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May 29, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-05-29

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Partly Cloudy with Showers;
Little Change in Temperature.


Si ian

4Ia itii

A Newspaper
Gets Another Try...



FDR Appoints,
Seven Experts'
To Coordinate
Defense Plans
William Knudsen Named.
Director Of Finished
Product Manufacture
In Expansion Program
Increased Taxat ion
Is Seen By Officials
WASHINGTON, May 28. -(P)-
President Roosevelt named a Na-
tional Defense Commission of seven,
drawn from government, business and
labor, today to gear the nation to
top-speed production of planes, en-
gines, guns and other defense imple-
To this commission he appointed:
Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., chair-
man of United States Steel, to have
charge of the delivery of industrial
materials to the plants which pro-
duce the finished product.
William S. Knudsen, president of
General Motors, to supervise the pro-
duction of the finished product.
Sidney Hillman, president of the
Amalgamated Clothing Workers, to
attend to labor and supervise employ-
ment problems in general.
Davis Is Appointed
Chester C. Davis, of the Federal
Reserve Board, to see to farm pro-
ducts both for domestic use and for
Ralph Budd, chairman of the Bur-
lington Railroad, to supervise trans-
portation problems.
Leon Henderson, of the Securities
Commission, to keep track of price
trends in an effort to avoid any un-
due increase in the cost of living.
Miss Harriet Ellott, dean of women
at the University of North Carolina,
to advise on consumer problems.
Income Tax Raised
At the same time, word was passed
on Capitol Hill that Congressional
leaders had agreed tentatively on an
income "super-tax," amounting to 10
per cent of present income taxes,
and an increase in levies on beer,
liquor, tobacco, gasoline and other
items to finance the huge defense
Earlier in the day, the President
and prominent members of Con-
gress had agreed to ask for enact-
ment of new defense taxes yielding
$3,000,000,000 or more in the next
five years, and to request that the
existing $45,000,000,000 limit on the
national debt be raised to $48,000,-
000,000. It was disclosed that under
the plan, $3,000,000,000 of "national
defense obligations" would be float-
ed, to be paid off in five years.
Officials Undecided
The officials did not decide at that
time what form the new taxes should
take but later conferences brought
forth word that the bill probably
would include the new income tax,
applicable on 1940 incomes of in-
dividuals and corporations. A tax-
payer who would pay $1,000 under
present law would find his tax bill
raised to $1,100 under the new law.

Commission Member

Congress Asks
Exam Papers
For Libraries
Old exams, old exams! What good
are old examination papers? Con-
gress, Independent Men's Associa-;
tion, has the idea that a file of old
examination papers would come in
very handy to students in studying
for their exams this and next week.
A final call was issued yesterday for
these old exam papers, by Richard
Shuey, '42E, in charge of the files
for Congress.
The purpose of the examination .is
to provide old final papers for the
collections in the general library and
in the engineering library, so that
students may make use of them for
study purposes. Faculty and students
are asked to contribute copies of old
examinations, either typewritten or
in longhand. These may be donated
at any University library. Congress
will then re-type them and distribute
several copies to the general and en-
gineering libraries. The orginal pa-
pers will be returned if requested.
Shuey explained that many in-
dependent students can be benefited
by having a series of examination
papers in the libraries, much as the
fraternities and sororities have for the
use of their members. One fraternity,
according to Shuey, has loaned its
exam files so that Congress may
make copies of them for the libraries.
Instructors are especially urged to
submit old final exam papers. At
present the general library contains
no examinations for later than the
year 1937. The engineering library
has no examination files whatso-
"If the students can cooperate by
getting in as many papers as soon as
possible," Shuey explained, "it would
greatly aid those students who have
to study for early finals on Saturday
and Monday."

