1.00' 1


a(lu, sky blue or


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