Prayer Called
Key To Peace
By Dickinson
Sigma Rno Tau Presents
State's Chief Executive
At Annual Tung Oil Fete
Governor I Named
Honorary Mener
More than 200 persons at Sigma
Rho Tau's 11th annual Tung Oil
Banquet in the League last night
heard Gov. Luren D. Dickinson de-
clare that "only an appeal to the
Almighty for wisdom and aid can
keep the United States out of war."
"If the leaders of the various war-
ring nations of Europevcould have
met together and gone to God for en-
lightenment and direction there
would exist no conflict at all today,"
he claimed.
The whole trouble with society to-1
day, Governor Dickinson continued,
is the absence of religious feelings
and ideas. For example, he said, our1
great problem in Lansing to appro-
priate and collect monies to solve the
problems of crime and insanity has
grown more and more serious as peo-
ple have thrown off religion.
In the building of America, he,
pointed out, it was so easy to be-
come rich and strong that we disre-
garded our faiths. Now we are suf-
fering for our misdeed and must re-
turn to God.
Governor Dickinson was intro-
duced by President Ruthven who
praised his work in trying to make
people more conscious of God. "I
firmly believe that religion is essen-
tial in education and that no edu-
cation is complete without it," Presi-
dent Ruthven asserted.
After his address Governor Dickin-
son was appointed honorary mem-
ber of Sigma Rho Tau by C. Newton
Hagar, '40E, of Westfield, N.J.
Prof. A. D. Moore of the electrical
engineering department carried off
top honors in the faculty impromptu
speaking contest and was presented
with the Tung Oil Crown by Richard
E. Townsend of the chemical engin-
eering department, last year's winner'
The other contestants were Dr. Ed-
ward W. Blakeman, student religious
adviser; Prof. Jesse E. Thornton of
the engineering English department;
Prof. Henry L. Kohler of the mech-
anical engineering department, and
Prof. Robert H. Sherlock of the civil
engineering department.
Rotary To Hear
Speech Students
Four Will Discuss War,
Third Term For FDR
Students of the University Speech
Department will address members of
the Rotary Club at noon today in
the Union. Two questions will be
discussed by the students for the pur-
pose of showing student opinion on
controversial subjects to Rotarians.
John Cory, '41, and Walter Sco-
ville, '40, will speak on the topic,
"Should the United States actively
participate in the present war?"
The second question, "Should Pres-
ident Roosevelt be reelected?"; will
be discussed by Edward Martin, '40,
who will talk for the third term and
by Ward Quaal, '41, who will speak
against the President'ยง reelection.
The program will not be in the

form of a debate, but rather a dis-
cussion of student views.

More Ita la s
Are Mobilized
As Nazis Gain,

Ford Says 1,000 Planes Daily
Is Potential Production Capacity

Only Six Months Needed
To Reach Output Level;
Aviators' Aid Necessary


B ritish NationalsI

Hindered In
From Italian


Pro ress Is Claimed By French
In 'Tremendous' Rescue Drive;
Ial Drws Nearer Intervention1

ROME, May 29. (Wednesday)-(P)
-Civilians began taking over some
>osts left by men called to arms to-
ay, as the Belgian collapse on thel
orthern front heightened Italy's war
'ervor and made active Italian inter-
ention appear to be only a questionr
f days.
Young Fascists served as traffic
>olice, and helmeted women and
irls of Rome were seen in uniforms
stride motorcycles equipped for an-
;i-air raid duties.
At the same time the Italian press
ndicated that any chance the French
nd British ever had of obtaining
:otninued Italian non-belligerency by
.laxing their blockade probably had
:een lost.
Reports Of Demonstrations
Spain returned to Italian head-
ines with reports of anti-English
lemonstrations, together with re-
ninders that Spain might see a
Ihance now to recover Gibraltar.
The doors for unrestricted depart-
ire from Italy were closed tonight
>n British and French nationals in
what some observers took for another
tep toward war.
The government also announced
'olunteers were being recruited into
i parachute corps, with technique
>orrowed from the German troops
:Dropped behind combat lines.
British and French who sought in-
formation about the length of time
reauired before they could obtain
visas were informed those details were
ot yet available.
Mussolini Suspected
There was speculation as to wheth-
er Premier Mussolini might have in-
fluenced King Leopold's surrender
through King Vittorio Emanuele of
taly. The King is thesfather-in-
law of Princess Maria Jose, sister of
LeopoldUandrwife of Italian Crown
Prince Umberto.
Some observers suggested that
Italy might be holding off entry in-
to the war to see what effect the
Belgian surrender would have on the
British and French defense.
Clark To Lead
Sophomore From Illinois
To Captain Linksmen
Michigan's golf team continued to
break tradition yesterday as they
chose a sophomore Goodwin Clark,
Jr., '42, of Hinsdale, Ill., to captain
next year's squad.
Clark succeeds Bob Palmer, Grand
Rapids senior who also was elected
Wolverine leader in his sophomore
year and reelected last fall.
The captain-elect didn't break in-
to the varsity lineup until the In-
diana match which the Wolverines
won, 13-11. He replaced Jack Emery
who was unable to make the trip, and
from then on Clark was a regular
member of Coach Courtright's start-
ing team.
Entered in the singles matches,
Clark swept six points, launching his
collegiate career in an auspicious
manner. Two days later the slender
sophomore fired a sub-par 71 at
(Continued on Page 3)
Schachtman, Hyma
Debate Tomorro
Two approaches to America's at-
titude toward the European conflic
will be discussed at 7:45 p.m. tomor-
day at the Masonic Temple when Ma
Schachtman, national secretary of thi

DETROIT, May 28. --(P)- Henry
Ford, life-long opponent of war in
any form, said today that much as
he hated war, "if it became necessary
the Ford Motor Company could-
with the counsel of men like Lind-
bergh and Rickenbacker, under our
own supervision and without med-
dling by government agencies-
swing into the production of a thou-
sand airplanes of standard design
a day."
It would take about six months
under those conditions, he said in
an interview, to reach that level of
Of Standard Design
"Of course," he emphasized, "they
would have to be of standard design;
equally important would be freedom
of action on our own part, so that
we would not have the handicaps of
red tape that slowed down produc-
tion during the World War."
Ford said he was convinced the
War Secretary
Gives Rebuttal
To Hoover Talk
National Defense Neglected
By Republicans In Past,
Louis Johnson Claims
WASHINGTON, May 28. -(/P)-
Accusing past Republican adminis-
trations of neglecting national de-
fense, Louis Johnson, Assistant Sec-
retary of War, said tonight that the
Roosevelt Administration would carry
out its preparedness program "free
from politics and partisanship."
He labelled his speech, prepared
for radio delivery (9:30 p.m., EST.,
NBC) as a rebuttal to what he termed
former President Hoover's "reply" last
night to President Roosevelt's Sun-
day night Fireside Chat.
Contrasting United States defenses
at the end of the Hoover adminis-
tration with those of the Roosevelt
regime, Johnson declared that "our
responsible leaders" from 1922 to
1933 "did nothing to awaken Ameri-
ca to its dangers."
"They offered no concrete pro-
gram to strengthen our national de-
fense," he said. "Far worse, they kept
right on reducing our army and
weakening our navy, and pointing
with pride to their saving of a few
pennies here and there. At the direct
order of President Hoover the Marine
,Corps became but a shadow of de-
fense. Saving, indeed, at the ex-
pense of national insurance!"

present conflict in Europe would not
last very long "because the United
States won't get into it."
"Don't misunderstand me," he
said. "A lot df pressure is being
brought to push us into it and there
is real danger in enormous 'defensive'
armament, but I am confident we
can keep out of it."
It was suggested to Ford that "a
thousand planes a day is an enor-
mous volume of production."
"So was 10,000 motorcars a day,
but we did it; so was the production
of one eagle boat a day during the
World War, but we did it. Inciden-
tally, we would have reached the
level of one submarine chaser a day
much sooner but for a certain
amount of red tape that had to be
contended with."
"Still, planes present a different
problem," the interviewer persisted.
"How?" Ford asked.
"Well, we don't know as much
about planes as we do about motor-
cars and farm tractors."
Assembly Problem
"That's exactly why I say we need
the counsel of men who know avia-
tion and that we must not be dic-
tated to by men who haven't kept
up-to-date in airplane design and
operation," came the reply. "The
manufacture of airplanes-if agree-
ment is had upon just what is
wanted-becomes simply an assem-
bly problem."
Of the proposals for an enormous
"defensive armament" program, Ford
"One of the things we must re-
member is that preparedness for
defense is also preparedness for war:
and with tremendous so-called 'de-
fensive armament,' we are in just
the position the war-makers want
us to be, in order to be pushed into
a. conflict in which we should have
no part-pushed in by an insidious
middle group that are fighting nei-
ther Germany nor England, but get-
ting them to fight each other solely
that this group might profit finan-
"The real 'fifth columnists' in this
country are these financial interests
that make money out of war, prop-
agate it and peddle propaganda."

Nazis Continue
Blows Against
Trapped Army
Imminent Disaster Seen
Because, Of Collapse
Of Leopold's Armies
The French reported progress last
(Tuesday) night in a tremendous
do-or-die offensive from the south
to rescue Allied forces facing immi-
nent disaster as a result of the Bel-
gian army's surrender "almost in its
entirety" to Adolf Hitler.
In the north the Germans ham-
mered away just as furiously to
swing shut the door and finish off
quickly the 700,000 hapless British
and French forces being battered
closer and closer to the English
Channel or encircled within a Ger-
man trap.
Admitting the situation to be "very
difficult" but proclaiming unflagging
determination to fight on, the French
hurled their might in the southern
fighting against the Germans from
the region of the Somme.
Allied Generalissimo Maxime Wey-
gand poised another force of up-
wards of a half million men along
the Aisne to the east to join the
concentrated assault upon which de-
pends the outcome of the Battle of
War Planes Aid

HouSe PaSSeS Navy Bill
For Aviation Expansion
WASHINGTON, May 28. --(P)-
By a vote of 402 to 1, the House
passed and sent to the Senate today
a bill authorizing a $1,137,000,000 ex-
pansion of the Navy's air force and
of its system of aviation bases.
The lone dissenting vote was cast
by Representative Marcantonio (A.L.-
N.Y.), who has objected that the
current armaments program tends
toward involvement in war abroad.
The bill carries no funds (actual
appropriations being left for later
measures) but it sets the minimum
of navy planes at 10,000 and the num-
ber of pilots at 16,000. The con-
struction and expansion of a far-
flung system of naval air bases, auth-
orized by the legislation, would ccst
approximately $144,132,000.
Earlier the chamber, with Marcan-
tonio alone dissenting and 400 mem-
bers voting "aye," passed legislation
to speed up construction of warships
by permitting the Navy to slash
through what was called "red tape."
Under this bill, which now goes to
the Senate, the competitive bidding
system would be replaced by negoti-
ated contracts. Contracts up to $25,-
000 would be exempt from the present
law's provision limiting profits to 10
per cent. Certain labor regulations

Student Drives Tractor;
Student Lands In Clink
Spring and the exuberance of youth
landed a university student in the
police station last night when he was
arrested for driving a borrowed trac-
tor parked conveniently near the
West Quadrangle.
The student, whose name could not
be obtained, was apprehended after
his somewhat jerky maneuvers had
drawn a large crowd of cramming
students from their textbooks. Ann
Arbor police were attracted by the
crowd and the driver was then taken
to the station house where his trac-
tor-driving qualifications were in-
vestigated. He was released pend-
ing further investigation.


Distribution Of 'Ensian
Is Slated For Saturday
Students who have purchased the
1940 edition of the Michiganensian
will be able to obtain their copies of
the year book beginning at 10 a.m.
Saturday, Lenton Sculthorp, '40, man-
aging editor announced yesterday.
Distribution will continue until 5
p.m. Saturday in the Student Pub-
lications Building, Sculthorp added.
In addition, he said, copies of the
'Ensian will be distributed from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday
at the same place.

Backing up the ground forces,
clouds of British and French war-
planes rained their burden on the
German lines of communications.
Both Allied and German sources
said General Weygand must throw
the full force of his power into the
Allied offensive within 36 hours or
lose not only the trapped forces but
risk a German -thrust in the Rethel
Rethel is 95 miles northeast of
Paris, and a German drive there
might cut under the Maginot Line
to Reims and Paris.
A French War Ministry spokes-
man said that 300,000 Belgian troops,
representing the main force of the
little country's 18 fighting divisions,
quit in response to King Leopold
.III's unconditional surrender.
This blow, the Allies admitted, was
paralleled in severity only by the
collapse of the army of General An-
:re Coraps in the battle of the Meuse.
which let the gates open for the
German army to streak across
Northern France to the Channel.
Leopold Disowned
The refugee Belgian government
in Paris "disown d" Leopold and
announced it would rganize its own
army to fight at the side of the
Allies. The prospects were slim,
however, for the Belgian governmiient
has only a mass of refugees, mostly
women and children and but little
manpower, to draw from.
King Leopold, whose father, King
Albert, fought with the Allies
throughout the World War, was in
effect deposed by the action of the
Belgian government in Paris, which
"The guilt of one man cannot be
imputed to the entire nation. The
King has broken the constitution
and placed himself under the power
of the invader . . . consequently he
is no longer able to govern."
While the streets of Paris rang
with the cry of "treason!" at the
news of King Leopold's capitulation,
t Prime Minister Winston Churchill
t told a cheering House of Common
in London that the Allies will press
their fight with "full vigor."
f Germans Retreat
SFromNarvik Area

U.S. Democracy Endangered
If Nazis Win, Slosson S


The World We Make' To Play
Second Performance Toiii nht

The Dramatic Season's third and
most enthusiastically received pro-
duction, "The World We Make", will
play its second performance at 8:30
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Because of an extraordinary de-
mand for seats, tickets will be avail-
able for an extra matinee at 3:15 p.m.
on Friday, as well as for afternoon
performances Thursday and Satur-
day, and evenings throughout the run
to Saturday.
At the end of the tenth curtain
call at last night's opening a capacity
audience was still calling for the
auithor. lthon h Sydney Kingsley.

Danger to the United States in the
event of a German victory in the
present European struggle lies not
so much in a direct attack as indirect
penetration, Prof. Preston W. Slosson
declared in a special lecture in the
Natural Science Auditorium yester-
A German victory at this time, he
explained, would create a panic in
this country resulting in an eco-
nomic depression and a frantic effort
to arm on the European scale which
would cause the income tax to be
raised from its present level of about
4 per cent to 25 per cent or above.
Our democratic institutions would
be endangered by the spread of fas-
cism, he added, because the people
of the United States might lose faith
in the ability of their lone democracy
to resist the military and economic
penetration of the fascist states.

onies in Africa, regions in the Bal-
kans, as well as retention of the ter-
ritories already conquered in the
event of a German victory, he said.
On the other hand Professor Slos-
son felt that an Allied victory might
well mean another map-making en-
terprise similar to Versailles and the
establishment of a stronger form o
the League of Nations with the pos-
sibility of a European federation o
the smaller states not too remote.
Regardless of who wins the war
a world-wide depression which will
have its affect on the United State:
seems to be in the offing, he con-
Because of the difficulties of main-
taining control over conquered peo-
ples and an almost inevitable Ger-
man-Russian clash, Professor Slosso
expressed the belief that a Germa:
victory would not represent an im-
mediate military threat to this coun


STOCKHOLM, May 28. --(P)-
Norwegian and Allied troops were
reported tonight to have occupied
part of the ruined city of Narvik in
a fierce attack as the Germans re-
treated along the iron ore railroad
to Sweden, destroying everything of
military value.
Swedish newspaper correspondents
at the border declared the Germans
were concentrating their defenses

rn ""s I

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